We emphasize the beauty of young schoolgirls with makeup. Light make-up for school for teenagers. Makeup set for girls

Long gone are the days when makeup for a young schoolgirl was considered unacceptable, indecent and immoral. Today, unobtrusive light school make-up is the norm.

And most modern parents do contribute to the development of makeup skills in their growing child, especially since special cosmetic stores sell ready-made cosmetics kits for young skin, which include harmless products: make-up instead of shadows, blush, tonal base, hygienic lipstick and varnish for nails.

Women's competition actively begins to manifest itself from a very early age. Girls always try to show individuality and be more beautiful than their peers.

The easiest and most affordable way to look your best is to master the art of makeup, which will skillfully hide flaws and emphasize the natural beauty of a young lady.

Since girls spend most of their time studying, today we will talk about school makeup. Such a make-up is discreet, light, as close as possible to natural, emphasizing the beauty and freshness of a young face.

Makeup for a teenager is no less an art than an adult make-up, and it is important not to upset the balance in it. The ability to stand out from the crowd and at the same time not look ridiculous is the most important rule.

Features of school makeup

There are two types of makeup: daytime and evening. School make-up is always a daytime one. It will emphasize the natural beauty and hide the imperfections of young skin. This makeup can be safely done every day to school. Consider its basic principles.


The key to successful makeup is properly prepared skin. She happens:

  • normal;
  • dry;
  • oily;
  • combined.

If the skin of the face is dry, it must be cleaned with cosmetic milk or cream.

Oily and combination skin is perfect for washing gel, lotion, tonic.

In adolescence, it is highly undesirable to use a tonal foundation. If there are problem areas on the skin, it is better to use a concealer. The same goes for compact powder. But if it’s impossible to do without it, then you should choose tinting agents to match your skin tone, otherwise your face will look like a mask.

It is important to remember that all cosmetics should be selected in accordance with the young age of a teenager. Under no circumstances should you use cosmetics for mature skin, as this can cause unwanted problems.

If the skin of the face is too pale, you can refresh it with blush. Pale pink, peach, honey shades of matte color are perfect. Blush is distributed with a soft fluffy brush (preferably from natural pile) towards the temples and the borders are carefully shaded.


Eyebrows should be plucked regularly to achieve the desired shape, but it is important to keep them as natural as possible.

If the hairs stick out, comb with a special brush, and then apply a special fixing gel. Lightly color the eyebrow line with a pencil or shadows to match the hair color.

Too dark eyebrows will visually age your face, so do not overdo it.


If the cilia are naturally long and fluffy, then it is not necessary to paint them. It is enough to take a special brush and carefully comb. Thus, we will separate the hairs from each other and give the eyelashes additional volume. You can curl with special tweezers, so the look will become much more expressive and deeper.

You need to tint eyelashes with light movements, and not along the entire length, but approximately from the middle. It is advisable not to touch the lower ones at all. Brunettes are better off using black mascara, and blondes with fair skin should use brown.


It is advisable for young girls to use shades of pastel, neutral tones. Dark ones are not appropriate in a school make-up, and also visually add age. We select shadows, taking into account your color type.

Brown-eyed young ladies will suit a beige-brown gamma.

It is better to emphasize blue eyes with shades of gray, white or khaki.

For greens, the most relevant are pink, olive and peach tones. If you skillfully use cosmetics, then it is quite acceptable to use two colors.


Lipstick can be successfully replaced with a gloss of light and natural shades. Caramel, beige colors are ideal for fair-skinned girls, and light pink or peach shades are better for dark-skinned girls. Glitter will visually make your lips look fresher and plumper.

School makeup tools: the bare minimum

Makeup tools should be of good quality, so you avoid bad blending, unnatural blemishes and any unevenness. A young lady will definitely need brushes for applying lip gloss, blush, eye shadow, and foundation. It is also advisable to purchase tweezers to remove excess hairs and an eyebrow brush.

It is highly undesirable to use the tools of a mother, sister or girlfriend. It is very important to monitor hygiene - keep your tools clean, as the remnants of old cosmetics can provoke unnecessary inflammation on the skin.

There is nothing complicated in the technique of performing school makeup. Every girl can easily learn this simple art. Of course, at first it will take more time to get the desired result, but soon you will learn how to do high-quality makeup in a few minutes.

Makeup to school: a master class in the photo

And for those young schoolgirls who want to make makeup more festive (on September 1), but not defiant, we suggest following a step-by-step master class with examples in the photo.

Step 1. First you need to clean the skin with lotion, moisturize with a cream suitable for its type and lightly powder with loose powder with a large fluffy brush.

Step 2. If the eyebrows are sparse or light, they are tinted with a brown pencil, and then gently combed with a brush.

Step 3. Black classic eyeliner is not the best option for school. It is better to use a brown liner. Mark a dotted line just above the growth of the cilia, then connect. Carefully complete the arrow with a graceful thin “tail”. The last step in eye makeup is mascara. To avoid the effect of "spider legs", paint over the cilia in one layer.

Step 4. A suitable shade of blush should be applied to the apples of the cheeks and blended thoroughly. They visibly refresh makeup, making it more natural.

Step 5. The final touch is a balm or lip gloss with a pinkish or peach tint.

Remember, the most important rule of school makeup is moderation and minimalism. After all, it is not in vain that they say that the best cosmetics are the ones that are invisible.

We hope that our advice will help the young lady, even with the help of inconspicuous makeup, to emphasize the most advantageous features of her appearance, while maintaining her individuality and youthful charm.

Today we want to talk about makeup for girls aged 12-15 and teach all of you little tricks that will allow you to look bare, but at the same time help to emphasize natural beauty and hide imperfections. Teachers will not want to wash you, but the boys will definitely notice how much prettier you are.

Now everyone is so used to makeup that without a layer of makeup you start to feel naked. But this applies more to girls 18+. And what about schoolgirls? Well, seriously, it’s not just bright to school, but you can’t paint in general. How does the school teaching process go. Moreover, there will always be some annoying classmate who will ask: “Did you put on makeup?” But after all, at such a young age, you already feel insecure, and here it’s also forbidden to do makeup. So how do you dress up discreetly to school?

Trick 1 - Skin

If mom says that the foundation spoils the skin, then she is undoubtedly right, but only if it is a cheap low-quality foundation. Another question is that good creams that do not contain silicones and parabens not only do not clog the skin, but also protect it from the sun and polluted air. Therefore, if you have uneven skin tone, then purchase a quality foundation or BB cream, for example, from Missha, and apply it with your fingers in a very thin layer, mainly on the cheeks and T-zone, and lightly on the forehead, nose and chin. Since the cream is most often clogged in the nasolabial folds and the area under the eyelids, then make sure that there is almost no cream there.

Don't try to hide a pimple or dark circles under your eyes with a toner. To do this, simply apply a little concealer.

Trick 2 - Face

The contouring technique will help emphasize the relief of the face, but at the same time you will get the effect of “makeup without makeup”. Choose a bronzer without glitter and glow effect, because we need to achieve the most natural look of the skin. You can also use matte light brown shadows to contour the face. Apply bronzer on the cheekbones, you can darken the sides of the nose a little. In a word, by darkening a certain area, you visually make it less noticeable, and the face as a whole is more prominent. Read about light-shadow face correction.

Trick 3 - Lips

With lips, we can also cheat a little and make them a little brighter. If hygienic lipstick can give lips a well-groomed look and make them a little more voluminous, then lip tint, for example, from Benefit, will give them a natural color. The magic liquid of red color stays on the lips for a very long time, but at the same time they look unpainted. By the way, the tint can also be used as a blush, because it also looks very natural on the cheeks and lasts all day.

Trick 4 - Eyes

If our foundation and tint can go unnoticed, then eye makeup, even the lightest one, can give us away. What to do, because with completely unpainted eyes, the face looks a little painful? If you want to make up imperceptibly to school, then lightly bring the upper eyelid only under the eyelashes and inside them, drawing a contour. Thus, our pseudo-arrow will not be visible at all, but the eyelashes will become more fluffy. Additionally, you can twist them slightly with tongs or an old mascara brush. And what if the eyelashes are light? Color, but choose gray or brown mascara.

Trick 5 - Eyebrows

Cara Delevingne clearly demonstrates to us that thick expressive eyebrows are fashionable and beautiful. Therefore, do not pluck your eyebrows thinly, but rather be proud of them and emphasize their beauty.

We are sure that our very simple tips will be useful for girls who want to discreetly make up for school in order to emphasize their natural beauty.

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The image of a young schoolgirl is light and airy, and makeup should be the same. Therefore, when creating a school make-up, it is necessary to achieve maximum naturalness without overdoing it with cosmetics. How to choose it correctly?

You should not choose a dense foundation, bright matte lipsticks and colored eyeliners and shadows. Instead of thick mattifying creams, opt for light fluids and BB creams that allow the skin to breathe and look natural.

In school makeup, it is best to focus on the eyes. Lightly tint your eyelashes - and your look will immediately be much more expressive. Additionally, you can add some shadows. The ideal color scheme is pastel: beige, gray and light pink shades.

It is important to have your own cosmetics that suit your skin type and tone. If you use your mom's or older sister's foundation, there is a risk that it will look like a foreign mask on your face.

For problematic skin, choose products with caring ingredients: for example, aloe extract and tea tree oil in the composition.

Inconspicuous eye makeup for school

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In order to stand out from the crowd and emphasize your dignity, it is enough to focus on the eyes. The minimum set of tools looks like this: mascara and eyebrow gel.

  • Eyebrows need to be given a neat, but at the same time absolutely natural shape. No need to pluck your eyebrows to thin threads or make them very graphic - thick, fluffy and natural eyebrows are in fashion today. It is enough to comb them and fix them with eyebrow gel.
  • Mascara can be black or brown. Brunettes and brown-haired women can use black mascara, it will not look too bright. We advise fair-haired and blondes to choose brown: it will give the desired volume, but at the same time it will not look unnatural.
  • Additionally, you can use light shimmering shadows. Apply peach or champagne eye shadow all over the lid. Do not use dark colors or repeat popular tutorials on creating smokey ice. At school, this will look out of place, so we do not recommend spending precious time on this in the morning.
  • High school students can draw a thin arrow with a soft pencil. So they additionally emphasize the space between the eyelashes and make the look even more expressive.

Lip makeup for school every day

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Lip makeup should also be as natural as possible. The main two functions of lip makeup for schoolgirls are moisturizing and giving a light shade.

  • It is worth giving up bright lipsticks and pencils: firstly, they will look vulgar - not to mention the fact that they will probably annoy teachers. Secondly, it takes more time to accurately apply bright products, and after each snack, such lipstick needs to be renewed.
  • Give preference to caring lipsticks and glosses that will not only make your lips brighter, but will also properly nourish and moisturize your lips. Tinted balms, lip oils or translucent glosses are best suited for this. The undoubted advantage of these funds is easy and quick application. It only takes a few seconds to refresh your make-up.

How to do makeup to school in 5 minutes: instructions

When you have only 5 minutes in the morning, but you want your face to look well-groomed and fresh, follow our instructions for creating a simple and gentle make-up.

Proper makeup should start with skin care. Especially in adolescence, it is necessary to pay attention to high-quality skin cleansing. Wash your face and further cleanse the skin with a tonic. Then apply a moisturizer that suits your skin type. Don't forget your lips: they also need hydration.

Choose a light or BB cream: this will not create the effect of a mask on the face, but will perfectly even out the tone and hide some imperfections. Apply the cream with your fingers or sponge, so you will achieve an imperceptible coverage. Do not forget to wash the sponge properly and change it more often: bacteria appear on it during use, which can provoke rashes.

To mask more serious imperfections, use a corrector - it should be applied locally.

To brighten up your face, add some blush to the apples of your cheeks. Choose a shade that is as natural and light as possible.

Brush your brows with a clean brush and set them with a clear or tinted gel. Apply light (beige, golden, gray or peach) to the entire moving eyelid. Coat your lashes with brown or black mascara. Don't apply too much to avoid clumps.

Apply some peach gloss to your lips. Delicate and discreet makeup is ready!

Look for another good example of a make-up for school in our video tutorial.

Beautiful everyday makeup for school: life hacks

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If your skin does not have any rashes and does not need serious correction, use powder. Apply with a fluffy brush over moisturizer. So you can achieve a matte finish, but at the same time it will be absolutely weightless.

A translucent tint balm is a real must-have for your makeup bag. It will not only moisturize the lips, but also, on occasion, will be a great substitute for blush. In addition, such a tool can not be overdone.

If you have acne or red spots on your face, don't try to cover them up with a thick layer of foundation. Use a green color corrector that neutralizes redness: apply it dotted on redness. And on the entire face with a thin layer, then apply a foundation.

The ability to take care of yourself, take care of your beauty, you need to develop in yourself from youth. No matter how skeptical many people of the older generation are about painted teenagers, when, if not at the age of 13 - 14, take the first steps in mastering the art of cosmetology. Since the girl spends most of her time studying, it becomes especially relevant to learn what make-up for school will be most appropriate.

Day and evening make-up

Before you make a beautiful and discreet make-up for school, you need to determine in advance the possible types of make-up. So there is:

  • . This is an everyday make-up, which consists of mascara, light-colored shadows, natural-colored lip gloss. It perfectly emphasizes the natural beauty and it can be done every day to school.
  • Evening make-up. At night, artificial lighting prevails, under which you can make a beautiful and bright make-up from cosmetics in rich deep shades. Red lipstick, dark eyeliner, any shadows that match the color of your eyes - all this is cosmetics for evening and night walks, discos, etc.

Be careful! School make-up must be daytime, and evening make-up can look defiant and extremely ridiculous.

Determining skin type

A very important part of self-care is skin care. A beautiful even skin color, the absence of acne and rashes (which often occur at the age of 12-13 due to hormonal changes in the body) is the best basis for applying makeup. How often, when you see a well-groomed girl or woman on the street, you wanted to look the same. This is quite possible if you give the necessary nutrition and cleansing the pores every day.

To take care of the skin in the right way, you first need to determine its type. There are only four types:

  • Oily;
  • Dry;
  • Combined;
  • Normal.

You can determine your skin type with the help of an online test. However, even just touching the face is sometimes enough.

If the skin is shiny, prone to acne, it is oily. A feeling of tightness indicates the presence of dry skin. The most common skin type at 12-13 years old is combination skin: oily on the forehead, nose and chin and dry on the sides of the face. If you properly care for combination skin in adolescence every day, over time it will become normal.

Cleansing and toning

To do a cleansing and toning of the skin means laying a solid foundation for a great appearance. For oily and combination skin, foam or gel cleanser should be preferred. If your skin is dry, you can clean it every day with milk or cream.

Oily skin has enlarged pores, which can be narrowed by using an alcohol-based lotion. And dry skin will help tone tonic without alcohol.

Moisturizing: one of the key moments of care

Moisturizing is perhaps the most important step in personal care. Moisturized skin has a flawless appearance, which means that it has a natural healthy glow and no flaws. You won't need powder or any other concealer, is that the main goal?

The rules for choosing a cream for moisturizing the skin are very simple:

  • For dry skin, choose a nourishing cream;
  • If your skin is oily, opt for a water-based cream.

Young skin at the age of 12-14 requires specially designed cosmetics. Give up the temptation to take the cream from your mother, its composition will not bring any benefit to your skin, and possibly even harm.

Cream application rules:

  1. Apply a thin layer on the skin, do not overdo it, the cream should be evenly absorbed.
  2. Avoid eye area.
  3. No need to rinse.

Foundation and powder: is it worth using?

If you do light makeup to school, it is highly undesirable to apply foundation. It is better to leave it for the evening make-up. During the day, cleansed and toned skin will be quite enough.

As for the powder, if possible, also avoid it. However, in the presence of problem areas, for example, rashes, so common at 12-14 years old, powder can be applied pointwise.

Powder must be chosen to match the skin tone, the closer its shade to your natural, the better.

rosy cheeks

To use blush or not is an individual matter. Owners of a natural blush can refuse this cosmetic product. Moderation and restraint are the basic rules of school make-up for students aged 12-14.

But if the skin color is too pale, you can apply a little blush. Pale pink and soft peach shades of matte color are well suited.

Leave blush with shine for evening make-up.

The rules for applying blush are as follows:

  1. Apply with a special brush on the cheeks towards the temples.
  2. Blend the borders so that the blush looks as natural as possible.

Adolescence is one of the most difficult and unstable periods in a person's life. And not in vain, because at this time, not only the physiology, but also the personality of the child as a whole undergoes changes. The search for oneself often leads a young person to various extremes, and his parents - in horror and panic. Among such experiments in girls is appearance. Make-up is the easiest field for changing oneself, but at the same time the most subtle and requiring certain knowledge and experience. How to learn to make it easy to please yourself and not create disagreements with parents and teachers?

Youth, freshness of the face, smoothness of the skin and natural - this is what a young girl can boast of. This is exactly what will always be in fashion and what more and more adult women are striving for. Of course, 14 years old, for example, is both a way to "be like everyone else" and "be unique." Therefore, you should not be very categorical and refuse the child this. It is much more important to teach him how to use cosmetics and follow these simple rules:

  • bright decorative cosmetics are inappropriate in the daytime;
  • the color palette of cosmetics should be in harmony with the tone of the face - pink is suitable for a light, cold skin tone, caramel and peach for a warm one;
  • it is better to choose shadows and lipstick as transparent as possible, which create only a hint of emphasizing a certain area of ​​​​the face.

Facial tone and cosmetics

In order for the face to remain fresh and not look like a mask, it is worth using a little tonal foundation, which is as close as possible to the natural skin tone. It will be enough to hide minor flaws.

To get rid of unwanted shine and give the skin a matte finish, you can apply a little powder. It is better to use not a sponge, but a special brush that will help to evenly distribute a minimum of powder. As for blush, they should be left for a more festive exit. To create a light make-up for school, foundation and powder will be enough.

Light lip makeup

Lip cosmetics in adolescence is more prophylactic and therapeutic than aesthetic. For example, for those girls who wear braces, a cream or balm will be simply necessary, because in such cases the lips are very dry.

If you want to do lip makeup only for reasons of beauty, you should choose light, close to natural colors, tones. Pale pink, peach lip glosses work best.

Light make-up for school also includes the use of discreet underlining of the eyes. This means that it is best to use one mascara to open up the look. For dark-haired girls, a black shade is suitable, for fair-haired, red and light-haired girls, brown or dark gray.

The same goes for the pencil. It should match the color of the eyes as much as possible, emphasize it, and not contrast. Grayish, ash and brown remain universal shades. The line is best drawn along the growth of eyelashes on the outer corners of the eyes.

As for eyeliners, from them a light make-up for school for a teenager will turn into very rough and not age-appropriate. Eyeliner visually narrows the eye and makes the face look older.

Shadows are also better to use natural shades. They should not be pearlescent or matte. It is preferable if the shadows will naturally shine. Milky, creamy, grayish, golden, peach shades harmonize well with almost any eye and hair color.

Often teenage girls are complex because of the sloppy shape of the eyebrows and begin to unsuccessfully experiment with their plucking and coloring. To prevent this, you can teach a teenager to use a special gel. It will help to style naughty hairs so that you do not have to adjust the shape of the eyebrows early.

Cosmetics for problem skin

Before you do makeup to school, you need to take care of the health of your face. A common and natural problem of every second teenager is rashes, redness on the face. This is a natural reaction of the body to hormonal changes, puberty. But it's no secret to anyone how many complexes, insecurity and spoiled mood these pimples, black dots and bumps on the face cost.

That is why you should first take care of proper cleansing of the skin of the face. Without it, no decorative cosmetics can hide flaws. The kit may include such hygiene products:

  • light cleansing milk or scrub for problem skin (you should definitely look at the product line - it should be designed specifically for the young skin of teenagers);
  • to dry acne and get rid of oily sheen, you can use white clay - natural powder is sold in pharmacies, diluted with water and used as a mask;
  • concealer, which is applied pointwise to problem areas and allows you to mask them.

Another feature that often causes discomfort to teenagers is the appearance of freckles. Of course, they have nothing to do with problem skin, on the contrary, they are part of the individuality and beauty of an individual, but at a young age they can be perceived as a disadvantage. In this case, you can recommend a light sunscreen that will reduce or even prevent pigmentation.

Not limited to cosmetics only. You also need the tools with which these funds are applied. Here are the main ones:

  • comb for styling eyebrows;
  • disposable tonic sponges;
  • eyeshadow applicator.

This set is enough to make a light makeup to school quickly and neatly.

In order to always meet the requirements of the educational institution, as well as highlight the advantages of her appearance, a young girl should avoid:

  • too dense in texture tonal creams;
  • very bright lipsticks and shadows;
  • false eyelashes.