Nowruz celebrations will be held in Dushanbe and Tursunzade. Other names for the Navruz holiday

The main celebrations of the celebration of Navruz this year are held in the cities of Dushanbe and Tursunzade with the participation of guests from Afghanistan and Uzbekistan. The President of Tajikistan Emomali Rahmon took part in the celebrations in Tursunzade.

Minister of Culture of Tajikistan Shamsiddin Orumbekzoda before the start of the festive events in the city of Tursunzade, in an interview with reporters, he said that the celebration of the international holiday Navruz this year will have significant differences from similar celebrations in the past. According to him, the main feature of this year's holiday is that it includes ancient festive competitions, in particular, partridge fights and jumping over bonfires.

Also, according to the minister, delegations from various countries, in particular, creative teams from Uzbekistan, Afghanistan and Russia, will take part in this celebration. One of the organizers of the festive performance in the city of Tursunzade said that more than 9 thousand people were involved in the theatrical performance in honor of Navruz. Theatrical performance was attended by the President of Tajikistan Emomali Rahmon.

The group "Farkhod and Shirin" under the leadership of the famous singer of Uzbekistan took part in the celebrations in the city of Tursunzade Mardona Mavlonova... Group members Farhod Sulaimonov and Shirin Muzaffarova in an interview with Radio Ozodi, they expressed their joy that for the first time they are taking part in the celebrations of the international holiday Navruz in Tajikistan.

Meanwhile, it is expected that in the near future Mardon Mavlonov will organize a joint concert with the People's Artist of Tajikistan Afzalshohi Shodi... The latter, in an interview with Radio Ozodi, said that the concert will take place on March 23 in the hall of the State Philharmonic Society of Tajikistan.

Congratulations on the Navruz holidays are received from famous people in the world.

US Secretary of State Rex Tillerson

Rax Tillerson, US Secretary of State March 20 in his statement congratulated all the people on the planet celebrating Nowruz. According to the Persian version of the US Department of State website, Rax Tillerson wrote, "I wish a good and good Navruz celebration to everyone in the world who celebrates this ancient holiday that marks the beginning of spring and new year."

The US Secretary of State added that “millions of people around the world, in particular, in Afghanistan, Azerbaijan, China, Georgia, India, Iran, Tajikistan, Kyrgyzstan, Kazakhstan, Pakistan, Russia, Syria, Turkey, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan and many in South and Central Asia and the Persian Gulf are now celebrating the new year with their families and friends. Today, many Americans will also take part in these festivities and will tell the new generation about this holiday of their ancestors. "

Rex Tillerson also noted that “Nowruz is a good time to look forward to the coming year. Together we are looking forward to the new spring. With the hope that Navruz will bring everyone peace and happiness as a gift. "

The President of Iran, in his separate congratulations to the heads of 11 countries of the region, which celebrate Navruz, noted that “Navruz is the most beautiful holiday of nature, marking the transition of winter into spring, bringing people hope and prosperity. This is a holiday of faith in calmness, order, warmth, abundance, which the Almighty bestows on a person. "

Iranian President Hassan Rouhani

President of Uzbekistan Shavkat Mirziyoev in his message to Emomali Rahmon, he expressed hope for strengthening good-neighborly relations between Uzbekistan and Tajikistan. According to the press service of the Tajik president, this message is addressed in honor of the celebration of international Navruz. The President of Uzbekistan noted that "Navruz is notable for its antiquity and amazing beauty, and for a long time it has been the personification of the strength of thinking, customs and good goals of the peoples of Uzbekistan and Tajikistan."

Earlier, the leaders of China, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan and Turkmenistan also congratulated Emomali Rahmon Happy Nowruz.

In September 2009, UNESCO included Navruz in the list of cultural heritage of mankind, and in February 2010, the UN General Assembly at its 64th session adopted a resolution, according to which March 21 is celebrated as the International Day of Navruz.

Copyright (C) 2010 RFE / RL, Inc. Reprinted with permission from Radio Free Europe / Radio Liberty

One of the oldest holidays of mankind is celebrated on the day of the vernal equinox - Navruz... This is the New Year's holiday according to the astronomical solar calendar, which was adhered to by the Iranian and Turkic peoples in pre-Muslim times.

When is Navruz celebrated in 2017

Historically, Navruz was celebrated on the Day of the vernal equinox, which falls on different days in different years. As a rule, this is either the 20th (as, for example, in 2017), or March 21st. However, now Navruz is always celebrated on March 21st. By the decision of UNESCO, which recognized this holiday as an intangible cultural heritage of mankind, March 21 is also celebrated International Day of Nowruz.

Other names for the Navruz holiday

This holiday is also called Novruz, Nauroz, Nauryz, Navrez. Translated from Persian, it means “renewal”, “new day”.

Where Navruz is celebrated

Navruz has nothing to do with Islam - this holiday is much older. It has been celebrated since the 4th century BC. followers of Zoroastrianism on a vast territory that captured almost the entire territory of Asia and part of Europe. After the arrival of Islam in the Middle East, the holiday was preserved only among the peoples who lived in these places even before the Arab conquest. Arabs still do not celebrate Navruz, in some Arab countries it is banned.

Today Navruz is a public holiday in Iran, Turkey, India, Pakistan, Kyrgyzstan, as well as in Bosnia and Herzegovina and some other countries. Navruz is also celebrated in some Muslim regions of the Russian Federation.

History of Navruz holiday

Historically, Navruz is a holiday of agriculture, since the agricultural calendar is closely related to the day of the vernal equinox. According to one of the Persian legends, a hero was buried on the day of Navruz Siyavush killed by a Turanian Afrasiyab... Navruz is also associated with the Zoroastrian cult of deceased ancestors and the cult of fire, which officially existed in pre-Islamic Iran. Navruz is one of the seven main Zoroastrian holidays.

Traditions of Navruz

The traditions of Navruz are as old as the holiday itself, they symbolize the end of winter, new year and spring renewal.

It is believed that, as before the "real" New Year, before Naruz you need to pay off debts, clean up the house and yard, and prepare special festive meals.

Meals for Navruz are prepared according to special rules, here the composition of ritual compositions, which are called haft-sin and haft-shin, plays an important role. Haft-sin consists of seven parts, the names of which begin with the Persian letter "C". Haft-shin also consists of seven elements, the names of which begin with the Persian letter "Ш".

These are sumalak (a dish made from sprouted wheat), sipand, sirke (vinegar), seeds, sabzi (herbs) and some other plant elements.

Also in Navruz, a mirror and painted eggs are placed on the table, and candles are also lit. All these elements have a symbolic meaning: they protect from evil spirits and mark the end of the old and the beginning of the new year.

What is sumalak

The main food of Navruz is sumalak. Sumalak is boiled from ground sprouted wheat grains and flour. The dish is cooked for almost 24 hours, it is boiled in a large cauldron in cottonseed oil, accompanying the cooking rite with songs, dances and other ritual actions.

During the preparation of sumalak, small stones are added to the cauldron so that the food does not burn. Finding such a pebble at ease at the festive table is considered a good omen. It is believed that eating sumalak and other ritual dishes on the Navruz holiday will give physical and spiritual strength. Also in Navruz it is customary to have fun with all the heart, so that the whole year will be successful and fun.

Congratulations on the Navruz holiday

On the bright holiday of the Equinox
Peace and prosperity to you.
May Navruz give you happiness,
Will relieve despondency.

Let the sumalak succeed
After all, there is no way without it.
Let there be success in business
May Allah keep you all.

Throw off the burden of sorrow,
Spring - meet the beauty
The holiday is coming to us - Navruz,
Celebrate it with a smile!

Navruz - Eastern New Year,
May your dreams come true
Let the heart sing about love
Flowers will bloom in my soul!

Nowruz translated from Farsi means "new day", and "bayram" is a Turkic word and means "holiday". This is one of the oldest holidays on Earth, symbolizing the beginning of a new life.

Navruz acquired its official status in the Achaemenid Persian Empire (VI-IV centuries BC). It continued to be celebrated after the Islamic conquests, right up to the present day.

And although the celebration of Navruz is widespread among Muslim peoples, it is not a religious, but rather a folk holiday, which is associated with spring, the beginning of agricultural work, the awakening of nature and the onset of warm days.


The origin of the holiday is associated with the cult of the Sun and the name of the ancient Persian prophet Zarathushtra. The sacred book of Zoroastrians "Avesta" is the oldest source where the celebration of Navruz is mentioned.

According to the teachings of the Avesta, every spring people should celebrate the appearance of life on earth, which originated "in six species" (sky, water, earth, plants, animals and humans).

According to legend, many legendary events took place on this day, including Zarathushtra was chosen by God to bring happiness to people, and the mythical king Tahmuras sent evil divas and ruthless people to prison. The origin of Navruz is also associated with the mythical king Jamshid, on whom the rays of the sun fell on that day.

According to Turkic legends, on this day the Turks escaped from the encirclement, leaving Ergenekon (the territory surrounded by mountains). Therefore, Navruz was accepted by the Turkic peoples as the beginning of the New Year and is celebrated to this day.

The holiday, over the years of its existence, was either canceled or reintroduced. And today it is not celebrated in all Muslim countries. In the Middle East, the holiday is celebrated only by those peoples who lived there even before the arrival of the Arabs and the widespread spread of Islam.

The Arabs themselves do not celebrate this holiday. Moreover, in Syria, Navruz is officially banned, and in Turkey, the ban on its celebration was lifted only in 1991.

Navruz, as the official start of the new year according to the astronomical solar calendar, is celebrated on March 21 in Iran and Afghanistan, as well as in Iraqi Kurdistan, India, Macedonia and so on. Navruz marks the beginning of the year also according to the Bahá'í calendar.

In the CIS countries, Navruz is celebrated as a national holiday by Tatars, Bashkirs, Kazakhs, Kyrgyz, Tajiks, Uzbeks and many other peoples. Depending on the country or region, the name of the holiday is pronounced differently - Novruz, Nauruz, Nuruz, Nevruz, Nauryz, Nuruz and so on.

© photo: Sputnik / Taras Litvinenko

Muslims during the celebration of the Navruz holiday in the Khan Palace in Bakhchisarai

The duration of the holiday is also different. In some states, it is celebrated for three days, while in others it is five or more. In ancient times, Navruz was celebrated for 13 days. At the end of the celebrations, people went out into the field, where they celebrated the New Year. In the old days, it was believed that those who these days in the field enjoy nature throughout the coming year will be accompanied by happiness and prosperity. this tradition has been preserved.

This tradition has been preserved in some countries, including Iran, where people spend the 13th day of spring in nature with their relatives.

In ancient times, the date of the coming of Navruz was determined by astrologers. Now astronomers calculate the date of Navruz's arrival to the nearest minute. In 2018, the Vernal Equinox Day will occur on March 20 at 16:15 UTC (Coordinated Universal Time), or 20:15 Tbilisi time.

The celebration of Navruz on the day of the vernal equinox is associated with the emergence of the solar calendar, which appeared among the peoples of Central Asia and Iran seven thousand years ago, long before the emergence of Islam.

This is how Navruz differs from the Muslim New Year, since the Muslim calendar is based on the lunar annual cycle. The Muslim lunar year begins with the month of Muharram, that is, the New Year begins on the 1st of the month of Muharram, which is the first month of the Muslim calendar.


Since ancient times, the importance of this period of the year for human life has given rise to many traditions, customs and rituals that are associated with magical actions, the cult of nature and fertility.

Muslims start preparing for Navruz a month before the holiday - Tuesdays are considered especially pre-holiday. Each of the four Tuesdays (chershenbe) has its own name in accordance with the natural element (water, fire, earth and wind), to which it is dedicated to "awakening".


"Earth Tuesday" was celebrated in Baku before Novruz holiday

The awakening of these elements of nature foreshadows the arrival of the fifth, main element, a new bright day - Navruz, the beginning of the revival and complete revitalization of the earth. Accordingly, every Tuesday has its own ancient traditions and rituals, many of which have survived to this day.

On the first Tuesday, they begin to plant "syamyani" - sprouted wheat seeds, an integral symbol of Navruz. It is a symbol of family life, wealth, health and well-being.

Despite the fact that the name of the Muslim New Year in the languages ​​of different nations sounds with different intonations, the traditions of its celebration in all countries are approximately the same. So, in Kyrgyzstan, Kazakhstan, Tajikistan and Uzbekistan there is a tradition to fumigate dwellings on the night before the holiday with steaming juniper branches in order to expel evil spirits.

Before the holiday, you need to repent of your sins, make peace with your enemies, forgive debts. According to the legend, in the days of Navruz, good angels-farishta bring abundance and prosperity to those who have pure thoughts, who have a bright soul, and who have cleaned their homes. Therefore, before Navruz, the owners try to put the house in order, whitewash and renovate it.

© photo: Sputnik / Evgeny Kostin

All homework related to the celebration of Navruz must be completed the day before, including cleaning, preparing holiday dishes, decorating the home with green branches of an apple tree and pomegranate.

Clothes, especially children's clothes, are necessarily washed, as it was believed that water would wash away all the negative. Even before Islam, the week before Navruz was considered dedicated to the souls of the ancestors. The ancestors were commemorated by making offerings to them and asking them for help next year, protection from troubles.

Customs and rituals

The custom of kindling ritual bonfires, torches and candles has survived to this day, since the Zoroastrians were fire worshipers and considered fire to be a vital force.

Therefore, before the New Year, symbolic rituals of purification are performed. Bonfires are lit on the streets of cities and villages, and people must jump over one bonfire seven times or one time over seven bonfires. On the last night of the old year, it is customary to spray each other with water and jump over running water to cleanse oneself from last year's sins.

Navruz is the time of fortune-telling. Marriage girls are especially fond of this. That evening, they throw their boots over their heads and, by the direction of their toes, determine whether they will stay in their parents' house for another year or move to the house of their betrothed.

According to the old custom, on a festive evening with the onset of Navruz, it is customary to eavesdrop on the conversations of neighbors through windows or doors, and, depending on the pleasant or unpleasant conversation heard, determine how successful or unsuccessful the coming year will be for both the eavesdropping and the owners.

According to popular beliefs, a lot on this holiday depends on the arrival of the first person in the house. The first guest of the new year should have a quiet and kind character, be with a good sense of humor, with a good name and reputation, and most importantly - have a "happy leg", that is, bring good luck to the house.

In Uzbekistan, they believe that the deeds done by a person during the thirteen days of Navruz will be done by him throughout the year. Therefore, it is customary to forgive each other's debts, to live in peace with everyone.

Festive feast

On this day, all family members gather at the New Year's festive table, which is called "haft-sin". Depending on the region, the range of festive dishes is different, but it is imperative that there must be magic items and products that symbolize purity, light, abundance, happiness and fertility in the New Year.

According to tradition, seven dishes should be present on the table, the name of which begins with the letter "sin" (s): syamyani (sprouted grains), seb (apple), sir (garlic), sumach (barberry), sirko (vinegar), sipand ( spinach), sonjit (olive).

© photo: Sputnik /

Various dishes of lamb, fish, chicken and eggs are prepared for the holiday, richly seasoned with various spices and decorated with herbs.

On a festively served table, there must be a ritual delicacy sumalak (malt halva), brewed from the juice of sprouted wheat grains with the addition of sugar and flour.

A mirror and candles must be placed on the table according to the number of family members. These candles cannot be extinguished until they have burned out to the end. Be sure to serve homemade bread, nuts, almonds, milk, cheese, fish, eggs painted green, a vessel with rose water, a bowl of water in which a green leaf is floating. And, of course, the Koran should be on the table.

Traditional sweets are served on the festive table - shekerbura, baklava, badambura, gogal and so on, as well as sweet pilaf seasoned with raisins and dried fruits and other goodies.

To the guests who have come to the holiday, the host holds out a dish with barely sprouted grain, the consumption of which symbolizes the initiation into the revival of all living things.

The festive ritual is not limited to the feast. On this day, children go home and sing songs about Navruz, and they are presented with sweets. Artists perform on the streets, witches compete, songs and jokes are heard.

© photo: Sputnik / Vladimir Pirogov

In Uzbekistan, on this day, folk festivities are held, for example, the Kopkari game, fights and horse races. Similar traditions exist in Kyrgyzstan - during the festivities, the art of horsemanship is demonstrated with the participation of local communities in such equestrian races as Kyz kuumay (a competition in which a rider must catch up with a girl on horseback), Enish (riders' wrestling) and Zhamba Atuu (shooting from onions).

Other traditions of Novruz include local street performances, a circus in Iran called Band Bazi, and the Buz Kashi sporting event in Afghanistan, which involves horsemen using a decapitated goat carcass to play.

The Navruz holiday in September 2009 was included in the UNESCO Intangible Cultural Heritage List, and in February 2010 the UN General Assembly declared March 21 International Day of Navruz.

The material was prepared on the basis of open sources.