Russian Siberian cat: description and characteristics of the breed. A rich variety of colors of Siberian cats

The first mention of cats that look like Siberian cats date back to the 16th century. In those days, they were distributed throughout the territory of the Russian Empire under the name “Bukhara”. It is not known for certain how and when they got to the Siberian lands, because the locals, due to their predominantly nomadic lifestyle, practically did not have pets. There is an assumption that Russian settlers during the colonization of Siberia, cats were brought with them to fight rodents.Another version says that the Bukhara beauties were brought by merchants from the Central Asian countries, which were actively engaged in trade at that time.It is likely that the Persian, Angora and Siberian breeds had common ancestors who came from Asia along with immigrants.

Gradually, the breed spread to the territory of Siberia. In harsh weather conditions with strong winds, frosts and an abundance of snow, the Siberian cat "acquired" a long dense coat and thick undercoat, which protected it from the cold. The genes of wild forest cats also played a certain role in the formation of the breed. Siberians actively spread in the western and central regions of the country, where the forest cat gradually penetrated from Western Europe. He found here an excellent food base and an acceptable climate, as a result of which he began to actively breed, mating with cats brought from Siberia.

In 1987, scientists started breeding Siberian cats. The first breed standard was approved in 1990 by the Soviet Felinological Federation (SFF). Two years later, in 1992, the World Cat Fanciers Organization (WCF) officially registered the breed standard. In 1994, the final standard was formed, and in the period from 1996 to 2000. Siberians have been recognized by such international organizations as TICA, FIFe, CFA.

The breed received its name not only from the place of distribution, but also due to its size, compared with the greatness of Siberia.

Siberian cats are a strong, rather massive, muscular animal with a wide chest and strong bones, the size of which varies from medium to large. The weight of males can reach 9-12 kg, while cats weigh an average of 6 kg. According to the standard, the body weight of cats should not be less than 4.5 kg, cats - less than 3 kg. Representatives of the breed develop rather slowly - they gain full muscle mass only after reaching the age of five.

The head has a trapezoidal shape, large, proportional to other parts of the body. A smooth transition from the forehead to a wide nose, low cheekbones, a strong, wide chin and slightly rounded cheeks make the appearance of the Siberian cat very expressive. The ears are medium or large, set wide apart, with rounded tips, often topped with brushes and tassels. The eyes are oval, slightly raised and pointed at the outer corners, yellow or green. White or colorpoint cats may have blue eyes. The limbs are of medium length with large, powerful paws, decorated with tufts of wool between the fingers, which they inherited from the steppe and forest cats. The tail of Siberian cats is medium, well pubescent and gradually tapering towards the end.

The coat is of medium length, dense, endowed with water-repellent properties. The close-lying undercoat is well developed, subject to seasonal changes - it thickens in winter, and thins considerably during molting in summer. The hair is shiny, the texture can vary from soft to coarse. Long decorating hairs form a magnificent collar, jabot and mane. A characteristic feature of the “Siberians” is the presence of “panties” on the hind legs.

The Siberian cat standard allows all traditional colors (patterned, plain) and colorpoints, with any amount of white. Representatives of the breed with colorpoint and white color belong to a separate subspecies called the Neva Masquerade cats. Invalid colors include lilac, fawn, chocolate, cinnamon and burmese.

Siberian cats enter the reproductive age quite early - from 5-6 months. This is explained by their relationship with wild cats, which often die at a fairly young age. The offspring of cats on average consists of five to six cubs. Representatives of this breed have become famous as excellent parents, males often help females take care of kittens. They happily live together, and some females prefer the company of one male throughout their lives. Because of their communal nature, Siberian cats are much happier when paired. The presence of a relative friend has a good effect on the activity and emotional health of animals.

Siberians have an independent, strong character and self-esteem, while being sensitive and affectionate towards their master. They can become good friends only to those people who respect the opinions of others. They recognize only one owner, comforting him in a difficult situation and never bothering with his company if he is busy. They don’t really like to adapt to others and will not always be happy with unexpected caresses, because. influenced by mood. Despite their waywardness, Siberian cats are very playful, cheerful and unpretentious. For their size, they are reactive, flexible and agile, allowing them to jump from one tall cabinet to another with ease.

Siberian cats, thanks to their wild roots, can be called born hunters. They have retained their hunting instinct and use it whenever possible. If a Siberian lives in a private house, you can be sure that there will not be a single rodent in the house. In rural settings, Siberian cats can even hunt larger prey in the form of rabbits or ferrets, which are sometimes even brought home. Siberians are one of the few cats that are endowed with watchdog qualities - they always inform their owners about the arrival of guests, they are absolutely fearless, they are not afraid of dogs, strangers and harsh sounds. Representatives of the Siberian breed are absolutely not aggressive and not vindictive, they rarely give a voice, more often they just look at the owner, trying to explain what they need without words. They love to put on an overly proud look.

Representatives of the Siberian breed are distinguished by mobility and prudence. Before you go for a toy in a hard-to-reach place, they often spend some time in thought. They love heights, often climbing to the highest points in the house. Siberians simply love games and are happy to bring various toys, balls or strings in their teeth, if only the owner would play with him.

Siberian cats are wonderful pets for the whole family, they get along well with children and other animals. They prefer to communicate with dogs on an equal footing, considering them full members of the “pack”, they are wary of strangers. They quickly remember their nickname and as a result respond exclusively to it. Easily toilet trained.

The hypoallergenicity of Siberian cats has been studied for several years. Despite the lack of scientific evidence, many owners and breeders claim that this breed will be safe for many people with allergies. Females produce less of the allergenic Fel D1 protein than cats, so allergy sufferers are advised to adopt cats. Scientists have found that the largest amount of the enzyme is produced by animals that have a silver color. Half of the breed has Fel D1 levels lower than other breeds, and about 20% produce very little Fel D1.

The coat of a Siberian cat does not require special care, as it does not roll into tangles. It is enough to comb your pet once a week to remove dead skin scales and hairs, as well as to stimulate blood circulation, which improves the condition of the coat and skin. It is best to carry out this procedure before feeding, during which the Siberian will be rewarded with tidbits. First, the wool is processed with a sparse comb, then with a comb with frequent teeth and combed using a brush. The tail is combed only with a brush. It is desirable to accustom the animal to all procedures at an early age.

The Siberian cat does not need frequent washing, one bath per year will be enough for those animals that do not leave the house, and two or three water procedures for cats visiting the street. Since Siberians do not really like to "take a bath", it is advisable to do this together with an assistant. First you need to close the ears of the animal with cotton swabs. First, the wool is gently soaked with a sponge, and then a special shampoo is applied. After that, the detergent must be thoroughly washed off, and the pet should be wrapped in a towel and wiped with a cotton swab. After water procedures, the cat should dry in a warm, draft-free place.

It is necessary to monitor the cleanliness of the eyes and ears of the animal. Eyes should be wiped with a paper tissue or damp, lint-free cotton cloth as discharge appears. The open ears of Siberians should be cleaned once a month using cotton swabs moistened with a special liquid or oil. Only the visible surface of the auricle should be treated. Teeth can be cleaned with a children's toothbrush using a special toothpaste. There is no need to trim the nails, the animals themselves successfully grind them off on a special column upholstered with fabric.

The diet for the Siberian cat must be selected very carefully. The best option would be natural food: fish, meat, eggs and herbal ingredients. Siberians need regular walks and active games for proper development, maintenance of good shape and health of the coat. The pet will certainly be delighted with a corner specially equipped for him, where he can frolic and hide if he wants to relax.

Siberian cats do not really like apartments, feeling best in a house where you can freely show your hunting disposition, love for walks and nature. They are distinguished by excellent health, but prevention in the form of standard vaccinations is never superfluous.

The cost of a Siberian kitten can vary from 5 to 25 thousand rubles.

First of all, these are modification signs associated with the specifics of the environment. The Siberian forest is only three hot months, the winter period is characterized by rather low temperatures. In terms of climatic characteristics, the steppe is closer to the desert, only seasonal differences are slightly more noticeable. Accordingly, the steppe cat will pass on short hair to its descendants, and the forest cat will be distinguished by a solid fur coat.


In addition, the specifics of the landscape play a role: there are few open spaces in the forest, many trees and uneven terrain - the so-called closed rugged terrain. The steppe is an open area. Accordingly, the forest cat will have more developed muscles, squat and strong physique, while the steppe cat will have longer paws adapted to running and a flexible body.

However, these differences are not very pronounced. Moreover, zoologists consider the steppe cat a subspecies of the forest cat, and their difference is modification traits that can change as a result of a change in habitat. Therefore, it would be more correct to consider the ancestors of the modern breed of forest cats. And remember that Siberians are an aboriginal breed that was formed in natural conditions. And this formation began so long ago that it is almost impossible to trace the history of the appearance of the most beautiful domestic cats - only guess.

Siberian cat: breed description

If you carefully consider the exterior of the Siberian cat breed in the photographs, it is easy to notice all the signs characteristic of the inhabitant of the northern forest.

Siberian rainbow

The most difficult thing in setting standards is color. The fact is that in forest cats, the color of the coat also depended on the environment and was a natural way of survival: the better the animal merged with the terrain, the less noticeable it was - which means that the hunt will be successful and the enemies will not notice. Therefore, almost all colors are in the genes of people from the forests of Siberia. Both black and blue kittens can be born to two parents of black color.

Moreover, the shade of a fur coat can change with age under the influence of numerous factors. Some representatives of this cat breed require special attention. For example, a blue Siberian cat in the sun can become rusty blue. And a pure black Siberian can gradually acquire a brown tint.

Siberian black

This happens if the animal is constantly in the sun, in a room with high humidity, or licks a lot. Therefore, the owners of black and blue thoroughbred Siberians protect their pets from direct sunlight and excessive moisture so that the coat retains its deep and pure color.

The definition of standard shades is quite difficult, since it all depends on the genetics of the animal. Sometimes it is possible to accurately determine the type of color only with the help of DNA analysis or in the process of obtaining offspring.


There are only two color types: black and red. Blue and cream animals are lightened versions of the main ones. The requirements for basic and clarified shades are different. Animals of black and red color should have a rich color. Among the clarified, lighter options are valued.

Black and blue Siberians are not allowed to have any pattern. Red and cream varieties may have a slightly pronounced moiré (residual pattern). In red cats, the stripes can be very bright - in this case they are too similar to red tabby. In this case, it is possible to distinguish a single-colored cat only with the help of genetic tests. In addition, red seals may have bright orange eyes - this feature is a disadvantage for other color species.


There are only two variants of Siberian turtles: black-red and its clarified version. The color requirements are the same as for plain ones. A distinctive feature of the Siberian tortoises are "tongues of flame" (red or cream) on the forehead and the same spots on the ears and tips of the paws. Genetically, only females can have a tortoiseshell color. Bicolor males are also born, but they are completely sterile.

It should be remembered that even a few noticeable hairs are considered a stain. Therefore, a pure black cat with a few red hairs on its forehead is already a tortoiseshell.


Genetically, there are several reasons for the appearance of pure white Siberians.

White Siberian

The dominant white gene that appears outwardly may not actually be passed on to offspring. That is, the female will be white, and the kittens will inherit all other shades from her genes. In fact, the animal is not actually white, just the dominant color masks all the others. Possible colors can only be determined experimentally (by offspring) or using genetic tests.

Albinos are not white, but lack of pigmentation. They are easy to distinguish by eye color: true albinos have a pinkish tint of the iris, and Siamese -.

There is another variant of white, which is caused by the Siamese colorpoint gene. These cats also have blue eyes, like Siamese albinos. But along with specific pigmentation, they also inherit a lack of hearing.


These seals are distinguished by a pronounced pattern due to the agouti gene, which is responsible for zonal coloring. Three types of coloring are recognized as standards.

  • Marble (vertical stripes along the head and spine, symmetrical stripes on the sides and spirals on the legs).
  • Markel (brindle pattern, with alternating transverse stripes).
  • Spotted (spotted type, dark spots are not arranged in a single line and do not form a semblance of brindle or marbled stripes).

All tabby cats have common features: the nose and eyelids are painted in the darkest color, a very light chin, the letter "M" on the forehead, spirals at the outer corner of the eye, a dark shade along the spine and tail, a dark tip of the tail, closed ring stripes on the legs and tail, small spots on the abdomen. Basic requirements according to the standard: clarity, symmetry and continuity of the stripes.


The smoky color depends on the size of the color of the hairs: two-thirds of the length. At the same time, the smoky effect is noticeable only when the animal moves. The severity of the smoky color depends on the contrast with the white base of the hairs - the lower the contrast, the more the smoky cat looks like a solid one. The suits of smoky Siberians can be plain or tortoiseshell. But the pronounced pattern is unacceptable - only residual moiré, but it is a minor flaw in terms of the breed standard.


These cats have a pronounced tabby point.


The reason for the silvery is the practical discolored hairs, the shade appears only at the tip. Dark stripes appear due to black tipping. Outwardly, silver Siberians are very similar to smoky ones, and they are distinguished only by the presence of a pronounced pattern.


The gene responsible for the delicate apricot color has not yet been found. The standard for this color is precisely the apricot color, and not the bleaching of the hair. Golden Siberians differ from silver ones in the ratio of hair dyeing and are of three types: in golden tabby, the hairs are dyed by half, in shaded golden ones, not two-thirds, in chinchillas - 7/8 of the hair is dyed. The pattern of golden Siberians is black, and the eyes are usually green.

There are also many variations based on the listed types: bicolors, harlequins and vans, whose standards are based on a certain amount of white. Acromelanic types of colors - color-points, having some similarity with the color of Siamese cats. Tabby points, which are characterized by pronounced patterns on the forehead, paws and tail. As well as smoky, silver and golden points and tabby points.

dog psychology

A feature of the Siberian cat breed is its character. For these cats, some of the characteristics characteristic of the canine family are typical. Siberians give in a little, even on a walk they behave like a dog: they keep up with the owner, sniff the territory. At home, their behavior becomes even more dog-like. They are wary of strangers. Of course, these cats cannot bark, but instead they hiss, constantly follow the owner of the house, meet him at the door - unless they wag their tail. The owner is immediately singled out and only he is obeyed. But, like all cats, they consider themselves leaders: it is the dog's character traits and the cat's desire for leadership that can cause conflicts between a Siberian cat and a dog in the same house.

The Siberian cat belongs to one of the few breeds bred in Russia and is very popular in other countries. We can say that this is the Russian breed No. 1. Like the Norwegian Forest Cat, the Siberian Beauty also belongs to the forest cats. It is believed that Siberian cats descended from wild cats that lived in forests and steppes, or rather in the harsh Siberian taiga. Due to the difficult living conditions in severe frosts, these animals have such a thick and long coat.

The Siberian beauty has been a favorite of the Russian people for several centuries. This cat could be found in a simple Russian hut, and in the royal chambers. It was she who became the hero of many Russian folk tales.

Officially, the breed was isolated only in 1982, when it was recognized by the World Organization of Cat Lovers. It was then that the breed standard was approved, these cats received the right to participate in exhibitions and receive various titles and titles.

  • the body is large, strong, with a wide chest, flexibility and harmony;
  • the head is large, trapezoidal in shape, the muzzle is not elongated, but rounded, the cheekbones are pronounced;
  • the neck is short, strong and muscular;
  • the eyes are oval, large, set wide, green or golden;
  • the nose is large, the same width from the bridge of the nose to the lobe.
  • the tail is of medium length and tapers at the tip;
  • ears are medium with tassels at the ends;
  • the legs are large, muscular, strong, the paws are oval in shape, hair grows between the fingers;
  • the coat is fluffy, thick with a long nap and a double undercoat, a collar around the neck is especially pronounced, like the peculiar panties on the hind legs;
  • the weight of males reaches 9 kg, females are slightly smaller - up to 7 kg;

  • marble;
  • black brindle;
  • black spotted;
  • striped;
  • chinchilla;
  • black;
  • blue
  • tortoiseshell.

Siberian cats that have a white color or color point are separated into a separate breed variety called.

The difference between Siberians is that their color has a long formation, the shade of their coat can change up to the age of two years. Another interesting feature of their coat is that it has such a density and density that it is waterproof, so bathing a pet is extremely difficult.

The nature of the Siberian cat

The Siberian cat is characterized by independence, love of freedom and independence. They are smart, cheerful and active, they find entertainment even in the absence of the owner. Such cats do not really need increased human attention and will not attract it in every possible way, they are self-sufficient and often busy with their own affairs, not trying to attract a person to them.

Siberians choose for themselves a single owner, to whom they will be sensitive and affectionate, and the rest of the inhabitants of the house are simply tolerated. They will not behave aggressively when they are petted or picked up, but such cats will not be around people for a long time. If a person does not have time to devote it to a cat, she will not be offended. For those people who do not like obtrusiveness from pets, this breed is great.

Despite the expressed waywardness, Siberian cats are very charming, playful, cheerful and unpretentious. They have an excellent reaction, developed flexibility and mobility, which allows them to easily climb to heights, jump from one cabinet to another.

Siberians are one of the few cats endowed with the qualities of watchmen - they notify the owner of the arrival of guests, they are not afraid of anything, they can even fight with dogs. These cats do not have aggression and vindictiveness towards people, they rarely meow, they prefer to let the owner know what they need without words. They are also distinguished by such qualities as prudence. Before getting a toy from a hard-to-reach place, they may first think about how best to do it. These cats are always happy to play, they like to bring toys and small things in the teeth of the owner.

Siberian cats are wonderful pets for the whole family, get along with children and other animals. They are able to quickly remember their nickname and respond only to it. Relatively quickly accustomed to the tray.

But before you get such a cat, you need to take into account the fact that she feels much better in a private house than in an apartment. After all, she simply cannot live without walking in nature. These animals are born hunters, they love to roam freely and realize their instincts, catching mice, rats, birds and even ferrets or hares. If representatives of the breed live in a private house, be sure that you are not afraid of rodents.

Breeding and care

Despite the density and fluffiness, the wool of Siberians does not need special care, due to the fact that it does not tend to roll into tangles. To improve her condition, it is necessary to comb the cat only once a week to remove dead hairs and stimulate blood circulation. It is better to do this first with a rare comb, then you need to use a thicker one, and at the end with a brush. The tail can only be combed with a brush. It is necessary to comb slowly and reaching to the very roots of the hairs. During active molting, this should be done more often, otherwise the wool will remain throughout the house. It is necessary to accustom a cat to this procedure from childhood.

There is no need to wash a Siberian cat often, one bath per year is enough if the animal does not leave the house, three procedures are needed when walking freely on the street. It is also necessary to periodically clean the auricles with a cotton pad dipped in any oily solution. Wipe eyes with a damp cloth as they get dirty. If the cat walks in a natural environment, then she does not need to cut her claws.

The diet of a Siberian cat should consist mainly of natural products: meat, fish, vegetables, eggs, offal. A young animal under three years of age needs protein for harmonious development, it should make up 70% of the total diet. Representatives of this breed are distinguished by excellent health and, with proper care, can live up to 20 years.

These animals quickly enter reproductive age, already at 5 months the female is able to become pregnant and bear offspring, and the breed is fertile, on average there are 5 kittens in a litter. And the ability to reproduce in Siberian cats is preserved up to 10 years of age. Cats of this breed are good parents, and not only females, but also cats are involved in the upbringing of young animals.

How much do Siberian cats cost:

  • The price in Russia ranges from 5,000 to 20,000 rubles.
  • The price in Ukraine is from 1200 to 10000 UAH.

You can buy such a cat in numerous catteries. The following have good reviews:

In Ukraine:

  1. "Zaimka" and "Dubravushka" Kyiv;
  2. "Bashbars" Odessa.

In Russia:

  1. "Barguzin", Krasnodar;
  2. Sibaris and Veresk Line, Moscow;
  3. "Legend of Siberia" and "From the banks of the Neva" St. Petersburg.

Choosing a furry friend in a professional cattery, you will receive a guarantee of purebred and good health, as well as the possibility of constant consultations with the breeder.

Photos of Siberian cats



I love Siberian cats. My Jessie is already 3 years old, she is white. The cat is very beautiful, fluffy, straight and I want to hug her. It is not difficult to take care of her, the main thing is to comb her hair regularly so that lumps do not appear. He never crap, he always goes to the tray and sharpens his claws on the scratching post.

I bought my fluffy pet 1.5 years ago. At first, I could not think that a cat could be so fluffy. When I brought it home, it was just a small lump. I am very pleased that there are no difficulties in caring for him, quiet, there is absolutely everything.


In terms of popularity and success, the Siberian cat occupies almost a leading position among other breeds.

Often, Russian roots are considered representatives of the species, although in fact only Asian cats acted as their ancestors.

And yet, even their foreign origin did not prevent them from gaining respect and the title of real Russian heroes, whose goal is to protect housing by any means, help its inhabitants in everything and expand their habitat up to the most extreme borders not only of our state, but climb beyond its borders.

Breeders, in turn, repeatedly ask questions. For example, is it possible to stop attention on this fluffy handsome man if there are children in the house? What are representatives of the Siberian cat breed? How to properly care for and feed for the full happiness of a pet?

It's time to reveal all the ins and outs and dispel the existing myths about these charming creatures, leaving room for the truth.

History of the Siberian breed

Siberian cats owe their origin and further existence as a separate species to aboriginal cats that moved to the harsh taiga climate from Asia. Even then, the first representatives of the breed preferred thick wool, which became a peculiar feature and distinction.

Bukhara cats, as these pets were previously called, are often found on the pages of folklore. For example, the cat scientist A. Pushkin, who walks around the chain, and the notorious assistant of Baba Yaga - both of them are proudly among the representatives of the Siberian breed.

Every year they won the respect of a person more and more, and with it the amount of information increased.

But even then, there was often a statement among the common people that although cats owe their appearance to the severe frosts of the Taiga, they learned their habits from their forest counterparts.

At one time, Bukhara cats, by common decision, should have been called Moscow, but after lengthy discussions they settled on a name that would somehow indicate the place of origin of one of the ancestors - Ural Siberia.

The existence of a wide population of Siberian cats in Moscow and the Leningrad region did not affect the decision, the name stuck. The habitat of the breed spread throughout Russia.

Often, Siberian cats provided tangible assistance in the fight against rodents during the Second World War. It is believed that after the blockade was broken, it was the representatives of the Siberian breed who were the first to be brought outside the walls of the barely surviving city and distributed to the surviving residents.

The first mention of Siberian cats as a species was recorded towards the end of the 20th century, along with this, a standard was formed, a list of features. As for the present times, Siberian cats, in their advantage, moved back abroad.

Description of the Siberian cat

Often one glance at a photo of a Siberian cat is enough to be under the enchanting influence of representatives of the breed - they really attract attention with a muscular body in tandem with a powerful skeleton.

Initially, they are the owners of a hard stomach, the neck and paws are endowed with special power, which does not affect the graceful movement.

The ears are most often characterized by a special slope, sometimes there are tassels, they stand out from other breeds with an insanely beautiful fluffy tail of great length. Round eyes predominantly yellow or green color palette.

A feature of the breed is the characteristic elongation of the muzzle, the special expressiveness of the cheekbones, the breadth of the forehead and the power of the chin.

The length and stiffness of the coat with a second undercoat is due to the harsh climate of Siberia, for the same reason they have a “collar” in the neck area. Excellent health is due to the origin.

The only thing that can disturb a pet is a birth defect, the presence / absence of which should be established from the very beginning.

Attention! The weight of Siberians ranges from 5-10 kg depending on gender. For this reason, cats occupy almost the first place among large cat breeds, their size is second only to forest Norwegians and Maine Coons.

A distinctive feature can also be called a record number of colors of Siberian cats, among which black, white, gray and red color textures are recorded, blue and beige palettes are often noted. It is possible to meet Siberians with a double color (for example, a lineup of black and white).

A solid combination of shades, which in common people is called a tortoiseshell color, is observed only in cats. Cats, by no means, can boast of such a mixture of colors; its presence may indicate the presence of genetic abnormalities.

Siberians with tabby color are especially popular - this is a pattern of dark spots, in connection with which there is a strong association with tigers. In this case, the representative of the breed will have a light chin, and dark rings on the paws and tail.

No less successful are cats of smoky colors, in which the roots of the wool are mostly light, but the tips are dark. It is quite rare to meet such beauties.

It makes no sense to look for Siberians with Abyssinian, point and lilac colors, such palettes are unacceptable.

It should be noted that kittens of the Siberian breed are characterized by a long duration of development.

The classic size is reached only at the age of 5 years, which is an excellent option for those who like to mess with "kids".

The nature and habits of the Siberian cat

Siberian cats are characterized by absolute dignity and amazing calmness, combined with a free character, and nature has provided the ability to adapt to changing living conditions, a change of scenery will not cause a deterioration in well-being.

Siberians often resemble dogs in fidelity and guard habits. Representatives of the species get along well both in the house and in a modest apartment, but in each of the cases there must be a so-called “black” exit for a pet to take a walk when it thinks.

Amenable to training, but not at will. It does not give in to irritation, there is no aggression on the part of the cat, which makes it an excellent friend for the child - even experiencing discomfort and disrespect on the part of the baby, the Siberian is more likely to leave or remain impartially calm, rather than pounce on the offender with claws.

Beautiful peace-loving nannies, but not accustomed to flirting with the owners, obey only one person, who is considered the main one in the family. Affectionate and balanced, will not bother or impose.

In relation to other pets, they are also peaceful, they prefer to immediately establish peaceful, friendly relations. Siberian cats are bright sanguine.

Fluffy handsome men will become loyal and independent friends that will always be there at the right time.

Siberian cats by their nature love to give love and care, rather than demand it from the owner. This is an excellent choice not only for a single person, but also for a married couple, the pet will keep even a tiny baby company.

Photo of a Siberian cat

This breed deserves to be a symbol of the Siberian winter. And really, what other pet can look so good against the backdrop of a snowy landscape, like a Siberian cat? This is a proud animal, full of dignity, and at the same time getting along well with people. He is loved for his luxurious coat, excellent hunting skills and natural sociability.

History of the Siberian cat

This breed is quite old, the first mention of it dates back to the 16th century. At that time, the definition of “Siberian cat” had not yet appeared, these animals were called Bukhara. In fact, how this breed appeared is still unknown. But the man did not put any effort into this, the Siberian cat is a true heritage of the harsh, but beautiful northern nature. There are opinions that the settlers moving to these places brought with them domestic cats, which were crossed with wild cats that lived in the Trans-Urals. In fact, it is not uncommon when, when crossing domestic and wild animals, large offspring were obtained that had much better characteristics than their relatives.

The Siberian cat for a long time remained unrecognized in the world of felinology, although this was absolutely undeserved. Already in 1925, for the first time, representatives of this breed came to European exhibitions. They were not accepted, believing that this is already a well-known Norwegian forest cat. Russian breeders did not despair and continued their work. Only in 1990, the Soviet Felinological Federation approved the Siberian breed standard. From now on, it has already been officially recognized by all European countries. She gained great popularity in Germany, where Siberians are considered exotic. Following her, fluffy beauties conquered Europe and America, where they were named the best breed in the world.


Siberian cats are large animals with a powerful and well-developed body. An adult female reaches 6 kilograms, and a cat can easily weigh twice as much. Moreover, fluffy thick wool visually increases its size. For such a large animal, appropriate limbs are needed. That is why nature rewarded him with powerful and wide paws. They have retained a feature that distinguishes wild steppe and forest cats: between their fingers, they always have tufts of wool that can fall into fluffy lumps.

For those who are not closely familiar with breed standards, it is sometimes difficult to distinguish a Siberian from a Persian cat, but in fact they are completely different. Only the presence of a characteristic "collar" around the neck and fluffy "pants" is common to them. In fact, cats of the Siberian breed are often crossed by unscrupulous breeders with Persians to get interesting color options. But in this case, the coat of the offspring is deprived of many important characteristics, which we will learn about a little later.

The head of the Siberian is to match the body, large and rounded. A convex forehead, low cheekbones and slightly rounded cheeks make the muzzle memorable and extremely expressive. Large round eyes complete the picture. Fur-filled ears and tassels are reminiscent of the wild ancestors of these beauties. In general, the cat in question is the embodiment of the image of Kotofey Ivanovich from Russian folk tales, he is a real Siberian, the pride and heritage of Russia.

Characteristics and standard

Now we will take a closer look at what a Siberian cat is. The characteristic of the breed was approved in 1990 and has not changed since then. They are medium sized cats, well built, strong and powerful. A wide skeleton and rounded shapes are required. Long, thin or thin-boned individuals are subject to disqualification. They mature slowly and reach full maturity only by the age of 5, although the reproductive age, on the contrary, occurs very early. The head of the Siberian is wedge-shaped, large, with rounded contours. It should be wide at the top and taper slightly towards the chin.

Ears of medium size, rounded, ideally slightly inclined forward. The distance between the ears should be equal to their width. Such their arrangement complements the "roundness" of the image. On the back of the ears, the hair is short, and from the middle the pubescence becomes longer and covers the base. Tassels are a good sign. The eyes of cats are large and round, usually green. The chin is round, the muzzle is short, full and round.

The body should be muscular and strong, this is the whole Siberian cat. The characteristic of the breed states that the cat is born with a strong skeleton and needs a sufficient amount of physical activity in order to develop the appropriate muscles. Feet should be broad and rounded, with tufts of hair between the toes. The tail is of medium length, broad, strong and fluffy. Usually it is equal to half the length of the body.

Features of the Siberian cat

Mainly, it is her unique coat. It is not only luxurious and attractive, but also does not cause a reaction even in the most sensitive allergies.

The wool of animals should be special, because its task is to perfectly protect from the severe Siberian frost in winter and prevent overheating of the body in summer. To meet these requirements, the coat is layered. The lower layer adjacent to the skin is very thick and dense. On top of it is a long hard coat. She has another amazing feature: she gets wet badly and does not require any special care. Even without washing and combing, it will not lose its luxurious appearance and excellent protective properties.

Existing colors

Surely you have seen what a Siberian cat is. Photos of fluffy handsome men are constantly published in magazines. Today there are many variants of the color of these cats, and all of them appeared as a result of selection. None of them can be found in the natural environment. Everything here should be functional, the natural color of Siberians is the one that helped them survive, disguise themselves in nature. This is a combination of black, gray, red and white shades. This color is the hallmark of the Siberian, but, unfortunately, it is not popular. If there is an exhibition in which a Siberian cat participates, the photo shows blue, red and other representatives of this breed. Although in this color it is difficult to recognize the true owner of the Siberian forest.

What else are these cats? For example, pure white, shiny. Only the nose and paw pads remain pink. Surprisingly beautiful, but too "sofa" cats. Their coat will quickly get dirty, especially if the cat has access to free walks in the garden. The opposite is the black Siberian cat. This is a jet black animal. Even the nose and paw pads are usually black. Only the eyes of a rich green or blue color stand out.

The Siberian red cat is very popular. This color is a symbol of a kindled hearth, the sun, summer. There are several shades, ranging from fiery red to pale straw. And although this is an atypical color for a Siberian, many dream of just such a kitten. His paw pads are usually brick red. In addition, there is a registered cream color. Delicate pastel shades look elegant, the nose and paws of the cat in this case are pink.

The Siberian blue cat looks very interesting. In this case, the color should be uniform throughout the body. Smoky shades of gray are acceptable. The nose and paws are also blue. Such kittens understand first of all. There is a tortoiseshell color - black with red spots. Tricolor cats are white cats with black and red spots. The muted tri-color color is not so widespread - these are white cats with blue and cream spots.

Animals with wool of the same color as those of chinchillas look elegant. This is a light color of the base of the coat and darker tips. A silver effect is created (for example, pure white wool with dark tips). So, the colors of Siberian cats can be gold, silver, smoky, tabby, brindle, marble.

Behavioral features

The characteristic of the Siberian cat describes an independent hunter who is not against equal cooperation. But he will definitely demand respect for himself. From forest cats, animals inherited excellent hunting inclinations, so living in an apartment can be boring for them. But in a private house, this hunter will show himself in all its glory. You will forever forget about mice and rats, and if the cat gets bored, she will catch all the rodents in the area, and also bring you a neighbor's rabbit. The animal can easily cope with prey that is larger than it.

Their character is surprisingly calm, they are independent and reserved cats. They won't live on your lap all the time, but they don't mind a nice interaction either. Many owners note that they are somewhat similar to dogs. The same sensible and fearless, active and hardy. They have watchdog makings, and they lend themselves well to training, they quickly become accustomed to the tray. Houses usually choose only one owner for themselves, the rest are perceived only as his environment. They like to bring things in their teeth, slippers and toys. They get along well with children and other pets. For a long time they were real healers, staying with a sick person until his full recovery.

Siberian cat care

The closer to natural conditions a cat lives, the less care it requires. The Siberian wild cat has never bathed, but at the same time his luxurious fur coat shone and shimmered. If the animal lives in an apartment, then natural biorhythms get lost. Constant heat in the room provokes endless molting. Unnatural nutrition makes the coat dull and brittle. But even if everything is in order with health, your pet's long hair is a reason for regular grooming. Otherwise, it will cover all carpets, upholstery of upholstered furniture and clothes. You need to comb the fluffy two to three times a week, and bathe it as it gets dirty. Pay special attention to the "pants", the collar on the neck and the armpit area. For hair care, you need to purchase a special slicker and a set of combs.

If a Siberian cat has won your heart, the reviews will come in handy to know what to pay special attention to. Usually there are problems with the toilet. Potty training is easy, but fluffy, long hair tends to spread the contents of the litter box around the room. Sawdust, sand, pieces of paper cling to it. Special fillers are a good way out, but they do not completely solve the problem, since the “panties” are often soiled with feces. So you will have to wash your fluffy pet regularly, in any case, its back part.

You need to bathe the cat using a special shampoo for long-haired breeds. Remember that it must be washed off very carefully so as not to cause irritation on the skin. Buy your pet two towels. In one you will wrap it right away to get wet, and in the second - to dry it. It’s good if the shampoo is with antistatic and conditioner, it’s easier to avoid tangles. In addition, you should purchase a special spray that makes combing easier.

Get your pet used to the hair dryer. First, sort the wool with your hands, then comb it and dry it thoroughly with a stream of air. If the tangle does not give in, slightly cut it at the base (where the hairs cannot be separated), and then, using your hands and a comb, completely separate it. Completely stuck areas (glue, resin) will simply have to be cut out. Ears should be checked every two weeks and cleaned with a cotton swab. Do not forget to also brush your pet's teeth with a special paste.


Siberian cats are very sociable, so they feel much better if they live in pairs. These furries enter puberty quite early, so at five or six months old they may surprise you with their intention to become parents. This is due to the way of life of their wild ancestors: since they could die at any moment, it was necessary to leave offspring as soon as possible. By the way, these animals take excellent care of babies. The male, along with the female, takes part in caring for the offspring. Even in the wild, a pair is often created once and for life. At home, your cats will simply not spill water. Usually there are five or six kittens in a litter.


Many health and hair problems can be avoided if you feed your cat properly. We must not forget that this is a predator. About 80% of the diet should come from protein foods - fish, meat and eggs. Herbal ingredients should also be included, fresh herbs are very useful. A cat that goes outside will nibble the grass itself, for a home grow a "lawn" in a pot. Depending on the preferences of the pet, select vegetables, fruits and cereals. You can buy ready-made food, just choose high-quality, super-premium class. In this case, it is good to alternate dry food and canned meat or drying and fish.

This will not take much time. It is enough to clean and cut an inexpensive fish once a week, boil it slightly, put it in portioned bags and put it in the refrigerator. In the morning you can give dry food, and in the evening you can get a piece of fish. Do not forget that there should always be fresh water in the cup.


By old age, cats can become more lethargic and slow. These are normal age-related changes that are not dangerous. If the cat begins to choke or cough, this may indicate diseases of the cardiovascular system. In any case, it is necessary to seek the help of a veterinarian in time. When purchasing a pet, you must provide for a separate expense item. The help of a doctor may be required at any time, but today it costs quite a lot.

Summing up

We tried to acquaint you with what kind of breed it is - Siberian cats. The description would be incomplete if not to add the following: the considered cats are surprisingly smart and reasonable. It's more like a dog in cat form. An ideal option for those who love dogs, but for a number of reasons (lack of free space, inability to take them outside several times a day) wants to get a cat. The Siberian is a proud and independent creature that can become