The weirdest married couples. The most unusual married couples in the world

Recently, the Argentinean Reinaldo Vavecche took Adelfa Volpes as his wife. The groom is 24 years old, the bride is 58 years older than him ...

The young people have known each other for many years - since Reinaldo lost his mother at 15. The newlyweds are going to go on a honeymoon trip to Rio de Janeiro ...

Before the wedding, the groom said that he always liked older women, and when asked if his marriage would be only platonic, he replied that "everything is still ahead" ...

Actor Verne Troyer, who played a character named Mini-Me in the films about Austin Powers, and also starred in Men in Black and Harry Potter in 2004, married his longtime girlfriend, fashion model and yoga teacher Genevieve Gallen, who even without heels more than a meter higher than it ...

Her height is 188 centimeters, and his 81 centimeters ... Such a difference did not prevent the couple from spending a few happy years ...

In the end, they divorced ... However, in an interview, Genevieve admitted that the reason for her problems with Verne was not his small stature, but his popularity with women ... “The girls always rushed at Verne,” Gallen says. - I was simply ousted from his life ... "

And this couple is just getting ready to become husband and wife. Businessman Albert Holmann chose a girlfriend weighing 115 kilograms ... Albert's friends and family were not disappointed, as they know about his addiction to well-fed ladies.

As the future mother-in-law said, “Every day, Albert came to visit us to see our girl and make sure that she was all right ... They met for a little more than six months, until one day, Albert offered his hand and heart to our daughter .. . The wedding is scheduled for December, so we still have time to get our daughter ready for the wedding ... "

Beauty and the Beast ... The girl married a Marine who lost his face from the explosion ...

Sergeant Ti Siegel invited his girlfriend Rene to marry him and went to serve in Iraq ... In 2004, Ti was burned in a combat vehicle by a kamikaze terrorist. The sergeant survived, but his whole face became a terrible wound ... More precisely, a monster without a face returned from Iraq ...

In a society where everyone is obsessed with physical perfection, the guy was nicknamed "an armless and faceless monster" ...

Rene was advised to forget about her beloved. They said that his ugliness would kill old feelings. That, having married, she would hate both herself and him. But her heart continued to love ...

Despite the daily trials that befell them, Renee helped Tee regain faith in herself and made her believe that they would be happy together ...

Inequality before life and death ... Katie Kirkpatrick managed to delay cancer to celebrate the happiest day of her life ...

The girl loved life very much, and did not want to put it off "for later" ...

Katie's fiancé, Nick Godwin, had been in love with her since high school ... And in the last months of her life, he got a job working the night shift to spend all days with Katie ...

Then the husband sang with friends Katie serenades ...

And 5 days after the wedding, Katie died. Her battle with a terrible disease ended on January 21, 2005 ...

A person who truly loves is ready to close his eyes to anything, to any flaws or oddities of a partner.
But sometimes the personal characteristics of partners are so noticeable that it is simply impossible to keep silent about them. It's amazing how different people can be brought together by fate, but despite the opinion of the people around them, they still experienced happiness.

1. Sanele Masilela and Helen Shabangu

8-year-old Sanele Masilela married 61-year-old Helen Shabangu, fearing revenge from the other world. Despite the magnificent wedding, the boy and no longer a young woman signed. The boy's family claims that this is just a ritual, where legal confirmation is not required. According to the groom's mother, the boy was named after his grandfather, who throughout his life did not have the opportunity to marry. In this regard, he asked for a wedding from the other world.

2.Victor Hugo Peralta and Gabriela Peralta

The couple entered the Guinness Book of Records as the couple with the most bodily modifications in the world. In addition to tattoos that almost completely cover them, Hugo and Gabriela boast 50 earrings, 11 implants, five dental implants, four ear tunnels and two forked tongues.

3. Verne Troyer and Genevieve Gallen

Mr. Troyer, despite his small stature, has achieved considerable success in his field. In addition to playing Mini Me in two Austin Powers films, he also starred in Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone and Men in Black. In society, he constantly appears in the company of dazzling beauties. On one of them - model Genevieve Gallen - he was even married. True, not for long - the next day the marriage was annulled. Gallen later said that this was due to her husband's constant romances.

4. Francinaldo da Silva Carvalho and Elisani da Cruz Silva

The growth of Francinaldo da Silva Carvalho is 165 centimeters, but his Elisani da Cruz Silva has grown to 2.1 meters. Despite the half-meter difference, Francinaldo was not afraid to offer Elizana a hand and heart.

5. Arin Andrews and Katie Hill

At first glance, Arin Andrews and Katie Hill are quite a common couple. Without knowing their history, you will never pay attention to them on the street or on public transport. Meanwhile, they are the first couple in the world in which both have changed sex. When Katie met Arina, she was just in the process of changing sex from male to female, and Arin, on the contrary, was making every effort to transform into a guy.

6. Tyler Siegel and Rene Klein

US Army Sergeant Ty Siegel returned from Iraq with a disfigured face. His girlfriend Rene Klein accompanied him to the war. After returning, she insisted on getting married, and the couple got married in 2006. True, a year later they broke up. In an interview, Siegel said that Klein was completely unprepared for family life.

7. Francois Fernandez and Madeleine Francini

François Fernandez and Madeleine Francini entered the Guinness Book of Records as the oldest couple to get married. At the time of their marriage, François was 96 years old and Madeleine was 94. Their combined age was 191 years and 126 days.

Kyle Jones, 31, and Marjorie McCool, 91

When Kyle Jones and Marjorie McCool appear in public, people often mistake them for their grandmother and grandson. The couple started dating in 2009. As Kyle himself admits, even as a teenager, he discovered that he absolutely did not like his peers. Some simply suspect Kyle of selfish ends, while others believe in his sincere love.

Verne Troyer and Janice Gallen

In 2004, the star of the movie "Harry Potter" and "Austin Powers 2. The Golden Dick" Verne Troyergues on the Playboy model Genevieve Gallen, whose height is 188 centimeters. The growth of the actor himself is 82 centimeters. However, the next day the couple broke up. Troyer realized that the model had married him for the money. And Genevieve accused him of treason.

Indian woman Mangli Munda married a stray dog

Mangli Munda, 18, married a stray dog ​​named Sheru. The village council insisted on the marriage. The elders argued that in this way the girl would avoid the evil spell that threatened the entire village. If she refused the ceremony, then, as the council argued, in marriage with a man, she would be in trouble. Munda will be able to marry a man in a few months, but until that moment she has to take care of a four-legged pet.

28-year-old Chinese man married a doll

The young man decided to get married because doctors diagnosed him with cancer. The young man did not want to turn his chosen one into a grief-stricken widow, so he decided to marry a sex doll. The groom hired a make-up artist for the bride, a photographer, bought a dress. The photographer tried to make the photos especially emotional so that the guy could feel the whole feature of this day. Before his death, he wanted to feel the fullness of the marriage.

The hairiest man in the world and his wife

32-year-old Chinese man Yu Zhenghuang has 96% of the body's surface covered with a thick layer of black hair, but this did not stop him from meeting his love. The couple has already traveled all over the world. In addition, Yu has starred in the movie Monkey Boy Treasure Hunt. Most recently, he decided on laser hair removal, which will help him get rid of most of his hair.

Grace Gedler married herself after six years of solitude

British Grace Gedler from Devon County married herself. The girl arranged a celebration for 50 guests, including her parents and close friends. The woman admitted that for six years she had not been in relationships with men and at some point realized that she did not need them at all.

Barbarella Buchner married her cats

British resident Barbarella Buchner got married with two of her cats. The 48-year-old British woman spent her honeymoon with animals in the Canary Islands. The woman was presented with a certificate confirming her relationship with cats.

The world's first couple to have both sex changed

At first glance, Arin Andrews and Katie Hill are quite a common couple. Without knowing their history, you will never pay attention to them on the street or on public transport. Meanwhile, they are the first couple in the world in which both have changed sex. When Katie met Arina, she was just in the process of changing sex from male to female, and Arin, on the contrary, was making every effort to transform into a guy.

Whether for the sake of love or in the pursuit of fame, the most unexpected marriages are concluded. You can't even imagine how different people get along with each other.

They say that all ages are submissive to love, and they choose not for appearance, but for a beautiful soul. However, the couples with whom we will introduce you will surprise you in earnest.

Sean Stevenson and Mindy Kniss

Since birth, Sean was not like everyone else. Nature "rewarded" him with a rare disease called osteogenesis imperfecta. This prevented the development of the male skeletal system. As a result, his growth stopped at around 90 cm, and his bones broke from a single sneeze.

However, this did not stop him from proposing to Mindy Kniss. The love turned out to be mutual, and the girl agreed. Now they live a happy family life.

Mohamed Ahmed Dore and Safiya Abduleh

This couple got into the Guinness Book of Records because of the colossal age difference. A 17-year-old girl married a 112-year-old man. Safiya became the sixth wife of a wealthy Somali. However, they both claim that they got married for love.

Sharon Tendler and Cindy the Dolphin

Sharon met her future husband in an Israeli resort town. She quickly fell in love with the alpha male of her pack. As a result, the couple decided to get married. From the groom's side, his flock took part in the wedding ceremony. Unfortunately, the dolphin had already died of old age, and Sharon was left a widow.

Erica Eiffel and the Eiffel Tower

As you know, Paris is a city of love, so it was here that Erica found her destiny. After several years of stormy romantic relationships, she decided to marry the Eiffel Tower. Now she even leads the objectphile community.

Aro Draven and Leah Beninghof

Leah and Aro met on a dating site. At first, the usual communication was carried out, which grew into something amazing. Young people are bound by an obsession with gothic subcultures that goes beyond human understanding.

On the very first date, Aro explained to Lie that they could be together only after they tasted each other's blood. With these words, he cut his hand and gave the girl a drink. Now they do it regularly.

Chadil Defi and Sarina Kamsuk

Daffy had known Sarina since university. The Thai couple delayed the wedding for a long time. As a result, Chadil did not have time to propose to his beloved. He only married her after she died in a car accident. Thai married to the corpse, right during the funeral.

Eugene and Adeline Angelo

Ben Brown and Jenna Bentley

Playboy star Jenna is very fond of attention and money, which is why she became the wife of an elderly millionaire Ben Brown. The young girl fulfilled any whims of the old man. In Haiti, they amazed vacationers with foreplay right on the beach.

Now she lives her life and completely forgot about her ex-boyfriend.

Goosebumps from such extraordinary stories. Amazing people who are undoubtedly worthy of our attention.

You can think of them as eccentrics or crazy, but they don't care. The main thing is that people are happy, albeit not in the usual sense. They found each other, and it remains only to envy their cheerfulness and tender feelings.

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Marriage has always been, is and will be in society. This happens to almost all people, and it comes as no surprise to anyone. But there are couples that are truly extraordinary. They are different from all people and habitual relationships. We will tell you about the most unusual couples that live on our planet. Some of them were included in the Guinness Book of Records.

Victor Hugo Peralta and Gabriela Peralta

This pair has entered the Guinness Book of Records as the couple with the most modifications in the body. They are completely covered in tattoos. Tattoos are literally everywhere, but that's not all. They have subcutaneous implants and earrings all over their bodies. A total of 50 earrings and 11 implants, a truly unusual pair.

Arin Andrews and Katie Hill

At first glance, this is the most common couple that can be found in any city. If you see them, you will never think that they are in any way different from ordinary people. But they still have a significant difference, because they both changed sex.

In general, there are couples in which one of the partners changes sex, but here both partners did it. Arin Andrews is a woman who changed sex to a man, and Katie Hill was a man who became a woman. Arin met Katie while she was in the process of a gender reassignment. These people became the first couple in the world to mutually change sex.

Kelly Hildebrandt and Kelly Hildebrandt

If you look at the names of these people, you might think that they are one person, but they are not. These are one of the few people who are full namesakes, both by name and surname.

The woman Kelly just decided to look at her namesakes on Facebook, but one guy interested her. She saw a photo of him with a naked torso and could not resist. They met and saw each other for the first time 3 weeks after chatting online. After a while, the couple played their wedding.

Francois Fernandez and Madeleine Francini

Seniors can fall in love too. So long-livers François Fernandez and Madeleine Francini got into the Guinness Book of Records as the oldest couple in the world. The man is 96 years old, and the woman is 94. If you add their ages together, they lived 191 years and 126 days.

Verne Troyer and Genevieve Gallen

This couple entered into the shortest marriage. The man Verne Troyer has become a really popular actor who has starred in many films that have thundered all over the world. He constantly interacted with dazzlingly beautiful women and models. One model became his chosen one, whom he decided to marry. They signed, but the very next day they divorced. Genevieve Gallen says this was due to Troyer's constant binge and romance.

Lauren and David Blair

This couple took the most vows of loyalty to each other. They've done it 100 times, and each time they do it in a different place. And these are not just words, they take it very seriously. They even dress accordingly. The bride dresses up in a dress and the groom in a suit.

When asked why they were doing this, they replied that it tested their loyalty to their feelings. After each new vow, a honeymoon takes place, which also motivates them to do so.

The Angelo family

This couple is completely ordinary, they just have a lot more luck than the rest. They won the lottery 2 times and won a huge amount of money. The first time they took away $ 2.5 million in winnings, and the second, $ 10 million. But this is not the most important thing. The lottery tickets with which they won their money were exactly the same numbers.

Jolison Fernandez da Silva and Eva Medeiros

Jolison Fernandez da Silva was born in Brazil. He is one of the tallest people on the planet. To be precise, he took 3rd place in the ranking of tall people. But his wife Eva Medeiros does not have such impressive data, on the contrary, she has a height of one and a half meters.

Elisani da Cruz Silva and Francinaldo da Silva Carvalho

There are couples in which the height of the spouses varies greatly. So it happened with Francinaldo da Silva Carvalu has a small stature - only 164 centimeters. But his wife, on the other hand, is a very tall woman. Her height is as much as 2 meters.

Anton Kraft and China Bell

Anton Kraft was born a dwarf, because his height is only 134 centimeters. But despite this, he was able to achieve great results in sports. He achieved heights in powerlifting, and became the most powerful man on the planet. He can lift the whole 4 times his own. But his wife was transsexual China Bell. The height of his wife is 194 centimeters. This contrast is really striking.

Sophie Abdoulay and Ahmed Muhamed Dori

The unusualness of this couple lies in the fact that their age has a difference of almost 100 years, namely 94 years. The man is now 112 years old, and the girl is 18. This confirms the proverb "love of all ages is submissive." At the age of the groom, he could easily have been the bride's great-grandfather. But as he said, he waited a very long time for her to become an adult.

Barbarella Buchner

This resident of Great Britain decided not to look for a man for herself, and to marry her two cats. The woman is 48 years old, and she decided to spend her life with such chosen ones. She spent her honeymoon in the Canary Islands. It is quite possible that for the sake of this holiday she married the pets.

In her wedding, she was helped by a site that specializes in helping in such situations. The site's staff is dedicated to helping people marry animals.

Mangli Munda

This girl is originally from India and her situation is similar to that of a girl from Great Britain. Only this time the decision is not voluntary, but forced. In her village, they decided to marry the girl to the dog, as this can remove the curse from her and the entire village. She was told that she could marry any man, but for now she had to take care of the four-legged groom.

And finally, the girl married herself

British Grace Gedler decided not to bother looking for a groom, and to marry herself. She said that she had not had a man for a long time, and after such a long break in the relationship, she realized that she did not need them at all.

There are many strange people in the world who are not like everyone else. The most unusual couples differ in nature, and sometimes in appearance. But this does not make them worse, they are just different, that's all.