Sanitary rules for chickenpox quarantine. Chickenpox: how long does it last, how is it treated, is it dangerous

Chickenpox is an infectious and viral pathology that passes from an infected person to a healthy airborne droplet. The disease spreads rapidly in crowded places and affects those who have not previously had chickenpox. Since the disease is considered childhood, infection mainly occurs in school and kindergarten. When is quarantine for chickenpox announced and how long is it?

The main feature of chickenpox is its high infectivity. The viral pathogen spreads rapidly through the air. It is possible to become infected by direct contact with the carrier, therefore, at school and in the children's garden, the chance of infection increases.

Chickenpox is more susceptible to babies aged 2 to 6 years. Young children carry the virus easily, unlike adults. The child has multiple rashes in the form of bubbles with liquid inside, accompanied by an increase in body temperature. Over time, more and more sores appear, after the disappearance of which brown crusts appear.

The likelihood of the disease exists in adults, provided that the immune system is weakened. The course of the disease in this case takes on a more severe form with possible serious complications.

In the group of the children's institution, quarantine is prescribed for the duration of the incubation period from the moment the last sick person was discovered.

Contagious period

The patient is especially dangerous to others in the first 5-10 days, which precede the appearance of the rash. In this prodromal interval, symptoms resembling ARVI are observed. Unaware of the disease, the infected continues to visit public places, being a carrier of chickenpox.

It is difficult to say in what period a person is most contagious. It can remain with them even with drying crusts. Communication of a sick child with a healthy one will certainly lead to illness.

Doctors have found that the shortest time of contagion is 4 days, and the longest is 13 days. As a result, conditions were specified - the group is quarantined for 21 days. During this period, children are completely cured and the likelihood of a new outbreak of the disease decreases.

Activities during the quarantine period

When a chickenpox virus is detected, quarantine measures are taken to prevent infectious spread.

When quarantined in a room, the following actions are carried out:

  • in kindergarten, summer camp or class, children must be under the supervision of a doctor;
  • it is prohibited to leave the class or group;
  • wet cleaning of the room is carried out about 2 times a day;
  • ultraviolet light neutralizes the smallpox virus, therefore, the premises are quartzized several times a day;
  • various objects, toys, dishes should not be disinfected, since in domestic conditions the virus dies immediately.

Airing the room several times a day is a prerequisite.

When is quarantine announced and its terms

When a child has a rash characteristic of chickenpox in a kindergarten group, a doctor is called in to make a diagnosis. The institution is quarantined based on a ruling from the local clinic. Parents are notified of the situation by means of an announcement on the door of the child care facility.

However, the imposition of quarantine does not at all mean an absolute suspension of the work of the garden and the group itself. Children from the quarantine group can attend classes, but they are prohibited from entering common rooms (physical education or music class). Any events are carried out in one group, the exit to the street is through the emergency door. Occasionally it may be allowed to conduct classes in a common room, but only as a last resort.

Every day a nurse examines the children. If a rash is found, the parents are obliged to take the baby home. Children who are with sick children, but have not previously had chickenpox, are prohibited from visiting sanatoriums or other public places during quarantine. They are not vaccinated. Such rules are valid even if there are no signs of illness.

How long does the quarantine last and in what cases is it extended?

In kindergarten, quarantine is established for 21 days from the time the last sick person was discovered. This incubation period coincides with the longest duration of the chickenpox period. If newly infected children are identified, the quarantine is extended.

If the child was not present in the garden at the time the first infected person was discovered, the nurse or educator will invite him to stay at home until the quarantine ends. At the request of the parents, on the basis of the application written by them, the child can be sent to another group.

When contact with a sick person happened not in an institution, but at home, then it is allowed to stay in the kindergarten for the first 10 days from the moment of infection. But from 11 to 21 days, visiting the group is prohibited.

SanPin and standards

The sanitary standards provide a number of rules that provide for measures to prevent the spread of chickenpox infection.

In SanPin it has been established that quarantine is not at all an indispensable condition when a focus of the disease is detected. Recommendations common to all people are applied to a sick baby:

  • a sick child is prohibited from going to a group for at least 3 weeks;
  • a visit to a pediatrician is required;
  • it is necessary to provide a certificate of recovery to a kindergarten or school after the end of the illness.

It is advisable to vaccinate against chickenpox for preventive purposes. However, sanitary standards do not require this; vaccination is performed at will.

The herpes virus (disease provocateur) remains in the human body for life. Untreated chickenpox can subsequently cause serious pathologies, so it is necessary to strictly adhere to the prescriptions of a specialist and not try to eliminate chickenpox on your own.

Rules for parents in contact with a child

In order for the treatment of the disease to pass most favorably, you need to adhere to the following recommendations:

  1. You should not dress your child very warmly. Increased sweating causes severe itching, and babies may scratch the rash.
  2. Nails should be cut short to prevent tearing of the rashes. It is advisable to wear thin gloves for very small crumbs.
  3. Bathing of children is canceled until ulcers stop appearing. After their disappearance, water procedures can be resumed. However, it should be remembered that when drying the skin after a bath or shower, you cannot rub it strongly, it will be enough to lightly blot it with a towel.
  4. Try to keep your child busy during the illness so that he or she pays less attention to itching. In some cases, pediatricians prescribe sedatives along with antihistamines.

Therapeutic measures during the course of the disease are usually carried out at home, but in case of neglect of chickenpox, hospitalization and determination in a hospital are possible.

The chickenpox virus is highly contagious and spreads instantly in community facilities. To do this, you need to perform preventive actions:

  1. Disinfection of the premises is optional, the pathogen is unstable under normal conditions.
  2. Ventilation is necessary several times a day.
  3. Wet cleaning of the classroom should be done as often as possible. It does not strongly affect the virus, but it increases the body's resistance to various infections.
  4. The patient is shown bed rest.
  5. Compliance with personal hygiene helps to avoid epidemiological and other diseases.

In most cases, chickenpox does not pose a danger to the health of the child, but it can provoke negative complications in adults. To avoid this, you should adhere to the recommendations of SanPin regarding interaction with carriers of the disease.

Chickenpox spreads through the air very quickly and over long distances. Children get chickenpox more often because their immune systems are extremely weak and unresponsive to the virus. That is why, as soon as kindergarten begins, chickenpox becomes the first serious illness in most parents.

Chickenpox in the garden: how long does the quarantine last?

As a rule, quarantine is announced immediately after an order is received from the medical institution where the sick person is being observed. The sick person is isolated for an average of 10 days, and the rest are warned that the group has been quarantined. Parents are usually notified by means of a notice posted on the door to the group.

The incubation period is 21 days. If during this time no more cases of the disease are detected, then the quarantine is lifted. If new infected people appear, then 21 days of quarantine are added to the date of the last sick person.

So, quarantine can be up to 3 weeks and even up to 7 months, depending on the number of children in the group and the sequence of their illness. At this time, the garden and the group do not stop their work, the quarantine group is only not introduced into public places: a canteen, a music or a sports hall. They are allowed to walk on the site, as a rule, each group walks on its own.

What if they refused to accept the child due to chickenpox quarantine?

There are cases when some parents are denied admitting a child to a group during quarantine. Such cases occur mainly in those who at the time of the discovery of chickenpox were sick or for some other reason did not attend kindergarten. And this is not because the manager and nurse feel sorry for a little of the virus for you, but because they want to reduce the quarantine period in this way.

Remember - you cannot be denied a visit! You can only be advised not to drive the child so that he does not get infected, but not to unfold and send him home. If the situation cannot be resolved peacefully, then there are several ways:

  • ask the kindergarten health worker for the number and name of the document according to which they do not accept your child into the group. Usually, after this, they will simply give up on you and allow a visit, because this is not prohibited by law;

  • if you do not want to get sick, then offer to transfer your child to another group for a while, where there is no quarantine;

  • write a receipt stating that you have been notified of the chickenpox quarantine and that you do not mind your child getting it.

It is important to know that children carry this disease much easier and easier.

In most cases, chickenpox is not dangerous for children, but can be serious in adults. Therefore, the state norms prescribed in the SanPiN clearly indicate what needs to be done in the event of an outbreak of this disease in the team.

When and how is quarantine announced

Chickenpox quarantine in kindergarten or school is announced after the first case of the disease is detected. If a child falls ill in kindergarten, they isolate him, call the parents and send him for treatment.

The medical worker registers the fact in the register of infectious diseases, within 2 hours sends a message to the clinic by phone, then draws up an emergency message according to the established template.

The specialist of the sanitary and epidemiological surveillance authorities issues an order for preventive measures.

By order of the head of the institution, quarantine is declared. Parents will be informed about this by the teacher, an announcement must be posted at the entrance. Children who have interacted with the patient can attend their group or class.

The MEMO was developed to prevent the emergence and spread of infection in organized children's groups caused by the varicella-zoster virus, chickenpox and shingles

Chickenpox is an acute viral disease with airborne transmission. Usually characterized by a febrile condition, papulovesicular rash with a benign course. It is caused by a virus of the Herpesviridae family - Varicella Zoster. The source of infection for chickenpox is a patient with chickenpox or shingles. The incubation period lasts 10-21 days, most often the disease begins 14-16 days after contact with the source of infection.

The primary element of the rash is a papule (small speck), which after a few hours turns into a vesicle - a bubble with transparent contents and a rim of hyperemia (redness) around. After 1-2 days, the bubbles open and dry out, forming crusts. During this period, itching of the skin and the possibility of infection when scratching are especially often noted. After the crusts fall off, pigmentation may remain for some time, scarring does not occur. Elements of the rash can appear on the scalp, trunk, extremities, genitals. The typical localization of chickenpox rash is the scalp. Vesicles are also found on the oral mucosa and internal organs.

Given the general susceptibility to chickenpox, the leading risk factor for infection is being in organized groups, where epidemic outbreaks of disease often occur.

1. If a medical worker detects chickenpox, the patient is isolated at home for 21 days. Hospitalization may only be necessary for clinical reasons. Admission to an organized team is allowed with a certificate from a pediatrician.

2. At school and in preschool institutions, when registering a case of chickenpox, daily medical supervision of the contact is carried out with a mark in the medical observation sheet about the condition of the skin and 2-fold thermometry.

3. Isolation of newly diagnosed patients is necessary.

4. Mass events are prohibited for the period of observation of contact children from the last case of registration of the disease within 21 days.

5. Children who have had chickenpox are not subjected to quarantine and isolation measures.

6. Organization of the current disinfection in an organized children's team: compliance with the ventilation regime of the premises at least 4 times a day (classes, places of common stay of children), wet cleaning with detergents at least 2 times a day. Given the properties of the pathogen, disinfection measures are not carried out in the foci of chickenpox.


Diagnosis of the disease is carried out based on clinical symptoms. The rashes characteristic of chickenpox are significantly different from the formations on the skin that develop with other pathologies. Therefore, it is only on this basis that most patients can be correctly diagnosed.

To determine the state of the body, some patients are prescribed a general blood test. It clearly shows an increase in ESR. Very rarely, specific serological methods are used that will accurately establish the fact of the development of chickenpox. But this is practiced very rarely due to the high cost of diagnostic procedures.


Treatment for viral infections in general and chickenpox in particular is difficult. The virus does not live in the usual sense of the word: it does not grow, does not feed, does not excrete, it is located inside the cells of the body. To act directly on him in order to disrupt the functioning of any medications is problematic. Therefore, the treatment goes in two ways: to activate the body's defenses or to fight the symptoms.

Treatment is carried out with drugs acyclovir (or similar famciclovir, valacyclovir, ganciclovir), immunoglobulin, interferon. Dosages and forms of drugs are prescribed by a doctor.

It is possible to use antihistamines to relieve itching. Itching with varying strength is manifested in different patients during the period of illness. It should be borne in mind that the more the patient sweats, the more itching, regardless of any medications used or not used at all. Treatment of a rash in the mouth, more precisely, the prevention of their infection is done by rinsing the mouth after eating with a weak solution of potassium permanganate or other antiseptics, you can just boiled water.

To treat skin rashes, they are treated with brilliant green, methylene blue, iodine, Castelanni's solution. You can bathe in a weak (light pink) solution of potassium permanganate. Babies wear special mittens to avoid combing. The goal is to prevent possible damage to the integument of the body and subsequent secondary infection.

To reduce the temperature in children during the period of illness, it is not recommended to use aspirin due to the possible occurrence of Reye's syndrome.

In case of complication, treatment is carried out depending on the complication itself - different are treated in different ways.

To make the treatment of chickenpox more effective, you should adhere to the following recommendations:

  • It is forbidden to dress the child too warmly. Increased sweating provokes increased itching, which leads to scratching of the formations on the body.
  • The child should have short-cut nails to prevent scratching of the rash. Gloves or thin gloves are recommended for very young children.
  • After water procedures, the body must be gently blotted with a towel. Rubbing the skin is prohibited.
  • It is advisable to keep the child busy all the time so that he does not concentrate on itching. In extreme cases, doctors prescribe not only antihistamines to eliminate this symptom, but also mild sedatives.

Chickenpox treatment

To date, there are no effective drugs that could directly affect the varicella-zoster virus and destroy it. Therefore, the treatment of the disease is mainly symptomatic or is reduced to an increase in the body's defenses. It is recommended to adhere to strict bed rest during the entire febrile period.

Doctors prescribe some drugs to alleviate the patient's condition and prevent the development of complications. These include:

  • Antihistamines. They are prescribed in the form of ointments, creams or tablets by mouth. They fight itching, which causes the patient to scratch the formations on the skin, which provokes the addition of a secondary infection.
  • Antibacterial agents. Used to treat rashes to prevent infection and speed up healing.
  • Preparations from the tannin group. They are used to dry skin formations and accelerate regeneration.
  • Anti-febrile drugs. Used to lower body temperature. Most often, medicines are used that contain Paracetamol or Ibuprofen. Aspirin is strictly prohibited for use in children as it can cause deadly Reye's syndrome.

During quarantine for chickenpox, daily examinations are carried out. The morning appointment and filter in kindergarten is supervised by a nurse or doctor.

The morning appointment and filter in kindergarten is supervised by a nurse or doctor.

The health worker must measure the body temperature of the child.

At the first sign of chickenpox, when the child develops weakness or drowsiness, it is best to leave him at home.

They examine the body and visible mucous membranes of the child, measure the temperature. The child is not allowed into the group if there are symptoms of the disease (rash with vesicles-vesicles, increased body temperature).

Parents should also be extremely careful. At the first signs of chickenpox, when the baby develops weakness or drowsiness, has no appetite, it is better to leave him at home and call the local pediatrician.

If the disease is mild, the child is isolated for 9-10 days.

After the rash, crusts form, and the child no longer poses a threat of infection. With the development of complications (accession of a secondary infection), hospitalization may be required. After chickenpox, the child comes to school or kindergarten with a doctor's certificate of recovery.

Sanitary measures do not include a disinfection regimen, since the herpesvirus type 3 is unstable in the external environment. Regular ventilation and wet cleaning are required.

All activities, including music and physical education, are conducted in a group or classroom building. Children are taken out for a walk through a separate entrance.

All activities, including physical education, are conducted in a group or classroom building.

Children from quarantine groups are not allowed in sanatoriums, sports and health camps, planned hospitalization is postponed. Medical certificates to such institutions must contain a conclusion about contacts with infectious patients.

The recruitment of children to the group is temporarily stopped. It is dangerous to put an unadapted child at risk of infection.

The chickenpox quarantine does not apply to children who have had previous illness. Persistent immunity is acquired by a person after the first meeting with herpesvirus.

What is chickenpox

  • 1 What is chickenpox
  • 2 Do I need quarantine
  • 3 Typical symptoms of the disease
  • 4 What rashes appear with chickenpox
  • 5 How many main symptoms appear
  • 6 Diagnostics
  • 7 Is chickenpox dangerous for pregnant women?
  • 8 Quarantine regulations
  • 9 Treatment for chickenpox
  • 10 Special recommendations for treatment
  • 11 Chickenpox vaccination
  • 12 How to deal with a chickenpox outbreak in a team

Chickenpox is caused by a virus called Varicella Zoster. It belongs to the category of herpesviruses of the third type. This DNA-containing microorganism is rather unstable to negative environmental factors. Despite this, he is able to remain fully active for several hours in a room with dry and stagnant air. Also, the chickenpox virus easily moves along with ventilated streams, overcoming several tens of meters.

The microorganism enters the environment with particles of the patient's saliva. It is highly contagious. When it enters the body of a person who does not have specific immunity, it causes disease with almost 100 percent probability. There is a particularly high risk of contracting chickenpox in such conditions:

  • low humidity;
  • lack of regular ventilation;
  • neglect of the simplest hygiene rules.

The need to comply with SanPiN is caused by the peculiarities of the flow of chickenpox.

This disease spreads rather quickly in closed rooms and can cause serious complications in the absence of adequate and timely treatment.

After infection, the symptoms of chickenpox do not appear immediately. This disease has an incubation period of 1-3 weeks. Its duration depends on the state of the body's immune system and the patient's age. The shorter it is, the more severe the chickenpox is.

The threat of this disease is also the fact that a sick person becomes potentially dangerous to others 1-2 days before the appearance of the first rashes and remains so for 5 days after the formation of the last papules on the body. Chickenpox is considered the most dangerous on day 14, when the disease reaches its peak.

How many main symptoms appear

Chickenpox is characterized by the simultaneous presence of rashes on the body, which have gone through different stages of development. On the skin area, there may be both fresh bubbles with liquid and dried crusts. Each of the formations on the body usually completely disappears only after 2-3 weeks.

In the presence of fever, it lasts no longer than 2-3 days. With a complicated course of the disease, an elevated temperature can be observed for about 10 days. With chickenpox, fever very often appears and disappears at intervals of several hours or days, which is quite normal. The period of onset of the rash usually lasts from 2 to 9 days.

How long does it take

Chickenpox quarantine can last from 21 days (if there are no repeated outbreaks) to several months. Three weeks is the maximum incubation period, when there are no obvious signs of the disease yet, but the child is already infected. With the identification of each patient with chickenpox, the duration of the quarantine increases.

If the child did not attend a preschool institution at the time of the quarantine announcement and was not in contact with the patient, parents can be offered a home regime until the end of quarantine measures or a temporary transfer to another group (perhaps not by age).

Sometimes parents insist on admission to the quarantine group. In this case, they must write an application addressed to the head of the kindergarten.

Sometimes parents insist on admission to the quarantine group. In this case, they must write a statement addressed to the head of the kindergarten, indicating that they received information about the possible consequences.

What to do with a chickenpox outbreak in a team

Under quarantine, the institution continues to operate. Measures to protect the team from the spread of chickenpox:

  • groups that are in quarantine are not allowed into the music and gymnasiums, classes are held in the group's premises or classroom;
  • groups in quarantine enter the buildings of educational institutions and for a walk through an emergency entrance;
  • frequent ventilation and wet cleaning are carried out in the premises;
  • children from quarantine groups who have not previously had chickenpox are not admitted to sanatoriums, inpatient treatment and other public places where they can become sources of infection.

Quarantined teams are not allowed in the music and gymnasiums.

In premises that are quarantined for chickenpox, ventilation and wet cleaning are necessary.

The quarantined groups go for a walk through an emergency exit.

According to the quarantine rules, children must be examined by a nurse every day. When a patient is identified, he is isolated from the rest of the kids and the parents are called to take the child home.

Is chickenpox dangerous for pregnant women?

If a pregnant woman contracted chickenpox, there is no indication for an artificial termination of pregnancy. Moreover, this rule is relevant at any time. If chickenpox appears in the first trimester of pregnancy, the risk of the virus affecting the fetus is negligible - no more than 0.4%. For a period of 14 to 20 weeks, the probability of negative consequences for the child is no more than 2%.

At a later date, the risk of developing complications for the fetus is practically zero. It is possible to further reduce the likelihood of negative consequences from chickenpox for a pregnant woman by introducing a specific immunoglobulin. It completely protects the child from all the negative consequences that chickenpox can provoke.

The only danger that exists for a baby is its infection in the period 4-5 days before delivery. At this time, a woman most often has no clinical symptoms of the disease, which does not allow her to be diagnosed in time. In this case, a child is born who can have congenital chickenpox with a 17% probability. One third of these children die, while others develop serious consequences. The first symptoms of congenital chickenpox usually appear between 6 and 11 days after the baby is born.

How many days does chickenpox quarantine last?

If a rash is detected and the temperature rises to 39 C, the patient is quarantined. If such a child is found in the kindergarten group, then a health worker examines him and informs his parents about the suspicion of chickenpox.

SanPin provides for the isolation of all children in contact from the 11th to the 21st day.

In addition, the reception of new and temporarily absent children who have not been vaccinated against this disease and have not suffered it earlier, which means they do not have immunity, is stopped. Children from the group in which the cases of the disease are registered are not allowed to participate in the mass events of the institution, and it is also forbidden to transfer them to other groups.

These activities are designed to prevent the spread of infection. Quarantine is carried out if a child with chickenpox was found in one of the groups of a kindergarten, school or other institution.

During quarantine, the institution carries out activities according to SanPin:

  • Children are examined in camps, schools or kindergartens. Children are examined daily by a healthcare professional for chickenpox infections.
  • Various activities and activities are carried out without leaving the group or class.
    Employees of the institution carry out wet cleaning at least twice a day.
  • As you know, ultraviolet light effectively deactivates the varicella-zoster virus. As a result, the premises are quartzised several times a day.
  • Toys, furniture surfaces and utensils are treated daily with a special disinfectant.
  • Ventilation of the premises is carried out twice a day.

How and when are quarantined

If in a kindergarten or in another institution with a mass gathering of children, a child is found who has contracted chickenpox, information about the disease is transmitted to the clinic.

The local doctor examines the child; upon confirmation of this diagnosis, the doctor transfers the information to the Sanitary and Epidemiological Service (SES). SES, in turn, issues a quarantine order.

Is the kindergarten closed for chickenpox?

It should be noted that the institutions do not stop working; during the quarantine period, the institution continues to work with some peculiarities.

How many days does the quarantine last?

Usually, quarantine in kindergartens and other institutions is announced for at least 21 days. This time period corresponds to the maximum. If, after the end of the quarantine, a new sick person is found, the quarantine may be extended.

Should I take my child to the garden?

Since not everyone has the opportunity to leave the child at home, this issue worries many parents. In the event that the child was not in kindergarten at the time the sick child was discovered, the staff of the institution will advise you to sit out at home in order to avoid infection.

If the parents do not have this opportunity, the head of the kindergarten offers to temporarily attend another group. If the parents decide to continue to take the child to the kindergarten, the management of this institution asks to write a corresponding receipt.

Often there are situations when a child has been in contact with a sick chickenpox outside the kindergarten. In this case, the child is allowed to attend kindergarten for the first 10 days after the incident. Starting from the 11th day, the child should be at home until he fully recovers.

Vaccination during quarantine

Often parents are faced with the choice of whether to vaccinate against chickenpox if the garden is quarantined? Is it possible to do mantu with chickenpox quarantine? Experts say that vaccination against chickenpox during quarantine is not contraindicated.

It is advisable to give preference to the Varilrix vaccine, which can be given urgently to prevent infection.

As for mantoux and other vaccinations, vaccination is allowed only after the end of quarantine.

Precautionary measures

If, for some reason, you decide to take your child to a quarantined group, the institution's staff and parents must take some precautions. These manipulations will help protect children from possible infection:

  • Kindergarten workers advise bringing children to the group wearing a medical mask.
  • Music and physical education classes are carried out exclusively in a group.
  • Exit for a walk is through a separate exit.
  • Children who attend the quarantine group walk in a separate area.
  • Upon arriving home, the child should thoroughly wash their hands with antibacterial soap.
  • In the apartment, surface treatment should also be carried out for preventive purposes.

Each parent should examine the child daily for rashes, as well as monitor the baby's well-being. At the slightest suspicion of infection, you must call a pediatrician.

Who is not allowed to visit regulated institutions

If a chickenpox quarantine has been declared in any institution, it is not recommended to visit such facilities for the following persons:

  • Pregnant women.
  • To old people.
  • Children under 1 year old.

If for some reason it is impossible to bypass this institution, be sure to wear a medical mask. If we are talking about a maternity hospital, pregnant women who have at least two weeks before the start of the expected date of birth are offered to go home during the quarantine.

During quarantine in the maternity hospital, visiting by unauthorized persons is prohibited.

The opinion of Dr. Komarovsky

Doctor Komarovsky believes that quarantine in kindergarten and at school is not necessary at all. Since chickenpox in childhood proceeds quite easily, he believes that it is better to let the child get sick at the same time as his peers.

If we are talking about children's hospitals or a maternity hospital, quarantine is necessary there.

Parents' opinion

If quarantine is declared in a kindergarten or in another preschool educational institution, many parents try to sit out at home for the required period of time. If adults do not have this opportunity, some parents still have to take their child to kindergarten.

70% of parents insist that the child be assigned to a different group during quarantine, despite the fact that the child will have to adapt again.

Chickenpox quarantine in institutions of mass gathering of children is prescribed in order to prevent the spread of the disease.

Chickenpox is a highly contagious infectious disease that is transmitted by airborne droplets. The reason for the development of the pathological process is the penetration of the herpes virus type 3 into the human body. Most often, chickenpox is sick in childhood.

After a disease, a stable immunity is developed in the body. It remains throughout life.

But if a person did not have chickenpox in childhood, then the risk of infection in adulthood remains. In babies, the disease in most cases is mild and rarely causes complications.

When and how is quarantine announced

In places of mass congestion of preschool and older children, quarantine is announced for the duration of the incubation period of this disease. The starting point is the date at which the last infection was recorded. The introduction of quarantine is carried out by the head of the educational institution. The decree is issued on the basis of a medical opinion, which confirms the outbreak of the virus.

Quarantine in kindergarten means limiting contact of children with chickenpox with healthy ones. That is, if a child has been diagnosed with chickenpox, he is not allowed to attend preschool. Children who have been in contact with sick people, but have not been infected, can continue to go to the garden.

If the child at the time of the introduction of quarantine did not attend the children's team, then the parents are offered to temporarily transfer the baby to a group where no cases of chickenpox were recorded. Another option is to leave the child at home until the end of the quarantine period.

Information about the infection and the temporary restriction of attendance at preschool and educational institutions is posted at the front door.

Children who have had symptoms of the disease can return to kindergarten or school after receiving a certificate from a doctor, which confirms that there is no danger of the spread of infection in the team.

What to do with a chickenpox outbreak in kindergarten and school

Most often, infection occurs through direct contact with a carrier of pathogenic microflora. Outside the human body, the virus dies quickly. However, when information appears about children infected with herpes of type 3, disinfection measures are not carried out.

Quarantine rules in preschool and educational institutions:

  • Groups that have had chickenpox cases are not allowed in areas such as the public sports hall or music hall.
  • Play lessons and the educational process are held in a room, the attendance of which is limited by other groups of children.
  • Quarantined collectives are provided with a separate (emergency) entrance to the building.
  • The room is regularly ventilated, wet cleaning is carried out.

If a person's immunity is strong, but infection still occurs, the incubation period can be long. For this reason, children who have not previously had chickenpox but went to a quarantine group are not allowed to visit public places.

Chickenpox - School of Doctor Komarovsky

Do you need quarantine for chickenpox? - Doctor Komarovsky

Children who are quarantined and attending kindergarten or school are required to undergo a daily medical check-up. The doctor examines the skin for the presence of chickenpox bubbles and measures the body temperature. If signs of illness are detected, the child is isolated from the team and the parents are informed. The patient can be taken from a public institution by a relative.

How long does it take

From the moment the pathogenic microflora enters the body until the first symptoms of the disease appear, 21 days pass. Chickenpox quarantine is established relative to the length of the incubation period. If 21 days have passed since the last recorded case of the disease and there are no repeated outbreaks of the disease, then all restrictions are removed from the team.

If another infected person appears during quarantine, the isolation period is extended.

If the family has a chickenpox patient, a healthy child is allowed to attend kindergarten or school from 1 to 10 days. From 11 days to 21 inclusive, home quarantine is introduced, that is, visits to public institutions are prohibited.

Chickenpox Guidelines

SanPiN are sanitary rules and norms, with the help of which the criteria for the safety of the external environment and the requirements for ensuring suitable conditions for human activity are established.

This document states that in the event of a chickenpox outbreak, it is not necessary to introduce quarantine in the children's collective.

The parents or guardians of an infected child are subject to the following obligations:

  1. Diagnostics. Even if the disease is mild, it is necessary for the child to be examined by a doctor.
  2. Provide care. During the illness, the child must remain. Visiting public places is not allowed for about 3 weeks. A dangerous period for others is the time when the body becomes covered with bubbles. After the rash, they burst, and the liquid contained in them contains a "concentrate" of the virus.
  3. Receive confirmation of the end of treatment. After chickenpox, when the crusts come off and the patient's well-being is normalized, the child can attend kindergarten or school, but with the provision of a doctor's certificate, which confirms a satisfactory state of health.

SanPin standards do not require mandatory vaccination (more details).