Scenario of the New Year's holiday “New Year with Brownie Kuzey, Hottabych and Baga Yaga. Scenario of the New Year's party "New Year's adventures of Kuzi"

Step 1.

Forest. Stumps at the edge of the stage.
Bolt. The blows are repeated several times. Then everything subsides.
Kuzya appears.

K u z i. Well. The house was demolished. So what's now? Where to go? But it all started so well ... Where now to look for all our own? Afonka, Adonka, Vukolochka, Lutonyushka, Kuvyku ... Oh, my life is miserable! (Looks around) Nafanya! Nafanya!

Nafanya appears on the other side.

N a f a n y. Why shout something? Here am I…
K u z i. How will we live now, Nafanyushka ?!
On the fan. As we lived, so we will.
K u z i. But the house was demolished! But what a mansion they were!
N a f a n y. Yes, mansions anywhere! It is falling from the ceiling, the walls are falling out, the ceiling is falling through ...
K u z i. But now there’s nothing at all!
N a f a n y. Yes, Kuzma, you stayed too long in one place. Go and look for something new. You look. mansions will also be found for you.
K u z i. Where have you seen that the brownie looking for a mansion ?!
N a f a n y. and where is it, Kuzka, have you seen the mansion of you, such a lovely brownie, themselves looking for ?!
K u z i. do you really think i'm lovely?
N a f a n y. In short, stop whining. Go look for a house for yourself!
K u z i. And if I don’t find it?
N a f a n y. And if you don’t find it, what kind of brownie are you without a home?
K u z i. And where are you going?
N a f a n y. I'll also go for a walk, You look - and mansions will turn up ...
K u z i. Come on together!
N a f a n y. No! There is no such thing that two brownies live in the same house. In the neighborhood - please, but under the same roof - no, no! by the way, have you lost your chest?
K u z i. No, my chest is with me. (Pulls out, shows)
N a f a n y. Don't lose it. And who needs you without a chest ?!
K u z i. How can you, Nafanyushka ?!
N a f a n y. Okay, Kuzya. I'm hanging out with you.
K u z i. Well Nafanya!
N a f a n y. Listen, Kuzma, you are already eighth century old, and you keep whining. Not tired yet?
K u z i. It's easy for you to talk. Himself already the thirteenth ...
N a f a n y. If you don't stop whining, I won't come again. Got it?
K u z i. (Sighs) Why can't you understand?
N a f a n y. Happy to stay. (Leaves)

Kuzya rises to the back of the stage.
A Crow appears from behind the tree.

Crow. Gee! The house was demolished, the brownies are now wandering the streets, they are not allowed to sleep. And they also carry a treasure chest with them! No, it can't do without me. But how can I steal this chest? (He tries to sneak up, it doesn't work) No, he will have to, for help from herself ... And what, not a bad idea, and there is a house for this unfortunate man ... on chicken legs - but why aren't you a home ?! (Hiding)

K u z i. Which way to go? Oh woe-misfortune, oh woe-misfortune ... (Sits on a tree stump)
Voice. Hey, who is that there?
K u z i. (Jumps up) What was that? It seemed, probably ... (Sits down again on a tree stump)
Voice. What are you doing there crazy or what ?!
K u z i. (Jumps up) Who's there?
Voice. Who is this there?
K u z i. Where?
Voice. There.
K u z i. Where exactly?
Voice. Fu, how stupid! (Leshichka appears from behind the stump) And where did you come from so beautiful?
K u z i. And who are you?
Lesh and h to a. I AM? I’m Leshichka, granddaughter of Diadoch’s grandfather. And who are you?
K u z i. And who is Grandfather Diadochus?
Lesh and h to a. Yes ... Strongly you, I see ... Do not know Grandfather Diadochus!
K u z i. You might think you know Nathan.
Lesh and h to a. What kind of Nathan? There is no such thing among us. And it never happened after being born.
K u z i. Among you? Who are you?
Lesh and h to a. What are we? Leshie-woodsmen. I am already five centuries old. And my grandfather Diadochus is a whole hundred!
K u z i. Lies, you're lying! The goblin's fangs stick out to the very nose, the tongue does not fit in the mouth, and the belly hangs on the side like a bag !!! You are not like them! There is nothing to slander yourself!
Lesh and h to a. You're confused, it's about brownies they say that they have a tongue out and a belly bag. My aunt is taller than this tree! He went into the burnt forest - about 50 years, how he can manage, maybe even more. My grandfather Diadochus and I are the owners of this forest.
K u z i. Is it true that your grandfather is an old goblin - a dashing villain? In vain does people frighten, drown them in a swamp, throw them into trees, steal children, steal cows. But he will bark - you will not have time to block your ears and you will go deaf!
Lesh and h to a. What are you doing! Goblin in the forest that is the master of the house. A good host likes to have his guests stay longer, so he leads passers-by to get lost.
K u z i. (After a pause, looks at Leshichka) Listen, maybe you are not one of the devil at all?
Lesh and h to a. Did you fall somewhere ?! They say to you: from the goblin! You don't really look like a brownie yourself ...
K u z i. (Looks around himself from all sides) But in my opinion, the most that neither is a brownie ... Here Nafanya says ...
Lesh and h to a. Wait, are you really a brownie ?!
K u z i. Did she guess it herself? Ali suggested who?
Lesh and h to a. Why did you wander into the forest then?
K u z i. Yes, these people do not understand at all: either they have nowhere to live, then they are still demolishing good mansions ...
Lesh and h to a. So yours were demolished or what?
K u z i. You amaze me with your insight.
Lesh and h to a. So what are you doing here?
K u z i. Listen, don't disappoint me. Where do you order me to go?
Lesh and h to a. Are there few houses?
K u z i. Few, many, but not always enough for every brownie. Here I am now a homeless brownie ...
Lesh and h to a. There are no homeless brownies.
K u z i. So Nafanya said so ...
Lesh and h to a. What is Nathan?
K u z i. yes my friend. He seems to be the only one with me and stayed.
Lesh and h to a. Why won't you go to him?
K u z i. Yes, there’s nowhere to go to him either! Moreover, with such wealth ...
Lesh and h to a. What kind of wealth?
K u z i. Won't you blab it?
Lesh and h to a. A century to live with grandfather Diadochus!
K u z i. I'm definitely starting to like this same grandfather Diadoch ... Well, look! (Pulls out the chest)
Lesh and h to a. Wow! What is it?
K u z i. Box. Doesn't it look like it?
Lesh and h to a. It looks like, but what is in it? (Tries to open)
K u z i. Uh, not about your honor. (Takes away and takes away)
Lesh and h to a. Well, tell me ... Wealth-treasures?
K u z i. Eh, innumerable!
Lesh and h to a. And you're not afraid to carry them around the forest like that?
K u z i. How do you propose to wear? Differently?
Lesh and h to a. Well, you can, after all, hide it somewhere ...
K u z i. Where if I don't have a house ?!
Lesh and h to a. Yes, the problem ... Listen, can I leave Diadoch with grandfather. He never loses anything!
K u z i. Will he agree?
Lesh and h to a. Well, if you ask, I doubt it, but if I, Leshichka, my beloved granddaughter ...
K u z i. Went. (Going to go) Well, are we going? (Leshichka stands still) Please!
Lesh and h to a. That's much better! And we will deal with the house too. Baba Yaga has two houses here: one is worse, but closer, the other is better, but further away. You will live worse while the mistress is not there. And leave the chest with us: a Yaga that is a magpie will pull off everything that glitters ...

They leave, the Crow appears.

Crow. And not she - so I will steal! Well, where are you there, old hag?

Baba Yaga comes out

B a b a - I d a. Oh, right now, I'll show you such an old hag! Well, tailed, you will forget to croak quickly!
Crow. Well, frolic - and will be! Do you need happiness?
B a b a - I d a. What is happiness?
Crow. Shaggy. At least for now. Should I or should I not?
B a b a –Z d a. What a shaggy one ?! Why did you bring me here at all ?!
Crow. Eh, you have a hard time understanding, granny ... In general, so. House. that there was a table by the road, they demolished ...
B a b a - I d a. It was high time ...
Crow. Shut up! The brownie escaped from there.
B a b a - I d a. Tongue out and belly in a bag?
Crow. Who?
B a b a - I d a. Brownie.
Crow. Was stunned or what?
B a b a - I d a. I don’t know ... They say ...
Crow. And you believe less everything that they say. In general, such a normal brownie, shaggy ... Only now he has nowhere to live. And then winter is just around the corner ... You see?
B a b a - I d a. What?
Crow. Oh Gods! Granny, reload the files!
B a b a - I d a. Which?
Crow. Do not bother. In general, I heard that if a house-spirit settled in a house, that house would be happiness ...
B a b a - I d a. So where can I get it?
Crow. Whom?
B a b a - I d a. Brownie!
Crow. How everything is running! I repeat from the beginning. The local brownie, without fangs and shaggy, was left without a home ... Well, you know?
B a b a - I d a. Yeah ...
Crow. Well!
B a b a - I d a. What?
Crow. Listen, how do you manage a stupa with such and such brains ?! Take the brownie!
B a b a - I d a. Where to?
Crow. Home to yourself. And you will be happy!
B a b a - I d a. Oh, I would say so right away!
Crow. As if I didn’t speak right away.
B a b a - I d a. Where to fly?
Crow. What for?
B a b a - I d a. Reload the files! For the brownie!
Crow. And, Leshichka told him that your house is almost always empty for a bad mood. so he soaped himself there ...
B a b a - I d a. And I'll take it lukewarm there and take it ...
Crow. The main thing is not to confuse it with dinner! Brownies eaten do not bring any happiness. Some problems.
B a b a - I d a. Which?
Crow. Digestive!
B a b a - I d a. Well, let's go?
Crow. Stop. with him - a chest. from you and happiness alone will be enough. And the chest is mine.
B a b a - I d a. but I keep thinking, and why did she suddenly worry about my happiness ...
Crow. Do not forget the agreement. And then after all, happiness and legs can make ...
B a b a - I d a. He won't: I won't let him out ...

Step 2.

Forest, driftwood. Kuzya and Leshichka make their way through the forest.

K u z i. Oh, how tired I am! Oh, I can't! Where are we?
Lesh and h to a. In the swamp! Hush, otherwise they will hear!
K u z i. (Chuckles) Who? Evil echo?
Lesh and h to a. What you! In the black swamp, even the evil echo dies out. Kikimora swamp will hear, she is the mistress here!
K u z i. Oh oh! I am dirty, like a pig! Oh, poor me, poor wretch!

Kikimora appears from behind a bump.

K and k and m o r a. Ahah! He is dear, lovely!
K u z i. What a trouble, trouble, chagrin!
K and k and m o r a. Here is water-water-wetting! Here's a food-food-treat!
K u z i. My frisky little legs are tired!
K and k and m o r a. They tore off his legs and scattered them along the path! Wow! All swollen! Eyes crooked, mosquitoes stuck! And-and-and!
K u z i. Stop it now! Stop teasing! They tell you! Apchhi!
K and k and m o r a. Pchi! Khee! Creak, creak!
Lesh and h to a. Hello, swamp kikimora!
K and k and m o r a. Great if you're not joking. Who is this nourishing one with you?
Lesh and h to a. This brownie is. Kuzya.
K and k and m o r a. And where is the tongue and belly bag?
K u z i. Why are you all fiddling with your tongue and a bag ?! We are all normal!
K and k and m o r a. Can you play tag?
K u z i. What tags? I'm tired!
K and k and m o r a. Jumping tag, drag tag, tidy tag (Grabs Kuzi's chest and twirls it in front of him. Hides it behind his back)
K u z i. Give it back now!
K and k and m o r a. And you catch up!
K u z i. What else to do?
K and k and m o r a. Yes, a lot! If you need a chest, of course ... (Runs away)

Kuzya stumbles and falls.

K and k and m o r a. Ties, picks, spotters!
K u z i. Give back the chest!
Lesh and h to a. It's better not to argue with her, otherwise she will lure you into the swamp ...
K u z i. but what kind of brownie is without his magic chest ?! There are countless treasures!
K and k and m o r a. Well, catch up, iris, catch up, dear!

The Crow appears.

Crow. Now the main thing is not to miss your happiness! (Grabs the chest from Kikimora) Here's luck!

The crow twirls the chest, the chest falls. Kuzya grabs him.

K u z i. Thank you, little black! I don’t know how to thank you!
Lesh and h to a. Grabbed your treasures? So run away from here!

Crow. The treasure did not get - so at least I received a "thank you". Nonsense - but nice! (Brushes away a tear)
K and k and m o r a. (Climbs onto a bump) Only me, as always, nothing. Well, I'll get to you someday, big-nosed!
Crow. Get there - get there ... As soon as you crawl out of your swamp, I ask you to come to our hut right away!

Kuzya and Leshichka are walking through the forest.

K u z i. And what have you always done here?
Lesh and h to a. How so?
K u z i. Some attack, others steal chests ...
Lesh and h to a. As far as I understand, it was only Crow who attacked you and the chest was going to be stolen ...
K u z i. Oh well, all the same, somehow not in our opinion ... Oh, trouble, trouble, chagrin ...
Lesh and h to a. Generally, they don't go to a strange monastery with their own charter. And we have our own laws here ...
K u z i. And what kind of laws are these to steal from a little brownie ?! (Leans on a tree stump)
Lesh and h to a. What came then, if our laws do not like ?!
K u z i. And where should I go, good fellow ?!

There is a creak

K u z i. What is it?
Lesh and h to a. Like what? Forest!
K u z i. No, what's that sound?
Lesh and h to a. Yes, there is always something creaking, creaking ...

From under the stump on which Kuzya leaned, Grandfather Diadokh appears

D e d D and a d about x. Why is that constantly creaking? And nothing would have creaked if some good fellows did not rely on their loins with their loins.
Lesh and h to a. Granddad?
D e d D and a d about x. Not a grandmother!
Lesh and h to a. And we are looking for you.
D e d D and a d about x. Hour by hour is not easier ... What did you need?
K u z i. Is he always like this?
Lesh and h to a. Which?
K u z i. Unfriendly ...
Lesh and h to a. Who?
D e d D and a d about x. Who??
K u z i. Yes, no one ...
D e d D and a d about x. And who is this?
Lesh and h to a. Who?
K u z i. No, are you kidding me?
Lesh and h to a. Is that something? This is Kuzya ...
D e d D and a d about x. I see that it's not Klava ... Why are you so beautiful?
K u z i. And he seems to be not so unfriendly ...
Lesh and h to a. He is a brownie.
D e d D and a d about x. So the brownies ...
K u z i. Just don't talk about the tongue out and the belly with a bag!
D e d D and a d about x. Okay, I’m silent. (Turns around, going to leave)
Lesh and h to a. Where are you going, grandpa?
D e d D and a d about x. What do you think?
Lesh and h to a. Well, grandpa!
K u z i. No, well, it really doesn't fit into any gate! I visit him - and he has my back.
D e d D and a d about x. So are you visiting?
K u z i. Why did he just walk into the light?
D e d D and a d about x. And I think it is a sinful thing that the brownies decided to move to the forest.
K u z i. God forbid! We would have a stove, a roof, a house, a table ... Oh, my sweet dreams!
D e d D and a d about x. Well, what have I got to do with it then?
Lesh and h to a. Grandpa, he has a treasure chest ...
D e d D and a d about x. And what are you up to ?! Yes, I’m you, little snag ...
Lesh and h to a. What are you making this up, grandfather? Hide this chest. And then Kikimora was already hunting him ...
D e d D and a d about x. So here's the thing ... So you've already walked through the swamp?
K u z i. We took a walk ...
D e d D and a d about x. Hide something, of course, I will hide it. But only until spring then you will not receive it.
K u z i. What is it?
Lesh and h to a. It's just that my grandfather and I go to bed for the winter.
D e d D and a d about x. Exactly. And someone is still running about in the swamps.
Lesh and h to a. Well, I came, grandfather.
D e d D and a d about x. And what are you standing?
Lesh and h to a. I'm going ...
K u z i. Where are you going?
Lesh and h to a. How where? Sleep.
K u z i. No, are you seriously sleeping all winter?
D e d D and a d about x. Quite. What else to do? The forest is asleep, the trees are asleep, people come here only for brushwood ... When spring comes - then we'll wake up ...
K u z i. And if you don't wake up?
Lesh and h to a. Don't we wake up! Then spring will never come in the forest! Grandfather Diadoch wakes up the whole forest as soon as he wakes up.
D e d D and a d about x. It will blow in the spring - we will immediately wake up. And behind us is the whole forest. (Looks around) And now everyone should sleep.
K u z i. And the chest?
D e d D and a d about x. Box? And what about the chest? Give it here. He will not go anywhere until spring. And you, too, do not waste your time: go to bed with us. And in the spring, with fresh strength and with your own chest ... by the way, where were you going somewhere?
K u z i. I was looking for a new house for myself.
D e d D and a d about x. So in the spring, with fresh strength and with your own chest, you will find such a house for yourself - a feast for the eyes! (Yawns) Everyone, sleep.

Grandfather Diadokh and Leshichka go to bed. Kuzya is trying to settle down next to him.

K u z i. (Pushes Leshichka) Leshichka!
Lesh and h to a. A?
K u z i. I can't sleep without eating ...
Lesh and h to a. There are delicious leaves in the corner. Take it and chew it.
D e d D and a d about x. I said to sleep.
Lesh and h to a. Sleep, sleep already!

Kuzya picks up the leaves, tries to chew them, spits.

K u z i. No, I'm going to die of hunger here.

Crow and Baba Yaga appear

B a b a - I d a. Well, where is your happiness, then?
Crow. Firstly, not even mine, and secondly, these searches have already tired me too.
B a b a - I d a. What does not even yours mean? Who has already buzzed all my ears about this happiness?
Crow. Stop. so do you need happiness or not?
B a b a - I d a. Who doesn't need it?
Crow. Don't go away from the answer.
B a b a - I d a. Yes, you need it, Christmas trees, you need it!
Crow. Stop whimpering then. I don’t understand whether you are Baba Yaga or not ?!
B a b a - I d a. To demonstrate to you?
Crow. Thanks, I’ll do it. Even after the previous demonstrations, not all feathers have grown back.
B a b a - I d a. Then don't be smart. Where is it worn?

Kuzya appears.

Crow. And here is our happiness!
B a b a - I d a. What plump!
Crow. Hey, don't lick your lips too much!
B a b a - I d a. I'm not talking about that! With such well-fed happiness, it will probably bring happiness ...
Crow. The main thing is to grab him now.
B a b a - I d a. And where is his chest?
Crow. Somewhere with him. Therefore, the maximum task is to catch the brownie. On the count of three?
B a b a - I d a. Will you count slowly or will you be fast?
Crow. Does it matter? So on the count of three?
B a b a - I d a. Just not very quickly, so I don't miss.
Crow. If you miss it, I'll put it in your ear!
B a b a - I d a. Three!

They grab Kuzya and hide.

Nathania appears.

N a f a n y. It freezes, however. You know, winter is just around the corner. Goblin, probably, have already gone to bed ... How is Kuzma? Eh, it will be lost without me! And why did I let him go alone? And on the other hand ... The seventh century is already ... How long can I still graze it ?! (Moves away, sits down) What if what happens to him? No, let him fill the bumps and learn to heal them. (Going to leave) But still the heart is out of place!

Kikimora appears

K and k and m o r a. Brr, well, slush. It would be more likely that winter has come ... I'll go to bed ... And then wherever you spit - everywhere is a continuous swamp. In general, everything is as always: no chest, no friends, no ... Ugh, nothing! What can you do? Brr, nothing is reluctant. If only the Crow flew in ... Yeah, you will wait ... In general, she went into the swamp ...

Step 3

House of Baba Yaga. On the threshold, Baba Yaga and Crow push Kuzya into the house.

B a b a - I d a. Oh, well, happiness came to me!
K u z i. Where are you taking me?
B a b a - I d a. Home, iris, home.
K u z i. What kind of house is it?
B a b a - I d a. And mine, iris, mine.
K u z i. Is yours?
B a b a - I d a. Well, yes! Let it be on chicken legs, but why not a mansion?
K u z i. I don’t want to live here!
B a b a - I d a. And you, iris, ahead of time, don't turn your nose back. You will settle down - maybe you will like it.
K u z i. Yes, I will not like it here, I know for sure!
Crow. Do not currrrck!
K u z i. (Jumps up in surprise) Who are you?
Crow. Yes, a local resident. Never mind.
B a b a - I d a. Yes Crow is. Here's a crack!

Go into the house

Cat. One meow with you! Who else have you brought there?
B a b a - I d a. Well, Klepa, get out of here!
Cat. Meow! okay, let's see what you do with him later! (moves away, begins to wash)
K u z i. Look, the cat is washing guests!
B a b a - I d a. She does not wash guests, she throws her wool everywhere. Klepa, well, the scatter said!
Cat. (Hisses at her, does not budge) Loose!
K u z i. And what do they call her?
B a b a - I d a. You are my brave, but you didn’t like my Klepa?
K u z i. Yes, we are to some extent related ... Distant, really. So what is the name of the cattle?
B a b a - I d a. Cleopatra is called. I am calling the Rivet. Oh, you are my emerald! You will definitely bring me happiness, won't you?
K u z i. Aren't you quick, granny ?! First, feed the lad, and then ask him questions!
B a b a - I d a. Oh, you are my bralyantovy, I will treat you to donuts with carrots. (Carries out food) Eat and eat. And here are cheesecakes, pretzels, and cream cakes for you ...
K u z i. (He looks at the treat, puts aside the cakes) I don’t eat this: I’m not a goat.
B a b a - I d a. Just try it, my dear!
K u z i. Eh, be careful! (Tastes the food) Okay, there’s nothing to do, come on, since there’s nothing else to eat! Ooh! Yum Yum Yum! Fafa fefef or fto fofofaef?
B a b a - I d a. What?
K u z i. You yourself, I say, bake? Or who is helping?
B a b a - I d a. Herself, sweetie, herself. And for you, I'll try so hard! Just live with me ...
K u z i. Well, if you try too hard ...
Cat. I got a darrrmoed!
Crow. Karrrr!
B a b a - I d a. Are you still here?
Crow. Shouldn't it be?
B a b a - I d a. Do you need something?
Crow. Good things! Give me the chest!
B a b a - I d a. What kind of chest?
Cat. Oh meow! - charming!
Crow. Now someone is mewking!
Cat. Get out of here! (Hisses) Until all the feathers were pulled out ... Meow ...
Crow. So help people after that!
K u z i. Something makes me sleepy ...
B a b a - I d a. Oh, you my bralyantovy, now, now! Klepa, bring a pillow. Which one you choose softer!
Cat. The most meager!

Kuzya goes to bed

Crow. Carrr!
B a b a - I d a. Can't you see the child is falling asleep?
Crow. And the chest?
B a b a - I d a. (Examines Kuzyu) He doesn't have any chest! Here she is!
Crow. Deceived! Outwitted! They let the world go!
Cat. What is it? Meow! Get out of here, feathered!

The crow flies away screaming. The cat curls up in a ball, lies down by the bed
Kuzya toss and turn

B a b a - I d a. What's up sweetie?
K u z i. Something uncomfortable for me somehow ... (Sits on the bed)
B a b a - I d a. Plushie? Vatrushechek?
K u z i. No ... I don't know what I want ...
Cat. Rrremnya!
K u z i. Scatter, flea!
B a b a - I d a. Well, under the bench!
K u z i. Granny, but granny!
B a b a - I d a. What, bralyantovy?
K u z i. Can you let me go?
B a b a - I d a. I’ll let him go, I’ll definitely let him go (puts him to bed) That Spring-Red will come ...
K u z i. When will she come?
B a b a - I d a. And as the goblin wake up, they will come.
K u z i. (Yawns) And then will you let go?
B a b a - I d a. Necessarily, sweet, certainly, bralyantovy! (Aside) Let go, I will certainly let go ...

Baba Yaga comes forward, the Cat rubs beside her

Cat. Well, don't be angry, mistress! Look how I can purr!
B a b a - I d a. Oh, not up to you now, Klepa ...
Cat. (Offended) And when before me? She's got herself a new toy!
B a b a - I d a. As if I'm not trying for you. The crow scribbled that brownies bring happiness to the house ... Do you think?
Cat. That is, it will not be necessary to catch mice either? And sour cream will always be found? Okay, then I'll put up with the parasite ...
B a b a - I d a. Be patient, Klepa, be patient. And I will fly into the forest, the hollow in which the goblin sleep, I will sprinkle it with snow. Then they will oversleep the spring!
Cat. Sleep?
B a b a - I d a. And happiness will remain with us forever!
Cat. And they won't look for him?
B a b a - I d a. Yes, maybe they will, but not in Baba Yaga's hut!

Baba Yaga flies away.

Cat. (Approaches Kuza, pushes him) Happiness, but happiness, you have a full bowl of sour cream, mind you!

The sound of a blizzard.

Step 3

Nafanya is coming.

N a f a n y. Where are you, Kuzka? And where have you gone? (Shivering from the frost) Well, spring this year ... As if it is not going to come to us ... (Looks around) Eh, the hollow in which the Leshies sleep is covered with snow. Commercials they never wake up at all ... Hey, Leshy brothers! Ugh, because of this cold, I already started calling Leshy brothers ... But on the other hand, what difference does it make where is your home ?! What difference does it make if there is a roof over your head or a roof - blue sky? Maybe they are really not as scary as the old people say? (Goes to the stump) Hey, Goblin, wake up! No, this will not work ... Neither spring, nor Kuzki ...

The crow appears

Crow. Kar! Well, it's cold! and why is Spring in no hurry?
N a f a n y. Who are you?
Crow. And who are you?
N a f a n y. I am a brownie.
Crow. One more?
N a f a n y. What does "one more" mean?
Crow. Yes, there was one such wandering around here in the fall, calling himself a brownie ...
N a f a n y. What do you mean called?
Crow. Yes, he turned out to be a deceiver!
N a f a n y. Why all of a sudden?
Crow. But what kind of brownie is he if he doesn't have a magic chest ?!
N a f a n y. How not ?!
Crow. (Sighs) So I say how it is not ...
N a f a n y. And what did he look like?
Crow. Yes, so shaggy, in bast shoes ...
N a f a n y. Kuzka!
Crow. In fact, Baba Yaga also clicked on him ...
N a f a n y. So he is with Baba Yaga or what?
Crow. By the way, what is your name, dignity?
N a f a n y. They call Nathan. And Kuzya ... Is he still ... with Baba Yaga?
Crow. Probably, if she, of course, has not eaten it yet ... Although it is unlikely ...
N a f a n y. Why?
Crow. Yes, she found out that brownies bring happiness to the house. So she lured him to her.
N a f a n y. Itself?
Crow. Where is she without me?
N a f a n y. Why do you need this?
Crow. Eh, for nothing! There was still no chest with him ... Or Baba Yaga is lying ...
N a f a n y. But where is he a chest to do ?!
Crow. So I want to know this ...

They sit in silence for a while

N a f a n y. (Stands up abruptly) Lead me!
Crow. Where to?
N a f a n y. To Baba Yaga, of course!
Crow. What for?
N a f a n y. Behind the Kuzka!
Crow. And behind the chest?
N a f a n y. And after him, dear!

House of Baba Yaga. Baba Yaga is setting the table. Kuzka is sleeping. The cat is lying by the bed.

Cat. How much more darrrmoed will we feed?
B a b a - I d a. How does he bother you?
Cat. Yes, he lives and lives here, but there is still no happiness ... (Turns the bowl over)
B a b a - I d a. This is not for you, but for me it is.
Cat. The most it ?! Crumpled where, I ask ?!
B a b a - I d a. You ought to be all crumpled and crumpled! Look how cute he is, how he sleeps sweetly.
Cat. Yes, even sweet, even sour! I want to crumple!

The crow appears

Crow. Is it your handiwork, Bonefoot?
B a b a - I d a. Who are you?
Crow. Well, not for her! (Nods at the Cat) Your work, I ask?
B a b a - I d a. What are you talking about, feathered one?
Crow. Where is Kuzkin's chest?
B a b a - I d a. How do I know? As he parted with Leshichka, I did not see any chest with him!

Nathania appears

N a f a n y. With Leshichka? Who still sleeps?
Crow. So are you on purpose?
N a f a n y. What's with Kuzka?
Crow. Where is my chest?
N a f a n y. What did you put him to sleep with?
Crow. Oh, you deceiver!

Kuzya wakes up.

K u z i. What's happening?
B a b a - I d a. Nothing, sweetheart, nothing, sleep on!
N a f a n y. Kuzya!
K u z i. Nafanya!
N a f a n I Aren't you awake, brother?
K u z i. What's in the yard?
N a f a n y. Winter is already over!
K u z i. (Jumps up) How's the end? And why did the Leshy not wake up?
Crow. Goblin-goblin! Trust people after that!
K u z i. Spring came?
Cat. Yes, already on the doorstep! And you are all asleep!
K u z i. Everyone, Baba Yaga, let me go. She herself promised ...
B a b a - I d a. I don’t remember that, don’t deceive the old woman.
Crow. Yes, you yourself will deceive whoever you want!
B a b a - I d a. Don't croak!
Crow. Where is my chest?
K u z i. What chest?
Crow. Which you had. Where did she hurt him?
K u z i. Why do you need him?
Crow. He himself said that he was with treasures. Who doesn't need treasures today ?! For them I helped Baba - Yaga ...
K u z i. What helped?
Crow. Lure you!
Cat. So that's who to thank for the darrrmoed!
K u z i. Why do you need me?
B a b a - I d a. So brownies bring happiness to the house ...
N a f a n y. Yes, yes, only to the house that they themselves choose. Did you choose this hut, Kuzka?
K u z i. No.
Cat. So get out!
Crow. And where is my chest?
K u z i. Not yours, but mine, forgive me, please.
B a b a - I d a. How polite we have become! How to temper cheesecakes with me - so please, but how happiness to the house ... (She walks away, cries)
K u z i. And you become kinder. This is not good: spring is coming, and you are weaving all the intrigues ...
B a b a - I d a. She's not going anywhere. Will not come until I wake Leshy.
K u z i. So wake up.
B a b a - I d a. And then what am I going to do? Who will go to me of their own free will?
N a f a n y. (Examines the hut) Cheesecakes, you say? What else do you have?
Cat. Yes, but not about your honor!
B a b a - I d a. And what are you, Iris, are you interested?
N a f a n y. Why, I'm thinking, shouldn't I stay with you?
B a b a - I d a. Himself? In good faith?
N a f a n y. How else ?! Otherwise, you will not see happiness! What do you think?
Cat. Yes, for me who you want, if only not a darrrmoeder!
N a f a n y. Well, this will not be the case! Only, Kuzya, where are you going to get your chest?
K u z i. It is hidden in a safe place.
Crow. So it’s not all gone yet?
K u z i. Baba Yaga, wake up the Leshikh, otherwise spring will never come.
B a b a - I d a. (To Nathan) So you stay?
N a f a n y. I stay. Wake up, come on.
B a b a - I d a. Wouldn't you be fooled?
N a f a n y. Brownies don't cheat. Wake up.

Baba Yaga whistles. A blizzard begins, then the sound of a drip. Everyone looks out the window. A hollow in a tree under the window of Baba Yaga's house is thawing. From there, Grandfather Diadokh appears, then Leshichka.

D e d D and a d about x. Spring came…
Lesh and h to a. Didn't you oversleep?

On the other side, Kikimora wakes up

K and k and m o r a. Oh, warmth blew! And the swamp immediately warmed up! Hey, bitches and snags, healthy bules!
D e d D and a d about x. And you do not have to be ill, green evil spirits.
K and k and m o r a. what is there! That it is sick, that it is not sick - it is a swamp, it is a swamp! The main thing is that you haven't overslept.
Ded D and ado x Leshies cannot sleep through the spring. It won't come without them.
Lesh and h to a. On time, then?
D e d D and a d about x. On time, of course. And where is this shaggy one?
Lesh and h to a. Which shaggy one?
D e d D and a d about x. Which chest we left for safekeeping.
K and k and m o r a. Which chest?
Lesh and h to a. (Looks around) I don't know ... (Sees Kuzya in the window) Kuzya!
K u z i. Leshichka!
Lesh and h to a. So you found a home for yourself?
K u z i. No, how is my trunk doing there?
Lesh and h to a. Yes, there he is!

Leshichka gets out, hands Kuza the chest. Everyone leaves the house.

K u z i. Here it is, my chest ...
Crow. With treasures ...
K u z i. With what!
Lesh and h to a. So where are you going to live now? At Baba Yaga?
K u z i. No, the place is taken there.
B a b a - I d a. Busy, busy. Isn't it true, iris?
N a f a n y. Busy-busy!
Cat. (Licks bowl) Busy Busy!
K and k and m o r a. Goosebumps! Even the swamp seems to be native.
D e d D and a d about x. What is it like for you? Where are you now, shaggy?
K u z i. I don’t know yet ... Maybe one of you guys will invite me to your place? I'm actually kind ... and good ... And I also love sweets. Do you have sweets at home? Then be sure to wait for me! Hear an incomprehensible rustle - know: I am in a hurry to you. You will definitely recognize me now, right ?!
K and k and m o r a. Already shed a tear!
Crow. Yes, really, really. Chest, chest ...
K u z i. Why did you get this chest?
Crow. I’m not a chest, I’m treasures ...
K u z i. Hidden treasures? But the treasures we have, the brownies, are not simple! After all, the main thing for us is to bring happiness to the house ...
Crow. Do not rant! Open up!
K u z i. Well if you say so! (Opens chest)

Slide show

New Year's adventures of the brownie Kuzi and Masha

Scenario of the New Year's play theatrical program
Khitrova Olga Rostislavovna, teacher of additional education at the Center for Children's Creativity (Trekhgorny)

Target: organization of reasonable leisure time for children
Tasks: organization and holding of a New Year's party; involvement of children and parents in the organization of the holiday; rallying the children's team.
The age for which the development is designed: preschoolers, junior and middle school children.
This event can be held both on stage and in the large dance hall. We spent on stage, game moments took place right in the audience. The script can also be supplemented with concert numbers.
Characters: Brownie Kuzya, Masha, Baba Yaga, Koschey the Immortal, Monkey, Snow Queen, Santa Claus, Snow Maiden.
Event progress:
The stage is festively decorated, in the center there is a large decorated Christmas tree.
Fabulous music is playing. Kuzya is sleeping under the tree.
Masha runs in with heart-rending screams.

Masha- Stole! Stole! Stole! Stole!
Kuzya(through a dream) - Why are you yelling like that? Stole? (jumps to his feet and starts running restlessly) What was stolen? I have everything in my account ...
Masha- Not what was stolen, but who! Someone has stolen the symbol of the new year - a monkey. The old year will not be replaced by the next one. Oh woe to everyone.
Kuzya- So the new year will not come?
Masha- Need to do something!
Kuzya- Maybe you need to lure a monkey? Suddenly she was lost.
Masha- Like this?
Kuzya- I have bananas here. Monkeys love bananas.
Masha- Guys, can you help us?
Children answer.
Masha“Then we pass this big banana to the last row and back as soon as possible.
Kuzya- Maybe the monkey smells the smell and comes running.
The game is "Banana"
Masha- Well done boys. Only there is no our monkey anyway.
Kuzya- (thinking) Maybe someone stole it?
Masha- Stolen? Who?
Kuzya- Let's play and maybe find out from whom we look for a monkey?
Masha- Let's! Guys, listen carefully, if it's right, clap your hands, if it's wrong, stamp your feet. Ready?
Kuzya- The gnomes love Snow White,
They keep up with her in haste.
Masha- Goblin - the guy is what you need,
The kids are happy to be friends with him.
Kuzya- Dunno has friends,
He cannot live without them.
Masha- Pinocchio is very greedy,
Watching five soldos at night.
Kuzya- Cheburashka is friends with Gena,
Sings a song, does not grieve.
Masha- Angry girl Malvina
He walks with a long club.
Kuzya- The hare gallops in front,
The wolf shouts: "Well, wait!"
Masha- From Chukotka to Brazil
Everyone loves Basilio's cat.
Kuzya- Cinderella is hardworking,
She is beautiful in a ball gown.
Masha- Rides Emelya's stove,
Manages it boldly.
Kuzya- You will be poured more cabbage soup
Glorious grandfather Koschey.
Masha- Always a true friend to you
Grandma Yaga will become.
Kuzya- But the truth is, our kidnapper may be Baba Yaga ...
Masha(frightened) - Ah-ah-ah ... sure, I didn't think about her right away.
Kuzya- You have to keep your ears open with her. Well, go ahead!
Masha- To Baba Yaga! And on the way we will play our favorite game "Snowflakes and Drifts"
Game "Snowflakes and drifts"
We are not afraid of the frost
We are attentive in everything
I will say "drifts" - we sit down,
I will say "icicles" - we all get up.
As I say "snowflakes" are spinning,
"Herringbone" - clap our hands.
Which one of you is attentive
We'll find out now.
(to the song of Baba-Yaga, Yaga herself comes out, dances. Knock on the door)
Yaga- Oh, it seems someone is coming. Probably Koscheychik came to my aid.
Koschey enters.
Koschey- Hi, Yaga. Happy New Year to you! And here I brought you a present.
Yaga- Oh, what is it? New Year's toys. Well, then let's decorate the Christmas tree!
Koschey- And what are you talking about, come on!
(Koschey brought with him a large cardboard box with Christmas tree decorations.
There is a dance “We will hang the balls, and then the lanterns)

After the game, Koschey hangs cardboard bones on the Christmas tree. Baba Yaga decorates the tree in front).
Yaga- Well, Koscheyushka, it turns out?
Koschey- How it turns out. Eh, beauties! And you have?
Yaga- And mine.

Baba Yaga walks away from the tree, admiring the decorations.
Yaga- Balls, stars, beads.
Koschey- Bones!
Yaga- What bones ?!
Baba Yaga walks around the tree. Skulls and bones hang on the tree.
Yaga- What have you put on? After all, this is a New Year's tree, not a trash can.
Koschey- And what? In my opinion, very original.
Yaga- Ask the children what you need to hang on the Christmas tree?
Koschey- And what do they know or what?
Yaga- Look how they will answer. Well, listen, kids, carefully what Yolka loves:
Bright toys?
Green frogs?
Colorful firecrackers?
Soft pillows?
Chocolate bars?
School notebooks?
Cotton bunnies?
Rusty shovels?
Sweet candy?
Old boots?
Pears and bananas?
Beach panamas?
Tinsel and beads?
Beets and cabbage?
Russian nesting dolls?
Mom's earrings?
Dolls and cars?
And your shoes?
Lights, garlands?
How beautiful! is it true?
Koschey(grumpily) - Well done, kids! And who came here? (points to Kuzma and Masha entering).
Yaga(changing in the face) - Oh, what a joy. The food came by itself (comes up to the guests, sniffing and licking his lips).
Kuzya- Leave me alone, grandma, we are not joking to you!
Yaga(shyly) - Oh, Kuzma, are you going to call me to marry?
Kuzya“Don’t speak to us.” Admit it, you stole a New Year's monkey, villain?
Yaga- Why is she to me? She's still very small, skinny, only bones, I guess. What is there?
Koschey- And that's true.
Yaga- Yes, I have just how much food is sitting, why should I steal some African animal? Eh! (mock crying)
Koschey- Why did you offend the old woman so much? My poor old lady! (slapping on the back)
Kuzya- Well, you, Yaga, do not be offended.
Yaga(continuing to sob) But I could help you, but now, of course, I hardly!
Koschey- That's right, Yaga, we will not forgive such an attitude. Let's eat them!
Yaga(Loudly sobbing) Come on! You just have to eat all the time!
Masha- Well, forgive us, Baba Yaga. Do you want me and the guys to dance a groovy dance for you?
Yaga(immediately stopped roaring) - Oh, I love dancing ...
Koschey- And I'll shake the bones with you!
Masha- Guys, let's dance for Yaga and Koschei.
Children are dancing "Dance Teacher". Fairy tale characters dance with children
Yaga- OH, we danced great.

Koschey- Well, for such a song it is not a sin to conjure up, but to find out where your disappearance is.
Yaga- So! Where is my magic bowler hat? Let's see.
One, two, three, four, five
We begin to conjure!
Show me the boiler soon
Koschey(interrupting everyone, yelling) - Who scoffed the New Year's monkey ?!
(magic Music. Projector)
Yaga- Oh, I see, I see, this is a beautiful, stately woman, a queen or a queen, probably.
Masha- So, so, so (pacing the hall) Who could it be.
Kuzya- I understood. This queen is the Snow Queen!
Masha- But how to get to her?
Yaga“Well, okay, since I’m so kind today, I’ll have to help you again.” I have a magic wand that will instantly take you wherever you want.
Kuzya- Thank you, dear old lady.
Masha- You are a kind-hearted person.
Yaga(wiping his eyes with a handkerchief) - Oh, come on, what’s there. Go, or I'll change my mind.
Koschey- Oh, old, let's go invite Kikimora to the New Year.
(Koschey and Baba-Yaga leave).
Kuzya(waving his wand) - One, two, three, bring us to the Snow Queen!
Brownie Kuzya and Masha go backstage. Magical music. Light effects.
The Snowflakes dance, they set the throne
The Snow Queen comes out to the center, sits on the throne, with her a sad and trembling monkey.

Then Kuzya and Masha come out
Queen- Ah-ah ... the guests came to help. But nothing, the Snow Queen has enough frost for all of you. Soon you will all be my ice statues and decorate my huge snow castle.
Masha- We cannot leave without the symbol of the year.
Kuzya- For a start, it would not hurt to get warm.
Masha- I always play snowballs when I'm cold outside. Let's play with the guys.
Kuzya- We are divided into two teams. Do you know how to play snowballs? The right side of the hall is mine, the left is the Car.
There is a game of snowballs, to the music.
Queen- Well, that's enough, play and that's enough. Who will clean up my halls for you?
Kuzya- Easily! Guys who will take away all the snowballs ahead.
Masha- Whose team will cope faster? Probably mine.
Remove snowballs.
The Snow Queen rises from the throne.
Queen- You rejoice early, that's not all. To defeat me, you must break the spell, break the ice not only on the street, but also in your hearts. Are you smart and can you finish phrases correctly? Your monkey has failed. Will you help her?
Masha- So what's the matter, read riddles, and the guys will guess.
Monkey- Then listen:
If the tree is blooming with lights, it means he has come ...
Everything: New Year!
Monkey- If the masks get up in a round dance, it means he has come ...
Everything: New Year!
Monkey- If the childish people are cheerful, it means they have come ...
Everything: New Year!
Monkey- If the heart sings with the soul, it means that he has come ...
Everything: New Year!
Monkey: Hooray! We did it! (jumping happily).
Queen- Well done boys. I see you are all smart and funny. So it is not a pity to return the New Year. Now, if you cheer me up with a good dance, I'll give you the Monkey.
Monkey- Guys, I know a funny dance - the game "We are funny monkeys"
Kuzya- Get up from your seats!
Dancing "We are funny monkeys"
Queen- Ay, well done, guys, they amused me so much that it became hot. I keep my royal word, I return the Monkey to you. Farewell!
The Snow Queen leaves
Kuzya and Masha- Hooray! Victory! The holiday will be!
Monkey- Thank you guys for helping me out of trouble and returning everyone to the New Year!
Attention! Attention!
Fanfare blow the start.
Drummer beat the drum
Wider than the door of the hall - the New Year has started!
Bells sound, Santa Claus and Snegurochka enter.
Father Frost- We are on a silver sled
In a moment they rushed to you.
Past fluffy Christmas trees
Through the snowy fields.
Snow Maiden- We will be together today
Have fun, dance.
So fervently to be in place
No one can resist.
Father Frost- Holiday of the New Year tree
People celebrate together
And with the guys today
We are celebrating the new year!
Kuzya- Grandfather Frost, while the guys and I were waiting for the holiday, we experienced so many adventures.
Masha- Yes! We rescued the monkey from the captivity of the snow.
Kuzya- We also met Baba Yaga and Koschei!
Masha- And even met the Snow Queen herself!
Father Frost- Well, what you didn't say right away, we need to invite all the fairy-tale heroes to our Christmas tree.
Monkey- That's right, let them celebrate the New Year with us and have fun at the Christmas tree!
Kuzya- Guys, let's call our fairy-tale heroes!
Masha- One, two, three, a fairy tale at the door, come to us!
The guys all repeat together,
Under the magic music, fairy-tale heroes enter, stand on the stage.

Snow Maiden- Wear an outfit once a year
Izbu with colorful balloons and garlands
Colored needles sparkle with lights.
What are the names of those beauties? Tell me ... (Christmas trees)
Snow Maiden- We see beautiful Christmas trees everywhere, and here the Christmas tree is elegant, beautiful, but it doesn't burn. Come on, grandpa, let's light the Christmas tree.
Father Frost- Serpentine like ribbons,
Lanterns like balls
Snow Maiden- Happy new year, girls!
Happy New Year, boys!
Father Frost- And on our tree
The lights are flashing.
Queen- Happy New Year, Mom!
Happy new year, daddies!
Snow Maiden- Kids will play
Near the Christmas tree in goodies
Yaga- Happy new year, grandfathers!
Koschey- Happy New Year, grandmothers!
Monkey- Guys, let's say the magic words: One, two, three, Herringbone, burn!
Magic music sounds. Lights are lit on the tree.
Father Frost- As the calendar is losing weight, January is approaching!
The New Year is approaching and now - the New Year is coming!
Snow Maiden- New Year, which means you can change everything,
So that we have some good luck on the way!
Monkey- He came, which means we wish you good luck!
Father Frost- Happy New Year!
Snow Maiden- Good luck!
Kuzya- Now the moment of farewell has come,
Our speech will be brief.
Together: We say to you: “Goodbye!
Until then, happy, good meetings! "
The heroes wave to the music and leave.

Scenario of the New Year's holiday "The Adventure of Kuzi's Brownie"

The students enter the hall.

SONG "New Year's Polka"
Snowman enters:

Hi guys! Glad to see you. Especially those who sculpted me. The real sculpture turned out. Almost a monument to Peter the Great, only without a horse. How good it is here! It’s both cold and pleasant ... Thank you for working on my appearance, hands down. True, there was one hitch: what kind of nose should I attach? And from what? In the end, we settled on carrots. Although someone offered a tomato. In general, we worked in a creative environment. And here I am - in front of you. Such a beautiful snowman, reasonable, positive ... from all sides.
Only I didn’t come here to talk about my merits. They are already there! And in order to be the first to meet Santa Claus, to show the initiative, so to speak.

Happy New Year! Happy New Year!
We speak to each other.
Happy New Year! Happy New Year!
Happy winter holiday!
They say on New Year's Eve
What you don't want.
Everything will always happen
Everything always comes true!
On a glorious holiday New Year
Everything comes true in the world.
A fairy tale is coming to visit us.
Meet her, children.

Magic music sounds.
Brownie Kuzya enters... Kuzya is carrying a chest

Kuzya: Oops! Oh trouble, trouble, chagrin!
Where did I fall? Rather, hit?

SNOWMAN: Who are you?

Kuzya: And I am Kuzma. We are from brownies! I am, so to speak, the master of the house!
Forcibly tore from Baba Yaga his chest with fairy tales and games.

SNOWMAN: Oh, Kuzenka, show the children some fairy tale or game, ... because today is a holiday - New Year!

Kuzya: And what are they doing at this holiday? Children: "Sing, dance, play ..."

Kuzya: Games are good. I love it!
For the sake of the holiday, you can pamper you with the game!
Stand still, do not make noise.
(Opens the chest, "magic" music sounds.)
Kuzya: Actually….

It's boring, boring to stand like that

Look at each other.

Isn't it time to go for a run

And change places?

As soon as the poem is finished, everyone runs away from their places and takes any other place in the round dance. 1,2,3!

Game "Swap places"

SNOWMAN: Well done, kids!
Santa Claus will be pleased when he finds out how well you played.

SNOWMAN: Well done, Kuzya! Now let's get a song about the New Year from the chest!

Kuzya. I'm tired. I want pancakes with sour cream.
SNOWMAN. What are you, what pancakes? Have you forgotten? We're at the guys' Christmas tree. Look how smart and funny they are.

Kuzya. Guys, did you accidentally bring pancakes with you to the holiday? And then I was in such a hurry to see you, in such a hurry. Baba Yaga did not let me go to the Christmas tree, and I ran away. Well, do you have pancakes? Give me a cheesecake at least.
SNOWMAN: You ate a pot of porridge! You will endure!
Kuzya: (begins to lament). Oh, you grief-bitch, care-kruchinushka. My little legs are buzzing, tired of walking along the path, no one will regret Kuzenka, they will not warm him with milk. Oh, I am a homeless orphan, from an early age I lived among people, I didn’t eat enough, I slept without waking up. Didn't get enough sleep, in general.
SNOWMAN. Well, okay, you whine. The guys will think that you are capricious and mischievous and will not play MORE with you at the holiday. And put your chest under the tree, or something, put it down. Why are you taking him with you?
Kuzya (indignantly). What are you! What kind of brownie am I without a magic chest? There I have gifts for the guys: different games, contests and songs. (Opens the chest).
SNOWMAN: Guys, let's ask Kuzenka to show some fairy tale?
Kuzya: Good! You can show it!

Opens the chest. "Magic" music sounds.
Queen Grella bursts into the hall, holding a stick with a thorn in her hands.

GRELLA: We are Queen Grella,
We are very strict
And twenty eight dwarfs
Work for us
And if they don't obey,
And if they don't -
We are a stick with a thorn
Let's make you listen to us!

(Turns around and sees Kuzyu, who followed her.)

NS! Why do not you work? Immediately march to work!

(Tries to prick Kuzya with a thorn) ..

Kuzya: Oh-oh-oh! Have pity on the homeless orphan. From an early age I lived according to people
I didn’t eat enough, slept without awakening ...

GRELLA: What-oh-oh ?!

KUZYA: That is ... this is ... not getting enough sleep.

GRELLA: Mind? US?! Queen Grella ?! An obnoxious dwarf!
I'll show you!!!

Kuzya: Guys, help! (Hides behind the guys, and Grella tries to prick him).

Game "Cats and Mice" Music - background

KUZA: SNOWMAN, save the chest. It is necessary to send the heartless monster back to a fairy tale!
Let this fairy tale return to its place in the little chest
"Magic" music sounds.
GRELLA: (To the kids) What are you standing there for? I'll arrange a New Year for you now!
Oh-oh-oh ... (backs away ....)

GRELLA: (angrily). Well, if so! I then ... then I will enchant your chest. You will have no fun, no games, no songs.

Evil winds fly
Lock the cousin's chest,
Let the cold circle over him,
Will blaze everything with white snow,
And my magic castle
So that no one can open it!
Kuzya: Nothing will work for you. Just think, she covered the chest with a handkerchief.
SNOWMAN: We will remove the handkerchief and start playing again.
GRELLA: Try it, but it won't work. My spell is stronger than ice, stronger than frost, darker than a dark night. You will be left without games and dancing. Well, I'll rest in silence for now. (Exits).
KUZYA: (tries to open the chest). Does not work!
Kuzya: Ugh! Who is such a bad fairy tale to me?
put it down? Probably Baba Yaga did her best.
(Music sounds. Caution Baba Yaga appearswith a broom, a pie and a notebook in my pocket.
Kuzya. Well, Baba Yaga is following me. As if one misfortune is not enough. So, I'll hide. You didn't see me, I didn't see you. (Hides under the tree).
SNOWMAN. But, in my opinion, it is not good to leave a friend.
And what am I going to tell her? I'd rather become a snow sculpture (freezes)

Baba Yaga (for children). Have you seen my cousin? Guys? No? Tell him that his grandmother is looking for him.
Kuzya (from under the tree). And I’m not at home. We are not supposed to show ourselves.
Baba Yaga. Granny-Yagulenka has honey gingerbread, sweet cheesecakes, fried pies, like you, Kuzenka, love. Now, little child, eat (holds out a pie).
Kuzya (crawls out from under the tree). And with what? With jam, I guess. (Takes a pie).
And I love to eat cheesecakes and pretzels.
Baba Yaga. Go home. There are a lot of cheesecakes and sugar pretzels.
Kuzya. No, I'm not going home, but I'll eat the pie HERE.
Baba Yaga. Let's go home, Kuzenka, what kind of company you have here. (To the Snowman). Talking snow, and nothing more. (Dragging by the hand, Kuzya rests).
Kuzya. I won't go, I won't go! (Breaks free, runs away).

Baba Yaga. Oh, old me run after brownies. I completely tortured my grandmother, but what good is it here? Noise, din ... Have you seen the Christmas tree? So here, a pine tree grows near the hut on
chicken legs.
Kuzya. There are guys here, I'm interesting and fun with them.

BABA YAGA. Kuzenka! Have you learned the New Year's song?
Kuzya. Which one?
BABA YAGA. And this one ... (scratches in the back of his head) about the frosty winter, about the chanterelle and the bear.
KUZYA (evasively). Almost.
BABA YAGA. But we will now check. Really guys? (Sings).
Once in a frosty winter
Along the edge of the forest ...
KUZYA (frantically looking in his pockets for a cheat sheet, does not find it and sings what he came up with on the go).
A bear was walking home,
Watch TV.
BABA YAGA. Kuzya, in my opinion, you've seen enough serials.
There are no such words in the song. Let's continue! (Sings).
He walked to his den
On a country road.
KUZYA (sings).
He carried the refrigerator "Zil"
And he crushed the fox.
BABA YAGA. Which refrigerator? Which Zil?
Kuzya. Well, maybe not "Zil", maybe "Stinol" or this one, like him, "Bosch"!
BABA YAGA. I have nothing to say, I learned it! Look, the guys are laughing at you. I continue to sing.
The fox raised a cry, The dark forest rustled.
KUZYA (sings).
And Granny Yaga
I climbed onto a large pine tree.
BABA YAGA (menacingly). Which pine tree?
Kuzya. Well, not on a pine tree, so on a birch! Or not, on OAK! (Sings).
Bab Yaga to her den
She walked along a country road.
And I'm happy for a reason
That she was born without a tail!
BABA YAGA. Everything! My patience has run out! Watch out, Kuzya! Now I will show you how to laugh at your grandmother! (Runs after Kuzya).
Kuzya. A-ah-ah! Save, help, guard!

Kuzya. Baba Yaga! Go home and bake a big cake. I’ll come to dinner soon.
BABA YAGA. Maybe we can play something? YOU HAVE FUN HERE!
SNOWMAN. Okay, only Queen Grella cast a spell on Kuzin's chest, we can't open it, we can't get games and songs.
Kuzya. Grandma Yagusya, maybe you can help us? You are a sorceress after all.
BABA YAGA. And not "all the same," but a sorceress. I finished a whole course of fabulous transformative magic sciences, though in absentia. I had no one to leave the forest to, but Kuzya, too, could not leave. But I have a diploma with honors. Give me your little chest, I’ll disenchant it in a moment. (Cast a spell over the chest). Churly-murly, murly-churly, open the magic chest. (The chest does not open).
SNOWMAN. Does not open. Probably mixed up the spell.
Kuzya. Look in your magic book.
BABA YAGA. Yes, how magical she is. (Takes out a notebook). So, I write down different recipes for myself, the phones are necessary. (Scrolls through his notebook). Here on the "G" - Gorynych, Gena, who is a crocodile, a city servant.
SNOWMAN. And why do you, dear Baba-Yaga, city guard?
BABA YAGA. What do you mean why? We need to call them every now and then to find out if their pension has been increased. Don't distract me. (Continues flipping). Here is the letter "K" - Queen Grella. (Is reading). Only Santa Claus and Snow Maiden can defeat her spell.
Kuzya. Of course! How could I not have guessed myself!
SNOWMAN. Let's call them guys! Let's go like this! To make it louder, the girls will shout “Grandpa!” And the boys will shout “Frost!”.
Let's all call Santa Claus and Snegurochka together.

Santa Claus and Snow Maiden enter

Father Frost. Hello my dears! Hello my dears!
Snow Maiden. Hello girls and boys!
Father Frost. And Baba Yaga is here, and Kuzya.
Snow Maiden. And our friend Snowman came to the children’s Christmas tree.

There are many wonderful holidays
Everyone comes in their turn
But the kindest holiday in the world is
New Year!

He gives us faith in a good case,
On a new day and on a new turn
Helps you get better
To all people in the world in the New Year!

Father Frost. Something you have is very quiet. Kuzya, you were walking to the Christmas tree with your magic chest, you told me forty. Well, get the games out of the chest.
Kuzya (sadly). I cannot, Grandfather Frost, fulfill your request. Queen Grella has bewitched my chest, I cannot open it.
SNOWMAN. She doesn't want us to have fun and play.
BABA YAGA. Yes, yes, and my spell did not help! And such a sure spell always helps!
Kuzya. Can you, grandfather, open it? Or the Snow Maiden?
Father Frost. Well, let's try.

Good wind, come
Open the cousin's chest! (knocks with staff)

Kuzya. Hooray! The holiday continues!

SNOWMAN. The guys together sing a song about Santa Claus



GRELLA: We are Queen Grella,
We are very strict
And twenty eight dwarfs
Work for us
And if they don't obey,
We are a stick with a thorn
Let's make you listen to us!
- What's that noise! Who dared to wake me up, the Queen? (sees Santa Claus)

FATHER FROST. Who is this!

Kuzya. It was she who enchanted my chest, and the guys and I could not play. Here!

BABA YAGA. This is the first time I see this negative fabulous element. Shame on me, even I, B.Ya. on the eve of the new year I don't do nasty things, but I have fun with the guys and Kuzma.

FATHER FROST. I'm going to freeze you now. You will know how to spoil the holiday for the guys!

GRELLA. No, no, don't freeze me! I promise to improve ... Let me stay at your holiday?

FATHER FROST. Guys! Shall we leave this queen for the holiday? (Yes). But look your behavior must be excellent!

SNOW Maiden: Santa Claus! Look how fluffy and elegant our Christmas tree is!
And the New Year's lights do not burn.
Help the guys light the beautiful Christmas tree!
Let no one get bored
Let everyone rejoice!
Let the tree shine
In all its glory!
GRANDFATHER FROST: With great pleasure!
May the cheerful laughter of children never stop,
I light the tree for dear friends!
FATHER FROST: Let's all tell together.
One two Three,
Shine Christmas tree! Children shout in unison. The tree does not light up.
SNOW MAIDEN. Let's try to read a poem about a Christmas tree, maybe the lights on it will flash!

GRELLA. I've already composed!

I come with gifts
I shine with bright lights
Smart, funny,
On New Year's Eve, I am in charge.

FATHER FROST. Who are you talking about?

GRELLA. About the Christmas tree, of course! What did you think!

FATHER FROST. Guys, who knows the poem about the Christmas tree? (one student reads a poem - the Christmas tree lights up and goes out)

FATHER FROST. To light the tree

We all have to try

Repeat all movements

And don't be wrong.

Stamp with your right foot! ...

Slap puffed-up cheeks! ..

Wave your hand to the tree! ...

Spell to say:

Come on, tree, smile!

Come on, tree, start up!

Let's say together: one, two, three! Burn our Christmas tree!

GRANDFATHER FROST: Oh, yes, a tree! Oh, yes, a miracle!
How slender and how beautiful!

THE SNOW Maiden: Let the merry round dance Meet the New Year amicably!

SNOWMAN. It's time to celebrate the New Year with a friendly HOROPLACE!


SNOWMAN. Attention guys! We will ask you riddles. You are preparing answers!

We will play hide and seek with words.

1.It warms in winter, smolders in spring,

Dies in summer, revives in late autumn. (Snow)

2. What grows upside down when the sun warms up? (Icicle)

D.M. Annual bush

Every day he drops a leaf.

A year will pass - the whole leaf will fall off! (calendar)

Snow Maiden. One is gray-haired, the other is young.

The third one is jumping, and the fourth is crying! (Seasons)

B. Ya. It flowed, flowed, and lay under the glass. (Ice and river)

The fur coat is new, and there is a hole in the hem. (Ice hole)

Kuzya. Not a gem, but glows. (Ice)

The forest has grown - all white,

You can't enter it on foot,

Do not enter on horseback. (Frosty pattern on the window)

GRELLA. Walks in the field, but not a horse,

It flies free, but not a bird. (Snowstorm)

That's how the transport is, it's alive!
By name - horse-drawn.
He drove in the twentieth century
Drogs, sleighs and carts. (Horse.)


SNOWMAN. Well done boys! Now let's check how dexterous you are!


Two stand in a circle and raise their hands. This is the Ice Gate. All the rest, holding hands, pass under the gate, saying:
Ice gate
Not always skipped.
The first time he says goodbye
The second time is prohibited.
And the third time
Let's freeze you.

On the last words "gate" give up. Those who are caught also become gates.

SNOWMAN. Well done for both girls and boys! And now we announce the dance competition "Who will dance whom" Girls against boys. Boys with Santa Claus on one side of the tree. Girls with the Snow Maiden - on the other.


SNOWMAN. Santa Claus! Snow Maiden! Well done, our guys, they sing, and dance, and play merrily! And now they will show you a surprise that they have prepared especially for you, for the New Year's holiday.


FATHER FROST. Ah yes, well done, guys! Creative, talented. Thank you for making me happy! I will not stay in debt, I also prepared a surprise for you.


Kuzya. There is only one musical game left in my magic box "We will hang the balls" Are we playing? (Yes). Then get up in a round dance.

MUSIC GAME "We'll Hang the Balls"


Summing up the results of the school-wide competition "Cool Snow Maiden" (certificates)

Summing up the results of the competition for Christmas tree decorations "Workshop of Santa Claus"

SNOWMAN. Attention! Attention!

For all of you, surprisingly,
We are starting the costumes presentation.
Our holiday continues with New Year's opening day!
Meet the heroes of New Year's fashion ... ... class!



FATHER FROST. Friends, at parting, let me read telegrams - with congratulations and wishes from the fairy-tale characters. Guess who they are from!

FATHER FROST. May people, birds, animals be friends with you!
We wish you every success! Tom and Jerry)

SNOW MAIDEN. Let the sneaks disappear, you know-it-alls!
Hello and congratulations from ... (Dunno)
GRELLA. Eat more fruits, vegetables!
Iron health to you! (Kashchei)

Kuzya. Prefer transport on foot,
Go to the forest! Greetings! (Goblin)
BABA YAGA. I promise everyone a piece of the pie!
And chicken legs! (Baba Yaga)
SNOWMAN. Let the white fluff fall to the ground!
More gifts for you! (Winnie the Pooh)


The cost of holding a New Year's party based on the fairy tale Kuzya Brownie.

20000 rubles. Package number 1.

1. Four children's animators (5 characters) in New Year's costumes with an original staging of any New Year's fairy tale (Interactive performance with the participation of children and adults). Duration 60 minutes.

25000 rubles. Package number 2.

35000 rubles. Package number 3.

1. Four children's animators in New Year's costumes with an original staging of any New Year's fairy tale (Interactive performance with the participation of children and adults). Duration 60 minutes.

2. DJ with a set of equipment and microphones.

3. Photo and videographer. (Reportage photography + 50 processed photos and a video about all the events that happened during the holiday).

Both adults and children like the tale about this wonderful brownie, because Kuzma is a people's favorite!
What housewife does not dream of such an assistant?
The concept of this New Year's story was invented by the scriptwriters of the festive company “Ocean of Holidays!”

This is a script for a New Year's holiday for kids!
In this fairy tale, everything will be grown-up! Without any irony, we can tell you that it is suitable for any corporate event!
It will have a famously twisted plot. Kind and not so characters and, of course, Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden will appear in it. Where on New Year's holiday without them?
Kuzma lives in a fabulous thicket and looks after the hut on the chicken legs of Baba Yaga. Kikimora Bolotnaya and Leshy also live here. Everything in the house shines, it always smells delicious from the oven and, in principle, Kuzma lives cheerfully and not badly.
Only on the eve of the New Year's holiday came a letter from his uncle, a hereditary brownie, Nafani, who lived in Lapland, in the house of Santa Claus and Snegurochka. I asked Nathan his nephew, Kuzma, to help prepare properly for the New Year, otherwise he himself fell ill in earnest. And Kuzma got ready for the long journey.
And what happened next - our children's animators will tell you and your kids!
Our decoration specialists will help you to decorate any area with the help of balloons, streamers, confetti and New Year's decorations.
You can also make a fairy tale at home for your birthday. Children will be involved in exciting adventures. They will face serious challenges, interactive games and a lot of surprises! Children will have to apply all their knowledge and skill so that Kuzma can safely get to Lapland with them!
And Santa Claus and Snegurochka will warmly welcome the children, because Kuzma will very quickly put things in order in the ice palace of Santa Claus and heal his uncle Nathania!
The tale is designed for children of all ages and adults. She will not leave anyone indifferent. Cheerful children's laughter and excellent mood on this day are guaranteed, and our professional photo and video operators who specialize in filming children's parties will help you to keep these festive memories!

Book an inexpensive New Year's party for children in the event of the "Ocean of Holidays!"

The original script of the New Year's fairy tale from our authors!

The scenario of the New Year's fairy tale Little brownie Kuzya!
A script for setting a New Year tree in kindergartens and primary schools.
Scenery. Christmas tree in the background. (It is better to arrange the tree so that you can walk around it)
Brownie Kuzya
Baba Yaga
Father Frost
Scene 1. Acquaintance with the brownie Kuzey.
Storyteller - Today we will show a New Year's fairy tale with the most cheerful brownie Kuzey.
At that time Kuzma lived in a hut near Baba Yaga, in a forest thicket. I followed the household. Chopping wood.
He carried water and made friends with forest dwellers.
Music sounds.
Leading-And here it seems he.
Kuzma appears with an armful of brushwood.
Kuzma - Hello Storyteller. Hello kids.
Do you know who I am? (Waiting for an answer from the audience)
Yes, I am a hereditary brownie. I am only seven centuries old. I am small. Children, who can tell me what an age is? How old is it? (Waiting for an answer from the audience, explains)
And I live in the forest with Baba Yaga. Before that I lived with a girl in the city, but it hurt me to feel sorry for Grandma. Although she is angry, she has a farm, but how can a farm be without an owner?
Now I am preparing for the New Year. They will come to visit us. (Begins to bend his fingers)
Bayun the cat is one. Koschey the immortal is two. Nightingale the robber is three. How much is the serpent Gorynych? (Children shout four)
Kuzma - Eh, no. How many heads does the Serpent Gorynych have? Three? Here it is, that there are a lot of guests.
I won't sit down at the table myself. I am terrified of them, as I am afraid. They come so hungry that they will swallow me.
At this time, a crow flies in, KARR KAR sounds, and a letter falls at Kuzma's feet.
Kuzma - What is this? The mail has arrived. Who is it from? I don't read very well myself. Still small. Maybe someone will help me? (Reads a letter with the children)
Kuzma -So this is a letter from my uncle Nathanie. He serves in the house of Santa Claus. We need to go urgently.
At this time, from behind the curtains, the voice of Baba Yaga-KUZMAAAAA! WHERE ARE YOU MY BERRY?
Baba Yaga runs out on a broomstick. Makes two circles around the tree. Stops.
Baba Yaga - I'm looking for you throughout the forest. I was knocked off my feet, the broom was leaking. I was forty on my tail, the news brought that you were going on the road.
Kuzma - Here's an old letter, read it.
Baba Yaga - Yes, I can't read. There are all sorts of decoctions, drugs. To eat someone if he behaves badly, but I don’t know how to read…. And, here you read the kid. (He addresses the children in the hall, they read the letter).
Baba Yaga-No, I won't let you in and don't beg. Guests will be coming soon. How can I cope with these sips myself? Here, count. Children help. Bayun the cat is one. Koschey the immortal is two. Nightingale the robber is three. How much is the serpent Gorynych? (That's right, six).
Kuzma - Grandma, I annoy the toadstools. I cooked the pirogov. The samovar is smoking. And there, the New Year is under threat. Children will not receive gifts for the New Year.
Baba Yaga - I have not received gifts for many years. Santa Claus bypasses my hut.
Kuzma - So we and the children will ask for a present for you. The broom is new.
Baba Yaga - Sokolik you are my yacht, and do not ask. How can I let my breadwinner go to the forest alone?
Kuzma - So I'm not alone. I'll take the kids with me.
Baba Yaga - And now I will check what kind of fellow travelers they are. If my riddles are guessed, then so be I let you go to Santa Claus.
Who walks gloomy and hungry in the cold autumn? - Answer, wolf.
Soft paws and in the paws of the Tsap-scratching.-Answer, cat.
Crochet tail, snout nose. - Boar.
Itself motley, eats green, gives white - Cow.
You stroke, caress, tease, bite. - Dog.
A lump of fluff, long ear. Jumping dexterously, loves carrots. - Hare.
That's all, Kuzma, I give up. Good travel companions. So be it, let you go on the road. And don't forget about the gift. (Grabs the broom and flies away)
Scene two - Meeting with Barmaley.
Kuzma- Well guys. It's time for us to hit the road. (Music sounds and Kuzma walks around the tree)
Storyteller - A fairy tale tells quickly, but business is not done quickly. Kuzma set off on the road. First along the river, and then came to the sea. I got up on the shore and thought.
Kuzma - Yes, guys, how can we be? Where can I get the ship?
Maybe we can swim? Who can swim, raise your hands? And who can't? Let's drop them here?
Friends don't do that. Look, there seems to be a ship. Hey, on the ship !!! Hey. Let's call the guys together. (The name of the ship)
Music sounds (The best fish saw from "Blue Puppy")
Barmaley appears with his gang.
Barmaley-Knit them guys. Whistles. Palundra.
The gang - Everything is done by Barmaley.
Barmaley - examines the children and Kuzma. And who is this we have here?
Kuzma- Not here, but here.
Barmaley- So I do not understand ... ... guys. Am I bloodthirsty? Curls her fingers.
Gang-Da Barmaley.
Barmaley- Am I merciless?
Gang-Da Barmoley.
Barmaley- Am I an Evil Robber?
The gang is Evil, evil.
Barmaley - Listen to our song and tremble.
(It sounds like little children have nothing in the world. Song of Barmaley)
Barmaley- Well, now you understand who I am?
Kuzma- You Barmaley do not be angry with us. We wanted to ask you.
Barmaley - How are you guys. No one has ever asked me for anything in my life. And what to do with you?
Slaughter? Drown?
Kuzma-Take us, Honorable Barmaley, please, to the other side. We are going to help Santa Claus, to prepare for the holiday.
Barmaley- And I do not like your Santa Claus. He never gives me gifts.
Kuzma- And the kids and I will definitely ask him. What do you want for the holiday?
Barmaley - New cannon.
Kuzma-Ha, ha. This is a present, but what else?
Barmaley-And one more gun.
Kuzma- Well Barmaleychik. Think of something warm and festive.
Barmaley to a CANNON ... ..Well, a thin calf at the end.
Kuzma- Here, here's a real gift.
Barmaley- Will there be stripes on it?
Kuzma-Will be, will be.
Barmaley- Well then, I think I'll take you to the other side. Only this is what. I can only allow real sailors to board my warship. Do your children know anything about the sea? I'll check it out now.
Waves roll in the open to the sandy shores - SEA.
In calm weather, we are nowhere, as the wind blows, so we are on the water - waves
I sail on a ship, sometimes I lie at the bottom - ANCHOR
Breaking the thick ice, he alone goes forward, and behind him, only then, the ships go in single file - Icebreaker.
Well, okay, you know everything about the sea, but who knows how to dance the APPLE sea dance?
Come out children in a circle and you Kuzma ... yes, you will untie him.
Sounds APPLE and Barmaley, shows the movements from this dance. Children are dancing.
After the dance, Barmalei puts everyone on the ship. Ahead of the beholder. On the oars. At the helm and the ship goes on a journey around the tree.

Scene 3. Visiting the girl.

Leading. And the ship sailed with our travelers on the blue sea.
The sea grumbled and teased, but Kuzma knew how to talk with the sea and with the river and with all the animals on earth. He persuaded the sea to let Barmaley's ship into the quiet harbor. In town.
And on the way, Kuzma sent a note with seagulls for his old friend, a girl. There was a time when Kuzma spent the whole summer with her. He played hide and seek and hid from his parents. I looked out the window at the planes flying by and talked to the sparrows in the yard. Kuzma missed the girl and delicious pastries very much.
Barmaley - Looking forward !!! Watch attentively. We arrive at the port.
Kuzma - Oh !! Hey !!! And who is meeting us! It's a girl !!! Uraaa !!! She is an adult, goes to school and knows exactly how to get to Lapland.
Travelers go ashore. The girl and Kuzya are hugging and kissing.
Girl. (Looks at Kuzma's companions) -Kuzma, who is this, your relatives? Domovata?
Kuzma. Ha-ha. No, don't you recognize your own? These are kids. They went with me to Santa Claus to help. I got a letter right here. Read it.
Read the letter.
Girl. Yes, if Nafanya wrote the letter, then the matter is really serious. He is your thoughtful uncle. What a pity, but I wrote a letter to Santa Claus. I asked for a new talking doll for the New Year.
Kuzma- And why is she to you? Better talk to sparrows and flies. More and more confusing.
Girl- Well, I'm not a brownie. We people do not know how to speak a sparrow's language and buzz like flies. Now, if you would come to visit me on vacation. I'll introduce you to friends from school.
Kuzma- What is this vacation?
Girl-Children, let's explain to Kuzma what a vacation is. (Children explain, tell what kind of vacation there are)
Kuzma- And ... here it is. Well then, you will need to take time off from Baba Yaga for a week and come to you. Just tell me Girl. How can we get to Lapland with the guys?
Girl- It's simple. I have already booked seats on the train for you on the Internet. Now let's go to the station and I'll put you on the train.
The music sounds and the storyteller comes out.

Scene 4. In Lapland.
Our travelers went to the station. We took a train and arrived in Lapland overnight. We went out into the tundra and saw that there was no snow. It's hot outside. All around is a complete mess.
Kuzma- This is a mess. It doesn't look like my Nathan. Flowers around, berries, and it's winter outside. You children know what winter months you know (Deal with months)
Now I'll pick a berry here, here is a spine for a decoction. We will treat Nathania.
The Snow Maiden appears - Whoa ... ..Kuzma. It's good that you came. We're in big trouble. Run and put things in order, and the children and I will call Santa Claus.

The name is Santa Claus.

The final scene is a classic round dance with children near the Christmas tree. Santa Claus listens to poetry. Gives gifts. He leads a round dance, and Brownie Kuzya at that moment put things in order and returns to the site.

Writer Pavel Kulyaba.


FATHER FROST: Vnuuuchkaa, Snow Maiden!
Santa Claus! And I'm already here! Oh ... hello kids, girls and boys

GRANDFATHER FROST: Hello, moms, hello dads ...

Snow Maiden: We have been waiting for a meeting for a whole year

GRANDFATHER FROST: were you waiting for us too? Guys, there are so many of you - and you are all friends? Let's check it out. Get up from your seats. Listen carefully - repeat after us diligently!


Snow Maiden: how many friends have gathered here today! Of course, grandfather, they were waiting for us, because you and I always bring gifts to the guys.

GRANDFATHER FROST: Those who behaved well for a whole year are given great gifts, and those who have been mischievous and mischievous for a whole year ...

Snow Maiden: there will also be gifts, but smaller ones ...

Here is our first gift - a song. Help me, guys, I will sing the line, and you follow me along with Santa Claus repeat
New Year's repeating.

1 .Waited impatiently for a whole year,

Amicably the days were counting, where is the New Year?

And now there are exactly five minutes left,


Presents, gifts, what a beauty!

Quickly take presents and come here! - 2 times.

2.We will meet friends with a friendly round dance,

Together with the New Year it will be more fun!

After all, there are already exactly five minutes left,

All the guys are waiting for Santa Claus!

GRANDFATHER FROST: Oh-oh-oh, Snow Maiden! Well, I sang it ... and I left the bag with gifts with the hares ...

Snow Maiden: What are you, Grandpa, you come back for a bag of gifts, and we will wait for you with the guys. Really guys?

GRANDFATHER FROST: well, I’ll hurry. Ohohohoho, how am I? (leaves)

SNOW Maiden: well, let's swami while grandfather walks for gifts, we will learn the New Year's dance, we will make grandfather happy, he really likes it when the guys are dancing at the Christmas tree

Snow Maiden: Tell me, are you not afraid of frost?

Children: No!
Snow Maiden: And if the handles get cold? What are we going to do? (clap)
Snow Maiden: And if the legs are frozen? (we'll sink)
Snow Maiden: To keep us warm, we will dance in friendship.
(round dance according to the class)

Kuzya:(with chest) apchi, apchi

SNOW Maiden: oh who is this? Guys let's see

KUZYA: ogugu, Nafaanyaya! Oh-she-she! Oh trouble, trouble, chagrin! Where did I fall? Rather, hit?

Snow Maiden: Who are you?

Kuzya: You didn't see me, I didn't see you!

Snow Maiden: why?

Kuzya: We are not supposed to show ourselves (looking for a place for the chest) Turn away! Here is trouble-trouble-chagrin, where can you hide, there is no basement, no closet, no mink ...

Snow Maiden: Your name is Kuzma?
Kuzya: Kuzkoy. You can Kuzenka. I'm still small. Seven centuries, only the eighth went.

SNOW Maiden: oh, you are a caveman, probably, huh?

Kuzya: here's a dull-witted child, I'm not a caveman, I'm a domooooooo.

Snow Maiden: Brownie?

Kuzya: Yes, only now I am a homeless brownie, oh trouble-trouble-chagrin, nowhere to lay my head! Have pity on the homeless orphan. From an early age I didn’t eat enough for people, I slept without awakening ...
SNOW Maiden: What-oh-oh ?!
KUZYA: That is ... this is ... not getting enough sleep.

Snow Maiden: well, don't be upset Kuzenka, live with us with Grandfather Frost

Kuzya: what is Santa Claus? Hide me ahh

Snow Maiden: Do not be afraid Kuzenka, Santa Claus is kind, he will not offend you, he will return soon.

Kuzya: Okay, I'll stay. I’ll work according to my conscience, don’t be afraid for the farm, do you have a stable? (takes out different things from the chest)

SNOW Maiden: no

Kuzya: it's a pity. Do you have parents?

SNOW Maiden: yes

Kuzya: I will look after them

Snow Maiden: Kuzenka, what kind of chest do you have?

KUZYA: do not touch the chest, it is magical ... with fairy tales and all sorts of games ... songs and dances

Snow Maiden: oh, Kuz, maybe you and the guys, until Santa Claus came, will show you a fairy tale or play with us ... after all, today is a holiday! New Year!

Kuzya: And what kind of holiday is this, I have never heard of it, they will invent it too ... new year

Snow Maiden: What are you, Kuzya - New Year - these are songs, children's laughter, gifts….

Kuzya: gifts are good, I love gifts. Okay, I'll indulge you with a play song for the occasion.

"We will first go to the left, and then we will go to the right" (in a round dance)

Snow Maiden: Well done guys, and you, Kuzya, well done. Grandpa will really like this song-game.

GRANDFATHER FROST: vnuuuchkaaa, Sneguurochka, help the old man ...

SNOW Maiden: oh, Grandpa came and brought gifts, Kuzya, let's go with me, we'll help Grandfather Frost

KUZYA: why not help, I will help you, I promised you to serve with faith and truth ... ege-geee (leave)

Baba Yaga comes out

BABA YAGA: UUU I'm flying .. disperse ... stop rotten, stop! Come back! oh again my hut ran away on chicken legs (the village sighs)

The owner is a real hut, otherwise it’s completely out of hand, .. thu you got off your feet… the owner… the householder… ahh .. you need a householder! Eeeh, I once lived as a brownie in a hut ... My name was Kuzma ... after all, a wretch ran away, left my grandmother alone ....

Oh, what I see ... so this is my Kuzi's chest ... (rubs his hands) aaaaa ... I'll take the magic chest ... and Kuzya can't live without him, how cute will come running after him ... ... oh, and I'm smart Baba Yaga ..

(takes away the chest)

Snegurochka and Kuzya come in

Snow Maiden: well, they brought gifts, the holiday can be continued ...

Kuzya: oh misfortune-misfortune-ruin, my magic chest is gone? I went broke ... I will go around the world ...

Snow Maiden: is this a fairy tale?

Kuzya: this is the kind of life where confess my chest!

THE SNOW Maiden: Kuzya-Kuzya, wait, how could I put your chest somewhere, I was with you all the time….

Kuzya: how do I know ...

Snow Maiden: Don't worry, Kuzya, we'll ask the guys who took your chest. Guys, did you see who took the chest?

CHILDREN: Baba Yaga!

KUZYA: I can smell the smell ... ... of the forest ... oh-oh-oh ... she came for me .... (hiding behind the Snow Maiden) hide me ... don't give her ...

BABA YAGA: knock-knock-knock ...

SNOW Maiden: Whom do you want?

BABA YAGA: and my granddaughter

SNOW Maiden: are you Cousin Grandma? Grandma has come to see you

Kuzya: but I'm not at home

BABA YAGA: Kuzenkaaa, ay ... but granny has sugar yagulikrendelechki, pancakes with smetaaaanoyu .... Come back, my diamond ... I'll forgive everything ....

Kuzya: no ... for ... what ... !!!

BABA YAGA: Well, well ... my yacht ... if you don't want it ... it will be as usual ... okay ... I flew ... but I took your magic chest with fairy tales ...

(aside) how will I give you the chest ... and I won't let you go anywhere ... just come ...

Bye-bye-happy new year ... hahahahaa (flies away on a broom)

KUZYA: missed the magic chest with fairy tales and fun ... what a brownie I am now without a chest ... a chest ... my chest ... aaaaa

SNOW MAIDEN : Well, you, Kuzma, do not become limp, do not whine ... what kind of example are you giving to children ... we will think of something ... Bab-Yaga throws out such tricks every year, she is not an evil woman, just lonely. We are what ... We will go to Baba Yaga's home, take gifts ... we wish her a Happy New Year, she will melt ... and will return you a chest with fairy tales ...

KUZYA: I'll take us to Yaga ... just promise that you won't leave me with her .... (addresses the Snow Maiden and the children)

SNOW MAIDEN : wow, you are a coward, Kuzya, we promise, we promise

CHILDREN : we promise!

Snow Maiden: Lead already, Kuzya!

KUZYA: it means you need to go all the time in the forest ...

And around the FIR-TREES-FIRES (everyone shows the trees)

And under the trees, bunnies jump-jump-jump-jump

Chanterelles run between the trees, look out for hares

And xtails twist-twist-twist-twist

And the wolfs, gray hares look out and howl


Over the spruce forest, snowflakes whirl and fall on the ground ...

They spin and lie on the ground ...

KUZYA: I was grumbling a little. (crying) So where do we go now?


Kuzya : What is Lost and Found?

SNOW MAIDEN : And then we will now ask my magic saucer - roll, roll the apple on the plate - tell us what a lost and found office is.

Audio recording

Kuzya: Now it's clear (says Kuzya, biting off a liquid apple - the Snow Maiden splashes her hands)

SEGUROCHKA: Kuzya, why did you eat the bulk apple ?!

Kuzya: I got hungry. I'm still small. The child is supposed to be fed on the road. Come on, the Firebird from the garden of Tsar Berendey will bring more apples ... Let's go and look at this lost and found office - maybe Baba Yaga dropped my chest while flying on a broomstick, but they found it ...

Under the second verse, they go around the hall (from one door to another)

BELADONNA: I love kids who lose this and that .. Kids cry, and parents pay for the fact that we find their losses. Every child's tear is a coin. Oh, I would be so lonely without my million.

Kuzya with the Snow Maiden.

Kuzya: Hello, did you have my little chest here?

BELADONNA: And what kind of box?

Kuzya : Magic ... with fairy tales ... songs ... games

WHITE: magical, you say .... no such thing was not found. BUT! I CAN help - only it will cost dearly. Do you have coins? You have seen our motto: You pay - we pay! Market relations today ... there is nothing to be done ...

SNOW MAIDEN: we'll think of something now. Guys, help me conjure. Memorize the magic words: (children repeat in chorus) - we pop the ball over the table with a dart - money is poured out - Belladonna - crawls collects from the floor - everything in a bag and in a safe.

WHITE: Now that's another conversation! We will certainly find your chest! (dials the number on the landline phone.

WHITE: Send me your best detective urgently!

BEL: (grabs his heart) What kind of money! And the detectivewithout Do you have a diploma?

WHITE: fits! Send it immediately! …. Somewhere here I have a bag with last year's breadcrumbs lying around .. (takes out a bag with breadcrumbs)

The detective appears

Detective: The best detective in the world will find everything for a delicious gingerbread! (bows) Allow me to introduce myself - a detective without a diploma in person. Well? A place. Time. Signs. What to search?

Kuzya : how that - my treasure - a chest with fairy tales!

Detective: show me the crime scene, i.e. lost - where was the last time you saw the chest?

SNOW MAIDEN: ( takes out a saucer again and a new apple) - roll - roll the apple on the plate - show the detective where the chest disappeared.

Detective: looks at the plate - everything is clear (bites off an apple)

SNOW MAIDEN : What is it! The second magic apple of the day!

WHITE: Wait outside the door for now. I need to instruct the detective.

Everyone leaves.

WHITE: HEY, you, no diploma - you want a packet of chocolates (shows the packet)

First business - then candy (hides in the safe). When you find a chest, change it and bring me a chest with fairy tales. This is how much money I can earn on it ....!

Got it? Well then, go ... look at me ... you will skip the chest - I will rip off three skins from you!

Syshik: I will do everything, hostess, in the best possible way! (catches up with the rest)

Detective: Let's start looking from here! (pokes his finger on the floor, stands on all fours, takes out a magnifying glass) Follow me!

Detective music sounds - the detective is driving around the hall under it - looking for evidence (rags, smoking leg, etc.)

SNOW MAIDEN : all! Enough! I'm tired - my legs hurt! Let `s have some rest!

Detective: Well, take a little rest - while I’ll look for evidence in those bushes. Look - look what I found! (pulls out the steering wheel from under the tree) - someone has lost their little car here - so now we won't have to stomp on foot. But I don't know how to drive.

Kuzya : I only flew on a broomstick once with B. Ya. And this device is a wonder to me.

SNOW MAIDEN: you need to teach everything. What would you do without me?

Guys, can you drive a car? Get up from your seats - I will give you a fun dance driving lesson! (caster wheels)

We arrived at the house of B.Ya.

Kuzya: And here is B.Ya. Let's go get my chest.

Detective: Wait, Kuzya - we don't have enough evidence. And we don't have a search warrant for her hut. How do we prove that she has the chest?

Kuzya : my chest is not easy. It starts to glow when fairy tales are called. Do you guys know fairy tales? Check it out!

There is a hut in the forest,

An old woman lives in a hut.

Do not enter the hut:

The old lady will eat you!

Answer: Baba Yaga

Father has a strange boy

Unusual, wooden,

On land and under water

Looking for a golden key

Everywhere his nose pokes its long ...

Who is this? ..pinocchio

“We are not afraid of the gray wolf,

Gray wolf - teeth snap "

They sang this song loudly

Three funny ...piglet

He is kinder to everyone in the world,

He heals sick animals,

And one day a hippopotamus

He pulled it out of the swamp.

He is famous, famous

This is the doctor ...

Answer: Aibolit

Look at the bright light pouring out of B.Ya. - my chest is right there! Come out B.Ya. !!!

Baba Yaga : I won't go out !!

Detective : Come out, or it will be worse!

Baba Yaga - I won't go out!

Snow Maiden : Hut, hut, stand with your back to the forest, in front of me!

Baba Yaga : Hut, Stand up to the children - backwards /,to me ahead!

Heroes in chorus : To us in front - to Yaga backwards!

Baba Yaga: - Yah you! (comes out) go-go my diamonds ... Well, why did they come? I was not expecting you at all ... oh Kuzya! And you are here ... I told you that you yourself will come to me ...

Kuzya: Bab-Yaga, give me my magic chest with fairy tales right now ...

BABA-YAGA: oh-oh-oh, although he is well-fed, not well-mannered ... why are you shouting at your grandmother ...

Snow Maiden: Indeed, Kuzenka, somehow you are rude ... you say the magic words ...

Kuzya: I will not

BABA-YAGA: I won't give it up

Kuzya: I will not

BABA-YAGA: I won't give it up

Snegurochka: eh, what to do with you, maybe make peace ah?

Kuzya: if Bab-Yaga gives the chest with fairy tales, then I will make peace

BABA-YAGA: if Kuzya teaches my hut to command, then I will give the chest and make up

SNOW Maid: Kuzenka, teach grandma how to command the hut.

Kuzya: but it's easy, only you, old one, look, don't deceive ... And now we will teach the hut to obey. The hut is like a child. Do you guys like dancing? Can you repeat the movements? Then let's get started.

Snow Maiden : Our dance - the game is called "Chucha-chacha" - they learn to dance.

At the end of the dance, the detective drags off the chest.

Snow Maiden : Baba Yaga, Kuzya fulfilled his promise - keep yours too.

BABA-YAGA: (gives the chest) I return it safe and sound, as promised, thanks for the science. Well, goodbye ... I will continue to live alone - alone in my hut

Snow Maiden: Grandma Yaga, do not be sad, we have come to visit you with the guys, let's celebrate the new year with us!

BABA YAGA: Really? And you're not afraid of me at all?

Snow Maiden: no, of course, you are really kind, and you have a kind heart, you did a lot of good deeds this year, here's a gift for you

Baba Yaga: me ?? Oh ... touched Yaga ... thank you ...

Snow Maiden : And it's time for us to return home. Santa Claus was waiting for us already, probably.

Kuzya: Yes, yes, it's time to go back. OH, where's my chest ?! Guys, where did my chest go? (the detective dragged him away) Oh, trouble, trouble, chagrin ... I'll go around the world ... what kind of brownie am I without a chest ...

Snow Maiden : Well, what have you done again - we will return your chest, or rather, we will replace it. Let's say in unison the magic words: Snow blizzard whirl - cousin chest come back! (in chorus with children). Well, Kuzya, look under the tree. What is it in the snowdrift? Is it your little chest?

Kuzya : my, my! Let's run home soon! And the magic ball will show us the way (takes it out of the chest). Roll my magic ball! Show the way home! (everyone leaves for the ball.)

The detective returns to Belladonna.

WHITE : where is the chest with fairy tales?

Detective : He's here! Mistress, dangers lay in wait for me at every step. Bullets whistled overhead! Please increase your reward! (watch the cartoon)

WHITE : Less is possible - no more! Open the chest!

Syshik: puts the chest on the table: Voila!

WHITE: Takes out shabby boots from the chest: Where are the fairy tales ?! Where are the songs ?! Where is the dancing ?!

Detective : comes up with a magnifying glass and looks into the chest: Yeah - nothing ...

WHITE: Rejoice, I am ruined!

Detective, retreating back with the chest: Mistress, bullets whistled overhead ....

WHITE: And the boots did not whistle overhead? !! Throws boots at the detective. Dumb, Dummy - get out of my sight! Runs after the detective - they leave the stage.

Kuzya and Snegurochka come out .

Kuzya : Well, boring things here in the forest - green melancholy.

Snow Maiden: Well, we'll fix it now. Get up guys in a round dance!

Snow Maiden : Kuzya, your tangle has stopped showing the way. What about him?

Kuzya: It is clear that - the batteries are dead - they need to be recharged. But where can you find recharging here in the wilderness?

Snow Maiden : Oh, Kuzya, look - what else is this miracle - is Yudo approaching us?

Water: Sings to the soundtrack. Who are you? What have they forgotten in my swamp?

Kuzya : We would like to recharge the ball. Is there a recharge?

Water : There is. But it only works from sonorous children's voices.

Snow Maiden: Voiced and vociferous, we have a full hall. Well, boys and girls - sing ringing ditties!

Water: Indeed, your kids are vociferous - that's why your ball has recharged. You can continue on your way, and so that you do not get lost - my magic path will show you the way (rolls a roll of wallpaper) Good luck.

Snow Maiden and Kuzya leave .

Water : How good, guys, that you came to visit me - otherwise my girlfriends are only leeches and frogs - FU, what disgusting! Eh, my life is a tin! And let me play with you - in unison, answer my questions only yes or no. Are you ready? Let's start!

Is Santa Claus a good old man?


- Do you like jokes and gags?


- Knows songs and riddles?


- Eat all your chocolates?

- No!

- Will he light a Christmas tree for the guys?


- Wearing shorts and a T-shirt?

- No!

- Doesn't he grow old in soul?


- Will it warm us on the street?

- No!

- Santa Claus is Frost's brother?


- Is our birch good?

- No!

- Is the New Year coming closer?

- Is there a Snow Maiden in Paris?

- No!

- Santa Claus brings gifts?


- Does he drive a foreign car?

- No!

- Wears a cane and a hat?

- No!

- Does it look like dad sometimes?

- Yes!

Water : Well done !. Have fun with you. I'll go and visit Santa Claus - I'll have fun with him at the holiday. And you all come! (leaves)

Chimes strike - Kuzya and Snegurochka enter the hall from one side - On the other side - Water, Santa Claus and the Detective.


Here the clock strikes 12!

In a hurry to us today
Christmas tree and winter holiday

This holiday is New Year's
We were looking forward to!

Frequent forest, blizzard field,
Winter holiday is coming to us

So let's put it together
Hello, hello, New Year!

Fun ventures
Brought us new year
All in chorus

With a cheerful, ringing song
Let's start our round dance!

A modern song sounds - children are dancing.

GRANDFATHER FROST: well, it's time for us and the Snow Maiden to get ready and friends to say goodbye to you.

Snow Maiden: in the new year we will meet!

Kuzya: and I will come to you in the new year!

Water: May the New Year be good!

Detective: May there be happiness for a whole year!

ALL: Happy New Year!