Sleep and pregnancy: how to establish a good rest? daily routine of a pregnant woman

Lifestyle and daily routine of a pregnant woman

Lifestyle and daily routine

Pregnancy is not a disease, but the body of the future mother works in a double mode, which inevitably makes its own adjustments to the usual way of life and requires some change in behavior.

In the early stages, against the background of adaptation to pregnancy, even a healthy woman may develop vegetative-neurotic disorders (weakness, fatigue, nausea, vomiting, salivation, a heightened sense of smell, a sharp change in mood, tearfulness). As pregnancy progresses, symptoms associated with an increase in the uterus and the influence of placental hormones on all systems of the woman's body (heartburn, constipation, frequent urination, palpitations, muscle pain in the legs) join. On the eve of childbirth, shortness of breath, swelling, pain in the lower back and in the area of ​​the pubic joint, frequent mood swings may disturb.

The main rule motivating the behavior of a pregnant woman should be the prevention of the influence of controlled environmental factors that have a proven or potentially negative effect on the fetus. It is especially important to ensure the safety of the fetus in the first 8 weeks of pregnancy - the period of active organogenesis. It has been proven that the 15-20th week of pregnancy (increased growth of the brain) and the 20-24th week (the formation of the main functional systems of the fetal body) also belong to the critical periods of development.

The presence of pregnancy (and even suspicion of it) should be informed not only of the gynecologist, but also of medical workers of all specialties who provide medical and preventive care to the pregnant woman, and pharmacists of pharmacies. As soon as possible, it is necessary to notify the cosmetologist, manicure and pedicure masters, fitness instructor, masseur and hairdresser about the change in your condition, which in the future will help to avoid many problems and worries.

Physio-psychoprophylactic preparation for childbirth

All changes that occur in a woman's body during pregnancy have the ultimate goal of preparing for birth stress and blood loss, as well as lactation. In this regard, it is extremely necessary from the first weeks of pregnancy to attend appropriate classes, which are carried out in the conditions of the antenatal clinic.

Physio-psychoprophylactic preparation includes:

  • individual conversations and lectures;
  • group classes in special gymnastics;
  • use of natural factors (light, air, water) to improve health;
  • the use of physical therapy.

The goals of physio-psychoprophylaxis during pregnancy:

  • increasing the body's resistance;
  • adaptation to increased requirements in the new conditions of the body's activity;
  • antenatal protection of the fetus;
  • the development in a woman of a conscious attitude towards pregnancy, the perception of childbirth as a physiological process;
  • childbirth skills training.

Wellness vacation

A pregnant woman should change her daily routine so that she feels as comfortable as possible. First of all, this means having enough time for rest. Starting from the second trimester, you should aim for at least 9 hours of sleep a day, including an episode of daytime sleep.

Given the increased need for oxygen, the expectant mother, especially living in an urban area, should use every opportunity to stay in nature. At all times of the year, regular non-fatiguing walks are recommended for 1-1.5 hours daily and, if possible, before going to bed. At the same time, a place for daily walks should be chosen away from noisy streets and intersections, giving preference to parks and squares.

When planning a vacation and organizing a recreational holiday, countries with familiar climatic conditions in the autumn-spring period should be preferred. An ideal option is a sanatorium for pregnant women. On vacation, you should exclude lifting and carrying weights and limit exposure to the active sun.

If the pregnancy proceeds normally, bathing in the sea and the river is allowed. In this case, it is better to use special swimsuits for pregnant women.

Driving and driving

During pregnancy, you should refrain from air travel if possible, preferably by train or car. Any long journey should be as comfortable as possible.

When using public transport, one should strive to avoid rush hour and minimize movement during epidemics of viral diseases. Upon entering the cabin, do not hesitate to ask passengers to give up their seats.

When driving a car, the back of the driver's seat should have the most comfortable position. It is obligatory to use seat belts, which are worn as usual: the lower part is thrown over the hips, the upper part is passed over one shoulder and under the opposite arm so that a fist can be inserted between the front chest and the belt. There are also special belts for pregnant women, which are similar to sports samples and are fastened on the chest, preventing the belts from pressing on the uterine area.

Pregnant women are contraindicated in cycling and other modes of transport, associated with vibration and shaking of the body. Driving a car potentially limits not the fact of driving a vehicle, but its quality, traffic intensity and noise level, driving experience, duration of trips and the risk of emotional overload of the driver.

Physical exercise

The fact of the positive effect of dosed physical activity on the state of the body of a pregnant woman is beyond doubt. However, their intensity depends on the physique and habitual lifestyle of a woman. The recommended frequency of classes is 2-3 times a week. At the same time, it is very important that the loads are systematic. The body perceives irregular loads as a stressful situation, which is unsafe during pregnancy. The total duration of classes usually does not exceed 40-50 minutes.

The University of California experts believe that walking, swimming, and a special course of exercise therapy (aerobics) that can be performed in a gym or at home are most suitable for most pregnant women. Yoga and Pilates adapted for expectant mothers are very useful.

The complex for pregnant women excludes exercises associated with running, jumping, sudden movements and emotional stress. In the third trimester of pregnancy, the load on the knee and ankle joints should be sharply limited. At the same time, athletes can continue to train, avoiding overheating and dehydration.

Goals of exercise during pregnancy:

  • strengthening the muscles of the back;
  • increased mobility of the spine and hip joints;
  • elimination and prevention of blood stasis in the pelvis and lower extremities;
  • strengthening and increasing the elasticity of the muscles of the perineum;
  • teaching breathing exercises and relaxation skills;
  • reducing the risk of excessive weight gain;
  • normalization of tone and function of internal organs.

When exercising in the gym, an individual training program should be developed. During classes, you need to monitor the pulse and well-being. Modern cardio machines calculate the pulse automatically, and its indicators are displayed on the screen. The pulse during the lesson can be considered independently. This can be done by counting it on the wrist or on the neck in 10 seconds and multiplying the result by 6. During the first trimester of pregnancy, the pulse during physical activity should not exceed 60% of the pulse at maximum oxygen consumption, in the second and third trimester - 65-70% of the pulse at maximum oxygen consumption, which is calculated using the formula "220 - age". If during exercise shortness of breath, weakness, dizziness, pulling pains in the lower abdomen, spotting or other unusual symptoms appear, you should immediately stop exercising and consult a doctor.

Pregnant women are contraindicated in sports and physical activity in the presence of:

  • acute diseases;
  • exacerbation of chronic diseases;
  • symptoms of a threatened abortion;
  • severe toxicosis;
  • preeclampsia;
  • miscarriage in history;
  • polyhydramnios;
  • systematic cramping pains that appear after classes.

Work and employment

During the working day, it is necessary to change the posture, avoiding prolonged static standing and sitting. Every hour and a half, you should take small breaks for yourself, during which you can perform several light physical exercises to stretch the muscles of the back and chest, alternately tensing and relaxing them against the background of calm deep breathing through the nose. During the lunch break, it is advisable to spend a few minutes in the fresh air.

A pregnant woman must be released from night shifts, business trips and overtime work - starting from the 4th month, from work associated with harmful conditions - from the moment pregnancy is established, from heavy physical labor - from 20 weeks. According to Russian law, a pregnant woman must be transferred to light work in a timely manner. It is desirable that the working day during pregnancy does not exceed 6 hours, with a free work schedule that is not associated with urgent tasks. The duration of concentrated observation should not exceed 25% of the working time.

  • having a history of two or more premature births;
  • with isthmic-cervical insufficiency;
  • with heart failure;
  • with Marfan's syndrome;
  • with hemoglobinopathies;
  • with diabetes mellitus complicated by retinopathy or nephropathy;
  • with bleeding from the genital tract in the III trimester;
  • after 28 weeks in multiple pregnancies.

Household and renovation

It is possible and necessary to do the housework of the expectant mother, observing the condition - not to overdo it. Once at home after a hard day's work, you need to rest lying down for an hour before starting household chores. In addition, every hour and a half it is advisable to arrange small breaks in your classes. You should never refuse the help of loved ones.

It is optimal to stay in the kitchen for no more than two hours, evenly distributed throughout the day.

When choosing household appliances, it is necessary to check whether they have a hygiene certificate. Noise from kitchen household appliances with a duration of operation of not more than an hour should not exceed 85 decibels, household office equipment - 75 decibels. It is preferable to sew on an electric rather than a mechanical machine.

For daily routine cleaning, it is better to use lightweight portable mini-vacuum cleaners for horizontal surfaces, office equipment and upholstered furniture. Wet cleaning should be carried out without chemical detergents - due to their toxicity, they can affect the development of the fetus. It is advisable to use a mop or special devices to avoid bending below the level of the knees, which is fraught with premature onset of labor. To polish hard-to-reach places, it is better to involve family members.

A pregnant woman is characterized by increased attention to the arrangement of everyday life, which psychologists define as "nesting syndrome", which is often accompanied by a change in the design of the dwelling, its redevelopment and repair work. At the same time, trips to construction markets, rearranging furniture and lifting heavy objects should be left to other family members or professionals. Neither varnish, nor paints, nor acetone should smell during the period of residence in the house of the expectant mother. A pregnant woman should not come into contact with organic solvents from the moment pregnancy is established, and if necessary, use protective equipment and work in well-ventilated areas. It is good if the house, located next to a noisy street, has glazed balconies and modern double-glazed windows on the windows that increase noise protection.

When it is not possible to equip a children's room, a place for the future baby should be allocated, taking into account possible drafts, distance from the TV, the presence of wires and sockets. It is better to refuse carpeting for a while, as the rooms will need regular wet cleaning.

You will need to carefully consider your diet, the usefulness of your rest, provide yourself with sufficient physical activity, and you still need to work and pay attention to loved ones!


Now it is very important for you to get enough sleep for a long time. In the first months of pregnancy, you may feel increased sleepiness, even after you have had a good night's sleep, feel like lying down in the middle of the day.

Make sure you get enough rest for yourself. Your body is rebuilding, and you should help it cope with this load!

Sleep at least 8 hours a night, and if you do not have enough of this, then more. The time of morning awakening, as a rule, is dictated by our work schedule, but nothing prevents you from going to bed early in the evening. After you go on maternity leave, you can afford to soak in bed in the morning for as long as you want. Take the opportunity to pamper yourself - very soon your baby will choose the time of your awakening.

When you wake up, don't get up right away. Stretch, relax each muscle, slowly take 10 deep breaths and exhalations. Then slowly get out of bed. However, if you suffer from bouts of morning sickness, then your best bet is to have breakfast in bed.

In the morning, in any case, getting out of bed, do some simple exercises - squats, bending to the sides and stretching, swinging your arms will help you feel more cheerful.


After morning hygiene procedures, it's time for breakfast. Not everyone can eat a full meal in the morning, but you should at least have a cup of tea with a sandwich. Juice, kefir, a banana or apple with crackers, some muesli or cereal will also be a good first breakfast option.


If you are still working, then after breakfast you will go to your workplace.

If you are sitting at home, then the morning is the time to do household chores, go to the clinic or go for a walk. Remember that you need fresh air and sun now more than ever, so use every opportunity to go for a walk!

Physical activity and a change of scenery are also very important to you right now. Even if you get tired quickly, do not give up going out - two or three walks a day for 15 minutes are better than complete imprisonment within four walls. You should not force yourself to walk in bad weather or ice, the latter can even be dangerous for the expectant mother.

If bad weather forces you to stay at home, do not forget to air the rooms often!


Two hours after the first breakfast, you can eat again. Your menu will be determined by what dishes were on your table during the first breakfast. If the first morning meal was quite dense - porridge, cottage cheese with sour cream, eggs and sandwiches - then the second breakfast should be made lighter - fruits, yogurt and a slice of cheese, juice or a glass of kefir.

However, if you are not ready for a high-calorie meal early in the morning, now is the time to catch up - cook porridge, make an omelette, drink a cup of tea with milk.

Remember that you must have enough strength!


Depending on the duration of your pregnancy and your condition, after eating you may want to go for another walk, or maybe, on the contrary, you will want to lie down. Listen to your body.

If you are already tired - take a break, sit for a while with a book or needlework, watch a good movie or talk on the phone with a friend.

It is more difficult at this time for those who should be at work, but remember that in most cases the management goes towards their employees who are in position and provides them with easier work with the opportunity to rest from time to time.

If you have to spend a lot of time in the same position during working hours, for example, sitting at a table, then every hour arrange a five-minute rest for yourself: get up, walk around the office or corridor, rise up on your toes several times.

At home, an hour and a half after the second breakfast, you can perform a set of exercises for pregnant women, visit the pool or classes in preparation for childbirth.


In the middle of the day it is time for lunch. Of course, all recommendations regarding the number and time of meals are quite general, and you can develop for yourself the daily routine that is most convenient for you. However, do not neglect the advice on regularity of nutrition - it is best if you eat in small portions, but often, more often than you ate before pregnancy! This will allow the food to be digested in the best possible way, and you will feel much better.

So, lunch is the main meal, the menu of which, as a rule, includes three dishes. Most likely, by this time you are already quite hungry: walking, exercise and general activity significantly increase your appetite.

Don't forget your drinks - you need to drink quite a lot of fluids right now!


Afternoon rest of greater or lesser duration, as a rule, is necessary for all expectant mothers.

If you are at the workplace, then use part of the lunch break for rest.

At home, try to lie down, you may even sleep for 1-2 hours. If this is not possible, then find a comfortable chair for yourself, sit down, close your eyes and relax. In general, now is the time to do some general relaxation exercises.

In later periods, heartburn may bother you, so do not lie down immediately after eating. Rest sitting or half-sitting, the upper body should be raised.

This will help you reduce discomfort. If you are full of energy in the afternoon, then you should plan gymnastics, swimming and classes on the courses exactly for this time - between lunch and afternoon tea or between afternoon tea and dinner.

In any case, at least 1-2 hours should elapse between eating and exercising - depending on how plentiful it was!

afternoon tea

An afternoon snack is necessary so that you do not feel hungry between lunch and dinner. Fruit, milk or yogurt, a sandwich or some cookies - this will be enough to refresh yourself.

Your pastime in the evening depends only on your personal preferences. Someone experiences a surge of energy during these hours and is very active, while someone just wants to relax. However, in any case, try to set aside some time for an evening walk before or after dinner. This will contribute to a stronger and deeper sleep - you remember how important a good rest is for you now!


Dinner should be no later than 2-3 hours before bedtime, using light food. In this case, you will create the most favorable conditions for digestion and reduce the likelihood of heartburn.

Most likely, now you are not attracted to late exits from the house to visit or to the cinema, you prefer a more relaxed lifestyle. Spend the evening with a book, needlework or in conversations with your loved ones.


Before going to bed, take a shower and ventilate the room well. If your body shape makes you look for a more comfortable sleeping position, stock up on enough pillows to help you lie down comfortably.

Before going to bed, devote some time to doing relaxation exercises, practicing proper breathing and auto-training. You will not notice how you fall asleep.

Pregnancy is a physiological phenomenon. However, it doesn't always run smoothly. And it largely depends on whether a woman observes the rules of personal hygiene. The expectant mother must be under the supervision of a doctor, follow all his advice.

Mode of work and rest. In the first half of pregnancy, a woman can perform normal daily work both at work and at home. However, in order to avoid exhaustion of the central nervous system and sleep disturbance, one should not overwork.

Heavy physical labor, carrying heavy loads, working in hot shops at the factory, prolonged cooling, work associated with strong shaking of the body - all this is harmful to pregnant women. Night work is also contraindicated, as provided for by our Labor Code.

Before going to bed, you should not eat heavily. The room where the pregnant woman sleeps should be well ventilated, the temperature in it should not be higher than 18 - 19 ° C.

For the entire period of pregnancy, it is forbidden to drink coffee, strong tea and alcoholic beverages.

A pregnant woman has an increased need for oxygen. Therefore, it is necessary to spend 2-3 hours daily in the fresh air.

Of great importance is the active mode, which prepares the body of a pregnant woman for physical exertion. The main elements of the active mode are physical exercises combined with natural factors (sun, air, water).

In women who are constantly engaged in physical education, childbirth proceeds much easier and faster. During daily walks, the duration of which is constantly increasing, you need to make sure that they do not cause fatigue.

Pregnant women are prohibited from sports activities that require great physical and nervous tension: skating, skiing, rowing, horseback riding and cycling.

Particularly useful is systematic physical education, which has a positive effect on the respiratory organs - they strengthen the respiratory muscles of the chest. This is especially important in the last months of pregnancy. In a word, physical exercises contribute to the proper functioning of the whole organism of a pregnant woman, prepare her for the upcoming birth.

But do not forget that before you start physical exercises, you need to tactilely appear to the doctor of the antenatal clinic and perform exercises under his supervision.

Physical exercise should be done in the morning after going to the toilet (to empty the bowels and bladder); 20 - 30 minutes before the start of gymnastics, drink a glass of sweet tea and eat a small piece of black bread with butter.

In the last days of pregnancy, a woman should rest more, not take tiring walks, especially in the evening and in cold weather. It is very important to learn how to control your breathing, as this will come in handy during childbirth. It is recommended to train in a deep breath and learn to hold the exhalation longer.

Infectious diseases are very dangerous on the eve of childbirth. Therefore, pregnant women, especially towards the end of pregnancy, should avoid contact with infectious patients.

Sex life during pregnancy should be kept to a minimum. Sexual intercourse causes a sharp rush of blood to the genitals, as a result, the fetal egg can exfoliate from the wall of the uterus, bleeding and miscarriage are possible. In the first two months of pregnancy, when the fetal egg is still loosely attached to the wall of the uterus, sexual intercourse is strictly prohibited. They are also dangerous in the last two months of pregnancy, as there may be an early discharge of amniotic fluid and there is a danger of microbes entering the woman's genitals. All this can lead to premature birth and postpartum diseases.

In case of a threatened miscarriage, sexual activity is prohibited.

A healthy woman during pregnancy can do housework, but do not do laundry, do not lift weights, do not wash floors. At the same time, it is not difficult for her to cook dinner, stroke, dust, do light physical work in the garden, orchard.

The expectant mother must strictly observe personal hygiene. Clean skin facilitates the work of the kidneys to remove harmful metabolic products from the body, and also prevents the development of infectious diseases. Therefore, you need to wash regularly, preferably in the shower. Pregnancy clothing should be clean and loose. In no case should you use tight bras, tightening belts, leotards with a tight elastic band, high-heeled shoes. In the second half of pregnancy, it is recommended, especially for repeated pregnant women, to wear a bandage that prevents excessive stretching of the abdominal wall. It is supposed to be put on in the morning in a supine position, and removed at night.

It is very important to prepare the mammary glands for their future function. To do this, from the first weeks of pregnancy, it is useful to wash the nipples daily with room temperature water and soap, and then wipe them with a dry, hard towel. In a similar way, the development of cracks and inflammatory processes (mastitis) is prevented. If the pregnant nipples are inverted or flat, they are smeared with petroleum jelly and massaged 2-3 times a day with cleanly washed hands. Massage is performed with the thumb and forefinger by grabbing the nipple and pulling it outward. The duration of the procedure is 3 - 4 minutes.

And now let's talk about the psychoprophylactic preparation of pregnant women. It is well known that balanced women in labor behave calmly, do not experience fear, and therefore childbirth proceeds with little pain. Women with increased excitability of the nervous system fearfully expect the approach of childbirth. Their threshold of pain sensitivity is low, so contractions, even initial ones, are perceived by them as severe pain. Explanations, acting on the cerebral cortex, allow you to remove the psychogenic component of labor pain, feelings of fear, anxiety, and create positive emotions. All this helps the doctor to conduct childbirth. The success of preventive preparation is largely determined by the conscious attitude of the pregnant woman, her desire to master the methods of behavior during childbirth and techniques that contribute to pain relief.

Pregnancy is a wonderful, but at the same time, a difficult and responsible period in the life of a future mother. From the moment of conception, she needs to reconsider her lifestyle, exclude adverse factors, observe the daily routine of a pregnant woman, and revise her diet. All these factors directly affect the development of the baby.

Nutrition during pregnancy: reviewing the diet

One of the main factors affecting the health of the mother and the unborn baby is a balanced diet. In the first trimester, it is recommended to eat 4-5 times a day with a daily intake of at least 2000 kcal. The composition must contain proteins of at least 120 grams, carbohydrates up to 350 grams, and fats of 75 grams. Attention should be paid to animal proteins: meat, poultry and fish. From the first months of pregnancy, you need to include in your diet a sufficient amount of calcium, which is found in fermented milk products.

Useless carbohydrates that lead to weight gain should be avoided. A large number of them in bread, pastries, confectionery. Proper carbohydrates can be obtained from cereals, vegetables and fruits.

An important element in nutrition is iron, which transports oxygen to the tissues of the mother and fetus.

Its largest amount is found in:

  • Nuts;
  • spinach;
  • meat;
  • Currant.

In the second trimester, you need to increase food intake up to 6-7 times, but reduce the size of portions. Snacks are made with fresh vegetables, fruits and dairy products.

A balanced diet for a pregnant woman: a reminder of the use of products

In addition to a balanced diet, it is necessary to take folic acid, which affects the development of the fetal organs and the central nervous system. It is rich in rice, oranges, grapes, broccoli, spinach. Additional medications may be taken.

Nutrition tips during pregnancy:

  1. Frequent small meals.
  2. Between meals, a light snack of a vegetable or fruit is allowed.
  3. Liquid should be consumed up to 2 liters in the first 12 weeks of pregnancy, then the volume is slightly reduced. Preference is given to clean water, compotes and fruit drinks. Avoid drinking highly carbonated and sugary drinks. Especially useful are cranberry and currant juice, which will relieve swelling and gently affect the genitourinary system.
  4. Boil, bake or steam dishes.
  5. Include in the diet as many green vegetables and fruits growing in the region as possible.
  6. In the second half of pregnancy, it is necessary to exclude spicy, salty and fried foods, due to the increased load on the liver, kidneys and stomach.

A balanced diet will allow you to smoothly gain weight and provide the child and mother with all the necessary vitamins. It should be remembered that weight gain by the end of pregnancy should not exceed 10-12 kg. Excess weight is the birth of a large baby, and as a result, a complication during childbirth.

What should be the daily routine of a pregnant woman

A woman who is expecting a child must follow a certain daily routine. Sound sleep, timely meals, walks in the fresh air and small physical exercises are the key to the health of the child and the well-being of the mother.

  1. Healthy sleep. A woman in position needs a little more time to recover. Optimal will be 9-11 hours of night rest and an hour of daytime. It is recommended to wake up at 7-9 am, depending on the biological rhythms and the availability of work. You should fall asleep no later than 11 pm.
  2. Physical exercise. After sleep, you need to warm up slightly, activating physiological processes and increasing blood circulation. In the afternoon, special exercises for pregnant women should be repeated.
  3. water procedures. A cool shower will help you wake up and cheer up. It is recommended to bathe 2 times a day, in the morning and before going to bed. A hot bath and a visit to the bath will have to be postponed for a while, as this can provoke a miscarriage.
  4. Nutrition. It is desirable to take food by the hour, in small portions 5-7 times a day. Breakfast is very important for women in position. To avoid nausea, you need to eat food 30 to 50 minutes after sleep.
  5. Outdoor stay. During pregnancy, the need for oxygen increases by 30%, so it is necessary to take 2-3 hour walks daily. If a woman visits work, the best option would be a 20-40 minute leisurely walk to the workplace and an evening promenade after a working day.

Non-compliance with the daily routine, erratic nutrition, lack of sleep and limited access to oxygen worsen the well-being of the expectant mother and can lead to gestosis of the fetus.

Is it necessary to change the lifestyle of a pregnant woman

A pregnant woman should not only adhere to the daily routine, but also change her usual way of life.

All bad habits must be abandoned. Alcohol and nicotine adversely affect the development of the embryo, especially in early pregnancy.

Working women should avoid prolonged standing or sitting. You should change position more often and take a 10-minute break. From the age of 4 months, the expectant mother should exclude night shifts and hard physical labor. By law, the employer is required to transfer the woman to an easier job. The work table should be no more than 30 hours per week. If the work involves light work and is not associated with psychological stress, a pregnant woman can continue to work until childbirth.

During the period of bearing a child, it is necessary to refrain from air travel, it is better to use land transport.

Physical activity is essential for expectant mothers. It is only necessary to limit the intensity and duration of classes. However, not all sports are suitable for a pregnant woman.

Need to exclude:

  • Weight lifting: barbells, dumbbells;
  • Cycling, horseback riding and skiing. These loads can provoke a miscarriage.
  • Any kind of martial arts;
  • Intense training sessions.

Moderate physical activity is allowed. Swimming, Pilates, yoga, dancing are best suited.

Necessary rules or reminder for pregnant women

Pregnancy is a new stage in a woman's life, which must be approached with all responsibility. The well-being of the expectant mother will positively affect the development of the fetus.

Reminder for pregnant women:

  • It is necessary to give up bad habits;
  • Diversify nutrition with natural products;
  • Observe the diet and daily routine;
  • Take care of your own hygiene;
  • Avoid heavy physical exertion and stressful situations;
  • Facilitate working conditions;
  • Use every opportunity to stay in the fresh air;
  • Provide the body with a full sleep of at least 10 hours a day;
  • Avoid drugs other than folic acid up to 4 mg per day;
  • During the period of influenza exacerbation is not in crowded places;
  • Engage in light physical activity.

A woman needs to register with a gynecologist in the early stages of pregnancy and pass all tests in a timely manner. In the period from 12 to 13 weeks, the first screening is done, which will determine the location of the organs, the length of the fetus, the circumference of the head and measure the thickness of the neck fold. All parameters allow you to get a picture of the development of the child.

The correct daily routine of a pregnant woman (video)

A pregnant woman needs to create safe comfort and coziness, lead a healthy lifestyle and prepare for the arrival of the baby.

After a woman sees a test with two stripes, she immediately begins to be overcome by thoughts that she needs to radically change her usual life.

From this moment on, she is obliged to think not only about herself, but also about the unborn child.

In order not to miss anything, you need to properly plan the daily routine for a pregnant woman, especially in the first and second trimesters, when women still attend work.

Did you know? In Japan, women go on maternity leave not at the end of the term, but at the beginning.

Physical activity

It has long been known that pregnancy is not a painful condition. To lie all the time on the couch is obviously the wrong way. Moderate is simply necessary for the normal course of pregnancy.

Special training is aimed at strengthening muscles, improving blood circulation. Gymnastics helps to master the correct breathing necessary for.
Physical activity is contraindicated in such cases:

  • risk of miscarriage;
  • pronounced;
  • polyhydramnios;
  • acute and chronic diseases;
  • cramping pain after exercise.

Try to keep the loads regular and feasible. Irregular exercise is perceived by the body as stress, which is very harmful during pregnancy.

Proper nutrition

Women play an important role during pregnancy. Not only her health depends on this, but also the proper development of the child. Sometimes pregnant women mistakenly simply double their diet, although it is worth paying attention to quality, not quantity.

Optimal will be the observance of 5-6 meals a day in small portions. Desirable refuse from smoked meats, fried foods, preservation and pickles, fast food.
IN first trimester During pregnancy, it is important that the body receives a sufficient amount of folic acid. It is found in greens and cereals. Include prunes, bran, seaweed in your diet - these foods will help prevent constipation.

In second trimester special attention should be paid to protein foods, because it is during this period that the active growth of the fetus occurs, and protein, as a building material, is simply necessary. In addition, it is recommended to increase the total caloric content of food.

IN third trimester fractional nutrition becomes especially relevant. The uterus has greatly increased in size and presses on the stomach. During this period, it is also necessary to consume foods rich in calcium and iron.

Personal hygiene rules

During pregnancy carefully follow the rules of personal hygiene, because during this period the body is especially susceptible to infectious diseases. Pay special attention to oral care, as pregnant women often have dental problems. It is recommended to rinse your mouth after every meal.

Take a warm shower in the morning and evening. The skin actively releases metabolic products, so water procedures should be more frequent.

Pay special attention to intimate hygiene. Due to hormonal changes, the microflora of the vagina becomes sensitive, and the risk of thrush is increased. Use products with a low pH level and with lactic acid in the composition.
It is better to refuse hot baths in favor of soul. However, if you really want to relax and soak in the bath, use warm water.

Rest and sleep

In the first trimester of pregnancy, there is an active hormonal restructuring of the body. During this period, women often feel sleepy, fatigue is increased. Therefore, you need to rest at every opportunity, do not work through force. If you can’t lie down, take at least a contrast shower.

The daily routine of a pregnant woman in the 3rd trimester also involves increased sleep time, since the body must gain strength for the upcoming birth.

In the middle of the term can often occur insomnia. By this time, the abdomen is noticeably rounded, it becomes uncomfortable to sleep in habitual positions, convulsions may occur.
From long lying on the back, the spine experiences excessive loads, the inferior vena cava can be squeezed. Best suited for pregnant women on the left side. Pillows or rollers can be placed under the stomach.

Bad habits

There are no ambiguous opinions on this issue, and a pregnant woman needs give up all bad habits such as smoking, alcohol, drugs.

Tobacco smoke contains a high content of harmful substances that have a negative effect on the fetus, which experiences oxygen starvation, lack, and uneven development. Women who smoke often give birth to small children.
Excessive alcohol consumption by pregnant women leads to the development of abnormalities in the fetus. While moderate consumption can provoke a miscarriage.

If you are not able to give up bad habits on your own, go to an appointment with a doctor and listen to his recommendations.

Did you know? The baby inside the womb can laugh, cry, and experience other emotions.

Emotional loads

For many during pregnancy, sudden mood swings, increased tearfulness, anxiety, and sudden fits of rage are relevant.

This is all due to the previously mentioned hormonal changes. It's important to try control your emotions, because the breakdown products from stress hormones have a harmful effect on the fetus. You should refuse to solve important issues, protect yourself from negative situations.


It is not uncommon for various diseases to occur during pregnancy, and medications have to be used. Their choice should be approached with special responsibility, consult with the doctor who leads the pregnancy, carefully study the instructions for the drugs.

It is especially dangerous to use drugs in, because it is then that the laying of the main systems of the embryo takes place, and the slightest changes in the chemical composition of the body can adversely affect this process.
After the 16th week, the placenta is fully formed, which serves as a kind of barrier. Therefore, some drugs are approved for use in the second half of pregnancy.

The daily routine of a pregnant woman will help plan the following reminder:

  • ventilate the room several times a day, especially the one in which you sleep;
  • give preference to natural products in nutrition;
  • do things that make you feel good;
  • take walks every day;
  • go to bed no later than 22:00;
  • visit your gynecologist regularly.
The correct daily routine for a pregnant woman will help you spend all 9 months easily and without additional problems.