Do women love young boys. This is a valuable experience

Men usually, building in their heads the image of an ideal woman, describe a young woman. But life makes its own adjustments, and sometimes, if you think about it, mature ladies can turn out to be more interesting, more useful and much better than their young competitors. What is their advantage? About this - in the article!

12.You can communicate with them

Of course, you can also chat with young girls about this and that, but with a woman who has seen a lot, it's much more interesting! A deep and intelligent conversation comes from the life experience of such a lady. And what about the young girl? With them, basically only conversations revolve around their interests and impressions ...

11. They know how to present a partner with what they have

If you see a beautiful young lady in a chic dress, miniskirt, or T-shirt-shorts, then most likely the "lucky" genes should be thanked. If in front of you is a beautiful mature woman over 30, then this is a clear indicator of grooming, the ability to work on oneself, and self-love. Pay attention to this!

10. Most likely they are career oriented.

Older women are not always focused on their careers, but many of them realized that in life you should always rely on yourself first. Plus, it's much more interesting for them to live like that! Young girls are looking for themselves. And while they are doing this, a mature lady can embed and fit a man into an established life, where there is clarity and stability.

9. This is a valuable experience.

One of the most fun parts of any relationship is getting to know each other and getting used to "teamwork." With a woman at an age when you yourself are young, this is more exciting than with your peer: as if two different worlds, two generations in your person are trying to understand each other, while you stay together, and this is a useful experience in breaking stereotypes and understanding the differences between people.

8. They are who they are and they like it

Young women often lack self-confidence. This can be seen in their appearance, in their behavior. At times, their fear and apprehension can even be annoying! Statistically, super-confident young girls are not that common. But older women understand better who they are, where they are going and what they want. But it is precisely this - certainty - that is one of the fundamental elements of a successful relationship!

7. They want to be your mate

Maybe this is due to the greater attraction to starting a family at an older age, but the fact remains: older women want your couple to be a real team. This trait is ideal for those looking for a long lasting relationship. Young girls, unfortunately, are more focused on themselves and their feelings in relationships.

6. They value you

Many older women simply hesitate to invite young men to date. Why? Because society convinces them that this is not accepted and indecent. So, if you take the first step, such a woman will appreciate you more. Do not think that she will seek to keep you at any cost as a "last chance" - she is far from stupid and knows how to distinguish serious intentions from an affair. But remember: the first step means a lot to her!

5. They are calm and level-headed.

Young women are very emotional creatures. They are not yet ripe to manage their emotions wisely, so their flow can simply sweep away a person who is not prepared for this. Over the years, girls learn to cope with and manage emotions so as not to inadvertently ruin existing relationships.

4. They know what passion is

Older women know how difficult life can be, and know how not to take her gifts for granted, but to thank them in full for them. When you meet a mature woman, for her you are not just another victory and a star on the fuselage, but an open door behind which lies a new unknown world. The passion mentioned in the title isn't just about sex: it's because older women love life and know how to enjoy it. With true passion!

3. They are independent

Have you ever met a girl with a tendency to control everything? She wants to follow you everywhere, know what you are doing, and constantly write you thousands of SMS and messages in instant messengers. And she, as a rule, is very young. Someone feels comfortable in such a relationship, while others are intimidated by them. For them, there are older women who do not "hang on your tail" - they do not need it, because without you they are completely self-sufficient. This is great!

2. They don't play riddles with you

Young girls often tend to expect men to guess their slightest desires and literally read their minds. As if a man is psychic and responsible for building an ideal union! Older women are completely different: they understand what they want, know how to voice it in time and tend to build relationships on the basis of the principle of reciprocity.

1. In bed you will be just in the 7th heaven!

Remember the statistics according to which a man reaches the peak of his sexual activity by the age of 18, and a woman by 40? We are compelled to inform you: this is all true! 😀 Basically this is a matter of experience, but also of physiology: in the sexual sense, women are more complex creatures than men, and somewhat later they get used to their bodies and desires. An experienced woman of age has already gone this way and, in addition, gained enough sexual experience so that your nights together become simply heavenly for both her and you!

To the record "Why do men love women much younger than themselves? Part 1" left 23 comments.

    the phrase "If a person's self-esteem is inadequate, then his behavior will be the same," she wrote down in her little book. seemingly simple, but how wise!)

    Yes, of course, after 40 you don't feel the difference. It is felt at any age. If I am 40, and he is 65, then, excuse me, it is very much even felt. An acquaintance of mine at 61 married a man 18 years older than her. Trust her - it feels. Yes, everyone who wants to find a young woman has inadequate self-esteem. It's like sleeping with your daughter, or even with your granddaughter! What is it called scientifically? Pedophilia? Moreover, they want to be 20 years younger (on average, there are specimens that want 40 years younger and at the same time do not represent anything either in the physical sense or in the material sense) and that she be like a mother to them, and they are "children." What's this called? Back to the childhood? The age gap should be reasonable. And they don't really accept the big age difference. There, normal couples are formed with peers, and those who are attracted to young ones - those on the Internet, for the Russians.

    Yeah, I also don't understand the especially big difference in age.

    If he is 10-15 years younger, then it's like taking a steam bath with a child, how capricious and gentle we are.

    And if much older, then like my friend: she married a German 24 years older than her. So what does she have now? The first 1-2 years everything was tip-top, both in bed and with health, and now, after 3.5 years, constant sores have gotten up, and my character began to deteriorate, and I made these conclusions myself, because we met during this time repeatedly.

    So this is all despite the fact that she is 44, and he is 68.

    There is one more example, my friend has been living for 4 years with a girlfriend who is 16 years younger than him: now she is 30, he is 46. And this is where the trap lurks. Well, in no way does he want to understand that a woman after 30 years old, by the age of 35, begins the peak of sexual activity. So what will he get? He will then already be 50, but will he have enough strength? Indeed, in men, the peak of sexual activity occurs at 20-25 years old)))

    Well, he will either get horns, or he will leave him soon,

    but I just feel sorry for him, he is a very good man, only naive.

    Julia, I completely agree with you! At least someone wrote it. I've read an article by one lady here, like she is a consultant on marriages with foreigners, writes that the difference is big, this is normal, men in the West look good and a mature man is always better. Yes, I saw how they look. Well, everything is clear, these marriage site owners need to earn money on us, so they brainwash us. Yes, no mature man will look for girls for marriage. Read what psychologists write and think with your brains!

    That is why you don’t know that you are 16 ... I would say that I think, but I don’t want to be rude. Here the peasant was lucky, in Germany he never dreamed of such a thing, there women themselves choose younger men. Girls, you think with your head!

    I fell in love with a man. He's 54. I'm 39. "I bang my head against the wall" - can it pass? We are a beautiful couple. I never loved anyone like that. But looking into the future is scary.

    Strongly agree with the article, especially with Taya's expression. Straight to the point. My husband's father lives like this, she is 20 years younger than him. He believes that at 51 he looks great, I do not deny that for his peers this is so. She hopes to get his inheritance all and lives with him. She sits within four walls, she cannot have friends, he even forbade her to go to his company ........ is jealous. In addition, she dresses in cheap clothes, he says, so as not to pamper. He did not officially recognize his son from her, he did not marry. And she says to her family, even if she doesn't think that everything will remain for her, that she understands everything why she lives with him. And at the same time, she stares at me lustfully. Shouts to everyone that he is young, healthy. As far as I know, nothing can be done in bed, only with pills. And at the same time he discourages his son, like that he will be 35-40 years old (and we are the same age, we are 28), you will find a young woman, then why would you need an old woman ... In general, a crazy guy, obsessed with his money.

    The song was remembered by the "Vesokosny Year" group. How they called each other by name! Is sex paramount in marriage? For a man, perhaps, for a woman, the attitude towards her is much more important.

    Girls! The difference is more than 10 years - a dead end in a relationship! Especially if the difference is 20 years. Men no longer want anything in life, and you have the prime of life.

    I am 34, my husband is 47. More and more often I catch myself thinking that I am simply bored with him. No sex, does not want to go anywhere, only to visit his mother, more and more wants to watch TV. But conceit is just rushing!

    Our women have spoiled Western men for the most "I don't want" ".

    If you look in the catalogs what difference in age they write, it becomes somehow uncomfortable at all. Yes, there are really enough inadequate men, but all the blame lies with women, who just go to the west, even if they go beyond the bald head. The difference is always felt, and there is no need to lie to yourself and others.

    To be honest, all of us men want to be loved by young and beautiful women. At least they are beautiful. And this fact begins to disappear with the age of women. Sometimes you look at the same age - yomoyo! Fat flabby cows with a bunch of wrinkles. And this is already after 35 and older, and some of them acquire these advantages before, and then they want us to love them. And they also whine, fall into depression, everything is in dark colors - a kick-ass in general. My lonely colleague is an example of this. The figure is a curbstone, angry and offended at everyone. My friends and I joke that it is she who walks so unhappy out of dissatisfaction. Who needs it? There is no fire, no enthusiasm, no positive that comes from young girls. And from a purely physical point of view, it is unpleasant. And not because of age, but because of an unattractive appearance. Doesn't feel like it, even if you crack it. But young girls need money, carry it in their arms. And beauties of the same age are surely married. Well, you can't just find a beautiful woman on the road. The beautiful ones always have higher self-esteem. And husbands always hold on to them. And what should we age bachelors do? Do you think everything is gorgeous?

    • a wise and discerning man will be interested in why she became like that. Why do so many women turn after life with their husbands (and without them, but this is a different story) into ... a shapeless rag. I like to express myself figuratively and directly, albeit roughly. The young woman did not know life - she is like a white board. And those that are older and have seen more often boards with scratches, because there is no longer any enthusiasm, no shisha. A woman (like any person) needs respect and attention. Is it often a man's nature to give it? By nature, men mature for this only in a thorough maturity of about 40-50 years old, and that's not all.

      A woman adapts to a man, forced once such a thing. And she is more patient, and so many women's advice on how to find an approach to a man. Men, on the other hand, rarely bother with this - they do not solve relationship problems, but simply reflect distractedly, enduring, "solving clumsy" as they can and are not inclined to think AND WHY A WOMAN FEELS BADLY, WHAT IS THE TRUE REASON. In the opinion of men, there are many things, but not that type of woman lacks elementary respect and understanding ... from childhood, maybe. Respect for a woman creates in her a sense of security, without which she is like a fish on dry land. This is exactly what fathers should give to girls. And so from generation to generation as it will bring.

      With women, my troubles are similar, I only spoke about men.

    It seems to me that everything from the fact that men are mainly interested in sex. If they were looking for a friend for life, a decent, economic, future mother for their children, they would not only look at the body. There are women of the same age who go to fitness and look very good. So men like young silly ones, they thus raise their self-esteem, against their background they are very smart. I read one story. Thanks to the hypnosis of a psychic, the woman became 15 years younger. The husband asked to return her to her real age, since with youth her young character returned to her, she became obstinate, etc. So youth is a stick of two ends: a young body and character too. And the further into the forest, the more firewood. The controversy has grown over the years. Although there may be exceptions.

    @ Tatiana:

    It's not about sex, don't generalize, all people have different ways!

    And besides the body, for example, the appearance of a girl plays an important role here, if she is 20, this is one thing, if 30 is completely different! And the first can never be compared with the second! Not so much in body as in form

    33 years old, as an old grandmother, forgive the expression, a cellulite face, a drooping chin and a voice like a miner's with a cold. Further, it probably does not make sense to list the reasons for the attractiveness of young girls)) I admit it cruelly, but no offense, everyone has their own tastes and preferences, I'm 27, I don't even look at my peers,

    nothing to look at easy!

    Although a man does not look young, age takes its toll. It can be diseases, and loose skin, and wrinkles and a gray head and weak in bed and outlook on life is different, as different generations. I am against the big age difference, this is all a temporary relationship. A man who finds a young man has a complex of incompleteness, and most importantly, he thinks with a young one, he will get younger, only this does not work.

    It can only get a heart attack and the horns grow to the sky.

    I lived in Italy for 7 years and one of my acquaintances married an Italian who was more than 20 years older than her, and after 3 years seeing her I went mad, she looked like an old woman like him !!! girls, do you know why men are looking for much younger than themselves? in order to take life energy from a woman, you will grow old very quickly with him, he will live with your health and good luck, think, and this is what you need!

    If we are talking about a man who has taken place in life, then something like fatherhood awakens in him. Meeting the needs of a young fifa shows him that he is wealthy, that he has achieved something in life. And now he can share it with someone. Classic couple: he is wealthy and pays for all the whims. She is frivolous and just happy with what she gets. This joy is like a reward to a man for a completed work, the results of which he beholds.

    In fact, this process is repeated many times in a lifetime. The process of exchanging energy, not changing partners. When a man starts a business, he cannot pay attention to the woman. And then she is a donor. When he finishes the job, then it is necessary that the woman take his attention with the results of his work, that is, he himself then has a need to be a donor. This fills him with strength - the man prepares for a new leap, and the cycle repeats. Each partner needs a different one.

    And this was the first time I found myself in a similar situation. I'm 24, he's 10 years older. His peers are "old women" for him. I want to stipulate right away that this is far from a "daddy". His expense in our relationship is food, rent, and holiday gifts. I provide for myself (clothes, rest, all kinds of women's trinkets, etc.). The relationship began on his initiative, as well as living together.

    I want to say that these relations are difficult for me, because 10 years in our situation is a huge abyss. Yes, we discuss any topic, yes - we have a similar sense of humor, in general, we are interested in it together, as close friends. So far, everything rests on this. But only I did not take into account a very spicy moment at the very beginning of the relationship. Of course, men are pleased with those who are younger. Probably, even they are pleased with those who take care of themselves, well-groomed and tidy, who are not ashamed to show their parents and friends.

    BUT. Before getting involved in a relationship with a girl who is 10, 20 years younger than you, think about whether you are compatible in bed! Do you have a similar temperament in this regard? Because "once every two weeks from under the stick" is already infuriating, infuriating and angry. In general, I never thought that I would beg for sex, not a man. I'm not saying sex is the foundation. If a person is “empty”, he will be uninteresting at any age and with any appearance after “a couple of sex”. But, sex is the key to harmonious relationships (namely, relationships, and not joint leisure a couple of times a week). And over the years, this situation only gets worse. And with any self-esteem it is difficult when beautiful underwear, makeup, massages, "harassment" stupidly do not work. And every day: "let's sleep." And if we add to this his children from previous marriages, a different understanding of life and goals, due to the past years and experience ... This is only over time that you begin to understand and realize. And living together, whatever it may be, is a HABIT. And, as you know, it is difficult to get rid of them in one day. Just cross it out and leave (even if you are not bound by a stamp in your passport, children, property, etc.).

    Therefore, at this stage of my life, I am inclined to believe that such unequal (by age) relationships are certainly doomed to failure. There are two ways out of the situation, in my opinion: betrayal or rupture. For example, I am categorically against betrayal (which I can’t say about all young ladies))), although it’s a shame when other people's men pay attention to me, and my own simply “outgrew” this age, and he is not interested in all this. Of course, in 10-15 years I will become like that, most likely. But these 10-15 years I want to live and enjoy life, while young in body and soul, and not stress every day because of "let's sleep."

    Where is the world heading? No respect for women from both men and women themselves. Look at how men call women. "Heifer". Which gate is this? Young ladies are trying to transform their appearance rather than show off their minds. Instead of a face on an avatar on a social network, someone's priest. The man left the family, abandoned the child, does not help, and, instead of condemnation, receives praise from the ladies from his environment. On the most shabby one there is a willing person. Women have become consumables. The cult of appearance rules modernity. Well, what will such a generation give to the world, except for debauchery?

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"May-December relationship" in English-speaking countries refers to a romantic relationship between a noticeably older woman and a young teenager. In light of the recent lawsuit against an American teacher who seduced several of her students, this topic has become hot again in the media. However, there is nothing new in it, the cinema has long studied such spicy connections up and down. We have recalled only a small part of the huge number of films where adolescents became the objects of desire of adult women. And mind you - no porn!

Still from the movie "Harold and Maud"

The surest sign that a society can deal with vice is the ability to ridicule it. While one part of society tears off their robes in horror at the mere mention of the vicious relationship between young and old, the other laughs at the same in comedies. Such, for example, as Hal Ashby's tape "Harold and Maude". The main character of the picture is a lonely young man suffering from a lack of attention from his mother. At some point, Harold meets Maud, a sweet 80-year-old woman who is passionate about life, with which the young man develops friendships and even romantic relationships. Fascinated by his new "old" passion, Harold even prepares to propose to Maud.

Shot from the film "Insidiousness"

Not only American society is subject to such a piquant phenomenon as the relationship between an adult woman and a young teenager, Europe can even give a head start here. "Deceit" by Salvatore Samperi tells the story of a Sicilian family in which the head lost his beloved wife. The big house was deprived of a woman's hand, and after a while the don was forced to hire a housekeeper. She turns out to be charming Angela, who instantly becomes the object of desire not only for the head of the family, but also for his sons. A woman trying to maintain parity reciprocates all her gentlemen, including fifteen-year-old Nino, who just woke up his first sexuality.

Still from the movie "Class"

Two friends, Jonathan and Skip, who struck up a friendship in the senior year of a prestigious private school, agreed to support each other in everything. Learning that his friend is still a virgin, Skip organizes a romantic trip for Jonathan, in which the young man meets 38-year-old Ellen, with whom he finally breaks the seal of sexuality. Alas, the woman does not consider the age difference surmountable and breaks up with Jonathan, but ... again finds herself in bed with him under very piquant circumstances a few months later. A brilliant dramedy with young Rob Lowe and John Cusack, as well as the charming Jacqueline Bisset as a seducer in years.

Still from the film "Oh, this science"

An easily accessible adult woman, willing to do everything, is the ultimate dream of high school losers who have been hit in the head by male hormones. The heroes of John Hughes' comedy "Oh, this science" are inspired by the idea of ​​creating a "superwoman" and apply all their ingenuity in order to create the ideal woman who can satisfy their every desire. After a fantastic experiment, the guys get the charming Lisa, the woman they can only dream of. Alas, this is the whole problem of would-be experimenters - you can dream of Lisa, but you won't be able to master it, no matter how seductive she looks.

Shot from the cartoon "The Simpsons"

The rule "All this was already in" The Simpsons "has not been canceled. In 1992, in the third season of the cartoon show, the authors delighted the audience with the episode "Bart the Lover", where Bart and Mrs. Crabapple, a local school teacher, entered into a somewhat unnatural, although purely platonic relationship. Accidentally learning that the woman lacks the attention of men, the young tomboy begins a correspondence romance with Edna, introducing himself as another person. Very soon, the relationship between the two "paper lovers" moves to a level inaccessible to 10-year-old Bart, and the Simpson family is forced to look for a way to get rid of the feelings of a single woman for her son.

Shot from the movie "It's Time to Blossom"

Known for their very relaxed attitude to sexuality, the Swedes expressed their point of view on the relationship of an adult woman and her young ardent lover through the film by Bo Wiederberg "Time to Blossom". Its main characters are a high school student Stig and his teacher, 37 years old. Neither age difference nor marriage can drown out the passion that has flared up inside a woman, and she takes advantage of the naivety of her student. At first, the Stig is fascinated by the abyss of pleasures that opens before him, but very soon the teacher's attention becomes a burden for the teenager.

Shot from the film "Lovelace"

If other heroes are looking for adventure on the side, then the hero of the melodrama "Lovelace" finds them in his own house. 16-year-old Oscar is noticeably ahead of his peers in development, he is not interested in girls of the same age, the guy is attracted by mature women. It is not easy for Oscar to admit this to himself, but the reason for everything is the same - his stepmother Eva, the boy decides that the woman will be better with him than with his father who is always busy at work. And now the pursuit of real feelings becomes the obsession of the young hero. An obsession that can destroy a family, because Eve is also a person, with her passions, vices and ideas about life.


Shot from the movie "And your mother too"

Shot from the movie "Pursued"

Obviously burdened by their past, the Germans often turn to the topic of prisoners and convicts (remember at least the famous "Experiment"), it is not surprising that it was in Germany that one of the most striking films about the relationship between "legalists" and "criminals" was shot. Elsa is 49 years old, and the routine of life has long deprived her of joys and pleasures, emotions in a woman are caused only by the stories of her wards - conditionally convicted juvenile delinquents whom she is supervising. Another “client” of hers, 16-year-old Jan, turns out to be the closest to Elsa; a connection arises between the characters, which has poured out into a sexual relationship. But passion and desire are bad advisers, the connection between a young man and a woman is revealed, which will play off the fate of both.

Still from the movie "The Reader"

Still from the film "From the Back Door"

Soviet cinema, naturally, avoided such topics by thin ice, so the new generation of Russian filmmakers has to make up for the "lost time". One of the first, very chaste trial balls was Stanislav Mitin's melodrama "From the Back Door". The main character of the film is Anna Nikolaevna, a primary school teacher of the post-war Leningrad school. The young woman lost her fiancé during the war and is not yet ready to fill the gap with new relationships. But she cannot help but notice the attention from the ninth-grader Misha, the guy does everything to please the woman. Finally, a romance breaks out between the characters, doomed in advance to universal condemnation, and all that is left for Misha and Anna is to meet at the back door of the school in the evening twilight.

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Today I want to talk to you about age limits. How we girls react to guys of different ages. Do women love young guys? The answer may be ambiguous, and if I write it to you now, then it will simply not be interesting to read further, therefore, I will obscure you a little, tell you a couple of life stories, and try to look at this situation from different angles.

Agree that the times when couples formed from peers, or the notion that a man should be several years older than his wife, are long gone. One has only to look at famous married couples, and everything becomes clear. The famous diva Alla Pugacheva was always famous for the fact that her husbands were younger than her, and not by a couple of years, but by a dozen, or even two. Of course, condemnation from the people has always been present, but are we not the managers of our own lives?


It just so happened in nature that if guys reach their sexual peak in adolescence, and by the age of 30, sexual activity begins to decline, then with us girls, everything is fundamentally the opposite. Of course, at the age of 20, hormones are raging, but the very peak of maturation appears much later. After 30 we still want, but apart from that, we already can do a lot.

Experience, comparisons, trial and error, new methods of sex and experimentation are already behind many of us. We do not just have sex, but give ourselves completely to this action, as we understand the true value of these moments. In addition, we not only take, but also give our partner what we could not give 10 years ago, due to some inexperience in intimate matters.

And this is where the problem arises! A woman, for example, 40, and she, as it is sung in the song "Baba berry again," she wants not just sex, but a real sex marathon. And how sad it is to talk about it, not every man of her age is able to provide it.

Men over the years "wear out" or something, or "wear out", it is difficult to understand. But the fact that they are no longer the same as when they were 20-30 years old is a fact! Then the thoughts arise that guys younger than us by 5 years or more will be able to give us the pleasure that we cannot get from our peers.

So when it comes to sex, yes, younger guys are attracted to us. And you are also attracted to young girls, right? Tight, pumped up elastic bodies, mmmm 



Everything here is very controversial and ambiguous. It happens, of course, that there is nothing to talk about with a peer, only the wind in my head, football and fishing... And it happens, and vice versa, that a young, inexperienced guy is so interesting that you can talk with him for hours in the same breath.

In our times, everyone is more interested in money, the Internet, football and beer with friends. Well, can it be interesting for us girls?

In terms of communication, of course, young boys lose, but everything is in your hands. Read a couple of books, watch some tearful films, and you can understand us a little more. Don't know what to talk to us about? How to interest? Well, what can you do! Use your wit and get away with talking about the weather. If we are interested in the weather, we open the forecast on the Internet and look, rather than looking for a guy to discuss rain or snow.

Living together

To be honest, I don't see a guy younger than me as my husband. Maybe some kind of prejudice is playing, I don't know. I believe that a guy should be at least a little older, or the same age as me. I will not say that I am worried about judging others. I am more worried that over time this age will affect my physiognomy, and he will start to walk.

Although even here there is a stick with two ends. After all, as they say: "All ages are submissive to love!" And if the guy is younger, but at the same time he will give me confidence in the future, and can make me just a happy woman, then why not !? So far, I've never had this in my life, so I can't say anything categorically.

Examples from life

I will give you 2 examples that happened not with some stars, but with me and with people close to me.

I have a relative (I will not name names), and so his wife is 20 years older than him. They came together, he was about 30, and she was almost 50. Everyone was against it, it is understandable. His mother was tearing his hair out like that. But be that as it may, after 11 years they are still together. It looks comical from the outside, but it is what it is.

Naturally, he has no children, he brings up her grandchildren and helps her children. But this is his choice, and he will not be able to blame anyone except himself in the future.

Well, my personal example is my husband, very soon my ex-husband. So he whipped up to a young lady who is 8 years older than him. He is 29, she is 37, such a couple came out. I don’t know what he was chasing, but this is a completely separate topic.

So guys, how your life will turn out, and how old your chosen one will be, it's up to you. But the fact that we like young guys is a fact!

avtor: Svetlana Kremsa, for the site