The dog sheds heavily - the most common causes of rejection. If the dog sheds in winter? Identifying the main reasons

The process of changing the coat is absolutely natural for animals. Twice a year, in spring and autumn, our pets get rid of old dead hairs, allowing the coat to renew itself. Normally, the process lasts 2-3 weeks and the rest of the time the dog practically does not shed.

Despite the fact that most of our pets continue to live according to natural rhythms, abnormal molting is not such a rare occurrence. Often, animals not only lose most of their hair, up to the formation of bald spots, but also do this throughout the year, forcing the owners to live in an eternal woolen cloud.

What is prolonged shedding and how to deal with increased hair loss?


The most common reason for year-round hair loss is the poor ecology of our cities and the rather warm temperature in the room where the pets live. However, in reality, the problem is much deeper and is not limited to these two factors. Here are some of the most likely causes of your furry friends' shedding lingering shedding:

Guessing on the coffee grounds which of the reasons your pet owes its intense shedding is a thankless task. Correctly carried out diagnostics will allow you to accurately determine the cause of the pathology and choose the most effective way to deal with the problem.

First of all, you should conduct a thorough clinical examination of the pet. An experienced veterinarian will advise you, in addition to a general blood test, to take a test for lamblia (protozoa can also cause hair loss), check markers for thyroid hormones, and also make all kinds of scrapings from the skin surface.

If everything is in order with health, it is worth taking a closer look at the everyday side of the dog's life. Check the animal's diet, see if it is comfortable for him to sleep in his place - there are times when a hard uncomfortable bed or a rough mattress fabric provoked hair loss, especially in small dogs with fine hair.

It should be remembered that there are breeds that initially lose their hair more intensively than other dogs. This most often applies to the northern aboriginal species, not used to living in warm and cramped apartments. For a malamute, husky, or a prolonged molt in an urban environment is a completely natural phenomenon.

How to speed up shedding

To make the molting go faster and more efficiently, experienced groomers advise how to prepare the animal's hair for the process:

  • First, bathe your pet thoroughly with conditioner. The hairs, freed from the burden of dirt and sebum, leave the hair follicles more easily. The subsequent combing out of the four-legged friend or with a rubber mitten (depending on the length and structure of the coat) will accelerate the rejection and change of hair several times.
  • When bathing in the bathroom, pay attention to the temperature of the water. It is better if it is slightly warm. Cool water will not wash your hair properly; too hot water will increase hair loss.
  • Drying your dog is best at normal temperature. Too hot air from a hairdryer also increases the intensity of shedding, as well as rubbing too vigorously with a towel, which damages the skin structure.
  • The ideal way to get rid of excess moisture is to gently dab your pet's fur with an absorbent cloth (a terry towel or a special microfiber cloth that sucks in water).
  • Enhanced vitamin therapy will also be useful during the molting period. An oil solution of biologically active substances will strengthen weak hairs, and also give the animal's hairline strength and healthy shine.

Complaining about the prolonged shedding, it should be remembered that the structure of the coat changes with age, which means that the intensity of the process will increase with each passing year.

An attentive owner, having noticed such changes, will definitely try to find the reasons for the lengthening of the process. If it's all about physiological processes, you should accept the inevitable and adapt to the changes. If your pet's health has deteriorated, intense hair loss will help you pay attention to the problem and prescribe the right treatment for a friend whose life and health depends on your attentiveness.

Seasonal shedding is a natural coat change process that affects most of the canine world. As a standard, the shedding of wool and undercoat occurs twice a year - in autumn and spring, and this is enough for the animal's fur coat to be renewed. Most often, the process lasts 7-14 days, for those with a thick, long awn and an abundant lower layer, it can take 3-4 weeks. However, sometimes in dogs, hair falls off all year round or in winter, which cannot be called a normal condition. This should alert the owner and it is important to know why the dog sheds in winter.

Pieces of wool on carpets and furniture that appear outside the molting season can alert the owners of four-legged pets. It is advisable for the owner to recall how the dog behaved the previous 2-3 weeks, and whether there were any symptoms: anxious behavior, disturbed sleep, lack of appetite, or the dog itched more often than usual.


The skin of the animal should be examined for wounds, redness, and inflamed areas. Quads often suffer from dermatological diseases that cause similar symptoms. The presence of a strange, pungent odor that does not usually come from dogs is also a sign of abnormalities. If it appears, it means that the glands located in the skin are not working properly.

A variety of reasons can cause such a failure: the use of unsuitable detergents, poor-quality or spoiled food, diseases of internal organs, etc. If such a smell was absent before molting, it should still be taken into account.


First of all, the ears and paws of the animal begin to "smell" more intensely. But if for the paws this is a completely common phenomenon that does not deserve special attention, then the sweetish-putrid smell from the ears is a sign of otitis media or an inflammatory process.


Off-season molting is often the result of severe stress. Fights with fellows, injury, visiting a veterinary clinic, punishing the owner ... Many situations can lead to hair loss. However, this process usually does not differ in intensity and lasts only a few days.

But the danger of stress lies in the fact that it is able to "start" any illness that is in a latent (dormant) state. Therefore, owners need to monitor the general health of the pet, and not just its fur.


Itching, redness of the skin, puffiness of the eyes, increased lacrimation, drooling and hair loss are a set of symptoms of an allergic reaction. Perhaps the dog recently tasted a new product, a vitamin supplement, or swallowed something unknown on the street - any of the events can cause food allergies.

In addition, medications, household chemicals, shampoos, etc. can act as allergens. Dogs may react to pollen, exhaust gases, dust. The development of this reaction occurs according to the type of autoimmune diseases - leukocytes begin to protect the body from "enemies" that have penetrated from the outside. And since the skin and hair are not vital organs, they "get" more than others in this struggle.


With a deficiency of vitamins A, E, unsaturated fatty acids omega-3 and 6, the condition of the skin and coat of the animal worsens. They lose elasticity, lively shine, the skin can peel off, and hair can fall out.

Experts recommend that dogs eating natural products add vitamin and mineral supplements to their food - calcium chloride, fish oil, bone meal, etc. And in the offseason, you should give your pet special complexes, the most suitable drug can be selected by a veterinarian.

If the dog eats cheap industrial diets, then there is also a risk of developing vitamin deficiency, since such products are made from low-quality raw materials, they are not properly balanced and do not contain all the elements necessary for the dog's body.

Causes not related to disease

Often it is the owner who turns out to be the culprit for the sudden molting of the pet, since he is not caring for him correctly. Most breeds do not require frequent washing, as such procedures can break the protective layer of the skin and coat, especially if you bathe your dog with shampoos. But often the owners try to overprotect the pet, trying to rid it of the characteristic smell of the dog or thinking that the unwashed dog does not feel well.

When, after frequent bathing procedures, the natural lubricant disappears and does not have time to recover, the dog's skin becomes dry, dandruff may appear, the hair loses its natural shine and elasticity, breaks down and falls out.

First of all, it is worth considering what breed the four-legged friend belongs to, and in order not to harm him, it is advisable to consult with the breeder or veterinarian about proper care.

Sometimes it is enough for a dog to lie in the snow in winter to clean a fur coat, and in summer - to swim in a nearby pond. Pets with short hair can be treated with dry shampoo or wipe the dirty areas with a napkin with a velvet surface.

Another reason is climate change or pet conditions. If a family moves from a cold climate to a warm one, the dog's body reacts immediately, without waiting for the right season, getting rid of an unnecessarily abundant undercoat.

The same thing happens when a street dog is taken to live in a house or apartment. In such a situation, the need for a dense, warm coat disappears, and it begins to fade slowly. Over time, it becomes thinner, less thick and voluminous.

This nuance is worth paying attention to the owners who intend to change the dog's place of residence more than once. It will take time for him to get used to the street again. Usually, the dog is gradually released into the street when the weather is cool, but not frosty, increasing the time spent in such conditions. And a little later they leave it for the night. But this should be done before frosts begin, so that the undercoat develops again.

Not only the dog is subject to inspection, but also the place of its rest. At the slightest sign of uninvited guests, the bedding must be replaced with a clean one. If the ears of the dog are covered with a dark coating, you need to clean them with a cotton pad or tampon soaked in an antiseptic and observe their condition, since it is possible that we are talking about an ear mite infection.

Fungal infections are another cause of out-of-season molting and hair loss in animals. Dogs with deep skin folds - Shar Pei, Bloodhounds, English Bulldogs, Neapolitan Mastiffs, etc. are more often infected. The fungus is usually localized in wet areas of the body, and in these four-legged folds they are. In such a hydrated environment, pathogenic microorganisms develop and multiply rapidly.

Owners should take care of the delicate skin of such unusual pets, wiping the skin with napkins 1-2 times a week, paying special attention to the deepest areas hidden from prying eyes. If irritation appears on the skin, bald areas, it is worth showing the pet to the veterinarian.

To reduce the likelihood of a sudden change in the dog's fur coat, it is important to take care of disease prevention, visit the clinic with the dog every six months and provide it with high-quality, balanced nutrition. If there are warning signs of diseases or pathological conditions, you should not engage in self-diagnosis and treatment of the pet - this matter should be entrusted to a professional.

Love, care and full-fledged care are what a four-legged friend needs to be healthy, cheerful and cheerful. Such a dog rarely has an unplanned change of coat.

Shedding is an annual process of natural hairline change. Normally, it is carried out twice a year, most often in spring and autumn. The intensity of molting depends on many factors: health status, housing conditions, age, feeding diet, and so on.

Winter molt in dogs

The reason for untimely molting can be a large number of reasons, both the simplest ones and those complicated by several factors at once. If the dog sheds in winter, this is a concern for owners, although in some cases this process is considered normal.

It may be normal for some animals to moult at other times of the year. For example, dogs with very rich skins or kept outdoors often wait for a persistent cold snap and then begin to change their summer coat.

Age-related molting can be attributed to simple reasons why a dog sheds in winter. Regardless of the temperature outside, the puppy fluff changes to an adult coat. The same age-related loss of hair cover occurs in old individuals, although in this case it most often becomes year-round. Such a permanent molt occurs in almost all animals living in the house, which is due to the significant difference in temperature and humidity in the apartment and on the street.

Another reason may be the stress that the dog is experiencing. Many owners are faced with a situation where the pet begins to literally "crumble". This condition depends only on the duration and severity of the stressful situation, and can manifest itself at any time of the year.

More difficult cases include winter molt due to some diseases. For example, with hormonal disruptions, demodectosis, vitamin deficiencies, and more.

Can dogs develop bald patches from the cold?

As such, cold does not affect hair loss. Most often, the opposite happens - with a decrease in temperature, dogs begin to actively become covered with thick wool. The only exceptions are cases of frostbite, when the hair follicles begin to collapse during tissue necrosis. In this case, the dogs may develop bald patches.

When starting a dog, owners are faced with such a completely standard phenomenon as molting. Naturally, few people will like wool throughout the house, but you should not put up with it. No, you do not need to demand the impossible from the dog - to stop shedding, but it is worth helping the pet during this period. In addition, shedding in dogs can be non-seasonal, but associated with a special condition or some kind of disease. In this case, the pet needs specialist help and special care.

In addition, the beautiful, shiny coat gives the dog a well-groomed appearance. The owner often wakes up with a desire to stroke his pet on a luxurious fur coat, and this gives pleasure to both parties.

But wool has one property - it is renewed 2 times a year. This is a very important process for the health of the animal, which takes place in the spring and fall.

Frequent question: "How long does the molt last in dogs?" The duration of natural molt is 7-14 days. During this period, it is necessary to take certain measures, and of course, you will have to do the cleaning in the house more often, since it will not be possible to completely get rid of the ubiquitous wool. The first molt begins after they reach six months of age.

Shedding not associated with a change in coat

In a healthy animal, molt passes quickly, without greatly affecting the appearance of the pet, since the renewal of the coat occurs almost immediately.

Protracted shedding should be a cause for concern, when the coat comes out in clumps, and the one that remains looks lifeless and unkempt. Wool growth slows down, its structure and coat density may change. The reasons can lie both in the failure of the body's activity, and in the presence of any disease:

In this situation, a consultation with a veterinarian will be required. Abundant stress may be associated with the pet's stress, for example, after parting with the owner, moving to another place of residence, or a conflict situation.

In case of a weakening of the body after childbirth, injury, surgery or prolonged illness, unplanned molt is also possible.

The reason for a strong shedding in a dog can be the person himself, if he bathes his pet too often. Yes, this is due to good intentions, but it can deprive the dog of the protective fat layer that forms on the skin that it needs. In this situation, the hair follicles weaken significantly and the hairs begin to fall out.

Wool can react with shedding and environmental conditions. For example, lap dogs that are rarely outdoors and kept in a poorly ventilated room can constantly renew their fur, but this does not happen with street dogs.

How to comb the coat correctly during the shedding period

It doesn't matter what caused the change of coat - the season or other factors, but it is important to help the dog and alleviate its condition during this difficult period.

The main method is daily with a special comb or brush. Such manipulation is extremely beneficial for the health of the animal, since:

  • will help the dog get rid of dead hair and accelerate the growth of new hairs;
  • will have a stimulating effect on blood circulation in the upper layer of the epidermis, which will improve the supply of nutrients, vitamins and beneficial microelements to the hair follicle;
  • will improve the appearance of the coat - it will become smoother, silky.

And also, if you comb your dog every day, less often you will have to take up a broom or vacuum cleaner.

Such care also requires special tools:

  • To remove tangles from the undercoat, you need a comb made of hardened steel, it's nice if it is covered with nickel.
  • Where a metal tool will not work, a more delicate slicker brush will come in handy. Suitable for use in delicate areas.
  • A glove brush removes dead hairs well from the dog's body.

Using this set of tools every day, you can rid your pet of old hair in 4-5 days. There is also a tool capable of performing almost all of the above functions - the furminator. It looks like a rake, and acts without injuring the new coat, catching and lifting the undercoat layer.

There are restrictions on its use - it cannot be used if there is damage on the skin of the animal - irritated areas, ulcerative formations, wounds, hematomas or abrasions. It is also not suitable for handling some breeds - Frize, American spaniels, terriers, poodles, lapdogs, curly-haired retrievers.

Another important condition is that the dog should not have tangles, which means that before the procedure, it is necessary to comb out the hair with a comb or metal comb. If this is not done, the pet will be too painful.

You can quickly rid your beloved pet of dead hair by using a furminator after bathing. The tool should be guided along the growth of the coat, gently and without pressure.

You can watch a video about the correct combing of the dog:

Additional activities during molt

During the coat, you can apply a balm or conditioner intended for use during shedding. This will strengthen the hair roots and make combing out more comfortable as the coat will not tangle too much. For this period, a shampoo is suitable, which contains a protein that creates a protective film on the skin.

It is worth paying attention to the nutrition of the dog during the molting period. At this time, the pet needs to be given vitamin complexes. In veterinary departments or pharmacies, you can buy special preparations that improve the quality of the wool. The main components needed to strengthen the coat are B vitamins, copper and zinc.

If the animal eats natural food, it is worth increasing the amount of protein products in the diet, since protein gives the coat shine and elasticity. The dog needs more meat, only lean, boiled liver and chicken hearts can be given from offal. A couple of times a week, you can pamper your pet with sea fish, but you need to choose low-fat varieties and carefully remove the bones before serving.

Care for different types of wool

Molting in different breeds is different, it all depends on the length and quality of the wool:

Molting is a difficult period for both dogs and their owners. But if you treat the situation as a given, and ease the state of your pet, you can overcome any difficulties.

Regular seasonal molting usually occurs in your pet in autumn or spring days and lasts 1-2 weeks - this is absolutely normal, no need to worry. One thing you will have to spend time on is to comb the dog with a special brush in order to collect all the extra hairs that will soon fall out. Such a simple procedure will help your pet to get through the shedding period as soon as possible, as well as keep upholstered furniture and carpets from contamination.

It is necessary to clean the apartment more often, since the comb will not completely save you from hair. When does the first molt start in dogs? It depends on the time of year, and usually occurs no earlier than 6 months of age.

Wool, unfortunately, does not immediately respond to diseases. It grows slowly, and the change is not revealed until a month after the latent danger has arisen.

What to do if your dog sheds heavily ...

... in the middle of winter or in summer, when nature does not foresee the change of fur coats for animals?

… Longer than 2-3 weeks?

… And skin redness, irritation, inflammation, crusting, spots appear?

... and this process is accompanied by a smell that has not been observed in your dog before?

… And it seems to you that this process is going too intensively?

Any of these factors requires that you urgently see a veterinarian, because with a normal shedding there should be nothing like this. Your pet's coat, in addition to its main function, reflects the state of the whole organism and serves as an indicator of health. If the dog does not look the way it always does, then it is sick.

If you find that your dog is shedding a lot. First of all, you need to identify the reason why wool is climbing from it. The most common, in addition to natural, include:


· Unbalanced nutrition;

· Skin diseases;

· High temperature in the room where the dog lives;

· Liver disease;

· Acute lack of vitamins (usually A, B, omega-3);

· Worms;

· Suffered severe stress;

Dryness of the coat;

· Pancreatic disease.

First you need to try to fix what is in your power:

1. Make sure that the temperature in the apartment does not exceed 26 degrees. If the room is warmer, then this may be the reason for your dog's shedding.

2. Ventilate the room every day, do not close all windows tightly in the summer.

3. Take your pet outside for a walk in any weather.

4. Make a rational menu, allocate a certain amount for the purchase of quality feed.

5. Remove the stressful situation for your pet, and then, after consulting with a veterinarian, buy a suitable sedative (for example, a cat-bayun) at the pharmacy.

6. Buy an anthelmintic drug and give it to the dog (do not forget to study the instructions beforehand).

7. Get good vitamins. During the choice, it is advisable to be guided by the recommendations of the doctor who examined the dog.

If all else fails, you need to contact a specialist in order to:

· Take the necessary blood tests to exclude or identify problems with the liver or pancreas;

· Conduct a general examination of the patient;

· To make an allergy test and scraping for the diagnosis of skin diseases.

An experienced dog breeder can tell a lot about an animal from molting in dogs. Having met pet dogs on the street, you can easily determine if your pet is healthy and happy. But how? By the condition of his coat!

If the fur coat shines in the sun, like expensive fur and looks well-groomed - everything is fine with the pet. If the hairs are sparse and shaggy, the dog often itches, getting rid of constantly shedding hairs, then something is wrong with him.

The dog sheds heavily: why it happens and what to do

In general, diseases are not the only reason for sudden or severe molting. The fur coat of the animal reacts sharply to any fluctuations in the environment. For example, some pets living under artificial lighting or stuffiness change their fur constantly, unlike their counterparts living in the fresh air of sunny summer cottages.

Sometimes in dogs, stress, such as pregnancy, moving, surgery can be caused by: a temporary weakening of hair follicles and intense hair loss. There are cases when frequent bathing upset the chemical balance of the skin and promoted shedding.

We take care of wool

Whether it's time for seasonal hair loss, or the veterinarian could not find the reasons for the "unplanned" shedding, or could not understand why the dog sheds heavily, it does not matter - you need to help your pet to get through this difficult period comfortably.

· Be sure to include vitamins in your dog's diet.

· Do not forget to stock up on the equipment you need to brush your pet. The main thing is that the combs should be made of hardened steel. Preferably nickel-plated. With their help, you can comb out tangles from the undercoat.

· Get ​​a combing furminator.

Sometimes you can give your dog a fun shower with a protein-based pet shampoo, but frequent bathing when shedding heavily is not recommended.

· Buy separate dry conditioners that improve and nourish the coat.

· Slickers are no less important. With their help, wool is removed in delicate places that cannot be touched with a coarse metal tool.

· Combing with the furminator will speed up if done after bathing. When working on the tummy, legs and tail, you need to be extremely careful, move the tool in the direction of hair growth. No need to use force! In order not to hurt the animal, drive lightly and gently over the coat.

The furminator is suitable for most breeds, except for:

· Poodle;

· Lapdogs;

· Terrier;

· Chinese crested;

· American Water Spaniel;

· Curly-haired retriever;

· Bedlington.

While your pet is molting, it is best to switch it to natural food. For a healthy and beautiful coat, the main thing is protein. It gives strength and shine to the coat. During molting, your pet also needs fish oil. You need to make sure that your pet gets the required substances for the growth of the coat: zinc, copper and vitamin B.

During this period, the animal should be given more meat (with the exception of pork, because it is too fat). Sometimes spoil your pets with chicken hearts and liver. Once a week, the molting animal needs to eat sea fish. Just give him the fillet boneless.

In addition, it is very important that the pets eat cereals and vegetables. It is unlikely that you will be able to get these products to try separately, so mix them with your tailed friend's favorite canned foods.

Lack of zinc and solar dermatitis leads to hair loss, dryness and roughness of bald skin, ulcers. Often those dogs whose immunity is weakened due to a serious illness or those with worms go bald. Therefore, it is necessary to constantly monitor the health of the dog. Give immunostimulating drugs, carry out deworming, and properly care for the coat.

The dog needs to be bathed once a month, not more often. The water temperature should be warm, not hot.