Why does a dog pee on its own. The dog often pees, cystitis: symptoms, treatment and prevention

The dog urinates under itself during sleep. How to treat?


To understand why a dog starts to urinate during sleep, let's understand the norm. Urine is formed in the glomeruli of the kidneys. Next, the fluid enters the pelvicalyceal system. Gathering and accumulating in the pelvis, urine gradually flows into the cavity of the bladder. The cycle is repeated several times per minute. The products of the body's activity accumulate in the cavity of the bladder, are kept inside with the help of a powerful sphincter. Due to the contraction of the muscles, the fluid is not released to the outside.

A nerve signal comes from the dog's brain, leading to relaxation of the sphincter muscles. Urine flows out through the lumen of the urethra. As soon as the bubble empties, the sphincter closes. The urinary system is divided into two sections: the upper level is formed by the glomeruli and tubules and ureters. The lower level forms the bladder and urethra.

How to distinguish the norm from the pathology

Bedwetting is due to various reasons. Probably a "psychological problem" or the result of an existing inflammatory disease of the urinary system.

To determine the exact etiology of bedwetting, your veterinarian recommends a series of tests and diagnostic tests. Studies will reveal the true nature of the pet's difficulty urinating and select adequate therapy.

First of all, the doctor will prescribe an ultrasound examination of the kidneys for the dog. This type of diagnosis will help to identify the presence of inflammatory diseases of the kidneys or the pathology of the formation of the organ. Perhaps it will determine the presence of a neoplasm in the pet.

Urine tests are mandatory, which do not give such a clear picture, but allow assessing the correct functioning of the kidneys. Using urine tests, it is possible to detect the presence of an infectious process in the urinary tract and kidneys, which cannot be determined by ultrasound.

In addition to the urological examination, it is necessary to assess the neurological status of the animal.

Bedwetting is often caused by diseases: cystitis, urolithiasis, diabetes mellitus, malignant neoplasms and benign tissue growths, inflammatory processes in the pelvic organs.

Etiology of bedwetting

There are several reasons for nighttime urination in four-legged pets:

  1. True nocturnal incontinence in an animal consists in its spontaneous discharge. Fluid keeps leaking. The dog is unable to control the process for physiological reasons.
  2. Stress disorder - a dog can urinate in a dream after suffering a strong fear, experienced great joy. Such disorders gradually disappear on their own.
  3. Animal uncleanliness. This does not apply to pathology, but is the result of improper upbringing.
  4. Incontinence is due to the advanced age of the animal and concomitant age-related neuropathy of the bladder.

Urinary problems can be true or false. With true incontinence, the innervation of the bladder and urethra is impaired. Becomes a consequence of an injury or a neurological disease. Anatomical anomalies in the development of the kidneys and urinary tract can lead to true incontinence.

False violation of urination acts as a symptom in other diseases. Isolate urinary tract infections or diabetes mellitus.

Common Causes

A common pathology in dogs is an inflammatory process in the bladder. More often the pathology is observed in females. To recognize the violation, the veterinarian will recommend passing urine for a general analysis. You will need bacteriological culture to determine the flora and its sensitivity to antibacterial drugs. Based on the results of the tests, the doctor will select the appropriate course of antibiotics for the pet.

Usually the course of therapy lasts two weeks. Then a control examination of the animal is carried out. The symptom of nocturnal urination disappears a couple of days after the start of treatment with antibacterial drugs. The course of treatment will need to be completed. Termination is fraught with the development of serious complications.

Polydipsia is a pathological thirst in an animal that provokes an increase in urine output. Constant unquenchable thirst is considered a symptom of a number of serious endocrinological diseases. To determine the diagnosis, the doctor will conduct several functional tests.

Sleep incontinence treatments

The choice of an effective method of therapy is determined by a number of factors. This includes the dog's age, gender, pet's general health and behavioral characteristics. Treatment options are determined based on the results of the veterinarian's examination.

  • To combat the infectious process, antibacterial drugs are prescribed.
  • If urination in a dream is caused by a hormonal deficiency, complex hormonal preparations are prescribed.
  • To remove kidney stones, a tumor, or an anatomical defect, the doctor may recommend surgery.

It is possible to treat complex pathologies, for example, diabetes mellitus. In this case, the pet is supposed to be treated at home and provide meticulous care.

There is no universal method to cure nighttime urination in pets. It is impossible to carry out treatment in absentia without examination. Only a thorough examination by a veterinarian will allow you to choose the right and effective course of therapy.

Puddles on carpets are not able to cause surprise only if they are left by a small puppy. However, if urinary incontinence is observed in dogs, you can think about the presence of any problems. Naturally, conflict situations are possible when the pet defiantly relieves himself. But these are relationship issues.

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natural causes

Urinary incontinence in dogs is a sign of a problem. And they occur not only in old age. It should be understood that a pet is an emotional creature that lives according to its instincts. In males, the smell of urine is an indicator of dignity.

Often a pet is able to write for the following reasons: fear, stress, pain, threat, etc. In such a situation, treatment is not required. Simple adjustment needed

Behavioral features

If urinary incontinence in dogs is behaviorally related, kicking and screaming won't help. Even treatment won't help. In such situations, you need to raise a pet, showing your patience and perseverance.

Males are able to mark territory in this way. The dog most often pees in the corners. In such a situation, treatment involves sterilization, due to which the sexual instinct will decrease.

Age features

Why does a dog pee often? This may be due to age-related features, with a weakening of smooth muscles. What to do in such a situation? Treat with medication support.

The reasons that the dog began to write often may be in heat. Quite often, a similar problem makes itself felt at the first "hunt" in young girls. Due to the presence of pulling pains, they often try to "empty" the bladder. Due to this, you can get rid of additional pressure.

Treatment in this situation is not required. You just need to walk with your girl more often. What you shouldn't do is scold. She is aware that constantly wiping puddles does not bring you a good mood. But unable to fix.

Perhaps the dog just drinks a lot of water and cannot tolerate going outside. But the need for a large amount of water can also indicate the presence of diseases.

Presence of deviations

True incontinence is very difficult to treat. This is due to the presence of congenital or acquired abnormalities, which are accompanied by weakness of the contractile muscles of the urethra. In such a situation, urine regularly leaks. Treatment of such a problem will not completely relieve.

What to do in such a situation? It is important to contact your veterinarian immediately. If you "catch" the pathology at an early stage, it can be cured. Incurable problems can be controlled in most cases.

The occurrence of diseases

Why did the dog begin to write often? This may indicate that any disease has arisen. And most often they are inflammatory in nature. It is difficult to determine the causes even if you undergo a clinical examination. What to do in such a situation?

Start writing down all the characteristic features of the content, describe the diet and nature of the walks, talk about the events that the pet has encountered, how much water he drinks. The more information the veterinarian is given, the faster the causes will be found.


Treatment implies the need for testing. Laboratory analysis of urine in many situations can help. In some dogs, the causes of incontinence are hidden in the presence of cystitis. In case of extensive inflammation, urine begins to constantly leak. Also, a puppy or an adult pet can defecate during sleep.

Causes of cystitis mainly lie in hypothermia. Treatment involves taking antibiotics. After the start of therapy, clinical progress can be seen after a few days. If nothing is done, the puppy or adult pet will begin to urinate blood. Gradually, he will not be able to relieve himself at all.

Be sure to complete the full course of treatment. It is not recommended to stop treatment even if the symptoms have completely disappeared. Possible relapse. More details about the symptoms of cystitis will be discussed in the video.


The dog begins to write frequently due to polydipsia. In such a situation, she drinks a lot of water, several times exceeding the daily norm. If a female drinks a lot of water, you should think about the presence of pyometra. In such a situation, an ultrasound is required. Self-treatment of a pet is not recommended.

Polydipsia is a formidable symptom. And his main problem is not that the dog constantly requires water and pisses more often. Polydipsia indicates the possibility of diabetes, genitourinary infection, kidney failure and other serious diseases. And if it has been noticed that the dog drinks a lot of water, contact your veterinarian immediately.


The dog is able to write more often due to spinal injuries. This case is accompanied by damage in the nerve endings or in the spinal canal. It is difficult to completely get rid of the problem. Most often it occurs in those dogs that have an elongated spine, such as dachshunds.

During childbirth or after the puppy is born, the dog may have a pinched nerve. Such a disease is accompanied by weakness in the limbs, a painful appearance, and the rejection of your puppy. The veterinarian will determine how to treat the dog when he conducts a comprehensive examination.

If the veterinarian suggests surgery, it is recommended to do tests and treat first.


A puppy or dog is capable of suffering from increased urination due to the presence of ectopia. This is a congenital disease. Quite common in females. The disease is diagnosed at a young age. Diagnosis is based on history.

If there are any problems during the diagnosis, a visual examination and urography are performed. The disease can be corrected through surgery.

Treatment should begin first of all with a definition of the problem (drinks a lot of water, whines, the presence of blood in the urine, etc.).

If the pathology was caused by disorders in the contractile abilities of the sphincter, hormonal drugs should be used. A similar problem quite often occurs in neutered or sterilized pets. It is associated with a lack of hormones.

In the presence of other problems, drugs that are part of the group of tricyclic antidepressants may be effective. They are aimed at relaxing the muscles of the bladder. However, there is also a contraction of the sphincter. That is exactly what is required.

The above tools have a potent effect. Often after taking them there are side effects. It is recommended to use after consulting a doctor. It is he who must choose the exact dosage.

If a puppy pees

If a small puppy often urinates, know that he will learn to control this process when he is 3-4 months old. The term will depend on how correctly the owner will be able to explain what the puppy should do. It is necessary to suggest where he should relieve himself.

It should be understood that the puppy rarely starts to urinate just like that. In many situations, this is accompanied by the presence of congenital pathologies. And the puppy will be able to return to normal life only after surgical intervention.

Video "Reasons"

Does your dog drink a lot of water, urinate frequently, or is it in pain when urinating? The video talks about the reasons why bitches have problems with frequent urination.

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Frequent urination in dogs may indicate a problem with the urinary tract. Often this is inflammation, which can go in combination with severe pain. Constant calls in females and males can be of a different nature, so the consequences of this symptom are also different.

Inflammation of the urinary tract does not threaten the dog's life, but it can cause a lot of trouble. If treatment is not started on time, the disease can affect the kidneys. Problems with the urinary tract in females are often fraught with the development of neoplasms. Therefore, if you notice such a deviation in your pet, immediately show it to the veterinarian.

natural causes

If your dog has started to urinate frequently, this may be due to the following reasons:

  • frequent stress and fear;
  • nervous state;
  • strong excitement.

This is not a complete list, but these reasons occur most often. If the cause of constant urges is fear, nervous tension and overexcitation, then you should not worry. Such a reaction for the animal is normal, as they are guided by their instincts. Male dogs mark with urine to mark an object, territory yu, which they consider their own. To prevent such incidents from happening, you should adjust the behavioral instincts of your pet.

In a situation where a dog urinates due to behavioral characteristics, censure and punishment can only aggravate the situation. Treatment of such behavior will be ineffective. Only re-education will help to get rid of this problem.

Males are very fond of marking their territory, to cope with this problem, you can sterilize the animal. In this way, you will also reduce the manifestations of the sexual instinct of the animal.

Age Features

With age, the smooth muscles in dogs begin to weaken, so the dog may feel the urge to urinate frequently. Such a problem cannot be completely eliminate as this is a natural aging process. But you can use special supporting drugs.

Dogs can often urinate while in heat. Especially often this phenomenon is manifested in young females who have not yet had sexual contact. During estrus, the animal feels pain in the lower abdomen, which provokes frequent emptying. Special treatment is not required, it is enough to walk the dog as often as possible.


Damage to the spine can cause increased urination. The likelihood of back injury increases in those breeds of dogs that have a long spine. Dachshunds are at risk.

Childbirth can also provoke the development of such a pathology. During this process, the nerves can be pinched and the dog will feel weak in the limbs, and the sphincter muscles will also weaken.

To determine the cause of the development of pathology, the doctor conducts a comprehensive examination. If necessary, an operation can be scheduled.


If the dog often goes to the toilet "in a small way", this may indicate the presence of serious diseases. Before going to the vet watch your pet, since information about the frequency of urges, the quality of walks, the amount of water and food that the dog consumes will help the doctor make a diagnosis.


Frequent urge to empty may indicate the presence of cystitis. In order to accurately diagnose, you will need to do a urine test. Cystitis is indicated not only by incontinence, but also by the presence of an extensive inflammatory process. Sick puppies and adult dogs may urinate even in their sleep.

Cause of cystitis is severe hypothermia. Your veterinarian may prescribe a course of antibiotics for treatment. Already a few days after the start of therapy, the pet will feel better, but this is not a reason to interrupt the treatment. A therapeutic course brought to an end will help protect the animal from relapses.


With this disease, the animal drinks a lot of water, so it is not surprising that the urge to urinate also occurs frequently. Mostly this disease develops in females.. For diagnosis, the veterinarian may prescribe an ultrasound. Treatment at home can be dangerous, so you should immediately contact a specialist.

The constant desire to drink is not the main problem that a dog may face. Polydipsia is just a symptom of the development of diabetes or kidney failure.

This is a congenital disease that can cause frequent urination. The disease is diagnosed at an early age and affects bitches more often than males. The diagnosis is made on the basis of the anamnesis. If the information received is not enough, the doctor may prescribe an additional examination. Upon confirmation of the diagnosis, the veterinarian can perform surgery, sometimes urography is used.

Sleep urination

The dog pees at night for the following reasons:

  • disease;
  • strong fear;
  • young age - puppies cannot hold urine for a long time;
  • elderly age.

Treatment of pathology

If you notice frequent urination in a dog, you can give the animal a drug that relieves spasm. This medicine can only relieve the symptoms, not solve the problem. If your pet is in severe pain, contact your veterinarian immediately.

Independently provoke urination by massaging the bladder is prohibited. Doctors do not recommend giving the animal diuretics.

If the call frequency to urination is not critical, then the doctor can prescribe treatment at home. In this case, the owner of the animal must fully follow the instructions of the doctor, since self-medication can lead to complications.

The dog should be taken to the veterinarian immediately if there is a blockage in the urethra. First of all, the doctor must restore the normal outflow of urine. During catheterization, sedatives and painkillers are used. If it is impossible to place a catheter, then the doctor performs an operation, but such situations are extremely rare.

Frequent urination can be a symptom of a serious illness. If your beloved Yorkie or other breed of dog urinates frequently, you should immediately contact your veterinarian, who will determine the cause of this phenomenon and, if necessary, select a treatment.

Attention, only TODAY!

How to wean a dog to write from joy or fear?

Often the owners of the dog, having found a puddle in the house, become indignant and scold the dog. However, such a reaction will in no way stop repeated incidents, but rather, on the contrary, it will cause irreparable harm to the dog's psyche.

First you need to understand why a dog pees out of fear, and sometimes out of joy with a meeting with the owner.

Dog pissing for joy

First of all, it is not about joy at all. Meeting the owner at the doorstep and joyfully wagging his tail, the dog (and more often the puppy) makes a puddle to show you that he recognizes the owner as the main one and agrees with his subordinate position. This is how dogs establish a hierarchy of relationships.

However, such puddles in the apartment are not very pleasant and it is better to wean the dog from such behavior.

Screaming and punishment will not help here, because the dog will not understand at all what she is doing wrong, and the puppy will only “slow down” in development, but the puddle scenario will repeat itself again.

  • Best of all, when entering the house after separation, do not rush to stroke the puppy. Pretend that you do not notice his joy. He will not be offended, but he will calm down much faster, his excitement will pass and then the dog can be safely stroked (better, not bending over, but crouching), without fear of a puddle.
  • By doing this every time, you will reinforce the correct behavior in the dog and he will not constantly strive to prove his submission to you with the help of puddles, but will calmly take his place in the family hierarchy.

dog pissing in fear

Also, a puppy, and sometimes a completely adult dog, may be out of fear. Most often, she is frightened by the sharp voice of the owner, a sudden visitor to the house or the appearance of another dog.

In such a situation, it is very important never to punish the animal for making a puddle. It is already frightened and does not understand at all what it is being punished for. And fear and reaction to it will only be fixed. As a result, the puppy will grow up intimidated and lose all protective qualities.

A puppy that peed after the punishment of the owner, for example, for shows his humility. It also means that the owner has gone too far with the punishment if the dog is forced to prove that he remembers his subordinate place in the pack.

  • To avoid this behavior, you can not intimidate the dog. Even if she was naughty, disapproval or disregard is enough for her, and not screaming and spanking.
  • An overexcited dog that has stopped obeying must first be calmed down. She needs to be seated, but not with a command (she may not “hear”), but with her hands and hold it until the dog calms down.
  • At the same time, the owner's voice should be calm, but persistent and demanding, and the movements should be strong, but not sharp. The owner should not be nervous because of the dog's disobedience, but should always be an example of calm confidence for her.
  • When overexcited, the dog can describe itself precisely from punishment or simply from a too strict command, a scream.

Therefore, the scheme for raising a dog should be as follows: calming down an overexcited dog, and only after that, obedience commands.

Many dog ​​owners notice that their pets sometimes urinate while playing or when greeting their owner who has been away for a long time.

This problem is especially pronounced in the behavior of puppies, but disappears after a few months. Almost any dog ​​owner will immediately realize that this is not a common problem of uncleanliness if they take into account the nature of the situation in which urination occurs, as well as the fact that dogs empty the bladder while standing or while moving, and also remember that he himself, probably, at least once in his life faced the problem of unwanted urination. As a result, most dog owners abandon the practice of punishment and instead try to solve the problem by creating conditions that prevent the dog from becoming overexcited in key situations.

Why is it that some animals exhibit this problem while others do not? Apparently, individual experience gained at an early age plays a certain role in this, but rather, a different genetic predisposition. Of course, individual experience can also have a certain effect, since in a certain situation it can further increase the dog's arousal. However, then the question arises: why does not all dogs discharge the created tension by urination? In the same way, it is quite possible that the owner of the dog, who likes to play outdoor games with him and prefers an emotional exchange of greetings, thereby exacerbates the problem. It is very common for a young, active dog that has been alone for a long time to experience excessive arousal upon the return of its owner. In principle, in this case, we can talk about a kind of lack of communication or activity. Of course, after a few hours of being locked up, the situation will be further complicated by the urge to urinate experienced by the animal. Perhaps this problem can be explained by excitement in combination with bladder overflow.

How can this problem be dealt with? Usually, urination does not occur in any situation related to the game or the exchange of greetings. As a rule, this only happens when the dog is extremely agitated and has a full bladder. Avoiding these kinds of situations, such as not responding to a dog's greeting at a certain time, except for a greeting outside the home (where urination is not a problem) or preventing the dog from further arousing if it is already aroused, may solve the problem. . Also, if the dog is not left alone for too long, this may reduce the excitement that he experiences when the owner returns. If you let her go outside more often, then the bladder will not overflow. If the owner of the dog is at work throughout the day, it is advisable to contact one of the neighbors with a request to periodically walk the dog. This will be especially effective if at this time the dog gets the opportunity to play enough. Using punishment to solve this problem is contraindicated, as it is unlikely to help train dogs to suppress the urge to urinate in such situations.

In cases where the use of punishment seems to be successful, this seems to be due to a change in the dog's emotional perception of the situation. In this case, the greeting does not cause enthusiasm and excitement in the dog, but "mixed feelings", which, according to most dog owners, is an undesirable metamorphosis. If problem situations cannot be avoided, then the key to solving the problem is to initiate and reinforce dog behaviors that, while not completely eliminating the possibility of urination, at the same time reduce its likelihood. The choice of an alternative form of behavior in problem situations depends on the specific conditions. For example, in order to change the form of greeting, the owner may take the dog's favorite toy with him and return home toss it to his pet before greeting him. In the same way, one can consciously activate some form of play and at the same time refuse other games during which urination occurs. And finally, you can change the behavior of the animal and reduce the likelihood of urination in problem situations by teaching the dog obedience. During such exercises, the dog is taught commands that he will later have to follow in potentially problematic situations.