Believe in him and be faithful to him physically and morally. Social status and material wealth

First of all, you need to be aware and accept your femininity, attractiveness and charm. Then you will be admired by the surrounding men. Representatives of the stronger sex appreciate in women tenderness, easy character, the ability to understand their partner.

If you want to become ideal for your beloved man, leave perseverance, strength of character, perseverance and stress resistance at work. And in front of your chosen one, try to show femininity and softness.

Some ladies spend a lot of effort, time and money looking beautiful and sexy. If you want to grab a man's attention, it's worth focusing not on facial features, fashionable clothes, or flawless hair, but on the overall impression you can make. You should radiate an aura of goodwill and calmness. This is facilitated by a radiant look, an open smile, tenderness in the face. This is exactly what men want to see their chosen one.

Young people would like to see next to them that woman who is distinguished by kindness, the ability to manage the household, and a cheerful character. At the same time, men appreciate charm in girls, the ability to see the positive in life, friendliness, goodwill, sincerity and honesty.

To be an ideal woman, it is not necessary to have classical beauty. It is enough to know about the merits of one's own appearance and be able to emphasize them. You need to love yourself and take care of yourself. Then you will look like a healthy and well-groomed girl. Try to always be careful. Sometimes this is much more important than a model appearance. An untidy appearance, an unpleasant smell, or a lack of feminine mannerisms can repel a man even from a well-written beauty.

Sometimes men are annoyed by excessive female emotionality. At some point, girls are able to go over all the brink of decency. Learn to control yourself. A true lady will not allow herself harsh statements, manifestations of aggression, or throwing tantrums. Believe me, your man will appreciate your composure.

Accept your man for who he is.

An ideal woman shows respect, love, care and affection towards her man. It is important to compliment the young person, cheer him up and express your admiration for his personal qualities and actions. Guys appreciate such companions. Don't try to fix or change your life partner.

An ideal woman does not expect only material goods from a man. The greed of the fair sex repels and annoys men. Show sincere affection and real feelings, not a consumerist attitude. It is best if you have some kind of profession or hobby to generate income. So you show yourself as an independent, independent person.

Conduct yourself with dignity. Leave the whims to the children and remember that the habit of sawing your men is characteristic of girls who are far from ideal. Show yourself as a self-sufficient, multifaceted personality. The ideal woman has several skills and talents, but is in constant development.

Pay attention to the intimate side of your relationship with a young man. A man wants to see in his partner an uninhibited, self-confident woman who knows her body, is not afraid to talk about her own desires, seeks to have fun in bed and satisfy her beloved.

There is a hypothesis that every person on earth has a soul mate. Maybe a person will never meet her, but she is still there. There is a theory according to which these two halves are attracted to each other, which means that they will definitely meet.

This does not mean at all that they will definitely be together all their lives, live happily until old age and die on the same day. It would be ideal. But even with your soul mate, intended for you by nature, you have to try.

Relationships need to be learned. It's just that if you do all this with your soul mate, an ideal person for you, then you will enjoy it, you will not need to make excessive efforts, and even getting used to each other will not be a burden. In another case, if you never meet your soul mate, then you can live your life not badly with a "foreign" half. After all, yours may be an Eskimo of small stature and 25 years older than you. He may never meet in your life path.

But another person may appear on your road, close in spirit, in views, and even in love with you. You want to connect your destinies. How to behave with a person in this case? You need to be the perfect girl for him. Who knows, maybe he will want to become the perfect guy for you, for the sake of your future.

In the concept of each person, ideality is revealed in different ways. In any case, it boils down to ideal corresponds to something. For example, to behave according to the laws of men and the laws of God, is also a kind of ideal. After all, if a person’s behavior meets the standards that cause respect from others, then why not be equal to him. It is a completely different case when people choose for themselves the so-called object of adoration and imitation. This is a very bad way to reach your goal. To imitate someone does not mean to conform to his principles. If the chosen ideal does something right and well, then it is better to find out the true reasons for his actions, and not blindly follow his actions.

How to be the perfect girl for him?

If you're already dating a guy, then he already likes you. A guy wouldn't build a relationship with a girl he doesn't like. Based on this, you will need very little effort to become the perfect girl for your boyfriend.

First, let's define what not to do in no case. Every person has flaws. There are real ones, which are due to the physiological characteristics of a person, and there are imaginary ones, which are based on complexes.

  • In no case Don't focus on your shortcomings in the circle of friends, and even more so in the presence of her boyfriend.
  • Don't ask him questions like:"Don't you think my nose is too long?" or "Do you think I'm fat?" The guy may not care about the length of your nose. After your question, he will definitely focus on its length and over time will come to the conclusion that you still have it long. Moreover, it was you who was to blame for this conclusion.
  • Even more terrifying are the allegations with figure flaws, uttered in an uncompromising manner. For example, "I'm fat. I have an ugly figure." Your boyfriend appreciates you not only for your appearance.

There must be something else he likes about you. For example, your infectious laugh, your sense of humor, your eyes, your taste in music, and so on. A guy cannot love you just because you have beautiful breasts or long legs. He sees you as a person not like a picture from a glossy magazine.

  • In the same time, Feeling like a mother hen is also not worth it.

It is not worth overprotecting a guy, feeding him cutlets and pies. If your boyfriend loves delicious food, then cook him something special for the holiday, and not just like that, try your work of art together. Let him praise himself.

Let him remember this little holiday for a long time: romantic music sounds, you are wearing his favorite perfume and a silk dress, and then what your imagination tells you.

Need to take care of yourself always be on top. Watch your figure to be always in good shape, and so that the guy does not have a reason to say that you have a tummy. Moreover, your brain will work better if the body is trained. More oxygen to the body - more ideas to the brain.

How to be the perfect girl in a relationship?

Relationships between men and women are complex. It requires patience and attention from both sides. But there are certain points, which you need to take as a rule, and never break.

  • The most important thing to understand is that everything is built on trust.

Never cheat yourself and trust your chosen one. Even if you get into a situation that your boyfriend shouldn't know about, don't lie.

  1. Firstly, it is a sin.
  2. Secondly This is a sure way to destroy relationships.

Better try to explain what's what, but do not invent anything. Everything hidden always becomes clear. Therefore, there is no point in hiding something. If your boyfriend says he's late at work, then trust him.

Do not check his phone, e-mail and address book. Such actions can sow a seed of discord in your relationship.

Give the guy little surprises. Anyone who says that only girls love pleasant little things is very mistaken. Send him a message with declarations of love in the morning at work, let him smile. Just do it not often, otherwise he will get used to it, and will consider it your duty.

  • Take him on a date to a special place for the two of you.

For example, to where you first kissed or met. Even if he forgot about this pleasant event, remind him, hint, but do not be offended by his forgetfulness.

  • Never hold a grudge and know how to forgive.

All the problems that arise between you need to be solved without putting it off in the far corner.

  • If you are already husband and wife, then do not neglect your duties and promises.

She promised to bake pizza, keep this promise. She promised to let him go to football with friends - let him go.

  • Don't limit your boyfriend's freedom.

If you forbid him a lot, he will come to the conclusion that it was better and easier for him without you. Try to convince him of what you yourself think is right. For example, tell him about the dangers of smoking, show films about the fate and health of smokers. After watching the terrible footage, your boyfriend will think about the fact that he is harming his, your health and the health of your future children.

  • Don't criticize his mom.

Under no circumstances say anything bad about her. She is the best woman in the world for him, and this is hard to fight. And is it necessary? Give this championship to her, and your life will become easier. She will tell you what your boyfriend loves, what his weaknesses are, and so on. But all this if she sees you as a friend, not a rival. You can become the perfect girl for both the guy and his mother.

  • Respect his interests.

If your views on cinema or music differ, try to understand what your boyfriend is interested in in his favorite genre. Maybe, getting to know him better, you will also like him, and he will not be indifferent to your choice.

How to become the perfect girl in everything?

Oh, what a blessing it is to know that you are perfection, to know that you are an ideal! These are the words from the famous movie "Mary Poppins, goodbye." In this film, it was about a magical nanny who worked miracles. As a rule, all earthly girls do not belong to wizards and their spells are only in skill and experience. It is very important to be a sorceress for your boyfriend, then he will perceive you as the perfect girl. How to become the perfect girl in everything? It's very simple you have to be yourself. You shouldn't imitate anyone.

Just be yourself. Share with your boyfriend your impressions, anxieties and joys. Save secrets for a friend, and feelings for a loved one. Let him be not only a life partner for you, but also a friend you trust.

Be desired. Guys love to show off their girls to their friends. Make sure it's not just a boast, but the truth. Use cosmetics, visit beauty salons, do massage, manicure, pedicure, hairstyle. Buy dresses. Jeans are comfortable and beautiful, but a dress is primarily feminine. Men are very fond of girls in dresses with a large neckline or a floor-length skirt that is tight around the hips. Use aroma oils.

A little secret for a big effect: take olive or almond oil as a base oil and add a couple of drops of rose or cedar essential oil to it. The rose will set up a romantic mood for both, both the guy and you. Cedar - will invigorate feelings, kindle a fire inside, raising it higher and higher. Spread this mixture on your wrists and neck, the effect will not be long in coming.

Be active and modern. Try different types of recreation with your boyfriend. If he loves hiking in the mountains, go with him, it will bring you very close, and you will gain invaluable experience. If he loves racing, get a license, go to competitions, and become his most active fan.

Most importantly, in the pursuit of perfection, do not forget about your principles. Do not deviate from the values ​​instilled in you by your parents. Don't quit your career and don't "step on your song's throat". The search for excellence must be mutual, otherwise it will be a one-sided game.

It is not easy to build a relationship with a man, and it is almost impossible to make them perfect. And all because everyone has their own ideas about the ideal.

What kind of man do you dream of? Handsome, smart, caring, earning well. So? But after all, your girlfriend also considers her chosen one handsome, and for you he is a slightly shaved monkey.

What is a caring man? Who will give you his jacket on an evening walk so that you do not freeze, or who has taken on half the household duties? Even “earning well” is a very relative concept, because each of us is used to a certain standard of living.

You will not believe! With ideal women the same confusion. Give one a nice housewife who, in a soiled apron, serves him freshly baked pies, and the other needs a sex bomb who meets him in the evening in a transparent peignoir. And do not think that the latter is needed by absolutely everyone!

To be the perfect woman for your man you need to ask him - what he sees as an ideal woman. And in return, let him become perfect for you.

At the same time, when you describe your ideals to each other, do not talk about qualities (as we have already seen, this is meaningless), but about actions. That is, how to act in a given situation.

You can start by describing your ideal day. Ask your man - in the morning, does his ideal woman wake up half an hour earlier to cook breakfast for him? Or vice versa, he wants to please his beloved with pancakes and coffee. Perhaps he dreams that you get up at the same time and cook together.

Do you call during the working day? If yes, how many times and for what reason? You don't have to laugh. All people are very different: for some, hearing the voice of a loved one in a stuffy office is like a breath of fresh air, while others consider it annoying.

I have a friend who has been happily married for many years. So she and her husband have regular messages to each other. "I came to work. Everything is fine”, “I have lunch. Delicious”, “I’m leaving work, I’ll be home in 40 minutes.” If the message is not received on time, this is a cause for concern.

With my husband, it's the opposite. We don't communicate at all during the day. Unless there is some urgent matter that needs to be dealt with immediately.
Both of these are normal, because they suit specific people ( Tolstoy lied). So find out what suits you and go for it.

Next, find out how your man imagines the perfect evening. There are also millions of options here: a mandatory outing to a cultural event, a visit from friends, watching TV shows, discussing how the day went. And so on.

By the way, my friend (who worked out the idea of ​​an ideal relationship with her husband) husband said that he loves to see her sleeping when he comes home from work. So he, according to him, understands - I earn enough for my woman to allow herself to go to bed early. This is due to the fact that a friend works remotely, and he often sees her at the computer.

When you have registered and discussed the weekday, go to the weekend. After that, work through typical situations: how the ideal woman, according to your man, should respond to his desire to go fishing with friends for the weekend; How do you think the ideal man should react to your idea of ​​spending half your salary on a sale? Especially carefully say the moments that do not suit you, irritate.

Here it comes to the ridiculous: the husband of my friend admitted that he did not need sex five times a week, but one hot night would be enough. And she, confident that any man dreams of daily intimacy, almost attacked him with or without reason. At the same time, she did it without much desire - well, he needs it!

So, if you have lived together for five years, this does not mean at all that you know each other well.

At the same time, in no case should you go against yourself, against your will and adjust. If we are talking about some small concessions, then why not change. So, I know my husband loves seeing a clean sink when he gets home from work. And I don’t like washing dishes, so I used to wait for the moment when there would be nothing to eat at all. Now, by the time he arrives, I try to wash everything: it will not decrease from me, but he is pleased.

But if a man makes requests that you are not ready to fulfill, discuss it delicately. Highlight the main thing in the question and try to find out - how else can this be achieved? And find a compromise.

Believe me, the scheme works. It tells you the ideal woman of the ideal man.

Women's happiness does not appear to us without a man who loves us. We passionately want to become the best woman for a man - the one, inimitable, desired - the one without which he can't do it.

What about fairy tales in childhood or romantic films. Nature speaks to us. We should be, at least, two in this world. And from early youth, we are looking for a life partner in a man - courageous, strong and gentle, generous, loving.

We don't all find it. Or, along the way of life, we have problems and one day our companion turns into a stranger, with whom we are no longer on the way. And sometimes the satellite becomes the enemy. This is the most extreme option. I often hear from such people that their lives have been broken or ruined. Sadly.

I got married at 19. It was real passion. We couldn't breathe without each other. We saw each other every day, and even several. Couples ran away from their studies in their universities and walked along the streets of the city. And before going to bed, we wrote letters to each other (paper letters - in my youth we wrote only such letters), and in the morning we threw these letters of love into the mailboxes on the way to our universities.

Imagine how I, trembling with delight, opened the mail box in the entrance, took a letter from Him and ran home or to class ...

Well, what was so special there, because we practically never parted?

It was!!! For the hundredth time, I read how beloved, desired, the best and only woman I am for my beloved. What do I mean to him? And happiness had no end!

Did I ask then, how to be the best man? Have mercy! I felt like that. Did I wonder how to keep a man's love? Also no. When we are doing well, we do not think about prevention. We also have stereotypes and scenarios.

I have been in this marriage for 7 years. From the first days we were rapidly sorting things out, passions continued to boil. As my dad used to say, we ate our love like bread and butter and caviar. The idea of ​​divorce, as an inevitable event, came to me when I left for the Institute for Advanced Studies at the Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of the USSR (Academy of Pedagogical Sciences) for 6 months. Upon my return, I clearly felt that Igor and I were no longer on the road. It was sad to think that I was unable to create a relationship for life. I had no doubt that I would marry again and for great love. But this will be the second marriage. For some reason, it really upset me at the time.

After the divorce, we remained friends. Family ties also remained: my girl loved her dad, her grandmother, and she simply adored her grandfather. Was it possible to deprive her of this communication. Thank God, I understood that for normal communication it is necessary to maintain normal, human relations with my daughter's relatives. Relationships without pain, resentment, anger and hatred.

And here I am again free, and still young and beautiful. I am again actively looking for a life partner.

This is where I should be thinking how to become the best for a man, so that he becomes the only man for me.

I would really analyze my relationship, why love did not work out forever, and draw the right conclusions. The rake hits very hard.

And what good is it that I am a divorced woman with a five-year-old child in my arms? It was because of this status that I refused to continue my studies in graduate school and returned home to earn a living for myself and my child. I analyzed, of course. But not in that direction.



I cared more about myself. And the question of how to make a man happy was not raised at all.

Yes, I wanted to be a beloved and desired woman for a man. And I thought that if they love me, then they are a priori happy with me. And that's not how it works!

Because the law of the universe is this: what you give to the world, you receive from the world. If we want to become the only one for a man, become indispensable, become necessary, that is, we want love and happiness with him, this is exactly what we need - happiness and love need to be given to a man too.

Here's how it works. And only so.

It's about unconditional love.

Do you love so much? Do you accept a man as a whole, as he is? Or do you want him to bend under you, be tame, obedient, looking into your mouth? And at the same time, they also earn good money, and do not require anything and want. In general, the captain of a very long voyage.

Just don’t throw tomatoes at me right away. I know that there are men who are impossible to love, who behave like a pig with a woman, or real gigolos ... There are. Why is this next to you? Why with you? Why isn't the hero of your novel next to you? When did he change? And has it changed...

Choice is always a responsibility. And especially the choice of a husband.

My second husband was the complete opposite of the first. Energetic, cheerful, with a smile of 33 teeth. There were no problems with him. But I did not notice that I lead them seriously, which means I dominate the family.

My second husband was not happy with me. Like a man. In the video "How to love a man" I talk about what you need to give him for his happiness. Simple things. But this is precisely what men in marriage lack and they leave. And I would add, a man in marriage lacks love. Because the feelings that we have for them are far from love in reality.

When you truly love, you hear the desires of your beloved, understand him and really want to give him happiness. You accept him entirely, you are not annoyed by what he does not the way you want or see fit. And believe me, it is not at all difficult if you love.

I realized this when we separated, having lived together for 19 years and raised children. This knowledge was not easy for me. But they were the ones who changed my life. 180 degrees. After the divorce, before which I lived in hell for a year, struggling with my pain, pride, selfishness, the desire to get everything back in the same volume, I changed my perspective on relationships and love. What did it give me? Freedom. Extraordinary freedom and unconditional happiness.

I give love to a man, children and granddaughters, my loved ones, without expecting the same in return. But imagine that's exactly what I get. The more I give, the more I receive. My relatives and loved ones are well with me.

How important it is to ask yourself such a question - how to become the only, irreplaceable, best, beloved for a man - in time. And become the best wife for him. Believe me, it's worth your happiness!

With love, your Eva


Especially for women experiencing relationship difficulties.


End a difficult relationship without destroying yourself - Survive a divorce or get your husband back - Repair a bad relationship - Become self-confident and valuable - Find the motivation and strength to make your life the way you want.

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To create strong harmonious relationships in the family, both need to work on them. But you set the tone for relationships, the atmosphere and the emotional component in general, because this is a zone of women's responsibility.

And if you show true feminine qualities next to your husband, your marriage will be strong and happy.

What does a man need?

To become a good wife, alas, it is not enough to be "an athlete, a Komsomol member and just a beauty." If everything were so easy, so many women in the world would not suffer from family problems, would not happen and the advice of family psychologists would not be required.

You need to understand male psychology, what a man needs and how to achieve this.

Have you ever wondered why men get married at all? They also have needs that they realize in family life. And this is not only regular sex, pies on the table and comfort in the house ...

A man needs to feel needed, loved, he is waiting for support and respect, devotion, understanding. Conventionally and schematically, psychologists reduce the basic expectations of a man from a woman to the following:

  • equipped life;
  • ease;
  • devotion;
  • calm.

What does it mean? That he feels good at home physically and morally, it is pleasant and easy for him to communicate with his wife, he is confident in her fidelity, devotion and love, and he is “filled” with her state of calm confidence and gets high from femininity.

And now for specific advice, point by point.

Make your home warm, cozy and smell delicious

Let you not have surgical sterility at home, but it should be comfortable. Even if he says he doesn't care, it's not true. Any man wants to come home and relax. It's delicious to eat.

Creating an appropriate environment is a woman's task. This does not mean that you need to plow yourself from morning to night with household chores - you can organize a housekeeper to help around the house or children, if they are already grown up, and order pizza.

But keep in mind that food prepared by you with your own hands and with love for your husband has a completely different energy. This is your form of caring for him.

Be positive, light and playful

Not like in the joke: "It's okay that my character is heavy, but my behavior is light." No. Here we are talking about the ability to enjoy simple things, a smile on your face. A man can look at a cheerful smiling contented woman endlessly.

When you know how to find in yourself and manifest in yourself that little girl, enthusiastic and light, who you want to carry in your arms, protect and pamper. When you are in a good mood and your eyes radiate light, love.

Who said that if he is your husband, then you do not need to flirt with him and or sometimes arrange pleasant surprises?

Believe in him and be faithful to him physically and morally

Devotion to a man is not only about cheating. "Faith" and "fidelity" are words with the same root. This means devotion to your man, trust, acceptance, faith in his strength and masculinity and that this man is the best for you.

After all, you chose him. It's about respect. About being proud of your husband. That he is your hero.

If you see a winner in him, appreciate him, admire and thank him - his wings just grow! This is the same "", which is talked about so much at women's trainings.

I will surprise you: respect for a man is even more important than love for him. And criticism expresses mistrust and disbelief in him.

Be calm and confident

Next to a nervous and always fussing and dissatisfied woman is always uncomfortable. A woman with her internal state creates a field around herself, in which people, getting into, experience a certain state.

So, a man loves his condition next to his ideal woman. First of all.

And then everything else. If your condition as a woman is not pumped, if you suffer from low self-esteem, are unsure of yourself, prone to tantrums, whining, outbursts of anger, fits of jealousy, it will be difficult to call you a good wife.

  • Don't whine and don't complain

You don't like whiners yourself. A man will help you solve all your problems, if you do not load him from morning to night and dump all fears and complexes on him. He is not your psychologist, not your mother and not your girlfriend.

  • Don't compare him to anyone

Comparisons are unacceptable, neither with Steve Jobs, nor with Vasya from the next entrance. If you want to continue being with this man.

  • Don't feel sorry for him

Never feel sorry for a man! The other side of pity is faith. If you regret it, then you don't believe in him. And keep in mind: supporting a man and pitying him are completely different things. Support. But don't be sorry.

I am here deliberately not talking about regular good sex and about the need to take care of yourself, keep your figure and develop as a person. And also in different ways - this is obvious.

If you use the tips above - believe me, getting it all from you, your husband will throw the whole world at your feet!