New Year's message where you need to insert adjectives. Birthday or anniversary compliment games

This game can be played at any holiday, so that a little
defuse the atmosphere. To play, you need to make a few notes. On
each piece of paper needs to write a comic answer to the question “Why did you come to
holiday?". Examples of answers: borrow money, eat deliciously, have fun from the heart,
nowhere to sleep today, it was boring. All these scraps folded into a bag
each guest should draw out a piece of paper and read what is written on it in
the answer to the host's question "Why did you come to this holiday?"

1. draw a cow holding
felt-tip pen in teeth

2.stage a line from
songs "Along the street a blizzard is sweeping"

3. show the scene "deaf and dumb
sings a New Year's song "

4. draw Santa Claus,
by tying the felt-tip pen to the little finger of your left hand with tape

5.draw yourself by holding
felt-tip pen between palms

6. show the scene "Blind
decorates the Christmas tree "

7. draw a cat with a felt-tip pen,
standing with your back to the sheet of paper

8. draw a tiger by holding
felt-tip pen between elbows

9. draw a snowman by holding
felt tip toes

a bottle of champagne that opened and sprayed everyone

11.Sing a song in the woods
a Christmas tree was born, typing water in his mouth

12. shout "Ku-Ka-Re-Ku" and clap

13. Take a photo with a person you don't like

14.Painte fainting

15. Do nothing.

Haven't eaten cake for a long time

I wanted to eat


I didn't want to

I wanted to go to a cafe

I wanted to go

There was nothing to do

Look at parrots

Eat meat




The essence of the competition is
drawing someone's portrait while blindfolded. For
the competition will require several people who want to demonstrate their
Creative skills.

The participants are blindfolded, given a brush or pencil, and they proceed to
portrait. The end result will amuse everyone.


Each participant of the competition
receives a sheet of paper and a pen. In one minute, he should write on the sheet as
as many names of items and accessories as possible that may be in
women's handbag. The winner is the participant whose reticule is the most complete, and
its contents are varied.

Letters in a row

divided into equal teams, and only after that the leader announces the task:
each team must line up in a row according to names strictly in alphabetical
okay. The team that does it faster than others wins.


Host with guests
come up with a word and say it to one of the participants in the competition. His task
depict this word on paper, without using letters and numbers. Participant
tries and draws. The task of the team of players is to guess which word is being discussed.
Whoever guesses first will receive a prize.


At the entrance to the celebration
the presenter gives the guest a sticker. Guests keep them throughout
celebrations. The presenter has the right to take the sticker from the guest if he has crossed

The happiest day for a mother, a day that cannot be forgotten is the birthday of her child. However, the older the baby becomes, the more troublesome this holiday is for parents.

However, these troubles are pleasant.

A present for the birthday boy and colorful invitations for his guests, a cake with candles and many, many balloons, to pick up games and entertainment for the little ones ... It seems they have not forgotten anything. To help you a little, we have collected the most interesting birthday contests for children.

Competition "Putting the Shot" (A fun children's competition not only for schoolchildren - adolescents)

An inflated balloon is placed on the edge of the table. The driver is blindfolded and placed with his back to the table. Then he takes 5 steps forward and turns in place three times. Next, he must return to the table and blow the ball to the floor. Most likely, he will lose the right direction and will blow off the ball from where there is no trace of it. It will turn out to be very funny!

The kopeck the ruble protects

To play you will need small coins and several small cups. Participants are divided into teams with the same number of players. According to the number of teams, piggy banks are placed on the finish line. Each team lines up one after the other. A coin is placed on the toe of the first team member. The player tries, without dropping it, to carry it from the start line to the finish line (three to four meters) and throw it into the "piggy bank". The participant who dropped the coin is eliminated from the game. For each coin that hits the cup, the team is awarded one point. The team with the most points wins. DIY birthday gifts

"Find a boot"

Preparation. Two or more teams of 10-15 players take off their shoes and pile them 15 steps in front of them. Shoes must be well mixed so that no one can recognize theirs from afar. The game. Both teams line up and the first player in line runs to the pile and looks for his shoes. When he finds, dresses her and runs back to his team. The next player in line does the same, and so on until all team members are again shod. The game is most interesting when the players' shoes are not very diverse!

Play with adjectives - Birthday greetings to the child

… And… (child's name)! I congratulate you on your ... birthday! During this year, from ... and ... a kid you turned into ... and ... a boy / girl! And it's all thanks to your ... mom and ... dad. Let them continue to ... love you and ... educate you. I wish you to remain the most ... grandson / granddaughter for your ... grandmother and ... grandfather. And let your ... grandmother Anya still love you. ... let my mother's friend Aunt Lena love you like her own son, and her ... daughter Katenka will be crazy about you .... Aunt Masha and ... Uncle Vitya will always invite you to visit and their ... sons Tyoma and Styopa will become your ... comrades. In general, to grow, (child's name) ... and ... I kiss and hug. Your ... aunt Tanya.

Instead of ... - adjectives are substituted, invented in advance, written on paper and distributed among the guests. The funnier the adjectives, the more interesting the game will be.

"Theater Director" (great competition for school and birthday)

Tell the poem "Our Tanya is crying loudly" if
1) you have a toothache
2) you got wet in the rain and chilled
3) you got a speck in your eye
4) a brick fell on your leg
5) you have scabies
6) the wolf is chasing you
7) your parents have offended you
8) a fly stuck to you
9) your pants are falling off
10) you are in a very good mood)

Depict with facial expressions:
1) an athlete coming up to a barbell
2) a fan of the team that scores a goal
3) soccer goalkeeper
4) swordsman
5) an athlete who has run 5 kilometers
6) the patient in the dentist's office.

"Who quickly"

The guests are divided into two teams, from each one a participant comes out. They receive a large box and a corresponding set of items. Objective: Place the items in the box and close it as soon as possible. With each new participant, the box gets smaller, and the items are larger or more difficult to pack. But keep in mind that you should try in advance if the items fit in the container. The winner is the team whose members cope faster and do their job better.

"Dance with the Cover"

To play, you need an ordinary pot lid. Participants are divided into pairs, squeeze the lid of the pan and start dancing to fast music. They must dance so that the lid does not fall, and if it does happen, the couple is out of the game. The remaining couples continue to compete until the winner.

"Roll up soon"

For this game, you need to prepare two spools and threads 3 - 5 m long. A mark is made in the middle of the thread - with paint or a knot. The players stand opposite each other, holding the reel in their hands in such a way that the thread is taut. On command, they begin to quickly wind the thread on the spool, all the time approaching each other. The first to reach the middle of the thread wins


Everything and everything turns into something else, but not with the help of words, but with the help of determining the expediency of actions. The room turns into a forest. Then the participants - in trees, animals, birds, lumberjacks, etc. And if to the station - it means in a suitcase, a train, passengers. And if the studio - in the announcers, cameramen, "pop stars", etc. At the same time, someone can make noise decoration, depict props, etc.


First, the participants are invited to “open” a new planet - to inflate balloons as quickly as possible, and then “Populate” this planet with inhabitants - quickly draw figures of little people on the balloon with felt-tip pens. Whoever has more "inhabitants" on the planet is the winner.

Fun competition

You will need: an empty (glass) bottle, threads and pens (pencils).
1) tie the thread to the waist
2) attach a pen (pencil) to the remaining end (15-20cm)
3) you stand over the bottle (once you lightly push the pen (pencil) and try to insert the end of the pen (pencil) into the neck of the bottle.
A very fun competition! The winner is the one who does it first !!! ...

This is a very fun entertainment that will not only cheer up the little guests, but also expand their understanding of the parts of speech. Here are 3 little fairy tales in which you need to insert adjectives.

The role of the leader in this case is best left to an adult or the eldest of the children who can read and write.

The game is played as follows. The presenter takes a pen and a piece of paper on which the text of the story is printed or written. The players take turns calling any adjectives, the more intricate, the more fun. For example, shaggy, pimply, shabby, bearish, New Year's, etc. Words should not be repeated! The presenter writes in the adjectives named by the players instead of gaps in the text. At the same time, he must comply with the grammatical requirements for gender, number and case (according to the context). The presenter enters the words in order and cannot rearrange them in the text in accordance with the meaning of the story, otherwise it will not turn out funny.

After there is not a single free space in the story, you need to read what happened to everyone present.

……… tale of ……… princess

In the ……… kingdom, in the ……… state there lived ……… and ……… a princess. When she was fifteen years old, her ……… father, ……… king, decided to give her in marriage. From all over ……… lands came to ……… the princess to woo ……… princes, ……… princes, ……… knights and even ……… and ……… Serpent Gorynych. They fought for ten ……… days and ten ……… nights at the ……… tournament itself. And already ……… and ……… the princess was sitting on the ……… balcony and wanted ……… and ……… the prince of the ……… kingdom who liked the princess the most. But he did not come to the ……… tournament, but won ……… and ……… Serpent Gorynych. He drove away ... ... ... the princes, bit ... ... ... the princes and trampled ... ... ... the knights. The princess burst into tears ... ... ... with tears, waved at the Serpent Gorynych ... ... ... with a fan and complained to her ... ... ... mother. And the princess's mother was ……… and ……… a sorceress, she turned ……… Snake Gorynych into ……… and ……… a prince. The princess liked the prince, and they lived happily ever after!

The tale of ……… turtle

Once upon a time there was ……… an old man with ……… an old woman by the very ……… sea. Once he went to the ……… shore, threw his ……… seine and caught ……… a turtle. And the turtle said to him ... ... ... in a voice:

- Let me go to the ……… sea, to my ……… turtles, and for this I will fulfill your three ……… desires.

The old man thought about it, scratched the back of his head and replied:

- I want my ……… old woman to become ……… and ………! I want my ……… hut to become ……… and ……… a palace! And I also want me, ……… and ………, to become ……… and ……… again!

- It will be done, older! - said ……… the turtle and disappeared into the ……… abyss.

The old man came home, and there is already ……… and ……… a palace, on the porch sits ……… and ……… an old woman. The old man looked at her and ran to the mirror. And in him - not he, but someone awful ……… and ………! But there is nothing to do. And so ……… an old man lived with ……… a hundred years old woman in a palace near the ……… sea, cursing ……… the turtle and her ……… and ……… turtles!

……… story about ……… boy

In one ……… city there lived ……… and ……… a boy who all his life dreamed of sailing on a ……… ship under ……… sails, seeing ……… countries, ……… wonders and other wonders that were told ... …… sailors in ……… taverns. And one day the boy was lucky. A ……… gentleman came to the tavern and said that he wanted to hire a crew on his ……… ship ……… to go in search of ……… treasures. There were a lot of people willing, but ……… the boy still managed to get ……… the position of ……… cabin boy. And so one ……… and ……… in the morning they set off for a ……… voyage. They swam, swam, swam and finally sailed to the ……… island. ……… the captain took out the ……… chest ……… a map, and the whole team, armed with ……… shovels, went to the ……… shore. But they did not know that ……… and ……… a giant lived on this island. Seeing ……… guests, he became very angry and began to throw at them ……… stones and ……… snags. ……… the captain of the ship got scared and gave him ……… the boy, and he and his ……… pirates went to look for ……… treasure. The giant grabbed the boy and dragged him to ... ... ... a cave. But at night, when the moon rose ………, ……… the boy crept past the ……… giant, sat on the ……… ship and sailed far, far away. When ……… the giant woke up and saw that ……… the captive had escaped, he became very angry, attacked ……… and ……… pirates and ate them. And ……… the boy grew up and himself became ……… and ……… a captain and all his life sailed on ……… seas and ……… oceans on his ……… ship, which he called “……… octopus”.

You can easily come up with other templates for composing such funny stories with epithets, taking into account the theme of the holiday or the interests of the gathered guests.

In addition to adjectives, you can insert nouns into stories, only the writer will have to quickly and correctly declare them in cases, gender and numbers:

War ……… and ………

In one fabulous country, among others, lived ……… and ………. But one day, very worried and frightened ………, ……… and ……… came running to them, and with them ten more ……… and they said that the evil ones attacked the fairy kingdom ……… and ……… and brought an army with them terrible gigantic ……… armed with big scary ……… and ………. But the inhabitants of the kingdom were not frightened, grabbed their fighting ... ... ..., built a high wall of ... ... ... and ... ... ... and decided to fight until the last ... ... .... And only the insidious ……… and the vile ……… got cold feet and under cover of night went over to the enemy's side, and at dawn rushed into the attack together with the enemies, shouting: “Long live ………! Down with ………! " They broke through the wall, but behind it there was a moat full of ……… and ………. The attackers fell into it and the brave ……… and ……… fired at them from theirs ……… and threw them headlong ……… and ………, and they began to beg for mercy, shouting: “Forgive us! We are not to blame for everything, but ………, ……… and ………! They started it all! Let us go and we will give you a lot of gold ………, silver ……… and wooden ………! " But no one believed them. The defeated enemies were tied up and thrown into a dungeon to be devoured ………, to be torn apart by ……… and ridiculed ………. And the inhabitants of the fairy kingdom lived happily ever after, having approved the order in honor of the victory over the enemies, which depicted ……… and ……….

At a birthday or anniversary celebration, the culprit (culprit) of the occasion listens to as much flattery as he does not hear for a whole year. And although every birthday person understands that he is being flattered, he still likes it. So why not prolong these pleasant moments for a person and organize funny congratulation games with the guests?

Flapper-stomper "Our birthday boy ..."

Good mass entertainment to create a positive mood in the early evening.

Leading: Let's see what kind of person you consider our birthday man (hero of the day). And we will find out with the help of applause. I will name the epithets, and you, if they correspond to the characteristics of the birthday man (hero of the day), will clap; if you disagree, stamp your feet. For example, I say: our birthday man (hero of the day) is the most charming person. If so, you clap together, if you don’t think so, then stamp your feet.

So, our birthday man (hero of the day):

  • Worthy of the highest praise
  • Intellectual
  • The most ordinary
  • Lazy
  • kind
  • Happy
  • Clockwork
  • Harmful
  • Clever
  • Unpredictable
  • Classy
  • Ugly
  • Resourceful
  • Clever
  • Boring
  • Charming
  • Responsible
  • Hardworking
  • Worthy of the most flattering complements
  • Unorganized
  • And ... the most beloved!

Likewise - for the birthday girl (hero of the day), you just need to redo the endings.

Affectionate hedgehog, or a personal compliment

For all ages.

A simple and fun drinking game that will surely delight the birthday boy. It is best done at the beginning of a festive event. The presenter needs to prepare a "hedgehog" in advance - to stick 20-30 matches or toothpicks into a large beautiful apple (preferably so that the apple is comfortable to hold).

The essence of the game: the guests take turns taking out one “needle” from this “hedgehog” and compliments the birthday man, beginning with the words: “You are the most ...” (“You are the most ...”), until all the “needles” run out. And you need to say compliments on the letter with which the name of the culprit (culprit) of the occasion begins. For example, Oksana's Anniversary or Birthday - then possible variants of compliments: “Oksana, you are the most charming, original, charming, exemplary ...”; if the birthday boy's name is Sergei, then the following adjectives are suitable: "Sergei, you are the sexiest, most self-sufficient, savvy, brave ...". You cannot repeat yourself.

A variant of this game: come up with diminutive or other suitable variants of the name of the birthday person (birthday girl). For example: Sergei - Seryozhenka, Sergurechka, Sergunchik, Sery, Serzhik, Serzhische, Sergunchik, Sergushechka, Sergurenok, Sergishche, Serguryushechka, Serguryunya .... The further - the more fun.

Advertising poster

Creative game-congratulations to the birthday boy (birthday girl).

2-4 teams are involved, 3-6 people each. Each team is given one Whatman paper, pencils and felt-tip pens. The task of each team is to advertise the birthday boy (birthday girl). To do this, teams will need to draw a poster, write a slogan, a rhyme, or even a song. The preparation time is 15-20 minutes. The teams then display their prepared "poster posters". Originality and humor are assessed. It should turn out to be very fun, besides, the hero of the occasion will be very pleased to hear flattering words to himself.

Encrypted epithets for the birthday girl

This game can be played at a home birthday or anniversary party to once again highlight the dignity of the birthday girl. The presenter needs to prepare 2-3 identical sets of cards in advance. Guests are divided into 2-3 teams, each team is given pens and cards with tasks. The presenter explains that from the confused letters it is necessary to make up words-epithets - these are the advantages that the hero of the occasion possesses. Whichever team did the first, that won, and its players read aloud what they deciphered, with the words: “Dear (name of the birthday girl)! You are the most: ... (list the epithets). "

Job options:

  • arakisvya (beautiful)
  • bdahor (kind)
  • vitychavyazo (responsive)
  • Yaseleva (funny)
  • ilaam (sweetheart)
  • latverlyakapien (attractive)
  • meanu (smart)
  • yudazhryabelno (shivering)
  • naiheyatvyasnoz (economic)
  • otyaabealian (charming)
  • tinalalawat (talented)

Despite the seeming simplicity, this game of quick thinking will entertain guests and delight the birthday girl.

Posted date: 2011-12-04


First, as usual, the hero of the occasion is congratulated. To do this, you can prepare in advance a congratulation template in which all adjectives are omitted. The text is written on a beautiful postcard, an empty space is left for missing words.

On this ____________________ and ____________________ day, when so many ____________________ and ____________________ friends gathered in this ____________________ and ____________________ hall, at this ____________________ table, we want to ____________________ congratulate our ____________________ and ____________________ birthday boy! We want to ____________________ wish him (her) ____________________ days of life, ____________________ health, ____________________ friends and ____________________ love! May he (she) be the most ____________________ on earth, may ____________________ be a success and ____________________ luck in life! Happy Birthday! Your friends.

The congratulation text can be different, at your discretion. The one who prepared this congratulation at the very holiday asks all the other guests to help him with the text. Guests should name any adjectives that come to mind, the host writes them down one by one, gradually filling in all the empty spaces.

When the congratulation is ready, the host solemnly reads it out. The texts are very diverse, depending on the adjectives suggested at random, for example: deep, first, good, dear, lazy, full, precious, correct, affectionate, harmful, domineering, honest, happy, rich, costly, petty, best, whole, ticklish.

This is what we will get in the end:

On this deep and first day, when so many lazy and complete friends have gathered in this good and dear room, at this precious table, we want to correctly congratulate our affectionate and harmful birthday boy! We want to powerfully wish him (her) honest days of life, happy health, rich friends and costly love!

May he (she) be the smallest on earth, may life be accompanied by the best success and whole luck!

Happy Birthday!

Your delicate friends.


For this congratulation, you will need a fairly long rope, threads with a needle, a dark blindfold, scissors, paper.

The rope is pulled in the room at the height of the birthday man's chest. Then all the guests present cut out from paper what they would like to wish the hero of the occasion. It can be anything: a car, a baby doll, money, a computer, etc. The main thing is that there should be a lot of wishes, and it is better not to repeat them. Then all these figures cut out of paper are attached with a needle and thread to a rope drawn in advance, the birthday boy is blindfolded, and he must reach the rope and at random cut off one of his wishes (it is not allowed to choose a figure by touch). The fact that the birthday boy himself chose at random will certainly appear with him this year.

Congratulations in verse.

Take a blank sheet of paper (preferably a long one) and pass it around the guests. Each of the guests is invited to write a line of a poem (in turn).

This congratulation has two options.

Option 1. The first of the guests writes a line so that its last word is written on a separate line, then the sheet is bent so that the main text is not visible, but only rhyme is visible, and the sheet is passed on in a circle. The next guest must write his line in rhyme, and so that this text can also be closed, and the last word can be seen at the same time.

Happy Birthday


Happiness, joy

We wish

We are a lot of gifts

We give

Good love

We promise etc.

Then the sheet unfolds and the whole poem is read out to the birthday boy.

Option 2. The first line is given (the host can suggest it) and written on a piece of paper. The first of the guests writes his line in rhyme, closes the entire text (folds the sheet) and writes another line for the next "poet". The leaf is passed on in a circle. The next guest should write his line in rhyme, fold the sheet and offer his second line to his neighbor.

It turns out something like the following:

Our dear Light!

Always be, winter and summer,

The sun is brighter red

All of us will be more fun... etc.

Undress the birthday boy.

In advance, secretly from the hero of the occasion, a full-length human figure is made of cardboard. It is desirable that this mannequin be as similar as possible to the birthday boy (birthday girl).

A paper-cut garment is put on the mannequin. Then the presenter conducts a game: all guests are asked questions related to the hero of the day (for example, when he was born, where, favorite dish, favorite color, etc.). For each correct answer, something is removed from the mannequin's clothes. In the end, the mannequin remains either completely naked or covered in intimate places with leaflets with wishes (leaflets can be replaced with greeting cards).

Find congratulations.

In advance, they write a congratulation on a sheet of paper (preferably in verse, but not necessarily), cut it into separate lines (or phrases) and place these pieces of paper in the folds of clothes (if the birthday person is a man, they hide it in girls' clothes, and vice versa). The hero of the occasion must, under the guests' shouts “cold - hot,” find all the lines as quickly as possible (you can turn on some kind of fast, rhythmic music). Then the text is folded and read aloud.


The hero of the occasion is planted so that everyone can see him. A clean Whatman sheet is strengthened next to it. Each of the guests in turn should, blindfolded, approach the sheet, take a pencil (or felt-tip pen) and draw some part of the birthday person's body. Then the next participant comes up. When the portrait is finished, they make a cool congratulatory inscription on it and give it to the hero of the day.


A baby doll is taken and starts up among the guests in a circle. Each of the guests should congratulate the birthday man, and then, announcing: "I kiss (the name of the hero of the day) on (part of the body)", kiss the baby doll in the place that he named. You can't repeat yourself! Of course, decent body parts quickly end, and then nothing limits the flight of imagination ...

When the doll has passed a full circle, the presenter announces: "And now everyone should kiss the birthday boy himself where he just named!"

You can try to pay off the birthday person (if there is no desire to kiss him).