Jewelry display. Photo session: the best solutions in jewelry store window dressing. Jewelry showcase decoration price

How to increase sales in a jewelry store. Step number 6

Correcting mistakes: jewelry merchandising

Top 10 Tips for Selling Jewelry

The jewelry industry is known to be conservative and slow. The main driving force behind development, the search for new ideas and technologies is the retail business, which is interested in a real increase in profits. Jewelry merchandising - managing the desire to "buy" clearly stands out among the most effective ways to achieve these goals.

Only those who do not work at all do not make mistakes. They usually happen due to insufficient attention to detail - in the flow of everyday life, we very often forget to look at a jewelry store through the eyes of our customers. We propose to consider four of the most exciting questions for jewelry store owners and give practical answers to them. Using them, you can make your jewelry business more convenient and understandable for clients and profitable for yourself.

Who should be entrusted with the management of the jewelry merchandising process in the company?

Sometimes it turns out like this: the staff is trained in the basics of displaying and organizing the retail space, all products are in accordance with the rules, the jewelry store is beautiful! But for some reason he doesn't sell ...

This is because, as the rings, earrings, chains and bracelets were originally laid out, so they continue to lie. And the adjustment of the calculation should be constant!

A jewelry store will be successful only if it floats again and again through the waves of inspiration and desire to change "planograms", if invisible threads of spectacular jewelry compositions will permeate its space again and again.

It should be understood that visual merchandising is an endless, continuous business process. The main thing is to organize it correctly: designate the owner, allocate resources and deal with the estimates of determining the effectiveness.

How can all this be done? In mid-level stores and in jewelry chains, experts recommend using a very convenient tool - Merchbook - as a basis. This is such a corporate document (usually in the form of a brochure), which describes the general rules for the use of merchandising.

It needs to list all departments, describe the design of furniture, properties of presenters, explain the principles of zoning, the basic rules for composing compositions, define checklists, list safety rules, and clearly state the external and internal navigation of the jewelry store. All this must be done so that any employee, using the basic instructions, can independently do the calculation according to all the rules of merchandising. At the same time, it is very important to set motivation - to motivate employees to comply with the provisions of the Merchbook (for example, to announce a monetary bonus), and most importantly - to appoint someone who will monitor all this.

Excellent results can be achieved if not only merchandising is continuous, but also staff training. The ability to create aesthetic compositions that are in harmony with the color, competently handle the decor - all these skills need constant development and support. Moreover, it is extremely difficult to write in Merchbook about all the subtleties and nuances. Such skills and abilities are usually passed on through mentoring.

How to decide which product groups to complement with compositional layout?

The confrontation between composite layouts and a tablet is a perennial topic! Traditional tablet display is ideal for jewelry stores (especially those that operate in the mass or middle market segments), but first of all, it is convenient for sellers. What does the process of choosing jewelry look like through the eyes of the buyer?

Just imagine: a jewelry store with 5 counters of the same size, lined up with the letter "P". Each counter is 9 tablets, for example, with 20 silver decorations without inserts. In order to get acquainted with the assortment of the entire department, the buyer needs to inspect no less than 900 items with added steps in a bent position. And this despite the fact that each of the 20 products, laid out in the traditional way in one tablet, seems to say: "Look, we are all equal here and our price is the same!" Examining 900 pieces of jewelry in 15-20 minutes is a rather tedious task, you must admit.

This is why composite layouts are so important. In every showcase! And the more expensive a product group is, the more composite solutions there should be! They will keep customers at the counter, becoming, as it were, the focal point of their attention.

It is simple to fix the error: combine compositional and tablet layouts in one showcase.

What to do with the lack of space?

Let's share a little trick: you can free up space by presenting jewelry of only one article. In other words, do not show the entire model range on the window (by the way, a great option, for example, for rings). True, in this case, the staff will have to be very active when displaying the assortment, and it will also be necessary to provide for convenient storage of size ranges.

You can also save space by revising the usual coasters for earrings, rings or pendants. Consider carefully their shape: if the coasters expand to the bottom, then in total a fairly large area is lost on the showcase. Just replace them with others. There is one more solution - to shift the layout using multi-set presenters (intended for simultaneous display of 2-3 rings or 2-3 pairs of earrings at once).

Saves space and multi-level solution. It will be possible to create a showcase with two or three levels of display if you use special podiums.

What to do with the compositional layout if all jewelry needs to be put in a safe for safety reasons at night?

Visual merchandising, in addition to various rules and laws, is also subject to security requirements. And they provide for the daily movement of jewelry from showcases to a safe for overnight storage. It turns out that every day the compositional calculations have to be destroyed, while very often they are restored with a loss of quality: a violation of the distance between decorations (it is difficult to update it, because the count is in millimeters), inaccuracy of lines organizing the look, inaccuracy in fixing price tags, violation of the inclusion of decor ...

How to be? An excellent solution is to put the compositional layout "to sleep" entirely. To do this, you just need to reconsider the organization of the shop windows. One of the convenient ways to resolve this problem can be the use of podiums and tablets of the same size (dimensions are calculated based on the exposition surface area of ​​commercial furniture). Then, if you turn over one or several tablets, it will be possible to organize podiums in the showcases for compositional display and put them in the safe without disassembling them into separate parts - in the morning all the tablets and podiums will be easy to unfold.

All in all, according to design, decor and management experts, jewelry merchandising is a special area. In it, successful trading experience gained in other market segments must be applied very carefully - jewelry business is not just trading - it is a combination of sales with art.

And how often it turns out that theory and learning are one thing, but practice is completely different! Here are ten practice-based tips to boost your jewelry store sales.

Top 10 Tips for Selling Jewelry

Even if you're building a chic ivory jewelry store, don't sit around and wait for customers to come and see your amazing creation. It so happens that they do not come. You need to attract visitors. Moreover, in such a special business, the costs of such events must be calculated with pinpoint accuracy.

This is where statistics come in handy. It will allow you to determine whether your jewelry store needs advertising, whether it is worth increasing efforts and developing special events to promote a certain product, how many customers come to your store, whether they are served well enough by employees, the average check rises or falls, whether it sells related products. This information will form the basis for improving the performance of the jewelry store.

In this case, everything (well, or almost everything) is in the hands of sellers. From the moment when the visitor enters the store, it will depend on communication whether he buys what he was going to, whether he will consider any other offers, whether he complements the purchase with additional useful goods for himself, whether he wants to fill out a questionnaire ....

Today, a salesperson cannot just sit and watch customers come in and out, closing the door behind them. He must do everything possible (and impossible too J) to make the visitor a buyer. Or, at least, he showed loyalty to the jewelry store - having received a good-natured welcome, exhaustive answers to his questions, making sure of the high qualifications of the sellers and learning that on Tuesdays a stylist consults you for free, he with a 90% probability will return to you again when needed. buy jewelry. If you invest huge amounts of money in advertising, people come to the store and do not see the attention and interest from the seller (do not confuse with importunity!), Then your money will be wasted.

How can a salesperson increase sales? In three ways.

Attracting as many people as possible to the store.

Selling products to as many visitors as possible who have already come to the store.

Selling large volumes of goods.

If you want your store to be successful, then you need to find sellers who will greet people with pleasure, shake hands with them, kiss kids, join communities and try to use every opportunity at their disposal.

Tell your salespeople the following 10 ways to increase sales.

It is very important to call clients sometimes. For example, about the arrival of a new product, an advertising event, his birthday, the opening of the season. The secret of such a telephone conversation is not to confront a fait accompli, but to get the customer to agree to a second call. How can this be done? For example, you can say: “We are planning a grand presentation of a new amazing collection. Would you like us to call you back and tell you the exact date? "

Ask your buyers for tips and advice! For example, such: “What do you think, who else might be interested in this high quality jewelry? Do you think these chains will be trendy this season? Do you like this composition? What would you like to change in it? "

A potential buyer can be seen in every person. It is worth giving out business cards not only during working hours, but also in everyday life. For waiters, bankers, post office workers, gas stations ... From days, weeks and months of such activity, a huge customer potential will develop. The more people know that your salespeople are in the jewelry business, the more potential buyers your store will have.

Leverage community networks in your area. Join the whole team in the Red Cross Society, the Community of Housewives, the Animal Lovers Club, become members of the Movement for Justice ...

Don't lose touch with your family and friends. Confident in the quality of your work and products, they will certainly advise their friends to contact your jewelry store.

Try to find out more information about buyers. It can be a questionnaire, but it is better if it is, as it were, questions asked at the time of purchase. Two, at least: “Do you have any other important event planned? Is your birthday soon? "

Tell your customers about the high quality, safety and reliability of your jewelry. Nothing increases sales more easily than the realization that a very valuable product has been purchased. Each buyer wants the jewelry to last as long as possible, and it could even be inherited.

Supplement the work of your jewelry store with services: engraving, repairs, cleaning ... When providing them, try to turn their users into buyers. Ask, for example, to wait 3-4 minutes, supposedly to check everything again, and so that the waiting time for the client flew by unnoticed, recommend him to look at a new collection or some exclusive and very interesting piece of jewelry.

Taking an emotional part in the choice of jewelry together with the buyer, rejoicing in the successful solution of his problem, presenting this or that product as the most suitable for a particular moment, you are likely to acquire a friend and become “yours” for the client in the jewelry business. Try to remember the name of the buyer, his wife, children and even his pets. Addressing a person by name, wondering how his wife is feeling, whether the dog has learned to bring a ball, you will definitely sell more.

If you have not been able to make friends with a client, try recommending one of your colleagues. Perhaps another seller will like him more and will buy what he did not buy from you. As much as we differ from each other, so are our sympathies. You should not waste such a chance, especially since a colleague will do the same if a similar situation arises for him.

It turns out that almost every minute can be used to increase work efficiency and, accordingly, sales. Shine, shine, shine, just don't drown in the ocean of mediocrity! The seller is the main link in the sales chain; in the interests of buyers, he can even make an offer to change the product. I wish you success!

Best regards, the collective of the Moscow jewelry company "Caprice"


Photoshoot: the best solutions in jewelry store window dressing

Photo 1 KAUFMANN de SUISSE, New York, USA. Stylish boutique design black / white with straight lines by Coco Chanel ... Jewelry stands are made of transparent smoky hardboard :

Photo 2 Colombian emeralds, USA. Classic - green frames and basement of the building with a threshold, simple lines of windows and doors:

Photo 3 Colombian emeralds, USA. From the top right to the bottom are the brand of the network and watch brands hi fashion :

Photo 4 Colombian emeralds, USA. On posters MAIN DECORATION - what strengthens family relationships - TWO wedding rings , emotion of joy and female set from earrings and pendants:

Photo 5 Colombian emeralds, USA. Classical Colonial English style boutique showcases - green frames and awnings, simple lines of windows and doors. There is a special composition in each niche showcase with the main decoration - neck pendant :

Photo 6 Colombian emeralds, USA. Entrance lobby with a showcase in the form of a noble False windows made of wood on the facade with a promotional offer and highlighted main composition on the showcase :

Photo 7 Francesca Romana Diana, New York, USA. Hi-tech transparent showcase with a composition of 4 neck pendants:

Photo 8 Jewelry Showcase, New York, USA. 3-level showcase Hallway with a composition of jewelry brightly lit in the evening. The shop is closed - but admiring and choosing is allowed!

Photo 9 Freeport Jewelers, USA. Classic summer colonial style shop - white and red. The showcase and the entrance group are made with a canopy for cities with hot climates:

Photo 10 Diamond & Diamonds, USA. Soft style of European doors in the entrance and display group - modest, wood, jewelry outlet - sale of all products with an obligatory discount :

Photo 11 Michael Lawrence Studios, USA. The boutique showcase is designed as studio room - the line of the stained-glass ceiling, and the transparent facade calling with light with magnificent jewelry collections in 2 or 3 levels:

Photo 12 Colombian emeralds, USA. Showcase with stucco ornament of different nations + light half-arc marquis - background for presentation of magnificent treasures :

Photo 13 CR Jewelers, New York, USA. Corner two-way open entrance into a boutique and gorgeous repeatable promo posters with 65% discount :

Photo 14 ZALES outlet, USA. Beautiful eastern facade solution - green with gold + backlit oracle letters - another diamond discounter :

Photo 15 BVLGARI, Cologne, Germany. Long awning for rain and bad weather and niche showcases with jewelry:

Photo 16 Jewelry Showcase, New York, USA. Composition of gold on red - classic solutions in the hallway showcase Chinatown jewelry boutique ... 5-6 levels of jewelry display + full transparency:

Photo 17 MANSOUR JEWELERS, Mall of Emirates, Dubai, UAE. A chic facade to the departments of marble slabs with columns Roman portico ... Shown store respectability jewelry:

Photo 18 MOND OTHMAN ALMOALLIM JEWELERY, Wafi city mall, Dubai, UAE. Corner and fully transparent boutique jewelry is open for a peek!

Photo 19 Serene, Festival, Dubai, UAE. Showcase Hallway combines n National colors of the UAE flag finishing - black + white + red. The central jewelry composition is enclosed in separate transparent and LED-lit box - sarcophagus :

Photo 20 SEC Festival, Dubai, UAE. The showcase of the jewelry boutique is made with hanging cubes with a composition suspended in the air who make a showcase translucent and hidden from the direct view of the buyer:

Photo 21 al futtaim jewelery, Ibn Batuta, Dubai, UAE. Opaque showcase Art Nouveau with a clear horizontal positioning compositions inside and outside. Backlight in blue tones cools visual perception :

Photo 22 damas, Ibn Batuta, Dubai, UAE. Good glossy modern in terracotta colors boutique solutions + fiery gold illuminated lightboxes of the brand letters + special composition in 2 niches:

Photo 23 Ibn Batuta, Dubai, UAE. Roman columns + transparent wardrobes with 3 levels display of products:

Photo 24 Ibn Batuta, Dubai, UAE. Chic oriental design style - dark lilac + Arabic script + stand-pedestals with gold and a transparent showcase of a large jewelry boutique:

Photo 25 Ibn Batuta, Dubai, UAE. Composition in the walls is done in the form of alternating white niches with white and black jewelry stands - framed with gold rhombus ornaments... Elegantly delivered niche and spot lighting :

Photo 26 Ibn Batuta, Dubai, UAE. Representation of the MIKURA brand in a glass cube on a podium stand - contains brand poster + multivariate female set based on pendants and earring sets:

Photo 27 Mall of Emirates, Dubai, UAE. Translucent showcase and Main half-figure mannequin with diamond choker :

Photo 28 Mahallati jewelery, Mall of Emirates, Dubai, UAE. 2-level display in a showcase with half-figure mannequins and choker:

Organization of acceptance of jewelry products by quantity and quality

The procedure and terms of acceptance, as well as the rules for its documentation, are defined in the instructions "" On the procedure for accepting industrial and technical products and consumer goods in terms of quantity "," "On the procedure for accepting industrial and technical products and consumer goods in quality "". These instructions apply only in cases where it is stipulated by the contract of sale (supply) and when another procedure for acceptance is not established by standards, specifications or other mandatory rules.

When accepting jewelry items, attention is paid to the general requirements for them: appearance, shape, size, quality of mount, soldering and finishing, serviceability of locks, pins and hinge joints, correct fastening of jewelry inserts, integrity of the stone, legibility of stamps. precious metals.

In addition, attention is paid to specific features characteristic of a particular group of jewelry, for example: when accepting table setting items - for engraving, clarity of the pattern, quality of enamel coating, minting; when accepting amber products - on the quality of surface treatment, selection of beads by size and tone, correctness of their shape, strength of setting of amber products on a metal or wooden frame;

To accept goods in terms of quality, appropriate inventory and tools are used: for jewelry goods - technical scales and weights for gram and milligram, magnifiers 4-, 6- and 10-fold, caratometer, ring gauge, vernier caliper, millimeter ruler, suede or flannel cloth;

When accepting, use the current GOSTs, industry standards, specifications, technical descriptions and other regulatory and technical documentation (NTD).

The room in which the quality acceptance is carried out should be sufficiently illuminated by daylight, and artificial in the evening. The work table should be smooth or covered with linoleum.

In the sale of jewelry, one of the key roles is played by the correct presentation of them in the window. This is an expensive product, a luxury item that is bought as a gift for significant dates or special events. Therefore, the spectacular appearance of the product and the beautifully designed display case are of great importance.

So let's take a look at the basic rules for displaying jewelry in a store:

1) The store must have good lighting so that the buyer has a good view of the jewelry. The light should be diffused and cold, not blind the eyes of visitors and at the same time illuminate the shop window well.

2) Since the jewelry is small, it is important that the buyer can see it.

3) In order not to mislead the buyer, it is necessary to place jewelry with precious and non-precious stones on different counters. The same rule applies to items made of gold, silver and platinum. Each display must have a plate with the name of the stone, metal and jewelry sample. Jewelry should be kept separate from precious metal items.

4) Price tags should not cover the product itself. To keep them out of the way, they can be removed. In this case, a price tag should be placed next to each piece of jewelry.

5) It is important to choose the right coasters and presentations for jewelry, taking into account their size. High stands should be placed in the back of the counter, and lower and flat ones closer to the customer. This will provide a good overview of all products.

6) Decorations should look bright and effective. To do this, it is best to use a contrasting substrate in black or any dark color.
7) The chains must be divided into groups depending on the length and type of weaving.

8) Rings must be placed on the plates in size within each group. Rings with large stones should be placed on separate presenters.

9) New items and sets should be placed on separate stands. The presentation of the set should be in the form of a triangle: a tall product (chain, necklace) should be in the center of the composition and a little in depth, smaller and lower elements (earrings, rings, brooches, bracelets) on the sides and closer to the buyer.

10) And, of course, every successful jewelry store should have a mirror so that customers can try on the jewelry they like.

Layout Is a way of displaying goods on special demonstration equipment developed individually for each store in order to attract the attention of buyers to the product and then sell it. A good layout makes an instant impression and sets a deep hypnotic contact of the buyer with the goods! The results are noticeable almost immediately, buyers see the product well, it is convenient for them to navigate the assortment and they react to the signals that are included in the display.

1. Showcases, shelves of cabinets where jewelry is exhibited should be wiped every morning before displaying goods;

2. The tablets should be periodically cleaned from dirt using alcohol-based detergents; also, every time a price tag is removed from the tablet (if it was pasted on it), the tablet should also be cleaned of those traces that it may leave;

3. Products also tend to get dirty, so contaminated products should be periodically cleaned with special cleaning agents for silver and gold (it is undesirable to clean gilded silver items in such solutions, it is better to clean them with a flannel cloth);

4. In departments, the goods must be presented by product category. A product category is a collection of products that have a general purpose, for example, the category "chains", "rings", "sets of earrings + rings", "wedding rings", etc. Some product categories complement each other well and may be presented not-far from each other, for example, chains and bracelets or chains and pendants;

5. Among the huge number of disparate products, it turns out, you can find uniting moments and group products, thereby ending the chaos in the shop windows and delighting the eye of the buyer with a slender and logical presentation of the goods. Those. in the store it is necessary to sort diamonds, products with zircons, colored stones (for example: we sort diamonds, zircons, Swarovski, Congo, children's, stringers, hanging ...). On the tablet representing pendants in the form of crosses, zodiac signs, icons, pendants of only these categories should be presented, fantasy pendants must be placed in a separate tablet;

6. At the level of the showcase, we select the main product group or product, which becomes the central element of the showcase, the so-called "soloist". "Soloists" are visually presented in the most advantageous way and have priority for sale. The central group can be made up of the most expensive items, formed in a garnish tour of design and purpose (for example, a necklace and a group of rings and partner earrings). Also, the "soloist" can be represented from the inventory balances that need to be urgently sold;

7. Use individual stands for displaying items with inserts of precious, semi-precious stones, sets, or for displaying other items in order to attract the attention of the buyer.

8. The format of the store is close to the mass market, so a larger percentage of the total area of ​​the demonstration will be occupied by the mass display. 80% of the flat-panel display of mass-produced goods and 20% of the compositional display are in the departments of high-value goods with precious stones.

- it is necessary to organize the correct compositional layout.

Composition requirements:

Integrity in shape and color:

The presence of a dominant - a compositional center. A useful rule of thumb for composition is to work from the center, main group, or "soloist";


For neatness and orderliness, use a symmetrical layout, you can combine it with an in-line composition. Individual stands with products with semi-precious stones inserts, which are of a smaller size, should be put in the foreground, and those with larger sizes - in the background, and also group them into sets;


10. Display items neatly, symmetrically to each other;

11. All product tags must be tucked in neatly;

12. All products must be displayed on the plates, or if they are absent, then it is possible to put the products in cases (they must be of the same color, silver looks better in blue cases);

13. If on strip-type tablets, the exposed rings do not occupy the entire tablet, it is recommended to set the rings in a checkerboard pattern, or combine them into one tablet.

Three rings should be displayed on one strip, maximum four:

14. Long chains should be located so that they do not cover the price tags with the price of the products;

15. Lay out the rings by size. Group products by type (weight of the product, content and type of inserts, or their absence), for example: let first products of the same size be located on the tablet without inserts, then products with inserts made of zircon and cubic zirconia, and then products with inserts made of colored stones and etc;

16. Layout of wedding rings is carried out according to the article, it should be as follows: rings are displayed in size (in ascending order);

17. When laying out chains, it is recommended to form separate plates along the length of the products. I especially want to draw your attention to the fact that inside the tablet you can distinguish product groups according to the type of weaving; within product groups, chains are laid out from left to right, starting with thinner models with a gradual transition to larger ones;

18. Layout of chains and bracelets carried out as follows: the bracelets are attached to the tablet by one hook, and the chain by 2a hooks; do not hang chains and bracelets by the locks, because this leads to their breakage.

At the bottom, in the left corner, a price tag is glued containing information about the size of the product, below the price tags with the crossed out price and the price tag with the real price of the goods are glued, all price tags must be glued at the same level;

19. Cross out the discounted price in one direction:

20. The tablet space is read from left to right by the customer. The most easily readable hot spot is the center and upper right corner of the tablet. The "coldest" zone is the lower left corner, so there you need to put non-standard design products, large size, or information plates about the size and weight of the product. The plates indicating "585" and the discount should also be placed on the shelf in the lower left corner;

21. It is unacceptable to leave gaps or fill in the gaps with products from other product groups and categories. Cover empty cells in the tablets with products (it is not necessary to display the entire assortment of goods, you can close the resulting voids in the tablet with the goods available in stock); With an extremely small amount of goods, use a composite layout;

22. To display stamped bracelets separately from the rest;

23. In order to use the upper shelves of the cabinets, you can put on them some tablets with chains, breasts with a necklace, large earrings (Congo earrings, pearl earrings), etc.;

24. It is recommended to separate the sets from the total mass by displaying them in a separate tablet or on individual stands (in case of a shortage of individual stands, the sets should be displayed in cases, they must be of the same color);

25. Individual stands with a smaller size should be brought to the front, and those with a larger size - in the background;

26. You can form a separate shelf in the closet, which will display men's assortment of goods made of silver or gold;

27. Do not allow decorative elements to block the view of the jewelry; The decorative filling of the showcase should not be too complicated, one, maximum two decorative elements are enough to perform the function of impulse attracting attention;

28. The lower the shelf on which the tablet stands, the more the angle of inclination should be:

Many visitors to jewelry stores often come only to admire beautiful jewelry, but it so happens that, under the impulse, the visitor is ready to make a purchase and an assistant in this can be the right one for you. e design of jewelry showcases. Company OVAMO knows that the success of the correct window dressing lies not only in the beautiful design, but in its careful selection according to the type of jewelry displayed under one or another showcase. For example, for jewelry in a classic style, the design must also be classic, and so choose a design for each showcase. We use every possible technique in order to give the already beautiful jewelry an even better look.

There are a large number of jewelry stores in Moscow, but unfortunately, there is not the same large number of buyers who would be eager to purchase goods, therefore jewelry stores are fighting in a tough competition for each client. The company can help you in this difficult battle. OVAMO which will make for you decoration of jewelry showcases in Moscow at the most affordable prices and from the highest quality materials. We employ creative and highly qualified designers who can come up with the best design for you, and marketers will make sure that the showcase encourages visitors to enter the store and purchase goods.

Entrusting such an important process as decorating the window of your jewelry store is only worth a good team of specialists, otherwise you risk not acquiring new customers, and may even scare them away. In this case, it is necessary to count on the customers of the jewelry store, these are people with average income and above average, who value their time and are interested in other interests than those people who stand in line for inexpensive products at a discount. Therefore, our company OVAMO provides jewelry showcase decoration services based on all the factors that affect sales. Since jewelry, as a rule, is not displayed on the shop window, but only inside it, this means that the window design should be approached with all responsibility.

Jewelry showcase decoration price

Each individual project has its own cost, which depends on the quality and quantity of material that goes into the window dressing. In the specific case with jewelry showcase decoration price may be slightly higher than the decoration of any other objects, but this is not at all necessary. Company OVAMO can offer you the best prices , because we can afford it. For regular customers, we have discounts and promotions, which also reduce the price favorably. We care about our customers, and we offer special offers for our permanent employees, so many companies have been cooperating with us for more than one year, we invite you to become our beloved client.