Congratulations on the Independence Day of Belarus from the President of the Republic of Belarus A.G. Lukashenko. Belarus celebrates independence day

The decision to celebrate Independence Day on July 3 was made during the 1996 republican referendum. In the history of Belarus, July 3, 1944 is listed as the day of the liberation of the capital, the city of Minsk, from the Nazi invaders. Prior to this, the main state holiday was celebrated on July 27 - it was timed to coincide with the date of the signing by the Supreme Soviet of the BSSR in 1990 of the Declaration of the Sovereignty of the Belarusian Soviet Socialist Republic.

The Belarusian opposition does not recognize the official Independence Day, believing that the countdown of the state's independence should be started from the moment the Belarusian People's Republic proclaimed the Declaration of State Sovereignty on March 25, 1918. Every year, opposition representatives and their supporters celebrate Freedom Day on March 25.

President congratulated the Belarusian people on today's holiday Alexander Lukashenko... The congratulation says that July 3, the day of the liberation of the capital of Belarus from the Nazis, has a fateful meaning for the Belarusian people: “Today we traditionally pay tribute to those who fell on the battlefields in the name of the liberation of the Motherland and honor the veterans of the Great Patriotic War for their feats of arms and labor.”

For 25 years of sovereignty, the country has achieved good results in industry and agriculture, social and scientific spheres, foreign policy and the defense complex. It has become an island of security and peacefulness, where citizens have confidence in their future and every opportunity to get a decent education, work in peace and raise children.

“This holiday embodies the historical continuity and choice of an independent path for the country's development based on the principles of justice, care for people, socio-political stability and multi-vector foreign policy,” the President said and wished his compatriots good health, inexhaustible energy, happiness and prosperity.

The main festive events will unfold in Minsk today. The traditional festive parade of the Minsk garrison starts on the stele at 10 am.

In the evening, from 21 to 23.15, a gala concert "Belarus, I love tsyabe" will take place here, which at 22.55 will be interrupted by a joint performance of the anthem and fireworks, which will be given at about 23 o'clock.

In addition to the stele, the fireworks will simultaneously take place in five more points of the capital: in a military town in Uruchye, in the area of ​​the Drozdy reservoir, Minsk-1 airport, in a vacant lot in the Chizhovsky cemetery area and in a vacant lot in the area of ​​the Novinki settlement.

Note that it is better to come to the fireworks in advance, because its beginning is tied to the end of the anthem. If they are heard earlier, they will give the fireworks earlier.

Over the weekend, on certain routes of the capital's buses and trolleybuses, the number of rolling stock will be increased, and some will be allowed on changed routes. You can read more about this here. Changes will take place on July 3 and in the work of the metropolitan subway. So, on July 3, from 8.00 to 13.00, the interval of trains on the first and second metro lines will be 3 minutes, from 13.00 to 19.00 - 5 minutes, from 19.00 to 24.00 - 3 minutes, after 24.00 - 8-12 minutes. Stations "Nemiga", "Oktyabrskaya", "Kupalovskaya", "Frunzenskaya" will be closed for passengers to enter at 1.00, on 4 July.

How Grodno, Gomel, Vitebsk, Mogilev and districts of Minsk will celebrate Independence Day - see the links.

Dear compatriots!

I sincerely congratulate you on the Independence Day of the Republic of Belarus.

This holiday is inextricably linked with one of the most important events in Russian history - the liberation of the Motherland from the German fascist invaders.

At the heart of our success today is the spirit of an unconquered people, which, together with other peoples of the Soviet Union, made a decisive contribution to saving humanity from the brown plague.

We will not give up the Great Victory, won by the exertion of exorbitant forces and paid for by the life of every third Belarusian, to be scandalized by anyone.

Since those heroic days Belarus has passed a glorious path of work and creation. We have managed to create a sovereign state with a stable, dynamically developing economy, advanced science and rich culture, whose high authority is recognized throughout the world.

The current generation of Belarusians worthily continues the traditions of the immortal feat of Liberation, takes new heights and historical frontiers, looks confidently into the future.

I wish you good health, prosperity, success in work in the name of the Motherland.

Happy holiday, dear compatriots!

Happy Republic Day!

Transcript of the speech of the President of the Republic of Belarus A.G. Lukashenko at the solemn meeting dedicated to the Independence Day of the Republic of Belarus (Day of the Republic) on July 2, 2008. Official version.

Dear compatriots! Dear foreign guests!

There are fateful days and events in the life of every nation. Those that become the starting point of a new stage in its history. They cause the highest spiritual uplift and unity of all citizens.

In the Belarusian calendar, this date was July 3, 1944. The day of liberation from the fascist invaders, which we celebrate as the main state holiday - the Independence Day of the Republic of Belarus.

A holiday in which great, truly holy concepts - Liberation, Victory and Independence - have merged into a single whole.

Our ancestors had to repel the attacks of foreign invaders more than once. Courageously defend your freedom and identity. Having withstood all the cruel historical trials, our people remained unsubdued, strong in spirit and devoted to their native land, which they have always revived from the ashes and selflessly loved. It is not for nothing that our Motherland is called White Russia - pure and free.

“We, Belarusians, are the worldly people, the Serians of the Addany native land ...”. These lines of the National Anthem reflect the essence of the character of our wise people, who have always wanted to be the master of their own destiny. Was it. And it will always be!

It was by the will of the people, and not by the grace of foreign invaders, that the Belarusian Soviet Socialist Republic was formed 90 years ago.

This event changed the course of national history. It became the beginning of the chronicle of the Belarusian statehood proper and an important stage in its real development. It gave impetus to the development of industry and agriculture, the formation of a literary language, the flourishing of science and culture, the consolidation of a single Belarusian nation.

For the first time, our people acquired the right to "people of zvatsts." And he was ready to fight to the last drop of blood, defending his country from any external encroachments.

Belarus was the first to take on the treacherous blow of the fascist armada. The feeling of joy from the reunification of the western Belarusian regions has not yet cooled down in people, when the threat to lose not only their native land, but also the right to life has appeared. After all, the true goal of the Nazis was to enslave and then destroy those whom Hitler called inferior peoples: Slavs, Jews and a number of others.

And what a blasphemy do some modern “guardians of the people” assert that the fascists were bringing freedom and the opportunity to form their own national states to our peoples.

This lie is refuted not only by archival documents, but also by the policy of genocide that the Nazis carried out in practice in Belarus. Men and women burned alive, old people and children. Tortured in concentration camps, killed in bombing and punitive operations. Millions of lost lives - almost a third of the country's population.

My heart bleeds when you imagine everything that our people experienced during the years of the last war!

People who whitewash the fascists and their accomplices betray the memory of those who were killed and crippled in the bloody war, who bravely defended their home. They basely distort the historical truth that the struggle against the invaders was truly nationwide.

More than one and a half million Belarusians fought on the fronts of the Great Patriotic War and waged an uncompromising struggle in the ranks of the Resistance movement, partisans and underground fighters. Almost the same amount worked in the rear, joint efforts forged Victory.

Belarus, together with other republics of the Soviet Union, fulfilled its duty with honor. The world community highly appreciated her heroic deeds - she became one of the founders of the United Nations.

What would become of modern history if it were not for the great sacrificial feat of the Soviet people, which made a decisive contribution to the destruction of the fascist coalition. Without him, an eternal night of enslavement would descend on the world.

Then the leaders of the Allied states showed wisdom and foresight. They managed to rally the Soviet Union, Europe, the United States and other countries in the struggle against a common enemy. This was the greatest historical lesson for all of humanity - a lesson that must never be forgotten!

And today politicians should unite, not divide peoples. After all, only together we can curb international terrorism, solve food, energy, environmental and other global problems.

The world community needs today not an arms race, not division into blocs, not threats and military conflicts, but mutual understanding and cooperation, respect for the right of each people to choose their own path of development and way of life.

Belarus is a peaceful and open country that does not threaten anyone and does not create problems for either close or distant neighbors. On the contrary, it is a stronghold of stability and friendliness. It protects the Western world from illegal migration, human trafficking, illegal movement of drugs, weapons and radioactive materials.

And what is in return? Overt economic and political pressure.

However, blackmailing us and stifling us with any sanctions, as you can see, is futile. History has made the Belarusian people steadfast, seasoned and courageous. Overcoming difficulties unites people, unites the nation even more. Moreover, we do not remain isolated. We have enough allies and friends.

If we take an unbiased assessment of the results of foreign policy and economic activity with which we celebrate our main public holiday, then a number of positive trends should be noted.

First, under the new conditions, the development of allied relations with fraternal Russia is receiving a good impetus.

Recently, during our meeting with the President of Russia, the mutual desire of the two countries for close cooperation in all areas of activity was clearly expressed. And, what is especially valuable, the loyalty to the adopted agreements and treaties on the construction of the Union State was confirmed.

Secondly, the positions of Belarus in the world community are being strengthened. Our initiatives are supported by the United Nations. The economic presence is expanding in the most promising regions of the planet.

I am pleased to note a fundamentally new approach, which is expressed in the fact that our country not only accepts the growing flow of foreign investment, but also itself becomes an active subject in the international investment market. Our investments in equipment, technologies and ideas have gone to many countries around the world. This in itself speaks volumes about our capabilities and prospects.

And thirdly, despite the existing certain problems in political relations with Western countries (especially the United States), economic cooperation with the European Union is expanding from year to year. And we hope that the real economic interests of our Western partners will prevail over political speculation, which has already set everyone's teeth on edge.

To expand partnerships with our neighbors in the common European home, we do everything that depends on us, and we are the first to extend the hand of friendship and cooperation.

It is significant that our aspiration coincides with the desires of ordinary citizens of neighboring states. Poland is an eloquent example. While its leaders were hatching plans to deploy American missiles, the Poles themselves are reviving the Russian song contest and other good, already well-known undertakings. Isn't this the best confirmation that the people have a memory? ..

I am convinced that the will of the peoples will gradually melt the ice. The policy of pressure and double standards will be replaced by good-neighborliness and cooperation.

And those insinuations about human rights and the foundations of democracy that hinder friendly relations today will disappear by themselves. After all, democracy is not a goal, but a method. Not the people for democracy, but democracy for the people!

There is no doubt that the best criterion for a democratic state is a stable, calm and safe life for its citizens. And the possibility of real participation of people in the management of social processes. And according to these indicators, Belarus will not yield to any of the European countries.

Any strategic decisions in our country have been and will be made taking into account the opinion of the people, through their open expression of will.

The upcoming parliamentary elections in the fall will confirm the openness and democratic nature of the country's political system. A fundamentally new aspect of their implementation will be the expansion of the rights of political parties, as required by both our so-called opposition and the West. And although they do not enjoy great authority in the Belarusian society, we went to meet their leaders and foreign organizations, having recently adopted a Presidential Decree, which expands their rights.

Our government works and will work according to the will and for the good of the people. And this gives real, visible results.

In 2007, our country entered the group of countries with a high level of development. It was not we who stated this.

The Belarusian economy is becoming more and more attractive for domestic and foreign investors. The funds are invested in new production facilities that produce competitive products. Last year, Belarusian goods were supplied to the markets of 140 countries of the world.

We have begun a new stage in the development of the energy sector, and have started to build our own nuclear power plant. We develop and implement large-scale nationwide investment projects that will help achieve a breakthrough to new technologies and a new high quality of life.

Do you remember how the home-grown reformers laughed when we raised the village, collective farms, state farms from our knees? They say, why bury money in the ground, if you can buy everything abroad?

But we listened and lived with our minds. They were guided by the age-old peasant wisdom: listen to people, but have your own mind.

Therefore, today we have, as they say, both bread and bread. The Belarusian village feeds the whole country. And this is the most compelling argument for the correctness of our development strategy.

At a time when the problem of food shortages is aggravating throughout the world, our agro-industrial complex not only ensures its own food security, but also successfully develops foreign markets. We no longer need to run around neighbors with outstretched hands in search of food. We ourselves offer it, with the benefit of the country using the favorable world conjuncture.

For Belarusians, the land has always been a sacred and dear property. Now we need to complete the establishment of order on it and more energetically introduce new technologies, achieving high economic efficiency and self-sufficiency.

The past year has become fertile and fruitful for Belarus in every sense. It is especially encouraging that the birth rate has increased by 7 percent, while the death rate has decreased by almost 5 percent. This is the result of our efforts to support mothers and children, to protect the life and health of every person.

An improvement in the demographic situation is an irrefutable indicator of a successful economy and an increase in people's living standards.

In Belarus, health care costs are the highest among the Commonwealth countries. About 5 percent of the gross domestic product is directed to this area.

This year has been declared the Year of Health. And a lot is already being done to ensure that it gives good results for the people and the state.

Not only in the capital, but also in regional and district cities, modern sports facilities are being built, accessible to people of all ages and levels of physical fitness. Now the most important thing is to make efforts for the people themselves to be healthy and successful in life. In order not to overshadow families with drunkenness, drug addiction and other abuses.

Our citizens can work well and earn money. Already this year, income growth is twice as fast as price growth. Now the urgent task is to bring the salary up to 700, and in the long term up to 1000 dollars. With such a rise in prices, we have no other way out.

But, I emphasize, the salary must be earned, and not just received. Therefore, the growth of labor productivity, the introduction of innovations and the reduction of material costs are of paramount importance.

Of course, in a festive atmosphere it is not customary to talk about shortcomings and unresolved problems, of which, unfortunately, there are still many in the economy and in the social sphere. We are not silent, we assess them soberly, we try to calmly and thoughtfully solve them.

The main thing is that we have programs for the development of the country, regions and specific enterprises. We know what and how to do in order to constantly and steadily improve the life of the Belarusian people. So that everyone is confident in the future, feeling their relevance, involvement in the affairs and concerns of the state.

Dear veterans of the Great Patriotic War!

On these holidays, we think with special warmth and love of you - the victorious warriors. You have accomplished the great feat of Liberation. Low bow to you for this! Thank you for being our reliable stronghold and spiritual support today.

Be healthy! Live happily ever after under this peaceful sky!

And know that the current generation will preserve and strengthen the freedom and independence you won in battles.

Dear foreign guests!

I cordially greet you and the heads of diplomatic missions who have shared with us the joy of the main national holiday.

A strong, free Belarus is confidently walking and will continue to follow the chosen path. We - Belarusians - are a united, energetic and hardworking nation. And as long as we are united, we are not afraid of any trials.

May every day bring us new successes and good deeds. Let harmony and prosperity reign in families, let the voices of children and grandchildren ring.

I wish you health, happiness and prosperity, Belarusian people!

Happy Independence Day, dear friends!

Happy Liberation!

Dear compatriots!

I congratulate you on the Independence Day of the Republic of Belarus.

In the history of any nation, there are milestones that determine its fate, its future. July 3 is the day of our glory and honor, memory of the past and pride in the present.

The Belarusian people courageously defended their homeland from invaders. Through wars and devastation, through the blood and tears of many generations, we went to our independence.

Much has changed in recent years: both the country and the people living in it. The desire of each of us to live in a free and peaceful state has remained unchanged.

Belarusians do not need shocks, wars and revolutions, speculation on democracy and human rights. We have time-tested ideals and values, and we will not allow anyone to impose otherwise.

Today, one can say with full justification: Belarus of the 21st century is a stable state, firmly following the path of independent development.

Peace and order reign in our country. The Belarusian people are united, and they are united by the main thing - concern for strengthening the Motherland and conscientious work to achieve this goal.

May there be happiness, health, prosperity and prosperity in every home, every family. Prosperity of our dear Belarus!

President of the Republic of Belarus
Alexander G. Lukashenko

Having gone through trials, Belarusians have earned the right to live on a free land, in peace and prosperity, to be full participants in world processes. President of Belarus Alexander Lukashenko said this on July 1 in his speech at a solemn meeting dedicated to the Independence Day of Belarus, BelTA's correspondent reports.

You can watch the full version of the speech of the Head of State in the video in our material.

Speech by the Head of State at the parade in honor of the Independence Day of the Republic of Belarus

Comrades soldiers, sergeants, warrant officers and officers!
Dear veterans!
Dear compatriots and guests!

Today our country is celebrating Independence Day. We began to celebrate the main public holiday today, July 3, at the behest of our people. This choice testifies to the historical memory of Belarusians and the continuity of generations. In our hearts, the independence of Belarus is inextricably linked with its liberation from the German fascist invaders.

We will never forget those to whom we owe the deliverance from the Nazi yoke. The Great Victory was won thanks to the heroism of the soldiers of the Red Army and home front workers, the perseverance and unity of all Soviet people.

The Belarusian people made a huge contribution to the defeat of fascism. This has been recognized by the international community. Therefore, our country has rightfully become one of the powers that established the United Nations Organization.

We are proud that Belarus has emerged as an independent state that is pursuing a peaceful multi-vector foreign policy. Our invariable principle is the equality of all countries and their non-interference in each other's internal affairs. We stand for the solution of any international conflicts exclusively at the negotiating table.

Unfortunately, other countries were reluctant to follow this example. What did it lead to? There is an increase in global instability. International security has been destroyed. The countries of Europe have embarked on the path of militarization. They are being drawn into the arms race and military preparations. The United States of America is deploying a missile defense system here on our borders and improving its nuclear capabilities.

Our answer is a modern Belarusian army. She is constantly being modernized, mobile, trained and armed.

It is important to note that the domestic defense-industrial complex makes a significant contribution to increasing the combat readiness of Belarus.

The country is successfully developing its own rocketry. More than a hundred samples of Belarusian military products can be named, which are fundamentally new, innovative products.

The combat arsenal that we possess will be shown today during the parade march. Everyone will be able to make sure that we have everything we need to repel any aggressor.

Belarus' policy is open. We have nothing to hide. Together with fraternal Russia, we defend the borders of the Union State we are creating.

Our strategic goal is to further develop relations with the member states of the Collective Security Treaty Organization. These are our reliable partners and loyal friends. We are linked by a common history and together today we protect the world from new threats.

On this holiday, I would like to address you, dear veterans! You did not allow us to bring our country to its knees during the years of the most terrible war, you brought freedom to our native land. We are proud of you and strive to be worthy of a glorious generation of winners.

Dear compatriots!

On this sacred day for each of us, I wish you happiness, health and prosperity, a peaceful sky and success in work for the benefit of our dear Belarus.

Glory to the heroes who defended their homeland in fierce battles!

Glory to the workers who raised the country from the ashes and turned it into a beautiful land!

Glory to the Belarusian army - the guarantor of the inviolability of the borders of the Motherland!

Glory to the Belarusian people!

Happy Holidays! Happy Independence Day, Belarus!

Based on materials from

The decision to celebrate Independence Day on July 3 was made during the 1996 republican referendum. In the history of Belarus, July 3, 1944 is listed as the day of the liberation of the capital, the city of Minsk, from the Nazi invaders. Prior to this, the main state holiday was celebrated on July 27 - it was timed to coincide with the date of the signing by the Supreme Soviet of the BSSR in 1990 of the Declaration of the Sovereignty of the Belarusian Soviet Socialist Republic.

The Belarusian opposition does not recognize the official Independence Day, believing that the countdown of the state's independence should be started from the moment the Belarusian People's Republic proclaimed the Declaration of State Sovereignty on March 25, 1918. Every year, opposition representatives and their supporters celebrate Freedom Day on March 25.

Congratulations to the Belarusian people with today's holiday, President Alexander Lukashenko. The congratulation says that July 3 - the day of the liberation of the capital of Belarus from the Nazis, has a fateful meaning for the Belarusian people: labor exploits ".

For 25 years of sovereignty, the country has achieved good results in industry and agriculture, social and scientific spheres, foreign policy and the defense complex. It has become an island of security and peacefulness, where citizens have confidence in their future and every opportunity to get a decent education, work in peace and raise children.

“This holiday embodies the historical continuity and choice of an independent path for the country's development based on the principles of justice, care for people, socio-political stability and multi-vector foreign policy,” the President said and wished his compatriots good health, inexhaustible energy, happiness and prosperity.

The main festive events will unfold in Minsk today. The traditional festive parade of the Minsk garrison starts at the stele at 10 am.

In the evening, from 21 to 23.15, a gala concert "Belarus, I love tsyabe" will take place here, which at 22.55 will be interrupted by a joint performance of the anthem and fireworks, which will be given at about 23 o'clock.

In addition to the stele, the fireworks will simultaneously take place in five more points of the capital: in a military town in Uruchye, in the area of ​​the Drozdy reservoir, Minsk-1 airport, in a vacant lot in the Chizhovsky cemetery area and in a vacant lot in the area of ​​the Novinki settlement.

Note that it is better to come to the fireworks in advance, because its beginning is tied to the end of the anthem. If they are heard earlier, they will give the fireworks earlier.