Legal polygamy. Is polygamy allowed in Russia? The letter of the law and real life. Polygamy according to Old Testament prophets

According to the current legislation, polygamy is prohibited in Russia. Moreover, a man is allowed to register an official union with only one representative of the fair sex. Nevertheless, many citizens of our country have relationships not only with their wife, but also with other women. After all, this is not prohibited by law, although it is condemned by society. The previously in force Code of Crimes of the RSFSR provided for liability for those persons who had intimate relationships with several women and ran a joint household with them.

Exists or not

Is there polygamy in Russia? This is the most important and debatable issue that worries most of the citizens of our country. By law, a man cannot have multiple wives, but in practice it turns out quite differently. Because, having married one of the fair sex, it is not forbidden for him to cohabit with other ladies and even have children with them. After all, no responsibility for such immoral actions is provided by law.

Thus, we can make a certain conclusion that polygamy does exist in Russia. Indeed, many women who meet with unfree representatives of the stronger sex know about the existence of a legal spouse, but nevertheless continue to maintain relations with their lover and, wanting to keep him, even give birth to children. In addition, babies born out of wedlock have exactly the same rights as those born into a family.

What came before

Some time ago, in Russia, a man was strictly forbidden to have relationships with several women and to lead a joint life with them. After all, the previously existing atrocities code of the RSFSR provided for criminal liability for this. Therefore, there were practically no men who wanted to live with several women at once. Otherwise, the culprit was imprisoned for up to 1 year, or forced to corrective labor.

There is currently no responsibility for polygamy in Russia. The article of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation provides only sanctions for those parents who do not financially provide for their children.


In the event that a married man wants to enter into a marriage union with another woman, he must first formalize the severance of relations with his wife. Indeed, according to the law, polygamy is not allowed in Russia. In addition, to register another marriage, you must provide a certificate confirming the official end of the previous union. Indeed, without this document, even a divorced man will not be able to re-enter an official union.

In the event that the registration of a marriage between an unfree man and a girl did take place, then such a marriage should be declared invalid.

Ongoing controversy

Despite the fact that polygamy is prohibited in Russia, many men start relationships on the side and even start living in two families. It is for this reason that women involved in political activities propose to reintroduce responsibility for a citizen who cohabits and runs a joint household with several representatives of the fair sex. After all, only in this way it will be possible to end ties on the side that go beyond the normal relationship that should be between a husband and his only legal wife.

Nevertheless, the discussion on this issue continues, and the final decision has not yet been taken. Indeed, in order to introduce responsibility for polygamy in Russia, it will be necessary to make certain amendments to the current criminal legislation, and this is not easy to do.

Where allowed

The legislation of our country and a number of other states allows a man to have only one spouse. However, in a number of African and Asian countries, polygamy is not prohibited. In Muslim states, men are allowed to have even more than two wives, but at the same time he must be a very wealthy person in order to support the latter for the rest of their lives.

It should also be noted that attempts to establish polygamy in Russia have not been crowned with success. And this is even despite the fact that the leaders of Chechnya and Ingushetia were the initiators of the adoption of such a law.

At present, in the Caucasus, representatives of the strong half of humanity secretly conclude alliances with several women.

Are innovations needed

The Family Code does not allow the registration of marriages between one man and several women. But despite the fact that the creation of such unions is prohibited, there is still no punishment for those who violate the established norms of the law. Therefore, the deputies are seriously considering introducing criminal liability for married men who cohabit with another girl. Some politicians still believe that there is nothing immoral in such unions, especially if it can improve the demography in the country. Indeed, in many official marriages, spouses simply cannot have children and sooner or later such families are destroyed due to their inferiority, and the relationship of a married man with another woman can solve the problem if the latter gives birth to a child.

Nevertheless, the existing legislation opposes that representatives of the strong half of humanity register marriages with several girls, because this is contrary to the norms of morality and ethics established by society.

Thus, people who are wondering whether polygamy is allowed in Russia should know that it is prohibited, but in practice it occurs quite often. Indeed, many men who have official companions allow themselves to build relationships with other women, as well as conduct a common household with the latter and create families.

To the question In which countries is polygamy allowed? given by the author SM the best answer is Since ancient times, polygamy has been common in many human societies. The Bible does not prohibit polygamy at all. The Old Testament and rabbinic literature emphasize the legitimacy of polygamy.
King Solomon is said to have 700 wives and 300 concubines (1 Samuel 11: 3) *. And about King David it is said that he had many wives and concubines (2 Samuel 5:13) **. The Old Testament also provides guidance on how to distribute a man's property between children of different wives (Deuteronomy 22: 7). The only restriction on polygamy is that it is forbidden to marry two sisters (Leviticus 18:18).
Polygamy was widespread among European Jews until the 16th century. For Eastern Jews, polygamy existed until they emigrated to Israel, where it is prohibited by secular law. However, religious law, which in some cases takes precedence over secular law, allows one person to have several wives.
The Bible, in some cases, enforces polygamy. Thus, according to the Old Testament, a childless widow must marry her husband's brother, even if he is already married, and regardless of her consent (Genesis 38: 8-10).
The Qur'an also allows polygamy, however, not without restrictions:
"If you fear that you will not be able to be just with the orphans [who are dependent on you], then marry [other] women that you like - two, three, four. If you fear that you will not be able to take care of them (ie about wives) is the same, then marry one "(Quran 4: 3).
Thus, the Qur'an, in contrast to the Bible, limits the maximum number of wives to four, subject to the strict condition of fair treatment of wives and equality between them. This should not be understood to mean that the Qur'an encourages polygamy or views it as an ideal. In other words, the Qur'an allows or allows polygamy, nothing more.
It should be noted that polygamy in Islam requires mutual consent. No one has the right to force a woman to marry a married man. Moreover, a woman can make her husband a condition not to take a second wife.
It should also be noted that in most Muslim countries, polygamy is a rather rare phenomenon, and the quantitative difference between men and women is not so great. It is safe to say that polygamous marriages in the Muslim world are much more rare than extramarital affairs in the West. In other words, men in Muslim countries today turn out to be much more monogamous in practice than in the West.
In many African countries, polygamy is so accepted in society that even Protestant churches are forced to show great indulgence in this. Having carefully studied African polygamy, the priest of the Church of England, David Gitari, came to the conclusion that in his ideal project it is much more consistent with Christian morality than divorce and remarriage, which entail family breakdown and negatively affect children.
Today, polygamy is widespread in Iran, Iraq, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Saudi Arabia and more than 30 other countries of the Islamic world. Christianity has a negative attitude towards polygamy, although some sects, referring to the experience of the biblical patriarchs, allow it. Buddhism, based on the doctrine of a world created for human happiness, is loyal to a man who has several wives.
Until recently, it was possible to say that polygamy does not exist in the USSR, but as soon as Russia found itself surrounded by the countries of the former union, it turned out that the inhabitants of the Asian republics have long and with pleasure spit on European conventions. For an example, you can take a ride to the mountainous regions of Uzbekistan or Tajikistan.
Recently, the President of Ingushetia Ruslan Aushev issued a decree allowing citizens of the republic to have more than one wife. At the same time, one legal incident became obvious.
Shou shou
The Kyrgyz parliament voted against changes to the republic's criminal code, which abolished the criminal punishment for polygamy.
42 out of 75 members of the all-male parliament voted against the bill. The Criminal Code of Kyrgyzstan provides for imprisonment for up to two years for polygamy, that is, cohabitation with two or more women with a common household. The Minister of Justice Marat Kayypov earlier came up with an initiative to abolish this article of the Criminal Code.

Having multiple wives in Africa is more than a cultural practice; it is a deep and long-standing tradition. In tribes, if a man dies, his brother is obliged to marry a widow and take custody of his children. But a special marriage law protects a woman if she does not want to marry her brother. It is normal to have multiple wives, both formal and informal, in modern Africa. He is primarily supported by President Jacob Zuma himself. He has eight wives, five of whom are official. Gertrude, Keith, Nkosazana, Nompumelo and Tobeka live with the president in the same house and attend official events with him. Jacob is a father to 18 children and in all of his photographs he looks contented and happy.


Small but proud Brunei lives according to the principles of Sharia, which implies severe punishment for various crimes. But on the other hand, in this country, polygamy is not prohibited by law, and they can be stoned to death for adultery. And as in South Africa, the trend is set by the Sultan of Brunei Hassanal Bolkiah. The first wife of the Sultan first adopted a flight attendant Mariam Abdul Aziz into the family, and later, after a divorce from Mariam, television journalist Azrinaz Mazhar Hakim came to the family. In 2010, Hassanal divorced his third wife, remaining married to his first, and rumored to have found a fourth bride. It is unlikely in this situation that the first wife of the Sultan often collides with her "rivals". His residence, the Palace of Light, is included in the Guinness Book of Records as one of the largest. Bolkiah's fortune is estimated at $ 24 billion.


Family for a true Syrian–it is the basis of everything. The behavior of the Syrians is governed by the responsibilities that they are assigned depending on their position in the family. Men are taught from childhood to help loved ones and to count on the help of other relatives if you yourself get into trouble. The Syrian is prepared for marriage in advance, the decision to marry is discussed by the relatives of the future spouses. A man must support his desire with material wealth. If a Syrian decides to have several wives, he must be sure that he will provide for all of them. But if a man does not have the opportunity to save money, then he can get married at 40. Girls, in the absence of worthy suitors, get married early and do not worry if their husbands are not the only ones.


5% of marriages in Egypt are polygamous marriages. Such a low percentage is due to the fact that a man is obliged to treat all his wives equally, giving each of them an equal amount of his time and material resources. If one of the wives received an apartment, the other should receive an equivalent living space. And because of the high unemployment rate, men in Egypt find it difficult to support even one wife and children. Re-marriage in Egypt is possible if the first spouse is unable to bear children.


Polygamy in Algeria is legal but socially restricted. To take a second wife, the first one must give consent, and the court must grant permission. You don't have to be Muslim to marry an Algerian. A citizen of this country can freely enter into a "religious marriage" with a Muslim, Christian or Jewish woman. And in the city hall, marriage can be concluded with a girl of any nationality. Children married to an Algerian accept the faith of their father and receive Muslim names. Women are free to drive and work in government. The main thing is not to deprive any of the beautiful wives of attention, then there will be joy and peace in the family of the Algerian husband.

United Arab Emirates

The authorities of the Emirates are allowed to have up to four wives at the same time, the relationship with whom will be documented in a special state body. But there are also unspoken rules that have developed between spouses. The second wife can appear in the family if the first one agrees. And every girl has the opportunity to demand the same content as others, so "polygamous marriages" are not up to every Arab man. Daad Muhammad Al Balushi is perhaps an example of exceptional cunning and ingenuity. Daad has 60 sons and 30 daughters from 17 wives. But, since, according to the laws, he cannot have more than four wives at the same time, the indefatigable husband divorces each time and finds a new bride. Each of Daad's former and current wives has a separate house, their own car and a personal servant. The grandfather of 50 grandchildren lost his leg in a car accident a few years ago, but did not lose the taste of life. The homeland of his brides stretches from the Philippines to Morocco.


Polygamy in Congo is allowed by civil law. But there are also limitations. A resident of the Congo must choose the first wife very carefully, because it is she who gives her consent to further marriages. If there is no consent, then it is possible to have new wives only after a divorce.


There is a certain contradiction in the polygamy of Myanmar men: the state with a predominantly Buddhist population allows men to have multiple wives, although the people themselves do not welcome such unions. Unspoken permission is given to residents as a result of the small number of men compared to the female population. In Myanmar, there are 15 men for 85 women in large villages. The number of children in the family is not limited–as much as a family can raise, so much can be started.

Polygamy, or polygamy, is often associated with the Muslim East - the veil, harem, and lord. In fact, the tradition of acquiring several guardians of the family hearth was inherent in many ancient peoples and civilizations.

Polygamy still exists not only in Islamic states, but also in the aboriginal tribes of Australia, New Zealand and Africa, as well as in India. And although the civil laws of most non-Islamic countries legally prohibit polygamy, national traditions are often stronger. And while specialists are breaking spears, conducting research, weighing the pros and cons of this type of family, such marriages are being concluded in the world.

Covenants and Ancient Laws of Polygamy

The Bible, the most authoritative book on Earth, tells us that the Old Testament forefathers had polygamy in the order of things. Of course, the presence of several wives has always had a reason, and the point is not at all that the "old" wife lost her attractiveness and freshness for her husband. At stake, above all, were questions of procreation. Or the prestige of power, because the law ordered to take care of all the chosen ones equally, and only wealthy people could afford several wives. However, as elsewhere, excesses were not encouraged here. According to the Bible, the great and wise King Solomon had 700 wives and 300 concubines. And this "spoiled his heart" and forced him to turn away from the one God towards paganism.

And it is from the polygamous family of Jacob that the biblical "twelve tribes of Israel" originate - according to the number of sons born of two wives - Rachel and Leah, and two concubines. All heirs were equally recognized by the father. It is noteworthy that Judaism in ancient times allowed polygamy mainly in "emergency cases" - when wars, famine and natural disasters threatened a demographic catastrophe. The so-called levirate marriage was also allowed: a brother married his brother's widow in order to provide her and her children with a dignified existence. And even the rule of the Romans in Judea did not change this article of the law: although polygamy was prohibited in the empire, an exception was made for these lands. In 1000, a thousand-year ban on polygamy was introduced for Ashkenazi Jews (those who lived in Central Europe). Despite the fact that today this period has expired, many interpreters argue that "a thousand years" should be understood as "forever." In modern Israel, polygamy is prohibited. An exception was made only for Jews who returned to their homeland from Yemen and entered into a polygamous marriage there.

Polygamy in Europe

Most European countries inherited the concept of family norms from the Great Roman Empire, where, as already mentioned, polygamous relationships were prohibited. Concubines, mistresses, adventures in a brothel, although officially censured, were extremely popular and in demand among the ancient Romans.

And among the "barbarian peoples" polygamy was in vogue, especially when it came to the leaders and representatives of the wealthy class. Charlemagne, Frederick Barbarossa, Pepin the Short - these famous conquerors had several wives and a harem of concubines brought from the campaigns. This allowed them to have several heirs, in whose veins the blood of the leader flowed. A strong ruler and a strong man left strong offspring, which was an important factor for the ancient tribes, endlessly waging wars. And even the advent of Christianity to European territories did not radically change the situation: a complete ban on polygamy will occur only in the XIV century! The reason for polygamy here was all the same demographic problems that arise in the conditions of constant wars. The powers needed new warriors for new victories. In addition, polygamous unions made it possible to take care of widows who could not single-handedly "pull" and raise children left without a father. In ancient times, the fate of a single mother was unenviable, if not doomed.

So it is wrong to consider polygamy only as a means to give a man more freedom of choice in a relationship. Such an institution of the family in almost all peoples implied responsibility and care for women taken into the family, and providing them with a dignified existence.

The Slavs were no exception. Prince Vladimir before the adoption of Orthodoxy was a polygamist, and this is a historically confirmed fact. The Christian Church gradually redefined the issue of marriage, and eventually polygamy was banned. However, theologians have repeatedly returned to the fact that the biblical forefathers had several wives and that the New Testament did not veto this type of marriage. However, scholarly disputes and attempts to resolve polygamy with reference to the Bible have led nowhere - the European marriage tradition to this day presupposes a union in which a man can have only one legal spouse. If you haven't found a soul mate yet, take a look at the dating site There you can easily find a pleasant companion or partner for a serious relationship.

Polygamy on the other side of the ocean

Among the Indians of both Americas, as befits pagan and ancient tribes, polygamy, of course, took place. However, the situation here did not differ much from the global one: if a man could provide for several wives, this was only for the benefit of his tribal status. Many women - many au pair and more heirs. If the funds were not enough or the presence of one beloved wife was a personal choice, then no one condemned him.

The first European settlers also sometimes married several individuals, but this was more likely due to the harsh conditions of survival in which they found themselves when they crossed the ocean. The law that gradually came to the lands of North America, written in many ways in the image and likeness of the European one, put an end to alternative forms of marriage. The corresponding rules were adopted in 1882 and provided for a criminal penalty for polygamy. Which immediately caused a scandal, because this law forced American Mormons (followers of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints) to abandon one of the most important tenets of their teaching. The founder of this movement, Joseph Smith, had almost three dozen wives, and his successor Brigham Young had more than fifty. Eventually, in 1890, the Mormon Church passed the Manifesto to Abolish the Practice of Polygamy and came to terms with harsh American laws. However, as always happens in such cases, there were those who strongly disagreed. A schism ensued, the Mormons of the Fullamentalists spoke out in favor of maintaining the custom of polygamy, moved away from the mainstream church, and continue to practice polygamy today. Of course, unofficial and illegal. But, for example, in the state of Utah - the stronghold of the Mormon church - the authorities have still not been able to get rid of this "tradition".

  • Today in Europe is gaining popularity such a concept as "polyamory", an alternative analogue of polygamy, which allows the existence of close and family relationships between several people based on mutual consent, love and trust. Such people do not set as their goal in any way to formalize or designate their relationship, they prefer to leave the column "marital status" empty.
  • Polyandry, "polyandry", was much less widespread on our planet. A family where several men had only one wife is a rare phenomenon. It is found in Nepal, Tibet, South India, as well as among the Aleutian tribes. By the way, this custom is not dictated by the shortage of the female population, but rather by economic reasons. This allows not to divide already small plots of fertile land between many sons, to give birth to more viable heirs, and also gives an opportunity to save on the bride price. For example, in Tibetan families only the eldest son is married, the rest "join the marriage."
  • In medieval Europe, there was a case of almost legal polygamy. Philip Landgrave of Hesse (1509-1567) in 1540 entered into a second marriage with the 17-year-old Countess Margarita von der Saale. His lawful wife Christina of Saxony was not only alive, but also agreed to this unconventional union for European morality. The reformer Martin Luther first blessed the Landgrave for this strange act (after all, the Bible did not forbid polygamy), but then backed down and persuaded Philip to hide his second marriage. As a result, only his sons from his first wife were recognized as the heirs of the Landgrave. In total, almost two dozen children were born in this union.
  • The question of allowing polygamy is currently being raised in some countries. This is especially true for those peoples for whom polygamy was a traditional form of family, but was abolished by the laws of modern times. However, the issue has not yet been resolved positively in any country.

Polygamy is a form of polygamous marriage in which the husband has several wives at the same time. In most countries of the world, this phenomenon is condemned, considered sinful and equated with treason. But still, there are a number of states where polygamy is allowed, and each representative of the strong half of humanity has the potential of an Arab sultan. In which countries is polygamy allowed?

In the modern world, polygyny is prohibited in many cultures, but in the East, polygamy is practiced among men and even approved.


Polygamy as the oldest form of marriage has existed for millennia in more than 80% of cultural communities around the world. They share sororal, where wives are blood sisters, and non-moral polygamy, when a man marries women from different families. Polygyny was widespread among Indian tribes, as well as among the indigenous populations of America, Africa, China, and in Hebrew culture.

One of the main reasons for the appearance of this phenomenon is gender instability: while the number of the stronger sex declined due to constant wars, the number of girls grew. Over the years, polygamous marriage has become a tradition. In addition, the number of the fairer sex has always been higher. To balance this difference, human societies came up with different solutions, including celibacy, acceptance of sexual freedom, and even killing girls immediately after birth. Therefore, in some countries, polygamy is considered a perfectly acceptable and worthy solution to the quantitative imbalance between men and women.

The ancient Greeks could be married to several women in the event of heavy casualties as a result of hostilities. In ancient Rome, polygyny was prohibited, although an unofficial union was allowed. Usually a girl from the lower class cohabited with a rich man, but children born in such a "civil" marriage were considered illegitimate, that is, they did not have the right to inherit from their father. There are many references to polygamy in the Torah and Scripture.

In biblical times, according to some scholars, polygamy was not widespread, although it was considered quite possible, especially in connection with the infertility of a spouse, in order to avoid hunger or widowhood, and also according to the custom when a widow married the brother of a deceased husband. Historians consider financial well-being to be the leading problem, so a few wives were mostly of the upper classes.

Among the most famous polygamists are mentioned:

  • biblical patriarch Lamech;
  • the founder of many nations, Abraham;
  • Patriarch Jacob;
  • the prophet Moses;
  • King David;
  • King Solomon, who had nearly 1,000 wives and concubines.

In Israel, polygamous marriages are not permitted today on the basis of a 1,000-year ban. But there are a number of exceptions, for example, you can have two wives if the rabbinical court permits.

Buddhism does not encourage, but does not condemn, polygamy, and among the Hindus, monogamy was legally introduced only among the poor.

Although there are numerous examples of polygamy in the Old Testament, this phenomenon is considered unacceptable in modern Christianity. However, in Christian African countries, living with several women is a common practice among locals. Moreover, in South Africa, where 36% are adherents of Christianity, polygyny is a deep and ancient tradition supported by former President J. Zuma, who has 8 spouses and 18 children.

There is a misconception that polygamy came along with Islam. But among the Arabs, such marriages were practiced long before Islam. The Koran allows polygamy, but limits the number of spouses to 4 and prescribes a number of rules, such as treating fairly, taking care of the same and paying attention to each darling. The main thing is that the wealth of the husband allows him to support his beloved on equal terms, because several wives are big financial expenses and a huge responsibility.

The Prophet Muhammad had 15 wives, and the Muslim preacher Mohammed Bello Abubakar had more than 90 wives, who bore him two hundred children.

Today, polygamy is officially allowed in 50 Islamic states. However, this list did not include Turkey and Tunisia. Here harems and beautiful concubines waiting for their turn to get into the chambers of the Sultan are in the distant past. Let's consider in which countries polygamy is officially allowed.

United Arab Emirates

In the UAE, a man can officially marry 4 women. The strict canons of Islam operate here, so the tradition can only be supported with full financial responsibility. Therefore, the poor mostly live in monogamous unions, while the rich have several spouses. But in principle, no one can force a girl to marry a married man. In some cases, before the wedding, the bride may put a condition on the potential groom - not to marry again. With the wishes of the husband, you can file a divorce, so if you really want to, you can just get a divorce and marry again without breaking the law. Although divorces are very rare here, and Muslim women themselves are quite satisfied with their position.

Saudi Arabia

Here, the rights of women are quite limited, because they live according to the rules of the patriarchal Sharia law. They are forbidden not only to participate in political issues, but independently, unaccompanied, move and use public transport, drive a car and communicate with the opposite sex, if they are not relatives. As in the UAE, a husband must fully support all wives in equal conditions. In addition, the wife can be severely punished for disobedience. Marriage unions with paternal cousins ​​and second cousins ​​are also frequently practiced here.


From time immemorial, Afghans have lived in large families, and a clan system is preserved in society, when representatives of one tribal group inhabit one or another area. Women are very calm about polygamy, because their ancestors have always lived this way. The child, regardless of who gave birth to him, is raised and cared for by all spouses. Together they run a joint household and live in a relative idyll.


For Egyptians, polygyny is quite normal, but not so common. Polygamous marriages in the country account for only 5%, since not every man can afford to support all wives with children equally well. The husband must also notify the current spouse of his intentions to remarry. She can file for divorce, but in this case the children can stay with their father and the woman simply cannot take them out of Egypt.


Polygamy is not as common here in comparison with other Arab countries. In most cases, the husband marries another woman due to the inability of the first to bear children. Syrians are taught from childhood to help loved ones and value family ties. They prepare for marriage in advance, and the future groom must stand firmly on his feet, especially if he plans to have several wives. And if the Syrians usually get married after 30 years, then girls usually marry early, especially for wealthy suitors, while they are not very worried if they are not the only spouse. In addition, to remarry, it is necessary not only to obtain the consent of the elder wife, but also a special permission from the authorities.

In the United States, polygamy is prohibited, as well as in Europe, but due to the large number of Muslim immigrants, polygamy is allowed if the marriage was contracted abroad.

Russian Federation

In the Russian Empire, polygamy was very common among merchants. Merchants engaged in trade often traveled to different cities, where they started other families. In addition, in the official document at that time - the travel letter, there was simply no column "marital status", which was what the merchants used. Although "foreigners" professing Islam, polygamy was still allowed.

In modern Russia, polygamous marriages are prohibited, but there are no penalties for this form of family union. According to the Family Code, a man cannot marry if he is already married. In the 2000s. in Ingushetia R. Aushev allowed polygamy, but his decree was soon canceled by the supreme court of the republic.

Recently, the issue of legalizing polygyny has been increasingly raised in the Russian Federation. Supporters argue with demographic problems, a high percentage of connections and childbearing outside of marriage, as well as the multinationality of the country, which is also home to many Muslims.

As for Central Asia, namely Tajikistan, Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan, Turkmenistan, Kyrgyzstan, polygamous marriages are also prohibited here. In some countries, polygamists are punishable by heavy fines or up to 3 years in prison. Although the problem itself still exists, many men, despite the ban, unofficially have families on the side.

The benefits and harms of polygamy

According to statistics, in states where a man is allowed to have many wives, there are practically no single women and abandoned children. In addition, such a marriage union solves a number of social problems, for example, it protects against adultery and reduces the spread of HIV, gives the majority of girls a chance to arrange a private life and increase the demographic situation in the country. Polygamists are usually rich men, so polygamous families have a fairly high level of security. At the same time, large families bring a man more problems and stressful situations, so they are almost 5 times more likely to suffer from cardiovascular diseases in comparison with husbands who are limited to one chosen one.

The most interesting thing is that in countries where polygamy is officially allowed, men do not often exercise this right. Moreover, today polygamous marriage unions in the East are found several times less than extramarital affairs in the West.

Where is polygamy allowed?

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