Mature skin care. Age properties of facial skin to be considered when choosing care Skin care for different ages

Those who claim that young skin does not need care are wrong - you need to start caring for facial skin from a very young age, almost from childhood, and then with age, you will have to spend many times less effort and money on it. But if young skin is cleansed and moisturized in a timely manner (of course, if there are no special problems with it), then at an older age, the skin needs more and more additional nutrition, it will need tonic, anti-aging, regenerating care.

In order to properly care for the skin of the face at a particular age, it is necessary to understand what changes are typical for it at 25, and which at 50. Let's figure it out?

After 25 years.

What's happening?

It is sad to admit, but it is after 25 years that the aging process begins in the female skin. First of all, this is expressed in the fact that its ability to retain moisture deteriorates, and it becomes drier. Of course, this process is not as intense as at 40, but it is at 25 that you need to start supporting procedures that will help you avoid (or delay as far as possible) the appearance of wrinkles, peeling, and thinning of the skin in the future. As a result of some hormonal changes, at this age, the structure of the skin may also begin to change: it becomes more oily in the T-zone, begins to lose elasticity and firmness. They can cause trouble and traces of youthful acne (post-acne), which also need to be able to properly deal with.

What to do?

In order to keep a young, fresh look as long as possible, you will have to try. So, it is extremely undesirable to stay in the sun for a long time without special protective cosmetics (and it is better not to sit under the sun for a long time with it). This advice applies to all women (not just twenty-five-year-olds) - after all, everyone knows how negatively ultraviolet affects the condition of the skin! Proper cosmetics will help maintain a normal water balance (more on this below), daily use of thermal water, as well as drinking plenty of water throughout the day and a “healthy” diet.

At the age of 25, you already need to start monitoring your facial expressions: too frequent and intense stretching of the skin will inevitably lead to its sagging, wrinkles will begin to appear. A great option is to start doing special gymnastics for the face, apply contrasting washes, light massage.

Some cosmetologists advise starting from the age of 25 to think about serious salon procedures, such as hyaluronic acid injections or mesotherapy. Do not rush - up to 30 - 35 years old, the skin is able to "work" on its own resources. The same applies to cosmetics with an "anti-age" effect. In terms of salon procedures, for now, you can limit yourself to peelings and cleansing, moisturizing masks and massages.

Proper care.

The skin, of course, without fail needs cleansing. By the age of 25, you need to completely abandon washing with soap - there is no need to overdry the skin once again. Various foams and gels for washing containing natural oils and plant extracts work well. It is also worth giving up alcohol tonics - it is better to tone the skin with natural, natural means, make compresses from decoctions of medicinal herbs, wipe your face with ice cubes from them. Check that your moisturizer contains useful vitamins (C, E, A, P), phytoestrogens. You can enhance care with the help of serums that stimulate the production of collagen in the skin, a couple of times a week it is worth pleasing your face with moisturizing masks. You definitely need to choose a good cream for the skin around the eyes - its aging occurs most quickly.

After 30 years.

What's happening?

Regeneration processes in skin cells after 30 years of age slow down dramatically, an insufficient amount of collagen and elastin is produced, the lipid layer becomes thinner, while the horny one, on the contrary, thickens. Due to the deterioration in the supply of tissues with blood and oxygen, the complexion worsens, and due to a decrease in muscle tone, the skin sags and wrinkles appear. In general, the skin can become even more dry, porous, dull, and “crow's feet” almost inevitably appear near the eyes.

What to do?

The main thing is not to get upset and not give up. Comprehensive, thorough care will help you look great! We will not repeat the advice about sun protection - it is suitable for any age. It is very important after 30 years to adhere to a proper balanced diet, drink enough fluids (but do not abuse it so that there is no swelling), minimize alcohol consumption and, of course, do not smoke (and not even be in a smoky room), get enough sleep. After 33 - 35 years, it's time for anti-aging creams to appear on the cosmetics shelf.

After 30 years, it is highly desirable to visit a beautician every couple of months, at this age it is quite possible to resort to the first serious salon cosmetic procedures. Lymphatic drainage massage, mesotherapy, biorevitalization, ozone therapy, deep peels - the cosmetologist will advise which of the procedures will best help to deal with existing problems. After 35 years, you can think about injections of Botox and / or hyaluronic acid. By the way, some cosmetologists believe that at the age of 30-35 it is worth giving up mimic gymnastics and self-massage, or at least doing them as carefully as possible.

Proper care.

The traditional stages of skin care - cleansing, toning, moisturizing - have not been canceled, but now you need to add nutrition to them. Creams - both day and night - should become more intense, their composition, in addition to vitamins, should include coenzyme Q10, biostimulants, amino acids. You can add a lifting serum to your daily care, which will help activate the production of collagen and refresh the skin. Nourishing and moisturizing masks after 30 years can be done twice a week, after 35 - up to three times.

After 40 years.

What's happening?

At the age of 40, the physiological aging of the body becomes more and more clearly visible on the face. Cellular activity slows down even more, the processes of destruction of the structural elements of the dermis accelerate, decay products are slower and not completely excreted from the body, the skin does not receive enough nutrients. As a result, the skin loses its elasticity even more, sags, becomes flabby, in addition to wrinkles, dark circles appear under the eyes, nasolabial folds appear, skin porosity increases, pigmentation, spider veins may appear.

What to do?

As cosmetologists say, by the age of 40 a woman gets the skin she deserves, that is, her condition depends on the quality of previous care. But even the most well-groomed facial skin after 40 years needs even more attentive, more intensive care. Proper nutrition becomes even more important, it is imperative to include fish and seafood, fresh fruits and vegetables in the daily menu, and it is also very desirable to regularly drink a course of vitamins, breathe more fresh air.

In addition to the standard cleansing, toning, moisturizing and nutrition, for which now it is definitely necessary to use only high-quality anti-aging cosmetics (possibly including hormones), after 40 years it is absolutely impossible to do without a constant visit to a beauty salon and intensive cosmetic procedures. RF-lifting, contouring with fillers, mesotherapy, biorevitalization, photothermolysis work real miracles. The only disadvantage of these effective procedures is that their action does not last very long (up to 8 - 12 months), and they cost a lot.

Proper care.

By the age of 40, every woman clearly shows her weaknesses: someone has more pronounced nasolabial folds and sags the lower part of the face, someone suffers from age spots and rosacea, for someone the main problem is wrinkles around the eyes and overhanging eyelids . Naturally, in addition to full-fledged basic care, additional attention should be paid to your problem areas.

Do not neglect a variety of cosmetics: use a variety of creams (moisturizing, nourishing, tightening, and regenerating), special serums, masks, compresses and wipes (from medicinal herbs). The composition of anti-aging cosmetics must necessarily include fruit acids, hyaluronic acid, plant extracts, whitening components. Perhaps (after consulting with a cosmetologist) you should pay attention to the means, which include stem cells. Preparations with a snail secret have also proven themselves to be excellent.

After 50 years.

What's happening?

Irreversible hormonal changes that occur in the female body at the turn of 40-50 years (menopause) lead to the fact that all the destructive processes described above are even more activated, acquiring an avalanche-like character. To wrinkles, flabbiness and dullness of the skin, to increased porosity and rosacea, senile age spots, the appearance of facial hair, excessive dryness of the skin (parchment skin) are added. In addition, those cosmetics that used to be effective and bring instant results, now act less intensively.

What to do?

Even if until the age of 50 you miraculously managed to maintain an excellent appearance without the help of a beautician, at this age it is, alas, almost impossible. On the other hand, you should be glad that modern cosmetology allows you to look no worse even at 50 than at 35 without surgery! RF-lifting, biorevitalization, mesotherapy, various fillers, mesothreads, photorejuvenation, deep peels and other procedures come to the aid of older women. Naturally, the most thorough daily care, proper nutrition and an active lifestyle are also important. But self-massage is now contraindicated - only a beautician can perform this procedure, otherwise there is a risk of finally stretching the skin. Instead, more attention should be paid to daily (perhaps even twice a day) compresses based on healing decoctions.

Proper care.

After 50, you should definitely forget about using ordinary tap water for washing - herbal decoctions in liquid or frozen form are better suited for this. Creams used every day should contain a maximum of active substances, retinol, hyaluronic acid, amino acids, polysaccharides, elastin, vitamin complexes, etc. It is also necessary to use lifting serums and various masks (some can even be done every other day).

mature skin has initial signs of chronological aging. Visible physiological changes characteristic of mature skin, including increased dryness, reduced elasticity and firmness, the appearance of age spots, deep and mimic wrinkles, visible capillaries, bags under the eyes.

The desire of every woman is to always be young, sexy and attractive. In order to always look young, in adulthood, proper body care is required, and a woman's appearance requires special attention. To stay young as long as possible, it is necessary to carry out age-related facial skin care. Examining themselves in the mirror every day, it is difficult for girls to notice minor changes in their appearance, therefore, it is difficult to track that transitional moment when the skin will require close attention to itself. Cosmetologists distinguish four types of skin aging at this stage of rapid development:

  • The dermis of the face and neck becomes not so smooth and elastic.
  • There is a deformation of the cover on the face and neck, the overhanging eyelid and the second chin stand out clearly.
  • A lot of mimic, thin, but rather deep wrinkles appear near the eyes, corners of the mouth and neck.
  • There is aging in people with muscles, which is not typical for Russians, but is typical for Asians.

Characteristics of mature skin

Common signs that are characteristic of any type are the appearance of small wrinkles on the forehead, on the nasolabial fold, in the corners of the mouth, under the nose, and so on throughout the female appearance. Mimic wrinkles appear in those areas that are more subject to movement: near the mouth, nose, between the eyebrows. Over time, beautiful female eyes begin to cover the overhanging eyelid. The neck becomes more flabby and less elastic, wrinkles may appear, a thin circulatory network stands out brighter.

An interesting fact of a striking contradiction can be considered a change in the quality of the skin: if in youth the dermis was oily, then over the years it gradually dries up. Due to the age predominance of the male body in the female body, hair growth above the upper lip increases, bags appear under the eyes. The face, hands, neck and décolleté area suffer the most from aging.

As a result, we can say that the skin of a woman suffers from aging the most and therefore requires the most care!

How to prevent skin aging?

Complete prevention of aging cannot be stopped, but it can be slowed down. In order to slow down the aging of the dermis, it is necessary to eat right, exercise regularly, do not apply a lot of cosmetics on the face, and also give the skin more rest, use only expensive and high-quality care. If it is not possible to buy high-quality cosmetics for care and restoration, then you should make your own masks from natural ingredients. The sun is also one of the opponents of the youth of the cover: although the skin is filled with vitamin D from exposure to the sun, wrinkles appear from the fact that we squint.

You can create a separate list of tips on how to keep the skin on your face youthful:

  • Use sunscreen, these can be:
  1. sprays,
  2. cream,
  3. foundations,
  4. makeup bases, etc.

You should also wear sunglasses, hats, stoles. This will not only protect the skin from the sun and its effects, but also create a certain style.

  • It is necessary to drink as much water as possible, it is water that is responsible for the firmness and elasticity of the skin. It is believed that it is normal to drink about 30 ml per 1 kg of its own weight of purified water, and not tea and juice. If you drink less, then the skin begins to dry and peel off. This means that there is not enough water to wash all the cells of the body and fill the white river of human life - lymph. At the slightest dehydration, the body takes the last fluid from the extreme layers of the tissue.
  • Stop smoking, as nicotine has a negative effect on the heart, blood vessels and the circulatory system as a whole. Smoking leads to a lack of oxygen in the body, which means that less blood passes through the vessels, the complexion acquires an earthy hue.
  • Lack of sleep is one of the main causes of tissue aging: during sleep, the human skin rests and smoothes, sleep prevents the appearance of bags and black circles under the eyes. If black circles at a young age do not affect the overall appearance of the face, then in adulthood it can develop into a chronic look. After that, no expensive drugs will give a guaranteed result in getting rid of this problem. Scientists have also proven that during sleep, the beauty hormone is produced in the female body, it is he who is responsible for making the skin shiny and radiant.
  • Vitamins in the body should be in abundance, they should not be in excess, this balance should be found. It is desirable to obtain vitamins from natural products, since not all pharmaceutical preparations correspond to the declared quality.
  • Proper nutrition is at the head of the excellent appearance and general well-being of any person. Fast food, sweets, soda have never been the key to clean and healthy skin. In purchased products, there are too many nitrates and all kinds of hormones that adversely affect the human body.
  • In order for the dermis to be always radiant, silky and smooth, stressful situations should be avoided. When a person is nervous, various hormones are produced in the body, due to the excess of which acne, rashes, wrinkles can appear on the upper layers of the tissue, and age spots may appear.
  • Physical exercise. Nothing can be said about the effect of physical education on the body. Everyone knows how important sport is for health.
  • A good mood, a positive outlook on life, will also help to always maintain excellent health. All these indicators during their regular use will diligently slow down the aging of cells.
  • Retinol is a derivative of vitamins A. It is retinol that helps cells regenerate faster, as well as keep skin tissues young and elastic.

According to the results of numerous studies, the leader of cosmetic rejuvenation is recognized

Proper care for aging skin

Mature skin care includes many step-by-step procedures:

  • cleansing,
  • toning,
  • moisturizing,
  • protection.

Many do not attach great importance to the care of aging facial skin - cleansing, considering this procedure to be very expensive. Although facial cleansing can be done both at home and in the salon.

At home, cleaning should be soft and careful, it is desirable to use special scrubs, peels. When choosing scrubs and peels, you should pay attention to the fact that the product does not “pull” moisture from the skin, but leaves it there. This procedure will help exfoliate dead skin from the face. After cleansing comes toning. You can activate the cover with the help of various anti-aging creams. Usually such products are made from natural ingredients:

  • grape seeds,
  • wheat germ.

Further, with proper care for mature facial skin, it is necessary to moisturize it. You can do this with the help of various natural, homemade masks. Thermal water will also have a positive effect: it will help to significantly saturate the upper tissues with water.

Now in specialized stores, pharmacies there is a large selection of high-quality moisturizers. To protect the face, you should use special creams for make-up, foundation creams, which have in their composition special substances that moisturize and protect the skin from the influence of the external environment.

It is worth paying attention to the fact that alcohol should not be included in aging skin care products, since alcohol dries it out. For an emergency return of the skin to its normal appearance, it is occasionally allowed to use a tightening cooling serum, which will return a healthy look.

Mature skin care after 30, 40, 50 years

After 30 years, women are seized by panic, their skin begins to age, fine wrinkles appear, this becomes a noticeable and unexpected fact. In order to look at all 19 after 30, you need to start adhering to a certain concept, and it is advisable to start adhering to these rules not after 30, but already at 19.

  • The first rule is deep cleansing of the area after a long sleep. During sleep, moisture is released from the sebaceous glands - toxins, and so that they do not remain on the face for the whole day, before evening cleansing, this procedure should be carried out in the morning. To do this, it is enough to have only a lotion that contains alcohol, it will help remove excess fat on the skin and a cream. Owners of dry tissue should not use lotion with alcohol: such a product will only destroy and dry the cells.
  • The second rule that should be followed after 30 years is removing makeup before going to bed. Do not go to bed if cosmetics remain, this can lead to dermatological problems. It is worth removing makeup with a foam or gel, then apply cream and go to bed to rest.

After 30 years, you need to start buying cosmetics with an indication of the age mark, such cosmetics will already contain the necessary substances. In this time period, they begin to make masks at home from natural ingredients. Such masks can be prepared from honey, lemon, milk, sour cream, etc.

After 40 years, care for the eyelids can be added to the above rules. It is after 40 that the impending eyelid becomes an urgent problem. You should choose a cream that can be used twice a day - in the morning and in the evening. It should consist of natural ingredients, have a cooling effect during application. After 40 years, the manifestation of pigments on the face is possible, so that this does not happen, white clay masks should be used. In order not to worry about the aging of the skin, it is advisable to have an examination by a dermatologist.

When applying makeup, you should also follow the tips, which means you should abandon the correctors for the face, as they create a burdensome effect on the fabric. Do not use blush, but use powder three shades lighter than foundation, this will help to correct facial features. The main rule is "everything in moderation."

After 50 years, you should abandon the daily application of makeup on the face, since the skin is no longer regenerated so quickly. It takes more time to recover. Change care - use only non-aggressive products.

Care for aging problem skin should be selected with the help of a dermatologist and cosmetologist.

Homemade face masks

Sometimes home care gives a much greater effect than salon care. Aging facial skin care can also be carried out with the help of homemade masks. The most effective masks:

  • dairy,
  • exfoliating,
  • anti-inflammatory.

For a milk mask, you only need fingertips and milk. Soak your fingertips in milk and massage the entire surface of your face. First from top to bottom, and then from bottom to top and around the eyes, mouth, nose. At the end, wipe the entire surface with cotton pads in the same movements. The milk mask is an excellent blood microstimulator.

An exfoliating mask helps to remove dead skin particles from the skin. It is carried out with the help of a scrub, preferably homemade, from coffee grounds, mashed potatoes + salt and a special cosmetic disc. With massaging movements, the scrub is rubbed over the entire surface of the face, then washed off with water or foam, gel, and at the end of the procedure, a soothing cream is applied to the face.

For an anti-inflammatory mask, mix cottage cheese with chamomile infusion to the state of fatty sour cream, apply on face and hold for 15 minutes. Then rinse and apply cream.

To preserve youth, aging skin does not require too much care, but this care should be of high quality and regular.

A woman wants to be attractive at any age. Therefore, from a young age, we pay much attention to our appearance and health.

Over the years, we develop useful beauty habits that are designed to preserve our youth and beauty. But age, alas, does not spare. Why it happens? You just need to take care of the skin of the face in accordance with the biological passport.

How much effort was spent on getting used to meeting a new day and seeing it off at the same time, taking at least seven hours a day to sleep every evening and pampering the skin with masks every weekend! And also - run in the morning, sweat three times a week in the gym, visit a beautician every month and a gynecologist once every six months. And is it all in vain? Not to be beautiful to us, despite the efforts made? Good habits not working? They work, beauty experts are sure. But when it comes to facial skin care, you need to adjust your beauty preferences every anniversary.

20 years

It seems strange, but the aging process of the body starts immediately after the birth of a person. But in cosmetology, the “point of no return” is called the age of 21 years. This is the period when we still do not see obvious changes on our face and body, but the risk of age spots, mimic wrinkles, thickening of the epidermis and vasodilation is already high.

What to do? First, turn off your facial expressions as much as possible. The habits of frowning your face, raising your eyebrows high in surprise, pouting your lips like a selfie, and wrinkling your nose when a colleague’s perfume doesn’t meet expectations are very difficult to classify as useful. All of them contribute to the deterioration of the skin condition and the early manifestation of age-related changes.

In order not to meet old age prematurely, choose cosmetics that match your age and skin type. Don't forget to follow the three important canons of beauty in skin care: cleansing, toning and moisturizing.

If the skin is oily, exclude alcohol lotions, use products with triclosan, salicylic and lactic acid. Never press at home, entrust acne treatment to a professional.

25 years

You look still fresh and youthful, but recovery processes in your skin are already slowing down, regeneration occurs with less dynamics, and the lipid layer of the skin begins to break down. Sunlight, surfactants, which are part of many beauty products, and deep cleansing preparations, cause tangible damage to the skin.

What to do? Take care of the protective barrier of your skin, purchase care products with SPF factor. And refrain from buying advertised anti-age cosmetics without the consent of a beautician. Such products certainly improve the condition of the skin, but to start using them prematurely means to subscribe to serious care from an early age. Your skin will begin to “lazy” and cease to perform its restorative functions, as a result, you will age faster.

If you already had to deal with “smile wrinkles” - skin creases in the lower part of the nasolabial folds, resort to, the result will last for several years. But superficial cosmetic peels will help to renew the condition of the skin.

30 years

Alas, wrinkles become visible to the naked eye. Small “scratches” under the eyes, creases in the corners of the eyes, wrinkles in the upper part of the lips, as well as uneven skin tone and the possible appearance of age spots, categorically indicate that youth is not eternal.

What to do? Moisturize, moisturize and re-hydrate your skin. It is very important! Buy separately night and day creams and use them constantly. In agreement with the cosmetologist, carry out several courses of skin treatment with serums per year.

In the salon you can be offered (3-4 procedures) and biorevitalization (2-3 times a year). Professional care and the deep participation of a beautician in the development of your beauty program is now the norm.

35 years

The condition that your skin is in right now can be called “tired face”. Skin tone is lost, wrinkles become sharper and clearer, dryness and tightness are noted in the eyelid area. Pigment spots can "decorate" your face in bulk.

What to do? Moisturizing and nourishing serums will help restore youth and bright colors to the face. They need to be applied in courses. Wrinkles can be removed in the salon using a proven method - botulinum toxin injections. And hyaluronic acid is designed to restore the exemplary level of skin moisture. Your skin care products should be enriched with it, and it can also be injected into the skin through “beauty injections”.

40 years

The contour of the face, as the people say, "floats". The pores become visible, the capillaries expand, the number of age spots increases, wrinkles deepen. Age-related changes now affect not only the skin of the face, but also the neck, and.

What to do? The care that you performed before should be supplemented with several positions. According to the recommendations of the cosmetologist, regularly use masks based on aqua gel with a high percentage of hyaluronic acid. Try beauty products with retinoids, they stimulate cell division, thereby improving skin condition.

When it comes to in-salon treatments, you should consider meso-cocktail injections, lifting procedures, and contouring for a fresh face effect.

45 years

At this time, the deteriorating condition of the skin becomes not the main problem, the hormonal function of the ovaries fades, and harbingers of menopause appear. And all this is reflected in the skin, it becomes thinner and drier, pigmentation depresses with its durability, and eyelid swelling becomes permanent.

What to do? To prolong youth and maintain health, it would be good to visit a gynecologist-endocrinologist, he will correct hormonal disorders. In the cosmetologist's office, you can carry out deep chemical peels, they work in combination, reducing wrinkles, reducing pigmentation, stimulating cell division.

But home care should be diversified with phytoestrogens, antioxidant serums with vitamins and. All skin care products in your collection should now be labeled "anti-age".

50+ years

Transformations at the hormonal level did not go unnoticed. The skin becomes very sensitive, drier and more pigmented. Elasticity, elasticity and tone are reduced, the tone becomes heterogeneous, and wrinkles are clearly expressed.

What to do? Complete your cosmetic bag with products to stimulate the activity of fibroblasts. You will find these in professional cosmetic lines. If you're concerned about facial puffiness, look into creams with caffeine or chestnut extract.

Among salon procedures, you should choose photorejuvenation courses that will restore bright colors and health to your skin. Whitening peels will allow you to forget about pigment blots. But most importantly, remember: at 50, life is just beginning.

Be young and beautiful!

To properly care for the skin of the face, you need to know what it needs at different ages.

At different ages, our skin looks different and this is natural. With the passage of life, gradual aging occurs and this process is irreversible, but it can and should be corrected.

Proper cosmetic facial skin care gives excellent results, given its age characteristics and, already in accordance with them, choose the right care: face masks, creams, lotions, scrubs.

Pros and cons of youthful skin (up to 20 years)

As a rule, in youth, the skin of the face is firm and elastic, since all cellular processes in it are active. But young age is not a guarantee of excellent skin condition.

Young skin has a lot of its own problems, and most often it is due to excess sebum. Its increased excretion is associated with hormonal changes in the body. Sebum clogs the skin pores and creates a breeding ground for bacteria.

Both boys and girls face this problem. There are many means to combat acne: ready-made cosmetics, special cosmetics and masks prepared at home. But in difficult cases, you should always consult with a cosmetologist and endocrinologist.

The main means of preventing skin problems is hygiene and thorough, as well as the use of cosmetics designed specifically for young skin.

The peak of youth and perfection of the skin (20-30 years)

At the age of 20, the biological activity of the skin is at its best, all the necessary substances are produced by the skin itself, regenerative processes are fast and the skin at all levels quickly and independently recovers even after stressful situations (malnutrition, regimen, after sunburn, etc. ).

The skin in youth is perfect and it is quite enough: simple cleansing, moisturizing and nutrition. Cosmetics should be used based on herbal ingredients and in accordance with age.

Most often at a young age there are skin problems such as enlarged pores and. Therefore, high-quality cleansing and protection of the skin from stressful environmental influences and, of course, a healthy lifestyle are very important. We all know how smoking and alcohol can damage your appearance. However, this is true for any age.

But already from the age of 25, our body slows down the processes of cell regeneration, and this also affects the renewal of the skin. Structural disturbances begin at all levels, this is especially noticeable on the surface: the skin begins to thicken and coarsen. Therefore, it is worth paying attention to better nutrition of the skin with natural products, which are included in masks and scrubs prepared according to homemade recipes.

The beginning of facial skin aging (30-40 years)

The aging process of the skin continues after 30 years. The inner layer of the skin becomes more fragile and thin due to the slowdown in collagen synthesis, and the surface protective layer (epidermis) thickens by about 1% every year.

During this age period, mimic wrinkles and wrinkles between the eyebrows are more clearly manifested on the face, nasolabial folds are indicated, bags under the eyes periodically appear, especially from fatigue and lack of sleep. We rarely see the inner radiance of the skin, which is characteristic of youth, it becomes more dull.

There is nothing we can do about it, as these are genetically determined laws of aging. But it is in our power to systematically and properly care for our skin. Proper care includes tonics, lotions, day and night creams, cleansing, moisturizing, nourishing masks that can and should be prepared at home from natural ingredients. Exfoliate superficial dead cells with peeling every week - this helps the reproduction of new skin cells.

From this age, cosmetologists recommend using ready-made products with elastin and collagen, since the skin reproduces these substances worse and is less able to retain water in the dermis. Therefore, elasticity goes away, especially if ultraviolet light is abused. But you should not use products intended for mature skin and super-lifting. The skin should work on its own, of course with your help.

Problems and care for mature skin

The amount of elastin in the skin steadily decreases, and the production of collagen stops altogether - as a result, the skin loses its ability to recover. The pores on the skin are irreversibly enlarged and sometimes resemble a sponge.

Loss of firmness and uneven skin tone is a concern for almost every woman. Changes are especially noticeable on the lips: their contour becomes fuzzy. Small wrinkles (crow's feet) get a permanent registration around the eyes. Nasolabial folds are more sharply accentuated. The skin experiences chronic dryness. In the morning, dark circles around the eyes are increasingly observed. The contour of the face gradually fades, the volume of the cheekbones and cheeks decreases. The signs of incipient aging are especially evident on the skin of the neck.

All attention during this period should be focused on caring for the deep layers of the skin of the face. Care should be systematic and appropriate for the age and condition of your skin: you need to pay special attention to cleansing, toning, moisturizing and nourishing. It is not enough just ready-made tonics and creams, and periodic visits to a beautician. You need to make it a rule to use home care products: steam baths, scrubs, masks and lotions prepared according to proven beauty recipes.

They include more active cosmetics with a pronounced regenerating, deep moisturizing and tightening effect. Creams and serums should have biological activity and contain phytohormones (extracts from avocado, almond, coconut, wheat germ extracts) and vitamins A, E and F. Since the skin becomes thinner with age, do not do aggressive peeling, use only soft gommage.
The cost of ready-made anti-aging cosmetics can be considerable, but you can find a way out if you are not lazy and regularly use homemade recipes for cosmetic masks.

However, if a woman is interested in preserving her youth, she will find both time and means to care for her face and body.

Minimum facial care program at home at any age:

Who: Stanislava Artemova, 1st category cosmetologist at Articoli Salon&spa
Faithful to the profession: 9 years
Age: 25+

The regeneration processes slow down, the first mimic wrinkles appear, the complexion fades - unfortunately, all these are physiological norms. If the client lives in stress, the autonomic nervous system may fail, which is responsible, among other things, for the production of estrogen, a female hormone that has a great effect on the condition of the skin. Therefore, even at 25, a girl may experience dark circles under her eyes, acne, and dehydration. I have clients who pin up hyaluronic not because they don't know what else to do - they really need it.

How do you take care of yourself?
I change brands and cosmetics depending on how my skin feels. I give great attention to cleansing, prefer mousse texture: I have narrow pores, I do a lot of sports, and sebum is secreted very actively. So that it does not remain in the ducts and does not provoke inflammation, it has to be absorbed all the time. This is exactly what mousses do. I love products from Chanel for sensitive skin and from La Mer. I use normal tap water to remove the product. Its quality, of course, leaves much to be desired, but otherwise there is no feeling of purity, the face seems to be covered with a film. I prefer tonics without alcohol, they both soothe the skin and do not dry it.

I change brands infrequently, because in order to understand whether a product works or not, you need to give it time - 3 months. The first results can be assessed after 28 days - this is the cycle of cell renewal. I have been using moisturizers since I was 23.. I do not apply to the area around the eyes, but on the auricles - it is necessary. I often see mature women with perfectly well-groomed skin, but with flabby lobes. I don't want something like this to happen to me.

Often, once a week, I go for manual cleanings, although, of course, I don’t like them. In my case, due to the narrow pores, they fit better than hardware ones. Ultrasound does not take pollution, it only peels off the top layer of dead cells. Yes, frequent manual cleanings are a serious effect on the skin, and if they are done by a non-professional, pigmentation may appear on the face, but for myself I don’t see any alternatives yet.

I try injection methods, without them today I can’t go anywhere. A couple of times I did biorevitalization, once - Botox. I also went for photoepilation - I recommend: this method of hair removal is good for the face, because it is effective and not too painful.

At 27-30 years old.

AHA acids.

For light textures and advanced cream formulas that will instantly start regeneration processes.

You are between 25 and 30

  • Thoroughly, 2 times a day, cleanse the skin. If it is prone to dryness, use milk, if it is a combination or oily type, choose gels and mousses.
  • At the appointment with a beautician, always ask to include a facial and décolleté massage in the procedure.
  • Cleaning is everything. Manual - if the pores are narrow, ultrasonic - if you can see them with the naked eye.

1. Cream Nectar Bright, Melvita
2. Moisturizer Steam Cream, Lush
3. Soothing mask Masque Sensitif, La Biosthetique
4. Growth Factor Serum, Medik 8
5. Night face cream 04, Balance Of Power, My Blend
6. Techni Liss First, Payot
7. Anti-aging care for the skin around the eyes "Shine of youth 25+", Garnier

If you are 30 or over

Who: Natalya Savitskaya, cosmetologist at Dessange beauty salon
Faithful to the profession: 15 years
Age: 30+

What happens to your skin at your age?
Skin turgor is actively reduced. For this reason, previously small mimic wrinkles - nasolabial, forehead, areas around the eyes - become more pronounced. After thirty, many of my clients complain of puffiness in the morning: at this age, lymph and blood flow slows down.

How do you take care of yourself?
I am convinced: the skin should rest from cosmetics, you need to give it the opportunity to work on its own. I somehow calculated: if you buy a cream for each zone, as the manufacturers recommend, you need to apply 15 products at a time, or something like that. It's a nightmare. Therefore, sometimes I cleanse my skin well, tone it up, and refuse serum and cream.

I clean my face with milk, because my skin is thin, with a tendency to dryness. As for creams, I like universal ones. which can be applied to the area around the eyes. These are often produced by Japanese brands, it is not customary for them to divide products into zones - for the face, neck, eyes. The texture depends on the time of year - in winter I prefer the classic Crème de La Mer, although many find it a bit heavy. Of the serums, my favorite from the Cellcosmet brand with elastocollagen gives a good lifting effect.

I believe that after 30 years, you need to pay more attention to exfoliation - regularly do mechanical peels at home, chemical peels at the cosmetologist. I go to salons more often in autumn and winter: after summer, especially if age spots appear, I do a course of chemical peels, then several mesotherapy procedures with hyaluronic acid (once every three weeks). And, of course, I always protect myself from the sun, because ultraviolet radiation destroys the skin, as well as smoking.

The most effective anti-aging ingredient today?
Hyaluronic acid.

When should you start aging?
At 30, not before. Up to this point - thorough regular cleansing, but no aggressive anti-aging products. The other day, one client, who is a little over twenty, asked to prick her meso, to do some kind of intensive care. I had to refuse: the girl's skin is in perfect condition, and I believe that up to a certain point the epidermis should satisfy its needs on its own, without active interventions.

What is the future of anti-aging cosmetology?
For injection techniques. I think the formulations of drugs and methods of their administration will be improved.

You are between 30 and 35

  • Chemical peels should appear in your care. Abrasives, too, let them remain, use 1 time per week.
  • If you have nothing against the injection, try to inject vitamin cocktails, hyaluronic acid. Are you afraid? Make sure your skin care products contain these ingredients.
  • Let's rest your face: once every 2 weeks, only cleanse the skin, and do not apply serums and creams.

1. Fluid for the face Le Fluide, Orchidée Impériale, Guerlain
2. Ideal Resource Anti-Wrinkle Repair Fluid, Darphin
3. Cream - youth activator Génifique, Lancôme
4. Serum eye cream Supremÿa, Sisley
5. Day firming cream, Carita

If you are 35 or older

Who: Elena Belyakova, dermatologist, clinic of aesthetic medicine "Klazko"
Faithful to the profession: 14 years old
Age: 35+

What happens to your skin at your age?
It becomes thinner and becomes less hydrated, supple and elastic. The dermis actively loses hyaluronic acid and synthesizes it more slowly, the skin is covered with a network of superficial wrinkles, it becomes thinner and dries out, cosmetologists call it “parchment”. Care does not have to be directed anti-aging action, more importantly - seasonality. In winter - protective and nutritious means; in the spring it is necessary to restore the face after the cold weather - vitamin ones go well; in summer, a moisturizer with SPF is enough; and in the fall, it's time to remove signs of sun damage and prepare the skin for frost - pay attention to regenerating products that restore tone.

How do you take care of yourself?
In the morning and in the evening I wash off the cosmetics with a facial wash, after that I apply the cream in accordance with the season - I distribute it over the area around the eyes, earlobe and auricle (a big mistake if someone does not do this), then I go down the neck, and then What remains on the hands, I smear over the décolleté. I don’t apply any products on the lips themselves, but around them I definitely do. Once a week I am guaranteed to find time for a mask- I always take the same series as the face cream. By the way, I have a dense texture even in summer, because my skin is dry. I exfoliate my skin about once every 2 weeks., that's enough for me. I choose a scrub with abrasive particles. I don’t go to a beautician: starting from the age of 25, every six months I myself inject myself with Botox.

The most effective anti-aging ingredient today?
Hyaluronic acid. With age, the skin actively loses it, namely hyaluronic acid affects the "fullness" of the face. At 25, it can be acid creams, at 30 and beyond, injections and nutritional supplements.

When should you start aging?
If you want to look 30 at 40, you need to start taking care of yourself at 20. And accustom yourself, even at a very young age, to visit a beautician at least once a year so that the specialist monitors changes and selects the right products.

What is the future of anti-aging cosmetology?
I suppose creams will be created individually for each person in accordance with his genetic analysis. Cosmetology will take into account the rate of metabolic processes of each organism and the hormonal background.

1. Cleansing foam, Wamiles
2. Day moisturizer Vinexpert, Caudalie
3. Anti-aging care Sublixime, IXXI
4. Dietary supplement Hyaluronic Acid, Solgar
5. Cream with hyaluronic acid Hyaluronic Cream, Thalgo
6. Roller for the skin around the eyes Elixir 7.9, Yves Rocher

If you are 40 or older

Who: Marina Devitskaya, cosmetologist at the Profile Professional salon
Faithful to the profession: 14 years old
Age: 40+

What happens to your skin at your age?
All the processes taking place in the skin cells do not benefit its condition, signs of age become apparent. And, as experts say, the face begins to sink down. Due to the inability of the skin to retain moisture as before, the hydrolipidic layer is disturbed, and this leads to its thinning. Vascular asterisks are shown due to microcirculation worsening every year.

How do you take care of yourself?
My favorite brands are Ultraceuticals and Rexaline. Every cleanser I use always has some kind of acid in it, most often glycolic acid. This allows you to remove makeup and impurities from the skin, remove and loosen the horny scales. Next - be sure tonic. In summer, micellar water or products with green tea act in its role, in winter - products with 5% lactic acid. After toning - serum. I take foods with B vitamins (B3 and B5): they restore the hydrolipidic film and work with fine wrinkles. In the morning I apply serum with vitamin B, and in the evening - with retinol (aka vitamin A. - Approx. WH). The face needs to be accustomed to the last component: first apply the product twice a week, then three, and then switch to daily use.

I do peels once a week. My favorite product is the unusual two-step scrub from the HydroPeptide® brand. The first phase is mechanical exfoliation. I apply crystals on cleansed skin, inside of which vitamin C is hidden, massage my face with them for several minutes, then distribute the gel-like activator with my favorite 5% lactic acid. The trick is that it releases vitamin C from crystals and with it penetrates into the skin, where it starts the regeneration process.

I myself do thermolifting. This procedure should be carried out once a year, not more often. I love microcurrents, I have been going to the master for them for about 7 years. I trust the biorevitalization procedure to the same specialist.

The most effective anti-aging ingredient today?
Retinol. It removes wrinkles well and stops inflammation - in adulthood, acne may appear due to changes in hormonal levels.

When should you start aging?
At 20 years old. From now on, skin cleansing should be the main point of your skin care program.

What is the future of anti-aging cosmetology?
Behind retinol, vitamin C, peptides and fruit acids.

You are between 40 and 45

  • Use creams aimed at restoring the contour of the face. In the composition, look for powerful components like retinol.
  • Nobody canceled regular cleansing and toning. Even mature skin can look good with a lot of attention.
  • It's time for hardware techniques. Laser dermabrasion, photorejuvenation, thermage, bipolar lifting - finally you can try all these things in action.

1. Serum "MicroSculptor Face", Regenerist, Olay
2. Serum Forever Light Creator, Yves Saint Laurent
3. Advanced Night Repair, Estée Lauder
4. Lotion Divine face lotion, L "Occitane
5. Massage anti-aging cream Massage Cream, Pola