Extracurricular activity "Fun health lesson". List of the most harmful food additives. Choosing a way to solve the problem

"Health Lessons"

Health - invaluable happiness in the life of every person and human society. The word "health", like the words "love", "beauty", "joy", belong to those few concepts, the meaning of which everyone knows.

One of the main tasks facing teachers is the upbringing of a healthy younger generation. The time in which we live requires from all of us high efficiency, energy, clarity, initiative - quality. Our task is to bring to the consciousness of children that the main thing for a person is his health.

Therefore, health-improving activities occupy a special place in the preschool educational institution. Much attention is paid to the prevention of the organs of vision, respiratory and musculoskeletal systems.

The teachers in the group systematically conduct health lessons, during which children get acquainted not only with parts of the face and body, but also receive practical skills aimed at strengthening health (they learn exercise complexes for the prevention of pathologies of the organs of vision, respiration, flat feet, posture, etc.) ...

The main topic of the classes:

« I am healthy, I will help myself. "

In health lessons, medical and pedagogical methods are used. Health lessons include knowledge of physiology, anatomy, psychology.

  • The method of working with children is built in the directionpersonality-oriented interaction with the child,emphasis is placed onindependent experimentation and search activities.
  • Cognitive material contained in the lessoncorresponds to the age of the child.
  • Cognitive material is combined with practical tasks (wellness minutes - exercises for the eyes, self-massage of the body, exercises for the eyes, posture, breathing exercises, psycho-gymnastic studies).

Used by an integrated approach to conductingHealth lesson (cognitive activity of children combined with visual, musical activity, speech and physical development).

  • The content of the lesson is filled withfairy-tale and game characters, problem situationsassociated with them.
  • Health lessons bring children a sense of satisfaction and joy, a desire to come back to class.
  1. "Lessons of Moidodyr".

The goal of which is to form and instill stable cultural and hygienic skills.

In this direction, such interesting classes are conducted as: "Lessons of Moidodyr", Visiting Smeshariki - we congratulate the Hedgehog on his birthday "," Journey to the Magic Land ".

Through classes, children consolidate, improve hygiene skills, learn to maintain cleanliness of the body and tidiness of clothes, rinse their mouths, brush their teeth, and have a handkerchief.

  1. “The main wonder of the world” is the formation of ideas about the human body, its main systems.

Classes are held on the topic: "So that the teeth do not hurt", "Carlson is visiting the guys",“I am a girl, I am a boy”, “Who am I - an image of myself”, “Eyes, ears and noses should be healthy” “A healthy heart for every person”, etc.

Children develop knowledge about the body, about a person (parts of his body, their meaning for a person), children get to know how the human body works).

  1. “I am a person” - the development of ideas about the relationship between man and society, man and nature, about the dependence of the state of health on the environment.

Classes: "Man and a pet", "What would be", "Me and my body", etc.

On the basis of research activities, children develop the idea that a person is a part of nature, and at the same time a thinking creature, is formedchildren have ideas, on the one hand, about the single physical principle of man and animal, on the other, about the uniqueness of man.

  1. “If you want to be healthy” - the formation of a habit of a healthy lifestyle and systematic exercise, compliance with safety rules. Interesting meetings with your favorite character "Health".

Slide captions:

Health lessons Prepared by: T.A. Potashko

Health is an invaluable happiness in the life of every person and human society. The word "health", like the words "love", "beauty", "joy", belong to those few concepts, the meaning of which everyone knows.

One of the main tasks facing teachers is the upbringing of a healthy younger generation.

The main topic of the classes: "I am healthy for the coast, I will help myself."

The method of working with children is built in the direction of personality-oriented interaction with a child, an emphasis is placed on independent experimentation and search activity. The cognitive material contained in the lesson is appropriate for the age of the child. Cognitive material is combined with practical tasks (health minutes - exercises for the eyes, self-massage of the body, exercises for the eyes, posture, breathing exercises, psycho-gymnastic studies).

"Lessons of Moidodyr". Purpose: the formation and inculcation of persistent cultural and hygienic skills.

"The main wonder of the world" - the formation of ideas about the human body, its main systems

“I am a person” - the development of ideas about the relationship between man and society, man and nature, about the dependence of the state of health on the environment.

“If you want to be healthy” - the formation of a habit of a healthy lifestyle and systematic exercise, compliance with safety rules. Interesting meetings with your favorite character "Health".

Health lesson for younger students

One of the priority directions of the educational process at school is the protection of the health of schoolchildren. Using health-preserving technologies in my work, I set the following tasks:
1. Provide the student with the opportunity to stay healthy.
2. To form in him the necessary knowledge, skills and abilities for a healthy lifestyle.
3. To teach to use the acquired knowledge in everyday life.
4. Strengthen the health of children during the educational process and in extracurricular activities.

In elementary school, health lessons create sustainable motivation and the need to maintain their own health and the health of others. In these lessons, children can be offered a variety of games.

Subject-themed game "Hike"

Addressing the class, the teacher says that the guys are going on a hike in their native land.
In a column, one by one, students go around the gym with the words:
Let's go hiking.
How many discoveries await us!
We step one after another
Forest and green meadow.
When moving, various types of walking are performed (walking on toes, on heels, etc., the position of the hands changes: to the belt, to the sides, up, etc.)
So we came to the meadow.
Silence stands around
The mowers went out into the meadow.
Swing oblique here and there-
Do one and do two.
Students perform movements with straight arms to the left and to the right with a turn of the body towards the front leg.
Teacher: Pay attention to the butterflies that flutter over the flowers.
Motley wings flicker -
Butterflies fly in the field.
One two three four-

We flew, whirled.

Gray mice live in the field. To catch them, you need a cat called Kotofey.

Game "Cat Kotofey and Mice".
Children choose a "cat" by counting. The rest are "mice". The "mice" follow the "cat" in a column, holding each other by the belt. The "cat" leads the "mice" in different directions: straight, like a snake, in a circle and has the following conversation with them:
-Are there mice in the haystack?
-There is!
- Are they afraid of the cat?
-And I, Kotofey, will disperse all the mice!
The "mice" scatter, the "cat" catches them. Whoever he catches becomes a "cat", and the game starts again.
We played and moved on.
We went to a forest clearing.
Raise our legs higher!
We see - jumping along the edge
Two funny frogs.
Jump-jump, jump-jump-
Jump from heel to toe.
Students perform jumps with straight arms extended forward upward.
-And now the river appeared ahead.
We quickly went down to the river,
We bent over and washed ourselves.
One two three four -
So gloriously refreshed!
And now they swam together.
You need to do this with your hands:
Together - once:
This is breaststroke.
Hand movements are performed imitating breaststroke swimming. Light rocking on toes.
- All as one we swim like a dolphin. But what is it? Someone is drowning! Need to save!

Game "Lifebuoy"
Children are divided into two teams. Each student has a hoop in his hands. In turn, everyone tries to throw the hoop over the heavy balls. Whose team will throw hoops on the ball faster and more will receive the title of "Young Rescuer"
-We went ashore steep,
And we went home!
Teacher: At the end of our trip, I suggest you the game "Geese"

Game "Geese"
Children choose "mother goose" and "wolf". all other "geese". The "goose" drives the "geese" into the field, while she sits behind a line called the "city". A dialogue takes place between her and the "geese":
-Geese, go home!
-The wolf behind the mountain!
-What's he doing?
-The villain is pinching the geese.
-And gray, and white, and specks ... Fly quickly to your mother!
The "geese" run to the "city", and the "wolf" runs across their path and tries to catch someone. You cannot catch "geese" behind the line. The game continues until the "wolf" has caught all the "geese"

After returning from the hike, the teacher asks the children about what they saw during the walk, whom they met on their way, what they liked and sums up the trip.

"A fun lesson in health!"

(Extracurricular activity for primary school children)

Event form: quiz game.

Event type: extracurricular.

Goals - in a playful way, to form an interest in a healthy lifestyle and a value attitude to one's own health, to develop communication skills and self-control skills; continue to educate a worldview aimed at a healthy lifestyle.


  • Educational:

to acquaint children with the rules that help maintain their own health.

  • Educating:

to continue the education of a worldview aimed at a healthy lifestyle: to foster a respectful attitude towards one's own health, to instill the need to take care of one's health.

  • Developing:

to develop logical thinking, speech, development of skills in children to work in a team.

Methods used.

  • Verbal. Speeches of the presenter, participants of the event, propaganda team.
  • Visual. Use of posters, photographs, drawings, reproductions on this topic.
  • Practical. Game tasks, relay races, riddles.

Duration of the event: 40 minutes.

Participants: pupils of 3-4 grades take part in the game. The team consists of 5 people, including the captain.

The participants in the game prepare their homework: the name, motto and emblem of the team, a poster on the prevention of bad habits, proverbs about a healthy lifestyle.

Equipment of the event: pictures and posters about sports, health, tasks for the competition of captains, 2 certificates, blank sheets, crosswords, a multimedia projector, a laptop, music speakers, videos about a healthy lifestyle, an electronic presentation on the theme "Fun health lesson!"

The course of the event.

  1. I. Organizational principle.

Hello dear teachers, hello guys!

I say hello to you, which means that I wish you all good health. Why does a greeting always sound like a wish for each other's health? Because health is the most important value for a person. People often say this good, kind word to each other when they meet. The word "hello" is very old. Associated with the word tree. Once upon a time people, pronouncing the word hello, wished others to be healthy, strong, mighty like a tree, like an oak, for example.

And now, when we say this word, we wish a person to be healthy, strong, strong.

Do you know what is the most precious thing in the world? Of course, this is life, health. Even in ancient Russia they said: "Health is more valuable than wealth."

We have 2 teams. I will ask the teams to introduce themselves and state their motto (Team Submissions).

Moderator: (Jury presentation.) At the end of the game, it is these people who will count the number of "big women" earned by each team, and the final result of the game will be summed up. So, let's begin.
1st competition "Warm-up".

1.With orange skin,

Like a ball

But the center is not empty

But juicy and tasty.

(answer: orange)

5. The orange nose has grown into the ground,

And the green tail is outside.

We don't need a green tail

All you need is an orange nose.

(answer: carrots)

2. It is almost like an orange,

Thick skin, juicy

There is only one drawback -

Sour very, very.

(answer: lemon)

6. He's never anyone

I did not offend in the world.

Why do they cry from him

Both adults and children?

(answer: bow)

3. He grew up in the south

I gathered my fruits in a bunch.

And in the harsh winter

Will come with raisins to our home.

(answer: grapes)

7. What kind of creak? What a crunch?

What is this bush?

How to be without crunch

(answer: cabbage)

4. Red beads hang

They look at us from the bushes,

These beads are very fond of

Children, birds and bears.

(answer: raspberry)

8. Round, ruddy,

I grow on a branch;

Adults love me

And little kids.

( answer: apple )

In case of a tie, a question for filling:

  1. Ice rink (skating rink).
  2. Weightlifting specialist (weightlifter).
  3. The best weight for lovers of morning exercises (dumbbells).
  4. It is the key to health (cleanliness).
  5. Hockey - puck, football - ball, bondminton - ... (shuttlecock).
  6. Tennis court (court).
  7. A decisive characteristic of appearance for a basketball player (height).
  8. Sports challenge prize (cup).
  9. What is the athlete seeking to establish? (Record).

For the correct answer 1 point.

ІІ competition "I believe - I do not believe".

Now let's play the game "I believe - I don't believe" (if you agree, raise two hands, if not, slap your knees 2 times).

  1. Do you agree that exercise is a source of vitality and health? (Yes)
  2. Is it true that chewing gum preserves teeth? (No)
  3. Is it true that carrots slow down the aging process of the body? (Yes)
  4. Is it true that in the summer you can stock up on vitamins for a whole year? (No)
  5. To keep your teeth healthy, you need to brush them twice a day. (Yes)
  6. Is it true that drinking ice water makes you harden on a hot day? (No).

III competition "Walk of an athlete".

Let's move on to the next competition. It's called the Athlete's Walk. The captains will have to depict the gait of the athlete, which you will get on the card. The captains draw cards. If the captain shows well, clearly, then both his team and the one that guesses first, receive a point. Team 3 "a" of the "Neboliki" class starts.


  1. Depict the gait of a weightlifter after a barbell has fallen on his leg.
  2. Depict a swimmer who has suffered sciatica.
  3. A cyclist who injured his right side in a fall.

(The guys show and guess.)

The judges evaluate the teams.

Leading: Well done! We had a great walk with a sporty gait.

The athlete overcame himself

And that means a lot.

And the main thing here is not even a record.

And the non-shiny surfaces of the medal.

Health is the main thing! It brings ...

Guys: Sport.

ІV competition "You can't buy health".

You can't buy health. We will hold our blitz tournament under this motto. For the correct answer - one point. Raise your hand quickly.

1.Spring grows, blooms in summer.

It crumbles in autumn, falls asleep in winter.

And the flower is for honey.

Treats flu, cough and wheezing. (Linden)

2 she grows around

She is both an enemy and a friend.

Like needles are hairs

We covered all the sheets.

Break even a hair -

And pungent juice will drip -

On your skin - even shout!

Oh-oh-oh, blisters!

But if you are friends with her,

You are healthier than many:

There is a treasure of vitamins in it,

They eat it in the spring. (Nettle)

3 why i'm off the road

Am I not going far?

If you hurt your legs

I will help them.

I put my hand to the wound, -

The pain will subside and again

There will be feet on the road

Walk in step with the sun. (Plantain)

4.He stuck out his thorns,

His thorns are like needles.

But we will not collect thorns from him, -

Useful fruits for the drugstore narve. (Rose hip)

V competition "Finish the proverb".

Popular wisdom says the truth. I will begin the proverbs and you will continue.

For team 1:

Take care of your dress again, and health ... (from a young age)

Purity - half ... (health)

From health ... (not treated)

There would be health, but happiness ... (there is)

Where is health in the same place … (the beauty)

Move more - you will live ... (longer)

Lie down after lunch, after dinner ... (walk around)

Bow seven ailments ... (heals)

For team 2:

The disease does not walk in the forest ... (but in people)

Taking care of your health is the best ... (medicine)

To each his own disease … (hard)

You will ruin your health - new ... (you can't buy)

To harden from a young age - forever ... (useful)

In a healthy body ... (healthy mind)

He does not know health, who is sick ... (can not be)

Sick - be healed, but healthy ... (beware)

At the end of our event, I want you to cope with one more task. . Each person is the master of his life. There is a poster on the board that depicts a tree without leaves and fruits. Each of you has leaves, colored balls with words. You need to select the names necessary for health on the leaves and balls, and we will arrange our " TREE OF HEALTH ".

Show of cartoons about a healthy lifestyle. "Smeshariki" ABC of health.

The final stage.

So our game is over. Let's summarize. All teams performed excellently. But the team won today…. (Prizes, certificates are awarded).

Our fun health lesson has come to an end. We would like to thank you for your activity, kindness and complete understanding. We hope that the knowledge you have received today will help you in your life and you will lead a healthy lifestyle.

I wish you guys
Always be healthy.
But get things done
impossible without labor.
Try not to be lazy -
Every time before eating,
Before you sit down at the table,
Wash your hands with water.
And do the exercises
Daily in the morning.
And, of course, temper -
This will help you so much!
Breathe fresh air
If possible always,
Go for walks in the forest,
He will give you strength, friends!
I have revealed secrets to you
How to keep health
Follow all the tips
And it will be easy for you to live

Elena Nosova
Abstract on the topic "Health lesson"

Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution

"Kindergarten No. 96 of general developmental type of the city of Syktyvkar"

(MBDOU "Kindergarten number 96")

Abstract of GCD

« Health lessons»

for older preschool children

Compiled by:

Educator of the senior group number 8

E. V. Nosova

Syktyvkar, 2016

« Health lessons»

for older preschool children.

Target: the formation in children of an idea of health, a sense of responsibility for strengthening and maintaining one's health.



Teach children to take care of their own health know simple tricks self-healing, be able to provide yourself with basic help. Consolidate knowledge about healthy and unhealthy foods.


Promote the education of preschoolers to respect their health.

Instill and foster a love of physical exercise, self-massage.


To develop the spoken language of children, the ability to use antonyms, to understand the meaning of proverbs.


Enrich vocabulary on the topic « Health» (health, hardening, self-massage).

Materials and equipment: a bag with personal hygiene items, pictures of teeth, m / f "Moidodyr", audio recording "The radiant sun", doll Dunno, pictures of useful and harmful products.

Preliminary work: viewing related illustrations « Health» reading poems about healthy lifestyle.

Course of the lesson:

1. Organizational moment

Educator: Guys, look, Dunno came to visit us today. He doesn't know at all what it is health... Do you know what it is « Health» ? Let's help Dunno figure it out.

But first answer to question: Why do you want to be healthy? It's in your power to keep yours health?

Educator: Right! Even folk wisdom about it tells:

"Is there a big trouble," I health shore,

Than disease and need. " I will help myself. "

Educator: Let's learn the second proverb by heart.


Educator: How do you understand what is health? Health is strength, beauty, when the mood is good and everything works out. Now let's talk about how we can help ourselves to strengthen health... What do you think you can do for your own health?

Children: Exercise, exercise, temper, eat right, observe the daily routine, keep clean, eat vitamins.

Educator: Now we will show Dunno gymnastics to strengthen our fingers:

Finger gymnastics "Cheerful little man"

I am a cheerful person

I walk and sing.

I am a cheerful person

I love to play very much. Index and middle fingers of both hands "Walk" across the table.

Rub your palms hard, Rub your palms.

I'll twist each finger

Say hello to him strongly

And I'll start pulling. Cover each finger at the base and rotate up to the nail phalanx.

I will then wash my hands, rub the palms.

I will fold my finger to my finger,

I will close them with a lock

And I will keep warm. Put your fingers in the lock.

Educator: Now check, have your fingers become stronger, more obedient?

You know, guys, Dunno brought some kind of bag with him. And he does not know what the objects in it are for. Let's tell him!

Didactic game "Wonderful bag"

(Children feel by groping the items of personal hygiene (soap, comb, handkerchief, towel, mirror, toothpaste and brush, brush for clothes) and tell what they are intended for and how to use them. Then the teacher reads riddles and offers to find the answer among the items which the children took out of the wonderful bag).

Educator: And now we are going to watch a cartoon about a dirty boy. (View m \ f "Moidodyr"... Conversation on the content of m \ f).

Educator: Something we sat too long with you. Let's warm up a little. Let's do gymnastics for our body.

(Perform gymnastics with audio recording "The radiant sun")

Educator: Look at the pictures. What is depicted on them? Here in this picture, the teeth are white, funny. And here they are dark, sad. What is your opinion on what happened to those teeth? White teeth are cleaned, fed with wholesome food, but dark ones are not looked after, they are not cleaned, they are fed with food that destroys teeth. What food do you think destroys teeth?

Children: Sweets, cakes, chocolate, lollipops, ice cream ruin my teeth.

Educator: What kind of food is good for your teeth?

Children: Vegetables, fruits, cottage cheese.

Didactic game "Useful - harmful"

(On a large piece of paper (chalkboard) depicts various food products (vegetables, sweets, fruits, chips, milk, carbonated drink in a bottle, fish, ice cream, eggs, black bread, etc.). Children draw a green marker around what is helpful. The teacher explains why you can't eat chips and other unhealthy foods, why sweets should be eaten in moderation).

Educator: Remember and name what healthy foods they feed you in kindergarten.

(Children list foods from the kindergarten menu).

Educator: You guys said that you need to temper. And how is it, what should be done? Listen to a poem about hardening:

"Everyone who wants to be healthy,

Temper you with me.

Running in the morning and invigorating shower,

As for adults, real.

Open windows more often

Breathe fresh air.

Wash hands with cold water.

And then the microbe is hungry

You will never be overcome. "

Educator: How do we temper ourselves after a nap? (Answers of children).

Educator: There is another very simple hardening method that can be done every day. This is self-massage. Listen to this word. What "massage"? (Answers of children).

Educator: And the first part of the word "Self-massage" - "Self" what does it mean? (Answers of children)


Have you washed your forehead? Have you washed your cheeks?

Did you wash your ears? Have you washed your pens?

Have you washed everything? Clean now!

Open to health door!

Educator: Look Dunno, how many interesting things we told and showed you today. Now you know what it is health and how to save it. Thank you guys for your help!

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