The dead child asked for a drink. Facts you didn't know for sure. Do we argue? Two-year-old child during his own funeral

In 1988, there was a sudden depressurization of a Hawaiian passenger aircraft, as a result of which a solid part of the upper fuselage structure fell off. However, the plane managed to land safely. Only one flight attendant died in the accident.

The Sun and the Moon seem to us about the same size thanks to an amazing coincidence: the Moon is 400 times smaller than the Sun, but 400 times closer.

The Suspicious Persons producer Bryan Singer convinced each of the key actors that he was the very mysterious criminal Kaiser Soze. The actors did not realize who they were actually playing until they saw the finished film.

In one of the early versions of Starship Troopers, there is a scene where military personnel of both sexes bathe in a common shower room. Director Paul Verhoeven worked on it completely naked - there was no other way to convince the actors to act in this scene.

The fact that most of the dust is formed from exfoliated skin cells is just a myth. In fact, most of the dust consists of animal dander, sand, insect excretions, various powders and, of course, good old clay.

The environs of Norilsk are so polluted with heavy metals that mining from the surface layer of the soil has already become economically profitable.

In a kilogram-to-kilogram weight ratio, chocolate chip cookies contain more energy than the same amount of TNT.

In a double-blind experiment, 21 experienced violinists were asked to compare the sound of old and new instruments. The Stradivarius violin was recognized as the worst.

The most popular selection in the style of "With the world on a string", which will distract you from the harsh realities of our lives! Watch and discuss!
The number of skin cancer cases due to excessive tanning is higher than the number of lung cancer cases due to smoking.

The modern British accent originated during the Industrial Revolution among the nouveau riche, who tried to express themselves deliberately pompously, believing that this adds to their prestige in the eyes of others.

The inventor of the reading and writing system for the blind, Louis Braille, used to create his embossed dotted font exactly the same awl with which he accidentally deprived himself of his sight at the age of three.

Oxford University is older than the Aztec civilization. Year of foundation of Oxford: 1249. Year of foundation of the Aztec city-state of Tenochtitlan - 1325.

Under the influence of LSD, even blind people experience visual hallucinations.

A company in the U.S. state of Georgia proposes an alternative to conventional burial of human remains: after cremation, the ashes are mixed with cement and thrown to the ocean floor to form an artificial reef.

Cuba boasts an astonishingly high literacy rate of 99.8%.

In some hot countries, a fruit tree called "black sapote" grows. The taste of its fruits is similar to chocolate pudding, the fat content is very low, and vitamin C is four times higher than in oranges.

When a person stops sleeping, his brain cells begin to drown in their own "waste". Thus, the main function of sleep is to cleanse the nervous system of metabolic intermediates that can be toxic.

According to the "attachment theory", every adult is prone to one of three types of romantic relationships: safe ("does not call - probably busy, it's okay"), avoiding ("yes, he / she probably forgot to think about me" ) or alarming (“what could have happened ... maybe the phone is broken ... can call herself / herself”). From belonging to one or another type, it depends on how his / her personal life will develop.

In 1988, there was a sudden depressurization of a Hawaiian passenger aircraft, as a result of which a solid part of the upper fuselage structure fell off. However, the plane managed to land safely. Only one flight attendant died in the crash.

The Sun and the Moon seem to us about the same size thanks to an amazing coincidence: the Moon is 400 times smaller than the Sun, but 400 times closer.

The fact that most of the dust is formed from exfoliated skin cells is just a myth. In fact, most of the dust consists of animal dander, sand, insect excretions, various powders and, of course, good old clay.

The environs of Norilsk are so polluted with heavy metals that mining from the surface layer of the soil has already become economically profitable.

In a kilogram-to-kilogram weight ratio, chocolate chip cookies contain more energy than the same amount of TNT.

In a double-blind experiment, 21 experienced violinists were asked to compare the sound of old and new instruments. The Stradivarius violin was recognized as the worst.

A two-year-old child during his own funeral suddenly came to life, sat in a coffin, asked his father for a glass of water and died again. Nobody can explain how this could happen.

Kevin Santos, that kid

A selection of interesting facts that will distract you from the harsh realities of our lives. Watch and discuss!

The number of skin cancer cases due to excessive tanning is higher than the number of lung cancer cases due to smoking.

The modern British accent originated during the Industrial Revolution among the nouveau riche, who tried to express themselves deliberately pompously, believing that this adds to their prestige in the eyes of others.

The inventor of the reading and writing system for the blind, Louis Braille, used to create his embossed dotted font exactly the same awl with which he accidentally deprived himself of his sight at the age of three.

Oxford University is older than the Aztec civilization. Year of foundation of Oxford: 1249. Year of foundation of the Aztec city-state of Tenochtitlan - 1325.

Under the influence of LSD, even blind people experience visual hallucinations.

A company in the U.S. state of Georgia proposes an alternative to conventional burial of human remains: after cremation, the ashes are mixed with cement and thrown to the ocean floor to form an artificial reef.

Cuba boasts an astonishingly high literacy rate of 99.8%.

In some hot countries, a fruit tree called "black sapote" grows. The taste of its fruits is similar to chocolate pudding, the fat content is very low, and vitamin C is four times higher than in oranges.

When a person stops sleeping, his brain cells begin to drown in their own "waste". Thus, the main function of sleep is to cleanse the nervous system of metabolic intermediates that can be toxic.

According to the "attachment theory", every adult is prone to one of three types of romantic relationships: safe ("does not call - probably busy, it's okay"), avoiding ("yes, he / she probably forgot to think about me" ) or alarming (“what could have happened ... maybe the phone is broken ... can call herself / herself”). From belonging to one or another type, it depends on how his / her personal life will develop.

In 1988, there was a sudden depressurization of a Hawaiian passenger aircraft, as a result of which a solid part of the upper fuselage structure fell off. However, the plane managed to land safely. Only one flight attendant died in the accident.

The Sun and the Moon seem to us about the same size thanks to an amazing coincidence: the Moon is 400 times smaller than the Sun, but 400 times closer.

The fact that most of the dust is formed from exfoliated skin cells is just a myth. In fact, most of the dust consists of animal dander, sand, insect excretions, various powders and, of course, good old clay.

The environs of Norilsk are so polluted with heavy metals that mining from the surface layer of the soil has already become economically profitable.

In a kilogram-to-kilogram weight ratio, chocolate chip cookies contain more energy than the same amount of TNT.

In a double-blind study, 21 experienced violinists were asked to compare the sound of old and new instruments. The Stradivarius violin was recognized as the worst.

A two-year-old child during his own funeral suddenly came to life, sat in a coffin, asked his father for a glass of water and died again. Nobody can explain how this could happen.

Kevin Santos, that kid

Our life is a storehouse of interesting events of unusual things, and the world in which we live is full of mysteries and secrets, to make sure of this, we offer you an interesting collection of cognitive facts, some of which you probably have not even heard of.

In 1988, there was a sudden depressurization of a Hawaiian passenger aircraft, as a result of which a solid part of the upper fuselage structure fell off. However, the plane managed to land safely. Only one flight attendant died in the crash.

The Sun and the Moon seem to us about the same size thanks to an amazing coincidence: the Moon is 400 times smaller than the Sun, but 400 times closer.

The Suspicious Persons producer Bryan Singer convinced each of the key actors that he was the very mysterious criminal Kaiser Soze. The actors did not realize who they were actually playing until they saw the finished film.

In one of the early versions of Starship Troopers, there is a scene where military personnel of both sexes wash in a common shower room. Director Paul Verhoeven worked on it completely naked - there was no other way to convince the actors to act in this scene.

It is simply a myth that most of the dust is formed from exfoliated skin cells. In fact, most of the dust consists of animal dander, sand, insect excretions, various powders and, of course, good old clay.

The environs of Norilsk are so polluted with heavy metals that mining from the surface layer of the soil has already become economically profitable.

In a kilogram-to-kilogram weight ratio, chocolate chip cookies contain more energy than the same amount of TNT.

In a double-blind experiment, 21 experienced violinists were asked to compare the sound of old and new instruments. The Stradivarius violin was recognized as the worst.

The number of skin cancer cases due to excessive tanning is higher than the number of lung cancer cases due to smoking.

Two-year-old child Calvin Santos suddenly came to life during his own funeral, sat in a coffin, asked his father for a glass of water and died again. Nobody can explain how this could happen.

In 1954, the Indian city of Bombay was infested with hordes of rats. The situation became so serious that the government began accepting dead rodents as tax payments. Naturally, the number of rats began to decline sharply. After some time, the cunning Indians began to breed rats themselves and sell their carcasses to the government.

Every year, tourists throw about $1.1 million into Rome's famous Trevi Fountain.

Steve Jobs' personal hygiene was so bad that Atari, where he worked as a technician as a young man, tried to put him on night shifts to minimize his interaction with other people. Until the age of 30, Jobs rarely wore shoes. And during business meetings at his Apple office, he often shocked colleagues by opening the bathroom door and dipping his bare feet into the toilet “to freshen up.”

At state universities in Norway, any student from any country in the world can receive education, and absolutely free of charge.

In America, donated blood is sold on the open market. The income of this "bloody industry" is $4.5 billion a year.

After the death of the boy was recorded in the hospital, his body was given to relatives for burial. An hour before the ceremony, it was at the Santos' house in an open coffin. Suddenly the "dead" Kelvin sat up and asked for water.

This literally shocked the father of the child, Antonio Santos, and several other people who were in the room. They raised a cry. However, Kelvin again sank into the coffin and no longer showed signs of life. He was again taken to the hospital, where the doctor, as the first time, confirmed that he was dead. Between the moment when doctors first recorded death, and temporary "revival" 20 hours passed.

Just in case, the Santos decided to wait a few more hours with the burial. But the miracle didn't happen again. Now Antonio Santos intends to sue the hospital, as he believes that for the first time the doctors erroneously declared death and the boy could still be saved. By the way, doctors have not commented on this situation.

How can a living person be declared dead? Well, here, for example, the famous physiologist I.P. Pavlov observed a patient who slept in a lethargic sleep for 20 years - from 1898 to 1918. At the same time, his heart beat at a speed of only three beats per minute, and he took no more than one or two breaths per minute.

And this case is documented in the archives for 1937. Angelo Hay, 19, from the French village of Saint-Quentin de Calais, crashed his head into a brick wall while riding a motorcycle. The doctor called to the scene did not detect a pulse or breathing, and declared the young man dead. Three days later he was buried. However, shortly before this, Angelo's father insured his life for 200 thousand francs, and the insurance company decided to investigate this case. The inspector demanded that the body be exhumed to determine the exact cause of death. Therefore, just two days after the funeral, the grave was opened and the body was sent to the forensic office in Bordeaux. And there the pathologist discovered that the "corpse" was still warm! The "deceased" was sent to the hospital. The experts came to the conclusion that the traumatic brain injury, which led to a deep coma, drastically reduced the body's need for oxygen, otherwise the young man would have died in the grave from suffocation ... Angelo underwent several operations, and after many months of treatment, he finally recovered .

In April 1996, 59-year-old Maureen Jones, who suffered from diabetes, fell into a glycemic coma. The family doctor pronounced her dead, but when the police constable arrived to collect the body, he noticed that the woman was still alive. The resuscitators brought her back to life, and the inattentive doctor was put on trial ...

In 2005, a doctor who performed an autopsy in the mortuary of a clinic in Brasov County (Romania) had a terrible shock. Suddenly, it seemed to the medic that one of the corpses was moving. Coming closer, the Aesculapius leaned over the body, and then ... the dead man knocked him down with a knockout blow to the head!

It turned out that 16-year-old Bogdan Georgescu, while at home, was drinking coffee with his brother. Suddenly, he fell unconscious and stopped showing signs of life. The hospital pronounced him dead and sent the body to the morgue. Waking up, Bogdan could not understand where he was. Looking around, he was horrified to find that a dead woman was lying nearby ... And then he saw that some type in white was approaching him. The guy decided that he was captured by a maniac who was going to kill him...

Bogdan Georgescu was transferred to the neurological department to find out the cause of his sudden "death". And the knocked-out doctor was given additional leave so that he could recover from the stress he had experienced.

In 2007, an 87-year-old Taiwanese managed to resurrect at his own funeral! After a severe attack, the life of the old man was supported artificially with the help of instruments. Since he was not getting better, his relatives decided to turn off the equipment. They were informed that the patient had died and soon released the lifeless body for burial.

When relatives gathered in the temple at the tomb of the deceased, to conduct a rite of repose according to Buddhist custom. Suddenly, before the eyes of all the parishioners, a wheezing sounded from the chest of the deceased, and he sat down in the coffin. The old man was immediately taken back to the hospital, where doctors began rehabilitation procedures. They were unable to explain how the "dead man" came to life. Perhaps the Buddha performed a miracle...