How much can pregnant women drink calcium gluconate. Calcium gluconate during pregnancy: which is better pills or injections

During pregnancy, the body of the expectant mother and child needs vitamins and minerals. In order for the child to be born strong and healthy, there must be a sufficient amount in the body of the expectant mother. Therefore, starting from the 14th week of pregnancy (sometimes earlier), many pregnant women are prescribed calcium gluconate. It should be taken as prescribed by a doctor, since self-treatment and improper intake of the drug can lead to an excess of calcium in the body and harm both the baby and the expectant mother herself.

What is calcium for?

Calcium is the main element that forms bone and dental tissue. During pregnancy, the need for calcium increases significantly, as the baby also requires this element. Calcium helps to properly develop all the tissues of the body of the unborn child, and is also an important "building" material in the formation of the nervous system, bone tissues and the skeleton of the child. In addition, it is involved in the formation of the eyes, ears, hair and nails of the baby. The amount of calcium absorbed depends on the physical and mental development of the baby after birth. Therefore, it is very important to take calcium correctly: do not overdo it or vice versa, do not limit its intake during pregnancy.

Use of calcium gluconate during pregnancy

Why a moderate amount of calcium is so important, we will now explain. The fact is that as a result of a lack of calcium, the body of the expectant mother is more prone to stress and the development of other diseases. For an unborn child, a lack of calcium threatens with insufficient development, including a disease such as rickets. Also, calcium intake reduces the risk of miscarriage and helps stabilize blood pressure, reduces blood loss during childbirth. Note that calcium intake is effective for the problem of calf muscle cramps, which expectant mothers often experience, and of course, calcium will help save teeth. Therefore, it is very important not to limit yourself in calcium intake and not to provoke these diseases.

An excess of calcium in the body of a pregnant woman is also fraught with consequences. First of all, with an excess of calcium, the bones of the unborn child suffer, since in this case they become inelastic, as a result of which the fontanel decreases. During childbirth, the hardness of the baby's bones complicates its patency through the birth canal. The thing is that during childbirth, the bones of the baby's skull are compressed, which helps in the birth of the baby. If the compression of the head is limited, this leads to complications and birth injuries. In addition, an excess of calcium needs to be intensively excreted from the body, which puts an additional burden on the kidneys.

Dosage of calcium gluconate during pregnancy

With daily intake of calcium gluconate, approximately 250-300 mg is delivered to the child, which is a sufficient daily amount of the microelement. Assign his expectant mother, a maximum of 500 mg at a time. So, it turns out that the consumption of calcium is uniform, both for the mother and for the unborn child. However, the appointment of a doctor and a strict regimen for taking this drug is purely individual. Therefore, you should not ask your friends how much the drug was prescribed to them in order to copy their treatment regimen. It is better to once again visit your local doctor and clarify the amount of taking the drug for you and your unborn child. You, and only you, are responsible for your baby, so do not trust the advice of friends without consulting a specialist in advance.

Contraindications for use

Experts note that this drug is contraindicated in diseases such as: renal failure, chronic, allergy to the drug itself, atherosclerosis, hyperparathyroidism. In addition, calcium gluconate should not be combined with other drugs that contain calcium, sulfate, carbonate. More detailed contraindications are indicated on the package, and in consultation with a doctor, you can discuss all the advantages and disadvantages of the drug.

In conclusion, we note that calcium is found in many foods that need to be consumed daily, especially during pregnancy. Therefore, eat more cheese, kefir, and yogurt. Add daily consumption of rye bread, cheese, nuts to your diet. Drink at least 1 glass of milk a day, watch your diet and be healthy!

Specially for- Ira Romaniy

From Guest

The doctor should prescribe some vitamins. When I was in position, I thought about the baby, so as not to harm once again. But I was found to have a lack of calcium, then they prescribed Calcium D3 Nycomed, after the course, everything improved. By the way, vitamins are quite tasty.

From Guest

During the first pregnancy, the desire for calcium brought me to the point that I licked the entire wall near the door in the entrance (they just made repairs and whitewashed) My husband wore pieces of chalk, but everything was not enough for me ... I absorbed a lot both in the form of chalk and calcium in tablets. She gave birth to a healthy girl and her teeth did not fall out.

From Guest

I really wanted chalk! A friend advised calcium gluconate. I ate 1-2 packs a day, I felt like a drug addict))) I gave birth to a good healthy baby, now I am pregnant with the 2nd, the same thing is happening. As I think, if you want, then the body needs it.

From Guest

I always thought that the desire to eat chalk is an invention of pregnant women. But from the 39th week of pregnancy, I noticed how the saliva drips when I watch how dry plaster crumbles when unscrewing the screws ... Just a brutal desire to lick the wall and gnaw on the chalk. I restrained myself, of course. Husband bought calcium gluconate. I eat 1 tablet a day - I gnaw like a delicacy, savoring and enjoying. True, I didn’t hold back a couple of times and gnawed two at a time ... I use enough calcium in foods. Why such a passion for chalk, lime and plaster - I do not understand.

From Guest

I eat calcium glucanate. I can’t do anything about it. I’m pregnant at 8 months. A pack a day. I don’t even know if it’s harmful for an unborn child.

From Guest

I also ate packs of chalk during and after pregnancy. Mel ate. Then she went berserk and switched to erasers. The sellers in the office looked with great surprise when I bought up the entire supply of erasers. She studied at the Faculty of Chemistry, so she easily learned that they contain calcium. You can't fool the body. Gluconate itself did not help much. Now pregnant with a second. Yesterday for the first time I wanted calcium. Couldn't resist and bought 2. Ate one at a time. You need to buy a serious drug.

Caring for the health and well-being of both her own and the little man in the womb is one of the main tasks of a woman “in position”.

One of the common problems that expectant mothers face is a lack of vitamins. This is not surprising, since now the female body "works" for two. In this regard, women strive to fill their menu with useful components as much as possible: they eat as many fresh vegetables and fruits as possible, do not forget about dairy products and meat. Depending on the saturation of the daily diet, a pregnant woman can additionally take vitamins and mineral supplements. Medicinal products of this direction, often causing a divergence of opinion, are calcium preparations. How safe is calcium gluconate and can it be used during pregnancy?

Calcium and its role in the body

  • Healthy teeth and strong bones are the main merit of calcium. They contain this macronutrient in the largest amount. However, his role does not end there. The level of calcium in the body also affects the process of blood clotting, the production of a number of hormones and enzymes.
  • The mineral element has antioxidant functions, is a probiotic, affects the level of insulin, glucose. Therefore, it cannot be said that calcium is exceptionally beautiful and healthy nails, hair and teeth, as well as strong bones.
  • With the onset of the period of bearing crumbs, its role increases even more. Now calcium is also responsible for the proper formation of the skeleton and bones of the baby, its nervous system, mental and physical abilities of the baby after birth.
  • The formation of hair, nails, eyes and ears of the child is also not complete without the participation of calcium. All the vitamins and mineral compounds that are necessary for life and development, the little man receives from his mother, so in the body of a pregnant woman they must be contained in full.

To make up for the lack of useful elements, a woman is often prescribed vitamin complexes. To replenish calcium in the body, you can use the drug calcium gluconate. But is calcium gluconate so safe during pregnancy and will its excess harm the baby? The main rule that should work is no self-treatment and self-administration of even vitamins. Hypervitaminosis is no less dangerous for its consequences than the lack of any element.

calcium gluconate during pregnancy

Even if a woman "in position" does not particularly complain about problems with her nails or hair, doctors often prescribe her calcium gluconate - a substance in tablet, powder or liquid (for injection) form with a calcium content of 9%. This happens, as a rule, already in the 2nd trimester - starting from the 13th or 14th week of waiting for the little one, when the intensive growth of its bone and muscle tissues begins. Is this appointment always justified and is there a need for it?

Symptoms of calcium deficiency during pregnancy

Any drugs, even such seemingly useful ones as vitamins and mineral compounds, require a reason for prescribing them. And one pregnancy as such will not be enough. If a woman is experiencing the symptoms below, calcium gluconate can and should be taken during pregnancy.

  • Causeless "goosebumps" on the body (paresthesia).
  • Cramps (muscle contraction).
  • Pain in the bones, their deformation.
  • Deterioration of the skin, teeth, hair, nail plates.
  • Increased fatigue.
  • Anxiety, increased nervousness and excitability.

Consequences of calcium deficiency in a pregnant woman

If a woman “in position” experiences a lack of calcium and at the same time does not in any way try to make up for the missing macronutrient, she herself, as well as her baby, may not expect very good consequences. Among them:

  • In the first weeks of pregnancy - severe toxicosis, which can pose a threat to the pregnancy itself.
  • At a later date, a no less dangerous phenomenon is preeclampsia (late toxicosis).
  • Miscarriage, premature birth.
  • Weak labor activity during contractions.
  • The baby's bone skeleton is not well developed.
  • The risk of rickets in a child.
  • The development of internal organs and systems of the crumbs differs from the norm.

Dosage and frequency of calcium gluconate during pregnancy

During a consultation with a doctor, based on the clinical picture and complaints of a pregnant woman, a woman may be prescribed calcium gluconate.

  • In most cases, doctors opt for the tablet form of the drug as the most convenient. In this case, the intake of calcium gluconate during pregnancy occurs at a dosage of 2-3 tablets per day (1000 - 1500 mg), although the doctor prescribes the final amount of the drug in each case individually. Of these, the baby receives 250 - 300 mg. In addition, it is important to take into account the fact that the level of calcium in the body of the crumbs is provided not only by the intake of the mineral from the mother. His body also produces this macronutrient.
  • Calcium should be taken one hour after a meal, be sure to grind it into powder and drink it with milk.
  • In more severe conditions, when it is necessary to compensate for an acute shortage of a macronutrient, calcium gluconate injections during pregnancy may be prescribed. You can do them regardless of the meal, preheating the ampoule with the substance to body temperature.

Features of the interaction of calcium gluconate with other drugs during pregnancy

If a woman is taking other medications, it is important to consider their compatibility with the calcium preparation.

  • In no case do not allow the parallel intake of calcium gluconate and drugs containing salicylates, sulfates, ethanol or carbonates.
  • The drug enhances the toxic effect of quinidine, cardiac glycosides.
  • With the simultaneous administration of calcium gluconate and antibacterial drugs of the tetracycline group, the effectiveness of the latter is reduced.
  • The drug impairs the absorption of digoxin and iron.
  • The drug reduces the toxicity of fluorides and bisphosphonates.
  • Improves the absorption of vitamins K and D, estrogen.

Taking calcium gluconate during pregnancy: be careful

By themselves, calcium preparations in most cases are not dangerous and do not cause any harm. Anxiety should begin to beat with its increased consumption. This is especially true of calcium gluconate tablets, which during pregnancy, many women do not consider a drug at all. Actually it is not. An excess of calcium in the body of a future mother also does not bode well.

  • Early ossification of the fetus - the baby's bones lose their elasticity, which can lead to problems during the passage of the crumbs through the birth canal, incl. lacerations and birth trauma.
  • An excess of calcium in the placenta (after all, it is through it that the mother-baby connection is realized) leads to a deterioration in its throughput, as a result of which the child will not receive the elements necessary for life and proper development.
  • Mom's kidneys, which are already experiencing an increased load, will have to work even harder - to remove excess calcium from the body.
  • Muscular hypotension may develop, drowsiness may be present.
  • There is a decrease in the level of magnesium in the blood.
  • A woman may notice an increase in heart rate.

Along with this, if the intake of calcium gluconate is justified and the dosage is chosen correctly, the expectant mother will undoubtedly notice an improvement in well-being. In addition, the drug reduces vascular permeability, reduces allergic manifestations, and has a positive effect on the work of the myocardium and adrenal glands.

Contraindications to taking calcium gluconate during pregnancy

In some cases, even if there are indications for disturbing symptoms, taking calcium gluconate during pregnancy is prohibited. These states include:

  • The presence of urolithiasis, renal failure.
  • Hypercalcemia.
  • Increased calcium in the urine.
  • Diarrhea.
  • Increased blood clotting (which is why when prescribing calcium gluconate therapy, it is recommended to make a coagulogram).
  • Sarcoidosis.
  • Taking drugs incompatible with calcium gluconate.
  • Individual intolerance to the components of the drug.

How to make up for the lack of calcium without medication

A woman can also saturate her body with this chemical element in sufficient quantities with the help of a properly adjusted diet. Pay attention to:

  • Cottage cheese, cheese, kefir and milk (1 - 2 glasses per day).
  • Fish (such as salmon or sardine).
  • Legumes (but with caution).
  • Nuts (almonds, hazelnuts, pistachios).
  • Celery stalks, sesame seeds.
  • Barley groats, oatmeal.
  • Seaweed.

These products will help to fill the needs of the pregnant body in calcium to the fullest. Do not deny yourself also walking in the fresh air, especially when the sun is shining outside the window - the mineral is better absorbed together with vitamin D.

If a pregnant woman feels well and does not experience symptoms indicating a lack of calcium, it is not worth taking it additionally in the form of special preparations. And even more so, do not prescribe yourself medicines with calcium on your own or on the recommendations of relatives or friends. If you are going to take calcium gluconate during pregnancy, read the instructions and be sure to consult your doctor.

2015-10-22 , 9764

It is said that a child living in the womb "sucks" the teeth out of its mother. This is true, because according to statistics every second pregnant woman suffers from calcium deficiency- the main element of the human body. Calcium gluconate during pregnancy will replenish the supply of "building material". It will especially help those who do not like fermented milk products, which contain natural calcium.

The active development of the baby begins. Skeleton, teeth, muscles, cartilage, hair, nails - all these organs require large amounts of calcium.

During pregnancy, deficiency of this component leads to intrauterine growth retardation fetus.

How to take calcium gluconate correctly? In what dosages and according to what scheme? Which is better: pills or injections? Are there any contraindications? The answers are waiting for you.


The full name of the drug is calcium gluconate monohydrate(Latin name Calcii gluconas). One tablet contains 500 mg active substance.

Also one tablet contains:

  • 23 mg potato starch;
  • 5 mg talc;
  • 2 mg calcium sterate monohydrate.

The tablets taste like chalk.

The drug compensates for the deficiency of calcium in the body, if the daily rate does not come in the right amount.

From calcium depends on the growth and development of the skeleton, it affects:

  • cholesterol level;
  • hormone synthesis;
  • muscle tone (including the activity of the uterus during childbirth);
  • kidney function;
  • blood clotting;
  • mental and physical development of the child in the future;
  • work of nerve impulses.

Signs of calcium deficiency

First a sign of calcium deficiency- hypocalcemia - in pregnant women there is a desire to gnaw on chalk. Also, the lack of this mineral can cause frequent colds.

However, every woman lack of calcium manifests itself in different ways.

Here is a general list signs of hypocalcemia:

  • loss, brittleness, dryness and;
  • delamination and fragility of nails (thinning of the nail plate);
  • deterioration of the skin condition (dryness, peeling, itching, acne);
  • irritability;
  • caries and tooth decay;
  • osteoporosis and osteochondrosis;
  • nausea, vomiting (in the early stages);
  • weak labor activity (complications, premature birth);
  • preeclampsia - a dangerous condition that is manifested by high blood pressure, the presence of protein in the urine;
  • cramps (often calf muscles).

Helps to fully absorb calcium gluconate vitamin D - calciferol. It is produced by the body in sufficient quantities under the influence of sunlight.

That is why pregnant women are shown long walks in the fresh air.

Vitamin D is also included in the complex of vitamin supplements and is found in some products:

  • fish fat;
  • fish - cod, salmon, salmon;
  • seaweed;
  • sour-milk products and cheeses;
  • eggs;
  • chanterelles;
  • yeast.

How to use

The best absorbed calcium gluconate is found in food.

If for some reason the norm of calcium does not enter the body of a pregnant woman, then its daily dose is adjusted with special preparations, the complex of which includes vitamin D and phosphorus.

When planning a pregnancy

At the stage of pregnancy planning, additional intake of fortified calcium is unreasonable.

The best source of calcium gluconate- dairy products, oily fish, etc.

Additional administration of calcium gluconate should occur only by doctor's prescription!

During pregnancy

If the expectant mother does not have calcium deficiency, she is healthy and does not feel an acute shortage of this mineral, then there is no reason to worry.

Only attending gynecologist based on several laboratory tests confirming hypocalcemia, may prescribe calcium gluconate.

assimilation calcium gluconate occurs slower if you eat foods high in oxalic acid(sorrel, spinach), flour products and sweet pastries, high-fat confectionery, sweet carbonated drinks, tea, coffee, chocolate. These foods should be taken during pregnancy.

Tablets or injections?

Preparations containing calcium gluconate are produced in the form tablets oblong shape with a risk and chamfer, as well as in the form injections for intramuscular and intravenous administration.

Most women do not know if it is possible to inject calcium gluconate during pregnancy, or is it better to get by with taking a pill?

Absorption and breakdown of calcium occurs only in the gastrointestinal tract. And only on condition that the drug entered the body in the form of a solution (crushed tablet, washed down with milk).

If a pregnant woman has acute deficiency calcium, which is potentially dangerous to the fetus, then prescribe intravenous administration calcium gluconate.

In other cases, simple tablets are enough.


Daily rate calcium gluconate in tablets:

  • for an adult - 9000 mg (the dose is divided into 2-3 doses);
  • for pregnant women and during lactation - 9000 mg (the dose is divided into 2-3 doses);
  • for children - from 300 mg to 9000 mg, depending on age.

Daily rate calcium gluconate in ampoules:

  • for adults - 5-10 ml of a 10% solution (slowly) daily or every other day;
  • for children - 1-5 ml of a 10% solution (slowly) after 1-2 days.

Calcium gluconate tablets are taken through 1-1.5 hours after eating with milk. Injections and droppers are administered regardless of the meal. Before using calcium gluconate solution for injection, the ampoule is preheated to body temperature.


With an overdose of calcium gluconate, hypercalcemia develops - an excess of calcium in the body. Treatment is carried out according to the formula: intravenously administered calcitocin in the calculation 5-10 IU/kg/day. Dropper duration - 6 hours.

Overdose calcium gluconate during pregnancy, especially in the later stages, fraught with:

  • ossification of the placenta, which worsens the connection in the fetus-placenta-mother chain;
  • early ossification of the fetus, which leads to prolonged, tissue ruptures and birth injuries (the bones of the child become rigid and do not compress during passage through the birth canal);
  • burden on the kidneys (only 30% of calcium is absorbed through the blood, the rest is excreted through the kidneys);
  • prolonged overgrowth of the fontanel;
  • weight loss and anorexia;
  • tachycardia;
  • a decrease in magnesium in the blood;
  • muscle hypotension, adynamia and drowsiness;
  • an increase in citrates and phosphates in the blood.

Side effects

Side effects of calcium gluconate are divided into groups according to the method of taking the drug.

When administered orally:

  • constipation;
  • irritation of the gastrointestinal mucosa;
  • hypercalcemia.

For intramuscular injections:

  • nausea and vomiting;
  • bradycardia;
  • necrosis at the injection site.

When administered intravenously:

  • fainting and loss of consciousness;
  • arrhythmia;
  • lowering blood pressure;
  • heart failure.

Calcium gluconate is released in a pharmacy without a prescription. However, do not self-medicate! Excessive use of medicinal calcium can be a fatal mistake.


High doses of calcium gluconate (often in tablets) contraindicated or indicated, but with strict restrictions, for women who have experienced the following conditions:

  • hypercalcemia;
  • hypercalciuria - pathologically high calcium in the urine;
  • nephrolithiasis - kidney stones;
  • sarcoidosis - an inflammatory process that affects the lungs (Besnier-Beck-Schaumann disease);
  • (as a result - dehydration);
  • malabsorption - violations of the processes of digestion and absorption of food in the digestive tract;
  • hypercoagulation - an increase in blood clotting;
  • atherosclerosis;
  • increased blood clotting (as a result - thrombosis);
  • kidney failure;
  • hyperparathyroidism - an increase in hyperparathyroid hormone, which leads to fibrocystic osteitis.
  • sensitivity to the components of the drug.

Before use read the instructions and consult with your gynecologist! Perhaps the calcium that comes with food will be enough for you.


The best analogues of calcium gluconate are. These include: cottage cheese, hard cheeses and feta cheese (Adyghe cheese), kefir and yogurt, rye bread, nuts, yogurt and sour cream, legumes, etc.

The best prevention of hypocalcemia- drink 2 glasses of milk daily! And the fatter this product, the better. Calcium is absorbed much faster and more efficiently.

Every woman during pregnancy is faced with the problem of deterioration in the condition of nails, teeth and hair. During intrauterine life, the baby takes calcium from the expectant mother, which he needs for development and growth. Therefore, mommy needs to regularly replenish the supply of vitamins, as well as trace elements and minerals. during pregnancy is one of the important components of a proper diet. A woman needs an additional source of this element.

Calcium is also one of the necessary components that will ensure the proper functioning of the systems and important organs of a woman and a baby. Therefore, it is useful to remind once again of the need to take its preparations (for example, calcium gluconate) during pregnancy. After all, it is the presence of calcium ions that ensures the formation of bone tissues of the skeleton, helps in the smooth functioning of the myocardium. This element also affects the passage of nerve impulses. It is also one of the components that is responsible for regulating the processes of renewal and blood clotting. Calcium is part of special vitamins intended for expectant mothers, but in some cases additional calcium-containing preparations are prescribed.

It is especially important to use calcium gluconate during pregnancy in the second half of it (but only after consulting a doctor). In this period, the baby's bones already become hard, he is actively gaining weight. There is a development of all systems and organs of the fetus. Calcium gluconate during pregnancy is also involved in the development and formation of hair and nails in the baby. The full development of the baby, both physical and mental, depends on the amount of this mineral received. And in order for the baby to grow and develop, the expectant mother should not forget to take calcium.

It is worth recalling that (as, indeed, many other vitamins and minerals) is just as dangerous as an overabundance. With its insufficient intake into the body, the child is threatened with many diseases, one of which may be rickets. With an excess of calcium, the bones of the baby first change, they become inelastic. This means that there is a high probability of problems in childbirth, both in the child and in the mother. Why is it important that the bones of the head are elastic? Because when passing through the birth canal, the cartilage on it is compressed, which facilitates the birth of a child. If the compression of the head is limited, complications may arise and also an excess of calcium must be excreted from the body, and this gives a complication to the kidneys. Therefore, while taking the drug, you must control your well-being. Calcium gluconate during pregnancy can cause side effects such as vomiting, diarrhea, and nausea. In some cases, toxicosis may increase.

However, the use of gluconate significantly reduces the risk of miscarriage and prevents and also reduces blood loss during childbirth. If you ask about: “Can pregnant women have calcium gluconate?” - the answer is ambiguous. Yes, it is necessary for a pregnant woman, but this is all individually. You should discuss all the nuances with your doctor. It is better to once again consult with the district police officer and clarify the dosage of the drug that is right for you. Remember that you are responsible for your baby. Do not trust the advice of others and be sure to consult a specialist.

In conclusion, I want to say that calcium is present in many foods in our diet. Therefore, you can eat more cottage cheese and cheese, cheese and kefir, as well as rye bread and nuts. However, it is worth remembering that there are many foods that contribute to calcium leaching, so consultation on the use of calcium gluconate for pregnant women is necessary. Be healthy and give birth to strong babies!

A woman during pregnancy needs nutrients, vitamins and trace elements. They go not only to ensure the normal functioning of the body of the expectant mother, but also to the development of the fetus. Calcium is one of the most important elements.

With its deficiency, doctors may prescribe special drugs. For example, many women are prescribed calcium gluconate during pregnancy, which makes up for the deficiency of the element in the body.

Why do expectant mothers need calcium?

Expectant mothers need to constantly replenish the reserves of this element, because thanks to calcium, tooth and bone tissues are formed. It is required by the baby for the proper development of the skeleton. Also, the element plays a very important role in the formation of the nervous system.

Calcium ions regulate various intracellular processes - secretion of hormones, exocytosis, muscle contraction. The amount of this element absorbed by the baby in the womb depends on his mental and physical development after birth.

calcium deficiency during pregnancy

With calcium deficiency, many of the fair sex in position experience the following symptoms: paresthesia (feeling of "crawling" over the body); muscle contraction; convulsive twitches; bone pain.

Both the expectant mother herself and her unborn baby suffer from a lack of calcium during pregnancy.

Women in position may experience the following consequences:

  • deterioration of the condition of teeth, hair, nail plates;
  • increased fragility of bones, their softening and deformation;
  • severe toxicosis in the first half of pregnancy;
  • the occurrence of gestosis;
  • miscarriage;
  • early childbirth;
  • fast fatiguability;
  • weakening of labor activity during contractions;
  • excessive excitability, nervousness, the occurrence of anxiety.

A child due to a lack of calcium during pregnancy may experience the following problems:

  • inadequate development of systems and organs;
  • weakened skeleton;
  • rickets.

Daily intake of calcium during pregnancy

The daily requirement of calcium during pregnancy is about 1500 mg. The fetus in the first trimester receives 2-3 mg per day. This number is gradually growing. In the third trimester, the baby already needs more - 250-300 mg. Women after childbirth during the feeding period require about 2000 mg of calcium.

Taking calcium gluconate during pregnancy

You can compensate for calcium deficiency with the help of a drug such as calcium gluconate, which is available in solution, powder and tablets. Pregnant women should only take it as directed by a doctor. It is the specialist who determines the dosage of calcium gluconate during pregnancy.

The drug is contraindicated in hypersensitivity, severe hypercalciuria, sarcoidosis. It is forbidden to take calcium gluconate simultaneously with cardiac glycosides, as arrhythmia may occur.

The drug should be used with caution in women in a position with dehydration, diarrhea, electrolyte disturbances, malabsorption syndrome, slight hypercoagulability, moderate renal failure.

Thus, you cannot prescribe the drug yourself. An excess of an element can also harm.

If you exceed the norm of calcium during pregnancy, taking the drug can lead to the fact that:

  • the bones of the fetus will lose elasticity (this will complicate its passage through the birth canal);
  • the fontanel will overgrow for a long time;
  • the load on the kidneys will increase, because their task is to remove excess calcium;
  • there is a possibility of ossification of the placenta.

The drug has side effects. Due to the intake of calcium gluconate during pregnancy in the form of tablets, irritation of the gastrointestinal mucosa and constipation may occur. With intravenous or intramuscular administration of the drug, there is a small chance of a burning sensation in the mouth, a sensation of heat. In addition, injections of calcium gluconate during pregnancy may lower blood pressure or develop arrhythmia.

calcium in natural foods

Pregnant women should remember that it is possible to satisfy the body's needs for calcium not only with the help of preparations containing it. Proper nutrition and a balanced diet play an important role. By eating foods rich in calcium during pregnancy, you can avoid a deficiency or excess of this element.

One of the main sources of calcium are dairy. You can safely include milk, kefir, yogurt, cottage cheese, sour cream, cheese in your diet.

Excellent source of calcium legumes. Especially among them are beans, soybeans, peas, green peas.

You can avoid taking calcium supplements during pregnancy if you include in your daily diet fish products(e.g. salmon, sardine). Also, this element is found in almonds, pistachios, hazelnuts, barley groats, oatmeal, eggs, sea kale.

However, it is worth remembering that calcium from foods is not fully absorbed. Better absorption can be achieved thanks to vitamin D. It is found in dairy products, fatty fish, egg yolk, butter. It can also be synthesized in the body under the influence of sunlight.