Expressing breast milk with your hands: video of the correct technique. Ways to solve the problem. Mechanical and manual pumping

Expressing milk is as delicate as breastfeeding: many factors are important. And the intricacies of pumping also need to be learned. Then at any time you can leave a portion of milk for the baby, going to be absent. Use expressing as an additional aid in stimulating lactation or eliminating lactostasis. Or to collect milk competently and hygienically for a reserve milk can.

Preparing to Express Milk

But let's start in order. As with breastfeeding, it is helpful to do 1 to 2 minutes before expressing. breast massage... It is performed with light movements without strong pressure in the direction from the periphery to the center.

Drink half an hour before your pumping session. hot drink. It doesn't matter what it will be: tea, compote or just water. The main thing is that its temperature should be really hot, not warm. Such a drink will have a beneficial effect on the dynamics of milk extraction and contribute to a good flow.

Place water, a telephone, and photos and things of your baby. The native smell or the image of your beloved face will help you to psychologically tune in to pumping - proven practice!

How to ensure milk flow? Stimulation phase

Start with stimulation phases(for example, with a Swing breast pump). The principle of biphasic breastfeeding by an infant, discovered in the course of research by Peter Hartman (University of Western Australia), proves that pre-stimulation of strictly determined parameters - 100-120 cycles per minute, combined with a low level of vacuum - helps to obtain a quick and full flow of milk. Medela's 2-Phase Expression technology faithfully reproduces the natural phases of stimulation and expression of milk, just as it does in the breast during breastfeeding. Expressing this way is not only physiological and comfortable for the mother, but also allows her to get more milk in less time.

Double pumping: more milk

Very important in the pumping process comfortable body position and relaxation... Sit in a comfortable chair or sofa, provide back support. It is also better to place your feet on a support: for example, a small bench.

In order not to hold the breast pump funnel to the breast, it is convenient to use the special Easy Expression bustier for hands-free expression. The elasticated edges of the bustier securely hold a funnel or two, and you can simply relax or use your freedom of movement to drink water, answer a phone call or check your mail. It is especially convenient to use a bustier with double pumping - that is, from both mammary glands at the same time.

How to customize your breast pump

Expression success is highly influenced correct funnel size... The fact is that if the funnel is large, not only the nipple is drawn into it, but also a significant part of the areola. This can cause discomfort and tissue swelling. On the other hand, if the funnel is small, the nipple moves in the funnel tunnel with difficulty, and not freely, as it should be. In this case, abrasions resulting from friction of the nipple against the walls of the funnel can also be added to the discomfort in this case.

In such cases, it is necessary to purchase a funnel of a suitable size so that the pumping process takes place smoothly and rhythmically, without pain or discomfort. Remember: pain when expressing or feeding indicates that the process is not working properly! You can never endure pain. The size ruler will help you choose a funnel for your chest.

Another important detail to look out for is the alignment personal vacuum level when expressing. It is a mistake to think that it is imperative to express milk at the limit of the vacuum that a breast pump can create. Although the upper vacuum limit for the breast pump of responsible manufacturers is always limited to avoid the risk of breast tissue spasms, most mums still have a much lower comfortable vacuum level.

To build a personal level, you need to gradually add vacuum (for example, on electronic breast pumps, pressing the plus button), analyzing your feelings. As soon as you feel a slight discomfort (a slightly unpleasant pulling sensation, indicating that you are already "too"), take a step back (by pressing the "minus" button). This will be your own maximum allowable vacuum level, which is called Maximum Comfort Vacuum. It is he who will allow you to get the maximum amount of milk possible for you. And your feelings will only be pleasant.

Surprisingly, pumping with a breast pump is smoother and more physiological than hand expression. This is proven by research by Ramsey and Donna Geddes in 2005.

In the process of extracting milk from the mammary glands, the vacuum plays the most important role. But the squeezing and pressure on the breast, which occurs when pumping by hand, is not at all useful and natural, because the baby does not press on the breast while sucking!

These studies help to understand how to collect milk in a softer and more comfortable way: with modern Medela breast pumps, which bring the feeling of a mother and the result as close as possible to the process of breastfeeding.

Comment on the article "Expressing Breast Milk: 10 Success Secrets"

# ASK_TIP A question from a member of the group: Good afternoon. My son is 9 months old. I breastfeed and give complementary foods during the day. I have to go to work soon. The child will be with grandmother in the afternoon. Probably have to feed with milk mixture ... I want to breastfeed longer. Advise on how to properly combine breastfeeding with work. The pediatrician-neonatologist Ekaterina Anatolyevna Kozynkina-Marchenko answers: Hello. From 9 months, when the child already receives all three types of complementary foods, (porridge, vegetable ...

How to combine breastfeeding and work? Often mothers need to go to work prematurely, but this is not a reason to stop breastfeeding. If possible, try to wait for the introduction of the three main complementary foods, that is, about 9 months. When a child already receives all three types of complementary foods (porridge, vegetable complementary foods and fermented milk), during the day he can completely do without breast milk. Breastfeed in the morning before going to work. Then throughout the day ...


Is it suitable for small breasts? I'm in direct trouble, I can't pick up a breast pump, my breasts are small and I can't get a vacuum ((for expressing

The breast pump is truly a lifesaver for any mom who needs his help. With the help of it, I not only pumped in order to leave my grandmother with the baby, but also to increase lactation.

What can not be done with lactostasis? Lactostasis is dangerous because it can turn into mastitis (inflammation of the breast). In order not to provoke this complication, warming compresses should not be applied, since heating will provoke the development of mastitis. You can not intensively massage the breast - this can damage the tissues of the mammary gland and cause a worsening of the condition. Compresses with camphor and alcohol are contraindicated - alcohol and camphor inhibit lactation, and then it is very problematic to restore it ...


Wow, I didn't know much. Well, it's clear about alcohol, but can you do it with castor oil? I just did) it helped me very quickly

So far, lactostasis happened to me once. A crack formed on the left nipple and the milk began to stagnate. I began to give this breast more often and the baby "absorbed" the problem.

Mastitis: How to Maintain Breastfeeding? Mastitis is an inflammation of the breast tissue. Breast emptying does not cause relief, as is the case with lactostasis. Usually, mastitis is a continuation of lactostasis, which has not been properly treated. Sometimes mastitis is caused by infection through cracked nipples. The chest begins to ache, the body temperature rises, opposite the induration, the skin turns red - the symptoms of mastitis are very similar to lactostasis. But at the same time, they are much more pronounced ...


I had lactostasis on my left breast. The chest burned as if on fire. But I quickly took measures to eliminate milk stagnation and did not come to mastitis.

How to maintain lactation if there is no way to feed your baby? There are times when mom and baby are not together in the first days after childbirth, or mom cannot be fed. This may be due to the serious condition of the baby: prematurity, abnormal childbirth, or other situations requiring medical attention. If the child, due to a disorder of the condition, cannot suckle at the breast, then it is best to feed him with expressed mother's milk. Sometimes, mom is not allowed to feed because of the medications she is taking ...


Yes, I still pump, at first the baby just didn’t suck the breast, but now I’m just used to it. We feed "directly" only in the morning, but dad can also take an active part in feeding, and from time to time I can unwind a little and go somewhere. In this regard, a breast pump is just a salvation, because hands are just a dead number for me to pump, although I have already watched a bunch of videos on this matter.

I have never been apart from my baby. I was very lucky.

Lactation crisis - how to get milk back? A lactation crisis is a temporary decrease in the amount of milk. If you act correctly, then you can cope with this problem quickly enough. It is necessary to increase the time of joint stay of mother and baby. Skin-to-skin contact and joint sleep have a positive effect. A nursing mother should take a break from household chores for a few days and devote maximum time to her baby. Physical fatigue, chronic sleep deprivation and stress negatively affect lactation ...


And I read that lactation crises occur when a child's need for milk increases, and the female body does not have time to adapt. Although, of course, the reasons indicated in the article also affect lactation. I had crises several times, I managed to cope in 2-3 days.

in fact, most milk production is known to occur at night. That is why many pediatricians support the idea of ​​joint sleep, when the baby sucks on the breast during the night, thereby sending an impulse to the brain about milk production. But this question is debatable and the decision remains with the mother.
To help restore lactation and survive a lactation crisis, frequent latching of the baby to the breast, expressing milk, special teas and fees

Going to work and breastfeeding Going to work or school of a nursing mother often becomes the reason for the termination of breastfeeding and the transfer of the baby to artificial formula, since there is a belief that it is very difficult to feed the baby with breast milk in such a situation. However, if you wish, you can continue to lactate and successfully combine breastfeeding and work or school. A few tips to help prolong breastfeeding: Exclusively breastfeeding ...


I am still more impressed by the idea that it is better to avoid going to work early, because the child not only needs mother's milk, but the mother is at her side. By the time he went to work, his son was 2.5 years old, and we had long since turned off GV. Nevertheless, situations are different, I do not promise for the future, and I know for sure what I would fight for.

How can a nursing mother survive the "stormy rush" of milk? Immediately after childbirth and during the first 2-3 days, colostrum is produced in the breast. It is released in small quantities, and my mother practically does not feel it. Then, by the end of 3, the beginning of 4 days after childbirth, the breast begins to increase in size, become more dense and tense. These changes indicate the beginning of the milk arrival process. They are often accompanied by painful sensations, a slight increase in local temperature ...


I had little milk after giving birth, as I had a cesarean section. Some tips from the article were needed when weaning the baby.

During the first pregnancy, she suffered for a very long time, expressed herself. And when my son was giving birth, I bought a breast pump, heaven and earth, it is much easier and very convenient!

Inside, the breast appears to be like a cauliflower roach, where the inflorescences are the mammary glands, and the stems are the milk canals that converge in the nipple. If the breast is not emptied, then milk comes and comes. Thus, milk stagnation occurs. Outwardly, it may look like breast swelling and hardening. It is imperative to attach a hungry child to it or express. Let's learn how to pump. The main movement should be like this. Take your right hand, thumb and forefinger ...

A little background: I fought for my lactation from the very beginning. Milk came only on the third day and I managed to feed the baby not the first time. The rest of the milk, of course, was expressed with a breast pump (I had an electric one) and given to the milk collection center for otkaznichi (there was such a service in our maternity hospital). When my husband took us home, there was no one to give expressed milk to, I decided to freeze it. “It will come in handy in the future,” I thought, and I was right, since the second stage ...

little milk. Increased lactation. Breast-feeding. 10 grams from 1 breast for 1 pumping !!! and those probably do not exist (only smeared on the walls. The consultant said that I was pumping correctly, but so far there is not enough milk. Will it come ???


That's about the "sense with them" - this is not true !!! if the right doctors, they should force you to express as much as possible ... these few drops of native milk for the baby are now like a breath of life, this is his microflora and his health for the rest of his life ... let them feed him there, but your milk obliged! be in his diet ...
Do not despair, it will appear as soon as you pick it up and smell it! The main thing is not to quit. before pumping / * feeding - drink about 500 ml in half an hour. liquids - milk tea - ideally. No smoked meats, spicy - all this delays milk production ... more cheese, cottage cheese, pure boiled meat for a sandwich instead of sausage, with butter. even with the show "our everything" about the children they gave a recipe, now I will find: here, for lactation: brew 1 teaspoon of caraway seeds, chamomile, nettle for 1 glass (plus it helps to reduce the uterus and stop bleeding). you can add sugar for taste, but be careful, it usually puffs up the baby's tummy ... and when pumping, put a photo of your baby next to it and look at it and it will be good !!!

my friend's daughter was in the hospital for the first 3 weeks, and she fed her expressed there. There was also not enough milk, they had SV. at home everything worked out, not right away, but it worked out, now it's all GW. the main thing is not to get nervous in this matter. try at least

Expression secrets. Our problems :(. Breastfeeding. Secrets of expressing. I need to learn how to express milk, because I will leave the baby to my grandmother. It's a shame that it turned out, up to 60 ml in 10 minutes. And then such nonsense ...


Slavka and I, too, could not express anything at all - neither before nor after - only when the child "developed" the ducts, it began to work out. But for the first time I needed to express everything only when he was 3 months old.

Your child, apparently, is a good sucker, sucks everything or almost everything. :-) There is almost nothing to express - it will be so.
You can only advise if there is a long break - to express. Even in the morning there are big hot flashes - you can express it, and the child will stay or he will "suck", "squeeze" mom.
Or - to express a little, freeze, then feed them first frozen, and during their absence (and the absence of attachments) express milk and - then - feed them already, the so-called. new.
You can combine everything. :-)

02/03/2005 13:55:00, Irinka_2004

10.01.2004 10:30:40, Mom Read. 9 comments. Expressing breast milk: all the pros and cons. Here pumping helps a lot - mom, feeling that there is a lot of milk, pumps her breasts, but little by little (do not pump - lactostasis may occur, and then ...


white threads, milky? Then it just starts to flow more fatty milk, after the first, more watery. When it gets into a bottle, into previously expressed milk, it dissolves in it. And that's all :)
On business:
1. Tear off skin is normal. The skin on the nipple should change. Normal - if it doesn't hurt. Cracks are often from improper attachment. By the fact that you are now pumping and feeding from a bottle, you even more confuse the attachment in the direction of the wrong one, most likely. You'd better refuse it. If it is completely impossible to breastfeed, use a syringe or spoon to pour. An electric breast pump, by the way, is not at all more gentle to the breast than a child. Vice versa. Therefore, well, it is very likely that the baby is not breastfeeding correctly.
2. Problems with the amount of milk can be associated with p..1. That is, be the result of improper attachment. On the other hand, you may not have a problem, and doubts about the amount of milk have been sown by the "kind" words of doctors or relatives. Why did you decide that there is not enough milk? Give the numbers: with what weight the child was born, what was the lowest weight, what was the gain. How much do you feed (duration and frequency of feedings)? How much does a child pee and poop per day?
3. If milk starts to seem small, you should not start feeding without trying all the ways to increase the amount of milk. Why: The body produces as much milk as the baby eats. Therefore, you fed - the baby ate less from the breast - less milk came on the trail. day - you add more feeding - ... voila! at 5 months milk is "running out". It is not too late to rectify the situation - if you, of course, have a desire (and since you write here, then most likely there is :)).
Write the numbers for now, without them nothing is clear. And you definitely don't need a doctor :)

Girls, you can't give that kind of milk! Immediately after pumping, refrigerate and reheat only once after that! How to store breast milk and how to give it afterwards? 4) milk can be given at room temperature.


Hey!!! About pumping for freezing ... Sometimes I pump in two or three passes, the main thing is that it was expressed in one day.

And just in general, I poured 15 packages into the freezer, this is my n / a. Before I go somewhere, I express one breast for an hour or two. Before leaving, I breastfeed Temka. I strain the half-eaten in the same container and leave everything in the refrigerator.
Usually it does not come to n / a, but at least I am calm that the baby will not be hungry.

In what cases pumping is necessary and how to do it is described in the article.

Often, expressing milk correctly can solve the problems of a young mother. Therefore, every young mother should know the principles and rules of this procedure.

Why Express Milk?

The reasons for expressing are different for everyone:

  • Stagnation has formed (read below)
  • The chest is too tight, the child cannot take it. It is necessary to express some milk until the baby can take the breast.
  • The baby is unable or unwilling to suckle. Expressing milk, you then bottle feed it
  • The baby is not with you, but you want to bottle feed him. Express the maximum amount of milk every three hours and pass the bottle of milk to the baby
  • If you cannot feed (for example, when taking medications) to maintain lactation. In this case, you need to express at least once every 3 hours. Otherwise, less milk will be produced. And after the restoration of the baby's feeding, he will not have enough milk
  • To enhance lactation (read below)
  • Mom needs to get away. Strain out the required portion of milk and store according to the rules
  • The chest is full, painful. The main thing here is not to overdo it: pump just as much as needed to stop the painful sensations. If you express more, then the next time the milk will come in more than you need. And then you will walk in a vicious circle

IMPORTANT: If you are affected by one of the listed reasons, then before expressing, learn the technique so as not to harm your breasts.

How often to express breast milk?

Expressing frequency depends on the reason for expressing:

  • If to increase lactation, then after each feeding and in between
  • If for breast relief, then in fact: it hurts - you pump, it doesn't hurt - you don't pump
  • If to maintain lactation, when the child does not eat the breast for any reason, then every 3 hours. If less often - then milk will become less and less.
  • If stagnation has formed, then every hour - one and a half

How to express your breasts correctly?

The rules for expressing depend on which method you choose: by hand or by a breast pump. Read about both methods in this article below in more detail.

IMPORTANT: There is only one general rule: you need to pump so as not to injure your breasts. And if you are experiencing very severe pain, then you are probably doing something wrong.

Time to express breast milk

Expressing time also depends on the purpose of the expression:

  • For relief - 2-3 minutes
  • For bottle feeding - until you have pumped the portion you want, about 20-30 minutes
  • To enhance lactation - 5-10 minutes after feeding and 10-15 minutes between feedings
  • In case of stagnation - until the compaction decreases, but not more than 30 minutes. Otherwise, you injure the chest.

How to properly express breast milk with a breast pump?

IMPORTANT: The main condition before any pumping is clean hands.

  • Drink hot liquid 20 minutes before pumping. This will improve milk flow.
  • You can shower your breasts with a shower before pumping. This will make it easier for milk to drain.
  • After warming up, you can lightly massage your breasts (read more about massage below)
  • Thinking about your baby helps the body to make milk flow easier.

  • Relax - this will help milk flow too.
  • It is advisable to express at least a few drops with your hands. This will give the nipple the desired shape and the breast pump will express better.
  • Insert the nipple into the middle of the breast pump funnel
  • The first pressure on the breast pump should be very light, otherwise you risk getting a crack in the nipple due to the strong vacuum
  • When the breasts are already lighter, not so painful, you can speed up the process a little. But don't get carried away by speed anyway
  • Remove the pump from the breast periodically and massage the breast again.
  • If the outflow is poor, try leaning forward a little.
  • If the nipple becomes wet, wipe it off before continuing to pump. Wet breasts are much worse
  • After pumping, for prevention, anoint the nipples with a cream, such as Bepanten.

IMPORTANT: Molotosos is a technique that does not feel if it hurts or not. Therefore, pump very carefully, especially the first times. After the breast gets used and perceives this process more easily

The success of breast pumping depends on the model you choose. How to choose the right model, see the video below.

Video: How to choose a breast pump? - Doctor Komarovsky

Will expressing help increase lactation?

Expressing can increase lactation, but no one can promise you a 100% result.

Milk is produced according to the supply-demand principle. So pumping helps by giving the body unnecessary signals that more milk is needed. So the body begins to produce more.

Expression principles to increase lactation:

  • After each feed, try to express more of the breast you were feeding. Even if you put on a few drops, it will be fine. The body will perceive these attempts as demand. And will produce more milk
  • In between feedings, also try to suckle for 10 minutes on breasts that you do not plan to give to your baby. Otherwise, he will not have enough milk. Or pour into a sterile bottle to feed your baby with this milk later.
  • It is very good at expressing one breast when the baby eats from the other. Milk flushes in both breasts during breastfeeding. These hot flashes are very easy and will fall through the breast pump into the bottle.

But not all mothers manage to increase lactation in this way.

The main problem is that you cannot express even a drop of milk.

IMPORTANT: Many mothers manage to increase lactation by expressing

How to express breast milk by hand?

Expressing with your hands is good because you feel your body. It’s not easy at first, but once you get used to it, you will be able to do it very quickly and efficiently.

Preparation to expressing the same as with a breast pump (see above):

  • Clean hands
  • Hot drink
  • Massage


  • Squeeze the nipple between your thumb and forefinger to make it more elongated.
  • Use your left palm to pick up your breasts from below.
  • Move your thumb up and to the side so that your hand seems to be holding the entire chest
  • Place your right thumb on top of the nipple on the nipple-skin line
  • Put your index and middle fingers on the same line, but under the nipple
  • With your fingers, you should feel on the line for something that looks like balls. If you have groped it, then you are definitely doing the right thing.
  • Next, press your fingers towards the back, i.e. to yourself and slightly squeeze the nipple along this line

IMPORTANT: The last two movements must be done very quickly.

  • Those lobes of the breast that are located on the side of the fingers that directly express the breast are well expressed
  • Therefore, you need to constantly turn your fingers clockwise and counterclockwise so that all the lobes are expressed.

IMPORTANT: Most likely, you will not succeed the first time, but you try and try. Feel yourself and everything will work out

Expressing milk for the first time

  • The first expression, as a rule, is carried out in the hospital, when a lot of milk comes in, which a small child is not yet able to eat.
  • It is necessary to express so that stagnation does not form in the chest.
  • Expression technique is standard (see above)
  • But the first time you pump, you must be extremely careful not to injure your breasts.

IMPORTANT: If you are using a breast pump, your cravings should be minimal. If with hands, then the movements should not be too strong and sharp.

How to express breasts with lactostasis or mastitis?

Expressing with lastostasis or mastitis is the most obligatory treatment item if the child cannot dissolve the stagnation on his own. Therefore, pumping must be done correctly. The technique for expressing with a breast pump and by hand is described above. Some features only:

  • With lactostasis, a nursing mother usually feels how much stagnation has occurred
  • Preparatory shower and massage should be aimed primarily at this lobe of the chest.
  • Do not overheat the breast too much, as this is unacceptable with purulent mastitis.
  • Pat the stale lobes lightly with your fingers
  • And when expressing, all your efforts should be directed to this share.
  • To do this, the fingers of the left palm should be on the side of stagnation, so should the index or thumb of the right hand

IMPORTANT: In no case press on the place of stagnation!

How to express stone breasts?

Stone breasts are a problem for almost all mothers in the first month after giving birth.

The pumping technique can be used as standard for manual or breast pumping (see above), with some considerations:

  • The breast pump will not immediately take a stone breast. You must first give the nipple an elongated shape and try to express a couple of drops with your hands
  • If the stone breast became in the first month after childbirth, then the difficulty is that the ducts are still narrow, not developed. For this reason, milk may drip
  • Don't give up. Try and try. Otherwise, stagnation may form.
  • With a stone breast, you can try to grasp the breast at the base with both hands and, as it were, stretch them towards the nipple, pressing slightly. So the milk can flow more easily

IMPORTANT: The most effective way to express a stone breast is to give it to your baby.

How to express milk into a bottle?

All modern breast pumps are equipped with bottles included. We're not talking about a pear breast pump now. This breast pump can injure the breast and pump less well than others.

Therefore, to express into a bottle, you need to:

  • Sterilize the breast pump and bottle
  • Dry
  • Attach the bottle to the breast pump
  • Express milk

IMPORTANT: Pour this milk into a clean feeding bottle or milk storage bag ()

Rear milk when expressing

When expressing, you may see that your milk is clear and bluish at first, and then turns yellow and opaque.

This yellow and cloudy milk is hind milk. If you leave the milk to stand, you will see how it has separated into layers: the cream on top is the back milk.

It is more difficult to express hind milk by using a breast pump. More often it turns out to get only the front.

IMPORTANT: Your chances of getting hind milk are usually higher with your hands. But this is all individual.

Therefore, if you cannot express hindmilk, do not be discouraged, as this can happen.

Milk Expression Massage

  • Rubbing the chest with both hands in a circle
  • Rubbing with two hands from the base of the breast to the nipple
  • Slap fingers on the chest

IMPORTANT: All movements should be light and calm to prevent damage to the mammary glands.

How Much Milk Should You Express?

The amount of milk depends on when you express it:

  • If you express after feeding, you may not even need to express drops.
  • If you are expressing your breasts before feeding, you can express the correct portion for the baby (both 50 and 100 ml)
  • You can express more milk at night, since the hormone prolactin, which is responsible for milk production, begins its active work precisely from 2 to 6 in the morning.

Some mothers cannot express even 10 ml before feeding: this is more likely due to a violation of the pumping technique.

After feeding, on the contrary, you probably will not be able to express even 10 ml, if we are not talking about hyperlactation.

Why is not enough milk being pumped?

  • The pumping technique is violated
  • Preparatory measures have not been completed (see at the beginning of the article)
  • Bad breast pump (see above for breast pump selection)
  • The child ate everything
  • You cannot relax

IMPORTANT: No breast pump or hands will express as much milk as a baby can. If you cannot express even 20 ml of milk before feeding, do not think that there is no milk in your breast. There is milk in the breast and the baby will suck it

Expressing milk before feeding

It may be necessary to express milk before feeding if:

  • You are weaning and needs to be pumped into a bottle
  • You smeared something on your breast and it is recommended that you express some milk before feeding into the sink
  • The baby does not breastfeed and you have to express milk for him every time
  • The chest is too tight or rocky for the child to take

IMPORTANT: Expressing your breasts is easier before breastfeeding.

Expressing milk after feeding

  • Previously, doctors and our grandmothers recommended that every time after feeding to express the breast to the last drop. Now this approach is not considered correct, since the body will consider that the milk expressed after feeding is also useful to the child. This means that next time it will produce a little more milk. Then you will find yourself in a vicious circle, which will subsequently lead to an excess of milk, which in turn is fraught with constant stagnation.
  • To increase lactation. Expressing after feeding is justified for this purpose. Read about this method in this article above Will expressing help increase lactation?
  • If there is too much milk, and the child eats very little. When you still experience breast pain from excess milk after a feed, you need to express a little until your condition relieves. A lot - not possible, as this will also lead to hyperlactation

Expressing is sometimes necessary, but remember that your baby is the best helper in expressing your breasts.

Unique video: lactostasis: how to express milk?

The promotion of long-term breastfeeding is at its peak these days. This is not surprising and carries only positive aspects. Mother's milk is all that a baby needs for proper development and growth, for his health and the health of a mother.

Expressing breast milk: when to express

But in the life of any woman, at least to some extent breastfeeding, a situation may arise when it is impossible to attach a baby to the breast, when for some reason you have to skip feeding. Most often, this is separation (if the mother needs to be absent, if the mother works, and one of the relatives or the nanny remains with the baby) or, much worse, the mother's illness.

Proper storage of expressed breast milk

With the first situation, everything is more or less clear - you can express the remaining milk in the breast after breastfeeding (fortunately, modern convenient breast pumps from Avent, Medela, Chicco make this easy and quick). Such milk can be cooled in the refrigerator, and then the necessary portions can be heated to body temperature (the optimal temperature in order to offer the baby food or drink). Chilled milk can be stored in the main chamber of the refrigerator at a temperature of 4-6 degrees for a day or two. Particular attention should be paid to the cleanliness of the devices that you will use when expressing - this is very important! The situation is much more complicated when it comes to the health of the mother (especially if she needs a course of antibiotics) or the long separation of the mother and baby (for example, when a working mother who is breastfeeding her baby is forced to go on a business trip).
In such and other similar situations, it becomes necessary to create "reserves" of milk. Chilled milk is not stored for a long time, so it needs to be frozen in order to be used later for feeding the baby. Undoubtedly, frozen and then melted milk is not quite the same as fresh milk from the mother's breast. Moreover, it has to be given from a bottle, which many children do not like and do not recognize (especially those who receive breasts for a long time on demand). This, of course, can be dealt with by inviting the baby to drink from a spoon, from a cup or sippy cup; children about one year old can be offered a straw.

Freezing breast milk

According to experts - and this is no secret to anyone - frozen milk loses some of its anti-infectious properties. Based on this, some pediatricians recommend transferring the child to a mixture for a while. But the introduction of the mixture is a somewhat lengthy process, and it is impossible to introduce it into the child's diet at once and in the required volume. In addition, the mixture is still an artificially created product, and only as close as possible to the composition of human milk. Whereas mother's milk is the product that the baby "knows" well, which the infant's body is used to receiving, and which ideally meets the needs and requirements of a particular child. From this point of view, it is better to feed the baby with the milk that has been expressed and frozen, rather than look for any other options. There are a few simple rules to follow when expressing, freezing, storing, and using breast milk.

Expression cleanliness

A sterile breast pump and bottles, clean hands and mothers' breasts - without this, expressing and storing milk does not make sense. The desire for cleanliness should be laid almost at the level of instincts, because we ourselves always wash our hands before preparing food or going to dinner. So even when pumping with a breast pump, keep basic hygiene in mind.

Shelf life of breast milk

Deep frozen milk, which is stored at the back wall in the freezer (at a temperature of minus 18-20 degrees), is suitable for feeding a baby within 2-3 months from the moment of freezing.

How to freeze breast milk

How to freeze. It is better to freeze milk after cooling it down (in the main chamber of the refrigerator). It is best to use ice molds for freezing - the "cubes" are practically the same (usually 15-20 ml, depending on the shape), easily pass even into a small neck of the bottle and thaw quickly. A convenient and practical solution to this issue was found by Avent, which produces special sets for expressing, freezing, storing milk and its subsequent use for feeding a baby. This kit includes a breast pump, sterile disposable milk bags, a bag holder and nipples. In no case should freshly expressed milk be added to already chilled and, moreover, frozen milk.
Frozen milk should not be added to already thawed and, moreover, warmed milk. It is better to melt milk in the main chamber of the refrigerator (gradual thawing, but it takes time). You can melt milk in a water bath. You can also heat thawed milk in a water bath or a special device for warming up baby food. In this case, one should take into account the fact that overheating of milk will further reduce its anti-infective properties.

There is no exact data on changes in the properties of milk after defrosting and heating it in a microwave (microwave oven). However, it is not recommended to heat milk in the microwave, primarily because of the risk of "hot drops" in such milk, which can burn the baby. The experience of expressing, freezing, and then using breast milk is just as important as breastfeeding itself. Indeed, sometimes it is the "milk reserves" that help preserve and even prolong natural feeding. Whatever it is, mother's milk will always remain with it. Indeed, for a child, especially in the first months of life, breast milk is both food and health (necessary vitamins, minerals, antibodies that help strengthen the immune system), and consolation, and the closest and warmest contact with the mother. Nothing better than mother's milk, nature has not created. And it is unlikely that it will.

How to express correctly to increase lactation

Young mothers are often advised that expressing milk is an integral part of breastfeeding. However, this statement is erroneous.

When feeding on demand, when the baby is correctly capturing the breast of the mother and the mother produces as much milk as the infant needs for daily consumption, expression is not necessary.

When to pump

But there are a number of situations when it is simply impossible to do without pumping. For example, if the mother has more milk than the baby can consume. In this case, the remaining milk can stagnate and lead to painful sensations. Or vice versa, if there is not enough milk, that is, lactation is reduced, then expressing can stimulate its increase. Expressing is also necessary when the mother needs to be temporarily absent or can no longer arrive on maternity leave. And if the mother has lactostasis, mastitis, or the nipples are hardened and cracked, then pumping is necessary for medicinal purposes.

Let's talk about how to express correctly. Expressing is usually done with your hands or a breast pump. It is recommended to take a warm shower before starting the procedure. In order to open the milk ducts, it is necessary to make a warm compress (a piece of cotton cloth is moistened with warm water and applied to the breast) and massage. The massage is done in this way - one hand supports the chest from below, and the fingers of the other massage it in a circular motion. If seals are found in the chest, then in these places the massage should be most intense. You need to knead both breasts, after which you can start pumping.

Technique for expressing breast milk

You will need a sterile container and clean hands to express. Place the thumb and forefinger on the outer contour of the areola. Gently rhythmic movements must be pressed on the areola. Having emptied one area of ​​the breast from milk, you should move to the next one. Repeating the indentations, you need to move clockwise until the entire chest is emptied. These steps should be applied to both breasts. When expressing, do not squeeze the nipple directly, as this can lead to microtrauma. As a rule, even in the maternity hospital, the midwife should familiarize the young mother with the procedure for expressing. If this has not happened, then the necessary information can be obtained from a breastfeeding consultant.

Today there is a wide range of mechanical and electric breast pumps. Some mothers think this is a very important and necessary device. But there are bound to be those who prefer hand pumping. It should be noted that only the front of the breast can be expressed with such a device. The remaining milk is manually expressed.

Expressed breast milk can be stored for 10 to 14 hours at room temperature (19-20 ° C), a day at a temperature of 15 ° C, about 2 days in a refrigerator (6 ° C), up to 7 days in a freezer.

The Healing Properties of Breast Milk

Every woman knows how important breast milk is in the life of every baby. It contains all the necessary elements for the normal growth of a baby. But many do not even know that milk has healing properties.

I was still in the hospital. I just gave birth to my first daughter, Katyusha, and I have cracked nipples. It was very painful. And I did not know how to treat. The cream didn't help. I would have tolerated it if the doctor hadn't come in and asked, “Is there already milk? So what are you waiting for? Treat with your milk. " And left. I tried it. After each feeding, she left a drop of milk on the nipple. Until it dried out. And literally the next day, almost everything went away. And no trace of the cracks remained.

Breast milk will also help your baby if he has a runny nose. Put a couple of drops of milk in each nostril and watch. The child will breathe better. And the runny nose will quickly pass.

If the child's eyes turn sour, you can drip with special drops, you can rinse with tea, or you can rinse with breast milk. When feeding, put a couple of drops on the eye. And the little eye will soon stop turning sour.

We did just that. And when I saw that the child was getting better right in front of my eyes, I began to appreciate breastfeeding and understand how important it is for my child and how much it gives him.

How to express breast milk correctly video

Almost every breastfeeding mom has a history of expressing breast milk. The procedure causes not only emotional but also physical discomfort. To make the process easier, you need to know how to properly express breast milk with your hands.

In the first days of a baby's life, a drop of milk around the nipple attracts with a smell, develops a reflex of attachment to the breast, softens the skin, and prevents cracks. To develop a habit, there is nothing left to do but express. Expression of breast milk is required in two cases:

  1. In the interests of the woman.
  2. For the baby.

Indications from the mother are:

  • stagnation of milk;
  • the need to increase lactation;
  • temporary illness;
  • cracked nipple;
  • going to work.

The baby requires expression of the mammary glands in the following cases:

  • prematurity and tube feeding;
  • weakness, inability to pick up the breast on your own.

The mammary gland in the postpartum period is tight and full. The newborn does not yet have enough strength to absorb it. Breast straightening is used as an aid. The thoracic ducts open up and the baby can breastfeed on his own.

Sometimes, with breastfeeding, the baby injures the mother's breast. Cracks appear on the nipples. In order not to provoke inflammation, but also not to stop lactation, the baby is fed with expressed milk. The procedure lasts until the cracks heal. After recovery, breastfeeding continues.

There are children who refuse to breastfeed. Milk stays in the glands for more than three hours. With such a break between feedings, it stagnates, which will cause inflammation of the ducts. Stagnation will lead to inhibition of lactation. The ducts are swollen, the baby is not able to dissolve. Not expressing can lead to mastitis.

If the mother is planning a temporary separation from the baby, the milk must be expressed for storage with subsequent use. In order not to interrupt breastfeeding, milk is harvested in advance. When the baby itself cannot suckle the breast, it is required to express the milk by hand.

It's bad when mommy is sick and takes medications that are incompatible with feeding. The child is transferred to artificial mixtures for some time. To maintain lactation, milk is expressed. This is a temporary measure. Mom continues to breastfeed as soon as she recovers.

Preparing for a manual breast pumping procedure

The technique of manually expressing milk is ubiquitous. Correct pumping does not require material costs for devices, is available under any conditions, easy to perform. It is safer than all modern devices because the process is regulated by one's own senses.

The rules for expressing breast milk are simple. Personal hygiene is imperative. Try to take a warm shower before expressing, preferably without gel or smelly soap. Milk absorbs the smell of detergents. The kid does not like artificial smells. He will refuse to eat.

Drink a glass of warm milk, mild tea, or water to infuse milk ten minutes before your procedure.

When expressing, droplets may get on clothing. Wear special nursing clothes that are clean and comfortable. Prepare a sufficiently large milk bowl with a wide mouth. Wash and sterilize well the day before. Sterilization is essential for the death of pathogenic bacteria. Helps protect your child from intestinal infections.

You may need a clean diaper. Cook it right away. Place a soft diaper under your chest. It will absorb the splashed droplets.

Think about your child for a psychological boost. Remember his smell, voice, touch. The safest way to tune in is to give your baby one breast and express the other. When the baby is working, milk flows to both breasts.

Expression technique

Remember, when pumping, your muscles get very tired, especially your back. Therefore, you need to know how to express milk correctly so that it only brings satisfaction. Find a comfortable position: sitting or lying. Position the bowl so that you do not have to bend over to it. Bends will tire you out faster.

The technique of expressing breast milk is well known. Hold the breast with one hand from below, with the other gently knead with rotational movements from the base of the gland to the nipple. At the same time, peas are felt under the fingers.

Then place the pads of your fingers on the area of ​​the areola of the nipple opposite each other. You need to make the letter "C". Press lightly on the areola. The movement should be like rolling your fingers, not rubbing your skin. First of all, you need to straighten your breasts. When the milk starts to separate, move your fingers and continue.

Milk is produced in the milk ducts of the gland and enters the areola of the nipple. To open the ducts, you need to properly strain the gland. If milk is not expressed, you have to put a warm diaper on your breast and massage it lightly. Milk appears after a few taps. Don't stop if it doesn't work out well at first. Wait for it to descend from the ducts.

Remember that the nipple itself is not expressed, it does not contain milk. It is only a functional organ for the withdrawal of milk to the baby. Rough, pulling movements in relation to the nipple lead to stretching of the ducts, injury, inflammation.

We work with the mammary glands one by one. The time for expressing milk with hands on one breast is 5 minutes. Then we go to the second. The general session lasts approximately 30 minutes, or until the milk supply stops. The amount of milk is obtained, after which there is a feeling of comfort. If your chest hurts after expressing, you should stop and wait. The appearance of bruises indicates too rough pressure and trauma to the milk ducts. You don't have to try to do everything quickly. Work slowly and persistently. To eliminate discomfort after the procedure, apply a damp, cool towel to your chest. The soreness will go away, the state of lightness will remain.

How to store breast milk

Mother's milk is a valuable liquid for the nutrition, growth and development of your baby. Contains essential amino acids, proteins, vitamins, defense factors, bactericidal substances.

The rich composition of expressed milk allows it to be stored at room temperature for 2 hours. In a closed sterile package at a temperature of +5 degrees, you can store up to seven days. In the freezer, women's milk is stored for up to six months. Make sure that the milk does not absorb foreign odors. The child will not want to drink such milk.

Important points

When and how often it is necessary to express the mammary glands, the mother understands after the appearance of a newborn baby in the family. The first knowledge, whether it is necessary to express milk from the breast, or not, a woman receives in the delivery room. For the first time, the glands need to be dissected 6 hours after childbirth.

If you are not breastfeeding, but are planning, then you need to express at a frequency that imitates feeding the baby on demand, that is, every 2-3 hours. At night, the procedure is repeated after 6 hours so that mommy can rest. The breastfeeding consultants in the maternity hospital will show you the methodology.

The answer to the question of whether it is necessary to express milk after feeding will be given by the baby himself. If milk is not enough for him to eat well, then the technique will help to enhance lactation. There are times when the baby has not fully sucked the breast. He needs help to preserve milk.

Milk is formed in the ducts of the gland and enters the areola of the nipple. Remember, the more you express, the more it stays. Expressing milk after feeding is necessary when the baby does not eat everything. In order to preserve lactation.

If your first attempts at hand expressing breast milk are unsuccessful, just be patient and try again. You will succeed.

What to do if milk is still not expressed. Try using special breast pads when breastfeeding your baby. Perhaps the baby with his perseverance will help to normalize lactation.


If you are breastfeeding and do not know how to express milk or what to do next, consult your doctor first. He will teach you how to express your breasts correctly. This skill will come in handy for every nursing mother in an unforeseen situation. Just in case, every young mother should master this skill.

Every woman who becomes a mother and chooses the path of natural breastfeeding usually has a question about how to express milk sooner or later.

It is a big mistake to think that the technique of expressing breast milk is of concern mainly to those who have problems with lactation. Here is an incomplete list of situations in which a nursing mother may need this skill:

  • in order to soften the breast when it is overcrowded with milk
  • upon occurrence lactostasis(breast milk stagnation)
  • if you have to be separated from the baby (for example, when mom is in a forced absence or simply returned to work)
  • in case of breastfeeding, when the mother wants to continue feeding the baby with milk
  • with drug therapy, in which breastfeeding is impossible, but at the same time the mother wants to maintain lactation
  • to create a milk supply just in case (it is important to do this correctly)
  • with non-standard parameters of the mother's nipples
  • when the baby appeared ahead of time, and his sucking reflex is still weakly expressed. In such cases, the baby is spoon-fed with the mother's expressed milk.

All of the above reasons are valid for starting pumping. You can express milk manually or using a special device (breast pump). The manual method of expressing milk has a number of advantages: it is simple and accessible at any time and in almost any situation, does not require special devices, and also allows you to easily control the progress of the process. The technique of expressing milk with your hands rightfully belongs to the skills necessary for every breastfeeding mother.

Our article will tell you about how to express breast milk by hand and what techniques and methods exist.

Expressing breast milk with your hands. Preparation, pumping technique, tips and tricks

How to start manually expressing breast milk

Conventionally, the process of expressing breast milk can be divided into two mandatory stages. The first is the creation of all the necessary conditions (the condition of the mother, the availability of the necessary utensils, the preparation of the mammary glands), the second includes directly expressing breast milk.

How to prepare for such a scrupulous task? At the start of the process you need to decide where you plan to collect milk... Some mothers pump into a cup, others directly into a feeding bottle, and some like to use a glass bottle with a narrow neck. This largely depends on the purpose of expressing - are you going to immediately give the baby expressed milk, or are you planning to keep it in reserve? Or are you pumping to maintain lactation during drug therapy that is incompatible with breastfeeding? In the latter case, it will be useful to remind you that such milk cannot be used to feed a child, so you can even express in the sink or in a clean towel. Prepare the dishes you want and copy them.

Once you've decided on the capacity, it's time to get your breasts ready for pumping. Remember to wash your hands with soap and water., and the mammary glands can simply be rinsed under warm running water.

To get the most out of hand pumping, breasts and nipples need to be prepared in a certain way.

Technique for massaging your breasts before you start expressing with your hands

  1. Start with a circular stroking motion with your hands. No need to press hard, focus on your feelings. The massage should not be painful or uncomfortable! Moving your hands in a spiral, massage the entire mammary gland, as shown in Figure 1, then move to the second breast.
  2. The next massage movement: with one hand we support the mammary gland from below, and with the other we make “sweeping” movements as if driving milk towards the nipple. Thus, go over the entire mammary gland according to the arrows in Figure 2. Do not forget to repeat all the same with the other breast.
  3. We knead the nipple and areola area. It happens that the nipples "hide" and are not ready for pumping. This massage exercise is very good at helping to prepare the breasts and shape the nipple. We form the letter C from the fingers of the palm, put the thumb over the nipple, but not on the nipple itself, but on the outer border of the areola (as in Figure 3), the remaining 4 fingers are under the breast, supporting it. With the thumb, stroking movements move towards the nipple. At this stage, you may already have a drop of milk coming out. You are on the right track!
  4. If the previous exercise did not help and the nipple is still "hiding", try to shape it by gently squeezing on both sides with your thumb and forefinger (Figure 4). Once again, no pain should arise!
  5. After the massage, you can also bend forward and shake both breasts with your palms for 30-40 seconds. This vibration has an extremely beneficial effect on milk separation.

The sequence of movements during the preparatory massage

What else helps to increase lactation?

There are a few other tricks that can help you get the most of your milk and how to empty your breasts, for example:

  • drink some warm drink (tea is best)
  • take a warm shower (at least 5 minutes)
  • apply a heated towel to your chest

These simple tricks will help stimulate milk flow and start expressing.

So, we express milk with our hands

The breasts are ready, it's time to learn how to express milk with your hands into a bottle. Doing so best while sitting, leaning forward slightly. Try to find a comfortable position in which you can completely relax and not be distracted from the process itself by anything else.

Straining your breast milk into a bottle shouldn't be difficult if you've prepared your breasts well using the self-massage techniques suggested above.

There are several techniques with the help of which mothers around the world are pumped. Which one is right for you, you can find out only empirically, but we will introduce you to everyone.

The easiest technique for manually expressing breast milk

We fold the thumb and forefinger of one hand into the letter C and place it as shown in the figure below.

The easiest manual pumping technique: photo

Press your fingers on the areola of the nipple and then squeeze your fingers. At this point, milk separation begins. At the beginning of pumping, it is usually released one drop at a time, and then, when the tide intensifies, trickles may appear. Be sure to work both breasts this way, placing your fingers on the areola in all directions, as if it were a clock hand and you would need to go a full circle.

Technique for expressing breast milk "Marmet"

Expressing begins with a gesture already known to us - we fold the fingers of one of the hands in the shape of the letter C. The thumb is located above the nipple, and the rest under it.
IMPORTANT! The fingers should be placed not on the nipple itself, but outside the areola (2.5-4 cm from the nipple), as shown in Figure 2, otherwise pumping may be ineffective and even traumatic.

The position of the hand when expressing with the "Marmet" method: photo.
The fingers should be positioned BEYOND the areola!

Expressing itself consists of three simple, repetitive movements:

  1. In position. We start pumping with a gesture we already know - fold the fingers of one of the hands in the shape of the letter C. The thumb is located above the nipple, and the rest under it. IMPORTANT! The fingers of the hand should be placed not on the nipple itself, but outside the areola (2.5-4 cm from the nipple) as shown in Figure 2, otherwise pumping can be ineffective and even traumatic.
  2. Clicking. From the starting position (thumb above the nipple, the rest below it) we make a movement with our fingers towards ourselves, as if pressing the mammary gland into the chest... Do not separate your lower fingers. If your chest is large, first lift it up with your other palm and support it.
  3. Roll. In this position, we make a movement with the thumb and all other fingers, as if they were taking fingerprints - at the same time with the thumb and then rolling all the others - from the index to the little finger. It is important that your hand does not slide over your skin.
  4. We finish. Then we do the opposite movement, the fingers return to their place, completing the circle... In this way, we imitate the sucking of the breast by the baby, which helps to produce more milk.
  5. We repeat. We cyclically reproduce these movements in a circle, changing the position of the fingers from vertical to horizontal, working through all the milk lobes.

This technique is quite difficult to describe in words, so we recommend that you watch the video:

How to manually express breasts: video

Avoid squeezing and pulling on the nipples, as well as sliding finger movements on the skin. All this can injure the chest and cause a lot of inconvenience. If your breasts are wet from leaking milk, we recommend using a napkin or towel to avoid slipping.

This is one of the most effective ways to express breast milk, but there are others that you can check out below.

Technique for manually expressing breast milk by squeezing

In this case, the prepared breast is grasped with two palms - one from above, the other from below and gently and slowly squeezed. At the same time, from the outside it can be imagined as squeezing cream out of a pastry bag. This method should be carried out very carefully, do not allow the appearance of painful sensations!

Some women find it more convenient to pump by simply squeezing the breast with their hands.

Technique for expressing breast milk between the toes

Alternatively, the areola and nipple are placed between the index and middle fingers of the hand. With the palm, you need to make pressing movements so that the fingers seem to sink into the mammary gland, and the nipple and areola, on the contrary, protrude outward.

Most often, each woman chooses how to correctly express breast milk with her hands, based on personal feelings and experience.

How long to pump?

For breast pumping to be effective enough, you need to spend some time doing this procedure. The whole process will take you 20 to 30 minutes. This includes stimulating the breasts to generate inflow and expressing milk directly.
Alternate massage and hand pumping for the best results in this mode:

  1. Pre-massage as described above
  2. We express each mammary gland for 5 to 7 minutes
  3. Massage for 1 minute
  4. We express each mammary gland again for 3 to 5 minutes
  5. Massage for 1 minute
  6. The last time we pump each breast for 2 to 3 minutes.

Each time you massage, try to do the whole cycle - kneading, stroking and shaking. While expressing, change the position of your hands, working through each milk lobe.

A little more on how to express milk by hand: additional tips

From the above material, you can easily understand how to properly express breast milk by hand. But there is a number of additional tips, following which you can not only greatly facilitate the process, but also make it more effective:

  • When pressing on the chest, there is no need to "fidget" over it with your fingers. The palm should be as static as possible;
  • Don't put pressure on the nipple. Anatomically, milk is absent in it;
  • To avoid blockage of milk ducts, you need to work out each milk lobe;
  • The key to success is the rhythm of movements. Even if at first it seems that milk is not being released at all, you need to be patient and not interrupt the process. Lactation must be regulated;
  • Only you yourself can feel the whole process and establish the correct expression of milk;
  • In no case should you express only one breast. Both breasts should be involved in this process, without allowing one of them to be overflowing.
  • If it didn't work the first time, don't despair, pumping your breasts with your hands is a skill that takes practice and every time it works better and better.

Let's summarize

All world medicine has long recognized the enormous benefits of breastfeeding. At the same time, breastfeeding is gaining more and more popularity every year. It is very useful for nursing mothers to know how to express breast milk by hand, because manual expression has many advantages:

  • You do not depend on the presence / absence of electricity
  • It's much easier
  • No need to wash and sterilize equipment every time
  • Skin-to-skin contact helps induce milk flow
  • You are relieved of the painful sensations usually caused by prolonged use of the breast pump attachment
  • In the end it's free

In addition to these points, every woman will find something else useful for herself in the manual method of breast pumping. We hope that after reading this article, this process no longer seems so difficult to you, and you will find one of the listed methods quite effective.