Is it possible to get pregnant at low body temperature. Reasons for increasing and decreasing t ° during pregnancy

Reading time: 7 minutes

When carrying a baby, a woman will take special care so as not to get sick, because this can have a bad effect on the health of not only herself, but also the fetus. In addition, not every drug can be used during this period. However, the temperature during pregnancy does not always indicate the presence of a disease, for example, in the early trimesters nothing can be done with it - this indicates that the female body has begun to actively increase the level of progesterone.

What is temperature

To obtain reliable data, doctors advise pregnant women to measure body temperature not in the usual way - under the armpit, but in the mouth, groin or anus, and it is recommended to do this at rest. This temperature is called basal. It can be the first sign of pregnancy. Her graph allows you to judge the stage of a woman's menstrual cycle, to reveal the presence of ovulation or abnormalities in the work of the endocrine system.

What is the temperature during pregnancy

With regular measurement of the basal temperature, you can determine the onset of pregnancy at the earliest possible date. Normally, in the second phase of the menstrual cycle, it should be below 37 degrees, but for most women it is kept in the region of 37.4-37.5 degrees. This indicator begins to decline 1-2 days before the onset of menstruation or in its first days. The body temperature during early pregnancy remains the same, even if the female calendar speaks of the imminent onset of menstruation. This happens because the level of progesterone gradually rises in the woman's body.

Overestimated data in the second phase of the menstrual cycle are considered normal and this is due to the active production of important hormones, in this way the walls of the uterus are prepared for possible embryo implantation. Starting from about the fourth week, when measuring indicators, you can notice their downward trend. In the fifth or sixth month, the schedule is completely back to normal and remains so until the end of pregnancy.

Can there be a temperature during pregnancy

Decreased immunity, changes in the hormonal background of the expectant mother, climatic conditions, overwork or severe stress are common reasons why the temperature is increased in the first weeks of pregnancy. In addition, if the conception was unplanned, this may indicate the imminent appearance of a child in your life. The normal body temperature in pregnant women should be within 37 degrees, and the phenomenon itself is always short-lived.

Elevated temperature

However, if the thermometer scale unexpectedly rises above 37.5, it is worth worrying, and at any time. An increase in temperature during early pregnancy indicates the onset of an inflammatory or infectious disease and threatens a miscarriage. With a fever in the last trimesters, this can negatively affect the life and health of the unborn child. For these reasons, you should not postpone a visit to the doctor.


In any case, if you have a fever or other incomprehensible symptoms, it is better to consult a doctor and find out the cause of this phenomenon. The most common are:

  • SARS or flu. The thermometer can go up to 39 degrees. The rest of the symptoms of a cold are weakness in the body, chills, burning sensation in the eyes, a cough or a runny nose may appear.
  • Bronchitis, laryngitis or other diseases of the respiratory system. Symptoms such as cough, perspiration, or sore throat accompany a pregnancy with a fever.
  • Disorders in the work of the endocrine gland bring an increase in appetite, while weight loss, disturbances in the emotional background (tearfulness or irritability), an increase in temperature up to 38 degrees.
  • Intestinal infections are usually accompanied by additional symptoms: stool disturbance, fever, nausea, or vomiting.
  • Diseases of the urinary tract or kidneys - cystitis, pyelonephritis. Most often occur in pregnant women in the second or third trimester. In addition to fever, pulling back pain and painful urination may appear.
  • Children's infectious diseases - measles, lupus, chicken pox can also cause chills. All of these infections are accompanied by a rash on the body, severe fever, and weakness.
  • Other reasons are allergic reactions, stress, physical strain, early toxicosis, the presence of ectopic pregnancies or inflammatory diseases of internal organs.

What is dangerous

Temperature is considered threatening in pregnant women, which has risen above 38 degrees and lasts more than three days without lowering. It is precisely this resistance that can cause various adverse effects on the health of the baby. At the same time, gynecologists say that you need to be especially careful during the period from 4 to 14 weeks of gestation.... At this stage, fever can provoke miscarriage, termination of pregnancy or death of the embryo even before it is attached to the walls of the uterus.

At other stages of pregnancy, an increase in the thermometer scale above this mark or the presence of dangerous infections will entail various mutations and malformations of the child. The most likely are the following defects:

  • impaired mental function;
  • congenital hernias, tight abdomen syndrome and other disorders in the development of the anterior abdominal wall;
  • vascular and heart defects;
  • underdevelopment of limbs, especially fingers, feet and hands;
  • violations in the structure of the facial skull;
  • there are vision problems.

In addition, due to the high temperature, the coagulability of the mother's blood is impaired, which often leads to increased thrombus formation. A torn off blood clot can clog the blood vessels near the placenta, which will lead to oxygen starvation or intrauterine death of the child - a frozen pregnancy or cause a miscarriage. In the third trimester of pregnancy, fever can trigger preterm labor.

Is it worth shooting down

Based on the foregoing, we can conclude that if the thermometer scale is near the 37-37.5 mark, then the temperature should not be knocked down - it is within the normal range. However, this statement is only valid in early pregnancy. In the last trimesters, any minor changes from the norm are considered a pathology and can provoke serious complications, up to the threat of termination of pregnancy.

How to shoot down

Hyperthermia is the body's defense mechanism against all sorts of viruses and infections. With minor increases that do not affect the general condition of the woman, and the absence of additional symptoms of viral infections, doctors recommend waiting with active treatment. Otherwise, you cannot do without special antipyretic medications. Given the fact that most medications have many contraindications, only a doctor can decide how to bring down the temperature during pregnancy. Without consulting him, you can:

  • In the presence of symptoms of acute respiratory viral infections or other viral diseases - take a pill of Paracetamol, but do not forget that prolonged use of this drug can adversely affect the kidneys and liver, as well as cause dysfunction of hematopoiesis. You can drink Paracetamol a maximum of 4 times a day.
  • Take vitamins and immunostimulating agents that are not contraindicated for pregnant women, for example, the drug Viferon.
  • No antibiotics, antifungal and antiviral agents can be taken without a doctor's recommendation. Aspirin, often used as an antipyretic agent, is also banned. This medicine is especially dangerous in the first trimester, when fetal organs and tissues are forming.

Traditional methods

Considering that most of the active components of drugs, along with the blood flow, can penetrate to the fetus, it is advisable to resort to non-drug methods of treatment at home. If you do not suffer from kidney disease or gestosis, to prevent further intoxication, you must drink as much warm or hot liquid as possible. This can be warm milk or special teas with mint, lemon, honey, and raspberries that you use to treat colds or viral infections.

Hot baths and wrapping in a blanket are categorically contraindicated. They can reflexively increase the tone of the uterus, provoke premature birth or miscarriage. Instead, wipe down with a damp cloth soaked in a solution of 1.5% vinegar and water. Evaporation of moisture from the skin's surface will increase heat transfer and lower body temperature.

Reduced temperature

Hypothermia is a state of the body in which heat transfer processes are accelerated. A low temperature during pregnancy is a good reason for urgent medical attention. A decrease in the thermometer mark below 36.6 degrees can provoke general weakness, severe headaches, dizziness and clouding of consciousness, up to fainting. Such thermoregulatory disruptions increase sweating and negatively affect the course of pregnancy.


This phenomenon in pregnant women often occurs in the early stages. The reason for the decrease in basal temperature can be:

  • individual characteristics of the female body - under such circumstances, you should not worry;
  • fluctuations in blood sugar;
  • overwork, physical activity;
  • hormonal changes;
  • insufficient production of the hormone progesterone;
  • the development of iron deficiency anemia;
  • malfunctions of the endocrine system;
  • lack of nutrients and vitamins in the body;
  • late toxicosis, against the background of general intoxication of the body.

How to treat

If the cause of this phenomenon was not any disease or disturbance in the work of the internal systems of the body, then the treatment of low rectal temperature is simple - adherence to the general daily routine. It is important for a pregnant woman to eat a healthy and varied diet, get good sleep and spend a lot of time outdoors. Here, too, it is important to find a safe treatment. Low basal body temperature can be normalized by following these tips:

  • To improve your condition, you can sign up for gymnastics or go to the pool.
  • Strongly brewed tea with sugar or honey helps to raise the temperature.
  • The thermometer will rise after the ginger drink you have drunk, but if this root vegetable is not to your taste, replace it with beet or carrot juice.
  • So that the future baby does not suffer from temperature changes in the future, take vitamin complexes.


The temperature in the early stages of pregnancy may deviate slightly from the norm, but this does not always indicate the presence of pathology. The fact is that during this period, a restructuring of the woman's body occurs, as a result of which heat transfer slows down.

Early temperature

From the first days of pregnancy, the body of the expectant mother begins to actively rebuild. First of all, this concerns the hormonal background, which is responsible for the heat transfer of the body. At the same time, the woman feels tired and excessively sleepy. Given this anomaly, in the first weeks of pregnancy, a temperature of 37 is normal.

Medical research shows that after conception, a woman's levels of progesterone, which is considered one of the most important hormones in the body, rise sharply. During this period, the main thing is that symptoms of the disease do not appear in parallel with the rise in temperature. In this case, you urgently need to go to the doctor for examination, since even the smallest infection can negatively affect the fetus.

The temperature in early pregnancy should not exceed 37.2 degrees. Do not forget that excessive exposure to the sun can also lead to an increase in performance. In any case, if the temperature is slightly abnormal, and there are no signs of illness, it is recommended to stay in the fresh air more.

If the thermometer shows 37.5 and above, then this already indicates the presence of an infection in the body. It will not be superfluous to go to a therapist and pass the necessary tests. An infection, whatever it may be, threatens a miscarriage at any time.

When to bring down the temperature

Up to an indicator of 37.5 degrees, resorting to medication is strictly contraindicated. It is impossible to bring down such a temperature during pregnancy, even if mommy has a cold. In this case, the body itself fights the infection. According to doctors, any intervention can significantly reduce the immune defense and allow the disease to develop at an extraordinary rate.

The temperature in the early stages of pregnancy goes astray only when the mark of 37.5 degrees is exceeded. However, even here you should not immediately resort to medications. In the first trimester, it is recommended to limit yourself to such folk methods as rubbing and lemon tea. Some mothers start eating raspberries with spoons all day long, but at this stage of pregnancy, any berry is the strongest allergen.

If the temperature reaches 38.5, then you can bring it down, but before that it is better to call a doctor. A high fever is a huge risk for the baby developing inside the mother, but antibiotics can only be used in the very last case.

Also, scientists have proven that regular walks in the fresh air are better than any drugs to normalize body temperature. In the first months, expectant mothers should be at rest and eat right.

Reduced temperature

If the thermometer readings are slightly lower than usual, then you should already be on your guard. Such a temperature in the first weeks of pregnancy can be caused by exhaustion of the body as a result of severe toxicosis. On the other hand, this phenomenon is sometimes associated with problems of the endocrine system. Treatment in this case should only be given by a therapist, since folk remedies are powerless here. If the temperature does not rise above 36.3 for a long time, then the time has come to contact an endocrinologist.

In rare cases, indicators below normal indicate a cold, when the immune system is so weakened that it cannot cope with the virus, and the body is unable to control heat exchange. Also, a low temperature can be the result of unintentional starvation due to toxicosis. Therefore, in the first couples, you should restore your appetite.

A low temperature always leads to weakness and dizziness. In such cases, it is recommended to be outdoors more often.

Basal body temperature

It is possible with a high probability to judge about diseases and pathologies in the body, as well as about its reproductive state. Many doctors advise expectant mothers to regularly measure the basal temperature even before conception, in order to subsequently observe the dynamics of its change. In some women, it is permanently increased based on the characteristics of the body.

As you know, the basal measurement method shows the internal body temperature. It often differs by tenths of a degree from the usual one. Measurements are taken in the rectum, however, it is important to adhere to a few rules:

The procedure should take place in a horizontal position;
- the duration varies up to 7 minutes;
- the optimal time of day is morning.

The basal temperature in the early stages is determined in the same way as before conception, and the difference in indicators should be no more than 5 divisions on the thermometer. In addition, measurements can be taken vaginally. The main thing is that the procedure is repeated every day at the same time.

Increased basal temperature

A deviation from the norm is always noticed with the onset of ovulation and lasts up to several days. Such changes are associated with an increase in the level of progesterone in the body. So the basal temperature during the cycle is fixed at around 37, when on other days it does not exceed 36.7. If the deviation lasts for a long time, then there is a high probability of pregnancy.

Basal temperature in the early stages in most cases reaches 37.2. You do not need to be afraid of these changes, but it is worth making an appointment with a doctor. Of course, an increased temperature can also indicate an inflammatory process in the body, so it is important to pay attention to additional symptoms.

In pregnant women, basal rates can sometimes reach 37.5, but if the 38 mark is exceeded, then it is worth sounding the alarm. This temperature can have dire consequences for the fetus. In addition, high basal rates may indicate an ectopic pregnancy. In other words, if the temperature is above 37.5, then you need to think about treatment. You should resort to medication only after consulting a doctor.

Basal temperature dynamics

The norm is indicators from 37 to 37.3 degrees. In rare cases, the temperature in the early stages of pregnancy can reach 38. Exceeding this mark is a signal of an inflammatory process or a cold. If mommy has such a dynamic, then you should immediately undergo a full medical examination. It is important at the initial stage of the disease to determine its causes, in order to then begin treatment.

Do not forget that the basal temperature can rise even after minor stress or intercourse. That is why it is best measured in the morning at rest. Sex hormones can also be the reason for the increased rates.

Why high temperature is dangerous

Despite the fact that indicators up to 37.2 are the norm, throughout the entire period the mother should be under the supervision of specialists. The temperature at the beginning of pregnancy can vary around 37, but by the end of the first trimester, it should drop to 36.8. The fact is that the increased indicators of the thermometer can indicate both an ectopic and a frozen pregnancy. This can be diagnosed by ultrasound.

Also, a high temperature in the first trimester of pregnancy disrupts the blood supply to the placenta, because protein synthesis is significantly impaired. In this case, the risk of miscarriage is high. In the first months of the term, it is especially important to pay attention to various symptoms of ailment in order to prevent the consequences in time.

Fever from illness

Pregnant women are most at risk of contracting even the smallest virus. An elevated temperature in the first trimester can signal flu, pneumonia, pyelonephritis, and other illnesses. The main hidden symptoms of this ailment are a slight fever and severe weakness. Pregnant women are often confused with normal fatigue during body restructuring.

Nevertheless, if the temperature exceeds 38 degrees and signs of SARS appear, treatment should be started urgently. Otherwise, such irreversible consequences are possible during the development of the embryo, such as mental retardation, microcephaly, CNS defects, muscle hypotension, etc.

What to do at high temperatures

First, you need to see a doctor. In addition to medication treatment, it is recommended to adhere to simple tips for disease prevention:

1. In no case should you overcool.

2. It is important to regularly ventilate the room.

3. Contact with strangers is excluded, since during illness the body is especially vulnerable, there is a risk of catching some more virus.

4. It is necessary to regularly rinse your nose and mouth.

5. It is important to continue to monitor proper nutrition.

An increase in body temperature of any person always has its own reasons. And during pregnancy, they are also there. One of the few is changes in hormonal levels and thermoregulation as a reaction to the pregnancy itself. This is a sign of a woman's new position and fluctuates within the subfebrile range. The temperature may not drop for a long time. If other reasons for its increase are excluded, do not worry and do not take any measures.

It happens that some kind of inflammatory process occurs in the body of a pregnant woman. But when registering and in the subsequent time, a woman takes a lot of tests, which, if available, will reveal this problem as well.

However, more often, a fever during pregnancy is a symptom. And in this case, you need to start with a medical consultation. It is the doctor who must diagnose you correctly and prescribe treatment. Indeed, during pregnancy, turning to drugs is an extreme measure and requires special qualifications. But with low temperature rises, home treatment can be completely dispensed with: during the period of epidemics and viruses, the clinic is not the best place for a pregnant woman.

Drug-free treatment is best during pregnancy

If the temperature is low, take folk remedies. The first and foremost of them is drinking plenty of fluids. You really need to drink a lot, but due to your position, be extremely careful: excess fluid can lead to unwanted swelling. There is usually no reason to limit yourself to drinking. But in the second and third, the amount of fluid consumed will have to be controlled.

As a drink, sweet tea with lemon, a weak decoction of chamomile or linden, fruit drinks, raspberries are suitable. Milk with butter and honey helps very well. An important condition: the drink should be warm, but in no case hot.

When the temperature rises (about 38 degrees), you can brew herbal tea from raspberries (2 tablespoons), coltsfoot leaves (4 tablespoons), plantain (3 tablespoons). But you need to take it only one tablespoon four times a day.

Another recipe: 1 teaspoon of finely chopped white willow bark, pour 1 glass of boiling water, cool. Drink 1 tablespoon 4 times a day. Or you can make a coniferous cocktail (though you should do this in advance). Grind 100 g of young fir shoots or pine buds and 50 g of raspberry roots. Place in a glass jar, pouring in 100 g of sugar. Add 1 tablespoon of boiling water, leave for 24 hours, and then heat it for another 6-8 hours in a water bath. Leave to stand for 2 days, drain the resulting bright raspberry juice. Store it in a cool, dark place and take 1 tablespoon 4-5 times before meals.

You will need to monitor your temperature as often as you have never done before. Because a lot depends on its performance. Medicinal methods of lowering it are very undesirable now, but at certain rates, the temperature can threaten the developing fetus.

If the temperature has risen slightly, then the above funds will be quite enough. A low temperature does not pose a threat to the life and development of the baby. Therefore, it is quite possible to get by with traditional medicine. A short-term increase in body temperature by 1-1.5 degrees does not have a serious detrimental effect on the child. But there are situations when you cannot waste time on wiping-off teas and you should actively act.

When to bring down the temperature during pregnancy:

  • the temperature cannot be brought down by folk methods for a long time;
  • despite all attempts to lower the temperature without medication, it is still growing rapidly;
  • an increase in temperature is caused (possible intoxication is too dangerous for the mother and fetus);
  • body temperature reaches 38 C;
  • in later stages, the temperature should be knocked down after 37.5 C.

Why is high fever dangerous during pregnancy?

  • intoxication of the body with harmful substances can cause disturbances in the work of the cardiovascular system;
  • for a long time, a non-decreasing temperature in a pregnant woman can lead to a change in protein synthesis;
  • high temperature can affect the state of the placenta, which in turn often leads to premature birth;
  • high temperature can cause various disorders in the development of organs and systems of the fetus.

Dangerous during pregnancy is considered a temperature starting from 37.8 C. Reaching the 38-degree mark, it already affects the development of the child's nervous system and can affect his mental abilities.

How to bring down the temperature during pregnancy?

Let's start with how you can not bring down the temperature during pregnancy. Now it is contraindicated, especially for the first and: in the early stages, acetylsalicylic acid threatens to terminate pregnancy, in the late stages - bleeding and protracted nature of childbirth. In addition, Aspirin can cause fetal malformations. If necessary, take something based on Paracetamol: Panadol, Efferalgan, Tylenol, Paracet. Indomethacin is also possible: Metindol, Indomethacin-Darnitsa, Vramed. But you should always start with half the dose and only as a last resort.

There is evidence that the active use of Paracetamol can lead to disorders in the functioning of the liver and kidneys. Therefore, it is advisable to dispense with a single dose of the medication. Otherwise, you should contact your doctor to clarify the dosage.

So, if the mark on the thermometer reaches critical for pregnant women (that is, up to 38), take half of Paracetamol and call the doctor at home.

Specially for- Elena Kichak

A woman who is in an interesting position, upon receiving good news, begins to be especially attentive to her health.

Many women notice that they have a temperature of 37. During pregnancy, this phenomenon can be called a rule rather than an exception.

Of course, you should see a doctor and dispel your doubts. But if you decide to become a mother, then it will not be superfluous to know what will happen in the body for a long 9 months and how this will affect the change in body temperature.

The reasons for keeping the temperature of 37.3 during pregnancy for a long time can be both natural changes occurring in the body of the expectant mother, and various diseases.

One should not turn a blind eye to this condition. Often it causes unnecessary worries and doubts.

Negative emotions are not very good for a child, so you should see a doctor and allay your fears.

Practice shows that in 8 cases out of 10 a slight increase in temperature during the entire period becomes a variant of the norm.... But a lot depends on the duration of pregnancy.

First trimester changes

If the temperature drops, then this indicates a threat of interruption. Most often, the cause of this pathology is the insufficiency of the corpus luteum and, as a result, the release of a small amount of progesterone.

Temperature 37 during early pregnancy is a physiological reaction of the body to a new state. In order for the embryo to develop correctly, and the body does not perceive it as a foreign body, a decrease in immune defense occurs.

This process is laid down by nature and does not require the help of people or the reception of any funds. A natural decrease in immunity cannot but affect the temperature values. Many women during this period feel ailments: headache, drowsiness, increased fatigue.

The risk of colds also increases. But if there are no additional symptoms of the disease, then you should not worry. In the coming weeks, your condition will improve, and your pregnancy will move to a new stage - the second trimester.

Temperature 37 during pregnancy (in the first trimester) often appears due to the release of progesterone. This hormone is designed to support pregnancy.... It is produced by the adrenal glands and the corpus luteum formed in the ovary after ovulation.

Progesterone is necessary to relax the muscles, so women often experience problems with stool and urination (urge to urge more often) in early pregnancy.

Progesterone affects thermoregulation and the functioning of the pituitary gland. It is not surprising that temperature fluctuations occur because of it.

It is most noticeable in the evening. By measuring your body temperature after a hard day, you can see values ​​reaching up to 37.5 degrees, which is not a cause for concern.

Separately, it should be mentioned that a basal temperature of 37 during pregnancy is good.

Not all women are faced with the need to control these values. But for those who have experienced problems with conception or difficulties in the early stages, this becomes a necessity.

Pay attention to the fact that the temperature can also rise with an ectopic pregnancy. It is possible to establish this pathology reliably only with the help of ultrasound.

Changes in the second trimester

It is important that high thermometer readings, determined in the second trimester, are much more likely to indicate pathology than indicators at the beginning of pregnancy.

With the onset of the second third of pregnancy, the placenta is formed in a woman. But she cannot immediately take on all the tasks, so the corpus luteum will function for another 1-3 weeks. As you already know, it releases progesterone, which provokes slight increases in body temperature.

Very soon, the placenta will take over the tasks of the ovaries and will secrete the pregnancy hormone on its own. From this moment, the expectant mother can notice an improvement in her well-being: mood swings occur less often, toxicosis and drowsiness disappear.

But a body temperature of 37 during pregnancy in the second trimester can still persist for natural reasons.

The second third of pregnancy requires the rapid growth of the embryo.

If in the early stages there is only its formation and the appearance of organs, the formation of systems, now all this will grow at an incredible rate.

This additional load especially affects the cardiovascular and excretory systems.

If a woman has some kind of chronic diseases (for example, venous insufficiency or pyelonephritis), then an increase in temperature may occur precisely for these reasons.

Therefore, if any extraneous symptoms are found, it is imperative to consult a doctor for advice.

Third trimester

A temperature of 37.1-37.3 during pregnancy in the third trimester is usually no longer a normal option.

Sometimes this condition, in the early stages, is physiology and does not indicate deviations.

Also, women with a violation of the pituitary gland can stay in a similar temperature regime constantly.

But statistics show that the third part of pregnancy usually proceeds with normal thermometer readings. What can a slight increase in temperature indicate?

Acute period of the disease

The immune system makes the body of the expectant mother especially vulnerable in the early stages, in the first trimester. But even before childbirth, it cannot be called strong.

Therefore, very often a woman picks up a viral infection:

  • flu,
  • a cold
  • intestinal diseases.

For 3-5 days in this case, the expectant mother has a temperature. If it does not reach critical levels, but keeps within 37.2-37.6, then nothing needs to be done.

Organization of appropriate conditions, peace and positive emotions will quickly return a pregnant woman to a normal life.

Under no circumstances should you carry the disease on your feet, since you are responsible not only for yourself, but also for your baby..

Recurrent chronic pathologies

A temperature of 37-37.5 in a pregnant woman can be diagnosed with chronic diseases or sluggish pathologies.

Usually, their exacerbation occurs with an increase in the load on the body. So, over time, the volume of blood increases, and the obstructed outflow of urine can affect the functioning of the kidneys and bladder.

Chronic rhinitis, tonsillitis are often exacerbated in expectant mothers. There is also the concept “ asymptomatic bacteriuria"Which often develops in the last trimester.

At the same time, the expectant mother may not observe any signs of illness, except for a slight increase in temperature. Only a specialist can establish the correct diagnosis.

External influence of factors

An increase in the mark of the thermometer to 37.5 degrees and above can happen when overheating. This happens more often in hot weather. For the expectant mother and her baby, this is not the best condition. Therefore, when going on vacation, do not forget about a hat and sunscreen.

Slight fluctuations in temperature in a woman in a position can be the result of eating hot or spicy food.

Exercise (swimming, cycling, or house cleaning) will also induce a slight rise. The value 37.4 on the thermometer can be seen after sexual intercourse.

The influence of external factors can be very easily distinguished from a pathological process.

If the expectant mother unexpectedly discovered that she had an elevated temperature in the early stages of pregnancy, then it is worthwhile to re-measure it after a while.

If within a day the hyperthermia disappeared, then we can say with a high probability that it arose under the influence of external provocateurs.

When does a woman need treatment?

If you have a temperature of 37 in the early stages, then you should not immediately panic and grab onto medications. First, visit a doctor and find out about the causes of this condition.

With a natural reaction of the body to external stimuli or physiological reasons for hyperthermia, usually no action is required.

Remember that taking any medications can now adversely affect the formation and development of the fetus. When a doctor detects a pathology, women are recommended certain treatment regimens that are safe for her condition.

  • In viral infections, permitted immunomodulators and homeopathy (Oscillococcinum, Grippferon, Viburkol) are often used. Peace and comfortable conditions are shown to the woman.
  • Treatment of bacterial diseases requires the use of antibiotics and antimicrobial agents. This is a very serious decision that the doctor makes after weighing all the pros and cons. Expectant mothers are usually prescribed penicillin drugs and only from the second third of pregnancy. Treatment involves the subsequent restoration of microflora and vitamin therapy.
  • The need for treatment of chronic diseases is determined by the physician. Some situations do not provide for emergency therapy and may well be eliminated after delivery.

Don't forget about symptomatic treatment. Expectant mothers need to try to lower their body temperature when it exceeds the 37.5 degrees mark. Otherwise, this condition can be dangerous for the baby and negatively affect the work of the placenta.

The use of folk remedies

To reduce the high temperature, the expectant mother needs a plentiful drink: fruit drinks, fruit drinks, milk, water without gases and everything that a woman loves.

Hot drinks should not be consumed. Their temperature should be as comfortable as possible. You can use decoctions of chamomile, linden,.

But you should be careful with herbal drinks, as they can provoke allergies. Rubbing with water will help lower your body temperature by 0.5 degrees.

It is strictly forbidden to add vinegar or alcohol to the water. If within an hour the thermometer values ​​have not decreased or they continue to grow, then you will have to resort to drug treatments for hyperthermia.