Fun for children 10 years old. Interesting entertainment and children's birthday contests

If you look at the children’s games, you can see that most of the children do not know how to organize their leisure time. Their walk in the street turns into mindless staggering or destructive behavior (sadistic animal experiments, fights). This is due to the fact that children do not know street games, they often communicate on social networks, but when they meet, they cannot organize their leisure time. We offer a variety of games and contests for children 10 years old.

School games

You can even play the following games in the lobby at school break.

  • "Bunny, bunny, what time is it." The leader (hare) stands with his back to the players. Each in turn asks the time and adds: "I'm in a hurry for my birthday!" The hare calls any time. The player measures the steps (an hour is a big step, a minute is a simple step, a second is a foot length). For example, three hours five minutes three seconds means three large and five regular steps, three foot lengths (one and a half steps). Whoever reaches the hare first, touches it, takes its place. It all starts all over again. This event will diversify the children's time-learning contests and reinforce the terms.
  • "Ring, ring, go out on the porch." Players stand or sit in a row with their arms outstretched forward (palms tightly closed in the boat). The presenter takes a "ring" (any small detail), which must imperceptibly lay it out of his "boat" into the player's palm. He can pretend to put the ring on the player by hesitating. Then the presenter stands in the middle and asks the participant with the ring to come out. The task of the players is to catch the one who has the ring. You can't hold hands. If the participant with the ring manages to jump out of the row uncaught, then he becomes the leader. If he is caught, then the game continues with the old leader.
  • Sea battle. Participants draw a field (10x10 cells, indicated by numbers on the left, letters on top) with one-, two-, three-, four-deck ships. The player calls the number and letter of the cell. Getting into the ship continues the game; having missed, passes the move to the opponent. At the same time, he specifies whether he "killed" or "wounded".

Road games

Such mobile thematic games will allow you to quickly consolidate the knowledge gained and diversify any school scenarios for children's competitions. They are especially relevant at extracurricular events dedicated to traffic rules.

Popular games

Classics of the genre

On the street during school breaks, children prefer a variety of classics.

  • Conventional digital. Draw classics to ten. The player's task is to throw a pebble into a cell with a number, "skip" classics and pick up a chip on the way back. Stepping behind the lines is prohibited. As soon as the first level is passed (from one to ten), the game starts from the next number (from two, three, four, etc.). The player who entered the line or did not hit the required cell with a pebble passes his turn to another. The participant who has passed the most levels wins. To get a stone into the cells with the numbers "nine" and "ten", you are allowed to step on the first square. And you can jump on them with a running start, also jumping to the first number. Sports competitions for elementary school children are not complete without classics who sew from cellophane or fabric.
  • Round digital. Draw a large circle, mark a small circle in it, from which you draw radii. Write numbers. The essence of the game is similar to the previous one. Jump from one number to another until you get to the center. The difference is in jumping. In the first version, you jump alternately on one or the other leg. In the same game, you jump on two adjacent numbers. Then, when switching to another number, the left leg should be in the air. That is, the right one goes from the first digit to a two, the left one is in the air, and then drops to a three. The essence of the game is that you need to jump quickly and not step over the lines. These warm-up games will add laughter and fun to intellectual contests for children 10 years old. The numbers can be replaced with thematic images.
  • Verbal. Any version of the classics with a "roof" is drawn. In each column, they write desires (house, dacha, car, child, husband, voucher, etc.), write "fire" on the roof. The player stands with his back to the line and throws a pebble, looks at what wealth has fallen out, jumps and takes the chip on the way back. You can't go beyond the lines of the classics. If you get into the "fire", then all the riches are burned up. The richest wins. After the first game, children can adjust the rules themselves, modifying them to suit their abilities.

Rope games

Games with rubber bands, skipping ropes are popular. An elastic band is put on by both participants on their feet. The third player jumps over it. After going through all the actions, it moves to a new level. To do this, raise the elastic from the ankle ten centimeters higher. This happens until the player gets entangled in the rubber band, makes a mistake or stumbles. Then the queue goes to another participant.

  • Rose, birch. The presenter stands in the center of the circle, holds one edge of the rope, begins to twist it and say: “Rose, birch, lily, poppy, porridge, chamomile, scarlet flower” until some player stumbles. The one on which the word stopped comes out of the game. The titles are initially assigned to the participants. The one who remains wins. He becomes the leader. It is useful to use these games to “dilute” calm, intellectual or “sedentary” contests at the birthday of a child of 10 years old.
  • Salochki. Two players twist the rope, the third participant must jump and not hit it. Educators use it in competitions, making the task more difficult. For example, jumping, reading a poem, singing, or reciting the multiplication table.
  • Damn it. Two people hold the rope at the level of the competitor's chest. The player must pass without touching anything. Each time the rope is lowered lower and lower. The player who touches the line is eliminated.

These kids' contests and games are suitable for home and school. They can be modified, added, altered to fit your subject or event.

Ball games

Collective games

Competitions for children 10 years old with balloons

  • Shooting gallery. The players are divided into two teams. The balls are hung at different heights. Whoever damages the balls with darts the most wins.
  • A wish. A note with a wish is thrust into the balloons, inflated. Participants take turns choosing a ball, popping it and completing the task.
  • Children's drawing competition. It is necessary for a certain time to draw a butterfly, a dragonfly, a mosquito on a ball. The audience chooses the best image.
  • Centipede. Players are divided into teams, stand one after another, pinching balls between themselves. The task of the centipedes is to reach the finish line, take strawberries and come back. The winner is the “non-split” team.
  • Alyonushka. For a while, players from different teams must tie a scarf on a ball and draw a face. You can draw parts of the face on paper, cut out, prepare hair and other attributes that you stick to the ball with tape.
  • Greedy. These are funny contests for children 10 years old. The essence of the players is to collect more balloons in a certain time. To complicate the task, the threads are cut off the balls, or you stick double-sided tape on the participant, and he must stick the balls without hands.
  • Running with obstacles. The ball is clamped with knees or ankles and go to the finish line, completing more tasks along the way.
  • Puncture. A ball is tied to the feet of the players. You need to jump onto the opponent's ball and burst it. The winner is the one with the whole ball.

Unusual contests

There are a lot of games for children. You don't need expensive attributes for this. For example, a twistor can be drawn on the grass, a bowling alley can be made from plastic bottles and a ball, cards can be drawn on cardboard. The main thing is to think over the theme of the event, as well as alternate intellectual, calm and active games. Then the participation of children in competitions will be more active.

Also, teenagers love to participate in games that are shown on TV ("Field of Miracles", "Guess the melody", "Finest hour", "One hundred to one"). Questions are prepared according to a training course with additional information on the subject. When choosing games, you need to take into account the interests of adolescents. Leaders may be asked to help organize the event.

Interesting birthday contests for children are an indispensable attribute of a modern holiday. Long gone are boring gatherings with eating cakes and not understanding what to do with their free time.

Many parents invite friends to the birthday boy, strive to bring a touch of creativity to the children's holiday. To help moms and dads - advice on organizing a celebration, a description of birthday contests for boys and girls, for toddlers and older children.

What kind of contests can be arranged? How to get kids interested?

Professional animators give advice:

  • take into account the age of the guests, select tasks that the birthday boy and friends can easily cope with;
  • prepare more props: children love to dress up, change clothes, paint, turn into fairy-tale heroes;
  • alternate calm activities with fun relay races;
  • find out more about the friends of your son or daughter, ask about their preferences;
  • a safe bet - a themed party with original costumes;
  • Refuse contests in which the participants will feel uncomfortable (humiliated). Do not allow the competition results to create a division into stupid and smart, quiet and activists, inept and jack of all trades. Entertainment should evoke joy, laughter, not ridicule;
  • prepare prizes. The main thing: attention, not the price of the gift. The reward must be age appropriate;
  • think over two or three contests in which there are no winners: all children receive gifts for participation. A prerequisite for babies aged 3-4 years;
  • invite all young guests to participate;
  • prepare a script, write the names of the competitions on the sheet, a short description so that you can easily navigate which task to offer;
  • design entertainment based on the size of the room. If there is not too much space, if possible, remove excess furniture, unnecessary things, fragile decor on the day of the holiday. In a large room, it is easier to hold sports competitions: take advantage of this.

Advice! Be sure to consult with your child. Of course, the holiday should be a surprise, but many children are happy to participate in organizing the celebration, offering interesting solutions. Make props together, think over contests. Don't scoff if your child's sentences seem naive or too simple. If your son or daughter is sure that friends will be delighted, include the task in the list.

Calm contests

Immediately after a delicious meal, don't run and jump. Offer guests quizzes, imagination assignments, funny poems, and original fairy tales. When choosing assignments, consider how old the birthday person and guests are. The host is mom or dad, it is better if both parents are involved.


The competition is suitable for children of all ages. The task will allow guests to get comfortable, less shy, especially if the company is assembled from children who do not know each other very well. Often, the child invites friends from the yard, preschoolers / classmates. A simple task will help you get to know each other.

The presenter asks the children who have a blue color in their clothes to stand up and tell a little about themselves. The guys get the loan with yellow, red, green and so on. Everyone should introduce themselves, say a couple of phrases.

Don't miss anyone especially if there are more than ten guests.

Get to know the subject

For children from 4 years old. Put small gifts in a large bag: sweets, apples, cars, dolls, oranges, balls. Anything that is easy to recognize by touch is suitable. The children take turns approaching the bag, throwing their hands down, trying to figure out what item they got. The guessed thing remains with the participant as a prize.

Cheerful artist # 1

Competition for children 3 - 4 years old. Each guest receives a piece of paper, felt-tip pens, pencils. The task is to draw an animal familiar to everyone, for example, a teddy bear or a hare. Everybody gets prizes. Prize categories: Funniest, Neat, Most Original, Drawn Fastest, and so on.

The artist's game # 2

For children from 3 years old, the game is more suitable for toddlers. Fasten whatman paper on the board or wall. Give the kids finger paints. Each guest draws a gift for the birthday boy - a beautiful flower. Usually kids willingly agree to participate in the competition, draw with enthusiasm.

Are there many kids at the birthday party? Give each a piece of paper, allocate a table for creativity. Sign the finished drawing, put the date, hand the birthday boy to the applause of the guests.

Unseen beast

For children from 6 to 7 years old. The competition develops imagination, originality of thinking. The task of the presenter is to prepare in advance several questions about outlandish animals that do not exist in nature.

Children should describe the beast, if they want, draw, show what sounds it makes. Usually the guys have fun, willingly fantasize. The main thing is to come up with original animals.

The options are:

  • What does a frying pan fish look like?
  • How much does a hippopotamus fish weigh?
  • Where does the musician bird live?
  • What are the wings of a crocodile bird?
  • Who is Murmuryonok?

Word game

A popular game for children from 6 years old must be with a festive bias:

  • first task. Name the dishes on the table with the letter K, then P, then B;
  • second task. Which of the guests has a name beginning with the letter A, C, L;
  • third task. What gift can you think of for the letter I, M, K and so on.

Broken phone

The competition is suitable for children over 5 years old. The game has been known for more than a dozen years, but lowly raises the spirits of young guests. The more participants, the more unexpected the result, the more fun. Remember the essence: the leader quietly calls the word to the first of the children, he speaks the word to the second in the ear, then to the third, until he reaches the last participant. It is important to speak quickly, not to delay the line, not to pronounce every syllable perfectly.

Most often, the word is mutated beyond recognition. The funniest results are if a word of 2–4 syllables is not very “simple”, for example, Murzilka, Crocodile, Businka.

Fun contests

Funny birthday contests are suitable for toddlers and older kids. Animators advise holding such games in the middle of the holiday, when the children got to know each other, got used to it, and stopped being shy.

Fashion show

Suitable for children from 8 years old. Prepare a box of clothes and shoes in advance. Everything is suitable: from light dresses, thin scarves to a fur hat, gloves. Put a lot of different things. Mandatory attributes for a cheerful mood are wigs from different materials, horns, ears on a hoop, a fox or hare's tail, belts, braces, fins. If wearing heels, choose a small size with a stable base to prevent falls.

Each of the participants, blindfolded, approaches the box, takes out 5–6 items, dresses, comes up with the name of his model or a motto. When all the items are taken apart, the fashion show begins. Girls are more willing to participate in the competition, but boys often keep up with them. The more active, relaxed the children, the more vivid emotions.

Miracle chamomile

Game for children from 7 years old. Make a large flower, write a funny task on each petal: to portray your favorite singer (one of the animals), to crow, to sing a song with musical accompaniment (spoons, drums, rattles). Each participant receives a prize.

Funny answers

Children's competition from 7 years old. Prepare sheets with the inscriptions Desert Island, School, Shop, Stadium, Disco, Cinema, Bowling Club. Suitable for Spaceship, Swimming Pool, Cinema, Luna Park, Sea, Zoo, Tall Tree and so on. The more cards the better.

The presenter asks one participant to come out, sit on the back chair to the rest. An adult or one of the older children takes turns taking out a new sheet, shows the inscription to the guests, asks the participant: "What do you usually do in this place?" The discrepancy in the answers amuses all the guests. Have a few people participate. The leader always feels when it is time to finish the “survey”, usually three or four participants are enough.

Young talent

For children from 6 years old. You need a sheet of drawing paper, a bright felt-tip pen or marker. The presenters offer to draw someone. Children themselves choose a suitable character: a bear, a man, a hare, a cat, a cartoon character. Do not impose your opinion.

Children close their eyes, you can't peep. The leader takes the children to the Whatman paper in turn. The task is to draw one detail at a time with closed eyes. The first participant draws the head, the second draws the torso, the third draws the legs, and so on.

The competition is not boring, it cheers up well. It often turns out that the head "lives" separately from the body, and the tail grows from the ear. It turns out an unprecedented beast or alien. The competition always amuses children of any age (and adults too). Usually two or three animals are enough.

Fun flight

Game for children from 6 years old. You will need a thick scarf and a balloon. The presenter puts a ball on an empty table, brings the participant, makes it possible to remember the location of the object, blindfolds, takes 2-3 steps back. The child turns a couple of times (not very much, so as not to get dizzy).

The participant's task is to blow the ball off the table. Very often, after turning, the child turns his face in the wrong direction, blowing into the void. The task is funny, but not offensive to the participant.

Guess the animal

The game is suitable for children 6 - 7 years old. Children are divided into two teams, write the name of the animal on the sheet, pass it to the presenter so that the rivals do not see it. The first command shows what this animal (bird) does with gestures, gait, facial expressions, but does not utter a sound. The second team must guess the animal. Prizes for all participants. Those who could not recognize the beast are rewarded, for example, with a piece of candy, and the winning team - with a self-made medal “Member of the Club of Experts”.

Porcupine or deer are not very suitable there should be animals / birds that are easy to recognize.

Outdoor and active games

The area of ​​the room allows you to run? Let the kids warm up. Even in a medium-sized room with a small number of guests, fun competitions can be arranged.

At the address, read about how hematogen is useful for the child's body.

The biggest soap bubble

For children 5 - 6 years old. The essence is clear from the name. Buy bubbles based on the number of guests. Whoever has the greatest miracle ball gets a prize.

Accurate shooter

Suitable for children from 5 years old. You will need a plastic bucket, small balls, nuts, large Lego parts, balls of thread. Place the bucket at a distance of 3-6 steps from the children (note the age). The task is to hit the target. Each successful throw - 1 point. The winner is the one with the most points. A prize is required, the "Most Aimed" medal.

Catch the tail

Competition from 6 years old. Play to music with enough space. Each participant ties a rope with a bow at the end, a scarf with a “tail” to the belt. The task is to catch the opponent by the tail before the other. The winner will get a sweet prize.

Extra high chair

For kids from 5 years old. A familiar game always evokes a storm of emotions. A prerequisite is a large room so that there is where to run.

Essence: guests - 7, chairs - 6. Place the chairs with their backs inward, form a circle. To the music, children walk (run) around the chairs, the music stopped - it's time to take a seat, the late child leaves. By the end of the competition, 1 chair remains, 2 participants. The winner will receive the "Most Dexterous" medal + a prize.

Unusual volleyball

Game from 7 to 8 years old. Place 4–5 chairs in a row, after 1 meter put a rope (scarf) on the floor, after another meter - the second row of chairs. It turned out to be a field for playing volleyball.

The essence: children are divided into 2 teams, take places. Instead of a ball - a balloon. You need to throw the "ball" onto the opponent's field without getting up from your chair. The winner was the team whose ball flew off the field less often.

Children's bowling

Cheerful children's competition from 7 years old. Place 6-8 objects on the floor. Plastic skittles, balls, cubes will do. Instead of a bowling ball - a plastic bottle (empty). The task is to bring down objects. The distance depends on the size of the room. Remove all unnecessary things from the floor so that nothing is broken or broken.

Parents often ask which contests to hold for girls / boys. Most of the proposed tasks are suitable for all children, regardless of gender. Even at the "fashion show" many boys show off original outfits no worse than young fashion models. It is more important to "stir up" the children, create a pleasant atmosphere, then all the guests will be happy to participate in the competitions.

Have you decided to organize a children's party? Arm yourself with tips, pick up two or three contests on various topics from each section. Consider the age of the young guests, hobbies, character (if there are only 4–5 children), and the level of knowledge.

A few more fun children's contests in the following video:

Children's birthday contests! We select contests for the child's birthday individually. If you have ordered a birthday from us, you can choose the contests for your child's birthday that are suitable for you.

Competition for children from 4-6 years old "Dwarfs" and "Giants"

Description of the game:
Children stand around the presenter, who tells that there are very small people in the world - dwarfs, and there are huge ones - giants. When the presenter says: "Dwarfs!" He even pronounces the word "dwarfs" in a thin voice - that is how tiny they are.

When the guys have learned to execute the commands correctly, the presenter warns that now he will see who is the most attentive.

Host: Remember, children, the correct commands: "Dwarfs!" and "Giants!" All my other commands do not need to be carried out. Anyone who makes a mistake is out of the game.

First, the presenter gives the correct commands, and then the words "dwarfs" and "giants" are replaced by similar ones. The winner is the one who made the least mistake.

Competition for children from 4-6 years old "Hear the signal"

Description of the game:
Children walk in a circle with the leader and move in a circle. The presenter gives pre-agreed signals - sound (clap of palms). For example: when the presenter claps his hands once, the children freeze, when he claps twice - the children run, when three - the children walk. Those who make mistakes are eliminated.

Competition for children from 4-12 years old "Children's bowling"

Children's bowling is a very entertaining game. Develops awareness of cause and effect, hand-eye coordination, general motor skills.
Description of the game:
The line is marked with a rope. Pins are made from plastic bottles or regular pins are used. The child is put behind the line and he must roll the ball so as to hit the pins.

The winner is the one who knocked down the pin the most. If the same number of pins is knocked down, the round is repeated.

Competition for children from 4-12 years old "Tails"

Description of the game:
This game is played by two people. Players tie a rope around the belt so that a "tail" hangs from the back - a knot at the end of the rope. The player must catch the opponent's tail-knot so that he does not have time to catch the opponent's tail-knot. Whoever caught the opponent's “tail” first won. The game is played with cheerful music.

Game for children from 4-10 years old "What did we do today?"

Description of the game:
The driver is selected. He leaves the hall for a while. The rest of the participants agree on what action they will portray.

The driver returns and addresses them with a question:

What did you do today?

Children answer:

We will not tell you what we did, but now we will show you!

And they begin to depict the action that was agreed upon. (they eat, play the violin, dance, brush their teeth, etc.)

From these movements, the driver guesses what they were doing. If he guesses correctly, then another driver is chosen. If not, then the driver leaves again, and the players will think of another action.

Competition for children from 4-12 years old "Collective art"

Description of the game:
Two teams are required to play. The first player in each group starts at the top of the sheet and draws the head of a person along with the beginning of the neck, the rest of the team does not see what he has drawn. The player then wraps the paper so that only the very end of the neck is visible and hands the sheet to the second player. The second player continues the drawing, wraps the sheet so that only the bottom lines are visible, and so on until the last team member.

After the sheet unfolds and the result can be assessed.

Competition for children from 4-12 years old "Art Relay"

The Artistic Relay is a calm, interesting game that develops creativity, thinking, imagination and the ability to work in a team.
Description of the game:
Two teams are required to play. Groups must draw an animal or any object within a certain period of time. In this case, one participant at a time has the right to draw only one line, circle or oval. The winner is the team whose drawing looks more like an animal.

Competition for children from 4-12 years old "Candy on a fishing rod"

Description of the game:
Tie the end of the fishing line to the candy wrapper (instead of a hook).
With the help of a fishing rod, we pull the candy to our mouth, unfold it (without helping with our hands!) And eat it.

Whoever does it faster wins.

Competition for children from 4-12 years old "Volleyball with a balloon"

Balloon volleyball is an entertaining game that promotes the development of reaction, dexterity and coordination of movements of the players.
Description of the game:
Two teams are required to play. At a distance of one meter, chairs are placed opposite each other, on which the players sit. The floor is shared by the rope midway between the teams. Children play volleyball. The ball must fly over the rope, players must not get up from their chairs or take the ball in their hands. You can only push the ball away. If the ball falls on the opponent's territory, a point is awarded to the team. The game goes up to 15 points.

Game for children from 4-6 years old "In search of a toy"

Finding a toy is a good game to develop a child's mindfulness.
Description of the game:
A toy is placed around the room, secret from the child, which should be in plain sight. The child must find a toy. One selected participant comes out, the toy is placed somewhere in the room, the child is introduced blindfolded. The rest of the participants should guide the child, prompting: "Warm", "Cold".

Game for children from 4-10 years old "The sea is worried"

Description of the game:
The presenter turns away from the rest of the participants, who dance to the music, imitating the waves, and says loudly:

"The sea is worried once,

The sea is worried two,

The sea waves three,

Freeze the sea figure in place! "

At this moment, the players should freeze in the position in which they find themselves. The presenter turns, walks around all the players and examines the resulting figures. Whoever is the first of them to move is eliminated from the game and becomes the "overseer" - helping the presenter to find those who have moved.

You can use another version of the game, when the presenter examines all the figures and chooses the one he likes best. This child becomes the leader.

Game for children from 4-12 years old "Nesmeyana"

Nesmeyana is a fun children's game for the development of imagination, wit of the participants, and communication skills.
Description of the game:
One participant is selected - Princess Nesmeyana, who sits on a chair in front of the rest of the guys. The goal of the rest of the participants is to make the "princess" laugh without touching her.
The participant who made her laugh becomes Nesmeyanoy himself.

Game for children from 4-10 years old "Cat and mouse"

This old Russian game develops the reaction and endurance of children well.
Description of the game:
Two drivers are selected - a cat and a mouse. The rest of the players stand in a circle, holding hands, thereby forming a gate between themselves. The cat is behind the circle, the mouse is in the circle.

The cat's task is to enter the circle and catch the mouse. In this case, the cat is allowed to break through the chain of players, crawl under the clasped hands, or even jump over them.

The players try not to let the cat inside the circle. If the cat manages to get into the circle, the players immediately open the gate and release the mouse. And they try not to let the cat out of the circle. At the end of the game, when the cat has caught the mouse, they stand in a circle, and the players choose a new cat and mouse.

Game for children from 4-12 years old "Eskimo hideous man's buff"

Description of the game:
The driver is blindfolded and thick mittens are put on his hands. Then the players come up to him in turn, and he must determine by touch who is in front of him. If the driver has identified the player, then the identified player becomes the driver, if not, the next players come up for identification in turn.

Game for children from 6-12 years old "Guess"

Description of the game:
The driver thinks of an object on a topic discussed in advance (furniture, animals, a holiday, etc.), and the players must guess what kind of object it is by asking questions, to which the driver answers yes or no. Whoever guesses the word becomes the leader.

Game for children from 4-12 years old "Broken phone"

The game "spoiled phone" is good entertainment for children, along the way, develops hearing and attentiveness.
Description of the game:
The presenter whispers a word or a phrase into the ear of one player, and he passes it to the other player in the same way, and so on in a chain.

The last player says out loud what he has done and is compared with the original. Then the leader moves to the end, the next player becomes the leader.

Game for children from 6 to 10 years old "Golden Gate"

Description of the game:
In the game "Golden Gate", two players at a distance stand opposite each other and, holding hands, raise their hands up. It turns out "collars". The rest of the children stand one after another and put their hands on the shoulders of the one in front, or simply hold hands. The resulting chain should go under the gate.

"Vorotiki" say:

"Golden Gate

Not always missed!

The first time he says goodbye

The second is prohibited,

And the third time

We will not let you pass! "

After these words, the "collars" abruptly drop their hands, and those children who were caught also become "collars". Gradually, the number of "gates" increases, and the chain decreases. The game ends when all the children are the gate.

Game for children From 6-12 years old "We compose a fairy tale for the birthday boy"

Description of the game:
The presenter opens a magazine or book on any page and, without looking, pokes his finger at the word that comes across. The first storyteller should come up with a phrase using that word. This continues until all the players come up with a proposal, maybe two or three. The result is an interesting story. We write down the history on a prepared form, give it to the birthday boy.

Competition for children from 6-12 years old "Fisherman and goldfish"

Description of the game:
Participants stand in a circle. The leader in the center twists a rope with a knot at the end or a rope. The end of the rope must pass under the feet of the players, who must not touch it. Anyone who hits the rope is temporarily out of the game. Those who have never touched the rope win.

Competition for children from 6-12 years old "Hold the ball"

Description of the game:
Two pairs are created. For each pair, a circle with a diameter is drawn or a hoop is placed. Players stand in this circle, they are given a balloon. They must, without leaving the circle, blow on the ball so that it rises and falls over them and over the boundaries of their circle. You cannot touch the ball with your hands. The couple that can last the longest wins.

Game for children from 6-10 years old "Empty space"

Description of the game:
The participants of the game stand in a circle, and the driver remains behind the circle. The driver walks around the circle and touches one of the players, touching the shoulder or arm. This means that he challenges this player to a competition. The driver runs around the circle in one direction, and the called out - in the opposite direction. Having met, they greet each other, shake hands and continue to run further, trying to race to take the free space (left by the summoned player). The one who managed to take this place remains there, and the one left without a place becomes the driver, and the game continues.

Game for children from 6-10 years old "Guess whose voice"

Guess whose voice is a fun game that develops auditory perception and promotes more relaxed communication among children.
Description of the game:
The players stand in a circle and join hands. The driver, who stands inside the circle, is blindfolded with a scarf. Everyone goes in a circle, humming:

"Here we have built a circle,

Let's turn together suddenly. "

(Turn around and go the other way)

"And how do we say:" skok-skok-skok ",

The words "skok-skok-skok" are spoken by only one player named by the host.

Competition for children from 6-12 years old "Claps"

Description of the game:
Players stand in a circle. Each participant receives a serial number.
All players together begin to clap rhythmically: twice in their hands, twice on the knees. At the same time, one of the players says his number to claps his hands, for example - "five-five", and to claps on the knees - the number of any other player. Whose number he called - continues the game, clapping his hands and calling his number, clapping his knees and calling any other number. Those who go astray are eliminated. A player who did not have time to call his number or who called the number of an already retired participant leaves the game. The last two remaining players win.

Competition for children from 6-12 years old "Three, thirteen, thirty"

Description of the game:
The presenter of the game stipulates in advance: which of the numbers - which action means. For example: 3 - hands up, 13 - on the belt, 30 - hands forward, etc.

Players are lined up at a distance of outstretched arms.

If the presenter says "three" - all players should raise their hands up, with the word "thirteen" - hands on the belt, with the word "thirty" - hands forward, etc.
Players must quickly perform the appropriate movements, gradually the leader increases the pace. Those who have lost their way stand next to the presenter and distract the others with incorrect movements. The most attentive wins.

Game for children from 6-10 years old "Dragon's Tail"

Description of the game:
The players stand one after another, taking the one in front of the one by the waist. The one in front is the head of the dragon, the last one is the tail.
The "head" of the dragon is trying to catch its "tail", and the "tail" must dodge from the "head", while all the other guys must not disengage.
When the front player catches the back one, the caught becomes the "head".
Game continues.

Game for children from 6-12 years old "Liberation Action"

The release action is a dynamic game that well develops hearing, attentiveness, coordination and reaction in the leading player, and dexterity and reaction in the rest of the players.
Description of the game:
They form a circle of chairs where the participants of the game sit.
In the center of the circle sit a "guard" with a blindfold and a "prisoner" with his hands and feet tied. The rest of the participants in the game "liberators" are trying to free the prisoner, that is, they are trying to untie him. The guard must interfere. Hitting any participant, he takes him out of the game, he must go behind the circle of chairs. The player who manages to free the prisoner without being caught becomes the guard himself the next time.

Game for children from 6-12 years old "Waves in a circle"

Description of the game:
The chairs fit tightly to each other in a circle. There are as many chairs as there are players. One of the players (driver) stands in the center of the circle. The rest of the players sit on chairs, and one of the chairs remains free. The driver must have time to sit on an empty chair while others move here and there, interfering with him. When the driver manages to take a seat on the chair, the new driver becomes the player who did not have time to interfere with him.
The driver can give commands to the participants "Right" (players must move clockwise one place), "Left" (players must move counterclockwise one place) or the command "Chaos". With the command "Chaos", the participants must quickly change places, the leader tries to sit on any free chair. The player who took the chair that was free before the command "Chaos" becomes the driver.

Contest for children from 6-12 years old "Siamese twins"

Description of the game:
The participants are divided into 2 teams, and the teams are divided into pairs. Pairs of players stand sideways to each other and hug one arm over the shoulders. It turns out that the one on the right has only the right hand, and the one on the left has only the left. Together they are the “Siamese twin”. And this "Siamese twin" needs to run to the plate on which the candies are and unroll the candy together and eat it. The team that ate all the candies the fastest wins.
If there are few children, then the couples compete with each other. You can give an assignment: tie the laces on your shoes or make an envelope out of paper.

Game for children from 6-12 years old "Hunting"

Hunting is an active game, a game for the development of dexterity, emancipation, coordination of movements for children.
Description of the game:
The names of all participants in the game are recorded on the cards. The cards are shuffled and dealt to the players. The players dance to the music and at this time keep an eye on the one whose name is written on his card as inconspicuously as possible. As soon as the music stops, the hunter must grab his prey. But each prey player, in turn, must grab another player for whom he is a hunter. Then the cards are shuffled, the game continues.

Game for children from 6-12 years old "Copy of the monument"

A copy of the monument is a game that develops attentiveness in children and adolescents, helps to overcome shyness.
Description of the game:
Two players are selected from those present. One of them (the copyist) is taken out of the room and blindfolded, the second (the monument) at this time must take some interesting pose and freeze in it. A blindfolded copier player is introduced. He must feel the pose in which the memorial player is frozen, and take exactly the same. When the player-copier assumes a pose, then his eyes are untied and everyone compares what happened.

Game for children from 6-12 years old "Spoiled fax"

Description of the game:
The players sit down one after another, looking at the back of the head of the neighbor. The first and last player is given a pen and paper. The last player draws a simple figure on the sheet, and then the exact same figure on the back of the neighbor in front. Each next player draws on the back in front of the seated person what he felt on his back. The first player redraws on paper what he felt on his back, after which the resulting pictures are compared.

Game for children from 6-12 years old "Cockfighting"

Description of the game:
We demarcate the floor with a rope or tape. Two players stand on opposite sides of the rope.
Starting position: players stand on one foot opposite each other, and their hands are caught in the lock behind their backs. The player's task is to go over to the opponent's side without disengaging his hands or putting his other foot on the ground. At the same time, do not allow the enemy to go over to his side. You can only push with your shoulder or chest. The loser is also the one who lowers the other leg to the ground or unlocks his hands.

Competition for children from 10 to 12 years old "Kneenochki"

Description of the game:
The players sit close to each other. The left hand of each rests on the right knee of one neighbor, and the right hand rests on the left knee of the other. If the circle is not closed, then the extreme put one hand on their knee. During the game, you need to quickly slap your palm on the knee, without breaking the sequence: one hand after another. If someone slapped in the wrong turn or simply raised his hand, he removes the “wrong hand”. As a result, one or more winners remain. For more interest, you need to keep a high pace during the game.

Your child turns 10 years old - the first anniversary! He is no longer a baby! Yesterday I finished the primary school course and prepare for the transition to the secondary level, and there is not far off the transitional age. Therefore, it is very important to consider the opinion of your 10 year old child.

Think together about how to spend your holiday. Ask what he would like to accomplish. Make a menu, discuss the idea of ​​decorating the hall, ask what your friends like to play, and feel free to start organizing the celebration, and we will help you!

Mobile contests

The players sit in a circle. Everyone thinks of the name of the fruit they like.

The buyer enters the circle, he is asked "What did you buy?" The guys, whose fruits have spoken, stand up and change places, the buyer is trying to take the vacant seat. Who did not have time to take the place, that "wada".

Record show

Everyone knows from the Guinness Book of Records. We offer an opportunity to get into this book. We announce a competition for who will set the record:

Eats a cake faster than anyone with a toothpick;

Who will stand on one leg longer with closed eyes;

Who will quickly tie 5 knots on a string;

Who shouts "Happy birthday" louder (it is better to hold this record on the street, or in your house, so as not to scare the neighbors).

Gather a hedgehog family

Teams are given 5 apples and 5 toothpicks, at the end of the finish room, a large sheet of styrofoam is attached. The relay starts on the whistle.

Task: each participant (in turn) run to the finish line and chop an apple on the styrofoam. The winner is the team that gathered the whole family of hedgehogs faster, i.e. attached all the apples.

Music and dance competitions

Popular, karaoke... Prepare CDs with children's songs, choose the most relevant ones, searching for a song takes time and you can lose interest. Do not forget about the microphone, it is this attribute that children like most of all. And sing along yourself, suggesting where to enter and "catch" the words during the singing.

Very affordable and free, most importantly, fun fun. We distribute noise "tools", you can use cellophane bags, lids from saucepans, bottles of sand or water, piggy banks and whatever else you have at home. Everything will sound great here.

You can set the tempo of the music yourself, or you can accompanied by music, and of course do not forget the conductor, it is better if you perform or prepare your child for this role in advance.

Singing poems

Give each guest a text with a poem, birthday greetings, or other topics. The task is to sing poetry to the sounding music. Who does the best and has a winner.

Sports contests

Sports competitions are an excellent option to release all the energy that has accumulated after a festive feast with little fidgets. It will be good if you prepare small prizes for the winners and consolation gifts for the participants.

Let's form teams.

  1. We put balls on the table or on the floor and distribute cocktail tubes. You need to roll the balls to the finish line, blowing on them from a tube.
  2. We get up in pairs. We hold the ball between each other and run to the finish line, the main thing is not to lose the ball.
  3. We take a tennis ball, put it in a teaspoon and carry it to the finish line. Try not to drop.
  4. Captains competition. Scatter balls all over the room. On a signal, we select balls, the more the better. We carry it beyond our line. We are counting, summing up the results.
  5. Pop the balloon. Task: sit on a ball and burst it.

Merry relay

This competition can be held in the vein of animals. Let's form several teams.

  1. Lions: we run to the chair, grab the prey (you can use a toy), return, pass it on to the next one. The next one also runs to the chair, leaves the loot and runs back. Then again one for the loot there, the other with the loot back.
  2. Frog. We jump from full height to squatting and shout "kva" to the chair and back.
  3. Firefly bugs. Roll the ball to the chair and back.
  4. Kangaroo. We hold the ball between our knees, we jump to the chair, we return back by running.

Hear yours

Teams are built in several columns. We put an obstacle in front of them, you can use pins or balls.

Objective: The first participant is blindfolded. He needs to get around the obstacle, maneuvering between them, the team must prompt where and how to go. The whole difficulty is that the commands start to shout at the same time and it is very difficult to hear your own.

Popcorn Contest

To play, you need plastic cups according to the number of players, candy nuts or corn popcorn, double-sided tape, a timer, 2 large, deep plates.

The players are divided into teams. We attach a glass to everyone's feet, pour sweets into it, up to half. Condition: you need to reach the finish line without spilling sweets and pour them into a cup. The cup is on the floor. The winners will be the ones who calculated the balance and filled the cup the most. You can give them this cup of sweets.

"Animal tamer"

The chairs are arranged in a circle in the room. All participants choose what kind of animal they will be, and take their places, and one child becomes the leader - “tamer of wild animals”. He begins to walk slowly in a circle, naming all the animals in turn. The one whose animal is named, gets up from the chair and begins to follow the "tamer". As soon as the "tamer" suddenly utters the words: "Attention, hunters!" - all players, including the leader, try to take chairs. The one who did not have enough space becomes a "tamer of wild animals." So the competition is repeated several times.

"Bottle with tasks"

Write interesting assignments for the children on a few pieces of paper. For example, they need to portray an animal, dance, sing a song, compliment the birthday boy, etc.

Roll the assignment sheets into a tube, shove them into the neck of the bottle (preferably a plastic one with a screw cap so that the notes are easy to get out).

Players sit in a circle (you can on the floor), the bottle is placed in the center of the circle and unwound. The one at whom the neck of the bottle points, draws out a note with the task and completes it.

"Tie a bow"

Participants are divided into pairs, each holding hands. The presenter ties the hands by which they are holding with a ribbon. The players must, with their free hands, wrap the bundle issued by the leader, tie it with a ribbon and tie a bow. Whoever copes with the task first wins.

"Populate the planet"

For the competition you need balloons and colored markers. The host invites the participants to "discover" a new planet, that is, to inflate their balloon as quickly as possible. Then it is necessary to "populate" this planet with inhabitants, that is, quickly draw figures of little men on the ball with felt-tip pens. Whoever has more people on the planet is the winner.

"The world is full of sounds"

Each of the players must remember any song, the words and motive of which he knows well. At the command of the presenter (he claps his hands once or blows the whistle), the players begin to mentally sing their song. When the presenter claps his hands twice in a row, everyone begins to sing out loud as loud as possible. Participants should try to keep the melody and not get confused by the words. When the presenter again gives a signal once, the players switch to silent singing, when the presenter slaps twice, they sing loudly again. The winner is the one who manages to finish the song to the end without getting lost even once. Anyone who gets out of rhythm or confuses words is out of the game. As a reward, the winner is given the opportunity to sing one verse of his favorite song from start to finish.

"Intelligence service"

Contestants freeze in different poses. The lead player remembers their poses and clothes, and then goes into the next room. The players at this time must make (in total, not everyone!) 5 changes to their poses and clothes. Now the presenter is invited to the room. He must find changes and return the guys to their original position. If the leader finds all 5 changes, then the players will perform some of his tasks as a reward. Otherwise, the player drives again.

"The sweetness of life"

Two teams take part in the competition, the moderator gives each team a chocolate bar (they must be the same). At the command of the leader, the outermost players in each team quickly unfold the chocolate bar, bite off a piece of it and pass it on to the next player. He, in turn, quickly bites off his own piece and passes the chocolate bar to the next participant.

The winner is the team that eats its chocolate faster than the opponents, and it should be enough for all the players.