Pattern of a round tablecloth. Diy tablecloth on a round table

The fabric for tablecloths must be strong, durable and easy to wash. The choice of the shape and style of the tablecloth depends on its purpose. Long tablecloths are used for special occasions, and for kitchen and dining tables, the length of the tablecloth should not be lower than the seats of the surrounding chairs.

Depending on the purpose, the edges of the tablecloth are possible. To calculate the fabric consumption, you need to carefully measure the table. When making a large tablecloth, do not sew individual pieces of fabric so that the seam is visible to everyone on the table. It is better to place one piece of fabric in the middle and sew additional cuts on the sides to achieve the desired width. Join individual panels with a false seam.

Taking measurements for the tablecloth

For any tablecloth, you must first of all know the dimensions of the table surface and the distance from top to bottom from the surface to the edge of the tablecloth (height). To determine the height of a tablecloth designed for a kitchen or dining table, measure from the edge of the table surface to the level of the chairs' seats. To make a long decorative tablecloth that you are going to cover a small dressing table, measure the distance from the edge of the surface to the floor. To cut out a round tablecloth designed for a round table, see the instructions below, steps 1-3.

To cut a square tablecloth for a round table, measure the diameter of the table (AB) and add twice the height (EF) plus 2.5 cm of hem allowance. The size is the same for both sides of the tablecloth. For a rectangular tablecloth on an oval table, measure the length of the table, add twice the height plus 2.5 cm for the hem. Then measure the width of the table. For an oval tablecloth on an oval table, make a template out of paper that matches the table surface, place it on the fabric, pin it with pins, add around the height (EF) plus 1 cm for the hem - and you can cut it.

For a square tablecloth on a square table or a rectangular tablecloth on a rectangular table, measure the table width (CD), add double the height (EF) plus 2.5 cm for the hem. Measure the table length (AB), add double the height (EF) plus 2.5 cm of hem allowance.

The round tablecloth should hang at the same height on all sides of the table. Make a template with one curved side and use it for the cut. To do this, you need a marker, a piece of twine and a basic sewing kit. Make a compass by tying one end of the string to a marker, securing the other end with a knot and pinning it to the paper with a pin. Adjust the length of the cord according to the radius of the tablecloth.

1. Folding the fabric

Cut out a square from the fabric with sides equal to the diameter of the tablecloth, that is, the diameter of the table plus 2 hanging heights. Fold the fabric in four, right side in.

Sewing a tablecloth with your own hands, what is it for? There is such a huge selection of tablecloths in stores, it seems, for every taste. But start choosing, and it turns out that, although the choice is large, it is not so easy to find the right one. Either the look of the tablecloth is too cheap, the drawing does not fit the interior of the room, or the fabric is so artificial that some unpleasant chemical smell even emanates from it. And if the interior of the room is also decorated in a certain style, for example, "Provence", then you want the tablecloth to match this style.

In addition, sewing a tablecloth with your own hands means creating a unique thing, an exclusive, which will be in one copy, and which you will definitely not find in any housewife. And the very process of creating such a unique thing with your own hands, even if you are not a skilled needlewoman, will captivate and fascinate you.

As you work, you will admire every piece of the tablecloth that has turned out well. You will be delighted with the clarity of the lines made, touched by the airiness of touching ruffles, the bright festivity of the satin border. And the whole process of sewing tablecloths with your own hands, like any creativity, will not be boring and uninteresting, you will feel like a master, and you will create.

Types of tablecloths

So, let's get down to business from dreams. First you need to decide what kind of tablecloth you want to sew. Festive, casual at the dinner table or camping. Depending on the use and purpose, tablecloths differ not only in material, but also in finish.

  • Festive tablecloths for formal dinners are usually white, made of thick silk or linen. They can be decorated with ruffles, flounces, fringes, lace, embroidery, monograms.
  • Everyday dining tablecloths come in a solid color, preferably not white. Colored or checkered tablecloths also look good on the dining table. Since the tablecloth is used constantly, the material for it can be bought inexpensive, but well washable, for example, cotton tapestry. The dining tablecloth can also be decorated with ruffles, appliqués, satin border, thin lace trim.
  • A hiking tablecloth is intended for outdoor recreation, when the "table" is organized right on the grass, spreading a tablecloth on it. Such tablecloths should be made of dense, durable and washable fabric, without any special decorative elements.

Materials and tools required for work

In order to sew a tablecloth with your own hands, you will need the following materials and tools:

  • Cloth for tablecloth
  • Trim material (satin ribbon and narrow lace trim)
  • Sewing machine
  • Threads, needles, scissors, chalk, centimeter

We sew a tablecloth with our own hands

Let's try to sew a tablecloth, not the most difficult in sewing technology, but not the simplest either. We sew a tablecloth for the dining table, not too complicated in execution, but still decorated and elegant.

Measure the length and width of your table, add to these values ​​the dimensions of the overhang of the tablecloth from the table and allowances for the hem - these will be the dimensions of the cut of the material for the tablecloth.

For example, the dimensions of your table are 0.8 x 1.8 m. So, to these dimensions you need to add the dimensions of the overhang, 25 - 30 cm and allowances for hemming 10 cm. Add to the length and width of the fabric cut 10 cm for the shrinkage of the fabric, which will occur after washing. The length of the fabric cut for the tablecloth will be 1.8 m + 30 cm for the overhang + 20 cm for the fold and shrinkage = 2.3 m.The width, respectively, 0.8 m + 30 cm + 20 cm = 1.3 m.

Fold each corner of the fabric diagonally on the wrong side, iron it. Measure 8 cm on each side of the corner and draw a small line connecting these points. Sew this line on your typewriter. Cut the fabric by stitching, leaving 1cm behind. Turn these corners right out and iron.

Now you can fold and sew the tablecloth with a wide stitch from the wrong side around the entire perimeter of the fabric. After basting, iron the tablecloth around its entire edge and sew with a typewriter along the basting. In principle, the tablecloth is ready, but we intended to decorate it, and we will not give up on our intention.

Decoration (dressing) tablecloths

As you already understood, it is not so difficult to sew a tablecloth with your own hands. Decorating a tablecloth is also not a complicated process. We select a satin ribbon, it can be the same shade as the tablecloth, but slightly darker or slightly lighter. If the material on the tablecloth is patterned or checkered, the ribbon can be selected in one of the colors of the pattern or check.

Or you can choose the color of the ribbon that is completely unrelated to the color of the tablecloth. For example, if the material of the tablecloth is of an undefined dull color, then the trimming tape, in a bright color, will make your tablecloth more elegant. The width of the tape is 5-6 cm.

We attach the tape around the entire perimeter of the tablecloth along the very edge of the front side of the tablecloth. For not too experienced needlewomen, it is better to first baste the ribbon over the edge of the tablecloth. The tape must be sewn along both of its edges. It will be a little more difficult to tape the corners of the tablecloth. At the corners of the tablecloth, the tape must be cut, bend the corners of the tape diagonally and sewn exactly in the center of the corner.

But the lace trim does not need to be sewn on both sides. It is applied over the satin ribbon so that one half of the inlay goes over the ribbon, the other half over the fabric of the tablecloth. The machine stitch runs down the center of the binding. In the corners of the tablecloth, the inlay does not need to be cut. When you reach the corner, stop, raise the machine foot, turn the tape at an angle of 45 degrees, lower the foot and attach the tape on the next side of the tablecloth.

When the tablecloth, sewn with your own hands, is ready, it needs to be ironed, given that the satin ribbon and lace trim will not take out an iron that is too hot.

This article describes how to make a tablecloth with your own hands, one of the simplest models. And there are a lot of options for models of tablecloths, from festive, with a lush overhang to the floor, to kitchen ones, sewn in the style of patchwork technology.

Tablecloths on tables serve not only utilitarian purposes, for example, they cover up defects of the table or protect it from damage. They add warmth and coziness to the kitchen interior, and hand-sewn tablecloths fill the hostess with a sense of pride and serve as an object of admiration for others.

Do you like to host? We just love it! And that is why we suggest that you sew a tablecloth with your own hands before their arrival. Believe me, such a tablecloth will not only decorate your holiday, but also become the pride of the hostess, because such a tablecloth cannot be bought in a store! Made from floral cotton tapestry, it is trimmed around the edge with satin trim and fine lace trim. Another feature of this tablecloth is that it is double - set on a thin olive-colored cotton lining.

Sewing School of Anastasia Korfiati
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DIY tablecloth - details

Rice. 1. DIY tablecloth - table setting

Rice. 3. Table setting - top view

DIY tablecloth - master class

In order to correctly calculate the required length of the fabric for the tablecloth, measure the length and width of your table and add 60 cm to the measured values.The estimated length of the tablecloth (DS) and the width of the tablecloth (SH) in the finished form is calculated by the formula: DS = Width of the table + 60 cm, ШС = Table length + 60 cm. According to the norms, the tablecloth should go down from all edges of the table by 25-30 cm.

As a rule, tablecloths bought in stores have standard sizes and do not always fit our table, going down along the edges too much or not enough. This is another argument to sew the tablecloth yourself!

You can buy tablecloth fabric at a curtain fabric store. The width of such fabrics, as a rule, is 2.8-3.0 m, which will allow you to sew a tablecloth even on a large table. The dimensions of the table presented in the master class: 0.9 mx 1.8 m.

For our tablecloth and 4 napkins, we needed:

Main fabric: cotton tapestry with a floral pattern - 1.5 m with a fabric width of 2.8 m.

Lining fabric: cotton poplin 2.4 m long and 150 cm wide.

Satin ribbon for processing tablecloth edges 6.5 cm wide, 8.5 m long, lace trim 2.5 cm wide and 8.5 m long, matching threads.

For processing the edges of napkins (napkin size 0.3 x 0.3 m.): Satin ribbon 3 cm wide, 5 m long, lace trim 2.5 cm wide and 5 m long, matching threads.

Rice. 1. DIY tablecloth - necessary materials

Cut out a tablecloth from the main and lining fabrics according to the measurements, add 1 cm allowances on all sides.Fold both parts right sides to each other, align along the edges and secure with tailor's pins.

Rice. 2. Processing the tablecloth with lining. Cut out 2 rectangles for the tablecloth from the base and lining fabric according to your measurements.

Stitch the base and lining fabrics along the contour, leaving a small area to turn inside out.

Rice. 3. Sew the details along the contour

Cut off the allowances at the corners, not reaching 2 mm to the line.

Rice. 4. Cut off the allowances at the corners

Iron the seams on the right side of the tablecloth, placing both allowances on the base fabric.

Rice. 5. Iron the seams

Sweep the tablecloth clean on all sides, re-edging the seam to the wrong side.

Rice. 6. Sweep clean on all sides

Bend and iron the allowances on the open area of ​​the tablecloth. Then fold together at the edges, baste and stitch close to the edge. Remove the basting stitches. Iron the tablecloth around all the edges again.

Rice. 7. Fold over and sweep over the open area allowances

Before adjusting the satin ribbon, you need to fix the edges of the tablecloth. To do this, lay wide basting stitches along the edges as shown in photo 8.

Rice. 8. Baste the edges of the tablecloth with wide stitches.

Decorating the edges of the tablecloth with a satin ribbon

A satin ribbon and lace trim are used to decorate the tablecloth. First you need to sew a satin ribbon along the edges of the tablecloth, then a lace trim is sewn onto the ribbon (fig. 9).

Rice. 9. Satin ribbon and lace trim

Begin to grind the satin ribbon at one of the corners of the tablecloth. Place it exactly along the edges and sew the stitch exactly to the edge.

Rice. 10. How to sew a satin ribbon

To help guide the fabric under the foot when turning the corner, thread a double thread into the top of each corner. Pull on the thread as you twist to make it easier to feed the fabric under the foot.

Rice. 11. When turning the corner, pull the thread

After the satin ribbon is sewn around the entire perimeter of the tablecloth, you need to arrange the corners. To do this, lay the tape at a 90 ° angle and cut off the excess tape at a corner, leaving allowances for the hem.

Rice. 12. Cut the corners of the satin ribbon

Tuck one tape overlap over the other, fold the upper seam allowance and baste or pin.

Rice. 13. Bend and pin allowances at the corners

Be sure to fold the tape into a neat, even fold. Sew the corner allowance exactly to the edge.

Rice. 14. Sew the tape allowance on the corner

The open edge of the ribbon can be pinned to the tablecloth or swept, along this edge we will grind a lace trim.

Rice. 15. Corners of the tablecloth

The lace trim should be sewn exactly in the center. To do this, place the tape on the open edge of the satin ribbon and stitch in the center while stitching the inner edge of the satin ribbon at the same time.

Rice. 16. How to attach a lace trim

When you reach the corner, bend the lace trim at an angle of 90 °, fold the allowances inward and continue sewing. Sew the tape on all sides of the tablecloth, fasten and cut the ends of the threads.

Rice. 17. Having reached the corner, turn the binding at an angle

To secure the lace trim at the corners, sew short stitches at each corner of the tablecloth.

Rice. 19. Sewing the corners of the binding

The finished tablecloth looks simply luxurious and will serve you for many years. Advice! Get yourself a brush and scoop for such a tablecloth and your table will always be neat and clean!

Rice. 20. Ready-made tablecloth

How to cut and sew napkins

For the set, you will need 6 table napkins. For sewing them, use the same fabrics as for the tablecloth. Cut out napkins from the base and lining fabric and sew in the same way as the tablecloth. Use a narrower satin ribbon 3 cm wide to decorate the napkins.

Rice. 21. Cutting napkins

A ready-made set of napkins is shown in Fig. 22. Together with the tablecloth, they make up the perfect set that you can use as you see fit. We wish you happy holidays!

Rice. 22. Ready-made napkins.

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How to sew a round tablecloth

Choosing a material

The tablecloth for a round table is a circle with a frill sewn to it. Measure the diameter of the table. You also need to know the length of the circle, you can calculate it by multiplying the diameter by 3.14. But if there is a flexible measuring tape, nothing prevents you from measuring the countertop. In the store, you can easily find a suitable fabric with a width of 150, 180 and even 210 cm. To calculate the amount of fabric for the central part, add 5-7 cm to the diameter and 2 cm for allowances. To calculate the amount of material needed for a ruffle, multiply the circumference by 1.5 or 2, depending on how curvy the ruffles are. If the material is very wide, halve the result. You will also need: - fabric for the inner layer - 1 diameter of the table top; - non-woven or dublerin; - braid, roll or lace along the girth of the table top; - paper; - lace; - button; - pencil; - crayon; - sewing accessories.

A tablecloth for a round table can also be with a seam. In this case, it is better to choose a plain fabric or with a small pattern.

Cut out the tablecloths

On paper, draw a pattern for the central part. It is just a circle, the diameter of which is 5-7 cm larger than the diameter of the countertop itself. If you do not have a large compass at hand, cut the lace, the length of which is half the diameter of the future circle. Tie a pencil to one end, attach the other to the sheet with a button. Draw a circle, cut out, and align with the countertop. Transfer the pattern to the main and additional fabric. Cut out a round section of the tablecloth, leaving seam allowances. The frill is a long strip, solid or sewn from several parts. If you bought a wide piece of fabric, fold it in half along the lobe and cut exactly in the middle.

The frill can be tied on. In this case, cut out the round part and sew it over with an overlock. Crochet the lace. The pattern can be, for example, based on a sirloin mesh

Assembling the tablecloth

Duplicate the center section from the main fabric before stitching the tablecloth. Fold the allowance inward and iron. If necessary, make notches in several places, leaving 0.2 cm to the fold line. Make the same blank from the lining fabric. In this case, it does not matter whether the lining is in contact with the table with the wrong side or the front side. It is important that the fabric does not slip. Pin off the round parts with pins or sweep away 3-4 cm from the edge. Sew the frill along the edge, where there is no edge, with a basting seam, lay in gathers. Insert the edge of the frill between the round parts, put a roll or double-folded braid on top of it, sweep and sew all this. You have all the allowances between the layers of fabric, so this is where your work is finished. Sew

So, who is interested, I ask under the cut !!!

I show the master class using another fabric as an example.
First, we need to decide what size tablecloth we need.
It is calculated as follows: 20 -25 cm is usually laid on the overhang.
That is, if your table is 80 * 120cm, then add 50 cm to the table size for each measurement and get the final size 130 * 170cm

Before sewing such a tablecloth, fabrics must be decorated or washed so that the fabrics shrink.
usually we make the width of the edging 10 cm, therefore, given that the edging with goes from all sides, we cut the central part 110 * 150 cm + seam allowances = 112 * 152cm

We have double edging, so the width of each strip is 10 * 2 + seam allowances = 22 cm

for our table size, the length of the stripes will be equal to the width of the finished tablecloth and the length of the finished tablecloth + seam allowances. that is, we cut 2 strips 130 + 2 = 132 cm and 2 strips 170 + 2 = 172 cm. If you are reinsurers, then you can make these stripes a little longer)) by a couple of centimeters)

So. everything is ready and let's start !!!

We fold all the strips of the edging in half and iron them, getting a strip 11 cm wide

We take one strip of edging (one layer, not both) and, stepping back from the edge of this strip 11 cm (strip width + allowance), pin it onto the seamy side of the tablecloth.

To be sure, you can pin the entire strip of edging to the tablecloth.

Having retreated from the edge a distance equal to the width of the foot, we attach a strip of edging to the tablecloth. we do not reach the end of the side also at a distance equal to the width of the foot.

Here you can see it))

We do the other three sides by analogy. This is what the corner will look like.

Then fold the corner of the tablecloth with the right side outward (you get an angle of 45 degrees), putting the edging strips on top of each other.

Having applied the ruler strictly to the edge of the fold, draw a chalk line on the edging, which is a strict continuation of the fold line of the tablecloth.

leaving a seam allowance of about 1 cm, cut off the excess

When expanded, the border will look like this:
We cut off the details of two adjacent edging.

And we sew

Cut off the corner

Then a long and thorough ironing procedure begins))). Turn on the iron and get started !!
Ironing out the details of the edging

Press the seam between the edging and the tablecloth to the side of the edging.