Treatment for atopic dermatitis during pregnancy. Video: Dermatitis in pregnant women. What the doctor does

Atopic dermatitis is considered one of the most common skin conditions. According to statistics, most often it is women who suffer from this ailment. In addition, atopic dermatitis is inherited from mother to child. If both parents are atopic, the risk of getting such a disease in a baby increases several times.

During pregnancy, a number of significant changes take place in the body of the expectant mother. Unfortunately, sometimes such changes can lead to the appearance of various pathologies. One of the consequences of these is atopic dermatitis. This allergic disease can "doze" in the body for years and "wake up" at the happiest moment in the life of every woman - during pregnancy.

Causes of atopic dermatitis

Atopic dermatitis is diagnosed not only in pregnant women, this disease occurs in people of different ages and sexes in almost every country in the world. Recently, the number of atopics has been increasing dramatically.

Doctors associate such a massive spread of atopic dermatitis with various reasons: environmental pollution, the quality of food we eat, psychoemotional stress. Allergens-catalysts can be flowering plants, synthetic or wool products, pets, perfumes, cosmetics. In addition, modern mothers are increasingly reducing the timing of breastfeeding and switching to artificial formula very early. Often, the disease is provoked by toxicosis during pregnancy and mom's nutritional errors. Various viral, bacterial and fungal infections can cause an exacerbation of the disease. Atopic dermatitis can even be caused by a sharp temperature drop, air humidity or insufficient sunlight exposure to light.

Recent studies have shown that 90% of cases of atopic dermatitis are diagnosed within the first five years of life. In 60% of them, the disease begins already in the first year of life, most often immediately after the birth of the child. According to doctors, about 50% of women suffering from atopic dermatitis exacerbate during pregnancy.

Why can atopic dermatitis not manifest itself for years and "wake up" precisely during pregnancy? This phenomenon is easily explained by the fact that a large amount of a special hormone is produced in the body of a pregnant woman - "cortisol". It plays an important role in the process of fetal formation and is responsible for the development of allergic reactions. After the birth of a baby, the level of cortisol in his blood drops rapidly, the baby can easily catch any allergic disease, including atopic dermatitis.

If a woman has had atopic dermatitis before, then she should be especially careful to prepare for pregnancy. After all, it is not known how the disease will behave in the future and whether the child will inherit it. The more seriously the expectant mother takes this problem, the earlier she starts preventive therapy even before conception, the more chances she has to give birth to an absolutely healthy baby.

So, if you know about your tendency to atopic dermatitis, first of all, consult with your gynecologist and consult an allergist. Even if you or the child's father have never been atopic, there is no guarantee that the child will not get the disease from immediate family members.

Symptoms of atopic dermatitis during pregnancy

Atopic dermatitis is usually fairly easy to recognize. A pregnant woman has itchy rashes on the elbows, knees, abdomen, neck, chest. Doctors distinguish between three stages of the development of this disease during pregnancy:

  • light form... The expectant mother has the following symptoms:
  1. poorly expressed skin rashes on the elbows, under the knees, on the neck;
  2. swelling;
  3. the skin is white-pink in color, normal moisture, no peeling;
  4. itching of the skin occurs periodically, more often in the evening hours.
  • middle form... This is the second stage of atopic dermatitis, which is accompanied by the following symptoms:
  1. itching of the skin intensifies;
  2. spreads to the face, back, chest, abdomen, inner thighs;
  3. hyperpigmentation of the eyelids is possible: the skin around the eyes becomes darker.
  • severe form... The most dangerous stage of atopic dermatitis. It occurs in those women who have previously suffered from this disease for a long time. Symptoms:
  1. severe itching, which can lead to a nervous breakdown and sleep disturbance;
  2. red spots and papules (nodules) are observed on the skin;
  3. the skin is flaky and looks swollen;
  4. erosion has appeared on the skin or pustules are formed.

The severe form often occurs in the I and III trimesters, which are considered for an atopic woman. It is at this time that the exacerbation of the disease occurs. Dermatitis spreads throughout the body, the woman experiences severe itching, especially at night. Therefore, she cannot sleep well, suffers from insomnia and stress.

Treatment of atopic dermatitis

It is clear that the expectant mother, who has a tendency to atopic dermatitis, should undergo preliminary preventive therapy even before conceiving a child. Her woman is prescribed and monitored only by the attending physician. If atopic dermatitis nevertheless manifested itself during pregnancy, you must understand: most of the drugs that the doctor prescribes for a non-pregnant atopic woman cannot be used during pregnancy, otherwise these drugs can adversely affect the health of not only women, but also the future baby.

Mild stage atopic dermatitis are treated with the use of external agents.

A pregnant woman must follow several basic rules that will help reduce the intensity of the manifestation of the disease:

  1. first of all, you must exclude contact with the allergen, if known;
  2. twice a day, carry out wet cleaning at home, constantly ventilate the room;
  3. remove all indoor plants from the house if they are currently blooming;
  4. try not to clutter your home with carpets and upholstered furniture. No fluff, no feather, only synthetic filler - this should be your motto when choosing bed linen.
  5. limit the use of cosmetics and perfumes, household chemicals;
  6. organize good sleep and rest, give up bad habits. A pregnant woman should understand that active and passive smoking can also cause atopic dermatitis. Nicotine affects the development of the fetus, causes stress and allergic reactions in the child;
  7. to reduce the intensity of itching, take a contrast shower and use specially designed creams that contain hypoallergenic substances. After a shower, do not rub your skin with a towel, just blot it;
  8. wear clothes made from natural fabrics. No wool, nylon or polyester! They will only aggravate the skin itching;
  9. Limit or completely eliminate allergenic foods from your diet. Sometimes future mothers “sin” in their food, when they “bake” a lot: they want something tasty so much! Often it is this "yummy" that causes allergies. Follow a hypoallergenic diet under the supervision of a doctor: cook food in a double boiler, do not eat spicy and salty foods, spices, marinades, smoked meats.

If you have the first stage of atopic dermatitis, exclude lamb, horse meat, cucumbers, zucchini, squash, turnips from food. Try not to eat pumpkin, bananas, white currants, apples, plums, watermelon, and cherries.

In the middle stage of dermatitis you will have to forget about pork, turkey, potatoes, peas, buckwheat, rice. Also, allergists do not recommend eating cabbage, green peppers, corn, peaches, apricots, cranberries, red currants.

At a severe stage of the disease give up cow's milk, fish, seafood, caviar, mushrooms, chicken, eggs, tomatoes and mustard. Eliminate citrus fruits, honey, nuts, raspberries and strawberries, strawberries and blackberries, melons and pineapples, persimmons, black currants, as well as coffee, cocoa and chocolate from the menu.

Moderate atopic dermatitis during pregnancy, they are treated at a day or round-the-clock hospital. Treatment of the third stage is also carried out permanently, but already in a complex manner, with the use of drugs inside and out.

An atopic-to-be mother needs to lead a healthy lifestyle, avoid stress, food allergens and be optimistic: if you follow a few very simple rules, your baby will definitely be born healthy!

Specially for Nadezhda Zaitseva

Dermatitis of pregnancy is not uncommon. Most expectant mothers are exposed to this disease, which not only causes significant discomfort, but is also fraught with numerous consequences and complications that affect the health of both the mother and the unborn child.

The main types of the disease

Allergic dermatitis during pregnancy manifests itself differently, and each disease is characterized by certain signs, in accordance with which the doctor prescribes a set of therapeutic measures. The most common types of dermatitis include the following conditions:

  1. Multiple small-diameter formations that appear in the armpits and on the neck, characterized by a certain number of clusters, and are called papillomas.
  2. Herpes rashes, which tend to appear most often on the lips, although they can also be found on other parts of the body. A characteristic feature is the presence of small bubbles, which eventually burst and become crusted.
  3. Itchy plaque-like formations that appear in the abdomen, lower and upper extremities. Usually the disease manifests itself as a consequence of weight gain.
  4. Hives. It manifests itself in the form of rashes and blisters all over the body, which usually disappear after childbirth and are not dangerous. However, with severe rashes, you should still resort to treatment in order to avoid relapses of the disease and serious complications.
  5. Atopic dermatitis during pregnancy. The danger of the disease is that it is hereditary and can be transmitted from a pregnant mother to a fetus. When such manifestations occur in a pregnant woman, they may appear in a child. And it is not necessary that this will happen in infancy.
  6. Contact dermatitis in pregnant women. It is one of the forms of inflammatory pathological processes that manifest themselves after direct ingestion of the allergen into the body. The effects on the body can be biological, chemical and physical. Plants, cosmetics, various chemical dyes, detergents, medicines and even fabrics can act as allergens.

Basically, this disease is of two types:

  • simple view;
  • dermatitis of an allergic nature.

Simple contact dermatitis during pregnancy is a reaction of the upper layer of the epidermis to irritants. The longer the contact of the foreign agent with the skin continues, the more noticeable the symptoms of the disease will become. With a tendency to allergies, literally in a matter of seconds after the allergens hit the skin, an inflammation center appears.

At the moment, there are three stages of the development of contact atopic dermatitis:

  • erythematous;
  • vesicular-bullous;
  • necrotic.

Symptoms of the disease and the reasons for its appearance

Allergies during pregnancy can develop at a rather slow pace, while causal factors can only act in the presence of increased skin sensitivity, which is due to lowered immunity.

The symptomatology of the disease in all external signs is similar to eczema. Initially, large red spots appear on the body, which tend to spread. In their place, bubbles with a liquid composition and swelling appear. Allergies are accompanied by severe itching.

The appearance of rashes on the hands occurs much more often than any other pathology. This is justified by the fact that the lower limbs are much more likely to be influenced by various irritating factors.

A characteristic sign of allergic dermatitis, which has become chronic, is the thickening of the upper layer of the skin with obvious symptoms of inflammation.

Localization of rashes occurs in different places, and can be distinguished, abdomen, lower and upper limbs, as well as throughout the body.

In addition, a type of dermatitis is an allergy to flea bites with flea dermatitis. What needs to be done in this case? Get rid of fleas or lice. Fleas themselves usually infect animals, and their contact with human skin is purely coincidental. As for head lice, its occurrence can be explained by the transition from person to person.

Much less often, the disease occurs directly on the nerve soil. Allergy treatment will have to be carried out in full, using ointments, medications and powders.

This type of disease, such as polymorphic dermatosis, can also occur during pregnancy. Most often, dermatosis does not begin at the very beginning of the term, but closer to the third trimester. The skin begins to itch, and a profuse rash appears on it.

First of all, with polymorphic dermatosis, the stomach begins to itch. Sensations do not stop without impact even at night. The disease usually begins about 2 weeks before labor starts.

The disease usually passes after 10 days after delivery. In this scenario, the occurrence of relapses with characteristic signs of a milder course, which in most cases appears extremely rarely, is not at all excluded.

Oral and seborrheic dermatitis

Oral dermatitis during pregnancy also occurs, which usually appears as a small rash on the skin of the face, while acquiring a reddish or pink tint. Like any type of allergy, oral dermatitis is pruritic. For the unborn child, as well as for the mother, oral dermatitis is generally not dangerous.

Seborrheic dermatitis in pregnant women is characterized by itching, severe facial redness, flaking, acne, and white and yellow scales. All these signs appear against the background of increased sensitivity of the upper layer of the epidermis.
The combination of scales with inflammation contributes to the formation of crusts, under which weeping skin becomes noticeable. The symptoms of seborrheic dermatitis themselves are easy to recognize:

  1. The initial stage at its onset is characterized by the appearance of dandruff, although there is still no precise evidence of a connection between these phenomena.
  2. Severe itching can provoke the urge to scratch the skin, which, in turn, is fraught with the development of eczema.

Treatment of the disease

Most often, any dermal manifestations in pregnant women may appear to a small extent and tend to disappear immediately after the pregnancy is resolved or in its early stages. However, in some cases, dermatitis must be treated to avoid the consequences.

Basically, after the examination, the dermatologist, together with the gynecologist, prescribe a course of treatment depending on the disease. Inside, it is recommended to take sedatives and medications, corticosteroid ointments and creams, talkers, rubbing, as well as herbal medicine are prescribed.

In addition to using medications, if treatment is prescribed, every woman should pay attention to her diet.

With dermatitis, strong coffee, fatty, fried and spicy foods, canned foods, and alcoholic beverages should be immediately excluded from the menu.

Allergic dermatitis in pregnant women most often appears due to weakened immunity. For this reason, treatment with folk remedies is considered a fairly effective method used in combination with all procedures.

Both contact dermatitis and allergic dermatitis require effective action. Contact dermatitis rashes appear after direct contact with allergens. They can be metal jewelry, lacquer components, dyes, household chemicals, cosmetics and perfumery products, artificial synthetic fabrics. Rashes may not appear immediately, but several days after direct contact with the skin.

Fever, malaise, the appearance of puffiness, severe redness and general weakness can accompany the manifestations of the disease.

Folk remedies can help in relieving symptoms, but this does not mean that allergic dermatitis will stop. In order to cure the disease, the source of the problem must be eliminated. Pregnant women are generally advised to stop using cosmetics. In addition, herbal tinctures from a string, currant and viburnum branches, tricolor violets, licorice root and chamomile help very well.

As an ointment for these diseases, you can use sea buckthorn oil mixed with baby cream, make lotions from oak bark, horsetail, mint, lemon balm, calendula, felt burdock, rosehip extract, Kalanchoe juice, potato and birch juices. Applying a dressing of white cabbage leaves helps.

Atopic dermatitis in pregnancy- This is one of the most common pathologies, which manifests itself in the form of an allergic skin lesion. You can examine it in detail in the photo above and understand how serious this ailment is. If we turn to statistical data, the prevalence of dermatitis is more than 12%. Although there are many drugs today, treating atopic dermatitis during pregnancy is a complex process that requires the joint participation of the doctor, patient and family members.


After carrying out the necessary diagnostics, the doctor necessarily includes adherence to a hypoallergenic diet in the treatment regimen. Its essence is to exclude the following products from the diet of the expectant mother:

  • milk, cheese mass, yogurt, glazed curds;
  • pork, lamb, fish, chicken and seafood;
  • sauces, ketchups and mayonnaise;
  • various types of seasonings;
  • smoked meats, pickles, marinade sausage;
  • eggplant, mushrooms, sauerkraut, garlic;
  • tangerines, bananas and all citrus fruits;
  • rice and semolina porridge;
  • chocolate, honey and cakes;
  • coffee and carbonated drinks;
  • eggs;
  • foods that contain preservatives.

The diet of pregnant women suffering from atopic dermatitis involves the use of such foods:

  • yogurt, cottage cheese, cheese, butter;
  • pearl barley buckwheat oatmeal;
  • rabbit, turkey and beef meat;
  • bread;
  • vegetables, in addition to those included in the prohibited list;
  • plums, apples and pears;
  • black, green tea, cranberry, lingonberry juice;
  • dill, onion and parsley.

Strict adherence to the diet is necessary when there is an exacerbation of atopic dermatitis during pregnancy. To prevent the formation of an ailment in a newborn child, it is worth adhering to a strict diet and at the time of feeding the baby with milk.

Ointments and antibiotics

During the stage of exacerbation of atopic dermatitis, it is worth directing all your actions to reduce inflammation and redness of the skin. For these purposes, doctors prescribe ointments with a moisturizing and emollient effect. In the pharmacy, these funds are present in a wide range, and the expectant mother must choose the safest option in order to reduce the negative impact on the fetus.

These means include Emolium. It is formulated for the comprehensive care of dry skin prone to atopic dermatitis. This manufacturer is engaged in the manufacture of cleansing gels, bath emulsions and body creams.

With an exacerbation of the disease while carrying a child, the following ointments are used:

  • Akriderm,
  • Advantan,
  • Laticort.

To remove toxins from the female body, then therapy includes the intake of sorbents. Most often, Enterosgel is prescribed. The doctor will also advise you to take a course of probiotics.

Already from the 2nd trimester, the doctor can prescribe drugs such as Allertecom and Cetirizine to a pregnant woman. In exceptional situations, when a woman's condition adversely affects the fetus, the doctor prescribes Claritin and Loratalin. Very rarely, the expectant mother is prescribed the use of Fexofenadine or Fexadine.

It is advisable to treat atopic dermatitis in pregnant women with the use of external agents. Typically, doctors prescribe antipruritic creams and ointments. The most popular are:

  • Bepanten Plus;
  • Zinc cream ore;
  • Losterin.

All of them have a mild effect on the skin, without negatively affecting the fetus. But the appointment of hormonal ointments and creams is carried out on an individual basis.

If atopic dermatitis in pregnant women is moderate and severe, then the treatment is carried out in a hospital setting. The doctor prescribes a course of corticosteroid antibiotics.

You can learn more about atopic dermatitis in pregnant women in the following video:

Traditional methods of treatment

Atopic dermatitis in pregnant women is very difficult to respond to drug therapy. This is due to the fact that not all drugs are allowed for expectant mothers. The compiled treatment regimen, as a rule, allows only to slow down the course of the disease, but it cannot be completely eliminated. Doctors recommend that their patients use folk remedies that work to relieve the symptoms of dermatitis. Decoctions and infusions can only alleviate the course of pathology, and also have a calming effect, effectively relieving the unbearable sensations of itching.

For these purposes, it is advisable to use the following means:

  1. You can relieve severe itching and redness with a bath prepared on the basis of a decoction of nettle, burdock and yarrow. The prepared infusion can be used internally and wipe the affected skin.
  2. Starch baths have a similar effect. For cooking, take ¼ cup of starch and pour a glass of hot water. The resulting product is poured into a warm bath. The patient needs to take it within 10 minutes.
  3. The infusion using birch buds is prepared directly in a thermos. To do this, pour a handful of raw materials with a glass of boiling water. Instruct a few hours. When taking the remedy, it is possible to have a positive effect on the surface of the irritated skin.
  4. Nettle infusion quickly relieves itching and redness, has a calming effect. For cooking, you need to take 200 g of raw materials and pour 1 liter of water into it. Place on the stove and simmer for about 30 minutes. Use the filtered broth in the amount of ½ cup for 14 days.

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One of the conditions during which dermatitis can develop is pregnancy. Dermatitis is an inflammatory disease of the skin, which is characterized by a violation of its integrity, discoloration, and it can also be accompanied by itching. During pregnancy, a restructuring of the female body occurs, which is a provoking fact in the development of the disease. Dermatitis during pregnancy is troubling to a woman and requires constant monitoring by doctors. Up to 50% of women have various skin problems during pregnancy.

Pregnancy is a physiological condition with many pitfalls. Dermatitis can develop both in late and early stages, and accompany the entire pregnancy before childbirth. The main feature of this disease is that after childbirth, dermatitis goes away on its own. It should be noted that there can be several reasons for the onset of the disease.

Against the background of pregnancy, a woman's body undergoes hormonal changes, a weakening of immunity occurs, all this is a trigger for the development of dermatitis during pregnancy. Against the background of a reduced immune response of the body, the conditionally pathogenic flora is activated, the antimicrobial defense of the body decreases. All these factors together lead to the appearance of the first signs of the disease.

First of all, the doctor must carefully collect the patient's history. Most often, the disease occurs and worsens in women who have a hereditary predisposition to allergies. During pregnancy, the defense mechanisms are slightly weakened, and therefore any sufficiently strong irritant can cause an allergic reaction.

In some situations, dermatitis can occur in a pregnant woman who does not have a history of allergies. This is explained by the fact that against the background of a decrease in immune defense, even the smallest allergen can cause the activation of the process, which is in a muffled state. As a result, the classic picture of dermatitis develops.

Additional causes of the development of the disease:

  • chronic gastrointestinal diseases;
  • exposure to allergens (household, seasonal);
  • toxicosis of different stages of pregnancy;
  • emotional stress and excitement;
  • the use of various cosmetics;
  • weather conditions (frost, wind, heat).

The treatment of dermatitis during pregnancy should be dealt with by a dermatologist, together with an obstetrician-gynecologist. This is due to the fact that therapy is selected with care so as not to harm the development of the fetus. Any dermatitis should be controlled by a doctor, since the disease is based on an allergic reaction, this process can also have aggressive symptoms that may require hospitalization of the patient.

Dermatitis during pregnancy can be of several types. Allocate:

  1. atopic or allergic dermatitis;
  2. and polymorphic.

In all of these conditions, the main symptoms will be the appearance of a rash and an itchy sensation.

Atopic dermatitis in pregnancy, this is the most common form of the disease. As a rule, it manifests itself in women who had allergic problems before pregnancy. It is believed that if the mother is during pregnancy, then the child will inherit an allergic predisposition and may also develop dermatitis in the future. This disease is divided into three stages, and depending on them, therapy is selected.

Allergic dermatitis during pregnancy begins with slight scaling in the elbows and under the knees. A small rash appears that can spread to the face.

Itching intensifies in the evening, a slight swelling of the tissues appears at the site of the rash, as in a classic allergic reaction. In some women, areas of irritated skin change in color, become more scarlet. Most often, women do not even pay attention to these signs, and do not go to the doctor. This leads to the fact that the treatment starts a little late. In general, the general condition of the pregnant woman is not disturbed.

When the first signs of the disease appear, contact with all types of allergens must be excluded. As a rule, treatment in the first stage consists of adherence to a hypoallergenic diet and the use of soothing ointments and creams. The complaints described above are characteristic of the first stage of the disease.

In the second stage of the disease, itching becomes almost constant. Anxiety and irritation intensifies, which affects the general emotional background of the pregnant woman. Against the background of itching, the rash spreads to the back, abdomen, arms and legs. There is a change in the color of the skin around the eyes, it becomes dark. The progression of atopic dermatitis during pregnancy requires hospital treatment.

The third stage of the disease is the most dangerous for pregnant women. If you do not carry out the treatment of the first two stages, then the process will develop into a more aggressive form. Against the background of constant anxiety and unbearable itching, a person's sleep and behavior can be disrupted. In all stages of the disease, dryness of the skin can cause an additional infection to join, which will worsen the general condition of a woman. Allergic dermatitis during pregnancy is most often exacerbated in the first and third trimester.

Perioral dermatitis does not pose a threat to the health of the pregnant woman and her unborn child. Most of all, it causes aesthetic inconvenience to patients. The disease manifests itself in the form of rashes that can appear along the edges of the lips, under the nose, on the chin, periodically spreading to the area around the eyes and temples. Pimples are pale pink or red in color, watery in structure, small. The skin becomes rough to the touch; over time, age spots may appear at the site of the rash.

The rash may appear as a few inconspicuous elements that tend to form in clusters or be widespread in any order. Given that the rash forms on sensitive areas of the skin, the itching and burning sensation is more intense.

Polymorphic dermatitis develops in the third trimester of pregnancy, mainly in primiparous women. It is believed that the activation of the process is associated with the intensive growth of the fetus, but this theory has not been fully confirmed.

Pregnant women begin to notice the appearance of a rash like hives, most often the process begins in already damaged areas of the skin (striae). Elements of red color with a white rim around the edges, over time, the rash merges, and plaques form. The appearance of rashes is more often on the abdomen, on the inner thighs, rarely on the chest.

The area around the navel remains unchanged. Itching is persistent, leading to sleep disturbance. It is noted that the rash appears a couple of weeks before childbirth, after which it disappears on its own within a week without consequences for the mother and child.

Treatment and prevention

A feature of this disease in pregnant women is that after childbirth, all the described complaints go away on their own. But the disease can worsen in the early stages, therefore, complex treatment, as a rule, is prescribed so that the process does not go into a neglected form.

First of all, one must remember that women who suffer from various types of allergies should consult a doctor before planning a pregnancy. This is necessary in order to carry out preventive measures, which in the future will help to avoid an exacerbation of the disease.

The main preventive measures include:

How to treat dermatitis during pregnancy should be decided by the doctor. We must not forget that the choice of drug therapy is not so great, since many drugs can affect the development of the fetus. Treatment is complex and begins immediately from the moment the first symptoms of the disease appear. If the treatment is not carried out, the mild form of the disease will quickly turn into a complicated form.

Eliminate seafood, spices and seasonings, smoked foods, sweets and chocolate, coffee, carbonated drinks and much more from the diet. With this in mind, the doctor prescribes a diet, indicating which foods can be eaten. The diet is strictly observed, especially during the period of exacerbation of the disease; during the period of remission, the diet can be increased with the permission of the doctor. Drinking a sufficient volume of liquid at least one liter per day.

Additionally, at home, daily wet cleaning is carried out in the house in order to exclude contact with household allergens. Ventilation of the room. It is advisable to temporarily isolate pets and houseplants. The bed should be well thermally treated, clothes and linen should be washed in hypoallergenic powders.

Reduce the use of cosmetics, which, against the background of a reduced immune response, can be strong allergens. In some cases, even replacing the toothpaste will alleviate the symptoms of the disease.

Medicines are used in conjunction with external agents (creams, oils, talkers, ointments). Since dermatitis is accompanied by itching, antihistamines are prescribed. Additionally, they reduce swelling.

To normalize the emotional state, a woman is prescribed sedative infusions and fees, in situations where this does not help, stronger sedatives are prescribed. The intake of sorbents helps to reduce the flow of allergens through the gastrointestinal tract. As a rule, enterosgel or filterum is prescribed. Probiotics, these are drugs necessary to maintain normal intestinal flora, are prescribed after a course of sorbents.

In rather difficult situations, the doctor, at his discretion, can prescribe antibiotic therapy. This may be due to the addition of a secondary infection on the affected skin areas.

In addition to drugs that are taken orally, drugs for external use are prescribed. They can also be creams and ointments that reduce itching and have a cooling effect. Healing and anti-inflammatory agents are applied with a thin film, which prevents the penetration of additional infection.

External remedies containing corticosteroids are used strictly as directed by a physician. We must not forget that before use, the product must be checked on a small area of ​​the skin so as not to cause an increase in the allergic reaction. As a supplement, they resort to phototherapy using ultraviolet waves.

Folk remedies are more aimed at alleviating the main symptoms of the disease. A decoction of oak bark, herbal compresses from nettle, burdock, yarrow help moisturize the damaged skin surface. Diluted birch sap, rosehip extract, Kalanchoe juice, fresh potato juice have a calming effect. You can apply a cabbage leaf.

The affected skin surface must be constantly moisturized, this will speed up the healing process of the affected area. To moisturize and nourish the skin, vegetable oils are used, which you can prepare yourself or buy ready-made oils at the pharmacy.

Dermatitis during pregnancy is an unpleasant condition that darkens the expectation of a baby. The general anxiety a woman experiences can affect other family members as well. The main task of relatives during this difficult period is to provide a calm atmosphere in the house. This will help reduce exacerbations.

During the carrying of a baby, changes occur in a woman's body, which can lead to an exacerbation of chronic diseases or the appearance of new ailments. About 65 percent of women in a position develop dermatitis during pregnancy. And these are not just skin stretch marks that appear in many expectant mothers, but a more serious disease that needs timely and proper treatment.

Causes of dermatitis of pregnant women

Most often, dermatitis during pregnancy develops against the background of hormonal changes in the body, but the likelihood of the influence of a weakened immune system is not excluded. During this period, a woman may develop hypersensitivity to certain foods, as well as external stimuli. As a result, a special susceptibility arises even in those expectant mothers who have not previously suffered from allergies.

The following causes of dermatitis in pregnant women can be distinguished:

  • the impact on the body of various irritants and allergens;
  • a temporary conflict between the cells of the mother and the fetus;
  • the use of ointments with steroids;
  • various diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • extreme weather conditions (cold, solar radiation, strong wind);
  • hereditary predisposition;
  • stress;
  • cosmetical tools;
  • toxicosis;
  • infectious diseases;
  • prolonged stay in places with high humidity.

Advice! If you have previously suffered from one of the forms of dermatitis or are prone to allergies, then even before pregnancy, it is advisable to take preventive measures to reduce the risk of exacerbation of the disease.


Dermatitis during pregnancy can appear from the first trimester or gradually develop during the gestation process. The main feature of this ailment is that after the birth of the baby, it goes away on its own without any treatment. However, it is impossible to leave this disease without treatment, since it causes a lot of trouble and discomfort to the expectant mother. In order to find an effective treatment that will not harm either the mother or the fetus, it is necessary to know what type of disease we are faced with.

Pregnant dermatitis can manifest itself in different ways. The symptomatology and treatment of each species is different. During pregnancy, most often women are faced with the following types of diseases:

  1. Atopic dermatitis;
  2. Polymorphic dermatosis of pregnant women.

We will talk about the symptoms, features and methods of treatment for each type of dermatitis further.

Atopic dermatitis

This form of the disease is most often diagnosed in pregnant women. Atopic dermatitis during pregnancy usually develops against the background of a hereditary predisposition. However, this ailment also occurs in other groups of the population at different ages.

In fact, this is allergic dermatitis in pregnant women, since it requires the presence of allergens-catalysts for its occurrence:

  • pollen of plants;
  • all kinds of household chemicals;
  • woolen or synthetic items;
  • cosmetical tools;
  • allergenic foods;
  • Pets.

Atopic dermatitis in pregnant women occurs due to a polluted environment, psycho-emotional stress, poor-quality food. An exacerbation of the disease can occur due to various infections, stress, humidity, temperature changes, lack of sunlight.

Even from the photo, it is easy to recognize allergic dermatitis during pregnancy. A pregnant woman has characteristic rashes on the knees, abdomen, elbows, chest and neck. The symptoms of this ailment, depending on the stage of the disease, are as follows:

  1. With a mild rash under the knees, on the elbows and on the neck are poorly expressed. There is a slight swelling. Skin without peeling, normal moisture, pale pink color. Itching often occurs only in the evening.
  2. Middle stage of the disease accompanied by such signs: the skin begins to itch more strongly, the rash affects the face, back, abdomen, as well as the chest and thighs. Hyperpigmentation of the eyelids (darkening of the skin) is often observed.
  3. Severe form of the disease develops at the last stage. It is the most dangerous and arises if a woman previously suffered from this type of ailment. The disease is manifested by severe itching, sleep disturbance, increased irritability. Rashes form on the skin in the form of spots and nodules, erosions and pustules. The skin is swollen and flaky.

The most severe form usually develops in women with a tendency to atopic dermatitis in the first and third trimester of pregnancy. In this case, the rash appears on the hands, in the legs, and even throughout the body.

If allergic dermatitis is diagnosed in pregnant women, treatment is carried out only by a doctor, since many medicines that are used to treat this ailment in non-pregnant women can have a negative effect on the fetus. In the easy stage, treatment consists of the use of topical preparations.

In order for the treatment of atopic dermatitis to give the fastest possible effect, a woman should know the following:

  1. It is necessary to identify and exclude contact with an allergenic agent;
  2. At home, you need to do wet cleaning every day and ventilate the rooms;
  3. All flowering indoor plants must be removed from the house;
  4. Try to get rid of carpets. A minimum of upholstered furniture. Fillers for pillows and blankets should only be synthetic;
  5. Try to use household chemicals, various cosmetics and perfumes to a minimum;
  6. Give up bad habits and get good rest. Even secondhand smoke can provoke disease;
  7. To reduce itching, it is useful to take a contrast shower and use special hypoallergenic creams;
  8. Avoid wearing synthetic and wool clothing. They will increase the itching of the skin;
  9. Allergenic foods must be completely removed from the diet. At the first stage of the disease, it is enough to abandon lamb, zucchini, cucumbers, turnips, horse meat and squash. It is also best not to eat pumpkin, white currants, bananas, cherries, gooseberries and watermelon.

As prescribed by the attending physician, the intake of sorbents (Enterosgel, Filtrum), as well as probiotics (Bifidumbacterin) is indicated. Antiallergic drugs are necessarily prescribed: Claritin, Suprastin and Tavegil.

Important! Treatment of the atopic form of the disease of the 2nd and 3rd stage is carried out only in a hospital setting.

Polymorphic variety

Polymorphic dermatosis of pregnancy is usually diagnosed in the third trimester. The second name of this ailment is toxic erythema. The reason for this ailment is the rapid weight gain of a pregnant woman. This is associated with both the intensive growth of the fetus, an increase in the size of the uterus, placenta and amniotic fluid, and with a violation of metabolic processes. The exacerbation of chronic diseases plays an equally important role in the rapid weight gain.

Often, polymorphic dermatosis of pregnant women develops against the background of increased consumption of excess food by the pregnant woman. The abundance of fatty, fried, flour and sweet dishes adds extra pounds. Because of this, the weight of the fetus also increases abnormally.

Important! Multiple pregnancy, in itself accompanied by strong weight gain, is also a provoking factor for the development of this ailment.

Polymorphic dermatosis of pregnant women is accompanied by the following symptoms:

  1. First, the rash appears on the abdomen. Subsequently, they spread throughout the body.
  2. It is characteristic that the area around the navel remains unaffected.
  3. Most often, the rash is localized on the buttocks, thighs and abdomen. The limbs, chest, and face are less likely to be affected.
  4. Outwardly, the rash is very similar to urticaria. The resulting papules have a size of 1 to 3 mm, they are erythematous, edematous, reddish in size.

Subsequently, the elements of the rash are combined into plaques, like large blisters. Sometimes dermatoses of pregnant women are accompanied by the formation of vesicles - vesicles filled with liquid.

Typical signs of the disease:

  • clear boundaries of the rash;
  • severe itching of the affected skin;
  • papules often appear on striae (stretch marks) that occur due to rapid weight gain;
  • mucous membranes are not affected.

The appearance and spread of rashes continues for 1-2 weeks. At this time, there is severe itching of the abdomen. Striae often itch. Due to severe itching, the woman cannot sleep normally, she is irritated throughout the day. The complete cessation of the appearance of the rash is observed after delivery for a maximum of 10 days.

Treatment of dermatitis during pregnancy is carried out using the following groups of drugs:

  1. Sedative medicines. Pregnant women can take motherwort, valerian, and other herbal preparations without alcohol.
  2. Antihistamines
  3. Topically applied special mixtures that reduce itching, creams with calamine. In especially severe cases, therapy with corticosteroid ointments is indicated.
  4. In a severe form of the disease, the doctor may prescribe treatment with Prednisolone in the form of tablets for oral administration at a dosage of no more than 40 g / day.

How to treat an average and severe form of the disease, only a doctor should say. In mild cases, a woman can use traditional medicine. The safest of them are potato juice lotions, cabbage leaf compresses, treatment with rosehip extract. Also, to relieve inflammation and reduce itching, it is useful to wipe the skin with a decoction of oak bark, Kalanchoe juice or diluted birch sap.