How much baby food should be given out. How to get free baby food

Before 2016, many experts assumed that dairy kitchens in the capital would either be abolished altogether and residents would be provided with appropriate cash benefits, or they would be reorganized and placed at pharmacies. The bills approved by the Department of Health of the capital left dairy kitchens in their original form. They carry out their activities in most cases at children's clinics, while in 2016 their range was significantly expanded.

What and to whom is due in Moscow in 2016

Some believe that only parents with infants can use the services of dairy kitchens, while providing only children's products. Such categories of Moscow residents can receive food in dairy kitchens, such as:

  • disabled people;
  • from 0 to 3 years (previously it was up to 2 years);
  • up to 7 years when living in a large family;
  • up to 15 years in the presence of a disease in a chronic form (for example, hemoblastosis).

Order No. 906 of October 29, 2015 provides (depending on the category) a certain set of products, which for convenience can be presented in the form of a table:

To whom is issued What is issued Volume per month (g/person)
pregnant Milk 9000
pregnant Milk 9000
breastfeeding mothers Milk 12000
Juice enriched with vitamins (at least 2 types) 4290
Children up to 2 months Milk formula (dry) 700
Milk formula (liquid) 4800
Children from 3 to 4 months. (in addition to products for children under 2 months old) fruit juice 1200
Fruit puree 1200
Children 5 months Milk formula (dry) 700
Milk formula (liquid) 4800
Fruit juice (at least 3 types) 1000
Vegetable puree (at least 5 types) 1920
Porridge (at least 2 types) 400
Fruit puree (at least 2 types) 1000
Children 6 months Milk formula (dry) 350
Milk formula (liquid) 2400
Porridge, dry (at least 2 types) 400
Fruit juice (at least 4 types) 1200
Fruit puree (at least 3 types) 1000
Children 7-8 months. Milk formula (dry) 350
Milk formula (liquid) 2400
Cottage cheese 600
Fruit juice (at least 5 types) 1400
Porridge (at least 2 types) 400
Vegetable puree (at least 5 types) 1920
Fruit puree (at least 5 types) 1000
Canned meat and vegetable origin (at least 2 types) 1300
Meat puree (at least 3 types) 560
Children 9-12 months Milk formula (dry) 350
Milk formula (liquid) 2400
Cottage cheese 600
Kefir 600
Porridge (at least 2 types) 400
Vegetable puree (at least 5 types) 1920
Fruit puree (at least 5 types) 1000
Canned meat and vegetable origin (at least 2 types) 1300
Meat puree (at least 3 types) 560
Children 1-2 years old 2400
Kefir 2000
Cottage cheese 600
Fruit juice (at least 5 types) 2600
Children 2-3 years old Specialized baby milk 2000
Kefir 2000
Cottage cheese 600
Fruit puree (at least 6 types) 1200
Fruit juice (at least 5 types) 2600
Children with disabilities, as well as children from 3 to 7 years old (up to 15 years old with chronic diseases) Milk 18000

Data as of April 2016
From the table above, it can be seen that the range of products is quite large and includes both milk formulas for very young children, and mashed potatoes, kefir, and cottage cheese for older children. In addition, the legislator provided for the supply of products with various types of juices and purees, which the supplier determines independently.

Who will supply products for the dairy kitchen in 2016

Among applicants for the supply of products for dairy cuisine, a competition is held annually, the obligatory conditions of which are the availability of certificates for children's products that meet all the requirements of the Customs Union.

According to the results of the competition, the following suppliers were selected for 2016:

  • Agat LLC (complementary foods, juices);
  • OJSC Wimm-Bill-Dann (milk and kefir);
  • JSC "Novomilk" (milk and cottage cheese).

Therefore, the cottage cheese supplied by JSC Novomilk will be Krepysh, and the kefir supplied by JSC Wimm-Bill-Dann will be Agusha-1 and Agusha-2. These suppliers are manufacturers, so it was not difficult to determine the type of baby products supplied.

LLC "Agat" is not a manufacturer, but carries out only wholesale trade. It will be impossible to determine which specific canned food, as well as juices, will be supplied. Only the range of types of canned food and juices is known:

  • mashed potatoes with veal, pork, chicken, turkey (meat and vegetable with chicken and beef);
  • puree vegetables such as cauliflower, pumpkin, broccoli, carrots, and squash;
  • puree from the following fruits: apple, apricot, pear, as well as berry-fruit with the addition of currants or blueberries.

Attention! All canned foods provided under the program are supplied without added preservatives and starch.

What is included in the dairy cuisine for pregnant and lactating

The menu of dairy cuisine in the capital for pregnant women and for nursing mothers is juice and milk. The difference lies only in the monthly volumes of products provided. So, for pregnant women with a permanent registration of the norm of products are the following:

Nursing mothers are provided with approximately 1/3 more products, which is 12,000 g and 4,290 g, respectively. Pregnant women receive products from the moment they register with a medical institution and after writing an application for the provision of products within the framework of the project. The distribution of products is carried out throughout the pregnancy.

Procedure for registration of a dairy kitchen: requirements and documents

The recipient of the products must write a personal application. Pregnant and lactating mothers write an application in person and act independently as recipients. If the recipients of dairy products by law are children, regardless of their age, then the application is written by one of the parents or other legal representatives (guardians or adoptive parents).

This application should be sent to the head of the medical institution, on the basis of which the applicant is subsequently included in the lists of persons for the distribution of products free of charge. The organization to which the application is submitted is determined depending on the category of recipients, namely:

  • pregnant women should send an application to the antenatal clinic;
  • parents of children and nursing mothers should apply to the medical institution where the child is observed (as a rule, the clinic at the place of registration).

In addition to the application, documents are attached that confirm the right to receive products from the dairy kitchen. Among these documents are:

In addition, documents are required to establish that the potential recipient of dairy products has a permanent registration in Moscow, since the program in question is valid only for residents of the capital.

Time and rules for issuing children's products in dairy kitchens in Moscow

The order contains a specific time for the issuance of preferential products. So, the operating mode for distribution points is set from 06:30 to 12:00 daily. At the moment, in various districts of the capitals, the distribution of products within the framework of the project is constantly carried out by up to 6 milk distribution points at each children's polyclinic.

Attention! To resolve issues of providing preferential categories with products from dairy cuisine, Moscow residents should contact the Hot Line numbers that work at each children's clinic.

Delivery of goods is carried out on the basis of the relevant prescriptions of doctors. To issue such a prescription, you should come to the doctor's appointment with the child, if the recipient is a child.

Prescriptions for pregnant women and children under 1 year of age are issued within a month from the date of application, for lactating women and children under 3 years of age up to 3 months, for other social categories up to six months.

Will dairy kitchens be cancelled?

This issue has been discussed for a long time not only among recipients of preferential products, but also among legislators. The introduction of anti-crisis measures throughout the country only exacerbates the situation.

It is likely that dairy kitchens will not be completely abolished in the coming years, since the policy of the state is aimed primarily at ensuring a happy childhood. The provision of socially unprotected categories, which include recipients of free products, is an important social guarantee.

There is a lot of gossip around the dairy kitchen. They said that it could be closed in 2017, but this did not happen. It remains to figure out only what rules apply, and what should be the list of products for babies, nursing mothers and pregnant women.

Who is entitled to dairy kitchen sets in Moscow

Before consulting a pediatrician, you should make sure that you belong to the category of people who should be provided with a dairy kitchen. At this time, citizens who can use this support are:

  • children aged 0-3 years;
  • disabled children;
  • children under 15 years of age, if there are chronic diseases;
  • registered pregnant women whose gestational age is from 12 weeks;
  • children from large families, whose age does not exceed 7 years;
  • lactating women - until six months have passed after the birth of the child.

To get groceries, you should come to the pediatrician. He will give a special conclusion.

What is expected in the dairy kitchen in Moscow and the Moscow region in 2018

Nursing mothers take juice, milk in the kitchen, pregnant women take a similar list of products in a different volume. Babies who are under 2 months of age receive formula from milk. If the child is 3-4 months old, he is additionally given fruit puree or juice. Children who are 5 months old are supposed to have vegetable puree and porridge for the presented products. Upon reaching the age of 7 months, the child receives more canned food of vegetable or meat origin, cottage cheese.

When the child is 9 months old, in addition to the specified list of products, he can also count on kefir. One-year-old children receive special baby milk, as do children with disabilities who have not reached the age of 15.

Dairy cuisine in Moscow for children by months

To learn in more detail what is due to children in the dairy kitchen by months, the table will tell. We invite you to familiarize yourself with it.

Child's age

ProductsNorm for 30 daysGram in containerPeriodicity of issuance
0-3 monthsPowdered milk mixture700 g500 Once every 7 days
liquid mixture4800 g200 Once every 7 days
4 monthsThe above products, fruit puree, juice1 lOnce every 7 days
5 monthsThe same, as well as vegetable puree, dry porridgeVegetable puree - 1.92 kg, porridge - 400 gPackaging may vary.1 time in 30 days
6 monthsPorridge, juice, fruit puree, dry, liquid milk mixtures, vegetable pureePorridge - 0.4 kg, dry milk mixture - 350 g, fruit juice - 1.2 kg, liquid mixture - 2.4 kg, fruit puree - 1 kg, vegetable puree - 1.92 kgPackaging may vary.Once every 30 days, except for the liquid mixture
7-8 monthsThe above products, meat puree, cottage cheese, vegetable pureeCottage cheese - 600 g, meat puree - 560 g, vegetable puree - 300 gOnce every 30 days
9-12 monthsThe same products, kefir2 kgThe containers may be differentOnce every 30 days
1-2 yearsFruit juice, milk, fruit puree, kefir, cottage cheeseFruit juice - 2 kg, milk - 2.4 kg, puree - 0.8 kg, kefir - 2.4 kg, cottage cheese - 0.6 kgJuice - 200 g each, milk - 200 g each, puree - 100 g each, kefir - 200 g each, cottage cheese - 50 g eachJuice, puree, milk - once every 30 days, cottage cheese and kefir - once every 7 days
2-3 yearsMilk is reduced by 0.4 kg, juice is increased by 0.4 kgMilk - 2 kg, juice - 2400 gPackaging may vary.

Once a month

Children under 7 receive milk: 1800. Children under 15 receive milk: 1 kg.

What is given in the dairy kitchen to nursing mothers and pregnant women

Lactating women and pregnant women are also given food from the kitchen. Women in position once every 30 days should receive juice - 2.64 kg, milk - 6 kg. Nursing take - juice: 3300 g, milk - 8000 g.

To take food, you should bring 2 copies of your passport and a completed form to the pediatrician. After that, an application is made, then a prescription for milk for a month is given. It needs to be renewed every month.

Milk is given 2.5%, juice, as a rule, Fruto NANNYA - an apple or an apple with a pear. Nursing mothers receive Agusha milk, specially designed for lactating women - 2.5%. Milk "Molokovo!" may be issued. It is also 2.5%. Juice - Agusha or Fruto NANNYA.

Addresses and opening hours of the dairy kitchen in Moscow

There is no general schedule for the implementation of the work of all kitchens. but It is possible to tell about the common opening hours:

  • from 6.30 to 11.00;
  • until 12.00;
  • until 10.00;
  • until 11.30.

It turns out that it is best to come from 7.00 to about 10.00. The points are located mainly near the clinics. The pediatrician will tell you the address. Many kitchens are open every day, but there are others that are closed on Saturday and Sunday.

Dairy food manufacturers in 2018

By decision of the Department of Health, it was decided to conclude a contract for the supply of kitchen goods with Wimm-Bill-Dann. The contract is signed for 3 years. The presented decision was made because the company is cost-effective and in demand for a long time.

In addition, it is planned to continue cooperation with the Fruto Nyanya brand, under which purees and juices are produced. These products are of high quality and are sold at a low price. That is why the Moscow authorities decided to sign a long-term contract with the supplier.

What documents are needed to receive dairy kitchen sets in Moscow

To get the right to products, you should draw up an application to the doctor of the medical institution where the baby is being observed. Pregnant women write a statement to the doctor of the consultation where they are. In addition, there are some documents to be shown.

Let's take a look at the recipe steps:

  1. First you need to find out if the service is available in your locality.
  2. Then you should contact the pediatrician, the prescription is issued until the 25th, monthly;
  3. After issuing a prescription, you should contact the point of issue, according to the place of residence. Products are issued within 10 days from the date of registration of social support.

Documents to be presented:

  • a photocopy of the passport;
  • birth certificate of the baby, certificate of registration in the consultation, if a pregnant woman is trying to receive support;
  • certificate of the place where the baby is registered;
  • policy.

Certificates may be required confirming that the family has many children, a certificate of the salary of the mother and father for 3 months, documents indicating the presence of a disability in the baby. After the doctor gives a prescription, it is taken to the kitchen until the 20th-25th day of each month.

About the possibility of getting food in a dairy kitchen without registration

To receive food, the baby should be registered with a medical institution. To dispense milk, you must either be registered in Moscow or the Moscow Region, or be attached to a Moscow clinic. In two places it is impossible to be attached to a medical institution. Without observing the nuances presented, it is not worth counting on the provision of assistance.

Features and differences of dairy cuisine in Moscow and the Moscow region

Not all families with children can use the services of the kitchen. It depends on what decisions were made by the authorities at the local level. Previously, milk kits were provided only in the capital. Now they are available for the Moscow region.

Most distribution points are open from 6.30 am to 12.00. There are also kitchens that operate from 11.00 to 8 in the evening. The points related to polyclinics are open as long as the medical institution is open.

In 2018, the sets include dry and liquid mixtures, milk, kefir, curds, juices, purees. They are issued according to the recommendations of pediatricians and approved standards. Parents or representatives of the child must receive a prescription.

So, social support for families with children and women expecting a child continues to be provided in the capital and the region. At the moment, there are several outlets for the distribution of products. The state is doing everything so that kids aged 0 to 3 years old receive food in the required quantity if their parents need it. The safety and quality of goods are controlled by special services. Implementation deadlines are met in accordance with the regulations.

I recently found out that it turns out that pregnant mothers are entitled to Dairy cuisine ... Oh!

The GI doctor didn't tell me anything about it. I found out quite by accident - in line with the pregnant woman, they started talking, she was just sitting at the recipe ...

I go into the office...
During communication, I ask: “And when will they start prescribing milk for me?”
The doctor replies: “No way! If we start prescribing milk for everyone right now, our state will go bankrupt!”
I stopped talking, I thought, maybe it’s only for large families ...

Here the nurse agrees with the doctor: “Yes, this is only for Muscovites!”.
I say: "Well, I'm a Muscovite ...".
Her: “Yes? Show your passport!
I show…
Looks ... She grimaced and said: “Yes, indeed a Muscovite ...”, - with such an air as if there were some strange things, as if only non-residents were walking here ... She noted this on my map and said the other day to bring 2 copies of the passport and a questionnaire filled out at home gave me a form.
She brought everything the next day and wrote an application for milk.
At the next appointment, they gave me a prescription for milk for a month (as for baby milk, you need to come for a prescription every month).

The next day, the husband went to the Dairy Kitchen ... He brought:
- Milk Milk! 2.5%, 1 l - 9 pcs.
like this:

I tested this milk for antibiotics. Milk is good, without antibiotics!

Juice Fruto Nanny for pregnant mothers 0.33 l - 12 pcs. (apple and apple + pear)
like this:⁣

All this for a month - not enough of course, but still nice

Like this! I wouldn’t talk to that pregnant woman in line, and I wouldn’t know - our doctors are partisans ...

So, virgins-pregnant-Muscovites, who else is not in the know ... - go and demand

Also in line, I learned that many pregnant mothers write out a prescription for vitamins. I asked the doctor ... The doctor said: “Vitamins are only for needy Muscovites, and those who do not need it are not supposed to, but if there is a question about some expensive drugs in the later stages, they will give.” - how do they determine those in need ... Hmm - a question

After the birth, as soon as we issued a birth certificate for the child, registered at the place of residence, ordered SNILS, received a temporary insurance policy and got honey. card in the children's clinic, the pediatrician began to prescribe dairy cuisine for me, because I breastfeeding without up to the waist and without up to feed!
(mothers of children in the NE and IV do not have a dairy kitchen)

I receive monthly:
- Milk Agusha for nursing mothers 2.5%, 1 l - 12 pack.
like this:

Sometimes give milk Milk! 2.5%, 1 l - 12 pack.

Juice Agusha for nursing mothers 0.5 l - 13 pack.

Sometimes they give such juice Fruto Nanny for nursing mothers 0.33 l - 15 packs:

I will receive such milk for myself for 6 months.
From 7 months milk will be issued only for the child.

Many believe that the dairy kitchen has remained in the distant Soviet past, but this measure of social assistance is still functioning today. True, according to the legislation adopted in different regions of the Russian Federation (financing of this program is fully entrusted to the regional budgets), the free distribution of food is not intended for all citizens.

Who is entitled to children's products from the dairy kitchen?

It is impossible to unequivocally answer the question - who is entitled to dairy cuisine, for the reason that in each specific region, local governments, at their own discretion, determine the group of persons entitled to receive free food. Also, local governments develop norms for issuing special meals and draw up a list of necessary documents. Generally speaking, the following categories of citizens have the right to free dairy products:

Children under the age of one year who are on artificial or combined nutrition;

Children aged 1 to 3 years;

Children from (up to 7 years old);

Disabled children (up to 15 years old).

In addition, dairy products may be given to pregnant and lactating women up to the age of 6 months.

If the dairy kitchen is due to a child left without parental care, this right is transferred to his legal guardians or trustees.

The main basis for obtaining special baby food is a medical opinion.

Norms for issuing dairy cuisine in 2019

Every year, authorized employees of local governments form the norms for issuing free products. In 2019, for children, the norms for issuing dairy cuisine are calculated depending on their age, and for mothers, based on whether the woman is pregnant or breastfeeding.

In the standard version, the children's menu consists of dry and liquid milk formula, porridge, as well as fruit and vegetable purees and juices.

Children aged 1 to 3 years are given a set that includes milk, kefir, cottage cheese and fruit puree.

For children aged 7 to 15 years, only milk is allowed. And for pregnant and lactating women, a social measure has been established in the form of vitamin juices and milk.

Read also: Ensuring adequate nutrition for pregnant women, nursing mothers and children under 3 years of age

Dairy kitchen design process

The procedure for issuing a dairy kitchen depends on the recipient category.

For example, to apply for this type of social assistance, pregnant women should contact the antenatal clinic and take a referral from their supervising doctor.

In all other cases, the issuance of products from the dairy kitchen is issued by a doctor who observes children.

What documents are needed to design a dairy kitchen in 2019

To design a dairy kitchen, first of all, a personal application of the recipients is required. As already noted, pregnant women, mothers of artificially fed children, children under 7 years old (from large families), disabled children, etc. can act as recipients. Also, legal guardians, adoptive parents or trustees of the child have the right to arrange a dairy kitchen. The application is written in the name of the head physician of the medical institution in which the pregnant woman or child is observed.

In addition to the 2019 application, the following documents will be required to receive this assistance:

Certificate of registration in the antenatal clinic (if a pregnant woman draws up assistance);

Birth certificate of the child;

Child's registration document;

Passport of the applicant (child's mother or legal representative);

Other documents confirming the applicant's right to receive free products.

Other documents may include medical reports confirming the child's disability, chronic diseases, the need for special nutrition, etc. In addition, if assistance is issued for a child from a large family, the applicant will also need to present a document confirming this fact.

To get the right products in the dairy kitchen, you must provide a doctor's prescription. To issue a prescription for an appointment with a doctor, you must go with the child, because. otherwise, the doctor will not be able to issue a referral.