A dress with a train is the most beautiful and chic model. Evening dress with a train

Very bold and graceful

For a long time, a dress with a train has been associated with the irrepressible, hot dances of ladies from smoky cabarets. Brightness, shocking, wild disposition, unbridledness - this is exactly the impression created about the girls who left the stage of the Moulin Rouge. But over time, the brightest representatives of the fashion industry managed to get this outfit out of the dusty cabaret dressing rooms and adapt it to modern reality.

But until now, for some reason, not all ladies dare to try on such an unusual style. Only brave, ambitious and rebellious people managed to understand that a dress with a train is not just an outfit for a solemn occasion, it is an opportunity to be at least a little like a beautiful princess. Ask yourself a question: why isn't a chic dress with a train still hanging in your closet?

Unusual cut for a regular figure

You are mistaken if you think that only sophisticated skinny women can afford dresses with a train. Of course, putting slightly full legs on public display is the height of recklessness, but for the sake of such a dress for a celebration, you can slightly correct this flaw. Beauty, as you know, requires sacrifice, and in order to feel like the queen of the ball, you can temporarily limit yourself to sweet cakes and buy a gym membership. Any flaw in the figure can either be eliminated or correctly veiled. An exception in this case is the female figure, which is of the pear type.

Advice!But for the owners of such a body structure, there are dresses with a train that will advantageously hide this drawback. Designers have developed chic models with puff sleeves, shaped like a flashlight, or with sleeves, now referred to as "bat".

Do you have narrow hips? Choose a model with a layered skirt. The lower layer can be slightly above or slightly below the knee, and the upper, weightless, of guipure or chiffon should fall beautifully to the floor. Open legs and incredible beauty train - this is a slightly open secret. And if you consider yourself interesting and extraordinary, it was created especially for you!

Variety of styles ... There is no limit to imagination

Evening dresses with a train differ from each other not only in the length and shape of the train. ... To create outfits, various fabrics and decorations are used, more and more daring and interesting options for the ratio of the train and the length of the base skirt, and color combinations are being invented.

Variety is also achieved by the presence or absence of sleeves, their shape and length. But the main feature of some models is the ability to remove the train. By the way, they are also attached to dresses in different ways.

The shape of the train matters

At the moment, a huge variety of dresses with a train has been created. There is an opinion that the use of this style is appropriate only when creating evening and wedding dresses, but modern designers have created dresses with a train for everyday life. Correctly selected shape and length of the train will favorably emphasize your style and make your image unique in any situation.

Note ... Gossip still recalls the outfit of Princess Diana of Wales. She showed the public a gorgeous dress with a round train, 7.5 meters long.

  • Rectangular shape. In this case, the train is attached to the back of the belt or completely wraps around the waist. This style is inherent for confident ladies and those who want to demonstrate it.
  • Triangle. As you might have guessed, the back of the dress tapers downward. Designers use a triangular train in both everyday and wedding fashion.
  • The semicircle is the most popular form of wedding dresses with a train. Usually they are long and cause some inconvenience to brides. But such a beautiful and mesmerizing dress is worth it.
  • Wavelike train. It is more suitable for stage models and completely out of place in everyday life. Splendor is achieved by creating a large number of layers of tulle or dense satin.

From the history. In the 1920s, the Callot sisters created a very unusual dress. Its train was made in the shape of a fish tail. Now this outfit is in the museum, but its style is especially relevant in our time, when fashion welcomes everything unusual and extravagant.

The ratio of the length of the skirt and train. What determines the choice?

There is one strict rule: the greater the difference between the length of the skirt and the train, the more elegant it looks. A girl in a dress with a short skirt and a long train will look out of place in a store or clinic. This style is chic for a wedding or other special occasion.

There are also universal models that will harmoniously fit into both everyday wardrobe and the category of evening dresses. For example, in a long dress with a cut in the front, you can go for a walk in the park, and, having picked up accessories, attend a party or corporate. The outfit looks especially extravagant with an asymmetrical skirt from mid-thigh to knee-length, smoothly turning into a train.

And if the train is removed?

This part of the dress can be removed for some models. Now dresses with a detachable train are especially popular, since transforming dresses are at the height of fashion. Hooks, Velcro, buttons and tapes can be used as fasteners. Below are wedding dresses with a train that can be unfastened at any time.

Advice! If the train is made of dense and heavy fabric, the reliability of the fastening may be in doubt. It is better to play it safe and take the dress to the atelier, where the fasteners will be replaced quickly and professionally.

How to decorate a removable train?

In this matter, everything depends on the nature of the celebration, for which the dress with a train was purchased. Wedding dresses usually have light, pastel colors, so delicate lace, embroidery, stones, beads, bows and flowers of neutral shades are used to decorate the dress.

For evening dresses, it is appropriate to use fabric that is different from the main material, for example, tulle, organza or euro nets. Dense fabric will favorably emphasize the solemnity of the occasion, light and weightless will add tenderness and romanticism to the image.

Color is a reflection of mood

If we are not talking about a wedding dress, then when choosing an outfit, you need to think about the color. Although recently, wedding dresses have long since departed from the classic canons and have a huge number of colors and shades. Below are some tips for choosing a color:

  • If the outfit opens up your legs, give preference to those colors that will be in harmony with the tone of the skin and hair. If you still don't know which colors are right for you, seek the help of professional stylists.

  • In summer, colors such as aquamarine, sky blue, salmon, yellow, metallic will be appropriate.
  • The train does not always have to keep the overall style of the outfit. Models with a detachable train, which differs in color from the main skirt, look very attractive and stylish.

Versatility is always in trend

A dress with a train looks out of place only in office premises at the height of the working day. Therefore, you can choose such models that are suitable for everyday life, and for cocktail parties, and for gatherings in a cafe with friends. The main thing in this matter is the selection of the right accessories.

The presence of a universal dress in the wardrobe significantly saves the budget and helps to develop imagination. Having bought several sets of accessories, you can always look different in the same dress.

Wedding dress with a train. Refinement and chic in every detail

The train has always given a special charm to the dress, status and exclusivity, because this style was originally designed for royalty. And what lady doesn't want to be queen at her own wedding? If you want to move a little away from the classic version, choose a short dress with a train. This option is perfect for modern queens.

Advice!A wedding dress with a train is not suitable for those who quickly get tired of their legs from high heels. The fact is that regardless of the length of the dress, the image will not be so stunning without thin stilettos. The wedding celebration in itself is very tiring, and it is better not to spoil the evening with rubbed calluses and pain in the legs.

Prom. How can a young beauty stand out from the crowd?

At such a young age, the legs look great and can become the subject of admiration for classmates and friends. Lush and fitted, with or without sleeves, with a long train or short - everything that your imagination is capable of is now presented in the widest assortment in any fashion boutique.

Lush and fitted, with or without sleeves, with a long train or short - everything that your imagination is capable of is now presented in the widest assortment in any fashion boutique

Another fact in favor of choosing a dress with a train. Everything graduation parties take place in the summer, and this time is available in order to demonstrate to everyone the beauty of their legs. Thanks to the abundance of lightweight materials, you can create any look from daring and defiant to gentle and slightly flirty. This style will help you look at the same time solemn and light in summer. Having looked at the dresses with a train at the prom photo, you will certainly find the best option for the most memorable celebration.

And a few more words about summer

Several years ago, fashion designers offered girls light dresses with a train for summer. Until now, the casual outfit with open legs remains at the peak of popularity. The showrooms sell a huge number of summer models with a train, which are suitable for everyday life. Of course, fluffy dresses with a train are not suitable for walking around the city, but there are no less interesting and stunning models:

  • An outfit with a heart-shaped bodice without shoulder straps and a rectangular train will look no less original than the previous model.
  • An off-shoulder summer sheath dress with a square neckline and a rectangular train is an especially sophisticated model that creates an elegant look.

Advice!The train is a symbol of romance and tenderness, and this image should be preserved in any situation. Therefore, shining in a dress with a train in everyday life, refuse to go to the store or travel on public transport. It is difficult to imagine a girl in an elegant outfit with a train and heavy bags in her hands.

Until now, the casual outfit with open legs remains at the peak of popularity.

Bold ideas of modern designers allow the beautiful half of humanity to always be attractive and sophisticated. In this article, a lot has been said about the advantages of dresses with a train, and now we will try to highlight the most important ones.

Such an outfit always looks original and sophisticated, and it does not matter for what occasion it was bought. The dress emphasizes the beauty of the female body, visually lengthens the legs and makes the shape more magnificent. In the end, this style is radically different from others with the back of the skirt, which in some cases can come off, and the outfit will look different.

An important celebration ahead? Do not doubt that by choosing a dress with a train as your evening dress, you will win the hearts of all the men present at the evening. Do not forget to choose chic shoes for him, preferably with thin, long heels, and your image will be stunning!

Examining pictures in books of fairy tales, girls often admire the outfits of royal daughters and dream of lush dresses with a train. Well, nothing is impossible in the world, these days a child's dress with a train will not surprise anyone. But the girl, for sure, will be delighted with such a toilet.

Train is an attractive, but very difficult to use detail of the outfit, especially when it comes to children's dress. A dress with a train is appropriate for a celebration in a large hall. But at a matinee in kindergarten or at a friend's birthday, it will be inappropriate.

And it's not that festive children's dresses with a train look pretentious. It's just that a children's holiday does not imply that guests will sit or stand decorously all the time. For children, as a rule, an entertainment program with dances, contests and games is being prepared. Taking part in children's fun in a dress with a train will be very problematic. Other children, for sure, will accidentally step on the “tail” of the dress, it will cling to the furniture, and the girl herself may get tangled in her skirts. In a word, a girl wearing such an outfit is unlikely to have a pleasant impression of the holiday.

Dresses for girls with a train should be purchased only for very special occasions. For example, for an older sister's wedding, performing at a concert. And also for holiday photo shoots.

But anyway, it is advisable to make the train small(no more than 20 cm long). And you should also provide for the ability to temporarily remove the risky part of the toilet. A model with a removable train can be an excellent option. This dress can be sewn for a graduation party in kindergarten or elementary school. After the end of the ceremonial part of the event, it can be simply removed. There are dresses in which it is possible to pick up or pin a train on the skirt. Another option is to wear a train on your hand, for this it is supplied with a special loop.


Photos of models of children's dresses with a train make it possible to understand what models can look differently. The train can be used to decorate a short or long dress, it can be flowing or made of flying fabric, there are trains of a straight cut or made in the form of flounces.

The most popular is a short children's dress with a train, as it is difficult for little girls to wear outfits with long skirts.

A short straight dress on thin spaghetti straps looks simple, but if you add it with a lush chiffon train, the outfit will immediately become solemn and elegant.

Children's fluffy dresses with a train look original. Strictly speaking, these are models with an asymmetrical skirt. From the front, the hem reaches to the knees, and from the back it reaches the floor. In such an outfit, the baby will feel like a real princess, and the risk of someone stepping on the trail dragging behind will disappear.

The models are very elegant, in which the train has folds and flounces. Moreover, the top of such a dress, as a rule, is made as laconic as possible.


The color scheme of children's dresses with trains is varied. But the preference, of course, is given to pastel colors. Children's dresses of all shades of white - milk, pearl, ivory, etc. will look great. Such a dress can be supplemented with bright accessories to make it even more elegant.

Dresses of delicate shades of pink, blue, lilac, aquamarine, etc. look no less beautiful.

Dresses in dark colors for children are rarely chosen, but there are no rules without exceptions. You can buy the girl a cherry or purple outfit. The toilet will look especially elegant if a fabric with glitter is used.


A dress with a train looks elegant in itself, especially if it has rich decor. This toilet does not require additional decorations. Therefore, it will not be difficult to answer the question of what to wear with such a festive toilet.

It is necessary to pick up classic children's shoes, they can be without decor or have modest decorations so as not to distract attention from the main detail of the dress - the dress. Most often, white shoes are used, but if a dress in bright colors is chosen, then shoes can also be matched to the color of the fabric or to the color of the finish. Tights for a short dress with a train are worn in a flesh-colored or white.

A sleeveless dress can be complemented with long mitts. A noticeable accessory can be a belt with a fluffy bow or drapery.

Be sure to pay attention to the girl's hairstyle. Such a festive toilet "requires" an equally elegant styling. You don't have to do complicated hairstyles. You can simply curl your hair into curls or make a neat bun. Decorate the hairstyle with hair accessories, ribbons, tiaras with rhinestones, headbands with beads are appropriate. You can complement the image with a small hat with a veil.

Do you admire the peacock train? Still, because thanks to him this bird is known all over the world. The green and golden feathers of the upper tail contain prominent blue-bronze, moreover, bright spots very similar to the eyes. Observing this bird, distinguished by its stately beauty, most obviously, they began to speak of the pompous man as "proud, like a peacock." But the fact cannot be hidden - in terms of beauty, people have something to imitate. And women succeeded in this. Meet the women's evening dress with a train.

How attractive is this outfit of a woman's dress? This can be learned from the same train worn by the peacock. When this bird unfolds its fan, a real colorful show is arranged. A huge train of iridescent ocellated tail of a peacock is able to rivet the attention of not only the female. Agree, this spectacle does not leave indifferent any of the people. But the show doesn't end there. When the chestnut wings fall down, the bird begins to shake its body so that the feathers of the upper tail emit a kind of alluring rustle. A luxurious trail in combination with dance achieves its goal - to enchant and conquer. How all this reminds of the direct purpose of evening dresses with a train for the fair sex - to emphasize beauty, grace and individuality. Yes, it is to emphasize, not overshadow the charm and beauty of a woman. Behind the luxurious train of the dress, everyone around you will see you - the most charming and attractive lady. And like the alluring rustle of the peacock's "tail", the playful dance and sounds of your trail can draw appropriate attention to your sophisticated person.

It would be appropriate to say in favor of the train that this attribute is a great addition to various types of evening dresses. And, as you know, evening dresses are as diverse as the tastes of women.

Where to wear an evening dress with a train?

What is the scope of evening dresses with a train? The answer is obvious: extremely solemn events, perhaps even the most important ones in a woman's life. For example, a wedding dress with a beautifull train is the perfect classic for such a celebration. Although such dresses for the bride may have their own individual characteristics that differ from others, they still have one thing in common - to create the most festive style. This is achieved thanks to the fashionable cut, thoughtful cut, original decoration, which will emphasize the dignity of the bride's figure and hide minor flaws. And to all this, the train gives a unique graceful body to your figure, and also makes its owner visually slim and tall. Isn't that how a bride should appear at a wedding in all her glory? Lightness, playfulness, classic beauty, tenderness and romance - these are the distinctive characteristics of not only wedding dresses, but all evening dresses with a train.

What are the types of evening dresses with a train?

What kind of lady will appear at the gala evening? Of course, every woman wants to give the impression of a sophisticated and moderately sedate nature. In this case, the length of the maxi will just be appropriate, the completion of which will be an elegant train. Moreover, such a model perfectly "gets along" with various options for the style of the dress. For example, an evening dress can be presented with a high, normal average or, conversely, a low waistline. Moreover, the outfit can have a classic fitted cut, slightly widening downwards, a fluffy cut of a sunny cut or a “godet” skirt and many other models. There is no doubt that any model of a dress decorated with a train will not go unnoticed at any celebration.

A dress with a train at the prom is always possible!

Graduation - what does it mean for a girl? This event is one of the few in her life that radically changes her life. She moves from her teenage school years into an adult life full of unforeseen situations and uncertainty. In what outfit does she say goodbye to the school desk, teachers and the entire life span of ten years? Any of the styles of an evening dress is suitable for a prom, but more and more girls are decorating themselves with thoughtful options for dresses with an elegant train. Such outfits look amazing, because they are ideal for the emotional coloring of a celebration associated with both joy and sadness. The popularity of prom evening dresses with a train is also explained, among other things, by the desire of young girls to appear more impressive and mature, but at the same time remain feminine, fragile and sophisticated. In that case, this style is for you.

Accessories and jewelry for an evening dress with a train

An evening dress with a train already has its own adornment, but it goes well with other adornments. What's more, these dresses even need to be adorned and added with the sparkle of an adorable necklace, earrings, ribbons and of course matching makeup. Everything else is a matter of your taste.

Photo of evening dresses with a train

We would like to offer you a photo of a selection of the most charming and delightful evening dresses with a train.

The most feminine and sophisticated item of women's wardrobe always makes the image beautiful and graceful. This relationship can be traced regardless of the style and style of clothing. However, to look slim, graceful and elegant, the best choice would be a stylish dress with a train.

Evening dresses with a train

Evening dresses with a train

The beautiful finishing of the cut is mainly traced in. The elongated part of the wardrobe makes the appearance light and the gait flying. Beautiful evening dresses with a train are available in any length and style. Designers use a wide variety of materials - airy chiffon, flowing silk and satin, delicate lace and others. But often a subtle detail becomes the reason for impracticality. This is especially true for products with a long, wide and multi-layered "tail". Therefore, it is worth knowing how to wear a dress with a train:

Floor-length dress with train

The most beautiful and popular models, decorated with an elongated hem at the back, are considered to be maxi styles. Floor-length evening dresses with a train can have such a cut decoration in two versions. In the first case, fashion designers propose to lengthen the hem specifically. Here, the transition line from the main part will be very smooth and almost invisible. In the second case, designers present outfits with a "tail" from the shoulder blades, waist and hips. Here, a nice addition will be more explicit. Stylish finishes can be combined with high cuts.

Floor-length dress with train

Corset dress with train

If you want an interesting detail of the cut to be more noticeable, you should choose an outfit, complemented by a lingering yoke. In this case, the waist always stands out and there is a contrast between the tight-fitting and free part of the clothing. Elegance and elegance are emphasized in the image of the maxi or midi model. But the fashionable trend of the latest collections has become cocktail dresses with a train. Short styles are originally complemented by a detachable element, which contributes to the reincarnation of the image at the celebration. Fashion designers also offer one-piece products with an asymmetrical hem that is no lower than the calf length.

Corset dress with train

Lush dress with a train

An elongated cut on the back of a layered or voluminous skirt is often found in modern skirts. A fluffy evening dress with a train is a popular choice and famous style icons for going out on the red carpet. Designers present models with a wide skirt made of smooth materials on petticoats or a frame. Asymmetric styles with a multi-layered cascade of ruffles or ruffles look original and even sexy. For lush pieces, bare shoulders and a deep neckline have become the current finishing. The top here looks best in a form-fitting cut or corset.

Lush dress with a train

Fish dress with train

The most popular style, stylishly combined with an elongated hem at the back, is the year's outfit. A mermaid dress with a train is suitable for any figure, type of appearance and height. Such products perfectly correct a low appearance, and make slender women of fashion even more graceful and sophisticated. All types of yokes are combined with a tapered flared skirt - bare and lowered shoulders, wide and thin shoulder straps, a transparent top, a long sleeve and ¾. Fashion designers are interestingly experimenting with the neckline. A laconic boat, a deep neckline or a stand - any solution will be stylish.

Fish dress with train

If you want to focus on your attractiveness and sexuality, pay attention to the model with an open detail of the back of the yoke that turns into an elongated skirt. This option is mainly relevant for a straight, calm cut or a narrow trapezoid. Here you can find a high or low waist. A lace dress with a train, complemented by a textured neckline on the back, looks very gentle and feminine. This solution is popular for. The open detail of the outfit goes well with both short and long sleeves.

Dress with train and open back

Dress with a train of tulle

The sheer, airy material is the perfect choice for beautiful evening gowns. When choosing a style with a "tail", tulle is often used only for a skirt. Fashion designers sew the top from denser materials - silk, satin, guipure and others. Mini dresses with a train have become a popular solution with a fluffy multi-layered hem. Open slender legs always attract attention, and a beautiful elongated detail of ruffles or large flounces at the back looks interesting decor. Contrasting colors of the top and skirt, embroidery of the yoke with stones and rhinestones can act as original trimmings.

Dress with a train of tulle

Casual dresses with a train

Stylish cut of the hem is popular not only in wedding and evening fashion. For several seasons in a row, designers have been offering fashionable dresses with a train for every day. Regardless of the length, style and material, such clothes will always add a touch of elegance to. Interesting asymmetry will attract the attention of others and emphasize your individuality and originality. Today, the wardrobe of the following directions is especially common:

Short dress with a train

The difference between the mini styles in everyday style was a slight difference between the length of the front and back. A dress with a train, short in front of a fitted silhouette with a fluffy skirt, looks very beautiful. This option perfectly demonstrates an attractive slim figure and at the same time the originality and individuality of the owner of stylish clothes. Fashion designers also offer a more relaxed design - a trapezoid. This option is convenient for the hot season due to its free form. A flashlight sleeve, ruffles and flounces, a belt with a buckle often act as fashionable trimmings for short asymmetric outfits.

Short dress with a train

Long dresses with a train

Maxi models with an uneven hem often have a wide flying skirt. This option is more common in the collections of the spring and summer seasons. A chic dress with a train can have an attractive addition in the form of a high or oblique cut of the skirt. The main difference between long everyday dresses and evening dresses is the material. Natural fabric is considered relevant for daily wear - cotton, staple, knitwear. Asymmetry can be accentuated by a beautiful frill. But the yoke looks better in a tight-fitting or straight silhouette of a closed cut.

Straight dresses with a train

For even cut models, the asymmetry of the hem is also relevant. This type of clothing is ideal for frequent daily wear. After all, designers offer beautiful dresses with a train made of warm wool, dense knitwear or cotton, as well as in a lightweight form made of coarse calico, staple, chiffon, chintz and others. Lace or guipure models will be an excellent choice for a business woman. Such a wardrobe is suitable for office wear, for a business meeting, and for a corporate party. The trim of a straight cut can be not only a hem elongated at the back, but also a turn-down collar, a sleeve ¾, a basque.

Straight dresses with a train

Train shirt dress

Simple but very comfortable models, complemented by an elongated cut on the back, have become a popular trend in the latest casual style collections. The button fastening, combined with an element that originally belonged to the evening fashion, looks very original and unusual. The most beautiful dresses with a train in shirt style are made of delicate chiffon or silk. But cotton is considered a popular material for such everyday products. Here, stylists also insist on - a strip and a cage. A turn-down collar remains an integral part of the style.

Train shirt dress