Children's clothing hygienic and aesthetic requirements. Hygienic requirements for children's clothing



Human health largely depends on the influence of environmental factors. Therefore, compliance with hygiene standards and rules in everyday life determines the preservation and strengthening of individual health... The medical approach to the promotion of individual health has been controversial at different periods in the development of society. Initially, medicine associated the importance of maintaining individual health with the rationalization of nutrition, hardening, the organization of work and life. With the development of large cities, industrial production, compulsory universal education of children, public catering, hygienic standards and recommendations were required for organizing water supply and disposal of sewage in large cities, planning and building new settlements, preventing infectious and occupational diseases, and strengthening individual health into the background.

Today, almost all objects around us are made from new economical synthetic and polymeric materials, chemical synthesis products - building materials, furniture, household items, clothing and footwear. Nevertheless, despite their practicality, many of our "amenities" pollute the air with toxic substances, accumulate static electricity and, as a result, can cause adverse changes in the body, inflammatory and allergic diseases. Household items and the home itself can accumulate dust and microorganisms, which leads to the spread of pathogens of airborne infections, tuberculosis, and viral diseases.

Therefore, at present, the most important task of medicine is not only to maintain and disseminate known dogmas of personal hygiene, but also to develop, on a scientific basis, hygienic requirements for the maintenance of a home, new household appliances, household items, clothes, shoes, cosmetics and personal hygiene products.

Skin hygiene

Leather protects the human body from adverse meteorological, mechanical and physical environmental factors. Intact skin is impervious to almost all microorganisms, participates in the processes of heat exchange between the body and the environment, and performs a signaling function.

To means of cleaning, nourishing and regulating skin metabolism include water, soap, as well as various cosmetic and synthetic detergents (creams, lotions).

Washing with water removes dirt, sweat, oil and dead skin cells from the skin. As a result of washing, the skin vessels expand, the metabolism increases, the stratum corneum swells and softens, the release and absorption of various substances are facilitated. It is better to use toilet soap neutral or overfat, with a small addition of dye and perfumery.

Creams are made on the basis of fats, they make the skin soft and elastic, facilitate the penetration of certain medicinal substances into the skin. Lotions are composed of alcohol, fragrances and distilled water, and contain oxidizing or disinfecting additives. Lotions dry, degrease, cool, tone the skin and tighten pores, depending on the chemical composition and percentage of alcohol.

To maintain the purity of the body, you need to take a shower 2 times a day and once a week you need to wash in a warm bath with soap. Monitor the cleanliness of the skin of the hands and feet, especially the subungual spaces, where up to 95% of all microbes accumulate. Therefore, the free edge of the nail must be systematically cut off so that it only protrudes slightly above the soft part of the finger.

Hair take part in human heat exchange and perform barrier functions. On the head, the hair forms a cover that poorly conducts convection and radiant heat and protects the brain from sudden temperature fluctuations. It is best to wash hair in well-heated water, as it easily removes impurities, dilates the blood vessels of the scalp, increases blood flow, which contributes to better preservation and growth of hair. Oily hair is washed longer (the head is lathered twice) than dry hair. In addition, oily hair should be washed more often, and dry hair less often, as frequent washing degreases it, dries it out, removes shine and causes splitting of the ends of the hair.

Like any immobile organ, hair is prone to atrophy. Therefore, it is important to use a comb that matches your hair (preferably a wooden one). Especially thick hair should be brushed with a comb with sparse, smooth and even teeth. Brushing your hair has a great positive effect. Brushing frees hair from dust, ventilates it, increases blood flow to the hair roots by applying light skin pricks, helps remove dead hair and gives hair a silky soft shine.

Hygienic requirements for clothing and footwear

clothing serves to regulate heat transfer from the body, is a protection against adverse meteorological conditions, external pollution, mechanical damage.

Due to the various physiological characteristics of the body, the nature of the work performed and the environmental conditions, they distinguish between household, children's, professional, sports, military and hospital clothes.

Household clothing is made taking into account seasonal and climatic characteristics (winter, summer, clothing for middle latitudes, north, south). Children's clothing, which, with a low weight, loose fit and made from soft fabrics, provides high thermal protection in the cold season and does not lead to overheating in summer. Professional clothing, designed taking into account working conditions, protects a person from the effects of occupational hazards. Sportswear designed for practicing various sports from elastic fabrics with good hygroscopicity and breathability. Military clothing has a special cut from a certain range of fabrics. Hospital clothing, consisting mainly of linen, pajamas and a dressing gown, should be light, well cleaned of dirt, easily disinfected; it is usually made from cotton fabrics.

Clothes, regardless of purpose and type, must correspond to the work performed, not impede blood circulation and breathing, and be easy to clean from dirt and dust. In rationally selected clothing, the microclimate of the underwear space is characterized by a temperature of 30.5 to 34.6 ° C, an air humidity of 20-40% and a carbon dioxide content of about 1.5-2.3%. In contaminated clothing on the surface of the skin, especially when moistened and the temperature rises, there is an intensive decomposition of sweat and organic substances with a significant increase in the carbon dioxide content in the air of the clothing space.

Depending on the purpose of the garment, fabrics must have the following properties: air permeability, hygroscopicity, thermal conductivity and gas absorption.

Good summer clothing is important. breathability conversely, clothing for work in the wind at low air temperatures should have a minimum breathability.

An important indicator of tissues is their relation to water. Hygroscopicity means the ability of tissues to absorb water in the form of water vapor from the air. The hygroscopicity of tissues is different. If the hygroscopicity of linen is taken as a unit, then the hygroscopicity of chintz will be 0.97, cloth - 1.59, silk - 1.37, suede - 3.13. Wet clothes made of silk, chintz or linen, even at a sufficiently high air temperature, cause a feeling of chilliness. Wearing a flannel or woolen garment over it will significantly soften these sensations.

Thermal conductivity tissue depends on the size of the pores in the material, and it is not so much the large gaps between the fibers that matter, but the small ones - the so-called capillary pores. The thermal conductivity of a worn or repeatedly washed fabric increases, as the capillary pores become smaller, the number of larger gaps increases.

Plays a role gas absorption fabrics. The amount of gas absorption depends on their concentration and tissue moisture. Wool absorbs more gases than cotton and releases them more slowly. Sometimes the amount of gases adsorbed by tissues is so great that if they are released back, they can cause poisoning. The ability of tissues to absorb gases or vapors from the air also depends on the structure of the tissue and the nature of its processing.

As it becomes dirty, clothes should be washed, since fabrics contaminated with dust, secretions and fumes may contain pathogenic microorganisms - pathogens of tuberculosis, typhoid paratyphoid and other diseases. Linen and woolen clothes are especially heavily soiled, the large thickness of which, looseness and relatively rare washing contribute to the accumulation of microorganisms.

Requirements to shoes are to protect the legs from mechanical stress, impact and unevenness of the soil, from cold and getting wet. Shoes should be soft, light, comfortable to wear, appropriate for the weather and working conditions. Narrow and tight shoes lead to deformation of the foot: first, thickening and abrasion of the skin appear, then the soft parts and bones of the foot are deformed, also promotes ingrowth of nails, impairs blood circulation, increases sweating of the feet, and leads to the development of flat feet.

The best material for making shoes is genuine leather, which is sufficiently breathable, resistant to wetting, and retains heat well.

Currently, artificial materials are widely used. Artificial leather should be porous, vapor-, air- and water-permeable, absorb and release moisture, have low thermal conductivity to prevent overheating of the body in heat and cooling in cold weather; do not resize when the moisture content changes, do not warp when moistened and subsequently dried; do not change properties under the influence of sweat, high humidity and air temperature. They must be resistant to aging, mildew and not release chemicals in quantities that pose a potential health hazard. Currently, when creating shoes, artificial suede, textovite, synthetic fur are also used as insulation. These materials are durable, lightweight and beautiful.

Oral hygiene

Systematic and properly organized oral care is an integral part of prevention in preventing diseases of the teeth, periodontal tissues and oral mucosa, but also in reducing diseases of the whole organism.

To oral and dental care products include pastes, powders and related tools: brushes, toothpicks, dental floss.

Toothbrush performs a basic function in dental care. It consists of a handle and a head (working part), on which bundles of bristles are fixed, arranged in rows. There are several types of brushes, depending on the size and shape of the heads, length, thickness, density and quality of the bristles. The most rational toothbrush should have a head 25-30 mm long and 10-12 mm wide. Rows of setae should be sparse, at a distance of 2 - 2.5 mm, no more than three in a row.

In recent years, electric toothbrushes have appeared. An electric toothbrush is powered by a 3000 - 4000 rpm motor, during this period of time it makes many times more vibration and brushing movements than manual teeth brushing. This contributes to a more complete cleaning of the teeth during hygienic manipulations, vibration massage of the gingival mucosa is performed, which improves blood circulation and helps to enhance metabolic processes.

Keep your toothbrush absolutely clean as it can be a source of infection. A toothbrush is a personal item. Wash a new brush thoroughly before use. In between brushing your teeth, the brush can be in a glass or cup, which must also be individual. You can store the brush in a glass head up, head down, inside a special case, threaded into a glass test tube, soaped, sprinkled with salt. You can store your toothbrush in special cases only temporarily, for example, when traveling. Duration of storage of the brush in the case deprives it of light and air, promotes the reproduction of microbes that adversely affect the body.

The choice of a toothbrush depends on the person's age, as well as on the condition of the teeth and soft tissues of the oral cavity. Children need to use a small brush to freely manipulate it in the mouth, consistently brushing their teeth from all sides. The bristles of a child's toothbrush should not be hard, because the enamel of children's teeth is less durable than that of adults, and the gum mucosa is delicate and easily vulnerable. In adolescents and adults, toothbrushes can be slightly larger, but their head should not be more than 30 mm.

In case of diseases of the tissues of the teeth (increased abrasion) and the mucous membrane of the oral cavity (periodontal disease, periodontitis, gingivitis, stomatitis), it is necessary to use a soft toothbrush, coordinating all hygienic manipulations with the attending dentist.

In order to clean your teeth well, you need to make about 300-400 paired strokes with a toothbrush. These movements should go along the axis of the tooth in the form of "scraping" or "sweeping". The latter are more effective as it promotes better cleaning of the teeth and massage of the gums. Usually, in the area of ​​one of the groups of teeth being cleaned, at least 6-8 paired brushing movements are performed. It is especially necessary to clean the lingual surfaces of the lower teeth, since it is on them that plaque accumulates and is most often deposited, subsequently transforming into tartar. The chewing surfaces of the teeth are cleaned in two directions: along and with sweeping movements across.

The toothbrush should penetrate into the interdental spaces, between the tubercles of the teeth, that is, into the most characteristic places of accumulation and retention of food debris. The entire procedure, including vigorous rinsing, should take at least 2.5-3.5 minutes. If these conditions are met, it is possible to achieve good (70-75%) cleaning of teeth from plaque.

It should be remembered that regular and competent oral care is, although important, but only part of a whole range of preventive measures, which includes a healthy lifestyle, consisting in rational and proper nutrition, exclusion of bad habits (drinking alcoholic beverages, smoking, etc.) , harmonious physical development of the body (physical culture and sports, walks in the fresh air, the correct alternation of work and rest).

Hygienic requirements for children's clothing are based on the age anatomical and physiological characteristics of children.

As children develop, they master new movements, improve the acquired motor skills and abilities. Their clothes must correspond to the size and proportions of the body, give freedom of movement. These qualities are ensured by the size and cut of the garment. Tight clothing restricts movement, obstructs blood flow, and sometimes interferes with free breathing. All this hinders growth and development. Tight belts, narrow armholes, and elastic bands should be excluded from children's clothing. The main weight of the clothes must be carried on the shoulders. Loose, oversized clothing also makes it difficult to move. In accordance with the age standards of physical development, standard sizes of children's clothing have been established. One size of clothes can be used for children with a height difference of no more than 10-12 cm.

The child's body is characterized by imperfection of the thermoregulatory function, the more pronounced, the younger the child. The child's clothing should have high heat-shielding properties, protect the body from cooling, but at the same time, it should not contribute to overheating. Only with the strict compliance of clothing with ambient temperature conditions are optimal conditions provided for maintaining a constant body temperature without stressing the thermoregulation mechanisms.

The baby's skin is thin and delicate. In this regard, the protective role of clothing also increases. Clothing, protecting from injury, should not injure itself. Soft elastic fabrics are used for the manufacture of children's clothing.

The hygienic requirements for children's clothing depend on their purpose. Moreover, the clothes of children of each age group have their own characteristics. Clothes for children 2-3 years old and for preschoolers have no significant differences. Thermoregulation at this age already reaches a significant development, and the body copes better with temperature fluctuations in the outside air. The cut of the garment must provide a wide access of air to the body. Pants are sewn to the knee, lower shirts - with a large cut. Seasoned children can wear socks indoors even in winter. It is advisable to sew linen and dress for children of this age from cotton fabrics that have high hygienic properties and are well tolerated by washing.

The hygienic requirements for outdoor clothing depend on the season and climatic conditions.

In summer, on warm and hot days, clothing consists of 1-2 layers. Its loose fit provides wide access of air to the surface of the body. Fabrics with high air permeability are used for sewing: fine varieties of cotton fabrics, silk, linen. In the south, to protect against excessive radiation, it is advisable to wear linen fabrics that transmit very little ultraviolet rays. In the middle lane and northern latitudes, where there is a lack of ultraviolet radiation, it is better to use artificial silk fabrics that transmit a significant part of the ultraviolet rays. To prevent overheating, light-colored fabrics are used. When in the sun, be sure to wear a light hat (panama, headscarf).

During the transitional season, you should wear a warm woolen knitted suit or an autumn coat. In preschool years, the coat can be replaced by a water-repellent overalls with a woolen lining.

Outerwear intended for the cold season must have high heat-shielding properties, be characterized by low air permeability and low hygroscopicity. The best conditions for freedom of movement are created by wearing overalls. The emergence of new synthetic fabrics opens up the prospect of creating lighter and warmer winter clothing.

Sports activities accompanied by high heat generation and increased sweating. Due to this sportswear should be as lightweight as possible. For classes in the gym and in the summer on the site, a T-shirt or T-shirt, underpants or short shorts and sports slippers are used. Winter sportswear consists of underwear, woolen knitted suit, woolen hat and special shoes. Woolen knitwear is indispensable for the manufacture of these garments. Woolen fabric absorbs moisture well from the surface of the body, while retaining its heat-shielding properties, since a significant amount of air remains in its pores. Evaporation of moisture from the surface of the tissue occurs slowly, therefore, the cooling of the body is small. In windy weather, a windproof jacket is worn over a woolen suit.

Shoes also protects the body from adverse meteorological influences and mechanical damage. Being irrationally constructed, it can interfere with the normal functioning of the foot and leads to various deformations - flat feet, curvature of the fingers, etc. It is known that not only in adults, but also in children, flattening of the foot, deformation of the fingers, and abrasions are quite common. Shoes can interfere with the normal development of the foot.

Hygienic requirements are imposed on children's shoes based on the morphological and functional characteristics of children's feet. In childhood, the foot grows rather quickly. The average annual foot growth in a preschooler is 10-11 mm on average. At the age of 7-9 years, the increase decreases, amounting to about 4 mm per year, in the prepubertal period it increases again. The difference between adjacent shoe numbers is 6.67mm. Proceeding from this, at preschool age, about every six months, the shoe number should be changed; subsequently, the shoe number is changed after long periods of time. At an early age, there is a fat pad in the plantar part, which disappears by the age of 5. It is advisable to model the surface of the insole according to the shape of the footprint.

For physical education, a child will definitely need sports slippers or sneakers. When shopping, choose shoes without laces and ties, for example, with an elastic band or Velcro. Shoes should fit snugly to the foot and not lag, otherwise the baby may fall while running or jumping. The upper of the shoe should be made of breathable materials. The outsole of the shoe should be firm, not flexible, but pliable for cushioning when walking. Pay special attention to the presence of an instep support.

Orthopedists do not recommend wearing someone else's used shoes. Shoes should be selected according to the size of the foot, so as not to constrain the leg and not disturb blood circulation. Sports shoes should be lightweight and comfortable. As shown by long-term observations and studies, for physical training, slippers or gym shoes, which are made of rubberized fabric with a grooved sole, are very convenient and hygienic.

Sportswear should be stored in special bags that can be conveniently hung on a hook (or in a closet) for each child. Shoes are stored separately.

Among the activities aimed at strengthening the health and improving the physical development of the child, it is important to comply with the hygienic requirements for his clothes and shoes.

Requirements for summer clothes for children.

In the summer, most of the activities of children in the preschool educational institution take place on the street. It is necessary to ensure that clothing for summer walks, outdoor activities is appropriate for the weather conditions and is comfortable for the child. Fabric for children's clothing should not become electrified and pilling (form pellets). For summer clothes, natural fabrics (cambric, chintz, linen, silk) are preferable. Clothing should be suitable for the child. Clothes that are tight or tight will cause prickly heat, and their seams and piping chafe the baby's skin as they move.

To ensure good ventilation of the baby's skin will help: open collar (neckline), wide armholes, short sleeves (or sleeveless clothing).

At noon, when the activity of the sun reaches its maximum, you should not put on very open clothes (tops, sundresses, T-shirts) on the child, because in it, the body is more exposed to solar radiation. When collecting a child for kindergarten, parents should be aware that air temperature can change during the day. As a rule, in the morning hours it is lower than at noon. Therefore, it is necessary to select clothes so that the child can remove some of it if necessary. Overheating and excessive sweating can trigger colds. The baby's head should be protected from the sun. Preference should be given to garments made from natural fabrics. Synthetic materials can lead to diaper rash and dandruff. The headgear should fit snugly to the head, have a brim or a visor. When the child is in the shade, it is better to take off the hat.

Children's clothing requirements:

Air temperature18-20 * C


Cotton linen, a dress made of half-woolen or thick cotton fabric, tights, shoes on the legs.

Permissible number of layers of clothing in the torso area - 2-3 layers

Air temperature 21-22 * С


Cotton linen, dress (shirt) made of thin cotton fabric with short sleeves, knee-highs, light shoes or sandals on the feet.

Permissible number of layers of clothing in the torso area - 2 layers

Temperature 23 * C and above


Thin cotton linen or without it, light dress, sleeveless summer shirt, socks, sandals on the legs.

Permissible number of layers of clothing in the torso area - 1-2 layers

How to choose the right children's shoes.

The foot is an important part of the human skeleton. It serves as the "foundation" of the body, takes on the load of the whole body during movement. In young children, the feet are flexible and soft, and while the bones are not yet strong, they are very sensitive to any pressure and stress. If the shoe is small or does not fit the leg well, the foot will tend to adapt to the shape of the shoe and may not form properly, the child develops flat feet.

When trying on shoes, you should pay attention to the fact that there is a space of 1 cm in front of the thumb. For this, the child trying on shoes should stand, not sit. Only if the foot carries the entire body weight can the actual length and width of the foot be ascertained.

Children's shoes should not be too large, as they will not support and fix the child's leg insufficiently. Trying to stay in the shoe, the baby's leg will be in constant tension, which can lead to improper formation of the foot. The shoes should not be too loose in the heel and instep, the shoes should wrap tightly around the leg.

Purchased shoes should not have folds, scars, bumps, etc. The sole should not scratch or stain the floor. The presence of odor, the release of chemical ingredients into the intra-shoe space and the environment is excluded in any conditions of life and seasons of the year.

It is not recommended to wear shoes for other children. Even if its size and fullness are the same, the shoes are worn individually. The nature of the wear reflects the structural features of the legs of the previous owner, and the use of such a pair of shoes can lead to muscle disorders and deformation.

The child's feet sweat a lot, so it is important that the shoes allow the feet to "breathe" to avoid discomfort, unpleasant odors and fungal skin diseases. It is best to choose shoes made from natural materials (genuine leather, textiles), or shoes with perforations, using special membrane materials.

Thus, it is advisable to choose shoes for a preschooler, taking into account the following recommendations:

* Shoes should not be narrowed at the toe, as this leads to deformation of the thumb;

* excessively loose shoes also have a negative effect - abrasions, calluses may appear;

* the sole must be flexible;

* heel height no more than 1 cm;

* shoes must have a fixed heel (allows you to firmly hold the heel bone and prevents it from deviating outward);

* provide a firm fixation in the forefoot (an open toe in removable shoes does not contribute to the stable position of the foot and creates a threat of trauma to the toes);

* provide a firm fixation of the ankle joint of the foot;

* it is not allowed to use insoles with a bulge in the underwater space in removable shoes;

* Sandals with a partially covered toe and a fixed heel are recommended as replacement shoes in kindergarten.

Prepared by the nurse V.N. Morozova

Plan - table of contents.

Introduction. 3

The software part. 4

Clothes for children and teenagers: 5-11

Hygiene of linen and clothes of children. 5

Hygienic properties of the fabric. 5-7

Hygienic requirements for clothing cut. eight

Summer clothes. 9-10

Indoor clothing. ten

Clothes for the spring and autumn period. ten

Winter clothes. eleven

Hats. 11-12

Shoes for children and teenagers: 12-17

Hygienic requirements for children's footwear. 12-13

Hygienic requirements for weight, size, style

and will fit children's shoes. 13-15

Rules for the selection of shoes. 15

Shoe care. 16-17

Leather shoes. 16

Shoes with a textile upper. 16

Rubber Shoes. 16

Boots and felt shoes. 17

List of used literature. eighteen


To create the best conditions for the growth and development of a child, for his correct upbringing and training, it is necessary to know the characteristics of his body, to understand what is useful for strengthening health and maintaining normal development. Therefore, the subject, I believe, includes age-related anatomy, age-related physiology and hygiene.

Anatomy studies the structure of the body and its individual organs.

Physiology studies life processes in the body; the work or functions of both individual organs and the whole organism as a whole. On the basis of the achievements of physiology, many issues related to the proper organization of nutrition and general health improvement, the condition of life, were resolved.

Hygiene is preventive medicine. Based on age-related anatomy and age-related physiology, she studies the effect on children of various environmental conditions and activities of children, identifies and tries to mitigate or completely eliminate everything that is harmful to the health of the child, selects such natural and artificial conditions that are conducive to his growth and development, strengthen his health.

Therefore, I decided to take the topic “Children's hygiene as a factor in preventing the spread of diseases”.

The software part.

The course program "Fundamentals of Anatomy, Physiology and Hygiene of Children and Adolescents" includes the following topics:

Man as an integral biological system. The main patterns of growth and development of the body;

The musculoskeletal system at different periods of ontogenesis;

The structure and development of the muscular system as the child grows and develops;

Features of the structure and function of the human digestive and urinary organs;

Respiratory system;

Individual (ontogenetic) structure and development of the human body;

Endocrine glands (endocrine glands);

The cardiovascular system and its condition depending on the age of the person;

The structure and functioning of the nervous system as the material basis of mental activity;

The structure and functional characteristics of the sense organs;

Features of the structure and function of the skin at different age periods of a person's life;

Hygienic education and training of children;

Sanitary requirements for a children's educational institution;

Hygiene of children as a factor in preventing the spread of diseases;

Physiological and hygienic substantiation of the daily regimen;

Organization of a system for hardening children in educational institutions.

Clothes for children and adolescents.

Hygiene of linen and clothes of children.

Among the activities aimed at strengthening the health and improving the physical development of the child, it is important to observe the hygienic requirements for clothing. Clothing serves a person to protect against the adverse effects of the external environment, protects the surface of the skin from mechanical damage and pollution.

In children, in contrast to adults, the central nervous system is less developed, therefore they are more susceptible to the influence of unfavorable environmental conditions. This leads to increased demands on children's clothing. And the younger the child is, the higher these requirements are. And also in children, thermoregulation processes are not sufficiently developed. "Large skin surface areas with less body weight cause increased body cooling in cold, wet and windy weather and overheating in hot weather." With the help of clothing, an artificial suitable microclimate is created around the body, significantly different from the climate of the external environment. Due to this, clothing significantly reduces heat loss in the body, helps maintain a constant body temperature, facilitates the thermoregulatory function of the skin, and provides gas exchange processes through the skin. This is the main role of clothing. The protective properties of clothing are important for children, because:

In childhood, the mechanisms of heat regulation are imperfect, hypothermia and overheating of the body can lead to health problems;

Children are distinguished by great physical activity, in which the level of heat production increases by 2-4 times;

Children's skin is tender and vulnerable;

Cutaneous respiration has a greater specific gravity in the metabolic processes of the body than in adults.

Many parents, when buying clothes for a child, first of all care about its aesthetic side. It is no greater joy for a mother to hear from someone that her baby is beautifully dressed and very cute. Few people think about whether clothing is useful or comfortable. Thus, “clothes, in terms of their design and physical and hygienic indicators of materials, must correspond to the age-related anatomical and physiological characteristics, the type of activity and meteorological conditions, not to interfere with quick and easy removal, and contribute to the education of the child’s aesthetic taste”.

Hygienic properties of the fabric.

The quality of clothing depends on many conditions and primarily on the properties of the fabric. The interaction between baby's skin and clothing fabrics is determined by the hygienic properties of the fabric: thickness, weight, air and vapor permeability, hygroscopicity, moisture capacity, hydro- and lipophilicity, hydrophobicity, and thermal conductivity.

Thermal conductivity characterizes the heat-shielding properties of materials: the lower it is, the warmer the material.

The thickness of fabrics is measured in millimeters and affects the heat-shielding properties of the fabric (for example, batiste-0.1 mm, drape-5 mm, natural fur-30-50 mm). Materials with a large thickness contain more air, which has a low thermal conductivity. Therefore, the thicker the material, the warmer it is.

The weight of the fabric is measured in grams in relation to the unit of area of ​​the material (1 sq. M or 1 sq. Cm) (for example, drape-77 g / sq. M, natural fur-1000 g / sq. M). Hygienically optimal is a fabric with a minimum weight and preservation of all the properties it needs.

Air permeability - measured in cubic meters. dm. and means the ability of materials to pass air through 1 sq. m per second by filtration through the pores. (for example, natural silk-341 cubic dm. / sq. m per second, nylon-125 cubic dm. / sq. m per second, madapolam cotton-111 cubic dm. / sq. m). The top layer of winter and fall clothing should have low breathability to protect it from cold air. Summer clothing should have maximum ventilation, that is, great air permeability.

Vapor permeability is measured in grams of water vapor passing through 1 sq. m of fabric, and determines the ability of materials to pass through themselves water vapors, which are constantly formed in the space under clothing, by diffusing them through the fibers. (for example, madapolam cotton - 16.2 g / sq. m per hour, natural silk - 4.62 g / sq. m per hour, nylon - 1.09 g / sq. m per hour). In areas with hot climates, when heat transfer is largely due to evaporation, clothing should have the highest vapor permeability.

Hygroscopicity - characterizes the ability of fabrics to absorb water vapor, expressed in% (for example, cambric, volta, chintz> 90%, cotton madapolam - 18%, lightweight drape - 16.5%, wool - 14%, reps - 7-8 %, reps with water-repellent impregnation - 1.2%, nylon - 5.7%, lavsan - 0.5%). Good hygroscopicity is a positive property of the materials used for the inner layers of clothing; helps to remove perspiration from the skin surface. The hygroscopicity of fabrics used for the upper layers of winter and demi-season clothing should be minimal, which prevents it from getting wet during precipitation and a decrease in heat-shielding properties.

Moisture capacity - determines the ability of fabrics to absorb water when immersed in it, expressed in%. The properties of the fabric to keep a significant part of the pores free after moistening is of great importance, because at the same time, a certain level of air permeability is achieved and the thermal properties of this material change less.

Hydrophilicity - reflects the ability of a fabric to quickly and completely absorb moisture, expressed in% (for example, cambric, volta, chintz> 90%, reps with water-repellent impregnation - about 0%). High hydrophilicity should be in tissues that are in direct contact with the skin and absorb water vapor from the skin.

Hydrophobicity (“non-wettability”) is the opposite of hydrophilicity. The fabric that forms the top layer of clothing and protects it from snow, rain, fog should be highly hydrophobic.

Lipophilicity - characterizes the ability of tissues to absorb fat from the skin surface, expressed in%. Its high properties are a negative property inherent mainly in synthetic fabrics, because droplets of fat fill the air spaces between the fibers and thereby impair the physical and hygienic properties of the materials.

Three layers are distinguished in clothing: linen, dress (or suit) and outdoor outerwear. For children's clothing, it is allowed to use fabrics made from natural fibers, as well as fabrics with the addition of chemical fibers, but in strict accordance with the requirements of sanitary norms and rules.

So in the materials from which the linen is sewn:

For newborns, toddlers, young children, preschool children (up to size 30), there should be no synthetic fibers (PE - lavsan, PAN - nitron, PA - nylon) and acetate fibers;

For older children, it can be made from “capro-viscose cloth and cloth from cotton-lavsan yarn, but with a content of nylon and lavsan no more than 40%, as well as from cotton cloth with nylon thread and an eraser (no more than 28%)”.

For the production of summer and winter clothing (2nd layer):

For newborns, toddlers, the use of synthetic fabrics is prohibited;

For preschoolers and schoolchildren, the content of “synthetic and artificial fibers in fabrics should be no more than 35-40%”;

For children of older toddler age, in the manufacture of outer knitwear, it is allowed to use both pure synthetic fibers and in combination with natural and artificial ones.

In the third layer of clothing for insulating children's clothing:

Younger toddlers use only natural materials;

In other age groups, it is allowed to use materials containing up to 50% of synthetic and artificial fibers.

Only natural fabrics are used as a lining for the third layer.

"When making clothes for toddlers, preschool and primary school children (up to size 40), the use of synthetic sewing threads is not allowed."

Hygienic requirements for clothing cut.

It is necessary to pay attention to the cut of the clothes, because Clothes that are not sewn correctly can be harmful.

Children's underwear should not have thick, coarse seams. Pulling the upper abdomen with tight elastic bands (in shorts, the elastic should only be at the back), belts, bodices causes changes in the visceral organs, disrupts the coordination of movement of the muscles that support the spine, and can contribute to the appearance of scoliosis, kyphosis. In addition, tightening the waist of the hands with elastic bands disrupts blood circulation, creates stagnation of blood in the capillaries of the skin, and limits its nutrition.

Long-term exposure to the rubber band creates conditions for varicose veins. Therefore, when wearing tights (leggings, jackets, etc.), one rule must be observed: the elastic band tightening the child's waist should be made weak so that the elastic only adheres slightly to the child's body, but does not press or tighten the skin. To prevent the tights from slipping, and the child's appearance is neat, they should be supported with help. In no case should a child be in tights alone - this is not decent. They should be covered with a dress or trousers, shorts. It is also important that the clothing does not clog the skin from the penetration of air for its normal functioning. Tight clothing interferes with the normal course of vital functions of the body: it hinders breathing, digestion, lymph and blood circulation, can contribute to the disruption of the correct body shape at a young age, when the skeleton is most susceptible to mechanical stress. The vasoconstriction of a large part of the body puts additional stress on the heart, which affects all organs of the body that work with excessive blood pressure. Therefore, constraining tight belts, bodices, squeezing the chest, high tight collars are excluded. In childhood or adolescence, instead of bras - bras, it is better to wear regular bras with grooves. The bra straps should be wide, not narrower than 2 cm. Too narrow and tight straps cut into the skin and deform it, leaving deep marks on the shoulders. It is not beautiful and harmful. Clothes that are too long, like tight ones, make it difficult to move and make children awkward. It is necessary to take into account the age sizes and proportions of children and adolescents. The bulk of the garment, when properly cut, rests on the shoulders and ensures the correct distribution of weight. The weight of the clothing must be taken into account. Heavy clothes tire the child and make it difficult to be active.


Lingerie is clothing that is in direct contact with the skin (body). These are day and night shirts, underpants, T-shirts, socks, tights, bras. Therefore, it should facilitate the removal of metabolic products (gases, moisture vapor, fat) from the suitable space. For linen, soft, thin fabrics of a knitted structure are used, which provide air permeability, vapor permeability, hygroscopicity, moisture capacity, hydrophilicity. Woolen, cotton, linen and silk fabrics have such qualities. Cotton fabrics (jersey, flannel) are especially good for children's underwear. They are distinguished by high heat-shielding properties, breathe well, and almost do not lose their qualities after washing and boiling. It is not recommended for children to wear underwear made of synthetic fibers, especially for those suffering from skin and allergic diseases. The cut should be loose and comfortable. The nightgown should be loose, without a collar, cuffs, and long enough. A long nightgown evenly warms the body, protects the child's body from cooling and self-infection with pinworm worms.

Older students can sleep in shorts and a cotton jersey T-shirt. Baby underwear is made of light-colored fabrics.

The requirement for socks and tights depends on the season of their use. As a layer adjacent to the surface of the skin, they should be made of materials with sufficient hygroscopicity, air and vapor permeability. The best materials are cotton and wool knitwear. Constant wearing of tights and socks made of nylon and other synthetic materials is not desirable. Children suffering from rheumatism, nephritis, allergic skin diseases, wearing such tights and socks should be prohibited.

Underwear is changed for children and adolescents at least once a week, and tights and socks are changed after two or three days.

Summer clothes.

In summer, depending on climatic and meteorological conditions, children wear one or two layers of clothing. The first layer is underwear (shirt, T-shirt, panties).

The second layer for girls: a short and flared dress, a sundress with various cotton blouses. Moreover, a sundress can be made of woolen fabric, it can be washed much less often than blouses. This kit is hygienic and very beautiful. In addition, it is easy to transform it into a smart suit: you just have to put on a beautiful new blouse.

Second layer for boys: shirts with spaghetti straps. Overalls with short or long pants are very comfortable. Overalls can be more open - with straps and more closed - like a vest. Overalls can be made from cotton fabrics or from denser fabrics.

The cut should exclude belts, tightening elastic bands, blind collars. Open collar (neckline), wide armholes, short sleeves (or sleeveless clothes), loose fit provide good ventilation of the underwear space.

In hot weather with increased sweating, clothing should help to evaporate sweat better in order to protect the body from overheating, to promote the flow of fresh air and ultraviolet rays. Fabrics should have high air and vapor permeability and are permeable to ultraviolet rays, if possible, reflect heat rays and retain their properties well after repeated washing. Batiste, chintz, linen, natural and artificial silk fabrics have such properties. The latter are inferior to cotton fabrics in terms of vapor permeability and hygroscopicity. Linen fabrics have the best vapor permeability. Artificial silk passes the most UV rays.

Summer clothing should be light-colored to better reflect the sun's rays and prevent overheating of the body. In temperate climates, clothes can be greenish, lilac, blue. Fabrics in these colors are more UV-permeable.

Indoor clothing.

Indoor clothing is selected according to the season and indoor temperature. For the warm season and in winter, in rooms with an air temperature above 20 degrees Celsius, children wear two-layer clothes similar to summer ones made of chintz, linen, satin, etc. If the air temperature in the room is below 19 degrees. Celsius, it is recommended to use thicker or pile fabrics for clothing (flannel, bumazeye, bike, knitwear, corduroy, etc.), as well as fabrics made of woolen and semi-woolen fibers with higher heat-shielding properties. It is allowed to make a children's dress from woolen fabrics with the addition of chemical fibers (viscose no more than 25%, lavsan no more than 25%). These additives insignificantly change the hygienic qualities of the fabric and at the same time increase their wear and tear. It is advisable to sew home clothes from easily washable and well-ironed fabrics. Clothing can be three-layer (using tights, long trousers, blouses, sweaters, etc.). Excessive layering of clothing should be avoided. it not only impedes movement, but also disrupts the ventilation of the underwear space. The cut of everyday clothes should be simple, without unnecessary details - bows, ruffles, frills that impede washing and ironing, from narrow cuffs and sleeves that prevent them from wrapping when washing hands. It is recommended to wear aprons over dresses or suits during duty or work on the site. A necessary detail of any outerwear for children should be handkerchief pockets.

Clothes in the autumn-spring period.

Clothing for walking in cold weather consists of three layers. Clothing should promote normal heat exchange and not let the cold wind pass through fasteners, collars, sleeves. In autumn and spring, depending on the weather, children can wear sweatshirt or woolen knitted suits, blouses and leggings, a light coat, raincoats. If a girl walks in a coat (especially in winter), then the dress has to be crumpled, pulling on leggings. If leggings are worn under the dress, the lower back will cool. Therefore, it is preferable to put on a child's lightweight overalls on one lining (preferably not one-piece, but in the form of a semi-overalls with a jacket). For their manufacture, reps or other dense fabric with low air permeability can be used.

Winter clothes.

Winter outerwear must fulfill its main task - thermal insulation, as well as protection from atmospheric moisture and wind. Fur clothing has high heat-shielding properties. However, sheepskin fur clothes are very heavy and coarse, which deprives the child of the necessary physical activity during a walk, leads to overheating, therefore, children are not recommended: woolen, wadded or woolen wadding winter coats with a fur collar suffer from the same drawbacks. The best winter clothing is a set consisting of trousers with a high belt with straps and an elongated jacket with a hood, cuffs and a pulling elastic at the bottom. This design of clothing provides a high and uniform heat-shielding effect and does not hinder the movement of the child. This garment has three layers. The upper, covering layer is made of fabrics with low air permeability, hygroscopicity, moisture capacity and high hydrophobicity, which prevents the penetration of cold atmospheric air into the underwear space and wet clothes from snow and rain, increasing its heat-shielding properties. For the top layer, fabric materials made from natural fibers with a water-repellent impregnation or synthetic fabrics can be used. The second layer (heat-shielding) consists of porous materials containing air (cotton wool, wadding, sindipon, etc.) and made of natural, artificial or synthetic fibers. Synthetic fibers do not have direct contact with the skin and provide only high heat-insulating properties of this layer of clothing, therefore, their use is permissible. The inner layer (lining) is made of fabrics with high air permeability, vapor permeability, moisture capacity and hygroscopicity, because must provide optimal hygienic conditions in the underclothing area.

Clothing should be comfortable, lightweight and warm. None of these qualities should be neglected for the sake of any fashion requirement. Many girls wear thin synthetic stockings in any weather, not paying attention to the frost. This is dangerous, since the skin turns blue from the cold, coarsens, trophic reticular purple-cyanotic spots develop in it, itching appears. Cooling the lower body contributes to urinary tract disease. In winter, it is necessary to wear warm underwear for both girls and boys, who are especially inclined to walk light even in severe frost.


The headgear should be appropriate for the season and climatic conditions. In winter, the best headgear for schoolchildren is a fur hat with earflaps, the “ears” of which can be raised or lowered. For girls - lined fur hats. They should only be worn in severe frosts. In cool weather, Knitted wool hats (helmet type) are recommended. In the spring-autumn time, if it is not very cold and windy, boys can wear berets, caps with a light lining, and girls - berets, knitted hats. In summer, the headgear protects the head from direct sunlight. Panama hats, visor caps, hats are good for this purpose. They are made of light light fabric - light canvas or pique, straw.

Shoes for children and adolescents.

Hygienic requirements for children's footwear.

Shoes are part of a set of clothing. Various types of footwear are produced for children: all-season, summer, winter, spring-autumn. And also - everyday, model, home, sports, etc. Shoes from a hygienic point of view should protect the body from cooling and overheating, protect the foot from mechanical damage, help muscles and ligaments, keep the arch of the foot in a normal position, provide a favorable microclimate around the foot help maintain the necessary

temperature and humidity conditions under any microclimatic conditions of the external environment. Shoes must meet hygienic requirements - be light, comfortable, do not restrict movement, match the shape and size of the foot. Then the toes are free and you can wiggle them. But it can cause a large number of deformities and diseases of the feet.

Tight and short shoes make it difficult to gait, squeeze the leg, disrupt blood circulation, cause pain and, over time, change the shape of the foot, disrupt its normal growth, deforms the toes, promotes the formation of difficult-to-heal ulcers, and in the cold season - frostbite, increases sweating. Shoes that are too loose are also harmful. Walking in it quickly tires you, and abrasions can occur, especially in the area of ​​\ u200b \ u200bthe rise. Teenagers are advised not to wear tight shoes. Wearing it often leads to curvature of the fingers, ingrown nails, the formation of calluses and contributes to the development of flat feet. Flat feet are also observed when walking for a long time in shoes without any heels, for example, in slippers. Everyday wearing shoes with high (over 4 cm) heels for teenage girls is harmful, because makes it difficult to walk by shifting the center of gravity forward. The emphasis is transferred to the fingers. Support area and stability are sharply reduced. The torso leans back. Such a deviation, at an age when the pelvic bones have not yet healed, causes a change in its shape, changes the position of the pelvis, which in the future may adversely affect the birth function. In this case, a large lumbar bend is formed. The foot rolls forward, the toes are compressed in a narrow toe, the load on the forefoot increases, resulting in a flattening of the arch of the foot and deformation of the toes. In high-heeled shoes, it is easier to twist the ankle, it is easy to lose balance.

The outsole should bend well. A hard sole makes it difficult to walk (the bending angle is limited, the heel of the shoe is pulled down from the heel), reduces the performance of the ankle muscles, increases the temperature of the skin of the legs and sweating.

As much as it is necessary to ensure maximum mobility in the forefoot, it is also necessary to ensure maximum heel stability. The back must be strong and prevent the foot from slipping. The back should protect, tightly cover the heel, prevent its deformation.

In winter, shoes must be warm. For this purpose, fur, felt, cloth, felt are used. In the conditions of cold winters with a stable snow cover, felted shoes (felt boots) are used. Its advantages are high heat-shielding properties and low weight, the disadvantage is limitation of foot mobility. On cold winter days, at least -10 degrees Celsius, schoolchildren can wear boots and boots with foam rubber, insulated with synthetic fur (lavsan with cotton) or with a woolen or felt lining. With chronic cooling of the legs, vascular spasms occur and serious nutritional disorders of the leg tissues develop due to the obstruction of blood flow.

In the summer months, the most hygienic lightweight open shoes with a wide neckline are sandals, sandals, leather shoes, or shoes with leather soles with a top made of textiles and other materials with a porous structure (matting, denim, etc.). Such shoes promote good ventilation and rapid evaporation of sweat due to air circulation around the foot (thanks to the selection of material, but more often to the openwork pattern of the upper of the shoe).

In wet rainy weather, rubber boots or shoes with soles made of waterproof materials, rubber, rubber, nylon, etc. are comfortable. from woven straw or cardboard. Care must be taken to ensure that the lining does not get wet. It is recommended to wear thin woolen socks on your feet. wool absorbs moisture well. Sometimes rubber shoes have to be worn during the cold season. In this case, it should be worn with two pairs of socks or stockings, because air between the toes provides additional thermal protection.

Shoes that meet hygiene requirements help to avoid unpleasant, sometimes painful, phenomena. Thus, the shoes should not squeeze the foot, disrupt blood and lymph circulation, hinder the natural development of the leg. There should be a space of 0.5 - 1 cm in front of the thumb.

Hygienic requirements for weight, size, style, cut of children's shoes.

The hygienic requirements for shoes for children and adolescents consist of the requirements for the design of the shoes, due to the peculiarities of the structure of the foot during the growth period, and for the materials from which the shoes are made. The size, style and rigidity of the bottom of children's shoes should not interfere with the development of the foot.

The foot of a child at an early age differs significantly from the foot of an adult in its anatomical and physiological structure. The children's foot is characterized by a radial shape, in which the greatest width is noted at the ends of the toes. The foot becomes fan-shaped. A different ratio of the heel and forefoot - in children, a relatively longer back (heel), which should be taken into account when designing shoes. The skeleton of the foot in childhood is formed by cartilage. Ossification is completed only with the end of growth (approximately 21 years), so the child's foot can easily deform under the influence of mechanical stress. In this regard, such qualities as the thickness, flexibility of the sole, the weight of the shoe, as well as heat-shielding properties are subject to hygienic regulation.

The main elements of the shoe's cut are the upper - this is the toe, heel, vamp, boot and boot, and the bottom is the sole of the insole, heel.

The toe part should be wider than the beam (part of the foot at the level of the metatarsophalangeal joints).

The toe is the outer part of the shoe upper that covers the surface of the toes up to the level of the metatarsophalangeal joints. Toe - A piece of the top that is positioned between the lining and the top in the forefoot to maintain its shape. It protects the toes from injury, and its length should not exceed the area of ​​the metatarsophalangeal joints.

The back is a part of the upper of the shoe, located in the heel part to maintain its shape. The back should protect the heel, prevent its deformation, prevent the foot from sliding up and back. Thicker genuine leather is used for the production of the backdrop. The production of shoes without a backdrop is allowed for children over 11 years old.

Vamp - leather patch on the toe and instep of the boot, as well as the front of the shoe blank.

Upper leg - the part of the boot that covers the lower leg.

The height of the shoe is normalized depending on its type and genus.

The bottom of the shoe (insole, sole, heel) - should have optimal stiffness indicators - resistance (expressed in N / cm) to bending along the line of the connecting head and metatarsal bones up to an angle of 25 degrees.

"The flexibility of footwear is regulated and should be 7 n / cm for gusarik shoes, 10 n / cm for preschool shoes, 9-13 n / cm for boys 'school shoes, and 8-10 n / cm for girls' school shoes."

The sole is the main element of the bottom of the shoe. The outsole should have optimal flexibility, thickness, mass and thermal insulation properties. The heat-shielding properties of sole materials depend on their thermal conductivity. The lower the thermal conductivity, the higher their heat-shielding properties. In terms of heat-shielding properties, porous rubber significantly surpasses leather and monolithic rubber. At the same time, with an increase in the humidity of the environment, the heat loss of natural leather from wool (felt boots) increases, and the heat-shielding properties of porous rubber do not change. This creates the advantage of using porous rubber soles in children's shoes, which can provide not only heat-shielding properties, but also thickness, flexibility and anti-slip properties of the shoe. In the summer period, wearing shoes with rubber soles, including microporous ones, leads to increased sweating of the feet due to the complete lack of vapor and air permeability. For children's shoes, thread and combined fastening methods are allowed, which provide greater flexibility in the beam area, ease when using porous rubber, polyurethane and other materials, it is possible to use glue and injection methods of fastening, ensuring the waterproofness of shoes, which is necessary in the autumn-spring and winter periods. The thickness of the sole is normalized depending on the materials and type of footwear.

The insole is an inner part of the shoe that has contact with the skin of the foot and contributes to the creation of a comfortable temperature and humidity regime in the intra-shoe space. It must have high air and vapor permeability. It should only be made from genuine leather.

Heel - artificially raises the arch of the foot, increasing its springiness, protects the heel from bruises on the ground, and also increases the durability of the shoe. When resting on a bare foot (without a heel), most of the load falls on the back of the foot. The absence of a heel is allowed only in shoes for young children (booties), while the child is not walking. In shoes with a heel of 2 cm, the load is evenly distributed between the forefoot and the hindfoot. In shoes with high heels, that is, above 4 cm, most of the load falls on the forefoot (with a heel height of 8-10 cm, the load on the forefoot is 7 times greater than on the back). Heel height: for preschoolers - 5-10 mm, for schoolchildren 8-10 years old - no more than 20 mm, for boys 13-17 years old - 30 mm, for girls 13-17 years old - up to 40 mm.

Children's shoes should be securely and comfortably fastened to the foot that does not impede movement. For this, various types of fastening are used: lacing, Velcro, belts, zipper, etc. "Open shoes without fasteners (like" boats ") are not allowed for school shoes."

The weight of the shoe depends on the materials used, construction and type of fastening. The norm of the weight of the shoes is normalized.

For the top of children's footwear for all-season use, genuine leather is recommended. it has high air and vapor permeability, softness, flexibility and heat-shielding properties for summer shoes, along with leather, various textile materials or their combinations with leather are used: matting, denim, etc. materials, felt, felt, etc. Genuine leather and cotton materials are recommended for lining. For the manufacture of children's shoes, polymer materials or natural materials with the attachment of chemical fibers, which are regulated by sanitary norms and rules, can be used. Shoes for everyday wear on the street or at school should be simple, comfortable in shape, with wide low heels (1-2 cm). Then walking will not be tiresome. Older girls' weekend shoes can be on an average, but always stable heel, no more than 3 cm high. Fancy styles should be avoided.

Rules for the selection of shoes.

Shoes for children are selected in accordance with the dimensions determined by the length of the foot: the distance between the most protruding point of the heel and the end of the longest toe. The unit of measurement is a millimeter, the difference between the numbers is 5 mm. Shoes for children and adolescents are made in exact accordance with the length and width of the foot. When trying on shoes, you should pay attention to the fact that there is a space of 0.5-1 cm in front of the thumb. For this, when trying on shoes, the child should stand and not sit. Only if the foot carries the entire body weight can the actual length and width of the foot be ascertained. It should be borne in mind that the length of the foot does not remain unchanged, but increases, especially during movement or as a result of fatigue caused by prolonged walking.

The child needs to change the size of his shoes approximately every six months. It is better to buy shoes in light, bright colors.

Shoe care.

In childcare facilities, conditions should be created for drying, storing and caring for shoes. It is necessary to monitor the individual use of shoes.

Leather shoes.

Before putting on new leather shoes, they must be treated with cream. In order for the shoes to serve for a long time, they need daily care. After a walk, you need to wipe your shoes with a damp cloth, clean them of snow in winter, and then lubricate them with cream - this softens the skin and protects it from cracks. If the shoes are wet and dirty, then, first of all, they must be washed outside with cold water, wiped with a dry rag, you can grease the top with glycerin, and then stuff with well-crumpled newsprint or paper towels and leave to dry in a warm place, but not on the battery (radiator ). You can dry close to them, but not leaning against them. After a few hours, the paper will absorb excess moisture. If leaks remain on dry shoes, they can be removed with a solution of ordinary table vinegar. After that, smear the shoes with cream. At night, it is advisable to take out the insoles, and open the boots, unzipping the zipper to the end. In the morning, you need to wipe the shoes with a soft cloth or brush, giving them a gloss.

Shoes with a textile upper.

Such shoes can be washed with soapy water and ammonia (a teaspoon in a glass of water), and then wiped with a clean cloth. Oily stains are removed from textile shoes with gasoline.

Rubber Shoes.

Rubber shoes keep their shine for a long time if not left dirty. Coming from the street, immediately wash boots or boots well with cold water and wipe dry. Do not put them close to fire - they may crack. Insoles made of leather, thick fabric, felt, felt must be removed and dried.

Boots and felt shoes.

They are cleaned with a stiff brush, pumice stone or fine-grained sandpaper. If these shoes are very dirty, they can be washed beforehand, but it is possible that they will shrink a little.


Shoes should be worn with socks, they absorb sweat and prevent chafing of the skin. Sock size also matters. Tight socks will curl your toes. It should be borne in mind that cotton socks shrink. When the child is standing, there should be a gap of at least 3-4 mm between the toe and the longest toe. Buy socks according to the size of the shoes.

List of used literature.

Antropova M.V.

Hygiene of children and adolescents. Ed. 6th, rev. and add. - M .: Medicine, 1982-336 p., Ill.

Hygiene of children and adolescents. / Ed. V.N. Kardashenko - M .: Medicine, 1980 - 440 p., Ill.

Hygiene of children and adolescents: A guide for sanitary doctors / G.N. Serdyukovskaya, A.G. Sukharev, E.M. Belostotskaya and others; Ed. G.N. Syurdyukovskaya, A.G. Sukharev - M .: Medicine, 1986-496 p., Ill.

Kabanov A.N., Chabovskaya A.P.

Anatomy, physiology and hygiene of preschool children: Textbook for preschool pedagogical schools. Ed. 2nd, rev. - M .: Education, 1975-270s., Ill.

Kuchma V.R.

Hygiene of children and adolescents: Textbook - M .: Medicine, 2001-384p., Ill. (Textbook. Literature. For senior students, interns, clinical residents of medical universities).

Infant and child: From birth to five years / Per. from English - 2nd ed. - M .: Pedagogy, 1988-320s.

School hygiene: Textbook. textbook for students of biol. specialist. ped. Institutes / V. I. Beletskaya, Z. P. Gromova, T.I. Egorova - M.: Education, 1983-160s., Ill.

For young parents: Collection / Ed. M. Ya. Studinikin. ed. 3rd revised and add. - M .: Medicine, 1976-224s., Ill. (Scientific - popul. Medical literature).



Among the activities aimed at strengthening the health and improving the physical development of the child, an important one is compliance with hygienic requirements for clothing and footwear.

Clothing serves a person to protect against the adverse effects of the external environment, protects the surface of the skin from mechanical damage and pollution. With the help of clothing, an artificial suitable microclimate is created around the body, significantly different from the climate of the external environment. Due to this, clothing significantly reduces heat loss in the body, helps maintain a constant body temperature, facilitates the thermoregulatory function of the skin, and provides gas exchange processes through the skin.

Shoes are designed to protect feet from adverse environmental conditions: cold, dirt, various injuries. The main requirement for her is full compliance with the size and shape of the foot. Shoes for a child should be soft, light, have an elastic sole with a low heel.

The main requirement for children's clothing is its rationality. It should, first of all, provide the child with a sense of comfort and a favorable microclimate. Aesthetic requirements for children's clothing, although high, remain in second place. When choosing clothes for children, parents should pay attention not only to its appearance. Thermal properties, comfort of cut, lightness should be put in the first place. Clothing should not restrict the movement of the child, disrupt the physiological functions of the skin and the removal of metabolic products from its surface. The fabrics from which children's clothes are sewn must be breathable, hygroscopic (capable of easily absorbing water and water vapor), not to lose these positive qualities and attractive appearance after repeated washing and ironing.

Any shoe should be spacious enough in the toe area, otherwise the foot deformity will occur. The back of it tightly holds the heel so that it does not move backward and outward and does not slip to the toe. If the shoes are chosen correctly, this allows the child to move their toes freely. The legs of children grow rapidly. The shoes from which they grew, squeezing the foot, disrupt blood circulation in it, which negatively affects the normal functioning and development. In this regard, it is necessary to constantly monitor whether boots or shoes are squeezing the child's foot. Big shoes bought for growth are just as harmful as tight ones. In addition, it often causes scuffs.

Currently, there is a tendency towards the use of school clothes by students. The interaction between the child's skin and the fabrics of school clothes is determined by the hygienic properties of the fabric: thickness, weight, air and vapor permeability, hygroscopicity, moisture capacity, hydro and lipophilicity, hydrophobicity, and thermal conductivity. Hence, the hygienic properties of the school uniform are very important for the thermal comfort and well-being of the child... The requirements for the composition of the fabric from which it is sewn are more stringent, because the child wears these school clothes for a significant time of the day (the student spends 5-6 hours in school uniform, taking into account the extended day to 8-9 hours). It is necessary to pay attention to the cut of the clothes, as incorrectly sewn clothes can be harmful.

Parents sometimes look only at the price of clothes, and not at the composition of the fabric, and buy what the children should not wear. An ordinary children's suit can be made from fabric, which is 67% chemical fibers. You can dress in such a suit for a holiday, but in no case should you wear it at school.

It is very important for parents to know that a modern school uniform must meet all hygienic requirements, but at the same time be stylish, diverse and fashionable. The ergonomically perfect (comfortable for the child in statics and dynamics) school uniform allows you to shape the posture of the child's figure and is designed to provide dynamic comfort.

Recently, sports shoes have become widespread. Some of its types (sneakers, sneakers) are used not only for sports, but also for everyday wear on the street and at home. This is wrong and harmful. Each type of sports footwear should correspond to its purpose and be used not constantly, but temporarily, strictly according to its intended purpose. All types of children's shoes should fit well. Cotton tights, knee-highs, socks for children are highly hygroscopic. Such products made of synthetic fibers are completely incapable of absorbing moisture, as a result of which the legs in them sweat, overheat in summer, and, on the contrary, cool more in winter.

When choosing clothes (school uniforms) and shoes:

1. Carefully study the labeling of the garment (the label with the manufacturer's data, the composition of the fabric and recommendations for cleaning and washing the product).

2. Pay attention to the symbols that indicate how to care for the product. For example, if it says dry cleaning, it is better to refuse such clothes for a child, chemicals can be harmful to the health of your student, who will spend almost all day in this suit.

3. The fabric from which the uniform is sewn must be at least half of wool, cotton or viscose, that is, natural materials. A uniform made of cotton and linen is recommended for autumn and spring, and wool and cashmere for winter.

4. The color of children's clothing (school uniform) should be chosen calm, muted. Bright colors increase fatigue in children and can provoke latent irritation.

5. It is better to avoid a combination of colors such as black and white, such a sharp contrast greatly tires the eyesight and can even cause headaches.

6. It is better to choose several items of school clothes for the child at once, so that it is convenient to change them during the week.

7. Determine the required shoe size for the child by measuring the length of the child's sole with a centimeter. Correctly selected shoes are shoes when the distance from the end of the thumb to the inner surface of the shoes or shoes should be 0.5 - 1 cm.

8. When choosing shoes for a child, it is necessary to try them on on both feet. In this case, the child should not sit, but stand, then the load from the entire body weight will fall on the foot.

9. When choosing shoes for winter, you should give preference to shoes made of felt, cloth, you can use insulated boots or boots.

10. It is advisable to wear felt boots only in severe frost and in no case stay indoors in them, since in their shape they do not meet many of the requirements for children's shoes. The same applies to rubber boots. They can only be used in rainy weather or for walking on wet grass. Inside the rubber boots, you need to put a cloth insole and put them on over a woolen sock that absorbs moisture well.

11. As summer footwear for children, it is advisable to purchase shoes, sandals, sandals made of leather or textile materials. To prevent the child's feet from overheating, the top of summer shoes should be openwork, this will provide air circulation and protect the foot from overheating.

12. When purchasing children's clothing (school uniform) and footwear, you must pay attention to the availability of documents confirming the quality and safety. Currently, for children's clothing and footwear, both domestic and imported, this document is a certificate of conformity; for clothes of the first layer (underwear) - a certificate of state registration.


basic requirements for the sale of children's clothing,

protection of consumer rights to the quality and safety of children's clothing

Activities for the retail sale of children's clothing are regulated by the Law of the Russian Federation dated 01.01.2001 No. 000-1 "On Protection of Consumer Rights (hereinafter referred to as the Law on Protection of Consumer Rights), the Rules for the sale of certain types of goods, approved by the decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated 01.01.2001 No. 55 (hereinafter - the Rules of sale).

General safety requirements for children's clothing are established by the Technical Regulations of the Customs Union CU 017/2011 "On the Safety of Light Industry Products", approved by the Decision of the Commission of the Customs Union and entered into force on July 1, 2012 (hereinafter - the Technical Regulations).

By virtue of the mandatory requirements of the aforementioned regulatory enactments, when selling children's clothing, the seller (legal entity, individual entrepreneur) is obliged to inform the consumer about the firm name (name) of his organization, its location (legal address) and its mode of operation by placing the specified information on the signboard. The seller - an individual entrepreneur is obliged to provide the consumer with information on state registration indicating the name of the registering authority (Article 9 of the Law on the Protection of Consumer Rights, paragraph 10 of the Sales Rules).

Also, the seller is obliged to promptly provide the consumer with the necessary and reliable information about the goods sold and their manufacturers, which must contain:

Name of product,

Country of origin,

Information about the main consumer properties of the goods,

Price in rubles,

Date of manufacture,

Rules and conditions for the effective and safe use of children's clothing (symbols for the care of products, the decoding of which must be provided to the consumer in a visual and accessible form),

Address (location), company name of the manufacturer (seller), importer, authorized organization,

Information on the mandatory confirmation of the conformity of goods to the established safety requirements (for children's clothing, this is a certificate of conformity, which the seller must provide at the request of the consumer) (Article 10 of the Law on Consumer Protection, Article 9 of the Technical Regulations, paragraphs 11, 12 of the Sales Rules).

In accordance with clause 2 of the Technical Regulations, the labeling of children's clothing made of textile materials must contain additional information about the model of the product, the type and mass fraction (percentage) of natural and chemical raw materials in the material of the top and lining of the product. The deviation of the actual content of raw materials should not exceed +/- 5%.

The above information is brought to the attention of the consumer on the product, consumer packaging, product labels, leaflets attached to each unit of the product.

In addition, children's clothing items must have labels indicating the name, article, price, size and height (for clothing and linen), the type of fur and its color (for clothing, hats, fur collars) (paragraph 41 of the Rules of Sale) ...

All necessary information is brought to the attention of the consumer in Russian (Article 8 of the Law on the Protection of Consumer Rights, paragraph 15 of the Sales Rules).

When selling children's clothing, outerwear, hats, fur goods, the seller is obliged to provide the buyer with conditions for trying on the goods - the sales area must be equipped with a fitting booth (clause 43 of the Rules of Sale).

When selling children's clothing, the seller is obliged to hand over to the buyer a sales receipt, which indicates the name of the goods and the seller, the date of sale, the article, grade and price of the goods, as well as the signature of the person directly selling the goods, if the sales receipt for the goods does not contain the name of the goods, article, grade (if any) (clause 46 of the Rules of Sale).

The trading place must have a book of reviews and suggestions, which is provided to the buyer at his request (clause 8 of the Sales Rules).

In accordance with Article 25 of the Law of the Russian Federation "On Protection of Consumer Rights", the consumer has the right to exchange goods (children's clothing) of proper quality within fourteen days, not counting the day of its purchase, for a similar product from the seller from whom this product was purchased, if the specified product did not fit in shape, style, color, size or configuration.

It should be noted that goods subject to the exchange on the basis of the above norm, not included c The List of non-food products of good quality that are not subject to return or exchange for a similar product of a different size, shape, dimension, style, color or configuration, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated 01.01.2001, No. 55 (hereinafter - the List). So, according to the List, they cannot be returned or exchanged for a similar product of a different size, shape, dimension, style, color or configuration. of proper quality:

Textile goods (cotton, linen, silk, woolen and synthetic fabrics, goods made of non-woven materials such as fabrics - ribbons, braid, lace and others) (paragraph 4 of the List),

Sewing and knitwear (garments and knitted underwear, hosiery) (item 5 of the List).

The exchange of good quality goods is carried out if the specified product was not in use, its presentation, consumer properties, seals, factory labels have been preserved.

If defects are found in the goods, if they have not been agreed by the seller, the consumer, by virtue of the provisions of Article 18 of the Law on the Protection of Consumer Rights, has the right to demand:

Substitutions for goods of the same brand, model, article;

Replacement for goods of another brand, model, article with a corresponding recalculation of the purchase price;

Reducing the purchase price;

Gratuitous elimination of deficiencies or reimbursement of expenses for their correction;

Refund of the amount paid for the goods.

Clause 5 of Article 18 of the Law on the Protection of Consumer Rights establishes the general procedure for considering consumer claims related to the purchase of goods of inadequate quality. This procedure includes the obligation of the seller to accept the goods of inadequate quality from the consumer and, if necessary, to check the quality of the goods. The consumer has the right to participate in checking the quality of the goods.

If a dispute arises about the reasons for the occurrence of defects in the goods, the seller (manufacturer) is obliged to conduct an examination of the guaranteed goods at their own expense. The examination of the goods is carried out within the time limits established by Article 22 of the Law on the Protection of Consumer Rights in order to meet the requirements of the consumer. The consumer has the right to be present during the examination of the goods and, in case of disagreement with its results, to challenge the conclusion of such an examination in court.

In accordance with paragraph 1 of Article 7 of the Law on the Protection of Consumer Rights, "the consumer has the right to ensure that the product, under normal conditions of storage and use, is safe for the life, health of the consumer, the environment, and does not harm the property of the consumer.

By virtue of the provisions of paragraph 2 of Article 7 of the Law on the Protection of Consumer Rights "the harm caused to the life, health or property of the consumer due to the failure to ensure the safety of the goods is subject to compensation in full in accordance with Article 14 of the Law on the Protection of Consumer Rights."

In this case, the harm caused is subject to compensation by the seller (manufacturer) to any victim, regardless of whether he was in a contractual relationship with the seller (manufacturer) or not (on the basis of articles of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation (hereinafter - the Civil Code of the Russian Federation), Articles 7, 12, 14 Consumer Protection Law).

If the seller does not meet the consumer's requirements (declared due to the inadequate quality of the goods and / or the failure to ensure the safety of the goods) on a voluntary basis, their resolution is possible only in court, since, by virtue of Article 11 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, the protection of violated or contested civil rights and the resolution of property disputes is carried out by the court ... Based on the foregoing, the consumer has the right, on the basis of Article 17 of the Law on the Protection of Consumer Rights, to apply to the court with a statement of claim for the protection of consumer rights at the place:

Finding an organization;

Residence or residence of the plaintiff;

Conclusion or execution of a contract.

Consumers and other plaintiffs in claims related to violation of consumer rights are exempted from paying state duties in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation on taxes and fees.

If the prospect of judicial resolution of the dispute arises, the Rospotrebnadzor Administration for the Krasnoyarsk Territory is ready to assist consumers in judicial protection of the violated right by giving an opinion on the case in order to protect consumer rights in the manner prescribed by Article 47 of the Civil Procedure Code of the Russian Federation, Article 40 of the Law on Consumer Rights Protection ...

The opinion on the case in order to protect the rights of the consumer is the opinion of the authorized body on the nature of the legal relationship in question, on the legality and validity of the claims made by the plaintiff, on the norms of legal acts applied to the disputed legal relationship, on other issues (of a legal nature) arising during the consideration of the case or raised by the court.

In order to attract the Department to participate in the case in the specified procedural form, it is necessary to file an appropriate petition in the court, or contact the Department with an independent statement, attaching a statement of claim to it, the defendant's objections to the statement of claim (if any), as well as documents substantiating the submitted requirement.

In addition, according to the resolution of the Plenum of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation dated June 28, 2012 No. 17 "On the consideration of civil cases by courts in disputes on the protection of consumer rights" when the court satisfies the consumer's claims in connection with the violation of his rights established by the Law on the Protection of Consumer Rights, which were not voluntarily satisfied by the seller, the court collects a fine from the defendant in favor of the consumer in the amount of 50% of the amount awarded by the court in favor of the consumer.