Uneven tan: where, how to prevent and whether it can be corrected. Is it possible to fix uneven tan at home

Undoubtedly, every tanner dreams of an even golden skin tone, but each of us has its own characteristics, and the cosmetics we purchase to get the maximum effect from a tanning session are of different quality and can both improve the natural skin tone and reward you ugly unnatural tan. As a result, the result obtained often does not meet expectations at all: the tan may turn out to be too yellow or lie unevenly. It may well be a nuisance in the form of sunburn spots. Why is it so?

Tan spots: causes

1. Hormonal failure.

Sunburn is a natural protective reaction of the skin to sun exposure. We acquire a golden hue of the skin due to the hormone melanin produced in the body. Each body produces its own specific amount of melanin, so someone's skin is prone to tanning, and someone else cannot tan even on the southern beaches.

In case of hormonal failures, in case of malfunctions in the liver, thyroid gland and nervous system, unaesthetic spots may appear on the skin after sunbathing, which primarily indicate disorders in the body. In such cases, you should first of all think about your health, for a while delete visits to solariums and beaches from the schedule and seek medical help.

2. Medications.

When taking medications, not everyone first studies the instructions, contraindications and possible side effects, and some medications may well provoke excessive skin sensitivity to UV rays. With increased susceptibility to the sun after prolonged exposure to the sun, spots can also appear on the skin.

3. Poor quality tanning products. With the onset of the summer season, do not rush to purchase temptingly cheap tanning products at a discount. Poor-quality cosmetics is one of the main causes of tan spots. Some manufacturers use chemical, cheap bronzing ingredients in their composition, which not only can lie unevenly, coloring the skin in unpleasant shades that are far from perfect, but also tend to clog pores and worsen skin condition.

4. Incorrectly selected cosmetics that do not match the type of skin.

Many novice tanners like to blame cosmetics for uneven tanning, although they initially buy those products that are not suitable for their skin type.

If you have a light skin tone, then buy a cream specifically for fair skin. Only he is able to provide a uniform golden tan. In this case, an expensive cream for advanced tanning enthusiasts that will deepen the tone of tanned skin on your skin can shimmer orange and yellow, as it will most likely contain not only natural bronzers, but also delayed-release bronzers (DHA), which only dark-skinned people can use. girls. They will not give you a luxurious chocolate color, but will color you in an unnatural color.

5. Use of alcohol-containing cosmetics or perfumes before a tanning session.

The conceived cause of uneven spots on the skin can be the use of any lotions, creams and, of course, perfumes before a tanning session. It is best to refrain from using any cosmetics after taking a shower and immediately head to the “sunny cabin”. If you sunbathe on the beach, then use exclusively sunscreen cosmetics, which will not only protect your skin, but also help you get a beautiful even tan without unpleasant spots.

How to get rid of spots after sunburn?

The following procedures will save you from unwanted sunburn and unpleasant spots:

1. A hot bath with sea salt and lemon juice will slightly lighten the skin tone. To start, you can take a hot bath with sea salt and lemon juice. Lemon is known to have a whitening effect, while sea salt exfoliates and promotes skin renewal. Steamed skin should be gently scrubbed using your usual purchased peeling or using natural mixtures (for these purposes, for example, ground coffee is perfect, which also helps to increase skin elasticity). The scrubbing procedure can be replaced with a regular massage with a washcloth, on which shower gel should be applied.

2. Brightening masks. If your skin has acquired a non-uniform color, then brightening masks will help you. Products such as parsley, kefir and cottage cheese, lemon, cucumber and parsley can boast a whitening effect. Here are some simple recipes to help you fight unwanted stains:

Cucumbers are not only able to make the complexion fresh and brighter, but also perfectly moisturize the skin. The following mask is best suited for dry skin that needs extra nourishment. Grate the cucumber and mix the resulting gruel with sour cream. Apply the mixture on clean skin and leave to soak for 20 minutes. Rinse off the mask with water or rinse with herbal decoctions.

For oily skin types, refreshing cucumber lotion is better. Just grate a cucumber and pour a glass of water over it. The infusion should be left in the refrigerator for seven days. Wipe the resulting lotion on your face in the morning and evening, after cleansing the skin.

A very effective whitening mask with cottage cheese and honey. To prepare it, you need 1 tbsp. a spoonful of cottage cheese, a teaspoon of cream, a teaspoon of honey and half a teaspoon of lemon. Put the ingredients out of the refrigerator beforehand so that they are at room temperature, mix and apply to cleansed skin for 20-25 minutes. Wash off with water.

How to prevent tan spots?

It is much easier to prevent an unsightly tan than to get rid of it. Therefore, follow a number of simple tanning rules:

1. Be sure to use tanning cosmetics: in the sun - sunscreen cosmetics, in the solarium - special cosmetics designed for this procedure.

2. Try not to sunbathe during hours of high sun activity. Sunburn will lie more evenly and will look more attractive if you set aside morning (before 11) and evening (after 16) hours for sunbathing.

3. In the summer, as well as when relaxing in warm countries, do not neglect protective equipment when you just go out for a walk. Even if you are not heading to the beach, but just walking around the city, apply creams with UV filters to exposed skin.

4. If you want to devote time to relaxing on the beach, then refuse to use facial tonics (meaning any alcohol-containing cosmetics) and perfume on this day. They can contribute to the appearance of age spots.

Sunbathe in a good mood and enjoy it, and then a beautiful tan will not keep you waiting!

03.12.2018 Elena 0

How to get rid of sunburn?

To lighten the skin and remove excessive tan, you can use a number of proven methods:

  • Professional services of salon cosmetology - laser peeling, photocorrection, cleansing with fruit acids.
  • Various home remedies in the form of masks and belongings.
  • Thermal methods - bath, sauna, steam bath.

The following external signs indicate that you need to get rid of a tan:

  • The appearance of itching and rash.
  • Alternating patches of uneven color on tanned areas of the skin.
  • The scaly upper layer of the epidermis.
  • White, unburned marks from clothing and accessories.
  • Self tanning marks.

Before getting rid of tan marks, it is necessary to determine the cause of the appearance of unwanted skin pigmentation.

Sunburn is a physiological pigmentation of the skin under the influence of ultraviolet rays of the sun, artificial quartz lamps or the action of a molecule of the substance dihydroxyacetone during self-tanning.

Under ultraviolet solar irradiation, melanin is formed in the epidermis - a coloring pigment that gives the body a characteristic swarthy shade. Its amount is different for each person and depends on various external and internal factors. For the body, this pigment has a protective function, protecting it from the aggressive effects of ultraviolet radiation.

The tan obtained with a special coloring cream is established by the action of the DHA molecule, which is absorbed into the upper layer of the epidermis, coloring it in various shades from light beige to dark chocolate.

Among the undeniable advantages of tanning are noted:

  • Therapeutic effect on various skin diseases - reasonable exposure to ultraviolet rays is beneficial for dermatological diseases of various etymologies.
  • The production of D vitamins is important for the health and proper functioning of the body.

However, in addition to the benefits, the sun's rays can bring significant harm:

  • Exacerbation of chronic diseases and various neoplasms, both malignant and benign.
  • Increased risk of developing cancer.
  • Photodermatitis (allergy to the sun) and skin burns with ultraviolet rays.
  • Photoaging of the skin.

Given these factors, you should approach the passion for tanned skin from a reasonable side.

Why remove tan?

The decision to get rid of a tan is usually made on an individual basis. This may be due to its ugly appearance, uneven distribution, etc. In these cases, it is not necessary to consult a doctor, it is enough to go to a salon or sauna. If an allergic reaction to the sun develops or sunburn is accompanied by any unpleasant sensations, a consultation with a dermatologist is required.

Removing tan folk ways

To remove sun pigmentation with home remedies, as a rule, masks and scrubs made from fruits, vegetables and other available products are used. The most popular of the folk options:

  • A mixture of sour cream or kefir with lemon or tomato juice - equal parts of kefir (sour cream) and tomato (lemon) juice are mixed with a wooden spatula (when iron comes into contact with lemon juice, vitamin C, which is in acid, loses its properties) and applied to prepared skin on 10-15 minutes.
  • Potato juice or gruel from a raw tuber - not only whitens, but also soothes burnt skin of the face and neck. The raw vegetable must be grated and, without squeezing, apply first to the sheet mask, and then to the face. Remove the mask after 15 minutes. The effect of whitening potatoes will be noticeable after a few days.
  • Cucumber. To use this tool, you can not only wipe your face with a cut vegetable, but also grate it, then apply it to the tanned areas of the body for 20-25 minutes.
  • A decoction of parsley leaves - perfectly relieves sunburn, whitens and refreshes the skin. To prepare it, pour 1 tablespoon of herbs with hot (about 60 degrees) water and let it brew for 10 minutes. Wipe the skin with a filtered broth.
  • Well removes tan mask from the juice of one lemon mixed with 100 grams of honey. Apply the mask for 30 minutes.
  • Strawberry juice applied to tanned skin for 15-20 minutes also removes an ugly shade well.
  • A decoction of dandelion roots - pour 2 tablespoons of chopped roots with a glass of boiling water and leave for thirty minutes, covered with a lid. Wipe the skin with this decoction 2-3 times a day.
  • A good effect is given by a compress of birch leaves and buds - it is prepared in the same way as a decoction of dandelions.
  • A white clay mask whitens well and removes exfoliating areas of unsuccessful tanning - you need to mix 1 tablespoon of clay thoroughly with filtered cucumber or lemon juice until a mushy state. The finished mixture should be applied to the skin for 5-10 minutes.
  • Coffee scrub - perfectly removes the epidermal layer damaged by sunburn. This procedure requires finely ground coffee. It is applied with gentle massaging movements for 3-5 minutes. The change in skin tone will be noticeable after 3-4 peeling procedures.

How to use whitening products correctly?

  1. Before use, clean the skin of the face and body from dust and traces of cosmetics. For example, after washing with baby soap and wiping the skin with any non-alcoholic lotion.
  2. Before applying the products, steam the skin, for example in a bath.
  3. Do not keep funds longer than the time indicated in the recipes. This is especially true with drugs from fruit acids.
  4. Wash off all masks and scrubs with warm water, then rinse your face with cool water and apply a nourishing cream.
  5. Avoid applying funds to the area of ​​​​the moving eyelid.
  6. Use whitening preparations no more than 2 times a week.

Pharmaceutical whitening products

  • You can use hydrogen peroxide diluted with water in a ratio of one to one. It is recommended to wipe areas of the body that require whitening.
  • Good help to get rid of sunburn vitamins E, PP, B9. They are recommended to be added to the morning cream or used as a dietary supplement to the main diet.
  • Eliminate tanning pastes and ointments containing panthenol. In addition to direct whitening, they are used to alleviate and soothe the skin with sunburn.
  • Achromic ointment - whitens, soothes and has an anti-inflammatory effect. It contains lactic and fruit acids, as well as vitamin C and glycerin.
  • Cream Melanativ - qualitatively whitens, exfoliates.
  • Retinoic ointment - regulates solar pigmentation and evens out the skin.

Modern cosmetology offers to get rid of solar pigmentation using:

  • Dermabrasion - special grinding method of deep layer-by-layer removal of melanin.
  • Cryotherapy - brightens and evens out small areas of the skin.
  • Laser - destroys and exfoliates the upper skin layer. For completeness of the effect, several procedures are required.

A significant disadvantage of salon procedures is their cost. Therefore, in order not to resort to various methods of eliminating sunburn, it is necessary to adhere to certain rules during sunbathing.

Sunbathing Safety Rules

To avoid the negative effects of ultraviolet rays, you must:

  • Avoid exposure to open sunlight between 11:00 p.m. and 4:00 p.m. The best tan is obtained in the morning and evening.
  • Apply a protective cream with an SPF level of at least 30 to the skin - the shoulders and nose, as the most quickly burning parts of the body, need protection especially.
  • Do not appear under the sun immediately after peeling.
  • Don't forget to take wide-brimmed hats and sun umbrellas with you to the beach.
  • Do not use make-up products on the beach or in the solarium.
  • Do not use moisturizing creams and gels when tanning - the components included in their composition can adversely affect the quality of tanning.
  • Sunbathing with great care while taking birth control pills or with dermatological skin problems (vitiligo, herpes, etc.).

For a beautiful and even tan, nutritionists recommend eating foods rich in beta-carotene, phosphorus, iron and amino acids. So, for a darker shade, it is recommended to eat up to 200 grams of apricot or drink carrot juice.

A more even color is obtained by eating cheese and fish - they contain amino acids and Omega-3. A few pieces two hours before tanning starts, and the shade will be more even. Tomatoes increase the influx of melanin and give the skin a nice golden color. Watermelon and spinach enhance tan and have moisturizing properties.

after sun

In order for the tan to remain beautiful for as long as possible and not disappear from the body in the form of spots of different colors, it is necessary not to forget about the means after insolation. The composition of such preparations contains components that soothe the skin and provide an even tone of a tanned body.

When choosing such products, you should pay attention to the presence of aloe extract, olive, grape or avocado oils, as well as vitamins C or E. Before using sprays, gels or milk of this series, put in the refrigerator for 15 minutes to enhance their effect.

self tanning rules

When purchasing special creams and gels for self-tanning, you need to know that they are divided into auto bronzites and bronzites.

Autobronzites retain their color on the skin longer due to a chemical reaction penetrating into the epidermis, while bronzites have surface staining and resemble foundation in their properties.

Self-tanning must be used with caution, strictly following the instructions for its application.

The fashion for an unnatural bronze skin tone, which broke out at the end of the last century, is gradually fading away. Until the beginning of the 20th century, women with tanned bodies and faces were automatically assigned to the lower class.

Few people know that Coco Chanel, a woman who changed the fashion stereotypes of millions, made fashionable a tan. She compared the women's pale faces to white aspirin tablets, calling them flaccid and sickly. To date, there is no consensus on what is more beautiful: the pallor inherent in aristocrats or mulatto skin. It has become a "matter of taste": someone is looking for ways to "brown" in the sun, and someone wants to get rid of the resulting tan.

Cons of a tanned face

After returning from warm resorts, women are trying to find a way to remove sunburn from their faces. The caramel shade of the body gives visual harmony and a fresh look. The face is different. Firstly, it is rarely possible to achieve the same shade on the face: the nose always tans faster, and in most cases it “burns out”, turns red and begins to peel off treacherously. But this is not the only disadvantage of sunburn on the face.

Why do many people want to get rid of sunburn on their face:

  • In women around 30 years old, small mimic wrinkles appear, which are easy to hide with makeup, and in everyday life they are almost invisible. After the age of 40, the face is replenished with static wrinkles that arise as a result of the physiological aging process. The first wrinkles appear in the corners of the eyes (the so-called crow's feet), on the forehead and in the area of ​​the nasolabial triangle. During the period of exposure to the sun (on the beach or in the city), a person involuntarily frowns. This is a natural reaction to bright sunlight. As a result, the skin on the forehead, cheeks and chin acquires a dark shade, and the folds remain white. Such a “coloring” emphasizes age-related changes, visually adding a couple of years to a woman.
  • Face tanning is a problem for people who wear glasses (optical or sunscreen). On the back of the nose, white stripes from the bridge of the glasses remain, and white traces from the temples will be drawn to the ears. In this case, it is better to either even out the tan or remove it.
  • Women often complain that their favorite cosmetics become completely inappropriate after sunburning their face. Powders, tonal creams, blush - all these products are selected for a certain shade and type of skin. Dark and dry skin looks ridiculous after applying a light foundation. The only item in the cosmetic bag that will remain faithfully and faithfully is mascara.
  • The last reason, unlike the previous 3, cannot be considered purely female. Perhaps, on the contrary, men are more likely to suffer from this. We are talking about the desire to hide a trip to warmer climes from employees or superiors. After returning from vacation (especially in winter), a dark face stands out against the background of fair-skinned colleagues.
  • After the active release of melanin, freckles appear on the skin and age spots darken. The sun helps to hide small pimples, but emphasizes the presence of other imperfections. "Freckles" is contraindicated for a long stay in the sun. Every time your nose “burns out”, the number of hated freckles increases.

Help from experts

Modern beauty salons provide many skin whitening treatments. Professional tan removal services:

  • cleaning with fruit acids;
  • laser peeling;
  • photo correction.

It should immediately be noted that all the proposed professional procedures require considerable financial and time costs. One session of peeling or photocorrection will not be enough. The cost of the services of specialists is justified: after peeling, the quality of the skin improves, small wrinkles disappear, and the natural production of collagen is activated. Special equipment and experience of the master will help to remove a strong tan all over the face or even out skin tone by cleaning individual areas.

Home scrub and peeling

If you can't afford salon procedures, you can carry out the peeling procedure at home. To do this, you can use professional or homemade tools. Many natural products are used as a scrub. Special formulations help to carefully remove the layer of the epidermis that has become dead after exposure to ultraviolet radiation.

The most popular home scrubs:

  • Coffee scrub. For preparation, coffee grounds are used after brewing the drink. For the treatment of the face, it is advised to use the thickest of the finest grinding, so as not to cause irritation. Owners of dry skin should better mix coffee grounds with nutrients: honey, egg yolk, coconut oil, etc.
  • Citrus scrub. Dry the tangerine or orange peels. After hardening, grind them in a blender or coffee grinder. Add citrus powder to your facial cleanser or day cream. Citrus crumbs gently exfoliate dead skin cells, while acid accelerates skin whitening.
  • Fruit peel. A peeling mixture can be prepared from freshly squeezed fruit juice (apple or any citrus). Juice must be added to the foam for washing (in equal proportions). Shake the composition and apply a thin layer on the face, starting from the wings and bridge of the nose, avoiding the area around the eyes. Fruit acid whitens dark skin, neutralizes freckles and lightens age spots.

Masks made from natural ingredients

Quickly remove the tan will help masks and creams made from vegetable or dairy products.

Fresh parsley juice, lemon, curdled milk and whey are natural bleaching agents that show amazing results without damaging the skin.

  • Buy a bunch of fresh parsley (about 75g). It is better to buy a product not in a supermarket, but from grandmothers in the market. If possible, pluck grass from your own yard. Grind the parsley in a blender or mortar until the juice is released. Apply a juicy gruel to the darkened areas of the face for 5 minutes. Do not be afraid that after washing off, a green tint remains on the skin. It quickly disappears, removing traces of unwanted tan from the face.
  • Another option for using parsley is to make a decoction. Pour 100 g of fresh herbs with 2 glasses of water and boil for no more than 5 minutes. The cooled broth should be applied to the face with a cotton pad. "Tonic" from parsley does not need to be washed off after application.
  • Squeeze out 15 drops of lemon juice. Mix acid with raw protein, beat until foamy. The mixture is applied to problem areas until dry. During the procedure, the skin is tightened and dehydrated. Not recommended for those with dry skin.
  • Mix 1 tsp. gruel of fresh cucumber, chopped parsley and lemon juice. Add a little low-fat sour cream to the resulting mass to prevent possible peeling. Apply the composition on the face twice a day for 10 minutes.
  • Prepare a mixture of kefir and fresh tomato juice. Lactic acid and ascorbic acid (found in tomatoes) help clear sunburn and acne by penetrating the pores.
  • Use aloe vera juice as a daily tonic. Within a week of use, the skin will become noticeably lighter, acne will disappear and dryness will disappear.
  • You can buy a bottle of sandalwood oil at the pharmacy. Due to its whitening properties, sandalwood essential oil is included in expensive creams. It should be applied in its pure form to dark areas of the face covered with uneven tan.

After scrubbing or using the suggested whitening products, it is best to refrain from sun exposure. Sensitive skin is prone to sunburn. Redness of the skin after exposure to the sun causes terrible discomfort. How to get rid of itching and flaking skin after sunburn.

The best way to maintain an even complexion is the right approach to getting a tan. Use protective equipment, do not ignore the wearing of a hat and hide from the sun at lunchtime.

Taking sunbaths in the summer, we rejoice at the opportunity to get an even tan. But contrary to expectations, the face after sunburn looks tired and aged. During the summer vacation, the face becomes weathered, the skin begins to peel off, and the tan turns into multi-colored. The composition of the skin of the face is heterogeneous, therefore, the tan on the face does not always lie flat. The nose, cheeks and chin receive direct sunlight more often and become black from sunburn by the end of the holiday, but the forehead, skin around the eyes, temples most often remain paler, as we hide them under hats and glasses.

Use cosmetics of well-known companies for this or refer to the experience of our grandmothers?

If you uncontrollably resort to various care products that the cosmetic industry offers, you can get irritation or dry skin. Using home remedies that are made from plant or animal ingredients will give you faster and more confident results. Homemade cosmetics are less concentrated, their effect on the skin of the face is gentle, without disturbing the upper layer of the skin and without adversely affecting its internal structure. Therefore, we do not advise you to immediately rush to the store for facial whitening products. Consult the storehouse of knowledge about home cosmetics that your grandmother can give you. Simple and affordable folk remedies will help you restore youthful skin and restore its natural balance. Folk cosmetics are natural and safe helpers in your struggle for beauty.

The easiest way to get an even complexion is to use a decoction of chamomile.

How to refresh the complexion, improve skin tone and provide antiseptic treatment using pharmacy chamomile?

To do this, you need to purchase ready-made bags with crushed collection at the pharmacy, brew them with boiling water, and then apply them to problem areas of the skin for 15-20 minutes. Masks with chamomile will help your eyelids, remove fatigue. The result on your face will appear in a week, if you do not forget to carry out such a procedure daily.

Traditional medicine gives recipes for how to even out the complexion using household means. You can whiten your face by daily washing with kefir or milk. which is found in natural products, removes dead skin cells, which becomes softer and softer. Natural ingredients of animal origin act on skin pigmentation, reduce the number of freckles and dark spots. If you have dry facial skin, then you should wash your face with fresh milk, and for oily skin, the best effect will be from using kefir or serum. Washing with dairy products is best done in the evening, it is recommended to wash off with clean water only in the morning.

If you need emergency measures before going to the theater or to a gala evening, and you do not know of any available recipe that could tell you how to even out your complexion, then you should use egg white and lemon juice. You need to beat one egg white, add a tablespoon of lemon juice to it and apply this mixture on your face. Wait until it dries completely and wash off the mask with cold water. A complexion-improving mask can be prepared from foods that we eat daily, they contain a sufficient amount of substances that can actively affect the skin. Mint, cucumber, tomato, parsley, black currant, radish and dandelion flower infusion whiten and improve complexion.

Well brightens the skin of the face castor oil, which must be rubbed in a leisurely circular motion. Wash it off after an hour with warm water. If you are thinking about the question of how to even out the complexion, then you should perform not only external cosmetic procedures, but also take care of the internal state of your body. It is necessary to carry out cleansing procedures of all organs, to give them the opportunity to get rid of toxins, toxins and excess fats.