Protection from negativity and methods of energy protection. Let go of the urge to change other people's negative tendencies. We use energy methods of protection based on mental images

As no one has ever seen a person's soul, so no one knows what his aura actually looks like. Of course, there are masters in the world who can look beyond the material, but meetings with them are quite rare. How to determine that a person's aura is penetrated by negative influences?

In this article

Breakdown signs

The first sign breakdown of the subtle body of a person can be considered increased fatigue. If you get enough sleep, eat right and lead an active life, and you still lack energy, then perhaps your biofield has holes and breakdowns through which precious energy is leaking.

The second sign can be attributed to troubles that suddenly fell on a person. If you are fatally unlucky in literally everything, and life is like an obstacle course, then you should think about the integrity of your energy. This also includes the minimum result with a large amount of effort expended. It so happens that a person does a lot to achieve the goal, but cannot get what he wants.

To the third sign include more severe conditions. For example, obsessive thoughts that may arise in the head, unreasonable aggression, inappropriate behavior, jumps in body temperature, diseases that medicine cannot explain. Here we are talking not about a simple hole in the energy sector, but about the presence of a habitation of the energetic essence.

Demon, spirit, larva

Such an entity can be a spirit sent with corruption, a demon, or a larva created by human thought forms. All these entities are invisible to the human eye, but they masterfully cope with their task of pumping out energy. Sometimes such settlers can persuade their victim to commit suicide or illegal actions.

Have you found one sign or several at once? Then you should think about how to fix the situation.

Enhanced biofield and aura

In mild conditions, a person can cope with holes in the aura on their own. But if we are talking about sharing, then it is necessary to carry out certain rituals to expel the entity.

Important! In severe physical conditions, do not try to cope with the settler on your own, contact a trusted specialist.


You can increase the energy level of the physical body through breathing exercises. Beginners can use the following training scheme:

  1. Stand up, relax, inhale deeply and exhale. Repeat the exercise several times.
  2. Inhale with your stomach, then push the air out with force, contracting your pectoral muscles.
  3. Breathe in frequently and intermittently, gradually calming your breathing to a normal rate.

Try the technique in this video as well:

These simple techniques help to normalize the flow of energy around the body. With small breakdowns, the aura recovers itself in 2–3 days. Enhanced energy circulation aids the recovery process.


Another effective way to recover is meditation. It is better to meditate in silence and complete solitude. If it is difficult to strike the lotus position on the floor, you can simply sit on a chair, close your eyes and relax.

After listening to the silence for a bit, you need to imagine a pillar of light emerging from space and pouring right into your crown. Then you need to distribute the glow throughout the body, wrapped in it, like a veil. People with the ability can see black holes around them. They also need to be patched up with light.

And the practice from this video will give vigor for the whole day:

If an essence appears on the inner screen during meditation, try to push it away from you, mentally intensify the glow so that it cannot get close again.

Working with crystals

Ordinary crystals also help in the fight against negativity. Crystalline stones perfectly accumulate and conduct energy. There are several ways to patch the aura with their help:

  • using real stones;
  • visualizing a crystal.

Through a real crystal, a person is recharged by simply carrying it with him. The stone should be chosen in accordance with the zodiac sign and personal preference.

Gems by zodiac signs

By visualizing a crystal, you can use it as a source of power. To get a personal energy stone, you just need to imagine its shape and color. Then one can imagine that rays are beating from its edges, which patch holes in the biofield.

Closing the holes

The aura can suffer not only from everyday negativity. It is the natural shell of a person, therefore, it is damaged first when the evil eye and damage are directed.

From the evil eye

A person can survive a simple evil eye without great consequences. Since the body has the ability to recover.

Very powerful and effective cleaning on a subtle plane:

If the blow has passed, but the breakdowns in the biofield remain, you can imagine an aura around you in the form of a cocoon and mentally close up the holes with your palms.

From damage

Real spoilage is often accompanied by its own settler. Without getting rid of the uninvited guest, the negative cannot be removed from the fields of a person.

Just listen to this mantra:

Believers can expel the essence with prayers and mantras, energies - by increasing the level of energy, which is tasteless for the “guest”, ordinary people can use ready-made rituals and ceremonies for exorcism.

From the curse

An induced curse is considered a hard case. Due to the strong impact, a person may begin to think about suicide or lose the most precious thing in life.

At home, you can perform the following ritual:

First, go through the clearing of the send with a specialist, and then close the holes in the aura in any of the following ways.

Protecting your aura from encroachment

When the essence is detached from the person, so as not to attract new negative, you need to cover up the breakdowns in the aura with the help of energy practices, then put protection on your biofield.


At all times, special mantras have helped people to protect themselves from the evil surrounding them. Mantras are specific sounds that are chanted sequentially and with the correct intonation. These sounds create unique vibrations in space that can contain both healing and protective properties. To protect the aura, a person can use the following mantras.

Five-syllable prayer to godShiva... To achieve a protective effect, it is sung in the morning and in the evening, presenting the face of God in front of you.


Universal protective mantra, which can be recited as needed, the desired number of times.



In addition to mantras, a person can protect himself from negative messages with thought forms.

Non-standard interview with Sergei Mader:

There are frequent cases when an attack on a person is carried out in a crowded place. Did the grandmother shout in the line? Another passenger in the transport looked unkindly?

During a negative incident, just imagine your abuser in a comical pose, or imagine a pipe that goes from him to you, bending around you, and loops around him.

These methods of protection are effective if applied in a timely manner.


Another powerful remedy is prayer. The power of the prayer word helped the peoples to win wars, and it will help you to get protection from damage and the evil eye.

Prayer "Shout to the Mother of God"

Prayers to the Mother of God can be simply copied onto paper, sewn into a bag and carried with you, other appeals to God are enough to read in the morning and in the evening.

Material protective items

Articles of Faith are the best items for warding off negativity. Without deep immersion in religion, they are useless, but for believers they are considered a real support in the fight against evil.

Amulets, talismans and charms

You can also protect yourself from evil with the help of amulets or talismans. Any natural material on which a protective conspiracy is read can act as a talisman. Jewelry made of precious metals that are suitable for a person according to the zodiac sign are also considered protective.

Mental projections

Considered as the ability to project your subtle body anywhere else in the non-material world. Some researchers believe that the souls of people live in a space where the mind reigns.

With an energetic attack, an experienced person can imagine how he leaves his body and redirects the message to the aggressor. But it takes time to master the technique of mental projection.


After receiving a breakdown in the aura, it is required not only to patch up the energy hole, but also to replenish the previous level of energy. To replenish the energy of the physical body, we have selected 12 techniques and methods.

Golden skeleton

The exercise begins by visualizing golden energy swirling in space. After a clear mental picture appears, it is worthwhile to imagine how this pure energy penetrates the feet and bones.

Golden brain

The exercise only covers the area of ​​the person's head. Golden energy is directed to the gray matter and other parts of the brain. Energy enters through the point between the eyebrows, from there it is mentally directed to the pituitary gland and white matter.

Through the endocrine system

The exercise includes the following steps:

  • golden energy is directed to the thyroid gland and is concentrated there as much as possible;
  • then the energy flow is sent to the thymus gland, which is above the heart;
  • after a volitional effort, the heart itself feeds on golden energy;
  • the pancreas and the middle of the back are an intermediate stage in the direction of energy;
  • in the final part of the exercise, the energy goes down to the genitals, then moves to the feet.

When doing it, you need to concentrate as much as possible. But the physical body must be relaxed.

Grounding as a separate practice

The easiest way to physically ground yourself is to walk barefoot. The energy grounding exercise involves directing golden energy into the ground, after this step, the person imagines how the returned energy flows through him and out of the crown into space.

This practice helps to cleanse the biofield.

Life center

It is also possible to qualitatively restore the aura through the energy centers that a person has. The life center is in his spine. It is there that the energy is directed to restore the aura.

Creative and Sexual Center

Its location is the area between the navel and the genitals.

The center color is orange. When restoring, the orange color is mentally changed to gold, saturating the center with energy.

Solar plexus area

At the energy level, it is indicated in yellow. It is also pumped with gold so that all internal organs work harmoniously.

Heart area

The green center is the area of ​​the heart and the thymus gland nearby. There is also a change to golden color. Thanks to this, a person becomes calmer and more resilient.

Throat area

Indicated as a blue center. For strong speakers, this area is colored blue. But changing colors to gold has a beneficial effect on the ability to convince others.

Third Eye

Located between the eyebrows on the forehead. Its color code is indigo.

Pumping this area with golden energy helps to develop intuition, clairvoyance, psychic abilities. Makes a person perspicacious and wise.

Crown area

It is worth working on the crown with the help of golden energy especially. Removing the golden ray from the body, it is necessary to mentally transform it into a halo above the head.

This will loop your energy until the next exercise.

Delay and stuffing

The exercise begins with a deep breath through the nose. In the process of inhalation, it is necessary to imagine how the halo above your head swells with energy. On exhalation, during the exercise, a fountain of energy is visualized that comes out through the mouth. Such energy must certainly envelop the body and restore the aura.

Advice. People who perform such exercises every day, over time, become unattainable for any energy negative, as their aura thickens and strengthens, like muscles during sports.

Seemingly simple, these techniques have tremendous restorative effects, but only when the person performs them conscientiously and persistently. During meditation and visualization, all attention should be directed to the action that takes place in the head. You should not be distracted by extraneous noises and sounds, so as not to start the exercise again.

Energy Vampirism

Not only a negative message or damage can damage a person's biofield, there are often cases of breakdowns in the aura due to attacks of energy vampires.

Energetic vampire- this is a person who, for some reason, does not know how to take energy from the Universe and from his environment. And in order to replenish life reserves, he brings to the emotions of other people.

Influence on the biofield

Energy vampires often make scandals, offend others, complain a lot, complain about fate. And when their victim becomes compassionate or angry, the vampire gets the opportunity to feed on her energy.

Clinical psychologist Veronica Stepanova's opinion:

Sometimes this pumping can be quite harsh. After an attack, a person may feel like a squeezed lemon. Not all vampires look young and strong, due to the lack of energy, the elderly and small children vampires.

Protection methods

The first way is balance. Of course, when a friend is in trouble at work, you want to support her, but it is better to provide support by action than to start suffering with her.

The second method is closely related to the above practices. A strong and dense biofield is not as easy for a vampire to pierce as it might seem. In addition, when involved in a negative situation, it is enough to imagine an invisible wall between oneself and the interlocutor. And it will become several times more difficult for him to connect to you.

The same principle works and protection "Mirror" when a mirror surface is mentally directed at the screaming person so that he is virtually reflected in it. As a rule, a vampire receives a portion of his own negativity and hurries to retire in order to find a new victim for himself. After all, he remained hungry.

In this video, Evgeny Green tells how to properly defend against energy vampires:

Today, conventional hygiene extends beyond the physical world. People are increasingly concerned about the purity of the energies that surround them. Even atheists use energy exercises to help themselves be in good shape. Try to do the same.

A little about the author:

Evgeny Tukubaev The right words and your faith are the keys to success in a perfect ritual. I will provide you with the information, but its implementation directly depends on you. But don't worry, a little practice and you will succeed!

We live in a world of energies. There is an evil eye and damage that can get into the aura of an unprotected person. There are energy vampires. In addition, just negative vibrations affect us. What to do? You need to become a more energetically strong person and learn to defend yourself.

First, you need to do regular meditation to gain energy. They are set out in the course on the fulfillment of desires, so I will not dwell on them.

Their essence is that you imagine how you are filled with energy. Secondly, you need to use energy protection methods. Here is some of them

Using magic words for energy protection

When someone says something negative to you, say (3 times):

"Veda lead"

This is a Vedic incantation that can also be chanted when you are overcome by negative thoughts and fears.

Other magic phrases:

“Out of your mouth, in your bosom” - when someone wishes you bad.

“Lord, forgive him, for he does not know what he is doing” - in case of negative, resentment.

"Take it back" - with insults and curses.

Ways to protect and purify your energy from Elena Yasevich

1. Before going to bed, visualize the flame of a candle, look at it and recite 9 times the mantra of fire, which will cleanse you of negativity: "adi chandra surya jaya ram." You can light a real candle and look at it.

2. In the evening, get up in the shower and feel how the vault cleanses you of negative influences.

3. Imagine that you are surrounded by a hoop of fire, the diameter of which is 1 meter.

4. See in your mind that the person who is attacking you is completely naked. Be serious when doing this.

We use energy methods of protection based on mental images

1. Visualize yourself in the center of the golden pyramid, its size can be any, the main thing is that you feel comfortable. The pyramid emits a divine radiance that prevents negativity from entering you. Everything is reflected.

2. Imagine energy flowing down from head to toe. It consists of all the colors of the rainbow. This energy protects you. Dissolves all negative effects.

3. Before leaving the apartment, visualize how a crystal cocoon surrounds you from all sides, which pushes the negative away from you.

Additional protection methods

1.After an unpleasant conversation, hold your hands under a stream of cold water for 1-3 minutes. This will wash away the negative energy.

2. Take the match. And begin to breathe on her, while visualizing that the negative impact that you felt is going away on her. Then stick the match into the ground with the end you breathed on.

Human energy is exposed to external influences every day. Moreover, these influences can be both positive and negative. How to put energy protection and protect yourself from such influences?

The negative energy impact on the human biofield is extremely destructive. It can cause setbacks and troubles, even getting into debt holes and collapse on the personal front. But the most important thing is that it becomes the root cause of problems with physical and mental health, because by affecting a person negatively, he is deprived of his energy potential (vital energy) - the basis of the life of the body.

Who are energy vampires

People called manipulators (energy vampires) often negatively influence us. Having a low energy potential, they have a negative impact on people - they try to feed on the energy of those around them and do everything so that the person himself gives them part of his energy. They praise, flatter, scold, gossip, start a scandal - if only the person would react with the release of an energy flow. So they are fed and flourish, and after such communication you feel completely overwhelmed, powerless - devastated. Right?

Manipulators in modern life are found at every step. Moreover, it is simply stupid to justify the existence of such a phenomenon by disbelief. After all, manipulation is a proven psychological method of influencing people and their consciousness, as well as weakening the energy and biofield of a person.

It is important to be able to understand where the negative comes from and to be able to block its influence in time. Of course, blocking the influence of negativity at a subconscious level is the business of experienced craftsmen. Another conversation is to be able to put a banal, shield. Even a beginner can master this energy technique, thereby protecting his biofield.

The most unpleasant thing is that often energy vampires are both false friends and family members. In the latter case, you will have to limit communication with them only by overcoming yourself. But manipulators should not be tolerated either, otherwise they can completely seize control over a person's life.

How to identify a manipulative vampire?

One of the main psychological signs of a manipulator is natural charm and the ability to skillfully look into the soul. However, even someone who at first sight is sympathetic to others may not be who they claim to be. Therefore, it is important to know the signs of manipulators, which are characteristic only of this group of people, since the charm and sympathy from others are only an indirect sign.

  1. Many manipulators deliberately try to go beyond the personal life of a person, to find out as many facts about him as possible. By the way, this category includes obsessive neighbors who constantly ask about work and gossip grandmothers on the streets.
  2. Frequent, seemingly non-binding, questions about personal life, family and other aspects of personal space, which a person does not always tell even his parents about.
  3. Grandmothers have a term for praising a person. Indeed, manipulators can greatly exaggerate the qualities of the interlocutor in a conversation, thereby constantly embarrassing him. And this plays into their hands.
  4. Also, manipulators always tend to get away from the topic if a person starts asking them questions. For example, if you ask parents about the reason for not believing in their own child, then most likely they will simply change the topic of the conversation, not wanting to go into details.
  5. In a conversation, energy vampires try to present the interlocutor as an idiot who does not have his own view of certain things. Even if a person has goals, they will always challenge them and find flaws in a person that prevent them from reaching them. In quarrels and certain moments in life, they can focus on the intelligence of the interlocutor in order to at least morally feel their superiority.
  6. The next trait is often found in authoritarian parents. They always strive to solve problems for their children, impose advice and their opinions even where they are not asked.
  7. Negative people tend to influence a person to such an extent that, without realizing it, he does not do what he wanted. For example, if the parents ask the child to come to help them around the house, and the child had his own plans, then, instead of understanding and accepting the child's personal life, the parents will in every possible way morally try to persuade the child to change his plans to a position that is advantageous for them.

These signs will help to recognize energy vampires and eliminate the consequences of communication with them in time. Also, the advice of psychic Alena Kurilova will help to deal with the problem.

How to protect yourself from an energy vampire

Consider ways of staging energy protection in order to protect your biofield from energy captors. We will use psychological visualization and proven folk knowledge.

Visualization has acquired a mass character today. Many have tested this experience of working with the subconscious mind on themselves and are convinced of its effectiveness. Thoughts are material, and if the imagination is also developed, then, thanks to these qualities, you can put yourself a powerful defense without any experience.

The first way

Energy protection is put in place with the help of imagination - psychological energy. You need to draw a circle around yourself with your imagination. Many people may imagine a frame from the sensational film Viy, where the hero thus protects himself from the influence of dark forces.

You can do this ritual before going out, it is especially important to do this before meeting with the ill-wisher. Having mentally circled a circle around himself, you need to set a program for him so that he does not let negative energy inside him. You can try using positive affirmations to defend yourself.

Second way

Some people use another powerful defense technique called a sphere. They place themselves in an imaginary spherical energy shell that is activated through the chakras.

This technique is more difficult than the previous one in that a minimal experience of meditation is important for its use for the correct activation of the necessary chakras. Therefore, first it is worth studying the basics of the influence of chakras on life, what chakras are and how to activate them.

The third way

The next method is associated with an imaginary mirror. If, for example, during a family quarrel, a lot of negativity was released towards a person, then you can reflect it by putting up a barrier in the form of an imaginary mirror in time. The degree of protection will depend on its thickness.

Some put themselves in a mirror triangle or cube to enhance their energetic potential. The power of such a shield depends on the reserves of the defender, therefore, to form it, you can first train in a calm environment.

And practice - we put the defense of our biofield with the help of meditation.

Also, when directing negativity towards the interlocutor, you can simply sharply clear your thoughts and abstract yourself from the outside world. This is a kind of abrupt immersion in a meditative state. During meditation, a person's energy changes, becomes stronger. Therefore, if you manage to put such a mental block in time and not listen to the negative, but hear it somewhere from afar and not take it personally, then you can train your consciousness and protect yourself from the negative.

These tips will help you learn how to protect yourself from negative energy in time. And if you nevertheless fell under a negative influence, use a special program to neutralize it - sound extraction.

In our life, we are faced with a huge amount of negative energy, whether it be the evil eye or the attack of an energy vampire, corruption, etc. How to protect yourself and protect yourself from ill-wishers?

There are a sufficient number of methods of mental and bioenergetic protection; Let's consider the simplest of them, which could help in any communication with a hostile or unpleasant person.

Let's take a look at the main ones:

1. In a standing position, you need to turn to face a possible enemy, even if he is behind a wall or at a considerable distance.
Raise your arms up, turn your palms straight forward. From this position, slowly lower the hands, outlining an oval to the left and right of yourself: the right hand outlines one half of the circle slightly in front, and the left hand repeats the synchronous movement on the other side.

The two palms are facing straight and forward all the time, and after they are joined together at the level of the knees, the knees can be bent slightly, and the body can be tilted slightly forward.
Remaining in this position, you need to perform the exercise in the opposite direction, drawing an oval from bottom to top. Then - the starting position, and it is necessary to repeat the exercise - oval down, then up.

2. While in transport, at work, in any crowded place, if the likelihood of getting stress increases (in the boss's office, being in a group of employees), and you are in a sitting position, you need to perform some simple actions.

Place your hands on your knees, palms up. Connect the thumb with the index finger, forming a ring. The fingers left unused - middle, ring and pinky - should remain straight and pointed forward. The interaction of the right and left hands created in this way leads to the closure of the biofield, the aura becomes like a closed system.
If you need to dissociate yourself from someone's evil gaze for some reason, the position of the fingers of each hand must be changed: the middle and thumb are closed in a ring, and the index, ring and little fingers remain straight and directed forward. It is advisable that the direction be the location of your perceived psychological foe.

3. If, being on the street, you cannot get rid of the intrusive feeling of the presence of a foreign field on yourself, it is required to remove the unfavorable energy influence, in connection with which it is possible to resort to simple and effective measures.

The first way is to make several turns around the axis in a clockwise direction, looking from head to feet.
Another method is known and widespread among the people: to spit three times over the left shoulder, turning to the left. What is the peculiarity of protection here? The alien astral is imposed on the left side of the heart plexus.

4. Hold your breath while exhaling is a good self-control method if you need to remain calm in the event of shocking news.

List of exercises

To improve physical well-being, to strengthen the nervous and mental defenses against hostile thoughts and unfavorable energy, the following set of exercises will be effective. For the first two weeks, it should be performed thirty minutes before bedtime, after getting up and in the afternoon (especially when a meeting with a psychologically unfavorable person is approaching).

In the process of improving the condition, "protection" can be practiced in the morning and in the evening, and then only in the morning.
In a normal state, to enhance your own safety, you can apply one of the listed protection techniques, but if this is still not enough, follow any of the indicated methods in ascending order.

1. Closing the biological framework
One of the simplest techniques is to cross your arms and legs when talking to the other person, expecting potential trouble. At the same time, the contour of your biofield is closed, and the energy dispersion spectrum is narrowed.

2. Ring protection
This technique is considered stronger than the previous one. The thumb and forefinger of each hand are symmetrically superimposed on each other and connected in a ring. The remaining fingers overlap.

3. Operation with a ring
Close the thumb and forefinger of one hand and place it in the palm of the other, then do the same with the opposite palm.

After doing about three such cycles, you will be able to feel how the atmosphere around you is thickening, and you may feel that something squeezing appears in the head area. Indian yogis often resort to the described technique. "Ring nesting" not only closes the human biological circuit, but also makes it several times more powerful.

4. "The magic of mirrors"
Imagine a wall around you with several rows of bricks, preferably two or three rows. From the outside, the wall is lined with a solid mirror, facing the outside world. And no matter from which side a person approaches you in order to strike, he will surely taste the blow, reflected and reinforced by a mirror, and rebounding.

Mirror Wall is an effective method of protection in any condition. Don't let the "attacker" know that you are using protection. Be calm and friendly, which will make him try to hit harder and harder as he comes back to him again with increased strength.

5. Rotation of the "cocoon"
To be able to use this technique, you first need to develop the ability to sense an object at a good distance. The first thing you need to learn is “touching with your gaze,” that is, mentally touching objects and getting a vivid impression from this. As a practice, you can touch the object with your hand, and then try to reproduce the resulting sensation as clearly as possible in your memory. After that, in spite of the object, touch it again in this way. Exercise with open eyes.

When the exercise is successful, you can start building a "cocoon". First, you need to imagine and then feel that at the level of the intercostal space on each of the four sides there are four golden peas that radiate heat and form a cross lying in a horizontal plane, the center of the cross is fixed on the axis of the body, passing vertically.
When the cross rotates, the outline of the hoop appears, which can be mentally transformed into a cocoon that envelops your body and prevents any energies from penetrating inside. It can take about a minute to build the cocoon.
The cocoon has very dense walls, which were formed by the method of layering the membranes of the biofield. The casings can be of different colors. It is good to imagine golden, orange, or blue shells. In the process of performing the exercise, it is important to represent each action in all details. Touch training is a laborious process, so you need to do it no more than seven times a day, limiting each to ten minutes.

6. "Rotation of the biofield"
When building such a protection, you need to start with the same four peas, only during the rotation of the peas you need to form not a dense cocoon, but fill the space between the body and the shell boundary with a viscous energy medium rotating around the axis counterclockwise.

If the exercise is performed correctly, then your own body is not felt, there is a feeling of a rotating homogeneous object resembling a cocoon in shape. Some people have a different point of view regarding this exercise. As soon as the feeling of negative impact comes, you need to imagine that your biofield is a dense and invisible network. Then you need to start twisting it - clockwise from top to bottom. Let the biofield rotate all the time until the danger of a psychological attack goes away. As it spins, your aura will repel someone's energetic interference. These tentacles simply cannot penetrate your biofield to suck energy.

7. Information-biofield ball
First, a protective shell is built, but in the form of a ball. The ball should be filled with biological energy of a silvery purple hue.

On the outside of the ball there are meridians and parallels, on which the inscriptions flaunt in the form of ribbons: "You don't need me."

8. "Crosses"
In this case, you need to surround yourself with crosses on each side, bringing them close to the body.

Then you should slowly and with effort, starting from the head, free up space near you at a distance of one meter. Compare your own state of health before and after putting aside the crosses, and then feel how in the union of the two states one whole is formed.

Protection is, first of all, a thought-form corresponding in frequency of vibrations to the astral body of a person. It is the astral body that is most vulnerable to negative influences from other people and requires additional protection measures.

The higher the energy level of a living being (man, animal, bird, etc.), the more viable it is.

If your energy potential is high enough, you yourself can track the foreign influence. On an unconscious level, even if you do not have knowledge of bioenergy, you are putting up a defense.

People with heightened intuition are able to distinguish between various foreign influences. And among all the diversity, intuitive people still manage to notice the moment of the energetic attack of another living being, and manage to put up energetic protection from the attacker. This is done sometimes at an unconscious level, as an innate reaction.

“I and my life” is a postulate by which one must live! It must be adopted and adhered to! There is no other. There are relatives who always want something, friends who always climb, acquaintances who constantly need something, there are well-wishers who only want "good" for us, but it is not clear where they come from and where they disappear after what has been done ...

Therefore, there is I and My Life. If everything in your life is laid out on the shelves, then there are no problems. You will always have a good mood and a sufficient amount of energy for life, there will always be a desire to live and advance.

As soon as someone came into your life with their own laws, with their own statutes and understandings, and tries to impose them, in this case there are several options for the development of events:

First- "get a shotgun", but then you can unleash a conflict, and it will become permanent, will be warmed up.

Second option - lack of reaction, but this is fraught with consequences, since your silence can be taken for agreement and will turn your whole life around.

The third option - to escort the energy back to where it came from. Without getting into conflict. The whole reaction will be concentrated in the head. It is necessary to mentally step aside so that the person who concentrates his attention on you would direct him into emptiness. When everything goes there, then you will see that the reaction is over.

What is the human problem? In what I want to see, but what the conflict will look like if I do start it. That is, most of us with a great desire to go to the conflict. Argue, prove your point of view, convince everyone that I am good, that I have no problems, etc.

This is also considered to be feeding negative energy when you try to explain to a person what he is wrong about, or try to argue with him. You open your energy, from there very quickly they shovel everything out with a shovel, and then they say “yes, we don't have any problems”. This person has become all right, and for some reason your energy has run out.

One of the biggest problems in society - the influence of the mother and the closest relatives. Why? There are several elements in our life from which it is impossible to protect ourselves, you don't even have to try: mom, dad to a lesser extent, but it also happens, husband and wife. These are four people from whom there is no protection. We must learn to react differently, this will be protection.

Why is there no protection? Because each of us has our own inner world, in which there are certain laws, whether we like it or not. Several criteria fall under this inner world: things or personalities that come and go, friends, distant relatives, working relationships.

But there are several personalities that are embedded in our energy from the very beginning. Mom and Dad are sitting in our energy, so protecting yourself from them will be a big and hard work. As soon as you start defending, the efforts to penetrate your defenses will be increased several times.

There are also wives / husbands - these are personalities whom we once invited into life, and they also sit in our energy (in the event of a divorce, this energy can be removed).

We must learn not to take everything to heart.

Defense meditation

  • Sit up straight with your eyes closed.
  • Feel fully your body, arms, legs, torso, head. Imagine a white ball forming in the solar plexus area.
  • Take a deep breath.
  • Imagine how this ball begins to spread in all directions around you, becomes larger, goes beyond your body. Covers the shoulders, inhale deeply through the nose, exhale through the mouth.
  • The ball is still growing in size, white, shining, bright.
  • We inflate it further ... we inhale, as we exhale, the balloon increases, it becomes larger, you are already inside it.
  • Fourth breath. It gets even bigger.
  • Stretch your arms out to the sides. Inhale again. He surrounds you at arm's length.
  • Another breath. The ball becomes three meters in diameter.
  • You are completely inside this ball.
  • Take the seventh breath. Feel that you are inside this ball, white, shining outside like snow in the mountains.
  • Move your gaze as if you are outside this ball and see that you are not visible when you are inside. The light is so bright that it does not allow you to see. There is a bright white glow and no one is around.
  • Move back to the inside of the ball, and observe how any negative emotions, energies, everything that is outside and tries to approach you burns out in the shell of this ball.
  • Take another breath, leaving the ball in place, you can open your eyes.