"You have been waiting for golden freedom for years, and then - already at liberty, you do not know what to do with it." Former prisoners on whether it is possible to return to normal life after long periods in colonies. Is there life after prison: interview with a former prisoner

Almost half a million Russians are in the country's prisons, and another 100,000 compatriots are in pre-trial detention centers. In the first six months of 2017 alone, more than 90 thousand citizens received real terms, 16 thousand of whom must spend more than 5 years in the zone. According to statistics, more than half of those who have been released from prison will take up the old and will be sent back to the colony. Prison officials admit that this happens because people cannot begin to live in freedom and often themselves strive to be imprisoned again.

Petersburgers who had served more than 10 years told "Paper" whether the state supports ex-convicts, what conventional ideas about imprisonment are myths, and whether those who have been released have nostalgia for prison life.

"I can't get used to talking outside."

Vadim spent 12 years in the colony, was released in 2017. He says that he became a victim of the criminal 90s, joined the general stream. Together with his friends, the young man robbed the Finns, who were at that time frequent guests in the Northern capital. At the same time, Vadim and his wife had a child - they had to provide for the family. The 23-year-old continued to steal. In 2000, he was imprisoned for the first time - he was given three years, of which he served only two.

When I was free, I tried to improve my life, get a job, but I could not find anything other than a temporary part-time job. In addition, during his time in prison, his wife left. As a result, in 2006 Vadim was again behind bars - two thefts, one robbery. I went to Murmansk for 5.5 years.

In the North, Vadim got a correspondence student - a girl whom the prisoner meets by correspondence. They soon signed, but upon release, Vadim again plunged into history. This time he got involved with drugs. He sat down in 2013 for four years.

After his release, he returned to St. Petersburg. Has the state helped? Train ticket and change. Literally: they gave 27 rubles as a lost salary for work in the zone. The social service said that they can give out a set of products. And that's all.

Vadim, a former prisoner:

In the zone, I received two professions, two diplomas: an electrician and an auto mechanic. But that doesn't help in any way when looking for a job. A criminal record is a big hindrance. You come somewhere to get a job, talk to a person, everything is fine, and then you say that you have a criminal record, and that's it: "There are no vacancies, sorry." They do not even take to the simplest places - for example, an electrician. They're probably afraid. And cheating and not talking about prison is not an option. If you hide your criminal record, you will simply be fired and no one will pay the money you earn. I tried it through the employment center, but everything is the same; even the housing office does not take.

Problems with finding a job are far from the only ones. Communication difficulties arise.

Vadim, a former prisoner:

In addition to problems with work, there is another big difficulty: I cannot get used to talking outside. You see, in the open, people do not speak normally. Too freely, they insult someone, do not think about the consequences. You can't do that in prison, there you have to answer for every word.

Many believe that those sentenced to imprisonment fall out of life. But this is often not the case. For example, Vadim spent both terms of a strict regime with a telephone, and this, as you know, has the whole world in the palm of your hand. And besides, the device allows you to feel like a part of the life behind the fence and barbed wire. You can communicate with those who are free, find a wife, collect a transfer, ask for money.

For example, in his colony it was possible to surf the Internet all day and night. True, in such institutions, all the bosses, Vadim says, steal in the dark, but they turn a blind eye to their phones. Such is the exchange.

However, telephones are strictly prohibited in many areas. The only connection with the outside world is letters and rare meetings with relatives and friends. In such colonies, time really stops for convicts.

Difficulties with employment, life that has changed over the course of the term, problems with getting used to the rules of the outside - all this turns those who have left the zone from living in freedom and latently makes them come back.

The state could correct the situation by creating centers for the rehabilitation of former prisoners. Given the scale of the problem - until the early 2000s, Russia shared the first place with the United States in terms of the number of convicts, the authorities could have done something, says Vadim. But no. There is no need to wait for any support.

"Something clicked in me and changed."

Ruslan has been in prison three times, spending a total of 10 years there. Robberies, thefts, damage to property, theft. After the first trip, he spent only two months at large, after the second - no more than six months. Why does it happen so often with those who enter the colony for the first time? Because the fear of imprisonment disappears. And besides, a habit appears - you find yourself in your native element.

Many have stereotypes about prison life. In reality, they try to adhere to common human concepts in the zone, and they speak not only in a hairdryer. The life of a prisoner is not always bleak and monotonous. She is not devoid of small joys: meetings with family and friends, communication with the opposite sex, the Internet, television, programs, attention from medical personnel in case of illness.

Ruslan, former prisoner:

In fact, a lot of what people know about prison is stereotypes, fiction. Terror caught up, in short. Allegedly, they only talk on a hairdryer and cannot do otherwise. Someone thinks that homosexuality is thriving in prison - by. The fact that prisoners are deprived of certain benefits of civilization, too. There are mobile communications, alcohol and drugs. More myths: everyone loves chifir and chanson. I hate chanson, I prefer a tuber or a house.

Unlike Vadim, Ruslan believes that adaptation to life in freedom is not required. A person during imprisonment is not cut off from society - both modern and traditional means of communication with the outside world, as well as communication and books, do not allow him to fall out of life. In addition, Ruslan asks what can radically change in 10 years. And he himself answers: nothing.

The point is different. There are many temptations, the feeling of freedom makes you dizzy. This is on the one hand. On the other hand, a person does not know what to do with this freedom, how to dispose of it, whether he needs it.

Ruslan says that it is difficult to get a job, but it is possible. Many in the private sector do not look at criminal records - the main thing is that the person works. In addition, it is not always worth mentioning convictions, and for refusal of employment for this reason, an employer can be sued.

After his release, Ruslan first worked as a janitor, and then installed windows. Gradually he managed to move to more and more highly paid positions, and now he works as a truck driver in a large company.

However, the prison past makes itself felt. Firstly, Ruslan has all his friends from the zone. And secondly…

Ruslan, former prisoner:

Of course, few people return to normal life after prison. I myself have been in the wild for five years now. Probably, something in me clicked and changed, but I myself do not know what and how it will be tomorrow. Of course, there is no pull back, but there is a certain understanding: do not renounce. Sometimes adventurous. After all, it happens that people are doing well, and with one stroke they cross everything out - and again there. I believe that there is a certain dependence on prison, a habit; and many sit down again, just so as not to solve problems at liberty. In general, if there is rubbish in your head, then nothing will keep you free. No job, no beloved wife, nothing.

But Ruslan holds on, shows steadfastness. He came up with several rules that he tries to follow. Do not abuse alcohol, do not take drugs, sometimes understand yourself and analyze your actions. It is imperative to strive for something, set goals, albeit short-term. Avoid the temptation of easy money. And be sure to remember: even though prison does not scare you, no one will return you the time spent in prison.

"The wife was left waiting again and waited"

Andrey spent over 9 years in total. Came out a month ago. He began his criminal career, as he says, rather late - at the age of 30. It’s just that until some time everything went like people’s - I graduated from school, then went to production, got the profession of a locksmith, worked. The normal course of life was disrupted by drugs - Andrei began to steal.

Andrey, a former prisoner:

The first time they gave me 6 years for theft, but I served four and got out on parole. All this time, a family was waiting for me in the wild: a wife and a little daughter. He returned to them, but not for long - only for two years. Again drugs, he began to steal. They put me in jail again and got 5.5 years in prison. The wife again remained to wait and waited - thank her very much; people like her, still look.

Andrey is trying to find a job, but so far to no avail. He says that because of convictions, only low-paid work is offered. For example, a janitor for 15-18 thousand. In addition, Andrei was released with the replacement of punishment for corrective labor and now has to transfer 15% of his salary to the state. But he needs to feed his family.

In response to the appeal, the social assistance service says that there are no support measures for the prisoners. Except for food stamps. During the month of being at liberty, Andrei got the impression that the officials would be better off if the prisoners were not released at all. Less hassle.

"The most important thing that they gave me was understanding and faith in me"

Vasily spent almost 13 years in the colony. He was released 2 years ago. In 2002 he was 19 years old, he was professionally involved in sports: swimming and acrobatic rock and roll. He was the champion of Russia and a candidate for master of sports. In 2004, he was sentenced to 15 years in prison for the murder of his girlfriend's mother. Vasily does not consider himself guilty - he gave confessions under torture. His words were confirmed by the European Court of Human Rights, ruled to reconsider the case and issue compensation in the amount of 10.5 thousand euros. But the Russian authorities ignored the decision of the European court.

Naturally, Vasily did not develop relations with the colony staff. I thought there would be no freedom: they kill people like that.

Released after almost 13 years of imprisonment, Vasily seemed to find himself on another planet: new smells appeared, sounds that he had never felt or seen. Once there was a curious incident. Vasily was in a taxi and saw the driver talking to the phone. The taxi driver asked the device to show the route. Vasily laughed and asked the driver: "What do you think he will answer?" And the phone answered: "The route is built." Vasily's eyes widened.

Despite the long period and dramatic changes in life, Vasily did not have any difficulties with adapting to life in freedom. People who believed in Vasily helped. Plus, he knew he was innocent. An important role was played by the organization "Rus seated", which at first helped a lot.

Prison gives a serious tempering and teaches to control oneself in any, sometimes the most critical, situation. Two years ago, Vasily accidentally chopped off his right hand with a circular saw. He calmly looked at the bloody hand and thought: "So, now there is a painful shock, and when it passes, there will be an ass." With a severed hand, Vasily waited for an ambulance for 40 minutes and did not even bother anyone, did not draw attention to what had happened.

Despite 13 years in prison, moreover, spent from adolescence, and the misfortune that occurred two years ago, Vasily lives a full and interesting life.

Vasily, a former prisoner:

Soon he began to work as a winter kiting and windsurfing coach, joined the All-Russian Anti-Corruption Commission, entered the correspondence department of one of the St. Petersburg universities as a lawyer. I'm going to graduate with honors. In my opinion, the most important thing that they gave me was not just the opportunity to earn money and learn, but understanding and faith in me. I do not feel any neglect, or any other negative emotions: people say that they would never have thought that I served time: they are not similar.

Vasily notes that many prisoners who have been released become hostages of the prejudiced attitude towards them on the part of society. Human mistrust and unwillingness to understand a person, to believe in him prevents the prisoners from breaking the vicious circle. In the case of Vasily, fortunately, this turned out to be not the case, and now he can hardly remember his prison past.

Replies on the site: 3638 Conducts trainings: 5 Publications: 33 Show contacts Ask a question for free Hello, Ekaterina! If your husband did not sit, and also treated his daughter, as he is now, what would you attribute to him? I am against the physical application of spanking, especially at this age! But your patience surprises me ??? What I mean? Do you see all this and endure? Or is this how you think you are improving the situation? As you can see - no! On the contrary! It is important for you to realize that the feeling that you suppress or ignore in yourself is exponentially manifested in it and, of course, unconsciously! Your suppressed anger or anger, which does not manifest itself, is felt by him, but it is important to learn how to manifest it competently - constructively! How? To speak on my own behalf, as an example, that I am angry when I see that they are beating small children, as it can be dangerous for them ...

Life in the zone: the rules of prison life

More professional tools are used today. Due to the unsanitary conditions that are present during the process of drawing on the body, prisoners run the risk of getting serious infectious diseases.
Prohibited Items Living in a prison is a serious test for a prisoner. In order not to conflict with the administration, it is necessary to know the rules of conduct in prison.
In our article you can find out which items should in no case be in the possession of a prisoner. Inspectors for supervision on a mandatory basis confiscate prohibited items from convicts.
These include drugs, telephones, alcohol and weapons. If a forbidden item was found on a prisoner, he is placed in a punishment cell for an indefinite period.

After that, life in the zone for the intruder turns into a series of tests. Prison production items Most of the convicts work in the zone.

Is it true that people in prison change?

As a rule, it is drunk by inmates who do not want to go to bed. It should be noted that on the territory of the prison, in no case should you steal.

In the zone, such people are called rats. As a rule, such prisoners are subjected to constant violence and humiliation. Tattooing in a prison setting. Past and Reality Not everyone can stand life in the zone.

The reality is shocking. In fact, there is unsanitary conditions and lawlessness in the colonies. As we said earlier, almost every prisoner has a tattoo on his body. Is this procedure safe in a prison setting? You can find out this and much more with our article. In Soviet times, getting a tattoo in the zone was extremely dangerous. Ink or carbon black was used as paint. Instead of a needle, which, by the way, is a prohibited item, they used staples from notebooks.

Have you ever been in prison, if so, tell us how it was?

Traumatic consequences in her psychological development are quite possible. You need to talk to your husband, you do not need to endure (although in your situation I do not know where the danger zone begins).

Perhaps in your city there is a psychological center for dealing with domestic violence, ask for help there. Take care of yourself, please, I am very concerned about your letter.


All the best to you. Psychologist Almaty Was online: 14 days ago Replies on the site: 2703 Provides trainings: 4 Publications: 2 Show contacts Ask a question for free Hello, Ekaterina! I understand how family is important for you and your husband (with difficult life stories for everyone). And like you both have a lot of difficulties and little experience in creating it.

The husband was in prison for 15 years. it affects the family

However, if a prisoner who is being held in a punishment cell is studying in a general education school or other educational institution, he will not be taken out for training during his stay in the punishment cell. He has the right to have textbooks in order to study the material on his own.


Persons who are in custody in Kandeya do not have the right to receive letters and parcels, in addition, they cannot go on due dates, get married, or spend money on food. The conditions of detention in this place are as strict as possible.

So, we examined the decoding of the punishment cell and the history of its origin. Consider the order of placement in it. The procedure for placement in a punishment cell Why can they be expelled to a punishment cell? Kandei can be expelled for violations of the detention regime. This is an extreme measure that is used in relation to prisoners. It is applied at the discretion of the administrator.

Can a former prisoner be a normal family man?

Thanks to them, if you are convicted, you can quickly adapt to the zone and preserve your physical and mental health as much as possible. Features of communication in prison Few people know, but in prison there are rules for communication between convicts. If a beginner does not comply with them, then he runs the risk of falling into the caste of socially unadapted. As a rule, criminal authorities do not perceive such convicted persons and humiliate them every day. First of all, you need to remember a few features. In no case say thank you and offended on the territory of the prison.

It is also forbidden to use profanity. This is not accidental, because you can accidentally offend a person respected in prison and thus lower your authority. It is also worth noting that all inmates in the prison use jargon.

It is for this reason that at first it will be quite difficult for a newcomer to understand what his cellmates are talking about. If you have entered the zone through your own or someone else's fault, then we strongly recommend that you follow the prison rules. Thanks to this, you can earn authority. Prison tattoos It's no secret that convicts often get tattoos on their bodies. Few people know, but each drawing has a different meaning. Prison tattoos allow you to learn more about the views on the life of a particular convict. You can find their detailed transcript in our article.

It is not uncommon for prisoners to see a five-dot tattoo on their arm. Typically, it is stuffed at the base of the thumb.

Such a tattoo is a kind of symbol that indicates that a person was in prison. The most popular prison tattoos are epaulettes.
This question will torment him for life and will want to take revenge. If, of course, in prison, when he was there he began to work, he came out with a large amount of money, then the person would become a little easy.

And if an aggressive person is released from prison without money, without a home, how he will react, he will be like mad for life, he does not care, he has already lost everything. This is a very dangerous situation for a person. True, they are changing, but not all for the worse.

Some are becoming more cautious, and most are more aggressive. Do you know the answer? 0 need help? See also: Chubais proposes to raise the price of gas and electricity, what is your attitude? Which is more humane: the death penalty or life imprisonment? Is the death penalty for? or against? Will Tymoshenko go to jail? Which country has the most prisoners? Do you agree with A.

It would be helpful for your family to consult with a psychologist to understand the consequences of adult behavior for children, in order to expand the number of ways to communicate with children and with each other, and for your husband to learn how to cope with anger. Good luck! Nikitina Marina Dmitrievna Psychologist Almaty At this time, this psychologist does not answer the questions of site visitors. You can ask other psychologists Ekaterina, I understood from the letter that there is no violence and scandals in your relationship with your husband.

And all that worries you is his attitude towards children? If everything is so, and you are only worried about the husband's overly emotional reaction to the child's behavior, inappropriate to the situation (that is, too much anger at any little thing), then most likely this indicates that he is transferring the anger addressed to you to the child.

They say that they do not exclude themselves from the bag and from the prison. Nevertheless, most Russians have a negative attitude towards people who have ever served time. They are often feared and disliked. The editors decided to refute this stereotype. We talked with a person whom we once visited “places not so remote” and decided to find out whether the former prisoners should really be feared. Let's say right away that our interlocutor did not answer all the questions willingly, he says, "It's hard to remember, and it's useless."

VG: Alexey, hello! Tell us, was it difficult for you in the first time after prison?

Alexey: I served three years in prison, got stupidly. Yes, without a bazaar, it was difficult. You served time - and had to improve. Well, according to the law, everything is there. And when he went out, he couldn't get a job. My carpenter crusts that I got on the zone are not very helpful. So, if only in some private office. In large organizations, they immediately give up. I was in prison - that means unreliable, that means bad, that means a criminal. And the fact that I realized and understood my mistakes is not important to them. The main thing is the stamp, the stigma.

VG: Has the attitude of your friends and relatives changed towards you?

Alexey: Well, how has it changed. Mother is sacred to me. Every time she brought me parcels, wrote letters. A mother will never abandon her child, no matter what. The rest of the relatives fenced me off from themselves. Well, let's meet at the funeral. I'll have a few words with them, and that's it. Further I see that they are avoiding me.

VG: How do acquaintances treat when they hear that you were sitting?

Alexey: Yes, in different ways. In fact, most of my acquaintances are now sitting on their own. I went out early. No, of course, our boys were free. Supported. I don't even know what to answer you. It seems not strong.

VG: Those who have never been to prison wonder if it is really so scary there - beatings, humiliation?

Alexey: It depends on how you get there. If you are a normal guy, and your head is okay, then you can get a job there too. The main thing is to think with your head.

VG: What was the most difficult thing in prison?

Alexey: The fact that those close to me turned away from me was the hardest thing. Mother, of course not, but my father is not the same as before. The girl first came, then stopped. I conveyed through my mother that she didn’t want to deal with the prisoner. It was also hard that you could not go where you want to go. I went fishing every weekend or went somewhere else to the zone.

VG: What are your plans for the future?

Alexey: I want to find a normal job. Maybe I’ll go north on watch. You have to earn money somehow.

VG: Do you think people should really be afraid of former prisoners?

Alexey: Of course, there are lawless people who can attack or something, but there are enough of those among those who have not been convicted. The prisoners do not touch ordinary people, not by concept.

The former prisoner spoke about the order among thieves, men, snubs and lowered

It is not for nothing that they say: "Do not renounce your wallet and prison." It is unlikely that someone purposefully wants to go to places "not so remote", but, unfortunately, this sometimes happens. A former prisoner from Chernigov who was released a month ago, 25-year-old Andriy Martynenko, told the journalists of the Internet portal about the order and manners behind the barbed wire.

Andrey, how did you end up in jail?
A classmate came to me. He said that he was offended by his stepfather, who drunk deeply and made scandals. We met with friends and offered to teach my stepfather a lesson. There were three of us. But my classmate did not agree to this option. Then I offered to steal his scooter from my stepfather in order to somehow "annoy" him. This idea was supported by all.
He also gave the keys to the gate and the garage, and the three of us stole a scooter. One of his comrades took him to his garage, and then tried to sell it. He didn't tell us anything about it. But he was caught by the police while trying to sell, "pressed" and he turned all the arrows at me.
When I was already at the police station, I did not deny anything. And there was no point. I agreed with the police that I would tell you how it all happened, but on condition that the accomplices were not touched. Well, firstly, it’s not typical for decent people to hand over his own people, and secondly, he didn’t pull the “locomotive”, because a group crime would have been given a longer sentence.
As a result, the court announced a term of 3.5 years under Article 185 of the Criminal Code.

How did you feel when you arrived at the detention center? Where did you serve your sentence?
There were no particular emotions. No fear, no excitement. I already talked with the former inmates, so I approximately understood what was waiting for me and how I should behave.
At first he spent several months in the Chernihiv Central, then transferred to Sumy.
When already on the spot in the camp they were assigned to a cell, they came to me and said that the “overseer” wanted to talk to me. The overseer asked if there were any bad deeds behind me. (In the original it reads: "Is there a nasty or a damn thing behind you?"). "Fucking" - betrayed someone, laid him (for example, during a joint crime, when he was caught - he laid a comrade). “Disgusting” - you live decent, but in fact you are not decent (for example, you kept silent that you were a homosexual).

How many people are in the cell?
There are many barracks with "khatami" (cells) in the prison. "Huts" for 4,8,10,15 people. There are different barges. With workers, thieves, etc. If a prisoner wants to work, then he is sent to a barrack with workers. If there is no desire to work (no one forces you to work), then in some other.
I first went to the workers. It was there for a year, glued the bottom in bags. You can work as long as you want. You can work from 9 am to 12 am. But they pay very little. For one sealed bag - 2 kopecks. If you manage to earn money for a pack of cigarettes for 5-6 hryvnias per day, that is good.

Tell us about the hierarchy of prisoners in places of deprivation of will. What is the attitude towards each of the castes?

The highest suit is “thieves”. The most authoritative prisoners. Many people know them in prison, city, country. They solve serious matters, they can resolve conflicts, keep the common fund, etc. The thieves live "by their notions", usually they even take pride in being sent to prison. Since you can climb the hierarchical ladder of thieves only if you have a deadline. For them, the prison is a familiar place.
"Guys" is a respectable suit among prisoners. A man is one who lives decently, mostly people who went to prison for the first time and by accident. For example, he killed someone in the moment of self-defense. Or he committed some crime out of stupidity or intoxicated. To be a man, you just need to be a decent person. Do not commit actions that are prohibited and do not have bad deeds behind your back.
"Shnyri". These are those behind whom there are bad deeds. Somewhere he handed over someone, somewhere he snitched, etc. They do not do business with the "shnyrs". You can talk to them, but you cannot code, take a cigarette or something else from a sniper.
The "omitted" are the lowest caste in prison. They have their own cell, they do not go anywhere except to the "dalnyak" (toilet), and do not touch anything. When an ordinary prisoner walks along the continuation, the lowered one must stand under the wall so as not to accidentally touch the prisoner. They do the dirtiest work, flush the toilet after others, clean the closets, etc. Everything that is shown in films about the rape of prisoners and the like is a long forgotten story. Now there is no such thing.

How are those who are guilty punished? For example, those who could not pay off their card debt.
It so happens that they are played at cards. In this case, if there is nothing to pay with, some take the risk and steal from their own. When a "rat" is found, he is taken to the cells and the prisoners beat him on the fingers and hands with a stool or similar things. Naturally, this can no longer be called a "man".
They can "put on balls" such an owed person. This means that a person will constantly stand at the door and look through the peephole, watch if the police are coming. This is necessary in order to have time to hide all prohibited items in the event of an unscheduled check.
There are times when "men" were played at cards. And there was no opportunity to repay the debt. So, in order not to spoil a person's life, the thieves paid off the debt of the "muzhik". Then he was “banned” from playing.
If it was not possible to pay off the debt within the agreed timeframe (the deadline for repaying the debt is negotiated before the game), then you can lose your status of a "man".
30% of the game goes to the common fund.

What is the daily routine in prison? What about nutrition?
Wake up at 6 in the morning. About 15 minutes are given to wash and tidy up. Then everyone goes out, for 5-10 minutes, outside to breathe fresh air, after which everyone goes back to the barrack. And then everyone does whatever they want.
There are about 100 people in the barracks. There are several cells in which the prisoners are kept. The cameras are open, you can walk to others, communicate. You can even go out on the street without permission.
They are fed 3 times a day. 8:30, 14:00, 18:00. Time for food is 15 minutes. They were fed various cereals, potatoes, meat was rarely given. In general, food for the prison is brought in in sufficient quantities and of normal quality, but everything is taken by the people who work in the kitchen. It is quite possible to buy this food or exchange it for something. For example, a pack of cigarettes can be exchanged for a can of canned meat. That can of stew, which is intended for prisoners and is muddied by employees of the administration.
In the common barrack there is a tile on which you can cook food. Food is prepared from products that are passed on by relatives or friends.
The food that is transferred is kept in refrigerators. There are such refrigerators that not every home has one.

Were there any extreme cases during the detention period?
Yes they were. The caretaker was killed. Everyone went to dinner, and when they returned, the caretaker was already dead. I do not know who did it and why, but such a case took place.

What about the tradition of drinking chefir?
You can cheat every day. This drink requires approximately 3 boxes of tea. It is brewed for 3-5 minutes, filtered and you can drink. It gives an invigorating effect, but it spoils the teeth very much. One tooth was already pulled out because of the chifir. And three more must be deleted.
It is customary for "decent" people to drink chifir once a week, getting together and chatting. But it is impossible, in any case, to cheat "decent" with the lower castes.

How are things going with prohibited items? Phones, alcohol, drugs?
Officially, telephones, alcohol and drugs are prohibited. Certain foods are also banned. But if there is money or "the broom is suspended" (sociability, the ability to communicate effectively), then you can always agree. Telephones, alcohol, drugs - the prisoners had all this. The main thing is not to get caught with such items when checking. Before purchasing a mobile phone, it is imperative to ask permission from the "overseer" (the main prisoner and authority in the barracks).
And all these things get into the zone in different ways. Starting from throwing over the fence while walking around the perimeter, and ending with an agreement with the police working in the camp. Money matters a lot.

Why do prisoners need mobile phones?

Each is different. Thieves to decide matters at liberty, other prisoners, to call relatives and friends. Well, also decide your personal questions.

What absolutely must not be done in the zone?
You can't swear. Not a single mate or just an insulting word should not sound. Because every word will need to be substantiated. He sent a person in three letters, which means he counted him as omitted. Only omitted ones can be sent. In other cases, it is necessary to justify by presenting. If you could not, then you will have to answer for your words. Although fights are prohibited, it is allowed to beat the guilty ones. Plus, you can easily lose the suit for this.
Everything needs to be explained in human language and communicated culturally. They live in order in prison. Therefore, you need to carefully choose your words and "follow the bazaar."
Stealing from one's own people is also severely punished. Cooperation with the administration is not encouraged.
It is undesirable to say whatever is horrible, lie, invent, etc. Otherwise, you can be considered a balabol.

Were there any cases when a prisoner had to have problems because of his tattoo, the meaning of which in the zone has some kind of interpretation?

I heard that one of the influential thieves "signed that there is no demand for the suit." Now young people are stuffing themselves with different tattoos. This is modern culture. Although, I think that if someone gets to the old school convicts, they can make them responsible for the tattoo. But during my stay "behind the fence" there were no such cases.
It still depends on the regime. I was serving time in a maximum security prison. In high-security prisons, everything is much more serious. There, people have 3-5 walks on average. And where I was serving time - only first-movers, mostly.

What are the features of the enhanced mode?

The enhanced mode is more loyal. More order and less chaos. Nobody rapes or beats anyone (only in cases when a person deserves it, no one has the right to just hit a person).
There was a case when prisoners were contacted from the outside. They asked to "put down" one inmate who had raped a 7-year-old girl. Or just make his prison life miserable. But no one agreed, since no one has the right to do this.

What is the attitude of the authorities towards prisoners?

Constantly crushing. The administration wants to live according to their order. I was beaten a couple of times. There was a time when charging was introduced. Those who agree with the innovation can no longer be called "men". Since they "go under the administration." Automatically go to "shnyri".
So those who refused to go to exercise, were taken to the "duty room" and kicked with truncheons on their legs. And so on several times. If even after that the prisoner resists, then he is put "in a pit" (a special room 2 by 2 meters, where there are only bunks, which are lowered only for the night). They are planted on the "pit" first for 5, 10 and 15 days.
They didn’t beat me for that, as I’m disabled. But for other disobedience it was necessary to receive from the administration. And some were beaten so that they were ready to commit suicide.
There was a case when I spoke to my superiors in “you”. For this he received.

How many times can a prisoner be visited?

Long visits are allowed once every three months. The date lasts three days. You can spend three days with your mother or wife.
Regular visits are allowed every day for two hours. You can also receive transmissions every day. Anyone who has money lives perfectly in prison. Food, mobile phone, other things, exemption from some duties, etc. All this is there. There were inmates who simply allocated a decent amount for the "common fund" and lived quietly and calmly without worrying about anything.

What needs is the "common fund" used for? How is it formed?
"Common fund" is formed by prisoners. Everyone contributes to the common fund what they can: money, cigarettes, household items, etc. There are simply prisoners who do not have relatives or have, but they live very far away and they do not have the opportunity to come or make a transfer.
Where can such people get these things? They have no soap, no toothbrushes, no razors. All this is taken from the common fund. "Obshchak" is held by the "beholder".
Everyone puts in what they can. There are no mandatory contributions. Everything, if possible and according to conscience. We are all human and should help each other.

How to earn credibility in the zone?

First of all, you need to be decent and so that there are no "jambs" behind the person. You need to communicate with thieves, show interest. Help people, if possible, somehow replenish the "common fund". It is advisable to visit the "holy places", for example, the "pit".

Can you trust someone while in prison?

No. You can only trust yourself.

What causes conflicts in prison and how are they resolved?
Since everyone understands that you will have to live with people for a long time and you need to somehow reconcile with everyone, conflicts rarely arise. Conflicts are resolved by "thieves". They ask you to clarify the situation and state your vision of who is right and who is not. And then, after listening to both sides, they make a decision.
I had a case when I hit one prisoner. When I drove into the "hut", there was an inmate who was building a "watchman of the hut" (the main one in the cell). There were just some grandfathers, so he took unofficial power over them. He began to say something to me, tried to dictate his own rules. Well, I put it in his jaw. Because in the "hut" - everyone is equal, this is the order.
He complained to the thieves that I, they say, hit, violated the order. Five thieves came to our "hut" and told me that this should not happen again. And then, when they left our "hut", they laughed at this guy. Because he lives as a "man", and runs to knock on the thieves that someone hit him.

What contingent is in prison? What are the deadlines for people?
All sorts of people are in prison: for theft, drugs, for murder. The maximum term is 15 years. There were two grandfathers with me in the "hut". Both are for murder.
One grandfather's granddaughter brought a guy home, and he was drunk. This guy had something pereklinit and he began to rush at his grandfather, shouting "I will kill you", began to choke. Grandfather went to the kitchen, grabbed a knife and stabbed it once. Once was enough to kill. My grandfather was given 7 years for this murder. They would have given more, but the case was qualified as self-defense.
The second grandfather has a slightly different situation. There was a resident at his entrance who constantly clung to him. Well, the grandfather once broke down and stabbed this neighbor with a knife. I killed. They were given 12 years.

Red and black zone, how is it?

The red zone is the area where the administration controls everything. Where order is observed, there are no forbidden things, where everyone works and behaves obediently. The black zone is the opposite. I was sitting in the black zone.

And finally, advice to those who have come to places not so distant. How to behave?
Since it happened so, then you shouldn't worry and worry. The people in the zone are the same as in the wild. You need to be a decent person in life and then there will be no problems. If a person lives in freedom with dignity, then there should be no problems. It is advisable not to lie. It is better to always tell the truth as it is. Because a lot of fellow countrymen come who may know the truth about a person. It's important to watch your words. If you don’t know something or are not sure, then it’s better not to say. Although it is better not to get there.

And in conclusion, I wish all the "men" an apron and suit, and all the best.

Alexander Skorik

Greetings to you dear readers of my blog. Sasha Bogdanova is on the air.

The topic today is not a pleasant one, but it also needs to be discussed.

I think everyone understands that prison changes people and their future life outside the barbed wire. But what exactly is happening, what is changing, why is changing and the main thing is "how to live further?"

We will talk about this today. Including how the prison changed me and my life.

Although I have spent some part of my life outside my will, this does not mean that I will now shout that everyone is sitting there for nothing, that all are saints, and our justice puts innocent angels in cages.

No. In no way, I am not going to defend and justify each and every one. But all the same I want to say that People are there too. And after all, no one is immune from prison, so before judging someone, people should look into themselves.

How did this happen to me? Here are some of my thoughts and there is also a link to my story. Of course, not everything is told in it, but there is an answer to the question "how did it happen".

The rest I will tell on the pages of my blog. What for?" such revelations - I will explain this later. Another thing I want to say - I am not proud of my past, but I am not ashamed of it either, this is my life.

How a prison can cripple the psyche of a completely sane person

Of course, if a person ended up in places of detention, then this already suggests that he most likely had mental problems before what happened. After all, for some reason, he committed a crime.

Is that so?

Unfortunately, it often happens that desperate people end up in prison. So, for example, it was with me. And it is by personal example that I will draw conclusions and talk about them.

I saw a lot of people there, different ... and probably 95-97% of all those who were sitting either come back or live their usual prison life in freedom. And the years spent without freedom are remembered as an adventure, just like yesterday's drunkenness is remembered. They get high on what heroes they are.

I do not understand.

Environment and fear

Getting to where there is a lot of evil, aggression and dirt around, it is very difficult to remain human. You are constantly on your toes. One careless word or action can make it even more unbearable to sit further.

For example, I remember when they closed me for the first time (even before the trial), my inmates almost threw me out of the cell just because I did not know the “rules” of being “in the hut”.

And how the hell was I supposed to know how and what is "accepted" there? In the end, everything was explained (explained) and then I was already more careful, and no one else nagged at me and until the first release I sat “normally”.

And it doesn't matter who is next to you, be it murderers or petty thieves, the attitude towards people becomes different and free. You are no longer so trusting, cautious and withdrawn. Of course, this is not about everyone.

Do not judge, but you will not be judged

Society also plays an important role in later life. Whoever whispers quietly behind his back, and who says directly in the eyes that you are not worthy of their "high society", you are now a waste and an object for malicious ridicule.

Once, after my release, I met an acquaintance and he with such a grin "Ha ... Well, how is it in prison?" I just walked by. And after a while I found out that he was imprisoned.

And guess what I said to him, or rather what question did I ask during a chance meeting after his release? Yes, that's right: "Well, how is it in prison?"

If you are a youngster, then all schools turn away from you, if you are an adult, then you may not count on a normal job. “Friends” turn their backs, and many also turn away from relatives.

I will discuss all these consequences in the following parts. I'll tell you how to live on when the whole world seems unfair. I will tell you how to help a loved one if a trouble has happened to him.

Prison atmosphere can break anyone

You fall into these walls and your world changes in the very first minutes. And not only the external world, but also the internal one. Consciousness completely refuses to understand what is happening to you.

For example, in such a punishment cell, I spent my first day (not counting the previous days at the IVS)

Only the "window" was not that big. More precisely, he was not there at all. And there was only one shelf. And the walls are exactly the same. Well, the atmosphere ... Do not try to imagine yourself in these eerie four walls.

They put pressure on the psyche of anyone. And if this is a teenager, with still a childish psyche, who got into somewhere and got here, then there is a high probability that he will return home embittered all over the world.

Here you sit, the walls crush, thoughts torment, despair and fear of the unknown. You start to hate the whole world. Then myself. Then the whole world again.

Then you go into the cell and that's it ... Your life has changed, whether you like it or not.

Even the bins are the same. Brr.

I’m friends for today to finish my thoughts. I'd better go dive into my kids and household chores. This topic has loaded me 🙁

PS / Why am I sharing my past?

I am a simple person, just like you, he and she ... And like any of you, events are happening in my life. Various. Maybe similar to yours, but maybe not. But the fact that they are all related to each other - you will understand after reading my story.

And I really want to believe that by “closing the last page” of my revelations, you will never again say with contempt the words: “she’s a lesbian,” “stay away from her - she was sitting,” “drugs, a clinic, but this is the dregs of society, in our family she has no place, we are above this. "

I have personally encountered such an attitude and I will say that it is not very pleasant.

Although I myself have gone through all this for a long time and would not even remember anything, because I have been living a different life for a long time. But when you are reminded (be it people or echoes) ... it's hard to stay silent.

Friends, the main goal is to convey to the "high" society, i.e. to humanity as a whole, that you should never judge people for their past, even if it was "yesterday."

And more importantly. I want people to learn not to give up! After all, many break down precisely because they are not understood, stones are thrown at them and are not considered a person.

Whatever happens, whatever "g" you have to visit (even if you yourself are to blame for getting into this "g"), never give up on yourself! Never stop believing in yourself.

You don't need to prove anything to anyone. Just be yourself and always be human!

© You are not a bad person at all, you are a very good person with whom a lot of bad things happened, do you understand?

Moreover, the whole world is not divided into good and bad. Each has both a light and a dark side.

The main thing is which one you chose. It defines everything. - Joanne Rowling

To be continued...

Video from the project "Live".

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By the way, look, this is a new life, the life where I am happy!) I did it when my first daughter was born - 9 years ago!

Always with you, Sasha Bogdanova