Thematic planning “My home is my village. Thematic week in kindergarten senior group: My city

Scheduling on the topic: "My home, my city, my country, my planet"

in the preparatory group MKDOU kindergarten number 15

G. Emanzhelinsk

Compiled by the teacher: Ryabchenko Alena Alekseevna


T.S.Komarova - Classes in fine arts

Complex thematic planning according to the program edited by M.A. Vasilyeva, V.V. Gerbova, T.S. Komarova.

Detailed long-term planning according to the program edited by M.A. Vasilyeva, V.V. Gerbova, T.S. Komarova.

I.A.Pomoraeva, V.A.Pozina - Classes on the formation of elementary mathematical representations

T.A. Tarasova, L.S.Vlasova "I and my health" Program, guidelines and practical development for the upbringing of a healthy lifestyle for preschool children Moscow G.

Kravchenko I.V., Dolgova T.L., Walks in the kindergarten. Senior and preparatory groups for school: Methodological manual / Ed. G. M. Kiseleva, L. I. Ponamoreva. - M .: TC Sphere, 2008 .-- 208 p.

Summary of the lesson in the preparatory group on the topic "My Small Homeland"

V. Stepanov "Textbooks for kids" My Motherland-Russia "

Aleshina N. V. "Acquaintance of preschoolers with the surrounding reality".

Aleshina N.V. "Introducing preschoolers to their hometown."

"Where does the Motherland begin?" Journal "Office of the preschool educational institution", No. 6-2003

Kondrykinskaya L. A. “Where Does the Motherland Begin?”.

Presentation "House. I live in"

Regional educational program for the upbringing and development of preschool children based on the ideas of folk pedagogy "Our home is the South Ural" (E. S. Babunova)

Zhukovskaya R.I. and others. "Native land: a guide for kindergarten teachers." / Ed. Kozlovoy S.A. - M .: Education, 1990.

MY HOMELAND - RUSSIA (conversation on a patriotic topic with children of the preparatory group)

The nature of the South Urals. Photo by V.V. Sadyrin. Chelyabinsk, 2014

Coats of arms and symbols: Chelyabinsk and Chelyabinsk region. Edited by G.V. Kalashnikova. St. Petersburg: Childhood-Press2007

Program content: 1. Expansion of children's ideas about the Motherland (coat of arms, flag, anthem of Russia, ideas about the President, the Government of Russia). 2. Formation of ideas about the sights of their native city, country. 3. Expansion of children's ideas about home, family (knowledge patronymic of the child, names and patronymics of parents, grandfathers, grandmothers, ideas about kinship relations).

Day of week


Group, subgroup












cognitive development;

speech development;

Morning gymnastics complex

S / r "Home, family" Objectives: Encourage children to creatively reproduce family life in games. Improve the ability to independently create a game environment for the intended plot. To reveal the moral essence of the activities of adults: a responsible attitude to their duties, mutual assistance and the collective nature of work.

Physics "House"

The house stands with a pipe and a roof. I went out to the balcony for a walk. (On the first line, palms are straight, touching each other with fingers, depicting the roof of the house.

Educate cultural

hygiene skills

improve skills

washing-lather hands

until foam forms,

wash off thoroughly, we face, wipe dry

a towel, use different types of fasteners in a timely manner (T.A. Tarasova "I and my health")

Didactic game "What has changed" Objectives:

Improve children's knowledge of geometric shapes, their color, size, thickness (Material: A set of Dienes blocks.)

Talk to parents about the well-being of children.

Individual conversations and consultations at the request of parents.


social and communicative development;

cognitive development;

Observing flower beds and grass, examining the structure of a flower and grass. Learn to compare plants and find differences and similarities. Outdoor games "Find where it is hidden." Purpose: to teach to navigate in space.

"Jump higher." Purpose: to teach to act on a signal.

"The wolf in the moat." "Earth, water, fire, air"

An outdoor game "Find a color in clothes" - to exercise children in the ability to quickly find a color on clothes, to develop the ability to orient themselves in space.

To teach to follow the rules in outdoor games, to develop the activity of children in the process of physical activity

I / r on FIZO: jumping rope at different speeds.

Ensure optimal physical activity of children throughout the day, using outdoor activities, sports, folk games and physical exercises.

Take out sports equipment - to develop the physical qualities of children, to strengthen their health

P. and "Flies, does not fly"


Game - competition

"Soon to school"

(games, relay races, etc.)

Decoration of the parent area with recommendations on the project theme.

Work before bed

social and communicative development;

Finger game: "Who lives in my apartment?" (Appendix)


social and communicative development;

cognitive development;

speech development;

artistic and aesthetic development; physical development.

Gymnastics of awakening C: to promote the prevention of flat feet when walking on massage paths.

Our house. (V. Stepanov)

You will not find on the world map

The house you live in

And even dear streets

We will not find that on the map.

But we will always find on it

Our country is our common home.

Didactic game "Remember different words" -Continue to learn to listen to the sound

words; to exercise children in self-naming of words and clear pronunciation of sounds in them

С / r "Cars on our street" Objectives: to develop imagination, game dialogue, creativity; to cultivate the ability to play amicably, to negotiate, to fairly distribute roles, to listen to a friend to the end when writing a plot, not to interrupt; independently resolve conflict situations

ABC of communication "How to behave at the table?", Lessons of politeness and etiquette

Form in children

conscious attitude to

order, striving

maintain order in


independently and

fulfill in good faith

Duties of the duty officer

Coloring coloring pages "Family", "Home".

Photo gallery "This is where I live"

Conversations about the hometown, viewing photographs, illustrations about the homeland.

Excursion along the streets of the city.


Independent play of children on the site. Purpose: to continue teaching children to play on their own; interact in a team; give in to each other; share toys; foster interest in children's games. Generalization of ideas about typical spring phenomena in inanimate nature. P / and "Bird and cat", "Birds and car" P / and "Rockets" - to teach to observe safety rules during outdoor games

Preparatory group theme: "My home, my city, my country, my planet"

Day of week


Integration of educational areas

Joint activities of an adult and children, taking into account the integration of educational areas

Organization of a developing environment for independent activities of children (activity centers, all rooms of the group)

Interaction with parents / social partners

Group, subgroup


Educational activities in times of security










My city


social and communicative development;

cognitive development;

speech development;

artistic and aesthetic development; physical development.

Morning gymnastics complex

Compilation of stories from personal experience: "My walk around the city", "What interested you on the excursion ...?". Consideration of illustrative material with images, enterprises, attractions, cityscapes at different times of the year (time of day).

D / and "Walk around the city", "Find a street"

Finger games: "Family", "Friendly family", "House", "Like ours at the gate."

Labor in a corner of nature Purpose: formation of watering skills for indoor plants.

Canteen duty: independently determine the appropriate number of cutlery for children at each table

Concretize the knowledge of children about their hometown: history, symbols, attractions, industrial facilities.


"City of Yemanzhelinsk", "Enterprises of the city", "Professions".

Postcards with city landscapes.

D / i: "Who lives where?", "Who needs what for work", "Collect the picture."

Drawing up a scheme "I'm going to my kindergarten" (the way from home to kindergarten).

Photo exhibition "Love and know, the city in which you live"

Directly educational activities


social and communicative development;

cognitive development;

speech development; physical development

"Streets of our city"

Targeted walk along the nearby streets: there are many streets in the village, each street has its own name, many houses, houses have their own numbers. Target:

Form an idea of ​​your hometown, your area; foster pride in being a resident of your hometown, a desire to help adults in the improvement of the city.

Ecological games "Animals of our land", "Guess and name", "cut pictures". (ND-Yu. U)

Safety games "Rules of conduct on the streets of the city", "Good-bad".

Continue to develop the desire to play group games, not to be offended, to be able to rejoice for the winner. Develop the agility of jumping upward with a landing on two feet, observing caution in the game

P / and with a ball "Name the streets of the city", "One, two, three, come on again."

Survey and conversations, revealing the knowledge and ideas of preschoolers and parents about who the street on which they live is named after.

Work before bed

social and communicative development;

"How to behave on the streets of the city" (safety)


social and communicative development;

cognitive development;

speech development;

artistic and aesthetic development; physical development.

Recreational gymnastics after sleep.C: to promote the prevention of flat feet when walking on massage paths.

Reading poetry: about Emanzhelinskiy local poets

D / and "Riddles on the streets of the city", "Get home", "Tell me the way", "What's wrong?"

Finger game: "New House" (application)

“Here is my street, here is my house” (based on photographs, drawings and a map of the city). C: To consolidate the skills of orientation, knowledge of administrative and cultural buildings, residential quarters. To reinforce the knowledge of children of the streets of the immediate vicinity, after whom they are named.

Work in notebooks (counting). Develop hand motor skills, coordination of movements, color perception.

Conversations: "Why was our city called Emanzhelinsk?" "How we protect our city"

To cultivate love for the hometown, the land, the ability to see the beautiful, to be proud of it.

Develop the ability to reflect your impressions in different activities.

Schemes for descriptive stories.

Construction: "Street of my city"

Crossword puzzle "The city in which I live." Objective: to form an idea of ​​the city; promote the development of thinking, memory, auditory perception.

Submitting materials to the parent's corner on the history of Yemanzhelinsk

Give an assignment on the way home, note the name of the streets, which businesses are located, which shops


Watching the clouds. Purpose: to develop in children observation, imagination, fantasy; develop narrative writing skills. Communication games: "Who will name more?", "What will happen if ...?" Didactic games for life safety. “What to do if lost” - to continue to acquaint children with the rules of behavior. Develop memory, speech. Raise interest in OBZH

Preparatory group theme: "My home, my city, my country, my planet"

Day of week


Integration of educational areas

Joint activities of an adult and children, taking into account the integration of educational areas

Organization of a developing environment for independent activities of children (activity centers, all rooms of the group)

Interaction with parents / social partners

Group, subgroup


Educational activities in times of security










My country


social and communicative development;

cognitive development;

speech development;

artistic and aesthetic development; physical development.

Morning gymnastics complex (application)

The teacher's story "What is the coat of arms for?"

Purpose: to acquaint children with the history of the appearance of the coat of arms, to give knowledge that each country, city has its own coat of arms

Finger games: "Our country" (application)

D / And "Collect the flag" (Nikitin Cubes)

Purpose: Development of fine motor skills, imagination, speech, attention, formation of sensory standards of color, size and shape, spatial orientation

D / I "Symbols of Russia", "Country Russia". Foster a desire to play board games, instill an interest in their home country.

Consideration of albums with unofficial symbols of Russia - nesting dolls, balalaika, samovar, three horses, birch.

Deepen and clarify ideas about the Motherland - Russia

Continue teaching children to turn the sweater and shirt over the right side. Teach to politely ask peers for help

To intensify the attention of children on viewing the album "The History of My Country".

"Pick up a pair." Improve the ability to select pairs of objects that match on a given basis (long - short, fluffy - smooth, warm - cold).

Production with parents of albums "My city", "My family".

Directly educational activities


social and communicative development;

cognitive development;

speech development; physical development

Watching: for the clouds. On a cloudy day - heavy, float low above the ground), on a sunny day - float high, there are few of them).

Purpose: to form initial ideas about the movement of clouds, to observe them through the autumn foliage

P / N: "Traps"

Select toys and portable material on behalf of the teacher, take it to the site

To cultivate neatness, respect for personal belongings, the things of a friend, a culture of behavior in the locker room.

To draw the attention of children to the importance of water in our life, to show where, in

what kind of water exists in the environment

To develop basic physical qualities, motor abilities, as well as cognitive, communicative skills of children in joint activities.

materials for self-drawing while walking with chalk on the asphalt, laying out images from pebbles, for experimenting with paper (including the "origami" technique);

Work before bed

Musical and artistic activity. Objectives. To acquaint children with the musical and didactic exercise "Bells" and the song of the same name by E. Tilicheeva. To promote the perception of singing skills by children: sound science, breathing. Enrich children's musical experiences. Encourage self-expressive performance of the song. Encourage children to compose the simplest melodies in the nature of a lullaby for a given text.


social and communicative development;

cognitive development;

speech development;

artistic and aesthetic development; physical development.

Wellness exercises after sleep. (annex) to promote the prevention of flat feet when walking on massage paths.

Offer to organize an exhibition of books about the country, the history of the city (album "Poems about the holiday, the Motherland"; V. Stepanov "What we call the Motherland", "Our House", N. Zabila "Paths-Roads"). Continue to maintain an interest in fiction.

Listening to the National Anthem of the Russian Federation (Lyrics by S. Mikhalkov Music by A. Alexandrov)

Filling in the calendar of nature.

"Russian flag"

Purpose: to continue to acquaint children with Russian symbols, to consolidate the ability to use scissors.

To develop the social and personal qualities of each child: communication, independence, observation, skills of elementary self-control and self-regulation of their actions.

Play activities in the interests of children. Promote the development of independence, activity, improve the ability to usefully spend leisure time.

Suggest for independent use "Puzzles" assembly schemes

Suggest parents to organize a trip for their children to the local history museum.

Examination of the paintings "History of Russia" - to continue to introduce children to the history of the country.


Wellness walking on the territory of the d / garden. Tasks: to improve the technique of sports walking, to form a conscious attitude to one's health, to develop strong-willed qualities. Round dance game "Venochek". Tasks: to improve the ability to perform game actions, to navigate freely in space; develop a sense of rhythm. (ND-YU.) Independent activity of children. Tasks: to form the ability to find something to do with interests, to unite in groups for joint games, to foster friendly relationships

Preparatory group theme: "My home, my city, my country, my planet"

Day of week


Integration of educational areas

Joint activities of an adult and children, taking into account the integration of educational areas

Organization of a developing environment for independent activities of children (activity centers, all rooms of the group)

Interactionparents / social partners

Group, subgroup


Educational activities in times of security










My planet


social and communicative development;

cognitive development;

speech development;

artistic and aesthetic development; physical development.

Morning gymnastics complex

To tell children that the Earth is our common home, there are many different countries on Earth. Explain how important it is to live in peace with all peoples, to know and respect their culture, customs and traditions

Game "We are travelers"

D / and "Name the city by the letter ..." "For

what is the subject "

Duty of classes. Tasks. Strengthen the ability of children to lay out materials and tools for classes, organize independent activities of each child

To form in children the ability to find something to do with their interests, to play with other children, to avoid conflict situations.

Tour of the exhibition "My Motherland"

Viewing the globe, world maps. Organization of the exhibition "Souvenirs from all over the world"

suggest coloring pages on the subject of the week.

Design of the photo exhibition "Our Motherland Russia",

"Our region-Ural".

Directly educational activities


social and communicative development;

cognitive development;

speech development; physical development

Observation: properties of air. Objectives: to help children, during observations, confirm the knowledge that air has no taste, color, smell,

m. different temperatures; all living things on earth need air.

An outdoor game "Zhmurki". Tasks: to improve the ability to accurately perform game actions; develop creativity in motor activity; contribute to the hardening of the child's body.

D / game "What to whom?" Tasks: foster interest in adult work, the desire to help, take on the roles of people of different professions in creative games.

Call by name. Tasks: to form the ability of children to perform game actions, to monitor compliance with the rules, to choose a driver; develop attention, auditory perception

Game-fun "Who is the first?" Purpose: to develop strength, agility, ability to play in a team.

D / And "My Day".

Purpose: to tell about the daily routine, teach to explain and prove your point of view

Self-play activities of children with portable material

(External material: shovels, buckets, molds, dolls dressed for the season, cars, soap bubbles) Ts .: help children decide on the choice of a game, pick up attributes, toys, arrange a place for play

Work before bed

social and communicative development;

Reading "Take care of Russia", "I am a Russian man" - V. Gusev. Purpose: fostering a patriotic feeling for the Motherland.


social and communicative development;

cognitive development;

speech development;

artistic and aesthetic development; physical development.

Wellness gymnastics after sleep C:

contribute to the prevention of flat feet when walking on massage paths.

Experience: "Magic Planks" Purpose: to determine with the help of fingers the shape, structure of the surface

Conversation "The peoples of our planet are friends" (Respect the culture, customs of different peoples.)

Memorizing the poem by M. Isakovsky "Go beyond the seas, oceans ...". Purpose: to bring up patriotic feelings in children; the ability to reflect in reading the mood of the author, his sense of pride in Russia.

Phys. minute "Solar system" (application)

Continue learning how to make your bed neatly.

S / R And "City Streets"

Purpose: To cultivate friendly feelings; to fix the rules of conduct on the street near the roadway. Invite children to choose a suitable transport for themselves for a visit, to activate the words "driver", "chauffeur", "trip", "passengers" in the speech of children

To contribute to the formation of the idea of ​​children that planet Earth is a huge ball, generalization of knowledge that many living beings live on planet Earth, that everyone on Earth needs clean water, clean air, clean earth, that the planet is now in danger. To cultivate a love for nature, a desire to study it.

state symbol: coat of arms, flag, anthem.

Encyclopedia "Countries of the World"

Illustrations of the nature of Russia.

D / and "Stencil and paint"

Purpose: the formation of graphomotor skills, the consolidation of the names of colors.


Research activities. Task: propose to examine through a magnifying glass a branch from which a leaf has just fallen (they saw barely noticeable buds; the trees did not die, they only shed dead, unnecessary leaves).

Preparatory group theme: "My home, my city, my country, my planet"

Day of week


Integration of educational areas

Joint activities of an adult and children, taking into account the integration of educational areas

Organization of a developing environment for independent activities of children (activity centers, all rooms of the group)

Interaction with parents / social partners

Group, subgroup


Educational activities in times of security










Our house South Ural


... social and communicative development;

cognitive development;

speech development;

artistic and aesthetic development; physical development.

Complex morning gymnastics theme

Purpose: to improve knowledge about the native land, to promote the development of attention, to cultivate a respect for nature.

History of human life in the South Urals.C; to form an emotionally positive attitude towards the ethnocultural heritage of the region

Finger games: "It is important for us to know our area"


"There is no better homeland" P. Voronko (memorizing a poem) Purpose: to teach children to expressively read a poem, using natural intonation, to understand the meaning of figurative words and expressions. Anwser the questions.

Development of free communication with adults and children, enrichment of the vocabulary of children.

Form the need to share their experiences with educators and parents. Encourage the desire to ask questions of the caregiver and peers.

D \ and "Cuisener's sticks" - lay out according to the scheme "; develop fine motor skills.

"Yesterday Today Tomorrow". Tasks: to improve the ability to apply your knowledge to correlate events with time, to correctly compose speech structures reflecting the events of the past, present, and future.

Folder - slider "Amazing and unexplored expanses of the native land."

Directly educational activities


social and communicative development;

cognitive development;

speech development; physical development

The nature of the edge

to form the ecological culture of children

to expand the understanding of the flora and fauna of the Southern Urals, to acquaint with the most characteristic features of the seasons and seasonal phenomena of the Southern Urals (ND-Yu. U.)

Acquaintance with Russian folk games (memorizing the text, playing around) "Grandfather Symoy", "At Grandfather Trifon", "Mill", "Cabbage", etc.

To consolidate the ability to put things in order in your closet.

Continue to acquaint with oral folk art: the proverb "The more science, the smarter the hands"; teach to understand and explain the meaning.

Strengthen the skills of performing sports exercises.

Teach children a benevolent attitude towards peers and adults, emotional responsiveness, develop a sense of kindness, a willingness to help each other, build friendships and value them, teach children to call each other by their first names, not quarrel, value friendly relationships.


activities of children on

area, games with external material - development of joint skills

play activities

Elementary work assignments - to collect toys in a basket after a walk.

Creating a game file

Work before bed

social and communicative development;

Time of proverbs. Objectives: to acquaint children with some proverbs about the country; help to understand the meaning and meaning of proverbs. (n.D.-Yu.U.)


social and communicative development;

cognitive development;

speech development;

artistic and aesthetic development; physical development.

Wellness gymnastics after sleep (application)

Presentation "My Little Homeland". Task: to foster respect, interest, pride in the native land.

"Traditional folk dwellings in the South Urals"

Ts; Develop aesthetic feelings: the desire to bring beauty into the world around us.

Games "Yurt", "White bone", "Golden gate"

Collective production of the wall newspaper "My city, my country". Objectives: to promote the development of creativity, imagination, initiative, the ability to work collectively.

Didactic game "Number objects".

Continue to build an understanding of the value of work to others. Strengthen the ability to cook and clean equipment.

Learn to solve problem situations, find the most suitable option with the help of a teacher.

assist children in organizing games, selecting attributes; identify the level of development of communication skills.

D / game "Fold the square".

Purpose: to consolidate the knowledge of children about geometric shapes, to develop logical thinking.

Co-creation of children and parents on the theme: "The nature of the native land."


Observing the sun Purpose: to develop curiosity. word.You warm the whole world You do not know fatigue, You smile at the window, And everyone calls you ... Purpose: to consolidate the ability to guess riddles. (ND-YU.U.) Outdoor games "The sea is worried", "Stream" materials for self-drawing while walking with chalk on the asphalt "Owl". Tasks: to improve the ability to accurately perform game actions; develop coordination of movements, the ability to maintain balance.

There is a formation of ideas about the immediate environment. The teacher introduces children to their hometown, its name, objects: street, house, shop, clinic, etc. To expand knowledge about the meaning and structure of houses, the teacher plans a week, during which children look at illustrations with fairy-tale houses, photographs of real ones, highlighting the main parts in them. The content of conversations on the topic, finger and outdoor games can be found in the appendix to the plan “Thematic week“ My Home ”.

Social and communicative development

Social and communicative development takes place in the games "Magic Bag", "How to Say", "Sad and Happy Bunny". The adult organizes a conversation about his hometown, asks about the favorite places of the kids.

Cognitive development

This week, the teacher introduces the game "Find two identical houses", attracts to the examination of the building of the kindergarten. Consolidation of knowledge about furniture occurs through the examination of object pictures and collection of cut, and the game "What happens in spring" is aimed not only at the formation of ideas about the seasons, but also cognitive development.

Speech development

An adult plans games "I want to build a house", "Fast - slowly", "A fox has come to us." In which the speech development of children 2-3 years old takes place. The daily reading of fairy tales, nursery rhymes, short stories for children contributes to the enrichment of the vocabulary and the formation of the ability to listen to literary works.

Artistic and aesthetic development

The result of the week is the collective work "Beautiful House", in the windows of which the little ones first light the lights with their fingers, and then decorate them with colorful flags together with the teacher. Artistic and aesthetic development takes place in the exercise "Sing a song", round dance games and joint constructive activities of children and the teacher.

Physical development

This week, the teacher introduces children to the game "Find yourself a mate" and creates conditions for independent outdoor games, offering various physical training equipment. Active games for a walk and physical exercises in a group allow solving problems of physical development.

Check out a snippet of the thematic week


OOCognitive developmentSpeech developmentPhysical development
1 p.d.Exercise "How We Learned to Eat." Goal: to improve the ability to eat on your own, finish everything to the end, swallow food without leaving it behind your cheek.Consideration of subject pictures on the topic "Furniture". Purpose: to enrich the vocabulary of children, to form the ability to highlight the main parts of the subject.Game situation "Let's help the bear to give tea to the guests." Purpose: to enrich the dictionary with adjectives denoting the color of the object, to teach how to perform several actions with the object.Game "Live dominoes". Purpose: to consolidate knowledge of color and shape, understanding of the words "identical", "paired".Game "Little feet walked along the path." Purpose: to develop the rhythm of the step, to teach to play together, not to push.
Game "Magic Bag". Purpose: to foster a positive attitude towards communication with the teacher, to encourage them to say "please, thank you."Examining pictures of pets. Purpose: to encourage children to name and highlight individual parts of animals: tail, ears, eyes, etc.Finger game "I want to build a house." Purpose: to promote the development of coordination of speech and movement.Play exercise "Sing a song". Purpose: to develop the activity of children when singing along and singing, to teach to distinguish the emotional state of people.The game "Who will run sooner." Purpose: to teach children to run in a certain direction, without bumping into each other.
2 p.d.Examination of paintings depicting different houses. Purpose: to enrich children's vocabulary with words: roof, windows, door, etc.Consideration of different types of fabric. Purpose: to acquaint children with the properties of fabric, to pay attention to the variety of colors and colors.Conversation "Our city". Purpose: to give elementary ideas about the hometown, to encourage an adult to answer questions.Round dance game "Sun and Rain". Purpose: to promote the development of skills of expressive and emotional transmission of images.Ring the bell game. Purpose: to exercise children in bouncing, develop interest in outdoor games.


OOSocial and communicative developmentCognitive developmentSpeech developmentArtistic and aesthetic developmentPhysical development
1 p.d.Exercise "How to Say". Purpose: to teach to politely express a request for help.Board game "Paired pictures" on the theme "Spring". Purpose: to expand knowledge about spring signs, develop visual perception.Game situation "A fox has come to us." Purpose: to continue to form the ability to say your name, to activate speech.Game exercise "Funny songs". Purpose: to form the ability to accompany game actions with speech, to encourage asking questions.P. and. "Along a flat path." Purpose: to develop the ability to walk in a straight line, exercise in balance.
Exercise "Let's show the doll Masha the site". Purpose: to form the ability to navigate the site, to find objects according to verbal instructions.Exercise "Where is the toy?" Purpose: to teach children to navigate in space: back - forward, on, under, above, to determine the position of the object relative to themselves.Game "Fast - Slow". Purpose: to form the grammatical structure of speech, to enrich the dictionary with adverbs.Construction of the "House" (based on the sample, without showing). Purpose: to form the ability to carry out buildings according to a model, to encourage an elementary analysis of the building, to promote the development of the need for communication.P. and. "Birds and Chicks". Purpose: to exercise in running, pay attention to the correctness of the performance of game actions, develop endurance, speed qualities.

Thematic week in the senior group "My city"

Description: this material is intended for kindergarten teachers.
Target: upbringing in children of moral and patriotic feelings, love for their small homeland.
Tasks: to clarify and expand the knowledge of children about their hometown; develop creative skills; to cultivate love for the hometown and the region.
Long-term planning:
1 half day
Conversation " My Favorite Northern City "- to consolidate the knowledge of children about their hometown, to form patriotic feelings, to be able to recognize from illustrations and be able to talk about the sights of the city, to foster a sense of pride in their city.
Reading poems: Elena Shibaeva "Favorite Northern City", Lydia Smorodina No better, Labytnangi you. "
Outdoor play "Gather berries" (children collect berries in a basket, pronouncing their names)
And blueberries grow in the forest,
blueberries and lingonberries,
to pick a berry,
you need to squat deeper.
I walked in the forest
I'm carrying a basket of berries.
Work on the materials of the lepbook "My city is Labytnangi"

2 half day
Didactic game "What grows in the native land" - to consolidate the knowledge of children about the plants of our land.
Observation on a walk at flowering Ivan - tea - to acquaint with a flowering herb Ivan - tea, to disassemble its structure, to talk about the benefits of a flower.
Artistic word: Victor Bokov "Ivan - tea"
I know nothing more tender than Ivan-tea!
I don't share my admiration with anyone.
He stands, slowly shaking his head,
Paying obeisances to the bee and the bumblebee.
I recognize his pink-pink cone,
I can distinguish a crimson light fire.
I will come up, gently touch my hand
And I will hear a plea: "Do not destroy and do not touch!
1 half day
Conversation "My city is under construction" - to clarify and expand the knowledge of children about the construction of a city, to foster love for their native city.
Observation on a walk "Building a house" - to activate the names of construction equipment in the speech of children, to teach grammatically accurate sentences, formulating questions and answers on this topic.
Art word (mystery)
What is this giant
Dragging a heavy load
Helps us build
And at home and at school? (crane!)
2 half day
IZO activity "City building" - to form knowledge about the hometown; to form the technique of drawing with gouache, thick and thin brush; develop creative imagination, a sense of composition.

1 half day
Reading a poem Irina Tokmakova "Ten birds - a flock" - to clarify and expand children's ideas about birds, especially the appearance that forms the habitat, to bring up a respect for birds.
Target walk in the city square (to invite the children to feed the pigeons, to watch the birds peck at the food) - to generalize and systematize the knowledge of children about the life of birds, to bring up a caring attitude towards birds.
2 half day
IZO activity using an unconventional technique - collage (collective work) - the development of children's creativity.

1 half day
Conversation "What is a hike. Rules of conduct in a hike. We are going on a hike." - explain to children what a hike is; discuss the rules of conduct during the hike; develop a route; foster interest in tourism activities.
Didactic game "Our hiking backpack" - to form vital knowledge, skills, abilities in children, to teach children to properly pack their backpacks.
Hike to the forest area - to summarize the ideas of children about the life of plants and animals in our region; develop ecological beliefs; foster love and respect for nature; invite children to collect plants for drawing up a herbarium; natural material for making crafts.
2 half day
Reading a Nenets fairy tale "Oleshek and the Mouse" - to develop the best qualities in children: high spirituality, kindness, responsiveness, mercy, compassion, respect for animals, to instill love for Nenets fairy tales.
Outdoor play peoples of the north "Kheiro" (sun) - to consolidate the rules of the game, to promote the development of physical activity, to foster respect for the original culture of the indigenous peoples of Yamal.
1 half day
Conversation "Our river Ob" - to consolidate the knowledge of children about the importance of the river for our city, to foster a respect for nature.
The game "Journey along the Ob River" - to form play skills, foster friendly relationships, a sense of collectivism.

Didactic exercise "Assemble the puzzle" (fish of the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug) - to develop quickness of reaction, ingenuity.
2 half day
Reading a Dolgan fairy tale "The old man fisherman and the raven" - to expand the knowledge of children about the originality of the life of the peoples of the north, to foster a love of fairy tales, a sense of respect for the life and traditions of other peoples.

Theme : "Our house".

Tasks: Clarify and expand children's ideas about the house - a person's dwelling, teach to see the signs of the time; expand the understanding of what behavior is dangerous; develop the ability to avoid danger, teach how to use emergency phones.

Final event: Exhibition of creative works "House of my dreams".



Physical development

Speech development

During washing, remind children to wash their hands thoroughly - to educate cultural and hygienic skills.

Exercise "Let's talk without words" - to train children in understanding the meaning of some gestures, posture, facial expressions.

Games for the development of fine motor skills "Lay out the figures from the sticks" (house, pieces of furniture, electrical appliances).

Consideration of the thematic album "My House".

A set of paintings and illustrations on the theme "My family", d / i, board-printed games.

Self-play activities in employment centers.

Talk to parents about the well-being of children.

Artistic and aesthetic


Social and communicative development

Physical development

1. Preparation for teaching literacy. Sounds P - Pb.

Goals: teach children to give a comparative description of the sounds P - Pb; develop word formation skills; form a dictionary of adjectives.

Correctional and developmental: teach children to differentiate the sounds P - Pb in syllables, words, sentences; learn to coordinate speech with movements; develop phonemic hearing and perception; develop breathing and voice; develop the skills of sound-letter analysis; consolidate orientation skills on a sheet of paper.

Correctional and educational: to educate observation and skills of cultural behavior in their own home (apartment).Equipment: a didactic guide for the game "Housewarming" and the game "Name what house", pictures in the name of which there are sounds P, Pb, a set of pictures for the game "Guess-ka", notebooks, pencils, cut alphabet, sets for drawing up diagrams.

2. Acquaintance with the world around "Home helpers".

Goals: know the name and purpose of household electrical appliances; ways of handling simple electrical appliances, safety measures when working with them; be able to name the actions performed by the devices, talk about them, highlighting the main features, group them by purpose, according to the complexity of use, highlight the objects of influence of the devices.

3. Musical.


Social and communicative development

Physical development

Observe the trees - note what changes are taking place, why is this happening? - teach children to compare, analyze.

Independent play activity

P / and "Geese-geese". - exercise in running.

Sedentary game "Red, yellow, green" - to learn the rules of the game, to learn to act on a signal.

Site cleaning, sweeping paths - teach to work together.

work before bed

Artistic and aesthetic


Reading poems about spring.

Goals: continue to introduce children to poetry; teach to ask questions and look for the shortest ways to solve a logical problem.

Materials: poems by F. Tyutchev "Spring waters" and A. Pleshcheev "Spring", A. Barto "April".

Literature: Gerbova, VV - Classes on the development of speech.


Artistic and aesthetic


Speech development

Story from personal experience "I want ...."

Exercise "Think of a new word" - to exercise in the ability to form verbs with prefixes.

D \ and "Chain of words" - Exercise children in determining the first and last sound in words. (subgroup of children)

Games with the Lego constructor - develop imagination, design skills.

Individual conversations and consultations at the request of parents.


Physical development.

Throwing the ball up and catching it with both hands - to consolidate the ability to take the correct starting position when throwing and catching the ball, to develop dexterity.

N / a "Attentive drivers" - to improve the skills of orientation on the terrain, to understand the meaning of color in traffic and the arrangement of flowers.




Physical development

Social and communicative development

Speech development

Gymnastics number 2

Conversation “My friendly family”, “I am a helper” Purpose: to teach children to compose a story about their family, to follow grammatically correct sentences (with the whole group).

D / And "What is worth where?" Purpose: exercise in orientation in space (Sofia, Sasha, Said)

D / And "Pick up the signs" (what is your family?) Purpose: exercise in the selection of adjectives.

(Sufi, Aelita, Polina)

D / And "Who has whom to whom?" Purpose: to acquaint children with family ties. (Taisiya, Fazil, Regina)

Board-print game "Little Helpers"

(Albert, Artemy)

Examining illustrations of the rules of safe behavior at home.

Directly educational activities

Cognitive development

Speech development

1. Application. "Lamp". Target: develop children's imagination, teach children to choose fabric, combining in shape and color, complement the work with painted details, consolidate cutting techniques from fabric, develop a sense of color and composition.

2. Tatar language. Theme: Portfolio ә nәrsә bar?

Vocabulary dose: dәftәr, kitap, pencil case, al b bom.

1.Suzle uen "Portfeldә nәrsә bar?"

2. Wooen situation "Ashkhansend".

3. Kel achu, Kyrlau, biyu, uennar.

3. Physical development. Target: train children in carrying, passing, catching and throwing a large ball into a basketball hoop. Develop coherence between partners. In long jump from a place to work out the ability to push forward and upward. Exercise children in the ability to move sideways, backwards, maintaining balance in the game "Catch, take the tape." Poltavtseva, occupation No. 51, p. 217.


Cognitive development

Physical development

Social and communicative development

Insect watching- to clarify the idea of ​​how insects adapt to the cold season; educate the curiousness, attentiveness, love for nature, the desire to protect it.

Cleaning the kindergarten area - to teach how to create a joyful mood from the work performed; foster ecological culture.

P / and "Freeze" - learn to understand a schematic representation of a poselover. Football

Form the skill of dribbling (Camille, Albert.)

Independent play activity - to cultivate friendly relationships.

work before bed

Artistic and aesthetic development

Reading fiction: S. Marshak "Where the table came from".


Social and communicative development

Artistic and aesthetic development

Speech development

Conversation: "How to call rescuers in case of fire?"

Purpose: to teach children how to behave in the event of a fire, to give an idea of ​​how to call rescuers, to develop the ability to act clearly and quickly in a fire.


Cognitive development

Physical development

Observation of the carriageway - to clarify the knowledge of children about vehicles, about freight and passenger transport, about the work of the driver.

D / and "What season?"- to teach to correlate the description of nature in verse orprose with a certain season; develop auditory inputmania, quick thinking.

The game of low mobility "Traffic light" - to teach to act on a signal, to develop a fast run in different directions.




Physical development



Cognitive development

Gymnastics number 2

Labor in a corner of nature: water the plants, loosen the soil (Regina, Yaroslava)

Individual work on the development of speech - to promote the development of phonemic hearing (Kamil H., Maryam).

Examination of illustrations depicting original design interior solutions.

Directly educational activities

Cognitive development

Speech development

Physical development

1. Preparation for literacy training. Lexical topic "Our home".

2. FEMP. Goals:Continue teaching yourself how to compose and solve addition problems.

Exercise in the ability to navigate on a sheet of paper in a cage.

To develop the ability to create objects of complex shape from separate parts according to presentation.

Strengthen the ability to make up a number from two smaller numbers and decompose it into two smaller numbers within 10.

Develop attention, memory, logical thinking.

No. 4, p. 144

No. 5, p. 146

Literature: IA Pomoraeva, VA Pozina - "Classes on the formation of elementary mathematical representations."

3.Physical. Purpose: to form the ability to throw a large ball into the basketball hoop on the move, immediately after the transfer. Invite the children to independently assess the distance of the long jump from the spot. In p / and "Catch up with your pair" exercise in the ability to start running quickly from different starting positions. Poltavtseva, str. 219, number 52.


Physical development



Cognitive development

The purposeful walk through the territory of the kindergarten is to acquaint children with the characteristic signs of spring, to find them on their own. Clarify ideas about changes in the life of plants in spring.I / r for the development of movements "Do not touch" - exercise in walking with a snake between the pins, improve balance (Said, Fazil).

Independent play activity. Game of low mobility "Find and be silent».

Work before bed:

"Useful poems and fairy tales for all cases of disobedience" I. Gurin.




Speech development

Cognitive development

S / r game "We are waiting for guests" Purpose: to bring up the principles of guest etiquette, to draw attention to a friendly attitude towards each other.

(Maryam, Kamila, Stas)

Exercise children in cutting out forms from paper folded "accordion" (children who wish)

Games in the design center "Rooms for Masha's doll" Purpose: to teach how to build various furniture from parts of the designer.

Independent artistic activity.


Physical development



Watching the clouds- to develop an interest in inanimate nature; developcuriosity, creative imagination.

« Clouds"

Clouds, clouds - curly sides,

Curly clouds, whole, full of holes,

Light, airy, obedient to the breeze. (S. Mikhalkov)


They fly without wings

they run without legs,

sail without sailwoo.(Clouds.)

D / and "Where can I do what?" -activation in speech of verbs used in opa certain situation.




Physical development

Social and communicative development

Speech development

Gymnastics number 2

D / and "Who is Who" - the formation of gender identity.

Guessing and guessing riddles on the topic "Electrical devices" - to develop logical thinking.

Household work - offer to wash the chairs. Purpose: to educate hard work, the desire to help adults. D / I, cut pictures. Self-play activities in employment centers.

Directly educational activities

Artistic and aesthetic development

Social and communicative development

1. Tatar language. Theme: Nurse kiruk?

Vocabulary dose: dәftәr, kitap, pencil case, al b bom.

3.Suzle uen "Nurse kiruk?"

2. The world around us (Ecology). "Birds of Our Land"

Purpose: to develop children's interest and love for nature; to form a realistic idea of ​​birds; teach to analyze, to establish the simplest cause-and-effect relationships. Page 211 "Scenarios of classes ..." by L.G. Gorky

3. Musical.


Cognitive development

Physical development

Social and communicative development

Observation of the driver's work - to clarify the idea that each driver should closely monitor moving vehicles, traffic signals, road signs. P / and low mobility "Red, yellow, green" - exercise in the ability to perform movements in accordance with the color of the circle; develop attention, speed of reaction.

Д / и "Talking signs" - to develop the ability to recognize a road sign by description.

Exercise "Road training" - to consolidate the ability to dribble a basketball between the pins (Maryam, Amir, Polina) Work on the site - to foster the desire to work with the whole team (sweep the paths, veranda, loosen the soil in the flower beds)

work before bed

Artistic and aesthetic development

Reading fiction: S. Marshak "Cat's House"


Cognitive development

Speech development

Social and communicative development

Construction ... "FURNITURE from PAPER" (based on folding a rectangle).

Programmatic Objectives: Continue teaching children to work with paper. Bend the sides of the rectangle obtained from the square to its center. Use additional details to create pieces of furniture: bed, table, chair, house, TV. Decorate them by matching paper colors. Create a general composition, develop creativity and aesthetic taste.

D \ and "One - many" - to develop the ability to form a noun. pl. h. in I. p. and R. p. (vacuum cleaner - vacuum cleaners - vacuum cleaners).

Independent creative activity of children "Safe House".


Physical development

Social and communicative development

Observation of different types of transport - to expand knowledge about land transport, their classification, purpose.

P / and "Cars" - explain the rules of the game, perform movements according to the content of the game.

Games with portable material.




Physical development

Social and communicative development

Speech development

Gymnastics number 2

Conversation with children “Past and present of home helpers” Purpose: to give an idea of ​​what household appliances used to be like (a subgroup of children).

D / I "We read by syllables" Purpose: to train children in the ability to read syllables and words (Kamil H., Said, Fazil)

Situational conversation "Dispute of electrical appliances" Purpose: to teach children to prove that every electrical appliance is the most important in the house (with the whole group)

Construction from waste material "Our House"

Directly educational activities

Cognitive development

Speech development

Artistic and aesthetic development

1.Preparation for teaching literacy. Sounds R - L.


Correctional educational:

To teach children to give acoustic-articulatory characteristics of sounds R - L;

Form nominative and adjective vocabulary

Correctional and developmental:

Teach children to differentiate the sounds R - L in syllables, words, sentences;

Develop attention and memory;

Learn to coordinate speech with movements;

Develop facial muscles;

Develop phonemic and phonemic hearing.

Correctional and educational:

To educate children about the accuracy and skills of behavior in the house.

Equipment: plot painting "House", rods with rings, object pictures, in the name of which there are sounds R, L, pencils, notebooks. Kits for drawing up diagrams, cutting alphabets.

2. Drawing. "House of my dreams" (by design)

Objective: To consolidate perspective and composition skills. Learn to paint the interior. To develop in children a creative idea, aesthetic perception. Cultivate the ability to fantasize.

3. Tatar language. Theme: Nurse? Nindi? Nothing?

Vocabulary dose: dәftәr, kitap, pencil case, al b bom.

1.Үstereshle dialogue “Uku bulmәse belәn tanyshabyz”.

2.Үsteres the dialogue "Nrsә, nindi, nichә?"

3.Suzle uen "Nurse kiruk?"

4.Kel achu, Kyrlau, biyu, uennar.


Cognitive development

Physical development

Social and communicative development

Physical education in the fresh air.

Jumping short and long rope. Exercise in the ability to determine the time for the jump, run and run out. Develop the ability to manage muscle tension.

Observing the sky. To tell that the sky is the air that surrounds our earth. People, animals, plants breathe air. The air can be heard if it is released from the balloon and if you see it, if you put a lump of earth into the water, bubbles will go. (with the whole group)

P / N "Quickly decompose - quickly assemble" (Aelita, Sufiya)

Work on the site: dig in the bushes, explain why it is necessary. Purpose: to teach children to work with a rake, to pay attention to safety during work.

Independent physical activity of children on the site.

work before bed

Artistic and aesthetic development

Reading fiction: A. Barto "Vovka is a kind soul"


Social and communicative development

Artistic and aesthetic development

Speech development

UMK With Albert and Stas - repeat the poem in Tatar. Purpose: to develop children's speech, memory, articulation.

Exercise children in the ability to trace patterns and stencils of furniture and appliances, shade and paint them in one direction.

(Sofia, Taisia, Polina)

Quiz "All about our home" Purpose: to teach to guess riddles about furniture, household appliances (with the whole group)

Games with counting sticks "Building furniture" Purpose: to consolidate the appearance of furniture, to develop fine motor skills of hands.


Cognitive development

Physical development

To mark with children changes in the state of the weather, d / and "What has changed?", Purpose: to teach to see and explain changes in the weather, to establish cause-and-effect relationships. (with the whole group)

P / And "Borrow a house" (children who wish)

P / and with the ball "Whose House"

D / and "Who lives where"

Gyenesh Blocks

Ts .: to teach children to choose subjects based on signs, to develop the ability to answer questions with a complete answer.

D / and "Magic paths" Mikhailov page 28 (Fig. 25)

C / r game "Building houses on our street"

Ts .: improve the skills of working according to a given scheme, the ability to select the necessary building material.

Looking at the painting "We are building a house"

Conversation "What objects inhabit our apartment." Purpose: to teach to see the variety of objects that surround children.

Game situation "Doll Masha in our group". Target : to acquaint children with new ways of examining objects.

Game situation "Let's show Neiznayka our watch". Purpose: to consolidate the appointment of hours.

Consideration of plot pictures: "In our kindergarten", "My family". Purpose: to teach children to purposefully consider objects, highlighting the features of their structure.

Game "Describe, I'll guess." Purpose: To form a conscious perception of objects.

Game exercises "Find what I'll tell you about", "What did the artist confuse?", "Guess what is made of?" Purpose: to teach to distinguish external signs and name objects of the man-made world. Didactic games:

"What first, what then." Purpose: To learn to navigate in the present and past hours.

"Did I say it right?" Purpose: To teach, when describing an object, to highlight the name, details, functions and material. See the book. "Man-made world". O.V. Dybina, s. 41.

“Look around” Purpose: to consolidate knowledge about the properties and qualities of materials, to teach to establish cause-and-effect relationships between human needs and the capabilities of the material. See the book. "Man-made world". O.V. Dybina, s. 52.

"Collect the item." Purpose: to consolidate the ability to name parts of an object, to highlight its function and material. See the book. "Man-made world". O.V. Dybina, s. 41.

"Guess what is made of what." Purpose: to teach to group objects by material, examining objects with the help of the senses. See the book. "Man-made world". O.V. Dybina, s. 50.

Educational situation "In the world of plastics". Purpose: to acquaint with the properties and qualities of plastic items; help to identify its properties. See the book. "What the objects are made of." O.V. Dybin, p35.

Communication situation "Comparison of glass and plastic". Purpose: to acquaint with the properties of glass and plastic by comparison. See the book. "What the objects are made of." O.V. Dybin, p36.

Game situation "Merry tram". Purpose: To concretize knowledge about the properties and qualities of plastics. See the book. "What the objects are made of." O.V. Dybin, p38.

Good-bad game. Purpose: to teach to establish causal relationships between the qualities of the object from which it is made and its purpose. See the book. "What the objects are made of." O.V. Dybin, p46.

Learn by sound game. Purpose: To train children in the ability to distinguish types of materials by sound. See the book. "What the objects are made of." O.V. Dybin, p. 47.