A fairy tale about a New Year's toy. A story about old Christmas toys. Waiting for the holiday

Budget institution of Khanty - Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug - Ugra

"Center for social assistance to families and children" Zhemchuzhina "


correctional and developmental classes for the development of speech

"Winter. New Year's celebration"

Prepared by:

speech therapist

rehabilitation departments for children and adolescents with disabilities

Nezyamzinova N.A.


Target: clarification and expansion of the dictionary on the topic “Winter. New Year's celebration".

Correctional and developmental tasks:

Develop dialogic speech, speech hearing, visual perception and attention;

Develop general speech skills; articulatory, fine, general motor skills and constructive praxis.

Correctional and educational tasks:

- to form the skills of cooperation, a positive attitude to participate in the lesson, initiative and independence;

Cultivate aesthetic feelings in communication with nature.

Social tasks:

To stimulate and develop different types of contact and means of communication.

Materials for the lesson:

demonstration- planar images: a Christmas tree with Velcro glued to it, Christmas toys (drum, pipe, bell, clock), "blizzard"; character - snowman, multimedia presentation "Funny articulation gymnastics", speech therapy screen;

Dispensing - lumps of cotton wool, prefabricated snowmen, ready-made cotton snowballs.

preliminary work.

Observations of changes in nature during walks with parents and caregivers;

Learning the self-massage exercise "Snowman";

Reading "Tales about Christmas toys" N.V. Nishcheva;

Conversation on the plot picture "The Boy at the Christmas Tree";

Learning the finger game "Snowball";

Learning the game to develop the strength of the voice "Blizzard";

Individual lessons using the multimedia presentation "Fun Gymnastics";

Didactic games "Pick up a couple", "Wonderful bag", "Cut pictures", "What's gone?".

Organizing time.

1. Didactic game "Bell Song"

Target: organizing children for classes, activating attention.

Bell song: “The bell sings - it calls to class!”

Guys, say hello to the guests. Say "hello" to me and each other, hold hands and smile at whoever is standing next to you. You felt how warm our hands were, and that together with a smile we conveyed a good mood to each other. Well, are you ready to get to work? And what we will talk about in the lesson, you will now guess for yourself.

I. Introduction.

1. Observation from the window

Target : activating children for class, developing visual perception and memory, consolidating the ability to finish a sentence, developing the ability to use their life experience.

Come to the window, what do you see?(Snow.)

Right. Snow on the paths, snow on the trees,

And on the roof ... .. (Snow.)

On the porch ... .. (Snow.)

What time of year is this?(Winter.)

Yes, guys, this winter-winter has covered a lot of snow.

Do you think it's warm outside right now?(Cold.)

What do people wear in winter to keep warm?(A fur coat, a warm hat, felt boots, mittens ....)

What is a fun holiday in winter?(New Year, Christmas tree.)

What can you play outside in winter?(In snowball fights, make a snowman, ride down a hill.)

Guys, have I forgotten how to make a snowman?(Lumps to sculpt different.)

Today in class we will see a Christmas tree, and we will make a snowman, and we will play snowballs. But for this you need to prepare.

2 . Finger game "Snowball"

Target: development of fine motor skills of hands; coordination of speech with movement.

First we will warm up the hands.

One two three four

squeeze and unclench hands

We made snow with you

imitate snowball making


connect the fingers of both hands into a ball


lock your fingers

Very smooth

stroking a fist with one hand with the other

But not at all sweet.

wag a finger

Once - let's throw it up,

imitate a throw - hands up

Two - catch

"catch" at chest level

Three - let's drop

unclench your hands

And we'll break it.

clap your hands and rub

3. Breathing exercise “Blow off the snowball”

Target: the development of physiological respiration, the development of a directed air jet.

There isn't enough snow. Let's help the winter snow cover.

(Children blow a cotton ball from their palms)

Little snow happened, you have to call a blizzard for help(show picture).

The blizzard starts(Children stand, backs straight; take a deep breath, as you exhale, quietly begin to pull: wow ..., hand down).

strong blizzard (Children increase the power of the voice, the hand slowly rises).

The blizzard subsides (Children reduce the power of their voices and calm down, the hand goes down).

5. Multimedia presentation "Fun Gymnastics"

Target: development of mobility of the articulatory apparatus.

And now let's stretch the tongues and lips so that we can talk beautifully.

II. Main part.

1. Conversation "Our tree"

Target: development of dialogical speech, coordination of onomatopoeia and movements, strengthening the ability to change the strength of the voice; development of thinking, fantasy, creative imagination, creating an atmosphere of festive mood in children.

What holiday will be soon? ( Christmas tree, New Year. )

And we have a beautiful, elegant Christmas tree, all in toys(open the Christmas tree on the easel, several toys are on the table).

Oh, guys, a few toys fell. Why? What could have happened?(The cat dropped, the boy played ....)

Good thing the toys didn't break. Let's look at them.

What's this? (Drum.)

How loud is the drum?(bom-bom.)

What's this? (Pipe.)

How loud is the flute?(Doo-doo.)

What's this? (Clock.)

- How quietly is the clock ticking?(Tick-tock.)

What's this? (Bell.)

How softly does the bell ring?(Ding Ding.)

2. Exercise "What sounds?"

Target: development of auditory attention in the perception and reproduction of quiet and loud sounds.

(On the easel there is an image of a Christmas tree with Velcro glued to it, under the Christmas tree on a table there is an image of Christmas toys: a drum, a pipe, a bell, a clock)

Now guys let's play(speech therapist covers his mouth with a screen).I will sing different songs, and you guess and show with your hands which toy sounds like that?

Bom-bom-bom. Choral response: "Drum"(imitate drumsticks).

Doo-doo-doo. Choral response: "Pipe"(imitates playing the flute) etc.

3. Exercise "Decorate the Christmas tree"

Target: formation of the correct intonation-rhythmic pattern in words of different syllabic structure: clock, drum, bell, etc.; education and use in speech1st person singular verb hang; clarification of understanding of prepositions on, under

(On the easel there is an image of a Christmas tree with Velcro glued to it, under the Christmas tree on a table there is an image of Christmas toys: a drum, a pipe, a bell, a clock)

- Guys, let's hang our toys back on the Christmas tree.

Dasha, what are you hanging?(I hang up the clock.)

Sasha, what are you hanging?(Drum.), etc.

Look at our Christmas tree! How beautiful she is! How many toys she has! Let's name all the toys, and our palms will help us (clapping the rhythmic pattern of words: balls, beads, clock, fish, pipe, boat, fox, frog, cockerel, bun, drum, rocket, bell). Well done boys! How fun and right we called the words.

Guys, where are our toys now - under the Christmas tree(speech therapist shows with his hand) or on the tree? (On the tree.)

Masha, look, is there anything else under the Christmas tree?(Masha finds a broken snowman)

Let's remember how to make a snowman.(Children go to the carpet)

4. Body massage "Snowman"

Target: strengthening the ability to perform elementary self-massage techniques.

One is a hand, two is a hand

Stretch your arms forward.

We make a snowman

Simulate making snowballs.

We're rolling a snowball

Circular movements of the palms on the thighs.

Here's one

Spread your arms wide to the sides.

And then smaller com -

Rub your chest with your palms.

Here's one

Show a smaller lump with your hands.

And we will put on top

Stroke your cheeks with your palms.

Little lump.

Connect your fingers into a small ball.

So the snowman came out - Snowman

Put your hands on your belt and make turns left and right.

Remembered? Now go to the table and assemble the snowmen from the parts.

5. Exercise "Assemble a snowman"

Goals: improvement of visual-motor coordination;strengthening the ability to compose a whole object from its parts.

(Each child has a set of three circles of different sizes and a bucket)

Do not forget, the largest lump is at the bottom, then a smaller one, and the smallest one is at the top.

Decorate the snowman with a bucket.

Dasha, help Sasha build a snowman. Tell me where to start?(First a large lump, then a smaller one, a small one on top and a bucket.)

6. Surprise moment

Target : maintaining a positive mood in children.

Guys, do you want to see a real snowman?(Want.)

Then close your eyes and I'll say the magic words.

Snowman - snowman!

Become alive, our fat man!

(The Snowman character appears with a basket)

Here is our Snowman, only he is sad.

Snowman. I feel hot here, I want something cold.

What do we do? How to help the Snowman?(We need snow.) That's right, guys, you need to cool the Snowman, leave snowballs in him.

7. Mobile game "Snowballs"

Target: satisfaction of motor activity of children, removal of physical and emotional stress.

Each child is givenready-made soft snowballs.

Snowman. Thank you, it's cooler. But I'd rather go outside, I'm afraid I'll melt. And you have a present from me(gives basket).

III. Conclusion.

1. Didactic game "Tell me in order"

Target: generalization of the material covered; encouraging children.

Let's remember what we did in class today, how did we help winter? (WITHthey blew off the tenders, played with their fingers - they made snowballs, they collected a snowman, they decorated a Christmas tree, they did exercises for the tongue, they played with the Snowman).

That's how many things they did and, of course, they deserved gifts from the Snowman (speech therapist invites children to choose a gift for themselves - a snowman toy).

At home, you will look at the snowmen and remember how we helped winter-winter.

2. Homework

Target: to consolidate the constructive skills and abilities acquired in the lesson in close cooperation with parents.

In the evening, on the way home, tell your parents about your gift, and near the house, together with your dad or mom, make a real fun snowman out of the snow.

Introductory word. Why do we need to read or invent fairy tales for children? Fairy tales have been read to us since childhood. There are fairy tales in our lives, they attract our attention, excite and enchant ... And we, intrigued and bewitched by them, read and listen to them. A fairy tale is a special symbolic language, a world of images. Authorial, “self-made” or spontaneously invented, they immerse us in the world of dreams and experiences, lived stories. Fairy-tale images are strong in their impact, and trying on the role of a fairy-tale character provides a good opportunity to learn new ways of behavior.

Target: formation of interest and need in reading (perception) of books.

- to form a holistic picture of the world, including primary value ideas about the New Year holiday;
- to introduce to verbal art, including the genre of fairy tales;
- evoke an immediate response and emotional interest arising from the perception of fairy-tale characters;
- develop literary speech, attention, thinking, establish the simplest logical connections in the work;
- educate the desire to make gifts for the New Year to loved ones, take care of New Year's toys.

So let's start...

New Year's toys.

It was an early winter morning. Snow was falling outside the window. Snowflakes, as if dancing, floated smoothly in the air. Then they fell to the ground, forming beautiful unpretentious patterns. Gradually, the path to the small wooden house became covered with a white blanket.
The door creaked softly. It was the parents of the girl Masha who woke up. Dad was going to work, and mom was busy with household chores. And in the room of the girl Masha it was unusually quiet. Mashenka, who recently turned 5 years old, was sleeping peacefully. In a dream, she dreamed of New Year's gifts, about which she wrote the day before in a letter to Santa Claus.
Meanwhile, there was a soft rustle in the room.
“Ay-ay, move over, please, madam, you are not alone here,” a soft voice suddenly rang out.
- I can’t move, I was pressed so hard from all sides that my beautiful shiny outfit was slightly wrinkled. How will I look? What will the guests say about me? - this indignant voice was heard from a large box in which New Year's toys lay.
- Well, well, madam, do not worry ... Soon we will all be at the festive tree, and we will be admired just like last year, - said the big Blue Ball, decorated with rhinestones and snowflakes.
- Thank you, - thanked the young lady in a snow-white outfit and even smiled in response.
At this time, the mother of the girl Masha entered the room. She had no idea what was happening in the room in her absence. Moreover, it did not occur to her that the rustle that she heard was from the New Year's box. Can toys talk? “Of course not…” you say. But what just does not happen on New Year's Eve!
- Mashenka, get up, - mother began to wake up the girl. - We have a lot to do today. Look what's in this box.
Masha did not want to get out of bed at all. But she suddenly remembered that the day before, dad had brought a small Christmas tree from the forest and placed it in the corner of the room. Now the green guest was looking at her, sadly waving her fir branches, not understanding why she was brought from her native forest and placed in the middle of this house.
Mashenka stretched for the last time and suddenly quickly jumped out of bed. Sleep seemed to have never happened. How can you sleep so long when so many interesting and unusual things await you! Masha ran up to the Christmas tree, touched its fluffy long branches, stroked the soft needles and said out loud:
- Hello, Christmas tree, now I will decorate you. And you will be the most elegant and beautiful!
The girl looked around herself and immediately saw a large cardboard box on the table, from which Christmas decorations were peeking out. The light fell on the box from one side, and the toys, covered with shiny tinsel, shimmered with bright mysterious colors. Masha even stopped in bewilderment: what kind of toy should she start with? She picked up a large Blue Orb and began to examine it. It shimmered in his hands like a dark starry sky, decorated with snowflakes. Mashenka carefully pulled the loop up and hung the Ball on the top branch of the spruce.
- That's lovely! - Shar thought at that time. - I will be above all! I can see everything from above! No wonder I waited for this long-awaited moment.
And Mashenka picked up a fragile glass toy - the Young Lady. She lay and looked at Masha with her eyes, as if impatiently saying: “And me? Where will I shine with my bright airy outfit?
Masha thought for a while and hung this fragile glass toy on a spruce branch, a little lower than the one where the Blue Ball hung. Now both toys sparkled in the dim light. Mashenka ran after her mother to ask if she was hanging toys correctly. As soon as she left, the voice rang out again:
“Madam, you are charming today,” said the Blue Ball, and even turned around, trying to make a slight bow.
- Thank you, you are as polite as before. Time does not change you, and this pleases, - the young lady swayed slightly on a branch in response to curtsey. - Nevertheless, your position is more advantageous, you are taller than me, and your outfit probably looks advantageous and brighter than my festive dress.
- What are you, madam, - reassured Shar. - Do not forget that I am a gentleman, and I must protect and protect you. Mashenka did the right thing by placing me on the last branch. I will take care of your safety. Now my position obliges me!
- Thank you, - thanked the Young Lady. She was so very proud to show her New Year's outfit again, happy with the solemn atmosphere and fascinated by the gallantry of her longtime beau Blue Ball. Therefore, she immediately forgot about the recent unrest. And soon, having finally calmed down, the Young Lady swayed slightly on a branch in time with the clock, which beat minute after minute and brought the long-awaited New Year's holiday closer. She even closed her eyes from happiness, remembering how good and joyful she was last year. The young lady recalled the sonorous, joyful children's voices, the loud voice of Santa Claus, the rustle of thin foil tinsel, the rustling of candy wrappers, the happy exclamations of girls and boys dressed in carnival costumes. What a wonderful Christmas atmosphere!
- How I love the New Year! I bring joy and happiness to this house. My wonderful and faithful friends are with me - New Year's toys. From the joy that overwhelmed her, the young lady closed her eyes again and began to wait for the continuation of the holiday.
- Mommy, look, this Dolly is just lovely! I want the same white dress as hers, - Masha showed her hand at the Young Lady. Mom just smiled back. She already knew that there was a dress in the closet, made of thin white silk, adorned with embroidery and bright large beads. The dress was prepared as a gift to Mashenka.
- Tick-tock! Tick-tock! - beat the clock minute by minute, bringing the New Year holiday closer. Mom and Masha smiled at each other and went about their business.
And New Year's toys watched them and mysteriously gleamed. It's good that there is a wonderful
New Year holiday!

Fairy tale about Christmas toys

Once upon a time there were Christmas decorations. They lived in a large cardboard box that lay on the top shelf in the closet.

Rather, she lay there for almost the entire year, but for magical 14 days she carefully descended to the floor to give the whole family a New Year's miracle.

Christmas decorations lived almost amicably. Why almost? Because they argued with each other all the time.

The topic for debate was, of course, important - which of them is the most important on the New Year tree.

While the balls and garlands lay in a dark box, they grumbled angrily at each other, like old men and old women.

To be honest, some of the Christmas decorations were actually very old. Some of them were even decades old. These toys were still grandmother's: snowmen, snow maidens, horses and cones.

There were newer Christmas decorations - they dressed up a home Christmas tree relatively recently. These are glass balls, beads and garlands. They were bright and reflected everything that was around them.

When the toys were already hanging on the branches of the Christmas tree, they all the time found out which of them decorates it better. Each toy tried to substitute the lamps and candles in the room with its best side, so that it could be seen best of all.

One December evening, another Christmas company appeared in the room - a package of the newest toys arrived from the store. They were light and shiny.

However, the new settlers did not want to put up with the fact that the whole tree was occupied with old toys. Brand new toys staged a real war with the old-timers - they called for help the big Hammer, who lives in the pantry.

What do you think a heavy Hammer could do with fragile glass toys?! You think right, he could break them into small fragments.

But Hammer couldn't do it, because he was afraid of those huge hammers that were in every old toy.

And although he saw himself in the reflection, he did not know the main secret of New Year's toys. So he ran away from the battlefield.

But the time for reconciliation has come. Rather, the toys on the Christmas tree would have fought and argued among themselves for a long time, but everything was decided on the day when the forest beauty Yolka appeared in the house.

She smiled at every toy, regardless of age. She stroked each ball with her shaggy green paw.

She knew what needed to be done to reconcile everyone. The Christmas tree whispered to every toy, both old and new, that there was no one in the world more beautiful than her.

Within an hour, beauty, joy and love reigned in the house. The New Year's beauty Yolka was decorated to the very top, on which a bright star flaunted.

Bright toys hung on the front doors, welcoming guests.

Christmas decorations were placed on the windows of the house, reflecting cheerful holiday lights.

Balloons and garlands hung on the walls and ceiling.

Colorful toys were everywhere and everywhere.

It seemed that the New Year's holiday settled in every corner of the house to give gifts to everyone.

In a word, there was enough space for all the Christmas decorations. Everyone was happy, because each of them was filled with light and love from the beautiful Yolka.

By the way, do you know the main secret of reflection in New Year's toys?!

Well, take a look at one of them!

Kume Zina, collector
Christmas decorations, dedicated

New Year is a very good holiday! Everyone begins to prepare for it in advance, already in mid-December, the squares and streets of cities acquire a festive outfit, and a Christmas tree is dressed up in almost every apartment. Dasha was looking forward to this very moment. And then one evening, after dinner, my mother said:

So, in two weeks the New Year, it's time to decorate the Christmas tree. Dad goes to the basement for a Christmas tree, and I go to the balcony for toys. We will put the Christmas tree in the same way as last year - in the hall near the window.

Dasha clapped her hands in joy.
Dad brought a box with a collapsible artificial Christmas tree, and mom brought a plastic container filled to the brim with Christmas decorations wrapped in soft paper napkins. Dad began to collect a Christmas tree, mom began to lay out glass toys on a tablecloth spread on a coffee table. Dasha wanted to help both parents, but she was more interested in toys. But as soon as she wanted to pick up a big ball with a Snow Maiden, her mother stopped her:

Do not touch! I was in a hurry, I had to bring the toys into the heat in advance so that they warm up. And now they're cold, so you see, they're sweaty and wet. If you touch them with your hands, you can ruin the pattern, damage the powder or sparkles. Now I will carefully lay out the toys on the tablecloth, and let them dry until morning.

At first Dasha was upset that she would not see an elegant Christmas tree today, but then she calmed down and began to look at the toys that her mother laid out on the coffee table with pleasure. There were a lot of toys - there were various balls, and figurines of fairy-tale heroes, and figurines of animals, and houses, and cars, and fruits and vegetables, and multi-colored cones. Dasha they were well acquainted with the last New Year. Nevertheless, she periodically asked her mother: - “Who gave us this toy?” And my mother told the story of the appearance of this toy. And so it continued until the very last convolution. But on the last toy, my mother thought. It was an ordinary ball of bright yellow color, without a pattern, without inscriptions and any decorations.

I don't remember the history of this ball. And the ball itself is somehow nondescript, not beautiful. Maybe we won't hang it on the Christmas tree? Mom asked, showing it to Dasha.
Dasha looked straight at the ball and saw her reflection in it, as in a mirror.
- No no! - she said. “Look how mirrored he is. It reflects me, and you, and our whole room!
-Well, tomorrow somewhere on the Christmas tree and we will find a place for him! Now take a bath and sleep.
By this time, dad had successfully assembled the Christmas tree. Mom, having collected all the unfolded paper napkins in an empty container, turned off the light and everyone went to the bedroom. Before leaving the room, my mother parted the curtains and opened the window a little to ventilate the room.

As soon as the door closed, the room was filled with light from streetlights. And then among the Christmas decorations there was a revival. No, they didn't run and jump, but they started talking!

Finally, they remembered us, otherwise I lay all my sides in this cramped container, ”the snowman figure said.
- They just remembered you, but they never forgot about me. After all, I so charmed everyone with my beauty last year! After all, I hung in the most visible place, - said a large ball with the numbers 2018.
- And I think that your double with the numbers 2019 will now hang in your place, and you will be shifted somewhere to the background. And here I am again hanging in the same place as last year. After all, I am the most elegant of you! said the blue globe arrogantly with a white cathedral painted on it with golden domes.
“No, more attention will be paid to me than to you, because I am the most original and most solemn,” said a black ball with a gilded carriage drawn by a trio of horses.
- And, in my opinion, the most important element of the Christmas tree is the top, and just as chic as I am! - the Christmas tree top intervened in the dispute.
- You are mistaken, - two balls with drawings of Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden exclaimed in one voice, - have you forgotten who rules the ball on New Year's Eve?
- Yes Yes! - the figure of Santa Claus intervened in the dispute. - That I am the most important on the Christmas tree, no one should even raise doubts.
Gradually, other toys were included in the dispute, the situation was heating up every minute, but suddenly someone paid attention to the very yellow ball that was taken out of the container last. He lay quite calmly among the arguing toys, and did not show any emotions.
The black ball with the Russian troika looked arrogantly at him and asked loudly:
- Gentlemen, what does this yellow-faced nakedness do among us? The absence of any outfit is simply a disgrace to our society.
- Yes, yes, he shames us! - picked up the balls, decorated with drawings of snowflakes, stars and intricate patterns. - We, the exclusive handmade toys of the Klin Compound, should hang next to this hide?
He has no place among us! grumbled the snowman figurine.
Other toys did not lag behind, each tried to pick up a more offensive phrase.

The poor yellow ball lay neither alive nor dead. He had never heard so much hatred and contempt before. Even before that, he was upset that Dasha's mother did not want to hang him on the Christmas tree. But for many years, year after year, he participated in decorating the New Year tree. Surely this year he will not see New Year's fireworks, will he not see the joy of children extracting gifts from Santa Claus from under the Christmas tree?

The next day, the Christmas tree was placed near the window and dressed up. The side with which the Christmas tree was turned towards the room was considered the main one. It was on it that the most beautiful toys were placed, and the simpler toys were hung on the side facing the window.
The ball with golden domes turned out to be right, the ball with the numbers 2019 was hung in the most prominent place, the ball with the numbers 2018 turned out to be far from the center. Also in the center of the Christmas tree are the Golden Domes, the New Year's Troika, and Santa Claus with the Snow Maiden. Next to them, all free branches were occupied by cones, figurines, animals, a snowman, houses, hearts, bells and other exclusive decorations. The rest of the toys were hung to the left and right of the center, as well as on the back of the Christmas tree.

The fate of the yellow ball was decided by Dasha. She made her mother hang it on the tree. Mom was looking for a place for him for a long time, bringing him from the right side of the tree, then from the left. In the end, he was hung on the back of the Christmas tree, while he was in the center of the window, and from his branch through the glass it was clearly visible to the street and part of the city square.

A multi-colored electric garland was hung on the Christmas tree so that it illuminated only the front side and in its light the most beautiful toys seemed even more beautiful. The flickering light of the garland practically did not reach the yellow ball, thick green needles of artificial spruce branches interfered. From this, the yellow color of the ball turned into a dirty green.

While decorating the Christmas tree, the yellow ball again heard a lot of offensive and angry remarks from other toys. None of them wanted a yellow ball hung nearby. The mood of the yellow ball was bad, he was consoled by only one thought that very soon he would see the festive fireworks again.

And then the New Year came. The whole family sat at the festive table and admired the beautiful Christmas tree, the running colorful lights of the garland, the beautiful toys on the front side of the Christmas tree. Everyone had fun - adults from the feeling of a holiday, Dasha - from the received gifts from Santa Claus, beautiful Christmas decorations - from attention. And only the yellow ball was sad, he did not see the holiday and no one paid attention to him.

And then the chimes sounded, everyone shouted joyfully: - “Happy New Year! With new happiness! Hooray!" At this time, everything on the square sparkled, explosions of firecrackers and fireworks were heard. Everyone went to the window and looked out into the street.

Let's turn off the light, the fireworks will be more visible, - Mom suggested.
Dad turned off the light, the room became dark. Against the backdrop of the brightly lit street, the Christmas tree looked like a dark triangle. Not a single ball was visible. Dasha clung to the window next to the Christmas tree. The square, the street and the whole sky sparkled, sparkled and rumbled. At that moment, she looked at the Christmas tree and saw a yellow ball. But it was no longer a yellow ball, but a fantastically beautiful vessel, in which everything that happened on the street was reflected. All fireworks, fireworks, multi-colored rockets, iridescent garlands are combined in this ball. It was a bunch of colors and flowers. It was a real Christmas miracle.

Mom, dad, look - a New Year's miracle in a yellow ball! - Dasha shouted joyfully and clapped her hands. Everyone saw this and looked fascinated not at the street, but at the ball.

The ball was full of happiness, all insults were forgotten, he sees the holiday, he is noticed, he is needed! And the main thing for him was that he brought joy to Dasha!

"For the 16th Free Topic Competition - International HSR Foundation"

Christmas decorations! It's great that someone came up with them. The fairy tale about Christmas toys is a fairy tale from the New Year's piggy bank of interesting ideas.

Listen to a fairy tale (4 min 25 sec)

Fairy tale about Christmas decorations for the night

Once upon a time there were Christmas decorations: They were born in the closet of the old master. In the summer they slept peacefully in a big box. And in winter, just before the New Year, they prepared to take a place on a large, beautiful Christmas tree.

Once this tree grew in the forest, and was an ordinary forest tree. Hares hid under it, birds rested on its branches. The crossbill hid its nest at the very trunk of the tree, and on the most magnificent branch the squirrels discussed forest news.

But on New Year's Eve, the tree wanted a holiday, and Santa Claus took it to his children, Katya, Lidochka and baby Yegorka.

On a dark night, when the children were sleeping, Christmas decorations came to life and began to take their place on the Christmas tree. First, at the very top of the tree, a large, beautiful star took its place. She was very bright, just amazing! Seeing a star at the top, the Christmas decorations got excited.

The fact is that everyone wanted to be closer to the star - but it was impossible! There was simply not enough space for all the toys next to the star. Hare Khlopotun, horse Yellowleg, Snowman and duck Shiny were very unhappy that they could not climb higher. They were loudly indignant and stomped their feet.

Hare Khlopotun said that he was always unlucky. Horse Yellowleg muttered that although she ran fast, she was not quick enough. The snowman complained that he was clumsy from birth. And the duck Blestinka reported that her waddling gait simply let her down.

And only the Golden Bell was pleased with everything. He didn't want to be closer to the star. He nestled on the lowest branch. There, no one bothered him. He calmly looked around.

Golden Bell did not understand at all what caused all this fuss. He was glad that the branch he had taken was strong. The needles on the branch were prickly but shiny. Golden Bell was fine. And he chimed softly.

- Jing-chit… Jing-ding… Jing-ding…

And then the Golden Bell said:

“Everyone should have their own place. Someone next to a star. Someone doesn't. But in his place he should be fine!

Christmas decorations smiled. And they settled on the Christmas tree who is where. Awakened children, seeing a colorful Christmas tree, opened their mouths in surprise:

- Wonderful tree! And how many beautiful toys she has!

What a cute rabbit! Katya said.

Hearing the praise, the hare Khlopotun imperceptibly squared his shoulders.

And the snowman is great! Katya continued.

What a nice horse! What a cute duck! Lidochka clapped her hands.

And little Egorka quietly approached the Christmas tree and looked at the Golden Bell for a long time. He liked the kid the most.

On New Year's Eve, the children did not sleep for a long time. And when they fell asleep, they dreamed of a Christmas tree, and all of it was in wonderful New Year's toys! From the very top to the very bottom!