The project of patriotic education according to FGOS. A project on moral and patriotic education on the topic: "Where does the Motherland begin" in the preparatory group. Short-term project for the preparatory group "Be a citizen of your home country"

Project passport Project implementation site

MBDOU Irkutsk kindergarten №143

Kudrina Ekaterina Nikolaevna

Project hypothesis

Patriotic education should be comprehensive in nature, permeate all types of activities of a preschooler, be carried out in everyday life, directly - educational activities to understand the world around them. The presence of such activities is an indispensable condition for full-fledged education carried out in the system. Otherwise, children's knowledge will remain confused, fragmentary, incomplete.

Goals and objectives of the project

Purpose: the formation of patriotic education in the complex of spiritual - moral, local history, social and labor directions.

Tasks: - formation of the ability for spiritual development;

Strengthening morality;

Project participants

Children 5 - 7 years old.

Strategy and mechanisms for achieving the set goals

(project stages, main work in the project)

Stages: Preparatory - defining the goals and objectives of the project;

The main one is drawing up a long-term plan, developing abstracts, cognitive classes;

Final - performance-comparative analysis

The estimated term of the project is 1 year.

Formed patriotic feelings for the hometown.

Knowledge about the diversity of the nature of the city of Irkutsk.

Further development of the project

To develop guidelines for moral and patriotic education of preschool children.

The practical significance of the project

This project can be used in the work of preschool educational institutions, in the joint activities of a teacher and children.

Justification of the need for the project

Children aged 5 - 7 are very curious, sympathetic, receptive. The process of self-awareness in the surrounding world begins. It is this segment of a person's life that is most favorable for the emotional and psychological impact on the child, since his images are very bright and strong, and therefore they remain in the memory for a long time, and sometimes for the whole life, which is very important in the education of patriotism. Patriotic upbringing includes in a complex spiritual - moral, social, labor and local history direction.

You cannot be a patriot without feeling a personal connection with the Motherland, not knowing how our ancestors, our fathers and grandfathers loved and cherished it. A child's feeling of the Motherland begins with love for the closest people - father, mother, grandmother, grandfather. And his home, the courtyard, where he walked more than once, and the view from the windows of the apartments and the kindergarten, where he gets joy from communicating with his peers, and his native nature - all this is the Motherland.

The patriotic feeling does not arise by itself. This is the result of a long-term purposeful educational impact on a person, starting from childhood. It is at preschool age that the foundations of civic qualities begin to be laid, ideas about a person in society are formed and a high sensitivity to words and actions. Like any other feeling, patriotism is acquired independently and experienced individually.

Modern children know little about their hometown, country, peculiarities of folk traditions, are often indifferent to close people, including groupmates, rarely sympathize with someone else's grief. Work with parents on the problem of moral and patriotic education in the family is clearly insufficient.

Indifference and disdain for civic duty and service to the Motherland have become widespread in the public consciousness.

Patriotic education of preschoolers is not only fostering love for their home, family, kindergarten city, for their native nature, the cultural heritage of their people, their nation and a tolerant attitude towards representatives of other nationalities, but also fostering a respectful attitude towards the worker and the results of his work, native land, defenders of the Fatherland, state symbols, state traditions and national holidays. All these tasks are important and relevant, none of them can be resolved, but the priority in preschool age is the task of fostering love and affection in children for their home, family, especially mother, and kindergarten.

Teachers need to think about what methods and ways to start the formation of patriotic education of preschool children

Project hypothesis

Patriotic education should be comprehensive in nature and include spiritual and moral, local history, social and labor direction, permeate all types of activities of a preschooler, be carried out in everyday life, directly - educational activities to understand the world around them. The presence of such activities is an indispensable condition for full-fledged education carried out in the system. Otherwise, children's knowledge will remain confused, fragmentary, incomplete.


the formation of patriotic education in the complex of spiritual - moral, local history, social and labor directions.


Formation of the ability for spiritual development;

Strengthening morality;

Study of the native land (involvement in the home, family, kindergarten, city);

Fostering self-esteem as a representative of your people;

Formation of labor skills in children.

Project participants:

children aged 5 - 7 years


Strategy and mechanisms for achieving this goal

Joint activities of teachers, parents to develop the cognitive and creative activity of preschool children, the formation of a desire in preschoolers in the future to independently receive and acquire knowledge about their native land.

In the educational process of our preschool educational institution, patriotic education is carried out in the following areas: spiritual and moral, social, local history, labor, etc.

To implement these areas, systematic work was carried out within the framework of the "Favorite Irkutsk" program. This work includes a whole range of tasks, in order to solve all problems, the work was carried out in stages: the organization of the educational work system, the creation of conditions and the provision of manuals, methodological developments, didactic games, toys for patriotic education in kindergarten.

Project implementation work plan

1. Introductory lesson.

Excursion to the departments of the training and experimental section of XYUN. Acquaintance with the work plans of the circle.

2.Ecology in human life.

Environmental education is very closely related to moral education - it is the education of humanity, kindness, mercy, a responsible attitude towards nature, people who live nearby. I devote most of my environmental education to conversations. It is very interesting when children use situations based on personal observations and experience, citing specific cases from life. Group work "Ecological trail".

When I talk about nature and its riches, I set myself the task of not only fostering respect for all living things, but also fostering national pride in my area. Environmental game - "We are environmentalists."

Purpose: consolidation of children's knowledge about the nature of their native land

Tasks: - To generalize and consolidate the knowledge of children about the nature of their native land;

Develop the ability of children to act together as one team;

- cultivate a mutually polite attitude towards each other.

Materials and equipment: fruits and seeds of trees, seeds in bags, 2 fishing rods and fish, printed on cardboard, howling - a sheet of Whatman paper with glued images of algae on magnets, newspapers, didactic cards "Animals", cards with flowers, cards with a route, sweet prizes.

Course of the lesson:

Hello guys! Today we will take a trip to the fascinating world of nature. For this we need two teams. One team - girls: the name of their team - Umnichki, the second team - boys - with the name Udaltsy. We're going!

1. Station "Semennaya" - our first station. Game "Fruits and Seeds". In front of the teams are playing fields and fruits and seeds of trees, the teams need to arrange the fruits and seeds correctly in their places. Game "Seeds in a bag" The teams are given bags of seeds without looking into them, they need to determine what kind of seeds there are.

2. And our train is approaching the station "River"

Fishing game Rules of the game: Who will catch all the fish from the lake faster. Three people from each team. The winner is the team that catches the most fish in the team score. One person from each team is on the field at the same time. Having caught the fish, the players count - the result is recorded, the fish is released onto the playing field. The second participant starts "Fishing". After passing all three participants, the total number of the collected fish is made.

3. Next station "Gornaya" Game "Alpine Hill" Rules of the game: the teams are given newspapers. Your task is to build the highest mountain from this newspaper in one minute, you can tear it, you can crush it, or you can put it entirely.

4. Station "Zoological" Game "Crocodile" Purpose of the game: Show with the help of gestures which animal is depicted on the cards. Rules: Players sit in front of the leader (explainer). The driver takes a card with an image of an animal and shows it with the help of gestures and facial expressions, but not a sound can be uttered, only gestures

5. Station "Flower" In a group or territory hidden cards with images of flowers, children need to find them and name, those flowers that they found. The team that finds the most and names the most colors wins.

6. And at the end the last station "Tourist" Game "Find the treasure" Each team is dealt a card indicating the path to the treasure. Sweet prizes are glued in certain places. Following the instructions, you need to find the prize.

3. Autumn time in Irkutsk.

Life forms of plants. Preparing trees, shrubs and herbaceous plants for winter. The role of the leaf in plant life, leaf fall. Ripening of seeds, adaptations for spreading. How animals prepare for winter. Hibernation of animals, anabiosis of amphibians.

Practical work:

Preparation and implementation of the role-playing game "Reconnaissance of Autumn Signs".

Target: To consolidate and expand children's knowledge about autumn and autumn signs; clarify the idea that everything in nature is interconnected.

Preliminary work:observations, thematic and complex lessons about autumn and autumnal changes in nature, the quiz "Who will name more signs of autumn".

Equipment: a letter in an envelope from hares, a plan of the scouts, maple leaves indicating the stops of the scouts, a basket for collecting signs of autumn, a sweet prize for children.

Course of the lesson

Teacher Dear guys! Today a letter from little hares came to our kindergarten. Hear what they write:

" Hello. Guys! Bunnies who were born this year are writing to you. We do not understand much of what is happening around us. Once a magpie flew to us and brought a lot of things on its tail. She says that she will already have a lot of autumn signs in the yard, that it’s time to change our gray fur coats to white ones. The hedgehog says that it is not necessary to change fur coats. We don't know whom to listen to! Our mother ran away from us long ago, there is no one to tell us. We also heard that you are good scouts. Go on an exploration, find out how many autumn signs are in nature. Is it time for us to change gray coats for white ones? We will be very grateful to you. "

Educator: Can we help the rabbits. Let's get dressed quickly and go scouting for autumn signs.

Conversation about what you should take with you on exploration. How to behave in intelligence.

Walking course ... So, we come to the first stop by following the tracks.

Stop number 1. We are scouts.Choose a rule of behavior in nature (work with environmental signs).

Stop number 2. " Sky, sun, clouds. "

Measurement of air temperature in the shade and in the sun.

Riddles about autumn.

I carry crops, I sow the fields again,

I send the birds to the south, I undress the trees,

But I do not touch the trees and pines. I AM ….(autumn ).

Sits - turns green. Falls - turns yellow, lies - turns black ( leaves).

Without wings - it flies, no one hits it, but it cries ( cloud).

Not a grandfather, but a gray-haired one, covers the land and the ocean, but his name is ... ( fog).

Stop number 3 " The trees of our city ”.

What deciduous trees do you know?

What are conifers? Riddles about trees.

What's up with the trees?

"Play with leaves"

The presenter gives tasks on pieces of paper:

Make three headdresses from a simple scarf for an aspen leaf.

Whoever has a maple leaf is an equilibrist artist. Can perform in a circus, hold a stick on his hand.

An oak leaf will ask you to remember a rhyme or song about autumn.

Whoever has a birch leaf does not say anything - he will depict everything with a gesture.

Whoever has a rowan leaf, say without hesitation: "There lived a cap under a cap, I was familiar with the cap."

Stop 4: " Labor of people in autumn". What do people do in the fall?

"Is this sign of autumn"

Games with binoculars":" Yellow Walk ". Name everything yellow. Even people's clothes.

Stop 5: " We are observing birds. "

What kind of birds do you see through binoculars?

Do you see rooks? Why? What other birds have flown away? Where to? Why?

Look through binoculars. Do you see insects. Why? Where are they now?


An outdoor game "Run to the tree" is held, they count how many signs of autumn have been collected. They conclude whether it is time for the hares to change their fur coats.

4. Severe Irkutsk winter.

Typical signs of winter (temperature drop, snow cover, daylight hours). Physical properties of water. The role of snow cover for berry farmers. Winter garden work. How wild animals spend the winter. Sedentary and nomadic birds of the city of Irkutsk. Bird feeding, bird food. Types of feeders.

Practical work:

Competition for the best feeding trough. Making and hanging feeders. Excursion to the winter garden, identifying and sketching footprints in the snow. Bird watching. Role-playing game "We follow the trail".

5. The Red Data Book of the Baikal region.

Creation of the red book of nature. Red, black, yellow, gray, green pages of a red book. Types of plants and animals included in the Red Book of the Irkutsk region.

Practical work:

Production and design of the "Complaints Book of Nature".

6. Monuments of Irkutsk.

The location of the monuments to Y. Pokhabov and Babr, sculptors. The history of the emergence of the Museum of Local Lore, modern expositions.

Presentations by topic, writing reports and sketching in notebooks.

7. The long-awaited spring.

Spring phenomena in the life of animals and plants. Phenophases of plant development. Sap flow, swelling and budding. Migratory birds of the city of Irkutsk, arrival dates.

Practical work:

Preparing and holding the "Meeting of feathered friends" holiday, making and hanging birdhouses.

Tasks:- to give children an idea of ​​the spring migratory birds, their behavior, nutrition, place of residence;

- improve the ability to select words for nouns denoting signs of objects and actions

- to bring up in children a sense of joy from meeting with feathered friends;

1 - 2 stages

On the table - on the model "Forest" - a crow, sparrows, rooks.

What do we know about these birds? Where did they live in winter? Why do rooks return to their homelands?

(Reasoning of children, sorting out opinions).

What do they eat? How is food obtained? What difficulties await them at home? (Work in pairs).

Stage 3: Children's activities. Creative productive work.

Introspection and analysis of the activity and product of the activity of children.

Stage 4. Walk. Search for food for birds (worms). Outdoor and folk games "Birds in the nest".

Stage 5. Before going to bed, children read the story of V. Bianchi "Bird Year - Spring" and G. Skrebitsky "Rook".

The teacher and the children who want to make a bird feeder, decide to help the feathered friends: after all, a lot of birds have flown in, but there is not enough food for them.

8. My favorite yard.

Kindergarten yard and yard near the house. The variety of animals and plants that surround us, their benefits for humans.

Practical work: putting things in order in the yard. Sketching your yard. Counting living and non-living objects.

9. I clean up after myself.

The importance of hygiene to health. The need to maintain cleanliness. What is trash? The sources of its origin. Principles of collection and disposal of household waste. The importance of keeping the streets of Irkutsk clean, at home, in kindergarten, educational game "When garbage is not garbage and vice versa."

Practical work: cleaning the territory of your site, sketching your impressions. Drawing up a cleaning schedule.

10. Summer has come to Irkutsk.

Bird life in summer. Caring for offspring. Rules of conduct for the discovered nest. How ants live. Observation of the activity of ants. Anthill protection. Summer outdoor recreation rules. Taking care of your health in summer. Recreation places in the Irkutsk region. Types of outdoor activities. Life safety skills.

Practical work: illustration, observation, description. Drawing up a recreation plan.

11. Final lesson.

Practical work: midterm certification takes place in the form of an interview.

Predicted short-term and long-term results of the project implementation

Long-term results: raising the level in the spiritual - moral, social, local history and labor direction.

Short-term results: it is assumed that the student will know about the diversity of the nature of his native land, about the importance of ecology in human life;

The student will deepen and expand the existing knowledge about natural phenomena;

Learn to maintain hygiene;

Will know the monuments of Irkutsk.

The effectiveness of the work is determined by the diagnosis of knowledge, skills and abilities of children, which are determined during the interview.

In order to control and evaluate the results, the following are carried out:

Express - polls;

Final control (contests, exhibitions, holidays, intermediate certification).

The results of the events are discussed with preschoolers and parents.


Indicators and criteria for the success of the project

Verification of the results of assimilation of the program is carried out by conducting current control and intermediate certification. The current control of students is carried out on separate topics.

Interim certification of students is carried out at the end of the program. Taking into account the results of current control, intermediate certification is carried out in the form of an interview. A student passing intermediate certification in the form of an interview gives without preparation a detailed answer on one of the key topics of the program at the suggestion of the teacher or answers questions of a general nature on all topics of the program. Interim assessment of students includes a test of theoretical knowledge, for each correct answer the student receives 1 point.

Criteria for assessing the level of training of a student:

    high level (10 - 8 points) - the student has mastered almost the entire volume

    knowledge 100-80% provided; uses special terms consciously and in full accordance with their content;

    intermediate level (7 - 5 points) - the student has the amount of knowledge acquired

    is 70-50%; combines specialized terminology with household terminology;

    low level (less than 5 points) - the student has mastered less than 50% of the volume

    knowledge provided by the program; the student is usually

    avoids using special terms.

List of questions for midterm certification:

    How is ecology related to our life?

    Name the signs of autumn.

    Which birds are sedentary?

    Name the animals listed in the Red Book.

    What monuments of Irkutsk do you know?

    Name the signs of spring.

    What plants grow in your yard?

    What is hygiene?

    What are the signs of summer.

    Where do we rest in the summer?

Risk assessment

Passivity and lack of parental support. Lack of necessary material, information.

Measures to minimize them:

Conducting conversations, showing open events, joint collective affairs of children and parents.

Use of Internet resources, children's and adult libraries.

Further development of the project

My work does not end there, further work is planned:

to develop guidelines for the organization of work, long-term planning, synopses of directly integrated educational activities; prepare counseling for parents. Participate in international projects and online competitions of children's creativity


Moral - patriotic education is a complex pedagogical process, since it includes a complex of spiritual - moral, social, local history and labor directions.

Since the project has not yet been completed, I can only assume that I have coped with the set goal, and I am fulfilling all the tasks set for myself.

Gradually, thanks to systematic, purposeful work, preschoolers become involved in what will help them become responsible people, with an active life position, who feel involvement in their native land, its history, traditions, respecting the Fatherland, the achievements of their people, loving their families, ready to fulfill their civic responsibilities.Bringing upin children, love and respect fornative natureBy forming in them a sense of responsibility towards nature, we strive to make nature clearer and closer to children. This is one of the important components of patriotism.


    Aleshina N.V. Patriotic education of preschoolers. System of work.

    Belaya K.Yu. Artistic-aesthetic and social-moral education of a preschooler, Moscow: Shkolnaya pressa, 2007.

    Brykina T.N., Zhirenko O.E., Barylkina L.P. Non-standard and integrated lessons in the course "The World Around": 1-4 grades. M .: VAKO, 2004.- 320s.

    Veraksa N.E., Galimov O.R. Cognitive - research activity of preschoolers. - For work with children from 4 to 7 years old. - MOSAIC-SYNTHESIS, 2012. -80ts.

    Zelenova N.G. We live in Russia: senior group. We live in Russia: a preparatory group for school. M .: Scriptorium. 2003, 2008.

    Kazakov A.P., Shorygina T.A. Children about the Great Victory! Conversations about the Second World War. M .: GNOM i D, 2008.

    Kazakova O, V, Sboeva N, A. Lesson development for the course "The World Around", grade 2. M .: "Vako", 2004, 336 p.

    Kondrykinskaya L.A. Where does the Motherland begin? Experience in patriotic education at a preschool educational institution. M .: Sphere, 2005.

    L.V. Loginova What the coat of arms can tell us ... Non-traditional forms of work with preschoolers on patriotic education. M .: Scriptorium 2003, 2008.

    Maksimova T.N. Lesson developments in the course "The world around us" 1st grade.- M.: VAKO, 2013.- 368 p.

    A.A. Pleshakov World around us. Textbook. for 2 cl. early shk. M .: Education, 2003 - 143 p.

    Ryabtsev V.A.Pribaikalskiy National Park. Illustrated popular science edition.

    Chernyakova V.N. Environmental work in the preschool educational institution. Toolkit. M .: TC Sphere, 2008.- 144.


Parents questionnaire

1. What do you mean by the term "patriotic education"?

fostering love for the Motherland;

fostering respect for the older generation;

fostering respect for the traditions and customs of their people;

knowledge of the history of their country;


find it difficult to answer.

2. Is patriotic education possible in kindergarten?



find it difficult to answer.

3. How, in your opinion, should the goal of patriotic education of preschool children be formulated?

instill in children respect for the people of their country;

to acquaint with the customs and traditions of their people;

to form a respectful attitude towards nature and all living things;

to expand ideas about the native land, its capital, cities;

acquaintance with the historical past of Russia;

education of aesthetically moral norms of behavior and moral qualities of the child. 4. Who do you think is responsible for the patriotic education of children?



find it difficult to answer

5. In your opinion, should preschool children be introduced to the symbols of the state, traditions, memorable dates?



find it difficult to answer.

6. In your opinion, is the topic of acquaintance with the genealogy of the family relevant in modern society? Are there family traditions in your home?

Academic-thematic plan


Lesson topics

Total hours



1. Introductory lesson.



Travel through the station.

Safety briefing

2.Ecology in human life.











A conversation about the peculiarities of the area in which we live.

Group work "Ecological trail"

Wildlife conservation methods.

Nature reserves and national parks.

What is smoke?

Take care of the water.


Environmental game - "We are environmentalists"














3. Autumn time in Irkutsk.












Gifts of forests and vegetable gardens.

Presentation "Bright colors of Irkutsk"

The golden outfit of autumn.

First frosts.

Pine nuts.

Cranes in the fields.

Preparing animals for winter.

Role-playing game "Reconnaissance of autumn signs".

























4. Severe Irkutsk winter.












Nature is preparing for winter.

Winter supplies of animals.

White carpet.

Winter weather.

Favorite holidays.

Outdoor games.

Wintering birds.

Role-playing game "We follow the trail".

























5. The Red Data Book of the Baikal region.







Red Data Book of the Irkutsk Region.

International Red Book

Nature's Complainant Book










6. Monuments of Irkutsk.








Where does Babr live?

City sundial.

Monuments to a tourist and a lover.

Museum of local lore.













7. The long-awaited spring.











Spring awakening.

Life under the ice.

Birds are flying.


Fire in the forest.

Time to plant trees.

Feast "Meeting of feathered friends"






















8 my favorite yard








Role-playing game "What did you find in your yard?"

"Count it up" - mathematics in the yard.

"The ABC of Your Yard".

Practical lesson "Greening our yard"













9. I clean up after myself.









Hygiene is the key to health.

Cleanliness in the house is the safety of the whole family.

What is trash?

The need to maintain cleanliness and hygiene at home and on the street.

Educational game "When garbage is not garbage and vice versa"
















10. Summer has come to Irkutsk.










Summer signs.

Subject - role-playing game "Where who lives, where what grows!"

Travel to the village.

Wonderful herbs.

Anthill life.

Your summer vacation.



















11. Final lesson. Interim certification. Interview



Total for the academic year (classroom)




, Patriotic education

Purpose and objectives of the project

Target: Creation of a single space for moral and patriotic education and development of senior preschool children through interaction with the family.


  • To improve the professional competence of teachers in matters of interaction with the parents of pupils.
  • To raise the level of the pedagogical culture of parents, their interest in the upbringing and development of children.
  • Joint creation of a positive psychological climate by teachers and parents both in the preschool educational institution and in the family.
  • Increase the interest of parents in their interaction with the preschool educational institution.
  • To form trust and partnership relations between the subjects of the educational space.

.Project participants:

  • Parents
  • Educators
  • Musical director

Project type: group, long-term.

Relevance of the project

The relevance of this project is due to the social significance of the spiritual and moral development of the child's personality, when his perception is open to the formation of spiritual and moral values. This task is of particular relevance in the context of the introduction of the Federal State Educational Standard in the system of preschool education.
The My Family project focuses on interaction with parents: parents should participate in its implementation, in creating conditions for the full and timely development of the child, so as not to miss the most important period in the development of his personality. Involvement of parents in participation in the educational process, participants in all projects, regardless of what activity dominates in them, and not just outside observers. Working in the context of the implementation of the new FSES requires the integration of family education and preschool education, changing the style and forms of interaction between the preschool institution and the family, which ultimately will contribute to the development of general principles in the work on the development of the personality of the preschooler, the formation of the general educational space of the preschool child.

The novelty of the project

The novelty of the project lies in the development of new approaches for introducing children to family traditions, values ​​and interaction with the family on the patriotic education of the child. Joint research activities of preschoolers, parents and teachers in the study of the history of the family and clan contributes to the formation of patriotism, cultural and value orientations, spiritual and moral development.

Research problem

  • loss of family traditions in the upbringing of older preschool children, lack of knowledge about folk holidays and games;
  • lack of knowledge among older preschool children about their small homeland, about their family and about their ancestors;
  • parents' misunderstanding of the importance of moral, patriotic and spiritual education not only in preschool educational institutions, but also in the family.

Research hypothesis

Moral, patriotic and spiritual education of children of senior preschool age will be more successful if the interaction of children, parents and educators is joint.

Research results:

  • Joint work of educators, music director, parents and children "Long-term planning of cognitive-research, social-communicative and artistic-creative activities of senior preschool children for the 2014-2015 academic year: from September 1 to May 8".
  • Questionnaire
  • Participation in competitions

Organization of the project

Stage I

Target: self-improvement on this topic. Organization and implementation of preparatory work for the implementation of project activities.

Work carried out:

  • Drawing up a long-term plan for the implementation of the project;
  • Study of literature, new methods and technologies on the issues of moral, patriotic and spiritual education of children;
  • Assessment of your own capabilities and resources in solving the problem;
  • Establishing contact not only with parents, but also with close relatives of the preschooler;
  • Establishing contact with the children's library in the city at 21 Tekstilshchikov Street;
  • Reading folk tales, proverbs and sayings, memorizing them, using them in regime moments. Reading fiction, poetry, learning songs, dances on this topic;
  • Designing a thematic corner dedicated to the hometown (map of the region, state flag, coat of arms, anthem, educational literature about the Vologda region and the city of Vologda, information about the most significant industry of the city)
  • Listening and learning the text of the National Anthem of Russia during musical lessons;
  • Selection of visual material;
  • Expanding and deepening the knowledge of children about their ancestors;
  • Making a family tree together with parents and older relatives

In accordance with the hypothesis and problem of the study, children, together with educators and parents, set the tasks for further research of the problem:

  • Develop a long-term work plan for the 2014-2015 academic year together with parents and children;
  • Explore the theoretical aspects of the topic;
  • To acquaint children with the concept of "family tree";
  • Master a variety of ways to design a tree;
  • Study your family history;

Research results:

Design of the exhibition "Genealogical Tree of My Family"
Consultation for parents "Family Traditions"
Development of questionnaires for parents on moral and patriotic education of older preschool children
Design of the folder "Our family traditions"

Stage II. Organization of research within the framework of the project: collective search for moral and patriotic, spiritual and artistic and creative education of senior preschool children in interaction with the family

Target: organization and implementation of project activities.

Work carried out:

  • Development of holiday scenarios for children and parents, lecture notes on this topic;
  • Creation of presentations for thematic classes and holidays;
  • Carrying out events with parents;
  • Participation in competitions dedicated to this topic;
  • Organization and holding of the final event dedicated to the 70th anniversary of the Victory in the Great Patriotic War “Nobody is forgotten. Nothing is forgotten. "

Stage III. Final

Target: summing up, analyzing the results of the project. Determination of future prospects.

Presentation of research results

  1. Autumn matinee in the genre of folklore "Autumn Folk Calendar". Leader: Olga Sergeevna Kupreshina, moderator: Irina Yurievna Terentyeva.
  2. Selection in the group of the center "The city in which I live" (map of the Vologda region, books, sets with postcards, etc.)
  3. Entertainment for children and their parents for Mother's Day "Warmth of hearts for lovely mothers"
  4. New Year holiday
  5. Tasting of culinary products made by the hands of a mother (grandmother), with the continuation of the New Year's party;
  6. Creation of the folder "Culinary products and recipes of our mothers";
  7. Speech development: theme "New Year at the Gates";
  8. Entertainment "Farewell to the Christmas tree";
  9. A month of physical culture and health-improving work. Open days for parents (from 17 to 25 February 2015)
  10. An open lesson for parents on moral and patriotic education on the topic: "A walk in native Vologda";
  11. Questionnaire for parents on moral and patriotic education "Family Traditions";
  12. Entertainment for children and parents "Defender of the Fatherland Day". Presenting gifts to dads;
  13. Entertainment for the day of March 8;
  14. Lesson on moral and patriotic education. Topic: "Wise word";
  15. Drawing on the theme: "My beloved dad and mom";
  16. An open lesson for educators on moral and patriotic education on the topic: "Good deeds";
  17. Exhibition "Genealogical tree of the family";
  18. Participation in the "Mustache-striped" competition;
  19. Speech lesson on the topic “The military exploits of our grandfathers, great-grandfathers in the Second World War;
  20. Exhibition of books for the 70th anniversary of the Victory in the Great Patriotic War;
  21. Learning poems and songs for the holiday;
  22. Lesson on moral and patriotic education of senior preschool children on the theme "Victory Salute";
  23. Final lesson on moral and patriotic education of senior preschool children on the topic: “Nobody is forgotten. Nothing is forgotten ”;
  24. Exhibition of drawings for Victory Day;
  25. Participation of children in a concert for war veterans;
  26. Designing greeting cards for veterans;
  27. Participation of children in a drawing competition organized by the library at st. Textile workers -21.

In the encyclopedia, you can find the definition that patriotism is love for the Motherland, one's land, family, clan. Do not become a patriot from the cradle, patriotism needs to be brought up . Fostering a sense of patriotism in preschoolers is a complex and lengthy process. Love for loved ones, for kindergarten, for the family where the child grows up, respect for the society in which you are, for the traditions and history of your country, for your hometown play a huge role in the development of the child's personality. In previous years, citizenship and high patriotism were a national feature of our people. Changes in the political life of the country gradually made adjustments to the choice of priorities for education.

In modern conditions, when profound changes are taking place in the life of society, one of the central areas of work with the younger generation is precisely patriotic education, since it became necessary to return to the best traditions of our people, to its age-old roots, to such eternal concepts as genus, kinship , Homeland. The feeling of patriotism is multifaceted: love for one's native land, pride in one's people, for its culture.



On the subject: methodological developments, presentations and notes

Project on patriotic education "Clothes of the Kuban and Terek Cossacks" Project name "Features of the clothes of the Cossacks"

VALUE APPROACH IN THE UPBRINGING OF PRESCHOOL CHILDREN through the implementation of a project on patriotic education of children of senior preschool age

Implementation of a long-term project on patriotic education dedicated to the 70th anniversary of Victory in the Great Patriotic War "Nobody is forgotten, nothing is forgotten" ...

Education of patriotism and citizenship among preschoolers during the implementation of the patriotic education project "Raising a Patriot"

The article presents the experience of work on the patrician education of preschool children ...

Pedagogical project on patriotic education of preschool children "The value of oral - folk art in the moral and patriotic education of preschool children"

For preschool education, the issues of the development of a cognitively active personality, the growth of its spiritual potential are especially relevant. This is why it is important in a child's life to include familiarity with the various forms ...

Natalia Prilutskaya
Project on moral and patriotic education of preschoolers

“Love for the native land, native culture, native speech begins small - with love for your family, for your home. Gradually expanding, this love turns into love for the Motherland, past and present, for all of humanity. "

Target: the formation of spiritual moral relationship to hometown, home, family; education of a humane personality worthy of future citizens of Russia.


Instilling a feeling of love for their native land, their small homeland on the basis of familiarization with their native nature, culture and traditions.

Formation of a feeling of affection for your home, kindergarten, your loved ones.

Expansion of ideas about Russia as a native country, Shatura as a hometown.

-Education of patriotism, respect for the cultural past of Russia by means of aesthetic education: artistry, artistic word.

Participants the project:senior educator, parents, children of the older group.

Type of the project: complex, long-term.

Implementation the project: from September 2014 to May 2016.

Problems to be solved project:

Loss of the family function of passing on significant cultural and life values ​​to children;

Lack of knowledge about one's family, about the Motherland;

The advice of educators is not always of particular importance to parents;

Parents, referring to their busyness, do not always follow the recommendations of teachers.

Disconnection between family and kindergarten.

The intended result:

Own the concept "a family", "Small homeland", "My country";

Know information about your family, parents' profession; know the streets of your city;

To be able, together with parents, to compose a family pedigree and have an idea of ​​family relationships;

Final activity "My family", "My small homeland";

Conducting a parent meeting in an unconventional manner

Stages of work on project:1 stage:"Preparatory"(September October)

Development of stages project activities;

Collection of family photos and design of the album "My family", "Rest with family in nature";

Development of conversations, lecture notes for OOD;

Development of role-playing games;

Creation of a subject-developing environment;

Develop consultations, parent-teacher meetings. Make a corner for parents: memo, selection of useful information;

watching cartoons with children:"Mom for a mammoth","Watch out, monkeys!"

Stage 2:"Practical"(November – March)

Cooperative activity:

Conversations:"My family","My grandmother and grandfather", "Streets of our city", "Attractions of our city", "How I Help at Home"

Creative storytelling:"A day off in my family","My family","Our beloved pets","Summer in the country","Our trip".

Reading fiction literature: Tolstoy "Stories for Young Children","Thumb Boy", Oseeva "Sons", Lindgren "Kid and Carlson",Russian fairy tale "Sister Alyonushka and brother Ivanushka", Nenets fairy tale "Cuckoo"

Learning poems: Blaginina "Let's sit in silence";

Conducting finger gymnastics "Our friendly family"

Learning proverbs and sayings about family, friendship.

Didactic games:"How we help our relatives","Who needs what they need for work","My house","Who has a birthday today?",lotto "My family",exercises "Who are you for grandma?","Should mom be upset if ...".

Dramatization games for fairy tales:"Turnip","Khavroshechka","Little Red Riding Hood","Swan geese"

OOD: "My family", "My city".

Role-playing games:"Mothers and Daughters","A family","Guests have come to us","House","Furniture Salon", "Salon of clothes for home"

Classification of household items (dishes, furniture, household appliances, food)

Layout creation "My street"

Construction "The house that I built myself"

Painting "My house","My family","Streets of our city", "As I am with my mother (dad) I'm going home from kindergarten ", "Happy summer", "We're on vacation"

Exhibition of children's drawings "Happy summer"

Stage 3 "Final" (April May)

1. Final OOD "My family"

2. Parents' meeting "Family traditions"

Solution: Increasing the competence of parents in matters of family education.

There is an exchange of experience of family upbringing and traditions.

Search for new forms of interaction between teachers and parents.

The result, which I would very much like to draw attention to, is the child's assimilation of the eternal values: mercy, love for family and friends, in his striving for good and rejection of evil.

Family collaboration th:

Presentation-exhibition "Family hobbies"

Conversations about your family, relatives, parents' profession, your city.

Album creation "My family"

Compilation of a family tree.

Photo newspaper “Summer vacation with the whole family.

Parent meetings: "Children are playing - we are playing together", "Family traditions"

Peculiarities the project:

Reliance on the personal experience of children in the family;

Material availability for preschoolers;

Maximum involvement of parents and the provision of practical assistance in the work to familiarize children with the family, family values;

Integration of joint activities of children and parents at home with their activities in preschool educational institution.

The feeling of the Motherland begins with admiration for what the child sees in front of him, what he is amazed at, and what evokes a response in his soul. And although many impressions have not yet been deeply realized by him, they have been passed through the childhood perception, they play a huge role in the formation of the personality of a patriot.

The homeland is the city in which a person lives, and the street on which his house stands, and the tree under the window, and singing birds: all this is the Motherland.

Preschool childhood is the most important period in the formation of a person's personality, when moral the foundations of civic qualities, the first ideas of children about the world around, society and culture are formed.

Preschool age - has its potential for the formation of higher social feelings, which include a sense of patriotism

A child's world begins with his family.

Understanding the Motherland preschoolers is closely related to specific ideas about what is close and dear to them.

It begins with a child's attitude to the family, to the closest people - to mother, father, grandmother, grandfather. These are the roots that connect him with his home and immediate environment.

In conversations, children talk about their family, family stories, traditions. We bring up they have a humane attitude towards their loved ones.

Our group has created photo albums "My family", "Rest with family in nature"

Love for the Motherland begins with a feeling of love for your city.

The history of the city is a living history, it is reflected in the biography of the family and in the fate of a generation.

We live in Shatura, a city with an extraordinary history and unique appearance. And our task is to instill in children not only an interest in the history of our city, but also educate a sense of respect for him, pride in the heroic past and present of Shatura.

In the OOD, excursions, conversations, we give children local history information about their hometown, the history of its origin, sights, city buildings and institutions, famous fellow countrymen.

We bring up pride in their small homeland, the desire to make it better.

Bringing up love for our city, we bring to the understanding that the city of Shatura is a particle of the Motherland, since in all places, large and small, there are many common:

Everywhere people are working for everyone;

- traditions are observed everywhere: Homeland remembers the heroes who defended it from enemies;

People of different nationalities live everywhere, work together and help each other;

People cherish and protect nature;

There are general national and public holidays.

I know this truth from birth.

And I never melt:

Who does not love their native nature,

He does not love his Fatherland.

Communication with nature ennobles a person, allows you to more fully feel the beauty of life, it is important that the first childhood sensations are inspired by the beauties of native nature, native land, native country. It is good when children see a white-trunk birch tree and quivering aspen trees, and understand that this is our home.

That is why we are faced with a responsible task - to teach children from childhood to love nature, to love the Motherland.

Through excursions and walks to the forest, park, field, I instill in children a love for their native nature, knowledge about plants, different species of trees growing in our area is consolidated, a sense of responsibility for preserving the nature of their native land is formed.

To love your city means also to love the nature in it.

During excursions, observations, walks, positive emotions are formed in children that need to be expressed.

V moral and patriotic education the example of adults and loved ones is of great importance. On specific facts from the life of senior members families: grandfathers, grandmothers, participants in the Great Patriotic War, their front-line and labor exploits, we instill in children such important concepts, how: duty to the Motherland, love for the Fatherland, hatred for the enemy, labor feat. We bring the child to the understanding that we won because we love our Fatherland.

The Motherland honors its heroes who gave their lives for the happiness of people. Their names are immortalized in the names of cities, streets, squares, monuments have been erected in their honor.

"Nobody is forgotten, nothing is forgotten". "There is no land more beautiful than our Motherland!"

It is very important to instill in children a sense of love and respect for the cultural values ​​and traditions of the Russian people.

We introduce children to the culture of our people (Russian folk holidays, since the appeal to the paternal heritage fosters respect, pride in the land you live on. From infancy, the child hears his own speech. We let children understand that each nation has its own fairy tales, and they all pass on the main ones from generation to generation. moral values: kindness, friendship, mutual assistance, hard work.

Of particular importance to education children have folklore works: proverbs, sayings.

Discussing the content of fairy tales with children, we draw their attention to the hard work, modesty of the characters, to how they express sympathy to those in trouble, how they fight for justice, how they save each other.

Thus, works of oral folk art not only form love for the traditions of their people, but also contribute to the development of the individual in the spirit of patriotism.

Difficulties in acquainting children with everyday life, traditions, individual historical moments are caused by the fact that preschoolers

We experience difficulties in acquainting children with everyday life, traditions, individual historical moments, because we do not have a mini-museum in our kindergarten "Russian hut",a preschoolers visual-figurative thinking is characteristic.

Therefore, we invite parents to visit the Shatura Museum.

"To protect nature means to protect the Motherland".(M. Prishvin)

Children are the future of our Motherland, they should protect and protect its vastness, its beauty, its wealth.

Gradually, from a walk to an excursion, from conversation and reading a book, children develop a wonderful image of their native land, their small homeland. This is a birch grove, and picturesque paths by the lakes. All this lays the first foundations of patriotism in children.

Interesting photo reports and advice on the development of thematic projects of moral and patriotic orientation. Long-term and short-term thematic projects dedicated to the small and large Motherland; the exploits of our compatriots during the Great Patriotic War; customs and traditions of the peoples of our country; spiritual and moral education and upbringing of children.

The experience of teachers in creating an appropriate subject-developing environment (corner "My homeland - Russia", didactic and role-playing games, fiction, paintings, illustrations).

Thematic projects are the stages of patriotism education.

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Showing publications 1-10 of 2230.
All sections | Patriotic education. Projects

Project "My Little Homeland" for children of the second junior group Project"My small homeland" in children of the second younger group. Seryakova Natalia Project"My small homeland, the city of Sosnovy Bor" in children of the second younger group. There is a corner in my heart For you, beloved native land, It's not for nothing that you are called a small homeland, You are always in your soul, always with ...

Presentation of a short-term project "The role of folklore in the moral and patriotic education of young children" RELEVANCE Times, epochs, people are changing. But man's striving for goodness, love, light, beauty, truth remains eternal. D.S. Likhachev spoke: “Love for the native land, native culture, native speech begins with small things - love for your family, for your home, for your child ...

Patriotic education. Projects - Project on moral and patriotic education of preschoolers

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Library of images "MAAM-pictures"

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Project "Travel to my small homeland" Purpose: To educate the children of moral and patriotic feelings for the republic where they live, for their small homeland. Tasks: Educational: - to consolidate the ideas of the pupils about their native republic, which is part of our big country, about the big and small homeland, about ...

Innovation project "My Little Homeland" Municipal preschool educational institution "Kutushinsky kindergarten" PROJECT OF INNOVATIVE ACTIVITIES IN THE SECONDARY PREPARATORY GROUP "MY SMALL HOMELAND" Educator I.V. 2019 Introduction The general focus of this project is the organization of educational ...

Patriotic education. Projects - Project in the senior group "Moscow - the capital of our Motherland"

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