True friends are one of the most valuable treasures of our life! Practical Exercise "Bridge of Friendship"

Lesson topic: "Friendship is more valuable than wealth."

Target: foster a sense of tolerance in the classroom.

to form moral qualities: the ability to be friends, to value friendship;
to form students' culture of communication (communication skills);
to form the ability to express their opinion, defend it, as well as admit that they are wrong in case of an error.

Event progress

1. Organizational moment.

Let's start our class hour with a poem:

Who believes in friendship fervently,
Who feels the shoulder next to
He will never fall
In any trouble it will not be lost
And if he stumbles suddenly,
Then a friend will help him to get up!
Always in trouble a reliable friend
He will hold out his hand.

- Guys, what is this poem about? (About friendship).

2. The main part.

1. Conversation:

- The topic of our lesson is "Friendship is more valuable than wealth."

- Imagine a scale. Friendship is on one cup, and wealth on the other. Which cup outweighs? What's more important?

- Of course, friendship will tip the scales, because sooner or later the money will run out, but friendship will remain forever.

- So what is friendship? How do you think?

In Ozhogov's dictionary, friendship is a close relationship based on mutual trust, affection, common interests.

In our life, literary works, we also often come across this concept.

2. Model - Friend

- And what qualities should a true friend have? Let's make a model of the word FRIEND





Friendship is a high feeling, into which self-interest and profit cannot interfere. If in a person's thoughts there is such a formula “You - to me, I - to you”, this is not friendship. Friendship should be selfless.

(I post a sign on the board).

After all, you need to be friends not for the sake of profit. Not so that they do something good to you, but for pleasant communication. We must be able to help each other, show attention, sensitivity.

- Guys, do you have friends?

- What qualities do your friends have? What are your friends? Do they have these qualities?

(Kind, funny, smart, etc.)

The words kindness, attention, responsiveness, loyalty, help allow us to characterize the concepts of "friendship" and "friend".

3. Poem

Now listen to another poem and think about whether this hero can be called a real friend and why.

A friend reminded me yesterday
How much he did me good:
He gave me a pencil once
In the wall newspaper, almost in every one,
He mentioned me.
I fell and got wet all over -
He helped me dry.
He's for a sweet friend
He did not regret the pie:
Once he gave me a bite,
And now I presented the invoice.
Doesn't attract me guys
No longer attracts to a friend.

Or maybe friendship will fall apart? What are the reasons?

A friend is the person who worries, worries, worries and rejoices for his friend, that is, is responsible for the other.

4. Resolution of situations.

- Let's now try to show our best sides in resolving problem situations.


1. Two good friends, Sasha and Seryozha, talking about their pets, begin to argue and swear, because Sasha likes dogs and he considers them the best, and Seryozha likes cats, he considers them the best animals in the world. The boys quarreled and don't talk anymore.

- Please comment on the situation. What would you do?

2. “Bad”.

The dog barked furiously, falling on its front paws. Directly in front of her, huddled against the fence, sat a little disheveled kitten. He opened his mouth wide and meowed pitifully. Two boys stood nearby and waited for what would happen. A woman looked out the window and hurriedly ran out onto the porch. She drove the dog away and angrily shouted to the boys:
- Shame on you!
- What is embarrassing? We didn't do anything! - the boys were surprised.
“This is bad,” the woman replied angrily.

- Why is the story called "Bad"? What is the fault of the boys?

3. The class went down the stairs at the school. And suddenly one of the students - Vera slipped, waved her briefcase and fell. When she fell, she accidentally pushed Ira, who was descending in front, and hit Kolya with her briefcase. How did the guys react to the incident? Ira shouted: “Why are you pushing? Here is an awkward, kind of muddler! " after Ira, Petya said loudly: “Not a muddler, but a blind hen. We have to look under our feet. ” Katya laughed loudly. The rest of the children walked by with an air as if nothing had happened. And only Oksana said: “Guys, why did you attack her? Was she pushing on purpose? She fell! ” And Oksana went to Vera, helped her up, dusted off her dress.

- Which of the children behaved correctly and why do you think so?

- Guys, I have a few more situations, and for this you will have to divide into 3 microgroups, your task is to get acquainted with these situations, be able to explain and choose the correct answer.

1st question

Vitya and Vanya are friends. They go to and from school together. They live in the same house. They play together in the yard. Vitya is a good student, Vanya is not very good. Vitya is kind to Vanya, constantly letting him copy homework. Perhaps this is real friendship. What would you do if you were Viti?

1. Would also give to write off.

2. Helped a friend to do his homework.

3. Told the teacher that Vanya was cheating.

2nd question

Masha and Lena are good friends. They go to the dining room together to dine. Sometimes Lena doesn't have enough money for buns. Masha sees this and says: “I have money, and I could give it to you, but my mother does not allow me to give money to anyone.” What would you do if you were Masha?

1. I would not lend money either.

2. Would lend money in secret from my mother.

3. I would try to convince my mother that she was wrong, a real friend will always help out in difficult times.

3 question

Children ran in the yard. Vova fell and broke his knee, blood began to flow. He began to cry. Andrey went up to him, laughed and said: “Well, why are you crying, you bastard? Your knee will heal! " What would you do if you were Andrei?

1. Would laugh too.

2. I would wait until Vova gets up himself.

3. I would have helped Vova to get up, expressed sympathy and took him home.

- Remember again - what should be a real friend?

5. Fairy-tale characters.

- The names of the fairytale characters are written on the board. Who are our heroes friends with?

- Funny chipmunks Chip and ... (Dale).
- Kind Snow White and ... (7 dwarfs).
- Funny Winnie the Pooh and ... (Piglet).
- Good Kid and ... (Carlson).
- Gullible Buratipo and ... (Malvina).
- Green crocodile and ... (Cheburashka).

What was the friendship of these heroes?

6. Collect the proverbs.

- There are many proverbs about friendship. But the proverbs I have crumbled. They need to be collected.

A friend in need is a friend indeed.
Money can't buy a friend.
Look for a friend, but you will find - take care.
An old friend is better than two new ones.
The tree is supported by its roots, and the person is held by friends.

Friendship is like glass: if you break it, you won't fold it.

Tell me who your friend is, and I'll tell you who you are.

Not the friend who walks at the feast, but the one who helps in trouble.

The friend argues, and the enemy agrees.

- Let's explain the meaning of these proverbs.

7. Friendship is the main miracle.

Guys, read the epigraph on the board:

“Friendship is always the main miracle.
One hundred discoveries for all of us.
And any trouble is not a problem.
If your friends are real ”

- And let's see if it is possible to call friendship, the main miracle, using the example of the next story?

An excerpt from the story of MV Vodopyanov "One for all and all for one."

“The outstanding mathematician Lev Semyonovich Pontryagin went blind when he was still a pupil of an elementary school. His eyes ached, an unsuccessful operation was performed, and the boy plunged into gloomy darkness forever. The boy was depressed by the catastrophe that overtook him.

One day his comrades came home and firmly declared that they would help him with the whole class.

And they helped. Every evening someone came to Lyova to teach lessons with him, read textbooks and books aloud to him. During lessons, a neighbor on a desk told him in an undertone what was written on the blackboard, what experience the teacher was showing. Comrades with Lyova went to the skating rink, to the theater, to concerts, and to lectures.

With the help of loyal friends, Lev Pontryagin graduated with honors from school and entered Moscow University. And good comrades were found here. The students willingly helped the young man. Pontryagin turned out to be a talented mathematician and at the age of 23 he became a professor and a correspondent of the Academy of Sciences ”.

- This is a miracle! Friendship saved a person and true friends! At 23, a blind man became a scientist thanks to his friends. But everything could be different.

8. Laws of friendship.

Now I offer you cards with the laws of friendship by which we will live. Read them carefully and try to stick to them at all times.

Friendship laws.
1. Don't leave your friend in trouble. To be faithful in friendship means to share joys and sorrows with him. A friend may have mistakes, difficulties, trials. To turn away from a friend in difficult times is to betray him.
2. You are not indifferent to what your friend is. Friendship is the moral enrichment of each other.
3. Friendship is, first of all, faith in a person, exactingness towards him. The deeper your faith, the higher your exactingness should be.
4. Friendship and selfishness are incompatible. Never ask your friend to sacrifice for you.
5. Treat your friend the way you would like him to treat you.
6. True friendship is incompatible with calculation.
7. To be demanding of friendship means to have the courage to break it if the friend betrays what the friendship is built for. Unscrupulousness devastates friendship.

3. The final part.

- And in conclusion, I would like to sing with you a song about friendship "If you went out with a friend."

- Let's make our life good, we will help each other in difficult times, appreciate and cherish good and faithful friends. After all, "Friendship is more valuable than wealth." Thank you for your study.

Greetings, my dear readers!

This article is special. Because I want to dedicate it to my best friend - Irka! Today is her birthday and I decided to give her such an original gift!

And today we will talk about such a valuable phenomenon in our world as true friendship.

What this greatest treasure is - real friends, you begin to understand, probably, only when you are already leaving a young age and really, internally, you grow up. Remember how in childhood we considered our friends everyone who got in our way and with whom we talked at least once. In our youth, with its maximalism, we could quite sincerely swear in eternal friendship, and then just as sincerely quarrel in a splash and forever. And only when over the years comes an understanding of how different we are and how much the rest of the people may not care about you (everyone is busy with their own lives and interests), do you begin to realize how wonderful and priceless it is that a person exists in the world who cares if you are or not. And not because he needs something from you or he is somehow interested in you, but just like that. Because he is your friend.

I sometimes wonder what friendship is? Coincidence of interests? Not always. Sometimes friends have completely different interests. Yes, perhaps they came together on the basis of some common interest, but how many more people collide in the same way, but do not become friends. Sympathy? Well, yes, to some extent, most likely. You can hardly make friends with a person who is unpleasant to you. But nevertheless, it often happens that some qualities of your friend simply enrage you, but you tolerate and accept them precisely because he is your friend.

Friendship is a strange thing. It is disinterested. Even love implies desire to receive something in return - a reciprocal feeling, admiration, tenderness. And friendship just exists. True friends may not see each other for years, but at the same time maintain the strength of their friendship. If something happens to your friend, you do not think, "Now I will help him, and then he will somehow help me." You have only one thought - “He feels bad there! He needs help! " And you rush to help. Without calculating and not calculating. And this help does not require any kind of reward or some kind of special gratitude. She is natural - because he is your friend.

Interestingly, it is our friends that we accept as they are. Yes, it happens, we grumble, booze, swear, but in the end we still accept them with all the shortcomings, quirks and "cockroaches in our head."

I think that friendship is understanding and unity at the level of Souls, entities. After all, friendship really cannot be explained from a reasonable point of view. If friendship can be explained (I am friends with him for this reason and for this reason), then this is no longer friendship, but profitable cooperation. Those who have real friends will understand me - friendship just exists. And that's all. It is not explained, not argued, not weighed or evaluated. It just exists as a phenomenon in your life. And that's enough for you.

Now, when in social networks the word "friend" is devalued by thousands of unfamiliar or completely unfamiliar people, so designated, not everyone understands how deep and serious this phenomenon is. Sometimes a friend knows us much better than even our relatives and loved ones. Surely you have read more than once such "instructions" such as "what is not necessary to tell your boyfriend" or "what is better not to talk to your beloved if you want to keep the relationship." But we dump everything on our friends. Because we know - they will understand, accept, console and, if necessary, give advice or a "friendly kick"! :))

With friends, we can be ourselves. We don't need to “look good,” “not touch on controversial topics,” “not look too smart or too stupid," etc. Probably only friends accept us completely - without expecting something in return, without placing any hopes and aspirations.

How wonderful it is that there are friends in our life!

I am grateful to the Universe for my best friends! Irka and both Natashki, thank you for being in my life! I know that you will always support me! Thank you for forgiving me my difficult character and accepting who I am!

And, of course, congratulations to the birthday girl! :))

Happy birthday, Irka !!! :))

I wish you to find in life everything that you have long dreamed of! Find Your Path, on which you will be happy every day! Of course, health-health-health !!! Inspiration, creativity and Favorite Business, not work! Just enough money to be enough for absolutely EVERYTHING you want! Love and understanding of loved ones! And most importantly - more free time to spend with us, with your friends !!! :)))))

“Real friends will never let you do stupid things. One. ":)))

P.S. This photo is over 20 years old! :))

The purpose of the classroom hour: to foster a sense of tolerance in the classroom.

  • to form moral qualities: the ability to be friends, to value friendship;
  • to form students' culture of communication (communication skills);
  • to form the ability to express their opinion, defend it, as well as admit that they are wrong in case of an error.

Equipment: cards with words, pictures of fairy-tale characters, soft toy "dog", model of the sun, gramophone "Smile", "If you went with a friend."

Course of the lesson

Organizing time.

- Dear guests! We are glad to welcome you to our class hour. The children enter the class to the song “If you went out with a friend” and sit in a circle. (In advance, the children were distributed by drawing lots into 3 teams: red, green, yellow.) For each correct answer, they received tokens.

Who believes in friendship fervently.
Who feels the shoulder next.
He will never fall
In any trouble it will not be lost
And if he stumbles suddenly.
Then a friend will help him to get up!
Always in trouble a reliable friend
He will hold out his hand.

Introductory speech of the teacher

- Guys, what is this poem about?

The most beautiful gift after wisdom that nature could bestow on us is friendship. (La Rochefoucauld)

- Look at the chalkboard and read the topic of our lesson "Friendship is more valuable than wealth."

- Imagine a scale. Friendship is on one cup, and wealth on the other. Which cup outweighs? What's more important?

- Of course, friendship will tip the scales, because sooner or later the money will run out, but friendship will remain forever.

- What is friendship? Friendship is a relationship based on mutual affection, community of interests.

In V. Dahl's dictionary, friendship is “disinterested persistent affection”.

- Now I will introduce you to a very old and wise parable.


Once upon a time there lived a rich man in the mountains. He had a huge flock of sheep and the same number of friends.

Once trouble came to his house. Thieves entered his sheepfold one night and stole all the sheep. When in the morning the owner came to the sheepfold,

to drive their flock to graze, not a single sheep was there. The owner of the sheepfold sighed heavily and wept. All his many years of work were in vain, and the family became impoverished overnight. Soon the whole district knew about what a disaster befell the owner of the sheepfold. Another day passed and at dawn the owner saw a cloud of dust on the road. It kept getting bigger and bigger. Soon he was able to make out the people in the cloud of dust. These were his friends. Each of his friends did not walk empty-handed, leading a small flock of sheep. When they entered his yard, he realized that his friends had come to help him.

Since then, his herd has become several times larger than before. Every morning when he went to drive out his flock, he remembered the eyes of his friends who saved the life of his family.

- Well done! You have understood the meaning of this parable very correctly.

- Your homework for school hour was to find and memorize as many proverbs about friendship as possible. Please raise your hands who have found such proverbs. Now you will be working in groups. From the proverbs you have chosen, you need to choose those that, in your opinion, very accurately express the meaning of the parable.

- Children work in groups. Then each team calls proverbs in turn.

Possible options:

- Don't have a hundred rubles, but have a hundred friends.
- Friendship is worth more than gold.
- A friend in need is a friend indeed.
- There is no price for a faithful friend.
- There are no distances for friendship.
- You will not get to know your friend without trouble.
- A man without friends is like a tree without roots.
- If you don't have a friend, look for it, but if you find it, take care of it.

- You did a good job, and all the proverbs really correspond to this parable.

Friendship warms hearts. It is needed by adults and children in any life situation. And where does friendship begin?

Children - With a smile.

- Right, guys, with a smile. The song is sung about this. (Song "Smile" - verse 1) Children perform dance moves. Smile at each other, sit down in your seats.

Group work.

- What should be a friend? I offer you cards with words. Choose and highlight the qualities that a friend should have.

Children work in groups.

The words are written on the cards:

- What qualities did you choose? Why?

- Why did you leave the qualities with the words "anger, boasting, indifference, greed, laziness, envy, selfishness"?

- Why does friendship fall apart?

- What needs to be done so that the friendship does not fall apart?

(Children deduce the rules themselves, which are posted on the board.)

Friendship rules

- Concede.

- Do not be afraid to ask for forgiveness if you offended a friend.

- Don't be rude. Don't be angry.

- Don't be greedy.

- To be honest.

- Help a friend.

- With a good friend, it's more fun with luck, easier in trouble.

- Do not quarrel or argue with a friend over trifles.

- Don't sneak, you'd better fix it yourself.

- Do not be arrogant if you did something very well.

- Do not be angry and do not be discouraged if something did not work out for you.

- In conversation, in the game, do not be rude, do not shout.

By observing these rules of friendship, I think you will never lose a friend.

Practical Exercise "Bridge of Friendship"

The teacher asks the children to form pairs at will, to come up with and show a bridge (with the help of arms, legs, torso). Then build a bridge for three, four, etc. The exercise ends with everyone joining hands, raising their hands up, depicting the "Bridge of Friendship".

Let's never quarrel, let's make our life good, let's help each other in difficult times. We will try to comply with the laws of friendship. And let's say to each other the words of the patient and kindest cat Leopold: "Guys, let's live together."

- Yes, you say the word friendship and immediately remember the funny cartoon characters. The world of cinema, the world of books, our world in which we live, which gives us wonderful communication with friends. Let's listen to a friendship poem prepared by our boys and girls.

What is friendship, everyone knows?
Maybe it's funny to ask.
Well, all the same, what does it mean.
This word? So what is it?
Friendship - if your friend is sick
And he can't come to school,
Visit him of your own free will,
Bring school lessons.
If your friend is something to regret
Did badly or didn't say
It must be honest, right without a doubt
To speak the truth in his eyes.
Maybe he won't be able to understand everything,
Maybe he will suddenly be offended,
You still have to tell the truth
After all, that's what a best friend is for.
Friendship in joy and friendship and in sorrow.
A friend will always give the last.
A friend is not one who flatters, but one who argues,
The one who does not deceive will not betray.

- The ability to make friends, communicate with people, you need to learn from childhood, you cannot be indifferent to someone else's grief, you must always remember that a person lives once on Earth, so you need to do good every day.

The game "Who is friends with whom?"

You have fairy-tale characters on your desks, name their friends.

Pinocchio - (Malvina). Seven Dwarfs - (Snow White.) Crocodile Gena - (Cheburashka).

Winnie the Pooh - (Heel), Kid - (Carlson), Thumbelina - (Swallow).

- Yes, even in fairy tales, friendship helps to cope with any business.

In the art lesson, you also drew your friends, boyfriend, girlfriend. These drawings are now on your desks. Who wants to show their drawing and tell about their friend.

Children go to the center of the class to show their drawing and say a few words who is shown in the drawing. Drawings can be immediately attached to the board.

Discussion of problem situations in teams.

1. A friend took the book from you for one day, and has not given it away for a long time. The book is extremely necessary for you. You call and say: “If you don’t bring me a book tomorrow, I’m no longer friends with you.” What would you do?

2. The dog barked furiously, falling on its front paws. Directly in front of her, huddled against the fence, sat a little disheveled kitten. He opened his mouth wide and meowed pitifully. Two boys stood nearby and waited for what would happen. A woman looked out the window and hurriedly ran out onto the porch. She drove the dog away and angrily shouted to the boys:

  • Shame on you!
  • What is embarrassing? We didn't do anything! - the boys were surprised.
  • That's bad, ”the woman replied angrily.
  • What is the fault of the boys?

3. The class went down the stairs at the school. And suddenly one of the students - Vera slipped, waved her briefcase and fell. When she fell, she accidentally pushed Ira, who was descending in front, and hit Kolya with her briefcase. How did the guys react to the incident? Ira shouted: "Why are you pushing? Here is an awkward, kind of muddler!" after Ira, Petya said loudly: "Not a muddler, but a blind chicken. We must look at our feet." Kolya waved his briefcase and tried to give change to the fallen girl. Luda laughed loudly. The rest of the children walked by as if nothing had happened. And only Oksana said: "Guys, why did you attack her? Was she pushing on purpose? She fell!" And Oksana went to Vera, helped her up, dusted off her dress.

- Which of the children behaved correctly and why do you think so?

Game "Roundabout"

Now I invite you to stand in a circle. Your task is to pass the toy around and say good wishes.

The result of the class hour

Let's make our life good, let's help each other in difficult times

minute, appreciate and cherish good and faithful friends. Because friendship is dearer

wealth. I suggest you watch the cartoon “Just like that”. Now let's count how many tokens each team has collected. Friendship won.

I propose to tie ribbons of friendship in the sun, so that we are friendly and united. The sun is me, and you are my rays. On this our class hour came to an end.


Purpose: to foster a sense of tolerance in the classroom.

  • * to form moral qualities: the ability to be friends, to value friendship;
  • * to form students' culture of communication (communication skills);
  • * form the ability to express your opinion, defend it, and also admit that you are wrong in case of an error.

Event progress

Dear guests! We are delighted to welcome you to our moral education class.

Morality is taking responsibility for your actions.

The key concepts of morality are ... On one of the listed concepts, we will focus our attention today. But on which one, you will find out literally in a minute.

Who believes in friendship fervently,

Who feels the shoulder next to

He will never fall

In any trouble it will not be lost

And if he stumbles suddenly,

Then a friend will help him to get up!

Always in trouble a reliable friend

He will hold out his hand.

Guys, what is this poem about?

The most beautiful gift after wisdom that nature could bestow on us is friendship.

  • - The topic of our lesson is "Friendship is more valuable than wealth."
  • - Imagine a scale. Friendship is on one cup, and wealth on the other. Which cup outweighs? What's more important?
  • - Of course, friendship will tip the scales, because sooner or later the money will run out, but friendship will remain forever.
  • - What is friendship? Friendship is a relationship based on mutual affection, community of interests.

In V. Dahl's dictionary, friendship is "disinterested, persistent affection."

And any trouble is not a problem,

If there are real friends nearby! "

Listen to thoughts out loud by L. Izmailov in the poem "Monologue about Friendship"

What is friendship? Everyone knows?

What does the word "friendship" mean?

Maybe a trip to the cinema together

Maybe a good pass in football

Maybe a hint at the blackboard,

Maybe a defense in a school fight

Or just a remedy for longing?

Well, maybe the silence in the class,

What if a friend does something bad?

Let's say Kolya painted the walls,

Mikhail saw everything, but is silent.

Is it friendship if someone

Fractions at home did not want to decide:

There was no desire to study,

And his friend lets him write off ...

Well, maybe friendship is if

A friend always speaks pleasantly

Sprinkling his speech with flattery,

And will not say sharpness ever?

Do you agree with this interpretation of friendship?

What is friendship, everyone knows?

Maybe it's funny to ask?

But still, what does

This word? So what is it?

Friendship is if your friend is sick

And he cannot come to school, -

To visit him of his own free will,

To bring school lessons,

Patiently explain tasks,

Take on some of his worries.

Give him your attention

Days, weeks, month or year ...

If your friend is something, unfortunately.

Did badly or said

It must be honest, straightforward, without a doubt

To speak the truth in his eyes.

Maybe he won't be able to understand everything,

Maybe he will suddenly be offended.

You still have to tell the truth

After all, that's what a best friend is for.

Friendship in joy and friendship in sorrow.

A friend will always give the last.

A friend is not one who flatters, but one who argues,

The one who does not deceive will not betray.

Friendship never knows boundaries

There are no barriers to friendship.

Friendship on earth unites

All children, both white and colored.

Friendship is if children write

Letters to children from another country.

Friendship is world peace

Without orphans, without the horrors of war.

Teacher: What are his thoughts to agree with?

Teacher: What do you disagree with?

How do you guys understand the word "FRIENDSHIP"?

Teacher's story.

There are no unequivocal answers to these questions. But everyone should think about them. I would like to start a conversation about friendship, as they say, "from the opposite." The opposite of friendship is selfishness.

If a person is selfish, he cannot have a real friend. Vladimir Ivanovich Dahl in his famous "Explanatory Dictionary" gives the following definition of friendship: "Friendship is a disinterested persistent affection."

The famous scientist and writer puts disinterestedness in the first place. You are friends with a person not so that he can do something good to you, not because it is profitable. You are friends with a person because he is close to you. His interests, his views, his inner world are close. There are, of course, guys who choose a friend for their “beautiful eyes”. A person knows how to dress well and fashionably - I will be friends with him. If he doesn’t know how, I won’t. These guys will never have real friends. And without friends, a person cannot be happy.

Let's turn to Ozhegov's explanatory dictionary. It contains:

A friend is a person who has a friendship with someone.

Friendship is a close relationship based on mutual trust, affection, community of interests.

It happens that for the sake of friendship you need to sacrifice your personal interests. And if friendship is really valuable to you, you do it without hesitation.

Speaking of friendship, one cannot but mention such an important concept as decency. Decency is at the core of many human actions. To intercede for a younger person who is being offended, to give up a seat on the bus, to come to the aid of an old man - all these are manifestations of decency. Only a decent person can have real, loyal, reliable friends. Friends for life.

Guys, today we are familiar with the word "friend". But how did it come about? Let's listen to a poem called "The word" friend ".

When no one knew a word yet -

Neither hello, nor the sun, nor the cow -

The ancient man is used to neighbors

Show fist or tongue

And make faces (which is the same thing),

But, the word became a guttural sharp sound,

Smarter face, smarter hands,

And the man came up with the word "friend"

I began to wait for my friend and yearn in separation.

He is calm for my friends.

How would I live, what would I do without them?

Friends - people I love

I will never offend anything.

The teacher reads the epigraph:

“Friendship is always the main miracle,

One hundred discoveries for all of us, lurking

And any trouble is not a problem,

If there are real friends nearby! " (slide 3)

So what is friendship?

Continue the phrase "A friend is ..."

a friend is a person with whom you are interested in playing,

a friend is a girl or boy with whom you can confer about something,

a friend is a favorite book that you read and you are interested with it,

a friend is a mother who will definitely help you in difficult times,

a friend is a school teacher who will help you look into the secrets of knowledge,

a friend is an old teddy bear with a torn off ear, who will listen to you when you feel bad,

friend is my naughty puppy,

a friend is someone we always miss,

a friend is the one who will stand in my place,

a friend is the one I will stand for,

a friend is someone you can break into even at 12 o'clock in the morning and say: "It hurts!"

a friend is someone with whom you can keep quiet,

a friend is someone who can tell the truth without fear of being rejected after that,

a friend is the one who will say "Don't hang your nose!"

a friend is someone who wants me to be better than him, etc.).

If there are friends in the world -

Everything is fine, everything is in bloom.

Even the strongest wind

Even a storm won't bend.

We are in the rain, and in the snow, and in the cold

Let's walk merrily.

We are friends in any weather -

This friendship cannot be broken.

And any of us will answer,

All who are young and brave will say:

You and I live in the world

For good, glorious deeds.

(Slide 14) There are many proverbs about friendship.

Read the proverbs - they will come in handy for the further task.

If you don't have a friend, look for it, but if you find it, take care of it.

Friendship is strong not by flattery, but by truth and honor.

Friendship is like glass: if you break it, you won't fold it.

Tell me who your friend is, and I'll tell you who you are.

The friend argues, and the enemy agrees.

Listen to one parable and confirm it with a proverb from the screen or remember your proverb to it.

“A long time ago there was a rich man living in the mountains. He had a huge flock of sheep and the same number of friends.

Once trouble came to his house. Thieves entered his pen one night and stole all the sheep. When in the morning the owner came to the corral to drive his flock to graze, not a single sheep was there. The owner sighed heavily and wept. All his many years of work were in vain, and the family became impoverished overnight.

Soon the whole district knew about what a disaster befell the owner of the sheepfold. Another day passed and at dawn the owner saw a cloud of dust on the road. It kept getting bigger and bigger. Soon he was able to make out the people in the cloud of dust. These were his friends. Each of his friends did not walk empty-handed, but led a small flock of sheep. When they entered his yard, he realized that his friends had come to help him. Since then, the herd has become several times larger than the previous one. Every time, in the morning, when he went to drive out his flock, he remembered the eyes of his friends who saved the life of his family. " cool friendship tolerance

Why did the owner cry?

How did this story surprise you? Why “when he went to drive out his flock, he remembered the eyes of his friends”?

What proverb aptly explains the meaning of the parable?

Not the friend who walks at the feast, but the one who helps in trouble.

A man without friends is like a tree without roots.

Own: Do not have 100 rubles, but have 100 friends.

Teacher: - And now I suggest you finish the proverbs in chorus.

There are many proverbs about friendship. I say the beginning of a proverb, and you go on:

There is no friend - look for ... ... / and found - take care /.

Don't have a hundred rubles ... ... / but have a hundred friends /.

One for all and all for one/.

A man without friends …… / like a tree without roots /.

Friendship is like glass …… / if you break it, you won't fold it /.

The enemy agrees, but ... ... / the friend argues /.

Who loves to lie, ... / that cannot be taken as friends /.

Better an honest enemy ... / than an insidious friend /.

Do not be afraid of a clever enemy ... / be afraid of a foolish friend /.

Tell me who your friend is ... / and I will tell you who you are /.

There are many laws of friendship. Read and memorize a few more laws.

Do not call names or humiliate your friend.

Help a friend in need.

Don't cheat on your friend, be honest with him.

Don't betray your friend.

Be able to admit your mistakes and make peace with a friend.

Teacher: Did you know that in many countries, and here in Russia, there are state awards awarded for strengthening friendship between peoples? The Order of Friendship of Peoples is awarded to:

citizens of Russia;

enterprises, institutions, organizations, military units and formations, republics, territories, regions, cities.

The Order of Friendship of Peoples may also be awarded to persons who are not citizens of our country.

Teacher: Many of our songs are about friendship ... Let's remember and sing.

A river begins from a blue stream,

Well, friendship begins with a smile.

I go and sing about everything good.

And I give my smile to passers-by.

Those who are friendly are not afraid of anxiety!

Any roads are dear to us!

If you are kind, then it's always easy

And when, on the contrary, it is difficult.

There lived a kind beetle, a good old friend.

He never grumbled, did not shout, did not squeak,

He crackled loudly with his wings, strictly forbade quarrels.

If you go with a friend, the road is more fun.

A friend in trouble will not leave, he will not ask too much.

This is what a real friend means.

Guys! Now you are just learning to be friends.

For a friendship to be strong, the laws of a friendly team must be observed. There are many laws of friendship.

We will observe situations from school life and formulate the law of a friendly class (I post it on the board). (Situations are staged by children.)

  • 1. “Around the corner of the schoolyard, after school, two shaggy types are waiting for the children. A group of fourth-graders appears.
  • - Stand! Do not rock the boat! - commands the shaggy one and grabs the first one by the collar.
  • - Do you have money? Empty your pockets briskly!

Five boys stand still and wait while this vile search is going on. "

What to do in such a situation? Make a choice:

walk a different road;

tell elders;

try to cope yourself.

What is the law of friendship that can be derived from this scene?

Offer help to a friend. Don't leave him in trouble.

2. (the student reads the verse) At the school matinee:

The clown is on stage!

He makes good jokes

Say a word -

And laughter is heard.

The school explodes -

With volleys of laughter:

The clown is a first grader! -

What fun!

Girls laugh

Especially the bell!

But one of the girls is not laughing.

Something this girl has ruffled:

I'm not hunt for laughter chokes

The girls whisper, “She's not laughing!

Tanya does not tolerate someone else's success! "

What quality (character trait) can interfere with friendship? (Does not tolerate someone else's success. Envy.)

What law can be derived from this scene? Be able to rejoice at the success of another.

Z. (group of children)

“Five minutes before the first lesson, all the children were in class. Olya was the last to come.

She looked upset, tear-stained red eyes.

  • - What do you have eyes in a wet place? Katya screamed loudly.
  • - What happened to you, tell me! Who hurt you? Well, come on, come on, tell me! - Natasha jumped up to her.
  • - What's happened? Why the tears? - everyone shouted.

Olya burst into tears and ran out of the class. Everyone shrugged their shoulders in bewilderment. "

  • - What was their mistake?
  • (The guys showed tactlessness. You can't ask such questions in front of everyone, loudly.

Sometimes you need to let the person calm down and then show empathy. You can keep quiet together and the person will calm down))

Law: Console, support your comrade when he fails, just do it right.

Students read poetry.

Do not stand aside indifferently

When someone is in trouble.

You need to rush to the rescue

Any minute, always.

And if someone helps

Your kindness and your friendship,

You are happy that the day was not lived in vain!

You don't live in vain!

Be cheerful to make it more joyful

To the one with whom you make friends

So that everyone in life has enough

Wonderful human kindness.

Will you hear someone's song

And it will become lighter around:

The most magical miracle

We don't call friendship for nothing.

Proverbs about kindness:

  • (children take turns reading)
  • - Learn good - bad things will not come to mind.
  • - Speak boldly about a good deed.
  • - Life is given for good deeds.
  • - It is bad to live without an affectionate word.
  • - A good word heals, and an evil one cripples.
  • - The good man does good, perhaps, not knowing that this hurts the soul of the villain.
  • - It is not the clothes that color a person, but his good deeds.
  • - The evil one cries with envy, and the good one with joy.
  • - Kind words are more valuable than wealth.
  • - In whom there is no good, there is little truth in that.
  • - Don't look for beauty, look for kindness.
  • - who loves good deeds, life is dear to him.
  • - Managed to be guilty, manage and obey.

"Round dance of friendship"

Now we will make a "Round Dance of Friendship" - fold a strip of paper with an accordion, draw a silhouette of a girl or a boy, cut it out - we get a group of people holding hands, glue it onto a poster - it turns out a huge round dance.

If people have the same interests, tastes, they like the same games, activities, if they are kind and sympathetic, then friendship can be real, strong, loyal and long.

The ability to make friends, communicate, you need to learn from childhood. One cannot be indifferent to the grief of others. It must be remembered that a person lives on Earth once, therefore, one must do good every day.


Teacher: It's time to take stock of our class hour.

I want to tell you a story. This story happened a long time ago in an ancient city where a great sage lived. The fame of his wisdom spread far around his hometown. But there was a man in the city who was jealous of its fame. And so he decided to come up with a question so that the sage could not answer it. He went to the meadow, caught a butterfly, planted it between his closed palms, and thought: “I’ll ask the sage: tell me, oh wisest, which butterfly is in my hands - alive or dead? If he says - alive. I will close my palms and the butterfly will die, and if it says it is dead, I will open my palms and the butterfly will fly away. Then everyone will understand which of us is smarter. "

And so it happened. The envious person caught the butterfly, put it between his palms and sent it to the sage. And he asked that: “What kind of butterfly do I have in my hands, oh wisest one: alive or dead? And then the sage, who was a very intelligent person, said: "Everything is in your hands."

Indeed, everything was in the hands of the envious: to leave the butterfly alive or dead.

Teacher: Wish: good luck to everyone in finding a true friend!

I wish each of you to have a true true friend, to be able to value friendship.

Before we part

And go all home,

I want to say goodbye

At the same time wishing you

To be kind you

They have not forgotten the magic words,

To kind words

You spoke with your friends.

  • - You are still children, but there are many glorious deeds ahead of you. You will make our planet beautiful. But first, you have to grow up to be real people. And this means: brave, sympathetic, polite, kind, hardworking. After all, doing good, doing good is great. And in life you must follow the Path of Good.
  • - Hurry to do good! Try to be useful to people every day!

The rules of true friendship:

Stop a friend if he does something bad;

Good friendship means telling each other only the truth; if a friend is wrong about something, tell him about it;

Do not quarrel with your comrades; try to work and play with them amicably, do not argue over trifles;

Do not give out other people's secrets;

Don't be afraid to ask for forgiveness;

Do not be rude;

If you yourself took a book or a toy from a friend, handle these things carefully and do not forget to return them on time;

Offer your help, do not wait for a request for help;

"Gilded foreheads" tells about the friendship of a simple peasant Kapitonka with Tsar Ivanovich. From childhood they grew up in the neighborhood and were "inseparable". And when they grew up, their friendship became even stronger: together on a fishing trip, to watch a bear fair. And all they had was used, that is, equally. The tsar and Kapitonka had fun and sincerely spending time free from tsar affairs.
Once there was a quarrel between the Tsar and Kapitonka, in a word, "I found a scythe on a stone." And they began to compete among themselves, who annoyed whom more. Kapitonka even fled abroad so that Tsar Ivanovich could not find him. Only they began to live sadly without each other, and the further, the more melancholy.
In a mischievous, bright, musical performance, staged in the spirit of a popular popular print, you will more than once smile at the story told by Boris Shergin. And, of course, you will think about the fact that true friendship is dearer than all the treasures in the world, and you need to take care of it like the apple of your eye.
One of the main characters in the performance is the music in the "live" performance of the quartet of Russian folk instruments "Karavai".