Could a cold be a sign of pregnancy? Runny nose as one of the first signs of pregnancy Cold symptoms before delay

You can now find out about pregnancy thanks to the test. However, don't ignore a cold as a sign of pregnancy. Even a common runny nose, lethargy and fatigue can tell about conception.

There is a certain algorithm of how to understand a woman in a position or not. Of course, you need to do a test that is sold in all pharmacies. When a second strip appears, you should contact your gynecologist. However, the tests are often wrong, but the doctor can confirm or deny the pregnancy, as well as indicate the period, mostly about 4 weeks.

Snoring and runny nose

After conception has occurred, the woman begins hormonal changes, and the body is rebuilt to carry the baby. In almost half of expectant mothers, this proceeds imperceptibly, unless toxicosis is present, and only closer to childbirth. The rest begin to feel discomfort in the early stages of pregnancy.

At night it is snoring, and very strong. The symptom is noticed by family members, but the woman herself notices the appearance of a sore throat, a runny nose, sneezing or coughing. This can be attributed to various reasons - allergies, poor ecology, lack of humidity in the room, but mainly for the common cold.

Due to the fact that the body secretes hormones, the mucous membranes inside the nose dry out. It is this consequence of symptoms that are similar to the usual acute respiratory infections. Women, not knowing that a cold can be a sign of pregnancy, begin to heal on their own, which will harm the baby.

Could a cold be a sign of pregnancy, or what signs should you look out for? A venous mesh begins to appear on the chest. In addition, the areola around the nipples darkens, and pigmentation appears on the skin. Blood can flow from the nose itself, there is abundant salivation.

Difficulties may arise with peristalsis that has not been noticed before. A cold in early pregnancy as a sign manifests itself:

  • Age spots appear;
  • Saliva is profuse;
  • The stomach is swollen;
  • Bleeding from the nose;
  • Leg cramps disturb;
  • Stool is disturbed.

It should be noted that if a runny nose appears with a hormonal imbalance, then the woman will have no skin reactions, fever or cough. If nasal discharge is accompanied by these signs, then this is a common cold or allergy. These diseases also manifest themselves during pregnancy, which greatly exacerbates the situation.

Cold treatment

A cold before a delay as a sign of pregnancy is the norm, since the hormones progesterone and estrogen are active in the body of the expectant mother. This phenomenon can provoke temperature jumps, it can both go down and rise.

Often, women in position observe subfebrile values ​​on a thermometer. It is enough to drink hot tea and go to bed. Any disease involves bed rest. In pregnant women, this need increases. Sleep time should be increased by several hours.

If a woman is thrown into a fever or there is an infection in the body, then you cannot do without medication. Drops and all kinds of nasal sprays can be detrimental to the body. Treat a runny nose in safe ways:

  • Establish a drinking regimen, preferably tea, compote.
  • Rinse your nose with a sea salt solution. You can buy Aqua Maris or make your own solution. A spoonful of salt is taken in a glass of water, rinsed a couple of times a day.
  • It is recommended to sleep with a raised headboard.
  • Inhalation with the addition of essential oils is effective. For example, fir oil has antibacterial properties.

If the critical days are delayed, it is imperative to visit a doctor. During pregnancy, you need to carefully monitor your health, because the health of the baby depends on it.

The question of whether a cold can be a sign of pregnancy did not arise from scratch. Symptoms of a "cold", such as chilliness, drowsiness, weakness, stuffy nose and even a runny nose, headache and a state of complete "not standing" occur in every second woman.

This usually happens even before the delay in menstruation, in the first days of pregnancy, immediately after conception.

A cold as a sign of pregnancy occurs due to hormonal changes in the body of the expectant mother. Now a completely new load awaits her, and in just a few weeks the body must adapt to the upcoming tests. The hormonal storm raging in the body causes all these symptoms.

Why can a stuffy nose be?

Progesterone, which is produced by the corpus luteum during early pregnancy, has the ability to retain fluid, and the nasal mucosa swells. You may even start snoring at night. The same hormone can cause a slight increase in body temperature, usually no higher than 37 - 37.5 degrees, because of it, you may feel a desire to sleep during the day.

Despite the fact that the symptoms of a cold can be a sign of pregnancy, it is worth remembering that you really could have a cold, and SARS in the early stages is dangerous during pregnancy.

When to see a doctor:

If you have obvious signs of SARS (fever with chills, headache, sore throat, profuse runny nose, cough).

If you feel a clear deterioration in your condition.

It is not wise to consider a cold as a sign of pregnancy if it is obvious. Feeling a cold, which can be attributed to pregnancy, can usually be described as "a little cold." That is, this is a slight malaise and weakness, nasal congestion and a desire to sleep more, but nothing more.

Pregnancy is not a disease, but a condition, so any disturbances in well-being must be taken seriously, without neglecting them, otherwise you can miss something serious. There is never a cough, a green runny nose and a sore throat due to pregnancy, and pregnancy never causes an increased body temperature that you might feel without a thermometer.

Many women planning a pregnancy try to determine the onset of conception even before the onset of the menstrual cycle. They do this using some of the features that have already become generally accepted. At the beginning of pregnancy, a woman often feels weak, lethargic, often her temperature rises, and chills begin. It is when this situation arises that such a mild cold is often perceived as a sign of pregnancy. In addition to these symptoms, a woman may complain of drowsiness, nasal congestion and even a runny nose.

Why does this symptom appear?

Indeed, according to the experts themselves, a cold can be a sign of pregnancy. Such a process often develops, since during this period the woman's body is especially weakened, therefore it succumbs to various viruses and infections. A cold occurs in pregnant women immediately after conception due to a change in the hormonal background of the body. Thus, as it were, the adaptation of the expectant mother to the upcoming trials takes place.

Causes of nasal congestion

With a delay in the menstrual cycle, women may experience nasal congestion. This process is caused by the fact that progesterone, which is produced by the corpus luteum at the beginning of pregnancy, is able to retain fluid in the body, as a result of which the nasopharyngeal mucosa swells. During this time, nasal congestion may cause a woman to snore, even if she has never snored before. It is this hormone that can cause an increase in body temperature, which, as a rule, does not rise above 37, 5. The increased temperature makes a pregnant woman sleepy even after a long night's sleep. In addition, a woman may experience fever and chills, which can be explained by the production of two hormones in the body - progesterone and estrogen, which cause such fluctuations in body temperature.

Despite the fact that a cold can often be a sign of pregnancy, it is still necessary to consult a specialist after the first symptoms appear, because ARVI or influenza are a great danger to the child's life. If the following symptoms occur during pregnancy, be sure to visit a specialist's office:

  • obvious signs of ARVI;
  • deterioration in the well-being of a pregnant woman.

It is possible to regard a cold as the first sign of pregnancy only if the occurrence of this disease is excluded. It is especially possible to consider it a manifestation of conception when symptoms appear at an atypical time for a cold.

How to behave correctly?

At the beginning of pregnancy, the body temperature can rise to 38, thanks to the pregnancy hormone progesterone

Early pregnancy can manifest as a minor cold in 80% of women. Such a process, which takes place in a weakened body, cannot cause any complications, so there is no serious cause for concern. However, it is important to take measures aimed at alleviating the condition of the expectant mother, for these purposes it is necessary to entrust your health to the doctor, completely refusing to self-medicate.

The most important thing that is required of a woman is to monitor her body temperature. It is allowed to increase it to 37, 8, some experts say that in their practice there are cases when pregnant women had a temperature of 38 for a long time.

A runny nose that appears in the first weeks of pregnancy can bother a woman until the birth itself, and often disappears only after the baby is born. Such a runny nose should not be treated with special medications or folk remedies, since the cause of its occurrence is pregnancy, you just need to wait for the birth. It is also absolutely worthwhile to refuse to lower the temperature with the help of special means, because such an intervention in the natural process can cause serious complications. The only thing that can be done with a runny nose is to carry out nasal rinsing procedures that facilitate nasal breathing, thereby improving sleep and the general condition of the expectant mother.

That is why it is so important to know what caused such changes in the body - a cold or pregnancy, after which treatment can be carried out or measures can be taken to alleviate the woman's condition. Having found in yourself signs of a cold in the early stages of pregnancy, it is important to adhere to the following actions:

  • observe bed rest;
  • do not be nervous;
  • drink warm tea;
  • refuse to use medications.

Feeling unwell in the absence of a cold, it is useful for a pregnant woman to drink a cup of tea with honey and lie down in bed. Also, with the onset of pregnancy, the expectant mother should sleep 2-3 hours more per day than before, and, if necessary, increase the duration of the rest. For the health of a woman and the full development of the baby's fetus, one should not forget about daytime sleep, one should go to bed immediately after the onset of fatigue.

Some women are interested in how to distinguish pregnancy and colds from each other without the help of a specialist. However, it is impossible to do this on your own, since one state of the organism does not exclude the emergence of the second. Only specialists with joint efforts - a gynecologist and a therapist - can make the correct diagnosis.

A cold in early pregnancy is an insidious disease that can undermine the health of an expectant mother, and therefore a baby. Let's take a look at how to deal with a cold in early pregnancy and how to prevent it.

A cold in the first months of pregnancy is a dangerous disease, since it is not so easy to treat it. And all due to the fact that during pregnancy it is impossible to take medications, as they can harm the unborn baby. You have to be sophisticated in the methods of treating colds and take care of yourself from drafts, hypothermia and seasonal ailments.

But what if you do catch a cold and the disease begins to progress? We urgently need to be treated! The first thing to do is seek help from a hospital. Since, the attending physician will be able to prescribe a safe way to treat colds, which will quickly relieve you of the disease and will not harm the unborn baby.

Many health workers who encounter women with colds in early pregnancy argue that a cold does not cause serious complications to a baby. But this does not mean at all that it does not need to be treated. Do not forget that an advanced disease is much less treatable, and especially when it comes to the period of pregnancy.

Causes of colds in early pregnancy

The causes of a cold in early pregnancy are varied. You can catch the virus everywhere, even while sitting at home. Moreover, a cold can appear quite unexpectedly, even at the height of the summer season.

Doctors say that the most common cause of a cold in early pregnancy is a weakened immune system, by the way, it is because of a weakened immune system that pregnancy is complicated. The immune system is responsible for our health, and it is she who decides who will get sick and who will not be bothered by a cold even in severe frost. It is necessary to harden the immune system so that it is at its best, then no cold during pregnancy will definitely bother you.

In addition to weakened immunity, there are several more causes of colds during pregnancy, let's take a closer look at each of them.

  • Chronic diseases and their exacerbation. We are talking about seasonal allergies, cardiovascular failure, peptic ulcer and other diseases that significantly reduce the protective functions of the body. It is difficult for the immune system to maintain the health of the expectant mother, who has aggravated allergies, at the proper level, so sometimes chronic ailments turn into a cold. So during early pregnancy, you should be more careful about your health.
  • Stressful situations. Yes, it is stress at the beginning of pregnancy that can cause colds. Nervous exhaustion, stress and constant anxiety gradually exhaust the immune system and, as a result, a cold. Try to make the waiting period for your baby the calmest in your life so as not to expose your health and that of your baby to potential hazards.
  • Hypothermia of the body. Sometimes it is enough to get your feet wet, as a cold will immediately make itself felt. Take care of yourself, dress for the weather, remember that during pregnancy, first of all, you need to think about health, not beauty. Hypothermia can overtake not only in autumn or winter, but also in summer. To do this, it is enough to eat cold ice cream or stand under an air conditioner or fan and a cold will not let itself wait long.
  • Problems with the gastrointestinal tract. Proper nutrition can take care not only of a beautiful figure and health of the body, but also prevent colds. Many experts claim that most of the immune cells are located in the intestines. And overeating, eating spicy, salty foods or gastritis can undermine the immune system. And "special" culinary addictions in pregnant women can cause colds in early pregnancy.

There are many causes of colds during pregnancy, they all depend on the immune system and lifestyle. Therefore, in order not to cause a cold in the first months of pregnancy, try not to be nervous, not to overeat and to maintain your immunity as much as possible with useful vitamins.

Cold symptoms in early pregnancy

Symptoms of a cold in early pregnancy can be easily confused with symptoms of other illnesses. Let's take a look at how a cold manifests itself during pregnancy and how to recognize it.

The first sign of a cold is mild discomfort, headache, and fatigue. After a couple of days, the patient's condition worsens. Ailments and headaches include loss of appetite, cough, sore throat and runny nose. Unlike the flu, the symptoms of a cold depend on less severe viral infections. As a rule, the cough is dry, moderate. The temperature does not rise above 38 degrees or is within the normal range. Please note that the first three days of the onset of a cold is the active period. If you do not pay attention to the symptoms in time and do not start treatment, then the disease will progress.

During pregnancy, especially in the early stages, if you suspect a cold, consultation with an ENT and a general practitioner is mandatory. Proper treatment will allow you to protect the health of the mother and the unborn baby and prevent complications and viral infections from occurring.

A cold in early pregnancy is dangerous not only for the baby, but also for the mother. The consequences of a cold can be dire, the most dangerous are miscarriage and polyhydramnios. But don't be upset right away if you have a fever and feel mildly unwell. The female body, even during pregnancy, is able to cope with the most serious diseases. Therefore, sometimes, even a neglected cold may in no way affect the health of the unborn baby and the course of pregnancy. Please note that if, during pregnancy, a cold has shown itself as herpes on the lips, then this is a good sign. Since this guarantees immunity from colds for your baby. Through the placenta, a small amount of virus antibodies gradually enter the child's bloodstream, and force the growing body to develop immunity from the common cold.

Diagnosis of colds in early pregnancy is carried out by the attending physician. The diagnosis of acute respiratory infections is made only after a complete examination of the pregnant woman and taking into account health complaints. During the examination, special attention is paid to the tonsils in the throat and plaque, as well as the discharge of mucus from the nose, that is, a runny nose.

Among the side effects of a cold in early pregnancy, the most common are:

  • Lack of oxygen for the child and pathology.
  • Inflammation of the internal genital organs.
  • Bleeding.
  • Difficult childbirth.
  • Early withdrawal of amniotic fluid.
  • Fetal growth retardation syndrome.

A cold in the early stages of pregnancy, that is, in the first trimester, can cause damage to the baby's central nervous system. That is why it is very important to see a doctor during pregnancy. If, after suffering a cold, the pregnancy proceeds without complications, then the danger for the baby has passed. But be sure to pass the necessary tests to confirm the health and proper development of the child.

Treating colds in early pregnancy

Treatment of a cold in early pregnancy should only take place under the supervision of a doctor, as there are many dangers and threats to the baby that a cold can cause. Let's take a look at the most common treatments for a cold in early pregnancy.

  • Gargling is the easiest and most effective way to fight colds. Gargling effectively fights colds and prevents complications such as sore throat, rheumatism or kidney inflammation. For pregnant women, medicinal preparations based on chemical components are contraindicated, therefore it is recommended to gargle with sage infusion, chamomile, sea salt, calendula, salt with iodine.
  • Aromatherapy and inhalation - copes well with colds in the absence of fever. Inhalation can be done with eucalyptus oil, rosehip oil, chamomile, or hyssop. To inhale, heat a kettle of water, add a few fragrant drops of essential oil to the water. Sit over a basin of water and cover yourself with a towel and breathe in the healing aromas. Please note that during pregnancy, you may experience allergic reactions to various drugs, including aromatic oils, so carefully monitor your feelings during the procedure.
  • Nasal drops - although many drugs are prohibited during pregnancy and the treatment of colds, nasal drops should only be used with a doctor's approval. If you have been prescribed vasoconstrictor drops, then they should be used no more than three days. Since with prolonged use of nose drops, the mucous membrane of the nasopharynx is depleted, and this can cause atrophy of the olfactory nerve endings.

Homeopathic remedies are effective against colds. They will be especially effective if the treatment is carried out under the supervision of a homeopathic physician. The doctor must choose a special treatment that is absolutely safe during pregnancy, especially in the early stages.

Do not forget about vitamins. So, vitamin C is able to cure colds. But if you are allergic to vitamin C, it is not recommended to experiment with detailed treatment during pregnancy. In addition to vitamin C, it is recommended to consume teas and rose hips, raspberries and currants.

Physiotherapy and ultra-high frequency therapy are contraindicated during pregnancy. This also applies to immunostimulating drugs. Any treatment for a cold in early pregnancy should be supervised

Treating colds in early pregnancy with folk remedies

Treating a cold in early pregnancy with folk remedies is the safest and most effective way to get rid of the disease and not harm the baby. Let's take a look at some recipes for treating your cold safely.

The first thing that traditional medicine recommends for the treatment and prevention of colds is to limit or completely abandon smoked, spicy, salty and very sweet foods. Reduce the amount of food in your diet, refuse heavy foods, give priority to plant and dairy foods. Pregnant women are advised to eat light food that is not capable of causing problems with the gastrointestinal tract. Eat plenty of fruits and vegetables. So for sore throat, it is recommended to eat homogeneous food, chicken broth soup, mashed potatoes, light fine-grained porridge.

Also, traditional methods of treating colds in early pregnancy recommend drinking plenty of fluids. If you are not allergic to lemon, honey or raspberries, then you can drink teas with these products. But at night, for the treatment of colds, it is recommended to drink apple broth with honey. At high temperatures - lingonberry and cranberry juice. An infusion of rose hips, sage, viburnum and lemon balm with sea buckthorn oil will also be useful. It is also recommended to eat a spoonful of honey during a cold during pregnancy, and it is advisable to dissolve it under the tongue.

If you have a runny nose, then make a decoction of raspberry and strawberry leaves. You need to drink the broth three to four times a day, half a glass. And taking the tincture before bedtime guarantees calm breathing. It is very good to combine this treatment of the common cold with inhalation procedures.

If you have a wet cough, onions fried in butter and mixed with honey will help to cope with this problem. It is necessary to take such a medicine one tablespoon six times a day.

Preventing colds in early pregnancy

Preventing colds in early pregnancy is very important, as prevention can prevent the onset of the disease. As a prophylaxis against colds during pregnancy, it is recommended to go out into the fresh air more often, exclude hypothermia and stay away from drafts. In addition, it is important to maintain cleanliness in the house, regularly wet cleaning and ventilate the room.

Do not forget about vitamins, as this is a wonderful prevention of colds in early pregnancy. Strengthen the body with vitamin complexes for pregnant women and natural vitamins, that is, fresh vegetables, fruits, natural juices and walks in the fresh air.

  • An excellent antibacterial and antiviral drug is garlic and onions. Eat these foods in salads and eat them fresh. In addition, small plates with chopped garlic can be placed in the apartment, this will prevent the virus from settling in your home.
  • Reduce visits to public places, use public transport as little as possible, especially in the midst of a cold epidemic.
  • Limit physical activity, practice good personal hygiene (wash your hands regularly), and keep your home clean (wet cleaning, airing).
  • It is contraindicated to take hot baths and steam feet in early pregnancy. As this can cause miscarriage. This is especially true for women with varicose veins and high blood pressure.

Colds in early pregnancy are always treatable, the main thing is not to start this disease and use our advice on the treatment and prevention of colds during pregnancy.

The development of a cold in early pregnancy

A cold in the early stages of pregnancy is considered an extremely undesirable process, but it is not always possible to avoid the disease. The whole danger lies in the fact that most women may not even be aware of the conception that has occurred, therefore, when they are overcome by a cold, they begin to undertake intensive treatment. They boldly take medications of dubious origin, which have a detrimental effect on the embryo.

The danger of illness for the baby

Many women are interested in whether a cold in early pregnancy is really dangerous if you do not take drugs of synthetic origin. The disease really poses a great danger to the fetus, since in the first days after conception it is just beginning to form and a cold can significantly weaken a woman's body, as a result of which miscarriages often occur. It is known that the shorter the gestation period, the more difficult the disease can pass. The development of a cold in the first week of pregnancy in most cases becomes the cause of miscarriage, since during this period the ovum has not yet been fixed by the placenta, and can break off under any unfavorable conditions.

Gynecologists say that such a process is laid down by nature itself, because if the embryo survived after the pregnant woman suffered a cold, it would not be able to fully develop. As a result of such violations, pathologies inevitably develop that may accompany the child in the future. Also, serious complications during childbirth are not excluded, the labor activity of the woman in labor is very often disrupted.

A cold early in pregnancy can be a symptom of pregnancy if not accompanied by an increase in body temperature

The manifestation of a cold in the early days of pregnancy can be regarded by many obstetricians-gynecologists as just one of the first signs of a conception that has occurred. True, in this case, the disease should not be accompanied by a cough, sore throat and fever, only the appearance of a runny nose or nasal congestion, as well as general malaise, is allowed. If a cold really occurs as a sign of pregnancy, it does not require treatment, with the exception of taking actions aimed at improving the well-being of a pregnant woman. At this time, the expectant mother, when treating a cold at the beginning of pregnancy, can actively rinse her nose, freeing it of accumulated mucus, or use safe folk remedies to eliminate swelling of the nasopharyngeal mucosa.

The course of a cold during early pregnancy is often manifested by an increase in body temperature in a woman. Such a process is considered quite normal and may not always be caused by a viral infection, but only if subfebrile conditions are observed, when the indicators do not exceed 37.5 degrees. If the expectant mother knows about her pregnancy and noticed that her body temperature has risen to 37.5, you can not rush to the doctor, it is advisable to observe your body a little. At the same time, a woman should understand that with a cold in the first trimester of pregnancy, regardless of its symptoms, it is strictly forbidden to take any antiviral and antipyretic drugs, with the exception of paracetamol. This substance is also not worth getting carried away, it can be used to lower the temperature only as directed by a doctor in a fairly limited amount.

A cold in the first trimester of pregnancy can also cause sore throat, causing severe pain. Quite often, influenza or acute respiratory infections, which were left on their own or were treated incorrectly, are the causes of such complications as tonsillitis. If you experience this symptom of a cold, you can gargle with a solution of sea salt with the addition of baking soda and iodine. This method of treating a sore throat is quite effective and completely safe, provided that the woman does not swallow the gargle solution. You can also use such medicinal herbs for gargling the throat, which have antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory effects in the treatment of this cold symptom in early pregnancy:

  • sage;
  • Oak bark;
  • chamomile;
  • calendula.

If the throat is severely sore, inhalation can also be carried out, using decoctions of the above herbs, as well as menthol, chamomile, eucalyptus oil, as a medicine. You can fight a cold in the 1st trimester of pregnancy, even if it is accompanied by a sore throat, if you apply warming compresses to your sore throat. To do this, you just need to moisten a cloth or gauze in alcohol or alcohol tincture, apply to the site of inflammation, put a plastic wrap on top, and then wrap a scarf around your throat. You can do without alcohol by wrapping your throat with a woolen scarf overnight, but such a procedure will not be able to give such a therapeutic effect as a compress.

A cold in the first month of pregnancy, as well as throughout the entire period of gestation, cannot be treated with thermal procedures, but warm socks can be worn at night. Many women use this method of treatment: pour dry mustard powder into thin cotton socks, then put on warm woolen socks, tie a scarf around their throats and go to bed. The next morning you can see how the well-being of the pregnant woman has improved.

In order not to aggravate the course of the disease, it is important to avoid cold drinks. A woman will benefit from tea with honey, warm milk with honey, a decoction of berries, leaves or shoots of raspberries, viburnum and rose hips. You can also suck on a slice of lemon with or without sugar to relieve sore throat.

What is the danger of a runny nose and how to cure it?

Not all pregnant women know exactly what the danger of a cold in early pregnancy is, if it is accompanied by a symptom such as a runny nose. In fact, a runny nose is very dangerous for a woman and an embryo, but a viral infection is considered more dangerous, which caused its appearance. After all, a runny nose is caused by the penetration of a virus into the mucous membrane, which tends to penetrate the bloodstream and be quickly transported throughout the body.

If the virus enters the uterus, the baby will inevitably become infected. Such a process can cause spontaneous abortion or cause a number of serious complications, often incompatible with life.

Having such an effect on the body, a runny nose with a cold in the first weeks of pregnancy is considered especially dangerous in the first 8 weeks of pregnancy.

In addition to these complications, nasal congestion or abundant secretion, complicates the process of nasal breathing in a pregnant woman. The duration of this phenomenon leads to the intake of an insufficient amount of oxygen into the child's body, causing oxygen starvation, which is fraught with the development of intrauterine fetal hypoxia. A runny nose with a cold in the 1st trimester of pregnancy cannot be treated with vasoconstrictor drugs, such as Galazolin, Sanorin, Nazivin, Naftizin, Otrivin and others. Sometimes they are prescribed to pregnant women, but they should not be used for more than 3 days, since they thin the nasopharyngeal mucosa, cause atrophy of the olfactory nerve endings, and also harm the child. For nasal congestion, the following procedures are considered useful:

  1. The effect of heat on the nasopharynx - applying a boiled egg, a bag of warm salt.
  2. Instill a few drops of menthol into each nasal passage, then inhale and exhale through the nose for several minutes until the congestion is eliminated. The same oil can be used to lubricate the forehead, temples and the place behind the ears.
  3. Inhalation with rosehip oil, eucalyptus, thyme, hyssop and chamomile. It is better to carry out the procedure using the old method - pour hot water into a saucepan, add a few drops of oil, cover yourself with a blanket and breathe in medicinal vapors for 7 minutes. Repeat these steps 3 times a day.

If a runny nose appears during a cold in the early stages of pregnancy, this does not mean that it will cause complications, because, knowing how to carry out effective treatment, the disease can pass without consequences. A cold in the early stages of pregnancy, if properly treated, will not harm the expectant mother and her baby.

Colds in early pregnancy bother every woman and automatically drive them into a kind of stupor and panic. And this is an absolutely correct reaction that can harm both a young mother and a baby. It is necessary to deal with colds in the early stages of pregnancy so that a number of complications do not arise in the future.

Cold treatment

A cold in the early stages of pregnancy is a rather dangerous disease, because it is not so easy to treat it. This is due to the fact that during pregnancy it is forbidden to take any medications only if the mother's health is at risk. If the cold proceeds in a rather mild form and the woman tolerates it quite easily, but worries about how the disease will affect the child. That is why a woman needs to try to cure a cold without medication. The first thing a mother-to-be needs to do is see a doctor and talk about her symptoms. Most likely, the doctor will prescribe the safest method of treating a cold, which will not harm either the young mother or the child.

Causes of colds in early pregnancy

The causes of a cold in early pregnancy are varied. A young mother can "pick up" both on the street and sitting at home. Moreover, the cold virus can occur in the midst of the summer heat.

Doctors say that the most common cause of colds in the early stages of pregnancy is a decrease in immunity, a decrease in its protective properties. In this case, the pregnancy comes with a number of complications. Human immunity is the protective gate of our body. And in a pregnant woman, immunity is depleted due to the fact that the fetus in the womb is completely nourished and lives at the expense of the mother. If the expectant mother does not receive the required amount of vitamins and minerals, then, as a result, her body will be exposed to the influence of viruses, infections and bacteria.

Weakened immunity is the first and main reason why a woman can get colds during pregnancy. But, these are not all the factors affecting the occurrence of a cold. Further, we can highlight:

  • A number of pathologies occurring in a chronic form and their exacerbation. It can be a seasonal allergic reaction, cardiovascular diseases, stomach ulcers, as well as other pathologies that are aimed at reducing the protective functions of the human body. For example, if the expectant mother has an allergy, then the body is simply not able to support and protect the fetus and the woman herself. An expectant mother, long before pregnancy, needs to feed her body with vitamins and minerals or multivitamin complexes sold in a pharmacy.
  • Stress, nervous reaction - stressful situations in early pregnancy can be the main causes of colds. A person's immunity is very exhausting such negative factors as stress, nervous exhaustion, experiences. As a result, a woman is waiting for a completely natural outcome - a cold. Therefore, doctors advise to make the waiting and planning period for the child as calm as possible. You should not expose your baby's health to serious dangers.
  • Severe hypothermia of the body leads to the inevitable occurrence of colds. sometimes it is enough for a woman to just get her feet wet and a cold will make itself felt. A woman should dress for the weather, remember that you have to think about another person in your life. Moreover, you can overcool not only in the autumn-winter period, but also in the summer. All you need to do for this is to eat cold ice cream or be under an air conditioner or fan for a long time. In this case, a cold will not be long in coming.
  • Disruption of the gastrointestinal tract. If a woman eats correctly and in a balanced way, this will prevent colds. Most experts claim that human immune cells are located directly in the gastrointestinal tract. If a person constantly transmits, eats spicy food, salty, then in this case the occurrence of gastritis is inevitable. Do not give in to the temptation of pregnant women and consume a large number of prohibited foods. Think about your child first.

The causes of colds during pregnancy are quite different. But, their root cause lies in human immunity and directly in the way of life. Don't be nervous in the first few months of pregnancy, eat right, and try to fuel your immune system with beneficial vitamins and minerals.

Symptoms of colds in early pregnancy

The first sign of a cold in early pregnancy is headache, malaise, and severe fatigue affecting the entire body. As a rule, after a few days, the condition of the expectant mother deteriorates significantly. Cough, runny nose and sore throat can be added to all symptoms at this stage. At the same time, the woman completely loses her appetite. The temperature for a cold does not rise above 38 degrees. For the first three days, the woman will feel extremely bad. And if at this moment you do not pay attention to the course of the disease and its first signs, then the person's condition will worsen day after day.

In the early stages of pregnancy, if the first pathological signs of a cold occur, it is imperative to consult an ENT doctor and a general practitioner. It is the correct treatment that will allow the expectant mother to protect the baby from a complex, severe viral infection.

The consequences of a cold in early pregnancy are miscarriage and lack of water. It is also worth noting that the female body (if it is healthy) is able to independently cope with all the signs of colds.

Diagnostics of the common cold in early pregnancy

Diagnosis of colds in early pregnancy must be carried out by a doctor. You should not take the risk and diagnose yourself on your own. Be sure to pay attention to the likelihood of developing a sore throat, examine the throat and tonsils.

Of course, every mom-to-be knows what to watch out for. colds in early pregnancy just necessary. But alas! - no one is immune from this. Even if you negate visits to crowded places during seasonal outbreaks of viral diseases, there is still no guarantee that someone from your family and friends will not bring you a malicious virus to your home. Indeed, under the broad concept of "cold", many mean the very same ARVI and ARI, which doctors write in diagnoses at any time of the year. And these are diseases transmitted by airborne droplets or through household items. Influenza is much more dangerous than a cold in the early days of pregnancy, but fortunately it is seasonal.

A cold in the first week of pregnancy, as a rule, bothers very few people - it is unlikely that the expectant mother already knows that she is pregnant in order to foresee all the possible consequences of the disease and treatment carried out without taking into account her condition. But in the future, it is very important to minimize the risk of contracting an infection. Any virus that does not pose a particular threat to an ordinary healthy person, any cold at the beginning of pregnancy is very dangerous for an unborn baby.

There is a general rule for assessing the possible detrimental effect of a cold in the first weeks of pregnancy - the shorter the period, the greater the consequences for the child. For example, if a cold starts at 3 or 4 weeks, then it can lead to a missed pregnancy. If the disease overtook you at a period of 4 to 12 weeks, you need to be wary of pathologies in the development of the organ that was formed at the initial stage of the disease.

As you can see, the beginning of pregnancy is the most dangerous time for a cold, because it is during this period that all the organs of your baby are laid. After the first trimester, all organs and systems of the child are already formed, and viral diseases will not cause such developmental defects, but they are still fraught with consequences. And even if we do not talk about such unlikely, but possible problems such as damage to the placenta and infection of the baby, a cold in the early stages of pregnancy is terrible with unpleasant symptoms that it causes. High fever, aches, weakness, stuffy nose and lack of appetite all lead to the fact that the baby in the womb suffers from a lack of oxygen and nutrition. And a prolonged temperature above 38 ° is especially dangerous for the development of the baby!

Do not tolerate a cold in early pregnancy on foot. Be sure to consult a doctor and be sure to notify him about your pregnancy: it depends on how and with what he will treat you. And, even if it seems to you that you feel quite well, do not hesitate - take sick leave. Believe me, nothing in the world is worth your child's health!

Take doctor's prescriptions very seriously and use very carefully even seemingly harmless “grandmother's” recipes! So, for example, when treating a cold in the early stages of pregnancy, you cannot soar your legs, drink aspirin and all drugs that contain it. Even seemingly harmless vitamin C, taken in large quantities for colds in early pregnancy, can cause bleeding.

Be very careful, but most importantly, don't panic! About 80% of expectant mothers suffer from viral infections, but the vast majority of them have healthy babies. If you feel well after a cold in early pregnancy and your test and test results are normal, then you have nothing to worry about. After all, nature also takes care of the baby's health: the placenta is a unique protective barrier!

Take care of your health. Be in the fresh air more, be sure to ventilate and humidify the room, use oxolinic ointment before visiting crowded places. Stay cool and avoid drafts. These and other simple preventive measures will help you, if not avoid seasonal colds, then at least transfer them in an easy, fearless form for the unborn child.

A runny nose, as a sign of pregnancy, is a fairly common phenomenon, which in most cases occurs at the beginning of the second trimester of pregnancy. Rhinitis in adult patients can develop against the background of a number of different diseases, so it is important to identify the disease in time and start appropriate treatment.

The appearance of a runny nose during pregnancy is due to certain physiological processes occurring in the female body. The fact is that after conception, the body of the future mother begins to actively produce certain hormones, which have a narrowing effect on the mucous membranes localized in the nasopharynx. As a result, a woman develops signs of a runny nose such as mucous nasal discharge, difficulty in nasal breathing, swelling and possible snoring at night.

A pregnant woman may even show such a characteristic symptom as chills, a painful condition in which the patient is thrown into the heat and then into the cold. This clinical process is also triggered by a hormonal imbalance that manifests itself in early pregnancy.

Since most medications used for allergic or acute respiratory diseases are categorically contraindicated for expectant mothers, it is important to be able to distinguish a runny nose, which is a manifestation of pregnancy from influenza or acute respiratory infections, or a chronic rhinitis, which is often observed in adult patients.

In addition, a runny nose and nasal congestion develop as a result of vasodilatation, which is necessary for adequate nutrition of the fetus. Vaporization of blood vessels affects the entire body, including the nasal cavity, which causes the appearance of mucous nasal discharge.

Signs of the disease

What clinical manifestations, accompanied by a runny nose in adults, should alert and become a reason for contacting a specialist?

Colds, flu, infectious and bacterial diseases, accompanied by difficulty in the respiratory process and nasal secretions of a mucous nature, manifest themselves with the following additional symptoms:

  • Headache.
  • An increase in body temperature to 38 degrees and above.
  • Joint and muscle pain.
  • Feverish condition.
  • Increased fatigue.
  • Cough Syndrome.
  • Redness of the mucous membranes in the oropharynx.

Allergies can also provoke the development of a runny nose. Medical specialists identify the following signs of an allergic rhinitis:

  • Copious transparent mucous nasal discharge.
  • Violation of the olfactory function.
  • Increased tearing.
  • The appearance of skin rashes of allergic origin.
  • Frequent sneezing.
  • Cough Syndrome.
  • The development of conjunctivitis.

When the above symptoms and clinical signs appear, the patient is strongly advised to seek the advice of the attending physician! Diseases of a viral, allergic, bacterial or infectious origin require competent and timely treatment, especially when it comes to a pregnant woman!

What kind of runny nose can be considered a manifestation of pregnancy?

Hormonal rhinitis, which is one of the signs of pregnancy, can be distinguished from all sorts of pathological conditions with the help of certain, specific symptoms. Medical specialists identify the first signs of a hormonal-type rhinitis typical for pregnant women:

  • Increased salivation.
  • Skin pigmentation.
  • The manifestation of a clear venous pattern in the area of ​​the mammary glands.
  • Darkening of the areola.
  • Flatulence.
  • Disorders of intestinal peristalsis.
  • Diarrhea, periodically alternating with constipation.
  • Convulsive syndrome affecting mainly the calf muscles.
  • Possible.

It should be emphasized that if a runny nose is caused precisely by a change in the hormonal background during pregnancy, then the patient does not have such clinical symptoms as urticaria, inflammatory lesions of the larynx and the nasopharynx, abundant nasal discharge of a mucous or purulent-mucous nature, a significant increase body temperature, cough reflex. Otherwise, we are talking about a disease requiring adequate treatment, while allergic or colds can develop during pregnancy, which significantly complicates subsequent therapy!

What causes a cold during pregnancy

The body of the expectant mother is especially vulnerable to various viruses, microbes and other pathogens, this is due to hormonal changes and a weakened immune system. It is for this reason that colds and acute respiratory diseases while waiting for a baby are not rare, but quite alarming. Infections are especially dangerous in the first weeks of pregnancy, when the skeleton and vital organs of the unborn baby are being formed.

A common cold in the early stages of pregnancy can even cause miscarriage. In addition, medical specialists identify the following undesirable complications that can lead to an infectious or viral disease in a pregnant woman:

  1. Fetal hypoxia.
  2. Abortion.
  3. Inflammatory processes affecting the genital area.
  4. Congenital anomalies in the development of the child's organs and systems, the formation of which fell on the acute stage of the pathological process.

Colds worsen the general condition of a woman, in addition, with difficulty in nasal breathing, a pregnant woman has to breathe through her mouth, which significantly increases the risks of developing processes of an infectious nature. Allergic rhinitis often appears during pregnancy, since the expectant mother has many times the sensitivity to various allergens.

Treatment features

Hormonal rhinitis that occurs in a pregnant woman as a result of certain physiological processes does not require any special. If the manifestations of rhinitis are associated with diseases of viral, infectious, respiratory origin, then competent and timely therapy is simply necessary!

How to treat colds and flu during pregnancy? First of all, the patient needs to consult with a qualified specialist who will prescribe the most effective and safe therapeutic course for her! Doctors prescribe medicines only in especially difficult cases, with a strong increase in body temperature and the presence of an acutely infectious process.

Vasoconstrictor drops and nasal sprays are categorically contraindicated for pregnant women, since they can provoke serious fetal pathologies. In case of a runny nose, medical experts strongly advise pregnant women to follow the following recommendations:

  • Provide proper drinking regime. Drink at least 2 liters of liquid a day, giving preference to mineral water, fruit drinks, herbal teas.
  • Rinsing the nasal cavity with saline. The solution for this physiotherapeutic procedure can be prepared independently by dissolving a teaspoon of salt in a glass of warm water, or you can purchase a ready-made drug at a pharmacy (Solin, Dopfin, Aquamaris). It is recommended to carry out this manipulation 2-3 times throughout the day.
  • Raise pillows or headboard to drain blood away from the head area.
  • A good therapeutic effect is provided by inhalations using fir or eucalyptus essential oils, which have a pronounced disinfectant and anti-inflammatory effect.
  • To eliminate mucous nasal secretions and facilitate the process of nasal breathing, you can use beet juice or beetroot-carrot juice. To prepare the medicine, vegetables need to be chopped with a fine grater, squeeze the juice through cheesecloth and add a couple of drops of vegetable oil to it. This drug is injected into the patient's nostrils according to the principle of ordinary drops.

The patient is advised to stay in bed and rest well. Taking short walks in the fresh air will also benefit the pregnant woman. The expectant mother is strictly forbidden to soar her feet in hot water, as this can provoke a miscarriage.

It is possible to cure a temperature that has risen no higher than 38 degrees without resorting to the use of antipyretic drugs. You can bring down the temperature by using an ice compress placed on the forehead, or by wiping the patient's body with vodka mixed with table vinegar.

Primary rhinitis can be eliminated by treating the area of ​​the nasal passages with sea buckthorn or refined sunflower oil. This manipulation moisturizes the nasal passages, relieves the inflammatory process, and also improves the functional state of the mucous membranes of the nasal membranes.

What to do with a hormonal rhinitis?

Although the hormonal runny nose itself, triggered by pregnancy, is not dangerous and does not require special treatment, it gives the expectant mother a lot of discomfort and discomfort.

If you have a chronic runny nose, then you should regularly cleanse the nasal passages from the accumulation of mucous secretions and rinse the nasal cavity with soda or saline solution. A good therapeutic effect is given by washing with the use of decoctions of sage, eucalyptus or chamomile.

Prevention measures

A runny nose during pregnancy is an unpleasant condition that, regardless of the reasons, negatively affects the well-being and mood of the expectant mother. To prevent the development of rhinitis, the following extremely simple recommendations will help:

  • Avoid visiting crowded places, especially during epidemics.
  • Strengthen your immune system. Take special vitamin and mineral complexes for pregnant women.
  • Ventilate the room regularly.
  • Take walks in the fresh air as often as possible.
  • Dress for the weather, avoiding both hypothermia and overheating of the body.
  • Do damp cleaning indoors regularly to avoid dust build-up.

A runny nose can be one of the signs of pregnancy, or it can indicate the presence of a number of serious diseases. The expectant mother should be especially careful about her health, therefore, when the first signs of rhinitis appear, it is recommended to seek advice from a qualified specialist who will identify the causes of this phenomenon and prescribe the patient an extremely safe and effective therapeutic course!

In the early stages of pregnancy, immunity decreases, so you can often hear that a cold is a sign of pregnancy. This is an erroneous statement, but it has its own basis. Cold pathogens provoke a slight rise in temperature, and in the first trimester of pregnancy, the temperature is low. Not all women listen to changes in their bodies, but it is important to know how to respond to the same symptoms.

Symptoms requiring medical attention

The restructuring of the female body for bearing a fetus is a tremendous burden. It entails a reorganization of all body systems, including hormonal and immune. Therefore, on women's forums, questions like "who has a cold became the signs of pregnancy?" And there are quite a few positive responses with their real stories. It is especially surprising when girls who are resistant to seasonal viruses suddenly cover themselves with napkins in class to fight the common cold. And then the question: "Are you pregnant?"

This is regarded not as a question, but as a sentence, is it interconnected? Imagine that another life begins to develop in a woman's body, another heart will soon beat and a new defense system will form. Its functioning is provided by the hormone hCG (human chorionic gonadotropin), which produces the membrane of the ovum, from which the placenta is formed. This is a double burden, the viral barrier is weakened during pregnancy, the common cold is seen as a symptom.

Important: With a general decrease in immunity, the risk of infectious and viral diseases is high. Therefore, in early pregnancy, colds are regarded as one of the signs of conception.

Many women know that the causative agents of colds can negatively affect the health of the mother and child. Therefore, for those who are at the planning stage of pregnancy, it is better to consult a doctor if there is a suspicion of a fait accompli of fertilization. But how do you separate the symptoms of pregnancy from the symptoms of a cold?

In the first days after conception, women feel some malaise, complain of weakness in the body, drowsiness. These sensations are often accompanied by chills, aching muscles or joints, a runny nose, perhaps just a stuffy nose. By measuring the temperature, you can observe 37.2 ° C (or so) on the thermometer. There is a dry cough that appears when freezing.

Although doctors write “pregnancy” in the “diagnosis” column, this is not a disease, but a temporary state of the female body with its own symptoms. Therefore, doctors take every deviation from the norm seriously, but a cold before menstruation is not regarded as a sign of pregnancy. It only signals a weakened immune system.

How to behave properly with colds?

During sips, a sore throat, heaviness in the temples and some of the usual symptoms that you get used to with a cold are not a reason to bring down the temperature with pills. The malaise of a pregnant woman, even if this condition is questioned, indicates the need to urgently consult a doctor. In the office, it is easier to clarify whether this is pregnancy, early signs, or a common cold in order to register or be treated without complications.
Important: After the first symptoms of flu, sore throat, SARS or seasonal colds, choose an effective treatment that will not harm the unborn child and activate the mother's immunity. In each case, a different set of medications and folk remedies is selected. Not everything that is available in the pharmacy can be drunk uncontrollably by a pregnant woman!

As statistics confirm, 70% of women experience colds at the beginning of pregnancy. The process can be expressed or in the form of vague symptoms, but the more dangerous complications are if you do not pay attention. Herpes or cold sores on the lips are also a sign of decreased immunity during pregnancy.
Advice: Even if you do not treat a cold with "aggressive" drugs, you need to activate the immune system. Honey, raspberries, linden blossom tea - all this will help fight bacilli or viruses. However, it is important to give up self-medication and entrust your health to an experienced doctor.

Expert advice:
  1. It is impossible to "knock down" a low temperature - this is an indicator of the activation of the immune system.
  2. A runny nose cannot be left without treatment - it is shortness of breath and a lack of oxygen, which is unacceptable during pregnancy!
  3. Use extensively inhalations using eucalyptus tincture, decoction of oak bark, sage and coltsfoot. 3-4 five-minute inhalations with herbs under a terry towel are enough per day.
  4. With angina, it is imperative to rinse your throat more often with a solution of sea salt, furacilin and herbal tinctures.
  5. Drops for the nose with a cold should not be abused - they dry out the mucous membrane. Blockade with Galazolin or Sanorin is best done if necessary - work and training. Pregnant women are prescribed to drip for no more than 2-3 days. Additional warming up in the nasal area, the use of salt and aroma lamps with essential oils usually do not harm pregnant women.
  6. It will also be useful with hot herbal tea, raspberry and currant jam, cranberry and lingonberry in the form of fruit drink, rosehip syrup, lemon in sugar and other medicinal delicacies.
  7. Physiotherapy during pregnancy is minimized, the permissible procedures are prescribed by the doctor.
  8. Homeopathic medicines can be not only harmless, but also effective only with the submission of a real homeopathic specialist who understands the dosage. There is no overdose from vitamin C, but you should not abuse multivitamins in pharmaceutical packaging, the benefits of them are minimal.
  9. During pregnancy, one should not drink immunomodulators with "horse" doses, they had to be taken until a new position.
Important: If you feel a cold, as a sign of early pregnancy, it is better to stay in bed. Cancel all appointments by calling your doctor at home if you have a fever.

It is advisable to give up pills and mixtures until an effective treatment is prescribed by doctors. Do not forget to rest during the day and breathe fresh air, but it is better to avoid visiting mass places where there may be carriers of seasonal viruses and colds.

The effect of the common cold on the intrauterine development of the fetus

All infectious diseases can be dangerous for the fetus in the first 4 weeks of pregnancy - while the placental barrier in the ovum is formed. However, most women do not pay attention to cold symptoms until the tummy is rounded. But when the placenta is formed, it will filter out all aggressive components in the mother's blood by itself.

The danger is that many women are treated with the usual drugs, forgetting that they need to revise the list of medicines and take a sick leave. Do not ignore a cold as a sign of pregnancy before a delay. If you carry the flu or ARVI "on your feet", the child may be born weak and sickly.

Women in position often use the following medications:

  1. Paracetamol (fever, headache), it is safe for the fetus and effective for colds.
  2. Aquamaris, Humer (saline spray for flushing the sinuses) is harmless to the mother and early embryo.
  3. Pharyngosept has a bacteriostatic effect, a drug for the throat, is effective for pharyngitis and for side symptoms of the common cold.
  4. Viburcol is often prescribed by doctors for pregnant women, it is known as an analgesic and sedative for colds, accompanied by fever and sore throat.
Attention: The rest of the drugs should be taken only with the consent of the doctor. The main danger lies in ignorance of the principle of action of the main component on the fetus!

If it seems to you that you have a cold as a clear symptom of pregnancy, there is no way to visit a doctor or go to a pharmacy in the next 24 hours, stop using drugs of dubious effect on the embryo:
  • antibiotics:
  • Aspirin;
  • Pertussin;
  • Glycodine;
Better to brew tea with linden flowers, drink it warm with honey and lemon or raspberry jam. Use onions and garlic in cooking. Whiskey can be smeared with Vietnamese balsam "Zvezdochka". Pregnant women should never soar their feet and take a hot bath! If your pregnancy is confirmed by pharmacy tests, try to get cured as soon as possible and take care of yourself in the future!