Peach oil. Application. Peach oil - properties and uses

Peach oil occupies a leading position in the arsenal of natural skin, hair, eyelash care products. Elastic and light, it makes the skin "soft as a peach". Based on it, eye makeup removers are made. Peach face oil for wrinkles has proven to be excellent for any skin type. From this article you will learn in which cases you can use a pure natural product, how to prepare effective masks based on peach oil in combination with apricot oil, is it possible to apply peach pomace pomace on the delicate skin of the eyelids?

How does peach oil for wrinkles work?

Cosmetic oils are necessary for any type of skin. Dry skin is moisturized, protected, cell renewal. Fat gets rid of inflammation, acne and dermatitis.

The most delicate consistency of oil from peach nucleoli lies pleasantly on the face, eyelids, eyelashes. Absorbs quickly without leaving greasy marks. At the same time, it nourishes the dermis with vitamins, amino acids, fills it with moisture, delivers vitamins to the tissues. The protective oil film serves as a barrier for microorganisms, keeps the upper layer of the dermis from destruction, smoothing the skin.

With regular application to eyelashes, growth improves, hair loss decreases. They become thick and shiny.

These beneficial properties are explained by the composition of the fruit, which includes:

  • vitamin C;
  • niacin;
  • vitamins B1, B2, B5, B17;
  • carotene;
  • vitamin E;
  • pyridoxine;
  • almond oil - up to 50 percent of the dry matter.

Oil composition

After cold pressing of dried peach fruits, an oil similar to almond oil is obtained, but enriched with the unique vitamin composition of the seeds themselves. These are B vitamins with an index of 15 - pangamic acid. It is involved in the synthesis of keratin, providing cells with oxygen. This component of the cosmetic product fills the dermis with moisture, removing peeling and dry skin.

Polyunsaturated fatty acids help B vitamins in this:

  • Palmitic acid protects the dermis from negative effects.
  • Oleic acid supplies nutrients.
  • Linoleic acid, being an antioxidant, heals cells.
  • Phospholipids are a natural emulsifier. Softens and moisturizes the skin.
  • Tocopherol is a vitamin of youth E. It restores skin elasticity and beauty lost with age.

Application of peach oil for wrinkles

All ingredients of peach oil are actively used in the production of cosmetics: creams, gels, lotions. At home, it is indispensable for the care of aging and problem skin.

Those who regularly use natural cosmetics note the anti-aging effect:

  • the skin becomes elastic, elastic;
  • mimic wrinkles are smoothed;
  • age spots fade;
  • the oval of the face is tightened.

Gentle peach oil is indispensable for the care of dry and sensitive dermis:

  • nourishes,
  • tones,
  • removes inflammatory processes,
  • removes the effects of allergic reactions.

Mask Recipes

Despite the rich composition of fatty acids, peach oil has a delicate texture. They can clean the face before going to bed, remove makeup from the face. It would be nice if you add a drop of filtered peach pits to your favorite cream, tonic, lotion. Dry skin will respond to the evening application of a natural composition.

Apply a heated product to it a couple of hours before bedtime. Follow the procedure daily, without interruption - you will be surprised how your face will become: tender, like a peach peel. The color and turgor will improve if you make scrub masks based on peach oil yourself.

  1. Scrub mask Based on almond bran and warmed peach oil, it is prepared in a ratio of 1 to 1. It is applied to wet skin along massage lines. Impact - up to slight reddening of the skin. Usually two or three minutes. Then evenly distribute the composition over the face. Leave on for 10-15 minutes, then wash off the mask with warm water.
  2. Coffee oil scrub. Mix ground coffee with gel and peach oil to make a thick slurry. Start massaging your face with gentle movements, gradually increasing pressure. The face feels smooth to the touch - wash off the scrub with plenty of cool water.
  3. Toning mask with peach and cream after coffee scrub will improve turgor. Ingredients: peach pulp (2 parts) one each - stone pressed and heavy cream. Apply on face for 20 minutes. For oily dermis, replace cream with yogurt or cottage cheese.

In its pure form, you can massage around the eyes, grabbing the eyelid. At the end of the procedure, lightly blot the massage area. The morning procedure will relieve swelling, the evening procedure will smooth the skin, hiding wrinkles.

To increase the regenerating effect, experts advise combining stone fruits with essential components that are able to deliver nutrients to the deep layers of the dermis.

Essential plant extracts cannot be applied in their pure form on the eyelids and around the eyes - you can cause burns, dermatitis! No more than two drops per 10 ml of stone pomace are added to the base base.

Top 3 effective masks

You can enhance the effect of ready-made cosmetic products for the care of aging skin around the eyes by adding stone fruit oil. You will achieve the best results by combining several components at home.

  1. Egg oil mask. The egg yolk is mixed with a spoonful of stone fruit oil. A cotton pad is impregnated and applied under the eyes for 15-20 minutes. At the end, the excess composition is removed with a damp cloth.
    The mask smoothes even deep dynamic wrinkles.
  2. Oil-Essential Mask. Droplets of essential extracts from sandalwood, rose petals or neroli (orange flowers) are added to the base base. Phyto composition is applied in the form of a compress for 10-15 minutes.
    Successfully fights sagging and wrinkles.
  3. Vitamin masks. Pharmacy vitamin E is added to the stone base (more on the effect of vitamin E on wrinkles). For 5 ml, 3-5 drops of a vitamin solution are enough. Saturate the napkin with the composition and apply on the eyes for 10 minutes. Compress do two hours before bedtime. Follow the procedures for a month, every other day.
    A simple tool after regular use will remove "crow's feet", delay the formation of deep wrinkles.

Advice! Choose for your type of face, experimentally, one or two masks that effectively work on wrinkles around the eyes. Alternate their application.

Can peach or apricot oil harm the skin of the face?

The advantages of stone oil include its "omnivorous". On the basis of fruit components, medicines and the best cosmetics are produced. Pediatricians recommend using peach or apricot oil to care for the delicate body of newborns. For colds, they are instilled into the nose of infants and adults, as they have anti-inflammatory properties.

Fruit "balm" is hypoallergenic. Has no contraindications. Only in isolated cases individual intolerance can be noted. The delicate texture of the components easily penetrates the skin, filling it with useful substances and health. An excellent base for massage compositions.

The pluses include daily use, without "exposure" to rest the face. All this indicates that the stone "balm" will not cause any harm to the skin. It can be used in preventive, curative and rejuvenating procedures.

With regular use, women note that wrinkles on the eyelids, in the corners of the eyes, mouth and nasolabial folds become invisible. The face becomes healthy and velvety.

And in this video, we offer three more effective face masks with peach oil:

Stone oil should always be in the cosmetic set of women of any age. Early prevention of wrinkles will delay the time of deep age-related changes. Acne, inflammatory processes are quickly removed with natural cosmetics based on peach and apricot kernels.

You can find additional information on this topic in the section.

The unique vitamin composition and a set of useful substances make the use of peach oil very popular in cosmetology. The content of such groups of vitamins as A, E, C, P, as well as a high level of micro and macro elements, including iron, calcium, potassium and phosphorus, makes this product simply an elixir of beauty.

Ways to use peach oil

Despite its nutritional value, peach kernel oil is light and absorbs well into the skin. Therefore, for facial skin care, it can be used, both in pure undiluted form, and mixed with other vegetable oils.

For very dry, aging, and sensitive skin, peach oil is recommended to be applied to cleansed facial skin at night, using it instead of a night cream.

With peeling, or with various irritations and inflammations of the skin, it is necessary to lubricate the affected areas with peach oil several times a day.

It is also very good to use peach oil for the face, adding it to creams and skin cleansers (lotions, tonics), a few drops per 1 single part of a cream or tonic. In other matters, again, slightly warmed peach oil can also be used as an independent facial cleanser, for example, to remove makeup from the skin or eyes.

Similarly, when caring for the skin around the eyes, pure peach oil can be used instead of creams or other eye gels. Just apply it at night, under the eyes, gently tapping it into the skin with the pads of your fingers.

Peach kernel oil is especially suitable for excessively dry and aging skin of the eyelids, which already has small wrinkles.

In addition, peach oil is widely used to care for eyelashes, preventing them from falling out and helping to improve their growth.

It is necessary to apply it daily to the eyelashes at night, for example, using a washed mascara brush, or gently with the little finger, distributing the oil along the entire length of the eyelashes.

It is also good to lubricate dry, chapped and chapped lips with peach oil.

Like many other vegetable oils, peach oil is great for self-preparation of natural creams as a fatty base, and, of course, its use in other homemade facial cosmetics, such as masks, lotions, scrubs, is no less popular.

Indications for the use of peach oil for facial skin

  • skin aging, sagging skin, wrinkles;
  • "crow's feet", dry skin around the eyes, cracks on the lips, the so-called seizures in the corners of the mouth;
  • the presence of eczema and various types of dermatitis;
  • loss of skin firmness and elasticity;
  • the presence of inflammatory processes on the skin;
  • dull and gray complexion.

Properties of peach oil (peach kernel oil)

Peach kernels contain a record amount of oil, which is obtained by cold pressing followed by filtration. The oil has a characteristic peach, very delicate smell, yellow color and a rather mild taste.

  • Peach oil contains the most valuable fatty acids: linoleic, linolenic, stearic, oleic, palmitic and palmitoleic.
  • In addition to acids, peach oil contains vitamins B and E, bioflavonoids, sugars, carotenoids and important minerals such as potassium, calcium, phosphorus and iron.
  • Peach seed oil is considered an excellent antioxidant and adaptogen, so it is recommended for use in the fight against premature aging.
  • This valuable oil stimulates the processes of hematopoiesis.
  • It has a positive effect on the metabolism in the body.
  • It does not cause irritation and allergies, it can be recommended even for children.
  • Helps with burns, skin diseases: eczema, dermatitis.
  • It has a mild choleretic and laxative effect.
  • Improves skin condition. Smoothes fine wrinkles, evens out skin tone, maintains skin elasticity, suitable for all skin types.

Mask Recipes

Nourishing mask for all skin types

Preparation and use: Mix 1 tablespoon of peach oil with a small amount of ripe peach pulp and add 1 tablespoon of milk cream. Rub the mask well and apply on a cleansed face for 15 minutes. After the time has elapsed, wash off the mask with water at room temperature.

honey mask

Suitable for dry problem skin. Should be applied twice a week. The result is noticeable after 3 weeks.

Preparation: take one spoon each of honey and peach kernel oil. Mix the ingredients well, and spread the resulting mixture in an even layer on a gauze bandage. Then, apply it on your face and keep it for about 30 minutes.

Curd nourishing mask

Take peach oil and fatty cottage cheese in equal proportions. Mix thoroughly. When it acquires the state of a homogeneous slurry, it can be applied to the face. Keep for half an hour, wash off the remnants with lukewarm water.

peach oil for youthful skin


  • 1 tablespoon peach oil
  • 1 yolk
  • 15 drops of alcohol or vodka

Preparation and application

Heat the oil and mix with the yolk. Add alcohol or vodka to the resulting mixture. Apply to face for 20 minutes, then rinse with water. This mask is recommended to be used no more than three times a week.

How to prepare a face mask for acne

  • We need a small, or a large bowl, where you need to pour two tablespoons of yellow clay.
  • Next, for two tablespoons of clay, we need 1 tablespoon of water. The consistency should be thick sour cream.
  • Mix water well with clay.
  • Add 4-5 drops of peach essential oil there.
  • Mix well and apply the mask on the face. Keep it for fifteen minutes.

Mask for dry skin

Dry skin and with traces of peeling will help the following mask. Mix almond bran with peach kernel oil, preheated. The already prepared mixture should be applied to moistened skin and massage it with light finger movements. Continue massage for 1 minute. Then the mask on the face should be 15 minutes. Washes off with warm water.

At a cost, peach oil is quite affordable, and besides, it lasts for a long time. If you use such face masks for several years, expensive creams from various cosmetic companies fade into the background, not to mention the fact that the use of age-related cosmetics can be postponed for several years. The most important condition for skin care with this tool is regularity. The more often you apply masks on your face, the better your skin will look.

The skin is soft, like a peach - this is not a metaphor, but a reality! To achieve a stunning effect, peach seed oil will help. All the necessary components for the health and beauty of facial skin are contained in one bottle, without the addition of artificial additives and elements.

Peach oil - a natural product extracted from peach pits - is highly valued in. Its use as a cosmetic product for the face is very popular, as it is a great alternative to expensive cosmetic products. Particularly attractive is that you can use it yourself, at home. Let's find out more about this.

Medicinal and beneficial properties

Peach kernel oil has received well-deserved recognition for its outstanding health benefits. The unique combination of fatty acids, which are necessary for a person, put him on a podium in the preservation and maintenance of beauty.
They are used by professional cosmetologists with pleasure.

Pharmaceutical corporations produce on its basis the medicines necessary for a person - for example, from rhinitis and nasopharyngitis. Alternative medicine also did not ignore this product and widely uses it in aromatherapy.

Particularly noted is the absence of its use in any field, be it cosmetology or medicine.

Application recipes

As already noted, the use of this natural has proven itself in cosmetology.

For face, eyelashes and eyebrows

Oil is an indispensable component for aging skin. There are no contraindications for young women with especially sensitive facial skin, prone to all sorts of inflammation and allergic reactions.
Regular use removes these problems, if not completely, then very noticeably. The skin is well nourished with useful substances, softened, moisturized. And as a result, it acquires a well-groomed, healthy appearance.

Important! Peach oil should be applied regularly, only this provides a noticeable effect.

The most common method of applying oil in facial care is.


Used for dry skin.


  • 1 st. l. honey;
  • 1 st. l. oils.
Mix and apply the resulting mixture on your face. Keep 30 min. Apply 2 times a week. The result is in 3 weeks.

From wrinkles


  • 1 st. l. oils;
  • 1 egg yolk;
  • 15 drops of vodka.
Keep 20 minutes. Apply 3 times a week. The result is in 1 week.


For oily skin.


  • strawberry gruel;
  • 1 st. l. oils;
  • 10-15 drops of vodka.
Apply before bed. Cream after is not recommended. The result is in 5 days.

Important! Strawberry masks are acceptable if there is no allergy to strawberries.


For all skin types.


  • 1 st. l. oils;
  • 2 tbsp. l. peach pulp;
  • 1 st. l. cream.
Strictly speaking, the technique for applying masks is always the same. The time - in minutes - of applying the mass may vary, as well as the time of day.

Sometimes it is used as a real remedy.

For dry, aging skin, it is applied every night as a substitute for a night cream.

In case of irritation, the skin is lubricated with this product several times a day.

And the therapeutic effect does not exhaust the scope of this amazing natural product. There are other interesting ways to use it in facial skin care.


  1. Make it one of the components of lotions and tonics by adding a couple of drops there.
  2. Cleanse their skin upon removal.
  3. Apply under the eyes instead of special expensive gels.
  4. Prepare homemade nourishing cream with it at the base.
  5. Feel free to replace them with any vegetable oil.

Of course, this is not the only scope of this cosmetic product. In Soviet times, older women used burdock oil for eyebrows and eyelashes. It was available and sold in pharmacies for a penny.

At that time, they had not even heard of peach oil.

Now the situation has changed. This product has proven itself well in this segment of cosmetology.

Did you know? Peach ranks third in Europe in popularity after apples and pears.

Everything is very simple here: it is enough to lubricate the eyebrows and eyelashes at night with this natural product, and wash it off in the morning when washing. For application, you can use a well-washed brush from used mascara or a regular cotton swab.

Eyelashes do not fall out, become fluffy. There is a bonus effect: in addition, irritation from conjunctivitis, if any, is softened.

For lips

Good for chapped or dry lips. Its advantage is that it has a pleasant taste. No matter how hard you try, a cosmetic product applied to the lips will fall on the tongue. It's not always pleasant. Peach oil applied to the lips removes this problem as well.

The product is also used as protection when going out in severe frost.

For hair

Another popular and wide area of ​​​​application of a natural product is care. Indicated for use if there are the following problems:

  • hair is painful, devoid of healthy shine;
  • split at the ends;
  • itching, irritation;
Beauticians offer many ways to use peach oil for hair treatment, and all of them are quite simple, easy to use at home.

Recipe #1

Oil in the amount of 1-2 tablespoons, heated in a water bath, lubricate the hair roots. Moisturize your hair before applying. Rub with fingertips, lightly massaging the scalp.

For long and severely damaged hair, the portion should be increased. It is advisable to do the procedure before going to bed. In the morning, wash your hair with your favorite shampoo.

Recipe #2

Mix the required amount of heated product with 1-2 egg yolks. Shake and apply as described above, not forgetting to moisten them first. Then cover your head with a plastic bag and wrap it in a towel to keep warm. The procedure time is 40 minutes. Then wash your hair with shampoo.

Course of treatment: 2 times a week for 3 months.

Through the procedures described above, the following effects are achieved:

  • hair growth is stimulated;
  • hair is made obedient in styling;
  • hair follicles become healthier;
  • structured;
  • there is a therapeutic effect when hair is damaged by perm or dyeing.

For hands and nails

Another area of ​​\u200b\u200bapplication for this natural product is care, in particular for. Whatever peach oil is used for, it always gives a positive effect.

With regular lubrication of nails and cuticles, the following results are found:

  • the nail plate is strengthened, it breaks and exfoliates less often;
  • nails acquire a healthy and natural look, begin to shine;
  • the cuticle grows slowly, and the nails grow faster.
The method of application is simple: apply a slightly warmed cosmetic product on your hands, rub it into the skin, not forgetting the nails, and after 15 minutes remove the excess with a paper towel.

For massage

Peach oil is indispensable and effective in compositions for anti-cellulite massage. This procedure is done in beauty parlors by specially trained specialists.

But you can help them and yourself by applying mixtures against at home. The composition includes peach and citrus oils.

They need to be mixed in equal proportions, applied to the problem area and rubbed into the skin with light massage movements. Sit for 15 minutes, letting the mixture soak in and relax the skin, then rinse everything off in the shower.

From a cold

At the first signs of rhinitis, it is good to drip warm peach oil into the nose. This will not cure a runny nose immediately, but it will greatly alleviate the condition. And given the subtle fruity smell of a natural product, it will also make the treatment pleasant.

For newborns

The problem of all young mothers is diaper rash of the baby's skin due to the use of diapers. Of course, diapers protect, and advertising promises are usually true. But prevention, and sometimes treatment of diaper rash, is still required.

Did you know? 3 thousand years ago Tibetan healerstreated peach oil conjunctivitis and cataracts.

The oil is used in the standard hygienic procedure for washing a child after defecation, after bathing.
The method of application is simple: lubricate problem areas with a little warm oil, and the child will not have problems, and therefore, mommy.

How to choose when buying

Peach oil is very affordable, because it has a very affordable price. This delicate light mass of yellowish color, which has a characteristic smell of fruits, is sold in all pharmacies. The main producer is Bulgaria.

Some domestic businessmen have also taken up the production of this popular product, which can also be found in online pharmacies.

Given the tendency of our manufacturers to replace natural ingredients with cheap synthetic ones, modestly silent about this when describing the composition, we recommend choosing a Bulgarian product.

How to store at home

Peach oil is stored, if the bottle has not yet been opened, anywhere. Naturally, not on a windowsill flooded with sunlight and not near heating appliances. If printed - only in .

Contraindications and precautions

As already noted, this is a very tolerant product that is useful for almost everyone.

Precautions are the same as when using any drug:

  • you still need to check the product for allergenicity;
  • follow the instructions for use.

The use in everyday life of proven natural products, even previously unknown, expands the capabilities of a person, improves the quality of life. This fully applies to peach oil. You can and should experiment with what the market offers. Thanks to this, you will receive not only benefit, but also pleasure.

The peach fruit has been known since ancient times. For a long time it was believed that his homeland is Iran. It is to this country that the origin of the name of the fruit is prescribed - previously it bore the name Persia. However, scientists have established that peach came to Iran in the 1st century AD. from the Celestial Empire. From China, it spread to Greece, Rome, Gaul.

The first fruits were wild, small. The fruit was able to "grow" to the now familiar size after cultivation in Europe. Since the 16th century, France, Moldova, Spain, Turkey, Bulgaria, Italy, Romania and Hungary, as well as America and Japan, have been familiar with it. In Russia, the introduction was carried out in the 18th century.

Peach grows on trees. The life span of each of them is no more than 10-15 years. Height reaches 7 m. Fruiting occurs only in warm conditions. For a beautiful view at the time of flowering, the plant is often kept in northern decorative greenhouses. The fruit is spherical with a groove, velvety, orange-red hues. Inside there is a seed similar to almonds in shape and smell.

A stone, like a fruit, carries value. It contains over 60% fatty acids and essential compounds. Chinese healers began to squeeze the extract. They extracted oil from peach kernels by hand to treat skin and internal inflammation. In the modern world, the operation is mechanized, but it also allows you to save the maximum benefit of the product.

Peach oil is in demand in cosmetology, medicine, and the food industry. Its properties have been studied and used for the treatment of many diseases, skin and hair care.

Characteristics and useful properties

Peach oil has a subtle pale yellow hue. Consistency - liquid, slightly viscous, precipitation with flakes is not typical. Does not dry out, completely absorbed. To taste, peach oil is distinguished by its softness, slight bitterness of the seeds. The aroma is very weak intensity, but individual, reminiscent of the smell of the fruits themselves.

Allocate food and cosmetic types. Edible Peach Kernel Oil is 100% natural and thoroughly refined. It is not capable of harm when taken orally, it is considered the highest quality. Cosmetic peach oil does not go through such a thorough filtration, sometimes it is made from low-grade fruits, their pomace, or using chemicals. It is also often diluted with cheaper oil (for example, sunflower). The instruction of any cosmetic pomace strictly prohibits the use of such a product in food.

The properties of peach oil are diverse and miraculous. First of all, it is not capable of causing allergic reactions, it is not phototoxic. It is this product that is often prescribed for children, people with nut intolerance or sensitivity to natural ingredients. Cosmetologists especially advise such a replacement instead of almond oil.

Due to the rich composition of peach oil:

  • relieves inflammation
  • heals wounds,
  • anesthetizes,
  • tones and stimulates the immune system,
  • reduces puffiness,
  • soothes
  • removes toxins and excess liquids,
  • cleanses the blood
  • stabilizes the work of the muscles of the heart,
  • rejuvenates
  • improves the functioning of the nervous system and gastrointestinal tract.


Peach kernel oil is surprisingly balanced in its constituent elements. It is rich in substances:

  • fatty acids (stearic, palmitic, arachidonic, linolenic, oleic);
  • bioflavonoids;
  • vitamin groups E, B, P;
  • ascorbic acid;
  • pectin;
  • carotenoids;
  • sugars;
  • proteins;
  • magnesium, iron, zinc, iodine, phosphorus, potassium and calcium;
  • phospholipids;
  • tocopherols;
  • glycerin.

This is one of the few pomace where two-thirds of the fatty acids are oleic.

To preserve the most complete composition, peach oil is produced by cold pressing.. Specialists have to carry out several operations to obtain a useful product. First, a mechanical device extrudes the rough substrate. Then there is a filtration from plant fibers, toxic components, hydration and neutralization are connected. If a refined product is required as a result, the use of bleaching is practiced. Sometimes the finished peach kernel oil is deodorized with ether to give a more pronounced aroma.

The most useful is unrefined peach oil.. Filtration data is often contained in instructions or a sticker on the package.


Peach kernel oil is a product whose benefits are undeniable. As already noted, its properties are used in various areas of life. Non-aggressive squeeze from the kernels perfectly shows the ability to nourish and moisturize. Cosmetologists appreciate it for its softening effect, and doctors for substances that the body itself is unable to produce. The remedy is recognized not only by folk healers, but also by certified doctors (especially in the ENT field and gynecology). Culinary experts around the world advise using the product to flavor dishes at least periodically. Peach kernel oil is included in cosmetics, washing chemicals. The expansion of areas of application in everyday life is limited only by human imagination and needs.

For medicinal purposes

Peach kernel oil in health care is commonly used to relieve inflammation, regenerate tissues, and relieve pain attacks.

For colds

The use of the drug is practiced for colds of a different nature due to the presence of vitamins and minerals that boost immune defenses. The benefits of oil are invaluable for rhinitis, tonsillitis, otitis, pharyngitis. Lubrication or instillation of the product soothes irritated mucous membranes, relieves swelling, eliminates dryness. With inflammation of the throat, it is advisable to do steam inhalations to remove excess mucus. Peach oil of a quality variety in the form of lotions can even help with conjunctivitis.

For skin defects

Peach oil is useful for frostbite, dermatitis, eczema. It eliminates peeling, relieves redness, restores epidermal cells, thanks to fatty acids with glycerin in the composition. With burns, it helps to delicately heal the wound, create a thin film that protects damaged tissues from environmental influences. For these purposes, the use of applications is relevant.

For other diseases

Peach seed oil has pronounced antiemetic, diuretic, laxative, choleretic effects. The minerals of the composition normalize metabolism, regenerate the walls of the stomach, even out the composition of the blood, hemoglobin levels, and remove deposits of heavy metal salts. The use of the drug inside takes place in the treatment of anemia, heart disease, gastritis, urolithiasis. It has been proven that it is effective to use the product as a prevention of the development of tumors.

Separately, it is worth noting the prevalence of peach oil in the field of gynecology.. It helps to tighten erosion, treat sexual disorders caused by circulatory failure. Moreover, the remedy can replace medications against infections: colpitis, endometriosis, inflammation of the ovaries. In order to eliminate and prevent gynecological diseases, douching, tampons, and oil baths are popular.

In cosmetology

Peach oil in cosmetology is suitable for restoring health to the skin, hair, smoothing wrinkles, scars.

For face

The tradition of using oils in facial care came into modern times from Cleopatra. Systematic application significantly improves color, evens out texture, restores firmness, moisture, and eliminates wrinkles.

A big plus of this product is its non-comedogenicity. Peach oil can replace or enrich creams, make-up removers, many masks against acne, dryness. The product is completely absorbed without oily sheen, can be left overnight without the risk of swelling, suitable for sensitive skin, lips and eyes.

For eyebrows and eyelashes

The nourishing properties of peach kernel oil are good for strengthening eyelashes. Regular application of the product makes the hairs more elastic, darker, allows them to grow faster, fall out less. The same qualities show up when used on the eyebrows. Such care is conveniently carried out with a cotton swab or a clean mascara brush. In addition, the tool can remove non-waterproof mascara, pencil with a cotton pad.

For hair

The benefits of peach oil also appear on the hair. The product is especially suitable for damaged, overdried, injured curls. Hairdressers recommend using the product after chemical dyeing, perms, with frequent spraying of varnishes. Treatment gives an improvement in appearance, elimination of dandruff from the scalp, acceleration of growth. With regular application, the hairstyle will stop electrifying, the ends will become resistant to sectioning, the hair will be softer, more manageable.

For body

Peach oil gives an excellent effect in the fight against stretch marks, cellulite. It is enough to mix 1-2 tbsp. product with 3 drops of citrus ester (grapefruit, orange). The mixture should be rubbed into problem areas of the body with a hard washcloth or a special massager. As a result of such procedures, irregularities are significantly reduced.

Another manipulation, from which body volumes begin to “melt”, is scrubbing with peach pomace.. For 100-200 g of sea salt or candied honey, add 100 ml of medium-fat cream with 1 tbsp. oils. The application is no different from the usual scrub from the store - apply, massage, rinse.

Peach kernel oil for hands and nails is no less useful. Rubbing a teaspoon of a pure product helps to get rid of microcracks, moisturize the skin, and maintain a young look of the brushes. For maximum effect, you can wear cotton gloves at night. Similarly, you can treat cracked heels, calluses on the feet. A mixture of equal parts of peach and shea oils gives a good result on the legs.

Nails become stronger will acquire a beautiful shine, if you have bath sessions with 1 tbsp. sea ​​salt and 1 tsp. oils from peach kernels. Just 15 minutes a couple of times a week will give the desired result. The process also softens the cuticle, which is convenient for further manicure.

In cooking

Peach oil not only improves digestion, saturates food with healthy fats, but also gives dishes a subtle flavor. Peach kernel pomace is not used for frying or baking, it works better as a dressing. Peach flavor is great for different types of cheese, vegetable salads, cold appetizers (pates, canapes, etc.), deli meat plates, fruits, smoked, salted red fish. Also, on the basis of this oil, excellent creamy sauces are obtained for the listed dishes.

In aromatherapy

Although peach oil has a subtle, subtle aroma, it is nonetheless often used in pure form in aromatherapy to relax and strengthen the nervous system. The product without additives is used for relaxing warm massages. Approximately 30 ml is enough for the whole body.

A more pronounced effect is provided by mixtures for aromatic massage. The best companions for peach are esters of grapefruit, mandarin, geranium, orange, rose, lemon, sandalwood, lavender, juniper, cypress. For 20 ml of peach base, 2 drops of a complimentary fragrance are used, which will determine the main direction of action.

Blends or solos can be added to milk or cream baths. 1 tbsp oil is combined with a glass of emulsifier and poured into water 37C. Such a bath relaxes muscle fibers well and clears the mind after a busy day.


Peach kernel oil is forbidden for people with allergies to this fruit. Caution should be taken when taken orally during pregnancy, lactation, in the presence of nervous diseases.

How to choose and store

The benefits of oil are determined by its quality, so it is important to know how to choose a worthy product. Peach pomace is rarely adulterated, since there are enough raw materials for it and the yield of the product is large. But there are options diluted with other oils. The pure product instruction contains the inscription "100% oleumpersicorum", "100% peachkerneloil". Perfect packaging - dark glass with a tight lid.

The most valuable are the varieties of Italy, other European manufacturers also differ in worthy quality. In Russia, for example, the brands Aromakosmetika, Mirolla, Aroma-Zone, Spivak, Botanika are responsible for the supply of good oil. It is preferable to choose manufacturers with quality certificates in specialized stores. Sometimes good oil can be found on the shelves of grocery stores.

Storage should be carried out in a cool place, protected from light and moisture.. After opening, the optimal use period is 12-18 months. Keeping the oil in the refrigerator on the warmest shelf can extend the life of the oil.


High-quality peach kernel oil for food and external purposes is sold at an average price of 250-300 rubles per 50 ml. Cosmetic options up to 100 rubles are diluted.

The beneficial properties of cosmetic oils for the skin have long been known. So peach oil for the face is a real lifesaver. With regular use, the skin of the face becomes velvety, elastic, its color improves, and existing problems disappear, including acne.

Useful properties of peach kernel oil.
Peach oil (peach kernel oil) is isolated from the seeds of the fruit (peach) by mechanical pressing followed by filtration. Despite its high nutritional value, this oil is very light in consistency. In addition, this oil is absolutely non-allergenic, which is why it has found its application in medicine, but most of all in the cosmetology field. Due to its rich vitamin composition (vitamins B, A, P, , C), peach oil has a beneficial effect on the skin of the face. This oil, as, indeed, in any other types of the plant group, contains large quantities of unsaturated and saturated fatty acids vital for the normal functioning of skin cells (in particular, palmitic, linoleic, stearic, oleic, etc.), as well as useful micro and macro elements.

Peach seed oil is useful for absolutely any skin, but it is especially recommended for dry and aging skin with wrinkles, as well as a sensitive type of face prone to various types of inflammation and allergic reactions. The systematic use of peach oil in skin care perfectly nourishes, moisturizes, softens, tones and gives a general effect of rejuvenation. Regular use of this miracle facial product for a month tightens the skin, increasing its firmness and elasticity, supplies it with vitamins and microelements, relieves dryness and flaking, evens out complexion and smoothes wrinkles, giving the skin a beautiful and healthy color and significantly improving its external condition. . In addition, the oil effectively eliminates various inflammatory processes on the skin, relieves irritation, and also has regenerative properties. It helps to speed up the healing process of damage to the skin, mucous membranes. This oil is one of the few that all pediatricians without exception recommend in caring for the delicate skin of babies. It is also worth noting that it is also recommended in the care of the delicate skin of the lips and the skin around the eyes, and if you apply it at night on the cilia, you can prevent their loss, make them elastic, strong and fluffy, accelerating their growth.

Very often, peach oil is included in therapeutic ointments, baby oils, cosmetic creams, oil balms and masks for dry and extremely sensitive skin, as well as eye make-up removers.

Indications for the use of peach oil for facial skin:

  • skin aging, sagging skin, wrinkles;
  • "crow's feet", dry skin around the eyes, cracks on the lips, the so-called seizures in the corners of the mouth;
  • the presence of eczema and various types of dermatitis;
  • loss of skin firmness and elasticity;
  • the presence of inflammatory processes on the skin;
  • dull and gray complexion.
Ways to use peach oil
The light texture of the oil allows it to be absorbed very quickly into the skin of the face and does not leave a greasy sheen behind. That is why in facial care it is used in its pure form and in combination with other cosmetic and essential oils. Very often it is added to the compositions of therapeutic creams and ointments, since it facilitates and accelerates the penetration of medicinal substances into the skin.

Peach oil is an excellent base for massage blends. Massage with this oil can be done even for children. It is effective to use for everyday skin care, especially in the autumn-winter period. In this case, the oil should be slightly warmed up, this will improve its penetrating ability. The skin becomes velvety and healthy color. Owners of too dry, sensitive, as well as aging skin, it would be nice to use this oil daily instead of a night cosmetic product. On a thoroughly cleansed face with a cotton pad dipped in oil, evenly distribute over the skin. It is necessary to carry out such a procedure in combination with self-massage. If there are various kinds of damage or inflammation on the skin, peach seed oil is recommended to be applied directly to the areas of damage, and this procedure must be carried out several times a day.

It should be noted that cosmetic products for skin care and cleansing can be enriched with this oil. A few drops per dose will suffice. Peach oil is very effective in caring for the delicate skin of the eyelids, especially in the presence of "crow's feet". You can use it as an independent tool, or you can add it to ready-made gels and creams for this area. It is best to apply it at night with light patting movements with your fingertips.

It should be noted that this cosmetic miracle effectively cares for eyelashes, being a means of preventing their loss, as well as a means of accelerating their growth. Every day at night, a small amount of oil should be distributed along the entire length of the cilia.

Due to its excellent regenerating properties, peach oil perfectly softens and nourishes dry and chapped lips, heals cracks.

Peach kernel oil is an excellent base for making homemade creams, masks, lotions and scrubs.

Recipes for face products based on peach oil.
Peach oil-based homemade face care products are in no way inferior to ready-made ones. For example, this mask recipe is suitable for nourishing and toning normal, dry, combination and sensitive facial skin. For its preparation, it is necessary to wash one ripe peach fruit, extract the pulp. Take two tablespoons of the resulting and crushed pulp and grind with a tablespoon of peach oil. Next, add a half tablespoon of heavy cream to the mass. Mix the mixture well so that a homogeneous mass is formed, which is applied to a previously cleansed face. After fifteen minutes, remove the mask with boiled water at room temperature. This mask is recommended to be done twice a week.

To soften and soothe sensitive skin, it is effective to use this mask recipe: add a tablespoon of peach oil to a tablespoon of grated cottage cheese and rub it well. Apply a homogeneous composition on the face and hold for fifteen minutes. Remove the mask with water at room temperature. Do the mask two to three times a week.

To get rid of dryness and flaking, which often happens with dry skin, it is effective to make such a mask: heat a tablespoon of peach oil with a water bath and combine with the same amount of almond bran. Wait for two minutes, then apply to a moisturized face with light massaging movements. Then keep this composition on your face for fifteen minutes and rinse with warm water. At the end of the procedure, apply a nourishing cream to the skin.

For everyday cleansing of dry and aging skin, you can prepare a lotion based on peach oil. Take two glasses of rose petals (you can use rosehip leaves). Pour the petals into a separate bowl and pour over the peach kernel oil so that the petals are completely immersed in the oil. Put this mixture in a water bath. It is necessary to heat it in an already boiling water bath until the petals lose color. After that, the mixture, together with the petals, must be poured into a glass dish with a tight-fitting lid and kept in a dark place for a day. Then strain it all and use it daily to wipe the skin.

To lighten the skin and relieve inflammation, it is recommended to make applications with peach oil enriched with essential oil of lemon (or grapefruit, chamomile) (two drops of the essential component per tablespoon of the base). Soak cotton napkins with the resulting composition and apply to the face. After twenty minutes, remove the napkins. Such applications are recommended for problem areas of the body.

For daily skin care around the eyes, it is recommended to drive undiluted peach oil into this area or in combination with jojoba (avocado) oil. The procedure is best done at night. You can also mix a tablespoon of the base with a couple of drops of essential oil (rose, limette, sandalwood). This procedure nourishes the skin, increases its elasticity and firmness, preventing the appearance of wrinkles.

For lip skin care, especially in the autumn-winter period, mix peach oil with jojoba oil, you can mix wheat germ in equal proportions. The base can be enriched with essential oils (one or two drops of lemon balm, rose and limette per tablespoon). Such care with oils promotes healing of lesions on the lips, making them supple and elastic, increasing the brightness of the border of the lips. Apply the composition to the skin of the lips in combination with a light massage.

In general, all kinds of recipes for skin care can be a lot. Do not be lazy and always be beautiful and healthy!