Birthday tea table at work. How to treat colleagues at work: budget recipes for treats and organization. Treats on the menu

Personal Holidays


The landlord's “make yourself at home” offer rarely applies to the refrigerator as well.

I associate the sweet table with school. In elementary school, several birthdays were celebrated at once, we were warned about this in advance and asked to take with us a plate, a cup and a spoon. The birthday people brought cakes and cookies baked by their mothers, and we all ate it with pleasure. In high school, the birthday boy brought cake, and after school we drank tea from plastic cups in our classroom. At the same time, we never had spoons or forks, so we had to eat the cake with our hands. But will you scare the children with this?

At work, everything follows a similar pattern.

What to serve on a sweet table in honor of a birthday at work:


A large cake (weighing about 1 kg) can be cut into 12 large pieces or 24 small pieces. Usually, each invitee receives one large piece of cake, which means if you invited 12 people to your birthday, you can get by with one cake, and if 20 people, you will have to buy two. At the same time, it is better to buy different cakes and cut them into small pieces, then everyone will be able to try.

An example of cutting a large cake into 24 slices: purple lines - first stage, hot pink second An example of cutting a large cake into 12 pieces

12 people = 1 large cake, 20 people = 2 large cakes.

A small cake is usually cut into 8 pieces.

An example of cutting a small cake into 8 pieces


Buy different sweets: caramels, barberries, dried fruits in chocolate, and chocolate with filling. In supermarkets, sweets can be packed into small bags according to the count: some are exactly according to the number of employees, and some are half as many. Or you can choose candies according to the color of the wrappers, for example, buy only red ones.

Cakes and biscuits

These are also very tasty things. For example, instead of one cake, you can buy cakes. Their number should coincide with the number of guests, or, if there are two types of cakes, then each type can be taken half as many as guests.

Juice, tea, coffee

If you usually celebrate your birthday standing up, then it is better to treat employees with juices and soda, and if there is a place where everyone can sit, then you can drink tea or coffee.

Calculate the amount of juice by the number of invitees. In one disposable glass, about 200 ml of juice is usually poured into half a glass, which means that 1 liter of a juice package is enough for one serving for 10 employees. It is better to take 1 liter of different juice than 2 liters of the same one.

1 liter of juice pack = half a glass for 10 employees.

Tea bags - one bag for each. Although usually tea or coffee each brews his own or the same "brand".


Oranges, tangerines, bananas, apples, plums, pears, peaches, melons and others. But special variety is not required, so in winter there will be enough oranges and bananas, and in summer - apples and pears. Ideally, the quantity is half the number of employees invited to your birthday, because both apples and pears will need to be cut into pieces, at least by 4. This means that each employee can take two pieces of pear and two pieces of apple. For tea drinking, lemon will not hurt.


If your company allows it, offer alcoholic drinks to your colleagues. Usually cognac and dry wine are offered for sweets; instead of wine, you can take brut champagne. At a sweet table, alcohol is usually drunk "symbolically", so you do not need to buy one bottle for each employee + 1 spare. A 0.5 liter bottle of wine is enough for 10 people (if you pour 50 g each). However, for example, for 10 hours it is better to take 1 bottle of wine and 1 cognac or 2 bottles of red and white wine.

Wine 0.5 l = 10 people, 50 g each.

Dried fruits and nuts

If there is a financial opportunity, then the sweet table can be diversified with nuts, dried fruits and other oriental sweets.

Important little things

Take care of large fruit plates and small cake slices, juice cups, alcohol cups, spoons, forks and napkins.

On your birthday, you will probably be congratulated at work, maybe even given a collectively acquired gift. As a token of your gratitude, it might be appropriate to offer your colleagues a treat.

Below we list the options for the latter. Choose based on the capabilities of your wallet and the specifics of your business schedule.

Treat to a joint tea party

Nobody will demand that you be affixed to the full program, with a corporate party and wine. Everyone will also enjoy a simple tea party, held in fifteen minutes.

What can you bring for tea on your birthday:

  • good candy;
  • cake;
  • cakes;
  • macaroni;
  • cupcakes;
  • buns;
  • expensive cookies;
  • croissants.

With your own efforts, it is easy to cook a successful charlotte, waffles or nuts. True, for nuts and waffles, a shape is needed.

If you have no time to cook for the whole company, order pizza or ready-made pies with delivery (sweet pie, chicken - at your discretion). Many shops and cafes provide this service at a very reasonable price.

Birthday buffet dishes

The buffet is usually arranged for the anniversary. It involves serving light second courses, snacks and - in most cases - alcohol (just check in advance if it is allowed to hold a party with alcohol at your place of work).

Be sure to bring juice in addition to wine - it may turn out that some of your colleagues should not drink for health reasons. Buy something sweet too, at least candy. After a few toasts, your colleagues are unlikely to refuse a cup of hot tea.

In the heat, kvass will become a worthy alternative to hot tea. Some people treat their colleagues to ice cream and jelly.

Have a nice holiday! Congratulations from us too.

A person spends most of his adult life at work, where there are routines and rules that apply to all areas of life. The corporate ethics of each private company has its own characteristics of the celebration.

Usually it all comes down to congratulating the boss and employees, as well as a mini-banquet. There are institutions in which the customs of celebrating holidays on a grand scale have been preserved since Soviet times. Every day appears all more opportunities to make the holiday extraordinary and interesting even during the working day.

How to celebrate a birthday at work?

First what needs to be done is inform bosses and employees... Try to pay attention to everyone personally by inviting them in person.

Birthday party options at work

    If you don't have office parties, you can bring cake, desserts or seasonal fruits... By treating everyone, you will not distract anyone from, but at the same time you will symbolically mark. The fruits can be arranged in vases, which will be placed in the office and offered to everyone.

    If the bosses are against the celebration during working hours, you can get together for lunch... In this case, as a treat, it will do pizza or other light meals... Alcohol is not allowed, the minimum dose is a glass of champagne.

    The next celebration option, get-togethers after the end of the working day... In this case, the table can be plentiful, with the necessary amount of alcohol and contests.

    With enough money, you can arrange small corporate party in the nearest cafe or a restaurant.

Features of celebrating a birthday in the office

    Knowledge of traditions. If you decide to celebrate your birthday in the office, it is better to immediately find out all the traditions that have developed in the team, and not introduce your own rules. Find out from colleagues how everything is going, what is being prepared and how the management relates to this.

    Birthday Party Invitation in the Office... It is better if someone from your team is engaged in this, he will walk throughout the office, announce an invitation to the upcoming holiday and collect a specific amount of money from everyone. After that, the envelope is handed over to the "boss" and he will present it to the hero of the occasion as an unexpected and pleasant gift. In some collectives, it is not accepted to give money, therefore, a gift is chosen by the method of exclusion.

    When are we walking? It is better to worry about the time of the celebration in advance, to plan the working time and the event itself. Check with the management in advance at what time their workload is less active, so that you can start the holiday without any problems.

    What to cook and how to behave at the table. All organizational issues except the table itself are resolved quickly enough. Not everyone pursues the goal of making their holiday ideal, but it is impossible to approach the choice of the menu irresponsibly, since there is etiquette of behavior with employees.

    Menu strategy... To compile it, you can use the tips of any culinary sites where recipes for such events have already been developed. Decide on two main dishes, to them already pick up appetizers and salads. The piquancy and convenience of serving salads can be achieved by serving them in tartlets. Long-boring sandwiches and slices can be easily replaced with original canapes. Do not forget about the dessert, here you can also be original. Now in almost every store you can buy small, but very beautiful and tasty cakes.

    Taboo... Regardless of your relationship, do not forget that you are not among your friends, but among your colleagues. It is this fact that imposes some restrictions on topics: personal life, family problems, political and issues concerning other employees.

How to spice up your birthday celebrations at work

    set yourself up for a positive and festive mood;

    buy bright disposable tableware;

    come up with light musical accompaniment;

    compose a beautiful speech that will be the answer to all congratulations;

    be cheerful and friendly.

Buffet in the office

On the one hand, the scheme is simple, at the end of the working day, collect everyone and use treats with great pleasure, listen to wishes and congratulations from the employees. On the other hand, to don't be trivial you need everything think over to the smallest detail.

Beautiful table- already half of the success of the event. First, deal with serving if you are using disposable tableware which is comfortable enough, try to find colored so that it is combined with each other and do not forget about tablecloth and napkins... In this case, you will avoid the feeling of a cheap snack in the “gateway”.

Treats should be to the taste of everyone invited, pick up treats for people who drink alcohol, and also keep in mind that employees may also be adherents of proper nutrition. The same goes for alcohol, there must be some choice if the team is heterosexual. Don't forget about juice and mineral water.

There are a lot of recipes for making light snacks that you can treat to your colleagues at work. They prepare quickly and are great for a buffet table. For example, savory crackers can be served as a snack. A cheese-garlic mass is applied on top of them. To prepare it, you need to mix 50 g of grated hard cheese, 1 clove of garlic and 2 tablespoons of mayonnaise.

Decorate the cracker with an olive or half a walnut.

You can also make a pita roll as a snack. To do this, you will need: 2 boiled eggs, 50 g of hard cheese, 100 g of slightly salted salmon, mayonnaise, 100 g of herbs (dill, parsley). Lavash is unrolled on the table and coated with mayonnaise. Rub eggs and cheese on top. Add finely chopped salmon, herbs. Lavash is carefully rolled into a roll and heated in a microwave oven for 5-7 minutes. This time is enough for the cheese to melt a little. Cut the roll before serving. Therefore, it is very convenient to transport it to the place of celebration.

Simple salads can be prepared as a light snack. For example, by mixing finely chopped Peking cabbage and boiled chicken fillet. Dressing such a salad is recommended with mayonnaise.

No less original recipe for an appetizer is stuffed sushi. To prepare them, you will need the following ingredients: cheese, mayonnaise, minced meat, vegetable oil, milk, drying. Conventional dryers are soaked in milk until they are soft and large. After that, they are carefully transferred to a baking sheet greased with vegetable oil in advance. A small amount of minced meat is placed in each drying hole. Within 10-15 minutes of drying, they are baked at a temperature of 180 ° C. After that, the resulting stuffed baskets are coated with a thin layer of mayonnaise and sprinkled with grated cheese. 7-10 minutes in the oven at the same temperature, and the snack is ready.

If you do not have the time and desire to mess around with snacks for the festive table at home, and finances allow you to purchase ready-made products, follow the following tips. Tartlets are available at any major supermarket. In the same store, there is also a section with a variety of ready-made salads.

Already at work, lay out the treats on the tartlets, and the appetizer is ready.

Office food delivery services are no less popular today. There is no need to invent anything here. Just decide what will be on your table. It can be rolls, salads, pizza, and hot dishes. It all depends on your imagination and financial capabilities. Your order will be delivered at a convenient time and place for you. And for the birthday, most likely, they will offer a good discount.

An anniversary is not an ordinary birthday, but a round date. It is customary to celebrate it especially, on a grand scale. All "round" dates belong to anniversaries, but if we talk about adults, then anniversary birthdays starting from the age of 50 are considered especially significant. So you need to tune in and celebrate the anniversary on a grand scale, on a grand scale. But this requires everything to be foreseen in advance.


The first step is to make a plan. For example, decide where and how it will take place. You can use it in a restaurant or cafe, in an apartment or a nightclub, etc. places. At the same stage, you should take care of drawing up the menu and calculating the finances that will be required for the anniversary. The toastmaster should also be invited in advance and discussed with him the holiday, which will be drawn up according to your wishes. Toastmaster can be either a specially trained person or one of your relatives and friends.

After the time and place of the anniversary is known, the toastmaster is ordered, the menu is discussed, and invitations can be made. They should be solemn and official, so you can't do without special postcards. These cards are sold in bookstores and print kiosks. Postcards should be sent 3-4 weeks before the celebration. After all, respectable gifts were accepted for the anniversary, and people should prepare themselves.

On the eve of the anniversary, you can start decorating the hall. Usually the place of the holiday is traditionally decorated with garlands, balls, and other attributes. But you can also use live ones in the design. It will be good if your loved ones prepare a funny wall newspaper with your photos and a story about you. Photo galleries from your portraits hanging on the walls also look great. Today there are many special comic and serious about anniversaries on sale. They can also decorate the room.

And now the anniversary itself is coming. Usually it is customary to make it from several parts. At the very beginning of the celebration, the presenter usually precedes the feast, says the opening remarks. Then he starts himself - with food and toast. All this is regulated by the toastmaster; it depends on his skill whether the holiday becomes dynamic and joyful. The jubilee should not be a mere swallowing up of food and alcohol. All this should be interspersed with the numbers of the show program. It is discussed even at the stage of drawing up a plan for the anniversary. It is good if guests are involved in the show program. This will bring them together, make the holiday more fun.
The next stage of the jubilee is usually dancing. They can be accompanied by a live music ensemble or a tape recorder. At the end of the holiday, the hero of the day must address the guests with a response. In it, you need to thank everyone for their love and attention, tell how you value them. It is better to prepare the answer word in advance. You can present all guests with small memorable souvenirs.

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A corporate holiday is a powerful incentive for the formation of a friendly team and corporate culture. The company's birthday is the second most important holiday after the New Year, which all employees are waiting for. The starting point for your company can be the date of registration of the company or the day of the professional holiday of the industry.


Day company is an event that repeats from year to year, regardless of the principle of its choice and the guests who are gathered there. Therefore, it is important to take into account the already established traditions; it is not at all necessary to arrange some enchanting shows to the detriment of business needs. Just think carefully about the scenario of your event. In the structure of the holiday, it is very important to provide for an action in which at the same time you involve all the participants who gathered at the birthday company... It could be launching balloons into the sky, singing an anthem company breaking champagne glasses. The very process of unity and maintaining the corporate spirit is important.

The next steps are to choose a place for the celebration, draw up an entertainment program, pick up holiday decorations for the event, and so on. The elements are important, but easier to implement.

After you choose the time and venue, start sending out invitations according to the guest list. You can purchase regular paper invitations. Or you can show your imagination and prepare invitations according to the theme of the holiday or the direction of activity company.

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The company's birthday is the most important holiday. You can mark it not only with everyone who works with you, but also with those with whom your company does business. Therefore, a good celebration will help strengthen ties both within the corporation and outside it.


Organize your party table in such a way as to accommodate all guests. Ask employees in advance what food and drink they prefer. Do not overuse the amount of alcohol. If the number of visitors is large, waiters should be hired.

Create invitations and send them to guests. This will help determine the exact number of visitors. Do not forget that not everyone will have the opportunity to attend the event on the planned day. Everyone has their own good reasons for this.

Give a solemn speech at the beginning of the celebration. This is one of the ways to create energy and excitement among the guests. If the company is large, then it would be appropriate to invite representatives of the press to make your event public. The performance can be at the beginning, at the end, or at certain moments of the event.

Reach out to the crowd with an inspiring message as a chapter company... Express your gratitude to all those present, tell us when and how the company was created, and in what direction it is currently moving. Be sure to thank the most successful employees and present them with gifts.

Invite famous guests who will also congratulate the company on their behalf or even become the hosts of the evening. Guests of honor can be CEOs of other successful corporations, famous TV presenters and even pop stars. The latter can perform several songs or organize other entertaining performances and competitions for guests.

Find the right decorations for your event. Balloons, confetti and banners add a sense of celebration and excitement. Invite musicians to perform live music. At the end of the event, a dance evening can be organized.

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Monotonous days, stretching one after another, suggest that something needs to be changed. For example, you can highlight one day a month and spend it in an unusual and original way.


Go to the camp site. Usually such places are located a couple of tens of kilometers from the city. There you can ride a scooter, water ski, quads, ski or snowmobile. In general, the choice of activities will be so great that you will not even notice how the whole day... Usually on the territory of tourist centers there are baths, saunas and cafes, in which you can perfectly finish an active and unusual day.

Take a look at the water park. Even if there is frost and a blizzard outside the window, you can always get a swimsuit from the bins and feel the summer. Water parks provide many services. This is a large selection of various slides, on which people of all ages feel a truly childish delight, and different types of baths for relaxation. In the world of eternal summer, it's easy to get lost for a whole day.

Pamper yourself with a visit to the spa. Complete relaxation will be provided by treatments that will ennoble your appearance and make you feel refreshed. Peels, massages, masks and body wraps are all available at your nearest spa resort.

Help stray animals. Join an animal shelter volunteer and hit the streets in search of unfortunate cats and dogs. Once you bring them to the shelter, you will have to wash them, then feed them and send them to the cage. After that, you can post ads with a photo of the found animal, perhaps this way you will find its owner and ensure a happy life.

Arrange day culinary travel. Find the addresses of the best restaurants in town that will give you the opportunity to sample Japanese, Italian, Spanish, Chinese and other cuisines from around the world. Visit three or four of them in one day... So you get the feeling of traveling around the planet, and at the same time and gastronomic ecstasy in the bargain.

Company companies, approve the budget for the entire event. It is on him that the choice of the method of celebration depends, the number and quality of artists, food, location. Decide if there will be gifts for employees, find out if there are any plans to reward someone. Such moments will need to be inserted or discussed when writing the script and composing the soundtrack.

Contact your party company. You will be prompted to choose a venue, scenario, program, menu from those available in the assortment and free for the expected date. Also, such companies already have package offers. You can change anything depending on your audience.

Write your own script, select a site, order catering (catering) in a restaurant. Browse the internet for suitable artists. Be sure to read their reviews and recommendations. Pay special attention to the choice of the host of the holiday. Ask about it from acquaintances, friends, former colleagues. The host is the person on whom the mood of your guests depends.


Think over the menu for a small festive buffet table. The best option is canapé sandwiches as an appetizer, conveniently chopped vegetables and fruits, and dessert. Make sandwiches small and low, cut vegetables into small pieces. Buy special skewers that are convenient for picking canapes and vegetable slices. Don't forget disposable plates, glasses, and forks.

For dessert, it is more convenient to serve cakes and cookies. In summer, ice cream is the best sweet option. Buy mineral water, tonic, and a couple of juices. If you plan to bring alcohol, opt for wine. For lovers of spirits, you can stock up on a small bottle of brandy or whiskey. It is not customary to serve champagne on office holidays, as well as vodka. But you can mix cocktails - this will be a very interesting solution, especially if you have a refrigerator with a supply of ice in your office.

Basic rules for menu planning

It is worth finding out in advance if there is a microwave oven at work. After all, not all colleagues will be able to get together at the same time. Cold food may not be to everyone's taste. If the possibility of heating is still absent, then you should refrain from cooking hot dishes.

Of course, you can pack food in containers, wrap them in towels. In this case, the heat can remain for several hours. The use of foil is also a great solution to the problem. The ideal solution would be to prepare various snacks, salads, canapes and sandwiches.

Male colleagues will like poultry or meat-based dishes, with the addition of seafood, and pate. Women, however, may prefer lighter tartlets and salads with the addition of oil.

Examples of dishes

Tartlets stuffed with various salads are very popular at events of this kind. Ordinary salad "Olivier", poultry or mushroom pate will acquire an interesting taste when placed in tartlets. The dish is decorated with parsley leaves on top.

Canape is an equally simple and tasty snack. You can stuff bell peppers, ham and fresh cucumber on skewers. Olives, bell peppers, ham, hard cheese and shrimp are perfectly combined. Canapes can be prepared right at work.

Since Japanese cuisine has recently become very popular, you can order sushi. However, to impress your colleagues, it is best to serve salmon rolls. Thin plates of slightly salted fish must be spread with soft cheese, put a slice of cucumber in the middle. Everything must be rolled into a roll, which is then cut into portions. Put everything on slices of fresh cucumber.

Serving stuffed tomatoes to the table would be a safe bet. The filling can be the simplest: grated cheese with garlic. If you want to serve a more original and satisfying snack, then you need to choose the meat filling. To do this, you just need to fry the minced meat with mushrooms and onions. The tomatoes are stuffed and sprinkled with cheese on top.

Stuffed eggs, rolls with lavash are also examples of dishes for a holiday at work. Most importantly, with a minimum of time, you can arrange a wonderful feast for your colleagues.

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Simple tips on how to save money on the holiday table during difficult times

Oddly enough, a budget birthday party in the office can turn out to be much more soulful than a standard (sliced ​​+ cakes) table.

It was customary to celebrate the holidays at my last job thoroughly. The "pinched" triumph was hissed in the back for more than a week. Every year, on the eve of my birthday, I went to the Metro and bought for half a salary: cuts, cheeses, vegetables, fruits, drinks, alcohol and always sweets. The same applied to other holidays: the defense of a diploma, a dissertation, the birth of a son. Investments in holiday tables have been regular and impressive. But they did not pay off: we bored giving flowers, bored eating and drinking and dispersed without receiving the expected positive.

An office holiday can be made more economical and more emotional by deviating from the standard. In this case, you will spend much less money. It will also take a little time to prepare an unusual table. However, it all depends on your desire.

Cheap and fast

The easiest way to make sandwiches is to make sandwiches instead of the slices on the plates. Firstly, it will take much less money to buy ingredients (sandwiches are more voluminous than slicing, and instead of carbonate you can buy doctor's sausage), and secondly, here you can already dream up. "You can mix mayonnaise with ketchup, spread this sauce on each slice of sandwich bread, put a leaf of lettuce, chopped gherkins, thinly sliced ​​tomatoes, ham, cheese, sausage, whatever - and on top, with the sauce side down - another slice of bread - advises Polina Arkhimonova, senior advertising manager for Gloria magazine. - Let soak for at least half an hour. Cut crosswise into four sandwiches. Can be secured with skewers. "

Cheese is also not necessary to buy expensive and different varieties - practice shows that almost no one eats cheese slices. Substitution: An appetizer called "cheese with lemon and coffee." Beautiful, original, and colleagues are delighted. To do this, you need to cut the cheese into triangles - like for a sandwich, only thicker. Put a slice of lemon on each slice and sprinkle with ground coffee. The appetizer is ready!

Instead of kilograms of apples, pears, bananas and grapes, you can buy literally a few pieces of each of the fruits and ... cabbage. Wash everything thoroughly, cut the fruits into cubes, put on skewers and make a hedgehog from the cabbage.

Half an hour before work

Baking a cake before work is an economical and soulful way to treat your coworkers. The only difficulty is getting up half an hour early. The rest is very simple. You need to take only one egg, a glass of sugar, a glass of kefir, a glass of semolina and bake a manna. Add apples, exclude semolina - and you get charlotte. For special solemnity, instead of apples, you can use frozen cherries, which are sold in bags in stores. What is noteworthy is that very few cherries are used for a pie, and one packet is enough for 10 charlottes. ... It is good to wrap the pies in foil or in a flannel shirt, bring them warm to work and give your colleagues a delicious breakfast.

If in your office it is still not customary to do with one sweet, instead of cuts and sandwiches, you can bake meat. This is not difficult to do. “At one of my previous jobs, I felt sorry for spending money on all sorts of sausages and other smoked meats on my birthday, and I bought a very large piece of meat on the Kiev market, smeared it with salt, pepper and baked in the oven,” says Alexey. “This is tastier than sausage. (even cold), and much cheaper. The baking time depends on the thickness of the piece: from an hour to two. A slight complication of the recipe: stick holes in the meat with a sharp knife and stick carrots and garlic there. "

The evening before the holiday

You can surprise your colleagues with seemingly complicated dishes that are actually easy to make. For example, you can make chicken curry the day before. Or cook barbecue wings with blue-cheese sauce, and baked potatoes in their skins ().

For sweets - make a confectionery sausage from anniversary cookies and a few spoons of cocoa. Or surprise everyone with marmalade pies (). Simple, cheap, and most importantly - the reputation of a noble culinary specialist is guaranteed to you.


Wine and soda can be substituted for homemade (or rather, office) mojitos. For mojitos, buy martini, Schweppes, mint and lime (you can also buy strawberries). All this, except for the martini, mix right on the spot. Alcohol drinkers will be able to add martini to the cocktail, non-drinkers will drink non-alcoholic.

Mulled wine can be boiled in an office kettle: pour wine, cut an orange, add some apples, cinnamon and boil. Treat colleagues, persuading to try even those who are driving: "Come on! Alcohol has already all disappeared when heated!"

Save on people

There are companies in which it is customary for the holidays to bring colleagues out into the world and treat them to cafes and restaurants. There are also ways to save money here: for example, reduce the number of invitees and invite them to your home. Or skiing on Sunday. Invite them to go to the zoo, to the cinema or to the climbing wall - to climb the walls. Fewer people will agree to such "adventures". But those who come will remember only good things about your holiday.

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