Paper snowflakes are complex. How to make jewelry with your own hands. # 2 Composite snowflake

We are used to decorating our home, the offices where we work, classrooms with tinsel, serpentine and snowflakes for the New Year. If openwork circles are glued on the window glass, it means that not indifferent happy people live there. Despite the fact that real snowflakes are flat and thin, we want to see these winter messengers in three dimensions. But how to make a volumetric snowflake from a flat piece of paper with your own hands? It is not difficult at all and very quickly.

This beauty looks spectacular if assembled from paper of two or three colors. In order to make a voluminous snowflake with our own hands, we need:

  • 6 squares of colored or white paper of the same size;
  • scissors;
  • Ruler and pencil;
  • stapler;
  • glue.

Work order

  • Our volumetric paper snowflake consists of 6 identical parts. We will make each of them according to a stencil prepared in advance. Draw 6 straight lines on an equilateral triangle. disjoint lines at right angles to each other and at the same distance. Leave at least 1 cm between the incisions.

  • Take a square piece of colored paper and fold it diagonally in half.

  • Make 3 stenciled cuts. If you decide to make a large six-pointed star on the Christmas tree using this instruction from Whatman sheets of A11 format, you will have to make more cuts. Accordingly, and turn, connect and peck too.

  • Expand the square and fold the corners of the small inner square together. Secure them with glue or a stapler.

  • Turn the sheet over to the other side. Fold in the corners of the next inner square and staple them together as well.

  • Turn our craft over again and repeat the steps. This puts the first smallest folded square inside your third square.

  • Flip the workpiece one last time and glue the corners of the largest outer square together. We have got such a voluminous multilayer icicle. This is just one-sixth of our snowflake.

  • As already mentioned, our volumetric paper snowflakes, the cutting and installation schemes of which are given above, consist of 6 identical parts. Therefore, we make 5 more "icicles". Fasten them with staples three at a time. Fold in the ponytail where the staple is located.

  • Fasten the two halves into one whole snowflake. Use a stapler and do not spare staples.

  • To prevent the snowflake from falling apart into its components, it must be stapled with a stapler at 6 points.

  • Everything. You can tie a string and hang a voluminous snowflake from the ceiling or put it on the top of a Christmas tree.

We can do this work from one piece of paper.

Advice: You can make a square out of a rectangle very quickly and easily without using a ruler and pencil. Fold the leaf, aligning the upper short side with the lateral long side, starting a fold line from the corner of the leaf. Cut everything that remains below the two-layer "pie" evenly. Expand the rest and make sure you get a square.

Making a simple snowflake

  • Take a square and fold it diagonally again.

  • Fold two more times from one corner and cut into leaf shape. Make two cuts equidistant from the edge of the leaflet.

  • Expand the workpiece. Fold the inner strips towards the center and glue.

Cut two equal strips of paper. Collect two accordions from them. Fold them in half across and cut out equal lines. This is difficult because there are too many layers of paper. Therefore, it is more convenient to use a pre-prepared stencil. Having drawn on it a contour on both sides of the accordion at once, you can cut it out without folding it in half. Variants of different contours are shown in the photo.

Staple the centers of our blanks with a stapler and glue them together with PVA glue. Unfold the fans and glue two more surfaces. You can hang a snowflake on a Christmas tree.

Openwork snowflake from strips of paper

Cut 15 strips of paper of the same length and width. Fold them first with a cross, and then with a snowflake, 5 pieces in a bundle at the same distance from each other. Spread over the middle and let the glue dry so that our structure does not fly apart from the slightest draft.

Take the diagonal edge strips and fold them as shown in the photo, fastened with glue or metal staples. Moreover, they must be attached to the central horizontal or vertical strip. Do the same for the second outermost diagonal stripes.

Repeat the operation, connecting the extreme horizontal and vertical stripes and fixing them on the central diagonal (left in splendid isolation) strip. The result is a wonderful airy openwork snowflake.

Hello dear friends! How does a meeting usually begin with the New Year? Of course, with decorating your nest. We put up Christmas trees, put Christmas balls and tinsel on them. And also we are engaged in cutting and making crafts for the holiday, which we love from childhood, including paper.

Today we'll talk about how to make beautiful volumetric snowflakes. Consider templates and step-by-step instructions that will help you make this beauty.

In one of the previous articles, I have already told and presented, I recommend for acquaintance. And now we will continue to tinker with just paper, scissors and glue. Connect your children to this, they really like this. However, adults are not inferior to them and the process itself is very exciting for everyone.

Well, let's start with this beautiful snowflake. It can be hung by a string or attached to the wall. For this we need 6 sheets of paper, scissors, glue and patience. You can take paper of any color, you can even combine colors in one craft.

Step-by-step instructions:

1. Take an ordinary sheet of paper, fold it into an isosceles corner and cut off the excess with scissors. You should get a square. Make 6 of these squares.

2. Then fold the square with a corner, and fold it again with a corner. Then we cut the strips with scissors, without cutting to the end (see the picture). Make 4 of these. After that, unfold the square and see what happens.

3. Next, we begin to glue the cut corners. Start in the middle. Grab a pen or pencil to help yourself. Place it in the middle of the square along the fold line and wrap the two inner corners around it, having previously coated one corner with glue.

4. Glue the following corners, turning in the opposite direction. Next, glue all the corners one by one, constantly changing sides. This will create the first part of our snowflake. Make six of these.

5. Now it remains only to glue all the blanks with corners. Then, from a fan, make our craft round, simply by folding the paper, and we will get a very beautiful volumetric snowflake. On one of the beams, make a hole on top to thread and hang it.

Master class on cutting a volumetric snowflake

Let's consider another way of making our jewelry. I don’t know what it’s called scientifically, I call this method “accordion”. Why? You will now mark it yourself.

So let's get started:

1. Take two identical sheets of paper and fold them into an accordion approximately 3 cm wide.

2. Draw a pattern of your own design on one of the blanks and cut it out. Then attach the first template to the second workpiece and trace around with a pencil to make the same. Cut it out too. After that, you can unfold the accordion.

3. On one of the blanks, coat the edge with glue and glue the second blank. Do the same with the second edge and glue the second blank on the other side.

4. And now just put it on the table and shape the snowflake we want. Thanks to the fact that we have folded the paper like an accordion, you can easily do it.

By the same principle, you can draw patterns and cut with different patterns. They will still be very beautiful.

Here's another example. Here the template is made from one sheet of paper, you just need to bend it in half and cut the same pattern on two halves:

Schemes for cutting volumetric 3D snowflakes for the New Year

You can make 3D volumetric snowflakes. This is also not difficult at all. Cut 3 templates, glue and it's ready. First, make one blank, and cut the rest of the templates along it. Then fold them in half and glue one half with half of the second workpiece, and glue the other half with half of the third workpiece. Well, glue the second half of the third blank with the remaining half of the second blank (I hope I did not confuse you).

Here are some more cutting and pasting patterns. But in fact, it is very easy here to fantasize yourself. The main thing is that the templates are the same.

First template:

Second template:

Or else like this:

The same can be done with 4 templates, and even with five. The snowflakes will be even more voluminous. In general, fantasize and come up with various patterns to make your home even more beautiful for the holiday.

Video on how to make large volumetric snowflakes with your own hands

Here's another way to cut a voluminous snowflake. Simple and affordable. Preparing for the New Year is always fun and challenging. Children love to decorate the house for the holiday.

Cut and glue this beauty along with them. It is very interesting and fun. For clarity, I have selected a suitable video for you, thanks to which you will not have any difficulties in manufacturing.

Now, after watching this video with your children, you can easily make a beautiful volumetric snowflake using scissors and glue.

Easy templates and description of New Year paper snowflakes

It is not at all difficult to make a beautiful volumetric snowflake. Let's look at a couple more options with a detailed description. You will enjoy making them with your children. Still, this is preparation for everyone's favorite holiday.

So the first option:

1. First, let's make the first blank, make a square out of paper. Then fold the square four times with a corner, as shown in the picture below.

3. As a result, we got the first blank for a volumetric snowflake in just 5 minutes.

4. Now make exactly the same blanks, but each time smaller than the previous one. The total should look like this - 1 is the largest, the other two are slightly smaller, and two more are smaller than the previous ones. There should be five of them in total. Then put two smaller pieces of different sizes on a large workpiece and glue in the center. Do the same on the other side.

At the same time, for beauty, you can take paper of different colors, as well as increase the number of blanks. It doesn't matter.

Now let's consider the second option:

1. Take a sheet of landscape paper (A4). Fold it three times lengthwise. Then fold the resulting strip in half widthwise.

2. Cut small corners around the edges with scissors. Then tie in the middle with a thread, preferably the same color as the paper.

3. Now, along the fold lines, cut the paper to the center to create separate stripes on both sides.

4. Bend each strip in half and glue it at the center of the future snowflake. Then make two cuts on each of them. Then, on both sides of each strip, bend and spread like wings (see the picture).

Unfold and straighten the product into a snowflake shape. This is how it should turn out.

5. In the center, you can glue a shiny ball or circle. The end result is a very beautiful 3 D snowflake. You can make as much beauty as you like, use different colors and decorate your home.

Well, my dear friends, we have considered several interesting ways to make very beautiful volumetric snowflakes that you can use to decorate your home and office (or other workspace). After all, when it comes to holidays, adults do not behave better than children, and we also really want to wait for some miracle. Therefore, we, adults, are also carefully preparing for this magical evening.

Best wishes to you! Bye!

With the New Year approaching, there is an urgent need for paper snowflakes. Paper snowflakes can be used to decorate a window in an apartment, country house, school class or office, decorate a child's New Year's costume, a Christmas tree, create hanging or wall New Year's compositions.

Photo examples and ideas for decorating an apartment (room) with snowflakes:

It would seem at first glance, what is easier? It is enough to take a sheet of paper, fold it several times, and then make chaotic cuts with sharp scissors - and, behold, she is a beautiful paper snowflake.
However, many people are faced with the fact that they do not know how to cut really beautiful paper snowflakes at all. Snowflakes turn out to be ordinary, sloppy, of the same type with a large pattern.

We have prepared this article especially for you, in which we have posted detailed and understandable photo instructions. Using the photo instructions, you can create outlandish paper patterns on snowflakes that Santa Claus himself will envy.

Once upon a time, people believed that snow or rain was water droplets. In the warm season, they rain out of the clouds, and in winter they fly out like snowflakes. But scientists have proven that snowflakes are not formed from water droplets, but are obtained from steam.
This vapor is constantly present in the air. It rises high into the sky, where it is very cold. There, the water vapor turns into tiny pieces of ice. The ice floes move, collide and cling to each other. So they grow, they become more and more. And they begin to fall to the ground like beautiful snow stars.

Ah, beautiful and sweet!
How could this become?
All of the rays are needles.
But the needles are not from the trees!
And such an openwork!
I'll catch her now!

Today, a master class on making paper snowflakes will be presented to your attention. There are many different techniques for making snowflakes with your own hands, but now you will have the opportunity to get acquainted with the easiest way to get what you want, with only a piece of paper and scissors at hand.
Due to its simplicity, this method of creating beautiful snowflakes from paper is very famous; it is used not only by adults, but also by children.

A step-by-step guide to creating a simple snowflake

Materials required for work:

  1. A4 sheet of paper.
  2. Scissors.
  3. A simple pencil.
  4. Ruler.

How to handle scissors:

  1. Before work, you need to check the tool. Use only well-adjusted and sharpened scissors.
  2. Do not hold the scissors upside-down and carry them in your pocket.
  3. Do not work with scissors with loose hinges.
  4. Do not use scissors while walking and leave them with open blades.
  5. It is allowed to transfer the scissors only in a closed form, in rings towards a friend.
  6. Observe the movement and position of the blades during work.
  7. Use scissors only for their intended purpose.

How to cut a snowflake out of paper?

It is surprisingly easy to create a beautiful snowflake from an ordinary sheet of paper. To do this, you just need to use - scissors, paper, pencil, beautiful diagrams, your inspiration and some free time.

First we fold the blank for the snowflake from a square sheet of paper, as shown in the picture below. Using various beautiful schemes, you can cut hundreds, and sometimes thousands, of snowflakes of various, beautiful and unpredictable shapes from the created triangular base.

Using a simple pencil, transfer the drawings shown in the diagrams to the base, and then cut out the snowflakes.

At the end of the article, you can find other schemes for cutting paper snowflakes.

How to make a volumetric snowflake out of paper?

A voluminous snowflake looks much more impressive than a regular one, and it is also easy to create (a little more difficult). Such fabulous 3D snowflakes can be hung around the rooms, as well as on the tree itself to create an atmosphere of the New Year's holiday. You will need: 6 square sheets of paper, glue, scissors, a stapler, inspiration and some free time (15 minutes will be enough). A voluminous snowflake, if desired, can be made multi-colored, using colored paper to create its individual elements. But before you learn how to create voluminous snowflakes without instructions, it is better to use plain white paper (practice on it first). And the snow-white voluminous snowflake will always be in fashion.

1. First we make 6 such square blanks for the future snowflake. You can download these blanks for small or large snowfields, and then print them on a printer. If you are creating a large snowflake, then it is better to use high-density paper - this is necessary so that the snowflake can keep its shape. Fold each square in half diagonally and make cuts with scissors, heading from the fold to the center line.

2. Open the square with incisions, which was folded diagonally, and place it in front of us as shown in the picture. We twist the first row of strips with a tube and fasten them with glue.

3. Turn the snowflake over to the other side and start working with the next two strips: we also connect them and fasten them with glue. We work further in the same spirit: turn the snowflake over and fasten the remaining strips. As a result of the actions taken, we should have such a twisted fancy element.

4. We have created one of the rays for our volumetric snowflake, and we need to make six of these! Therefore, we do the same with the other 5 blanks. We connect three rays of a snowflake in the middle with a stapler. Similarly, we connect the remaining three rays of the snowflake. Next, we connect these two large parts together.

5. Our beautiful volumetric snowflake is almost ready! You just need to use glue to connect the snowflake in those places where the rays touch each other. This is necessary in order for the snowflake to keep its shape properly.

So we made a voluminous snowflake out of paper! What great fellows we are! Now you can make a color one!

How to make a volumetric snowflake using origami technology?

It will not be so easy here, and it is possible that you will spend at least one hour creating your first origami snowflake. Well, in the future, when you understand the algorithm for creating such snowflakes, things will go much faster. One caveat - the thinner the paper, the more graceful the snowflakes will be. Translucent light-transmitting snowflakes will look great on the window. Well, in the beginning, you can train on ordinary office paper.

Before creating a snowflake using the origami technique, you need to turn a rectangular or square sheet of paper into a hexagon. This is one of the most important points that will then affect whether our venture is successful.

1. Fold the paper in half twice so that clear fold lines are visible.

2. Fold one corner with the top towards the center. Bend the top flap to the edge. We now have 2 more fold lines.

3. Fold the paper in half again as shown in the picture on the left. To make the figure on the right picture come out, use two X marks as a reference point and bend valve A along the dotted line.

4. Combining the blue and red lines, bend the valve. As a result of these actions, you should get a shape that looks like a heart.

5. Focusing on points X, cut off a part of the workpiece along the blue line with scissors. In what follows, we only need a hexagon - part A.

If you have any difficulties with the hexagon, then you can find tips and answers in the video:

6. Bend one side of the hexagon towards the center to form a fold line. We do the same with all 6 sides. We now have many lines inside our hexagon that form small triangles.

7. Bend the edge of the hexagon to the center again. Using the fold lines made in the previous step, bend the valve A to B, as shown in the left picture. Fold in the same way at the hexagon and the other two sides, until you create a shape that resembles a pinwheel. The last flap can easily cause embarrassment, since it will be hidden under the fold. It needs to be pulled out so that we have six valves sticking outward, as shown in the picture on the right.

8. Press lightly with your finger on the fold of each pocket to form something similar to the picture in the center. In this case, it does not matter which of the valves will be on top.

9. Bend two blue corners to the central part of the dotted line on each unfolded pocket. This needs to be done to prepare the fold lines for the next step. The resulting shape should look like the image on the right.

10. Neatly unfold the folds made in step 8 to reveal the fold lines. In each pocket, combine the blue and red points X. The fold lines obtained in step 9 will help us with this. When we do this operation with all 6 pockets, our shape will look like the image on the right.

11. Turn the workpiece over and bend each corner of the hexagon to the center. A small flap should form each adjacent fold. Do not hide the small flap under the fold. Let him stay on top. You did everything right if you got a blank that looks like the picture on the right.

12. For all small flaps, press the fold line down to create the new fold lines that will be needed in the next step.

13. Turn out the folds made in the previous step, hiding the valves from below.

14. Turn the figure over, turn every corner from the center as far as possible and bend it. We should have 12 valves - 6 large and 6 small.

15. Turn the workpiece over. Between the two large valves, you see small valves. We push each small valve forward. We now have six diamonds.

16. For each half of the rhombus, pull the blue edge to the center of the rhombus and press the fold to the edge. As a result, we have a shape, as in the image on the right. It remains to repeat this action 12 times and the origami snowflake will be ready!

How to fold an origami snowflake (video tutorial):

How to make a paper kirigami snowflake?

Kirigami is a type of origami in which it is allowed to use scissors and cut paper with them in the process of making a figure. The method of cutting kirigami snowflakes is not very different from making simple paper snowflakes, but the result is much more interesting and creative.

First, create such a template, using which anyone, even a child, can make a six-rayed kirigami snowflake. On a sheet of paper, for this we build an angle of 60 degrees. In building the corner, a protractor will come to our aid.

Fold a square sheet of paper in half diagonally, put the blank on the template as follows:

Bend the corners of the triangle as shown in the picture:

You can apply lines of future cuts to the workpiece with a simple pencil, and then erase these lines with an eraser, or attach a previously printed and prepared template to the workpiece and cut along it. If at this stage the workpiece is folded in half again, then you can use not a clerical knife, but simple nail scissors to cut the snowflake. In this case, even a child can be entrusted with the work of cutting out a snowflake.

Schemes for creating kirigami snowflakes:

To make the snowflakes created using the origami technique even more wonderful, colorful and original, you can decorate them with sparkles, cute pumps, rhinestones, woolen balls, paint with felt-tip pens, pencils.

Here are our paper snowflakes ready! Unlike ordinary snowflakes, they will not melt, but will decorate our houses and Christmas trees for a long time!

Patterns for paper snowflakes

There are no identical snowflakes in nature. In order for our New Year's snowflakes not to be all twins, we need to use different schemes (templates) when creating them. Try to apply as many patterns as possible. Experiment! Maybe even come up with some kind of your own scheme. You can use the following patterns for cutting paper snowflakes:

In anticipation of the New Year holidays, we continue to decorate our home.

Beautiful paper snowflakes will be a good home decoration for the New Year. They will create the atmosphere of a snow-white winter fairy tale in the apartment. And simply cutting snowflakes of various shapes from paper can be fun, because this is an exciting activity and they should captivate their children. If you do not know how to cut paper snowflakes, or have forgotten how to do it, then this is not a problem. Next, you will see that everything is very simple. Even a child can handle this. For the New Year's holiday, we invite you to make many snowflakes and, moreover, of different shapes.

How to cut a snowflake out of paper?

It is surprisingly easy to create a beautiful snowflake from an ordinary sheet of paper. To do this, you just need to use - scissors, paper, pencil, beautiful diagrams, your inspiration and some free time.

First we fold the blank for the snowflake from a square sheet of paper, as shown in the picture below. Using various beautiful schemes, you can cut hundreds, and sometimes thousands, of snowflakes of various, beautiful and unpredictable shapes from the created triangular base.

Using a simple pencil, transfer the drawings shown in the diagrams to the base, and then cut out the snowflakes.

At the end of the article, you can find other schemes for cutting paper snowflakes.

How to make a volumetric snowflake out of paper?

A voluminous snowflake looks much more impressive than a regular one, and it is also easy to create (a little more difficult). Such fabulous 3D snowflakes can be hung around the rooms, as well as on the tree itself to create an atmosphere of the New Year's holiday. You will need: 6 square sheets of paper, glue, scissors, a stapler, inspiration and some free time (15 minutes will be enough). A voluminous snowflake, if desired, can be made multi-colored, using colored paper to create its individual elements. But before you learn how to create voluminous snowflakes without instructions, it is better to use plain white paper (practice on it first). And the snow-white voluminous snowflake will always be in fashion.

1. First we make 6 such square blanks for the future snowflake. You can download these blanks for small or large snowfields, and then print them on a printer. If you are creating a large snowflake, then it is better to use high-density paper - this is necessary so that the snowflake can keep its shape. Fold each square in half diagonally and make cuts with scissors, heading from the fold to the center line.

2. Open the square with incisions, which was folded diagonally, and place it in front of us as shown in the picture. We twist the first row of strips with a tube and fasten them with glue.

3. Turn the snowflake over to the other side and start working with the next two strips: we also connect them and fasten them with glue. We work further in the same spirit: turn the snowflake over and fasten the remaining strips. As a result of the actions taken, we should have such a twisted fancy element.

4. We have created one of the rays for our volumetric snowflake, and we need to make six of these! Therefore, we do the same with the other 5 blanks. We connect three rays of a snowflake in the middle with a stapler. Similarly, we connect the remaining three rays of the snowflake. Next, we connect these two large parts together.

5. Our beautiful volumetric snowflake is almost ready! You just need to use glue to connect the snowflake in those places where the rays touch each other. This is necessary in order for the snowflake to keep its shape properly.

So we made a voluminous snowflake out of paper! What great fellows we are! Now you can make a color one!

How to make a volumetric snowflake using origami technology?

It will not be so easy here, and it is possible that you will spend at least one hour creating your first origami snowflake. Well, in the future, when you understand the algorithm for creating such snowflakes, things will go much faster. One caveat - the thinner the paper, the more graceful the snowflakes will be. Translucent light-transmitting snowflakes will look great on the window. Well, in the beginning, you can train on ordinary office paper.

Before creating a snowflake using the origami technique, you need to turn a rectangular or square sheet of paper into a hexagon. This is one of the most important points that will then affect whether our venture is successful.

1. Fold the paper in half twice so that clear fold lines are visible.

2. Fold one corner with the top towards the center. Bend the top flap to the edge. We now have 2 more fold lines.

3. Fold the paper in half again as shown in the picture on the left. To make the figure on the right picture come out, use two X marks as a reference point and bend valve A along the dotted line.

4. Combining the blue and red lines, bend the valve. As a result of these actions, you should get a shape that looks like a heart.

5. Focusing on points X, cut off a part of the workpiece along the blue line with scissors. In what follows, we only need a hexagon - part A.

If you have any difficulties with the hexagon, then you can find tips and answers in the video:

6. Bend one side of the hexagon towards the center to form a fold line. We do the same with all 6 sides. We now have many lines inside our hexagon that form small triangles.

7. Bend the edge of the hexagon to the center again. Using the fold lines made in the previous step, bend the valve A to B, as shown in the left picture. Fold in the same way at the hexagon and the other two sides, until you create a shape that resembles a pinwheel. The last flap can easily cause embarrassment, since it will be hidden under the fold. It needs to be pulled out so that we have six valves sticking outward, as shown in the picture on the right.

8. Press lightly with your finger on the fold of each pocket to form something similar to the picture in the center. In this case, it does not matter which of the valves will be on top.

9. Bend two blue corners to the central part of the dotted line on each unfolded pocket. This needs to be done to prepare the fold lines for the next step. The resulting shape should look like the image on the right.

10. Neatly unfold the folds made in step 8 to reveal the fold lines. In each pocket, combine the blue and red points X. The fold lines obtained in step 9 will help us with this. When we do this operation with all 6 pockets, our shape will look like the image on the right.

11. Turn the workpiece over and bend each corner of the hexagon to the center. A small flap should form each adjacent fold. Do not hide the small flap under the fold. Let him stay on top. You did everything right if you got a blank that looks like the picture on the right.

12. For all small flaps, press the fold line down to create the new fold lines that will be needed in the next step.

13. Turn out the folds made in the previous step, hiding the valves from below.

14. Turn the figure over, turn every corner from the center as far as possible and bend it. We should have 12 valves - 6 large and 6 small.

15. Turn the workpiece over. Between the two large valves, you see small valves. We push each small valve forward. We now have six diamonds.

16. For each half of the rhombus, pull the blue edge to the center of the rhombus and press the fold to the edge. As a result, we have a shape, as in the image on the right. It remains to repeat this action 12 times and the origami snowflake will be ready!

How to fold an origami snowflake (video tutorial):

How to make a paper kirigami snowflake?

Kirigami is a type of origami in which it is allowed to use scissors and cut paper with them in the process of making a figure. The method of cutting kirigami snowflakes is not very different from making simple paper snowflakes, but the result is much more interesting and creative.

First, create such a template, using which anyone, even a child, can make a six-rayed kirigami snowflake. On a sheet of paper, for this we build an angle of 60 degrees. In building the corner, a protractor will come to our aid.

Fold a square sheet of paper in half diagonally, put the blank on the template as follows:

Bend the corners of the triangle as shown in the picture:

You can apply lines of future cuts to the workpiece with a simple pencil, and then erase these lines with an eraser, or attach a previously printed and prepared template to the workpiece and cut along it. If at this stage the workpiece is folded in half again, then you can use not a clerical knife, but simple nail scissors to cut the snowflake. In this case, even a child can be entrusted with the work of cutting out a snowflake.

Schemes for creating kirigami snowflakes:

To make the snowflakes created using the origami technique even more wonderful, colorful and original, you can decorate them with sparkles, cute pumps, rhinestones, woolen balls, paint with felt-tip pens, pencils.

Here are our paper snowflakes ready! Unlike ordinary snowflakes, they will not melt, but will decorate our houses and Christmas trees for a long time!

Patterns for paper snowflakes

There are no identical snowflakes in nature. In order for our New Year's snowflakes not to be all twins, we need to use different schemes (templates) when creating them. Try to apply as many patterns as possible. Experiment! Maybe even come up with some kind of your own scheme. You can use the following patterns for cutting paper snowflakes:

Successful crafts of paper snowflakes!


Paper for cutting snowflakes, you can take office, colored paper for children's creativity, origami paper.

With ordinary office scissors, it is convenient to cut out relatively large areas of the pattern, for example, along the edge of a snowflake.

For small details and intricate patterns, it is best to use hairdressing scissors and nail scissors.

DIY snowflakes

So, paper and scissors are selected, now you can proceed to the first stage of making snowflakes - folding the paper. To get a hexagonal blank, from which a snowflake will subsequently be made, cut a square of the desired size from a sheet of paper.

How to get squares of different sizes from A4 sheet

1. Fold the piece of paper in any way, but so that one part is larger than the other, and then cut along the marked line.

2. Fold most of the sheet along the bisector.

3. Cut off the excess paper - you get a square.

4. The blank for a large snowflake is ready.

5. Repeat steps 2-3 with a smaller part of the sheet, the remaining aftereffects of step 1.

6. The result is a blank for an average snowflake.

7. With the trim remaining after step 6, repeat steps 2-3.

8. The result is a blank for a small snowflake. Thus, from one A4 sheet, you can make blanks for three snowflakes of different sizes.

The dimensions of the blanks may vary slightly. They depend on how the original sheet was folded in step 1. In addition, a large snowflake can be obtained by cutting out a square from a whole A4 sheet.

How to fold a hexagonal blank from a square

Now from the square we need to add a regular triangle (in expanded form - a hexagon), from which the snowflake will be cut.

Method number 1

1. Fold the square in half.

2. Then fold the sheet "by eye" so that the angles shown in diagram 3 are equal.

3. Turn the workpiece over to the other side.

4. The fold should go along the edge of the workpiece folded at point 2 of ply, and the top edge should line up with the left fold.

5. Cut off excess paper evenly.

Method number 2

1. Fold the square diagonally.

2. Mark the middle of the leg of the resulting triangle (side).

3. Connect the vertex (right angle) of the triangle to the marked midpoint of the leg. Mark a fold line and again unfold the workpiece to a triangle.

4. Now sketch out the midpoint of the base of the triangle.

5. Connect the middle of the leg with a point lying on the marking line obtained in step 3. The fold line should go through the middle of the base of the triangle.

6. Connect the base of the triangle to the fold line obtained in step 5.

7. Cut off excess paper along the indicated line.


Choose the size of the hexagonal blank (large, small or medium) yourself based on the paper you use for cutting, the complexity of the snowflake and the skills of working with scissors.

Cut out the snowflake

1. Fold the regular triangle obtained in one of the above ways (in expanded form, a hexagon) in half. Perform all actions very accurately so that later with scissors you do not cut through the folded crooked layers of paper. Make sure that the top circled (see diagram) is in the center of the future snowflake.

2. Start cutting. On the diagrams, areas of paper that need to be removed are indicated in bright pink. First, shape the outer edge of the snowflake. To do this, cut a pattern on the upper side of the workpiece, as shown in the diagram.

3. Then cut a pattern on both sides of the workpiece. The last to be cut are small elements inside the workpiece and around an acute angle.

4. The snowflake is ready, it remains only to carefully unfold it.

We will cut out all the presented snowflakes according to this description, starting from point 2, when the regular triangle is already folded in half. The fact is that all snowflakes are cut out the same way, only the pattern changes, so we did not repeat the description of the work many times, but limited ourselves only to precise diagrams.

The process of making each snowflake consists of 3-5 sequential diagrams, in which the sections of the paper to be removed are indicated in black. The last diagram, which shows a snowflake completely cut out but not yet expanded, is also a template. You can "by eye" copy a pattern from it to your workpiece, or translate it using tracing paper and carbon paper.


The snowflake should look like a graphic image with a well-readable pattern, so perform all stages of the work very carefully and accurately.

Snowflakes. Schemes

Such snowflakes will become beautiful decoration of the New Year's interior .

More options for making snowflakes

Snowflake. Step-by-step manufacturing process

Take a rectangular sheet of white paper and follow the instructions to cut a snowflake out of it. Imagine, invent your own patterns, and you will get the most extraordinary and beautiful snowflake!