How and how to dye your hair without dye at home: useful tips, proven folk remedies and recipes. How to carry out home hair coloring with folk remedies. How to achieve a golden hue for dark curls

The abundance of paints and palettes sold in stores allows you to temporarily tint or dye your curls in a natural or any other color. To do this efficiently at home will help the implementation of simple but very important recommendations. Having figured out how to dye your hair for yourself, you can achieve an excellent result that is no different from a professional one.

Paints for home use are:

  • Chemical. Formulations based on an aggressive, chemical pigment and oxidizer are extremely easy to use. With their help, you can independently dye your hair in any desired color, without having professional skills.
  • Natural. Dyes containing plant-based substances allow not only dyeing hair a different color, but also strengthening its texture, making it smooth and shiny.
  • Physical. Such paints do not contain peroxide or ammonia, therefore they do not break the hair structure and do not penetrate deep into it. They only change the color of the outer shell, allowing you to temporarily tint the curls without a radical change in tone. But the choice of color palette in these paints is rather modest.

How to choose the right color?

Home coloring is associated with certain risks. If you decide to dye your natural hair a dark color yourself, you only have to worry about the correct application of the dye. But burning blondes should delve into the study of the question of how to dye their hair for themselves, so as not to burn them out and not get an unwanted yellow or red tint.

To understand what problems can arise when coloring in light colors, you should understand the simple laws of color: black will always dominate! That is, when painting a brunette in light colors, a yellow tint will appear. This is because the pigments in the colorants mix with the pigments inside the hair.

Professional neutralizers of yellowness, added directly to the coloring composition, or tinting agents used after coloring (but in this case, they will have to be used regularly) will help to avoid an undesirable result. If you still want to properly lighten your hair for yourself, then choose a paint with an ashy shade, which will differ from the original color by no more than 1-2 tones.

Preparation for staining

There is a myth according to which it is necessary to refrain from washing your hair for several days before painting. This statement is completely wrong! The accumulated sebum will in no way protect the hair from aggressive chemical attack. In addition, shampooing will help remove residual gels, sprays, styling varnishes and airborne dust.

Before proceeding with the procedure, you must:

  1. Prepare a cape to prevent paint from spilling onto clothing.
  2. Find a non-metallic container for mixing the composition, a brush to apply it to curls, and a fine-toothed comb.
  3. Apply your favorite cream to the forehead, temples, ears, neck and cheekbones up to the hairline to avoid unwanted skin staining.
  4. Conduct a sensitivity test. To do this, you need to mix the paint with an oxidizing agent and apply the resulting mixture to your wrist. If after 15 minutes the skin does not turn red, then you can start staining.

To find out how to properly dye your hair a different color at home and achieve the desired shade, you need to familiarize yourself with the rules for using a particular dye.

How to dye your hair with regular paint yourself? Step-by-step instruction

  1. You can divide your hair into zones (parietal, temporal and occipital) and secure them with non-metallic hairpins.
  2. The coloring composition reacts immediately after mixing, therefore it must be used as soon as possible.
  3. It is better to start applying paint from the back of the head, separating parallel strands 1 cm wide and painting over only the roots.
  4. When the occipital zone is ready, you can proceed to the crown: divide the curls into thin stripes, applying the product in the root area.
  5. The temporal zones tend to have the weakest and thinnest hairs, so they should be dyed last.
  6. You should not brush the curls along the entire length with a brush, in this case they will simply get tangled. To obtain an even color that is close to natural, it is important to comb through all hair thoroughly with a fine-toothed comb. The dye composition must completely cover each hair, only in this case it will be possible to achieve a professional effect.
  7. To prevent drying, you should put an oilcloth hat on your head or build a cap made of thick foil, then cover the resulting structure with a towel.
  8. Wait for the time indicated in the instructions. To prevent the chemical reaction from slowing down, it is important to avoid drafts and hypothermia. Usually 20-40 minutes is enough for high-quality staining. Exceeding the specified period will only lead to the destruction of the hair structure.
  9. Wash off the paint with warm running water without using shampoo.
  10. Apply the balm that comes with the paint. This will help fix the resulting color and keep it fresh for a long time.

This step-by-step guide will show you how to dye your hair the full length of your own hair and achieve the same result as professional dyeing. When self-correction (tinting the roots), you need to follow the above scheme, but it is important to remember that any shade is prone to washout. Therefore, it is not only the roots that need to be processed. You can simply reduce the amount of dye, apply it to the root zone, then comb the hair correctly to distribute the pigment.

How to professionally make an ombre for yourself

Despite the apparent complexity of the balayage technique, this coloring can be done at home, without the help of a professional stylist. To do this, you need to purchase paint 2 tones lighter than the original shade. When applied correctly, you will get an excellent result close to natural sun fading.

Step-by-step instructions for creating an ombre effect

  1. Make 2 symmetrical tails in the temporal zones. The smoothness of the transition will depend on the height of their placement.
  2. Mix the dye with the supplied oxidizer, apply a small amount only to the ends of the hair.
  3. First comb through the last 5 cm of the length, spreading the composition evenly over the tips. Then walk the comb a little higher, grabbing 7-10 cm.
  4. Smooth the transition by combing 15-20 cm of hair in each ponytail.
  5. Withstand 20-30 minutes, rinse your head thoroughly with running water.

Important! Excess paint applied to the tips early on will result in crisp light lines and unwanted contrast. To achieve an extremely soft and professional effect, you need to use a minimum amount of coloring agent.

How to dye your hair at home with natural dyes?

Basma and henna, which have been popular for several centuries, are products that make it possible to change hair color, strengthening their health. A properly selected combination of these plant substances will allow you to independently achieve a natural shade. The color choices range from deep red to rich chocolate or fiery black.

Step-by-step instructions for staining with henna and basma

  1. Dilute henna with hot, but not boiling water to the consistency of thick sour cream. For maximum therapeutic effect, you can add a little essential oil.
  2. Apply the mixture to dry, clean hair, starting at the back of the head. Then process the parietal and temporal zones.
  3. Put on a cellophane hat or build a foil cap. Cover your head with a towel to keep warm.
  4. The exposure time is up to 4 hours. Then the composition must be completely washed off.
  5. To eliminate the reddish tint, you can use basma. To do this, it must be dissolved in water, having achieved a more liquid consistency.
  6. Apply to hair following the above tips.
  7. Keep the mixture on your head for 15 minutes to 2 hours, depending on how dark your hair should be.
  8. Wash off with running water without shampoo. Apply your favorite balm.

In addition to color changes, henna and basma saturate the hair with biologically active components and vitamins, thanks to which they acquire a smooth structure, extraordinary strength and elasticity. These natural dyes create an invisible protective lash on the surface that protects curls from negative external influences and prevents brittleness.

Coloring with natural products has the highest durability. The shade after henna or basma retains brightness and saturation for several months. Therefore, it is important to combine these dyes correctly.

How to color your hair yourself with physical dyes

There are more and more products developed for toning hair and intended for home (independent) use. Tinted shampoos and conditioners can freshen up the color by masking unwanted red or yellow tones. To do this, just read the instructions on the package and properly wash your hair using the chosen product.

You can dye your hair a different color using pastel crayons, in this case the color palette covers all shades that exist in nature (from white to deep blue). Even a child knows how to dye his hair with crayons at home: to do this, you need to run a few times over each strand with a crayon of the desired color, then you can shake the hair, ridding it of small residues and fix the color with varnish.

Self-lightening hair at home is a difficult but always predictable process. Understanding the above rules will help facilitate the procedure, and strict adherence to step-by-step recommendations will turn routine home care into a real art of transformation!

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Modern production today offers girls all kinds of dyes, coloring balms and all possible pastes that will dye your hair in any color. All products contain detailed instructions and it is easy to dye your hair at home. Nevertheless, many girls refuse chemical dyes and try to find a way to dye their hair at home using natural dyes. Let's see if this is possible.

What are the pros and cons of folk remedies?

Of course, our grandmothers came up with many ways to dye your hair at home using natural settings and blends. They all have both advantages and disadvantages.

The benefits include:

  • All herbs are readily available from any pharmacy and are usually low cost.
  • It is easy to prepare the required solution.
  • In addition to the desired shade, herbal tincture can have a beneficial effect on your hair: strengthen it, get rid of dandruff, and give it a healthy shine.
  • You can paint your head with such tinctures at any frequency.
  • With the help of natural dyes, you can give your hair a natural shade, which is not always obtained with the help of chemical dyes.
  • Also, folk remedies have their drawbacks. These include:
  • Poor tenacity.
  • As much as you wish it, you cannot change the color drastically, only the shade will change.
  • The desired shade will not come out right away. Only constant dyeing will help you get the color you want.

How can you dye your hair without dye?

If you are looking for a way that will spare your hair, pay attention to the flowers around you, herbs, which will not only help you with a change of image, but can also have a beneficial effect on your hair and scalp.

It should be noted that none of the herbs can radically change your appearance, because only chemical dyes can do it. But with the help of folk remedies, you will never harm your hair. Before looking for beneficial herbs for hair in the pharmacy, decide on the shade you want to get. Your natural hair color plays a decisive role here.

How can you color your hair if you have a light shade?

The most harmful of all procedures that are carried out with the help of chemicals is clarification. But you can lighten your hair using natural remedies, while improving your hair.

  1. Lightening with honey. Honey, which is a natural oxidizing agent, can easily replace any paint. You just need to wash your hair with your favorite baking soda shampoo. Dry your hair a little, and for this it is not at all necessary to use a hairdryer, you just need to wrap it in a towel and allow excess moisture to be absorbed. Apply honey to damp hair along the entire length. You will not need to create a greenhouse effect and warm your head, you just need to collect your hair and cover it with a scarf or shawl. This method of dyeing has one significant drawback - you need to keep honey on your hair as much as possible, at least 12 hours. It is advisable to go to bed with this mask, but here you need to be patient, because it will flow out and sleep will be at least uncomfortable.
  2. You can make your hair lighter with brandy. You will need kefir and cognac in equal proportions, 1 egg, lemon juice. All ingredients must be mixed and added to your favorite shampoo. The resulting mixture must be applied to a clean head, but the hair must not be wetted. Try to apply this product evenly along the entire length of your hair and create a greenhouse effect: wrap your head in cellophane, then a towel. Leave the mask overnight, and in the morning you can wash your hair the way you used to.
  3. If you want an ashy shade, use rhubarb for this. Pour the leaves of this herb with one liter of dry white wine and boil the resulting mixture in a water bath. It is necessary to continue boiling until the amount of broth is reduced by 3 times. After it you need to cool it, strain through cheesecloth and rinse your hair with the resulting liquid.

Here's what the pros have to say:

Auburn to chestnut

If you are looking for a golden hue, this can be done easily with onion peel tincture. To get the desired tincture, you do not need to buy anything, it is enough just not to throw away the onion peel for 2 months. Then the assembled component must be poured with water and boiled over medium heat for 20 minutes. The resulting tincture must be cooled and filtered. Apply the resulting product to the hair and go on for about an hour.

If you want to get a rich shade - collect more onion peels and keep the balm on your hair longer, and do not be afraid that this will cause some harm to your hair.

If you want a reddish sheen, take ordinary black tea, pour boiling water over it and boil for half an hour. Apply the resulting broth to the head and go on like this for at least an hour.

You can get a dark chestnut glow if you wash your hair with natural coffee or oak bark tincture. All of these natural dyes will have a beneficial effect on your hair.

If you have gray hair and want to paint over it and get it brown, you will need walnut leaves. These leaves must be poured with a glass of water and boiled for at least 20 minutes, the resulting broth must be applied to the head and create a greenhouse effect: wrap the head with cellophane and a towel. Such a compress must be kept on the head for at least 3 hours and washed off with water. Hazelnut tincture is also recommended for regular rinsing to allow your hair to appear brown.

For those with gray hair, consider the following tips:

Hair coloring with henna and basma

If you want to dye your hair without dyes at home, but you are not satisfied with decoctions that can create only a shade, you need to choose henna or basma for dyeing your hair. These natural dyes have long been proven to be effective, durable and beneficial. Fans of Bollywood films have long noticed how long, shiny, thick hair the main characters of the series have. But the whole point is that they dye their hair with henna and basma.

I would like to say right away that you should carefully dye your hair with henna, because this natural dye is quickly absorbed into the hair, and when it gets on clothes, skin of the hands and head, a stain remains, which is not so easy to remove. To dye your hair with henna, pour hot water over the contents of one sachet. Knead the composition in a plastic or ceramic bowl or plate. It is very important that the water is not brought to a boil. The resulting mixture must be gently stirred with a spoon so that there are no lumps. Let the broth cool just a little, because it is desirable that it remains hot. Apply carefully, not skipping the strands, because the missing spots will be immediately noticeable after drying. After you have distributed the coloring composition along the entire length of the hair, the hair must be gathered into a bun and created a greenhouse effect. You can walk with the resulting composition on your head for 1-3 hours, it all depends on what shade you want to achieve.

Before the staining procedure, you need to wash your hair, because henna fits better on clean hair, and after staining with henna, you cannot wash your hair for 3 days.

It is not so easy to wash off henna from the head, there are a number of tips for washing off. For example, when rinsing off the dye with warm water, you need to apply a large amount of balm or conditioner to the ends of your hair. You can also use burdock oil, which will help the henna to slip off your hair more easily. This is done so that not a drop of the composition remains in the head, because after drying, it turns into a crust covering your head and you will have to comb it out.

Henna and basma will help you get rid of dandruff even if expensive cosmetics did not help you. You can use these products to dye your hair any color from copper to black. Also, these two products can be mixed with you in any proportions if you want to achieve a certain shade.

The disadvantages include the fact that henna staining has a cumulative effect. This means that to get a bright shade, you need to dye your hair several times. Henna also weighs down the hair, so you shouldn't expect volume.

What safety rules should be applied when dyeing hair with natural products?

The use of natural paints does not mean that you need to forget about all the safety rules. Remember, you are working with paint, which means that when you dye your hair, everything else is colored, so take into account the following tips:

  • Use gloves that protect your hands.
  • If you want to dye your hair with nuts, but still suffer from thyroid problems, give up this venture and find an alternative.
  • Always check before use to see if the broth is causing you an allergic reaction.
  • If you poured boiling water over herb leaves, henna, make sure that the solution is not too hot for you. Indeed, when applying a very hot solution, you can get burned.
  • It is undesirable for the paint to get into the mouth, nose or eyes. If spilled, rinse with water.

All girls strive to improve their appearance, often starting with their hairstyles. You can change it by changing the hair color. And it is not at all necessary to grab onto expensive chemical paints. Natural dyes will help you experiment with the future shade, while your hair does not get any harm, and vice versa, you can cure it.

Despite the fact that the modern beauty industry offers a huge variety of colors, tint balms and pastes, more and more girls are wondering: how to dye their hair without dye at home? Some are afraid to take risks and start experiments with aggressive chemical dyes and cannot predict the result, others, on the contrary, managed to dry their hair with lightening and perm. Add to them the unfortunate young ladies suffering from allergies, as well as pregnant and lactating mothers who also want to be beautiful. For them, as well as for all girls who want to change their hair color, we tell you how to dye their hair without dye.

How to dye your hair without dye: Henna and Basma

Henna and basma are well-known natural dyes since ancient times, which not only give a beautiful rich shade to the hair, but also heal them, namely:

  • strengthen hair follicles;
  • eliminate dandruff;
  • stop hair loss;
  • treat the scalp.

Henna gives the hair a red and brown-chocolate tint, basma gives a greenish tone, so you should not use it separately.

Henna is easy to mix with other ingredients to achieve a more interesting color, for example:

  • a golden sheen will appear on the hair if you add a decoction of chamomile, turmeric or saffron to the coloring mass;
  • chocolate is easy to achieve if you mix 3 parts of henna and one basma, add strong coffee or black tea, cloves are also suitable;
  • scarlet will give the addition of red wine, hibiscus or cranberry juice;
  • deep black tone is obtained by mixing henna and basma in proportions of 1 to 3.

The staining procedure is shown in detail in the video.

Despite the fact that henna and basma are completely natural substances, there are contraindications for staining:

  • blonde hair (the color will turn out too bright and unpredictable);
  • grey hair;
  • pre-dyeing or perm.

In addition, it is worth remembering that henna is very difficult to wash off, and chemical paint will not lie on top of it. Think about whether you are always ready to paint exclusively with henna or basma, and whether you will not get tired of the shade after a couple of months, because it is almost impossible to change it.

What can you dye your hair other than dye: Natural dyes

Decoctions and infusions, common foods that we use every day in the kitchen, can be great tools for giving our hair the right color. Let's try to give some tips on how to achieve the desired result without spending money and time on going to beauty salons and without injuring your own curls.

How to dye your hair at home: Light shades

If you have naturally light or light brown hair, then regular rinsing with chamomile broth will help to give them a beautiful golden hue that shimmers in the sun. It is not difficult to prepare it: 3-4 tablespoons of dried chamomile flowers are poured with 1 liter of boiling water and infused for about an hour, then filtered.

On the basis of chamomile, you can also prepare hair dye. For 125 grams of dry mixture, 300 ml is taken. boiling water, the broth is infused for at least 15 minutes, then boiled over low heat. Additional components will be the juice of one lemon and 30 ml. olive oil. The mixture is applied to the hair like a regular paint and lasts until it dries completely.

If you have time, then make a honey mask, it will also give your blond hair a blonde shade. It is necessary to keep the mixture under the film for at least 10-12 hours.

Lemon juice - gives a beautiful golden tone, and if you add such useful nutritional components as an egg and kefir to the paint based on it, then it heals your hair. Mix 50 gr. kefir, juice of half or a whole lemon (depending on the desired color), chicken egg. Another important component is two tablespoons of brandy or alcohol. You can add some shampoo. The mixture is applied under the film overnight.

How to dye your hair at home: Brown shades

Coffee is a great way to give dark brown hair a deep, chocolatey tone. Boil a cup of strong coffee and cool, at this time mix a couple of tablespoons of ground beans with a hair mask, dilute the resulting mixture with chilled coffee until the consistency of sour cream. The paint is applied to dry hair and kept for at least an hour.

Black tea is also able to transform your curls, giving them not only a deep brownish-brown tone, but also an amazing shine. Brew a strong tea and heat the infuser over low heat or water bath. Apply to hair and wrap with cling film. To maintain this result, rinse your hair with tea leaves after each wash.

Walnut leaves are one of the few natural dyes that can cope with gray hair. Boil the leaves in a little water, and then leave for 10-15 minutes. Thoroughly saturate your hair with the broth, wrap your head with a film, and on top with a towel. Keep the compress for at least 3 hours. Use walnut leaf infusion for regular rinsing as well.

How to dye your hair at home: Red and red shades

In addition to the already mentioned henna, simple onion peels can make you a red-haired beast. Fill a saucepan with it and cover with water, cook for 20 minutes, and then strain. Apply the dye to your hair and wrap with plastic wrap. Keep it on for 10 minutes to half an hour depending on the original color and the desired result.

Rhubarb root is useful not only for compotes, but also for adding fire to blond hair. 200 gr. Finely chopped rhubarb root is poured with half a liter of red wine, then the mixture is warmed up. Some should evaporate slowly. After the broth has cooled, you can add a little baking soda to it and the paint is ready. The composition stays on the hair under the film for 20-30 minutes.

Another primordially Russian plant that can dye hair copper is nettle. Pour in 100 gr. dried (or fresh, if it is possible to collect them) leaves 500 ml. water, add a couple of tablespoons of vinegar and heat over low heat for 30 minutes. Let the broth brew. Apply to hair as a compress, and regularly rub into the root and rinse the curls after washing.

You can simply and quickly dye your hair without dye using linden flowers, they are sold in any pharmacy. The inflorescences are boiled in a little water. The resulting broth is rubbed into the scalp and applied to the hair. Like any natural remedy, keeping lime infusion costs at least half an hour.

When a woman wants to change her image, then, as a rule, the choice falls on changing the hair color. To give your look austerity, style, or just stand out from the crowd, most ladies are dyed black. Since hair dyes harm the hair, the question arises, how to dye your hair black without dye? This article will provide effective recipes on how to give your hair a dark color without using ammonia dyes.

Staining black with tonic

If you are the owner of dark hair, then dyeing it black with a tonic will suit you. The tonic is able to dye the hair 1 or 2 shades darker. It is high time to remember for all women that this coloring option is categorically not suitable for blondes, as the result will be a shade of blue-green or marsh color. Before dyeing, you should always try the toner on a strand of hair to see if you will like the result when fully dyed.

An instruction is always attached to any tonic, following which you can easily dye your hair. The principle of coloring with a tonic is as follows - first, the tonic is diluted in a non-metallic container, then applied to damp hair along the entire length and left for about half an hour. It is then very important to rinse your hair until the water is clear, as how thoroughly you rinse your hair will determine whether tinted curls will stain your clothes.

Black staining with basma and henna

Pure basma will dye your hair green or blue, so it must be used in combination with henna. It will not be possible to dye your hair into a rich black with the help of basma and henna, but it will be quite possible to change the hair color by more than 3 tones in the dark side. To do this, you need to take one part of henna and 2 parts of basma. For a darker shade, add natural ground coffee or cocoa to the mixture. If your hair is light enough, you will have to keep the composition on your hair from 1 hour to 4, depending on how dark you want to get the color. As a rule, it is not possible to achieve black color the first time. To enhance the color, you can try to brew basma not just with boiling water, but with strong black tea. If you have light brown or dark blonde hair, then a black shade will be easier and faster to achieve.

Hair coloring: you can get black or different dark tones without paint using natural remedies

Dyeing hair dark

Unfortunately, such natural and healthy hair coffee, tea, oak bark, nettle and the like will only give the curls a darker, brown or chestnut shade. But even this color looks very beautiful on the hair, many ladies who want to find not charcoal black, but a dark shade of hair, can use the following paint recipes. The only drawback of this staining is that it will not cope with gray hair.

Dark coffee and henna staining

To prepare paint from coffee and henna, you will also need to take 500ml. boiling water and dissolve 4-5 tablespoons of coffee in it, then boil the mixture over a fire for 10 minutes. In the resulting strong broth, it is necessary to dilute henna in accordance with the instructions, apply paint along the entire length of the hair and wrap it in polyethylene with a towel, you can keep it on the hair from 40 minutes to 1 hour, depending on the saturation of the desired shade.

Tea staining

It is necessary to prepare a very strong tea leaves - 500 ml. boiling water take 3 tablespoons of tea. Heat it over low heat or a water bath for half an hour, then let it cool and drain. Distribute the ready-made broth over clean, damp hair, starting from the roots and gradually pouring tea over all the hair, ending with the ends. Wrap your head with cellophane and a towel, leave for 15 to 45 minutes. Choose the time yourself, from the calculation, the more you keep the tea on your hair, the darker the shade of your hair will turn out.

Dark staining with nettles

Nettle can darken hair by several shades. To do this, you need to pour 1 part of nettle leaves with 2 parts of boiling water and put on fire for about 20 minutes, until half of the water evaporates during cooking. Then a strained and cooled broth is applied to clean hair, leaving for at least half an hour.

Dark staining with oak bark

The bark of the oak will give the hair a deep dark shade, for this you also need to pour 1 part of the bark of the oak with 2 parts of boiling water and put on a low heat and boil for about 20 minutes. As soon as half of the water has evaporated, the broth must be left to cool and strain. Then it is applied to clean hair and left for half an hour to an hour.

Linden dark staining

You can achieve a chocolate shade with a linden decoction. In a ratio of 1: 5, dry linden is mixed and then heated in hot water, according to the already known principle, the broth is removed from the stove as soon as the volume of water is reduced by 2 times. For maximum effect, the broth can be left on clean hair overnight.

Spruce bark staining

Spruce bark, unlike oak bark, is able to give hair a deep color very close to black. In this case, it is also necessary to pour 1 part of the ate bark with 2 parts of boiling water and boil for about 20 minutes over low heat. As soon as half of the water has evaporated, the broth must be allowed to brew and cool. Then it is applied to clean hair by analogy with a decoction from oak bark and left for an hour.

The effect of repainting without paint

Of course, giving up hair dye will preserve its structure, and using natural dyes to darken it will also strengthen it. But before you make a choice on how to dye your hair black without dye, think about what is more important for you - to get a rich hair color or to stick to the position of using gentle dye products? Unfortunately, many women argue that it is impossible to achieve black without the use of professional paint. Neither basma, nor henna, nor any of the natural dyes will give the desired result if you dream of deep black hair. In this case, you still have to use professional paint, but you can give preference to sparing ones. They do not use ammonia, and the color is even and lasts up to 4 weeks. Using the above recipes will significantly improve and strengthen the hair, make the natural color of the curls darker and with each new dyeing, the shade will be deeper.

Thus, the choice is yours. If using hair dye is unacceptable or impossible, using alternative coloring methods can help you change the color and further improve the structure of the hair, which is important.

If this is the first time you decide to dye your hair yourself, first of all, remember the four categorical impossible.

  1. Do not dye your hair after a perm. At least two weeks should elapse between these procedures.
  2. Do not dye your hair if there are abrasions or other damage on the scalp.
  3. Do not add oils, balms and other products to your taste to chemical paints.
  4. Do not use diluted paint several times. Even if the next day, even if kept in the refrigerator.

How to choose paint

Hair dyes are natural, physical and chemical. Natural paints are henna and basma. They do not harm the hair, but rather nourish it. But they have a modest range of shades. Read more about henna staining at the end of the article.

Physical - these are paints with a chemical pigment, but without ammonia and hydrogen peroxide. The coloring pigment envelops, but does not penetrate into the hair. Because of this, they are unstable.

Most often, chemical paints are used for home staining. In the package you will find a tube of coloring paste and an oxidizer. Chemical paints are divided into:

  1. Fragile: tinted shampoos and conditioners to refresh the color.
  2. Medium Persistence: They are added with oils and other nutrients for hair care.
  3. Persistent: they contain a lot of chemistry, but the color does not wash off for a long time.

It is better to use chemical paints no more than once a month. It is permissible to tint the roots every two weeks.

Decide on the type of paint, and then choose a shade. It is better to do this before going to the store, so as not to get confused by the variety at the window.

On the websites of manufacturers of dyes there are services for the selection of hair color. Answer a couple of questions, upload a photo and see what suits you: caramel, chestnut or dark chocolate.

If you want to change the image, the hue should be one or two shades lighter or darker than the current color.

You should not arrange experiments at home to transform from a brunette to a blonde. Without a salon wash, the color will turn out yellow, and the hair will be severely damaged.

It is also better to entrust complex stains like ombre and highlights to professionals.

How to prepare everything you need

To dye your hair at home, you will need:

  1. Dye. For short hair, one package is enough. For medium to long hair, you will need to buy two or three bottles.
  2. Barber cape. If it is not there, just put on an old T-shirt, which you do not mind getting dirty with paint.
  3. Hair coloring brush and fine-toothed comb. Theoretically, you can do with one comb. But in practice, it is more convenient to distribute the paint with a brush, and to separate the strands with its sharp end.
  4. A glass or plastic bowl for mixing paint and oxidizer. Specials are on sale on AliExpress.
  5. Non-metallic hair clips. Crabs and other hairpins will do.
  6. Gloves. It is better to buy medical products from the pharmacy. The ones that come with the paint are usually uncomfortable and fragile.
  7. Fatty cream. Apply it along the hairline to avoid staining your forehead and ears. You can also use paper tape.

It is not necessary to wash your head before dyeing. Only if using varnish or mousse.

How to apply paint

If this is your first time using paint, especially chemical paint, do a sensitivity test. Take a drop of paint and oxidizer, mix and apply on the wrist or inside of the elbow. If within 10-15 minutes the skin does not turn red, itching or burning does not appear, you can paint.

Read the instructions carefully: how to mix, how much paint to hold. The result of staining depends on these nuances.

Make two partings: from the forehead to the back of the head and from the ear to the ear.

As a result, the hair will be divided into four approximately equal parts. Fix each of them with a clip.

Put on your hairdresser's cape and gloves. Dilute the paint according to the instructions and start painting.

First, apply paint along the main parting: from the forehead to the back of the head, from temple to temple. Then start painting the roots at the back of the head (in the picture - zones 1 and 2).

Separate a thin strand, apply a little paint to the roots and fold it over to the top of the head so that it does not interfere. Move on to the next one. And so, until all the roots in the occipital zone are painted over.

Also paint over the roots on the crown and temples. After that, distribute the remaining dye over the entire length of the hair. Comb and gather them in a bun.

The hair on the parietal and nape of the head is colored more slowly, so stylists recommend starting from these areas. At the temples and at the bottom of the back of the head, the hair is thin. The pigment will work faster, and therefore should be stained last. If you neglect this feature, the color may turn out to be uneven.

The described method allows you to apply paint first to the crown and back of the head, and last but not least to the whiskey, since you still need to get to them.

How to hold and wash off paint

Many people remember how mothers and grandmothers, applying paint, put a bag on their heads and wrapped themselves in a towel. Hence the common misconception: to make the color brighter, you need warmth.

But do not forget that our mothers and grandmothers were painted mainly with natural paints. In the case of henna or basma, you really need to put on a plastic cap and tie a towel over your head. Chemical paints need oxygen for the reaction to take place, so it's better to do without sachets. Otherwise, after dyeing, the hair will be dry.

Keep the paint just as long as indicated in the instructions.

Another myth: if you hold the paint longer, the color will not wash off longer, and if it is less, the hair will be less damaged. This is not true.

When in contact with chemical paint, the hair scales open. The coloring pigment is absorbed into the core. This takes 20 to 40 minutes. After the scales are closed again. If you wash off the paint ahead of time, the scales will remain open, which means that the hair will be brittle. If the paint is overexposed, the hair will dry out and deplete.

When the time indicated on the package is up, wash off the paint with warm water. Rinse until the water becomes clear. To get rid of any paint residue on your scalp, you can shampoo your hair. After that, be sure to apply a balm for colored hair or make an appropriate mask and rinse your hair again.

After dyeing, it is better to dry your hair not with a hairdryer, but naturally.

How to care for colored hair

No matter how gentle the paint is, dyed hair needs special care. Here are some basic rules.

  1. Use shampoo and conditioner for colored hair.
  2. Do it every 10-14 days.
  3. Use thermal protection when curling with a curling iron.
  4. Wear a hat if you go to the pool.

How to dye your hair with henna or basma

Henna is a paint made from dried leaves of thornless lawsonia. It is used for body painting and hair coloring. The latter imparts a rich copper color and healthy shine to the henna.

Basma is made from indigo leaves. With its help, hair is dyed in dark colors: from light brown to black.

The procedure for staining with henna and basma is generally the same as with chemical paints, but there are several important nuances.

  1. The amount of powder depends on the length and thickness of the hair: usually one bundle for the hair to the shoulders and two for the hair to the shoulder blades.
  2. Natural paint is poured with hot, but not boiling water. The powder must be thoroughly mixed so that there are no lumps. It is better to do this with a wooden or silicone spatula, always in a non-metallic container.
  3. In consistency, diluted henna should be like thick sour cream. Basma is even thicker. When diluting it, it is important not to overdo it with water, and so that the basma does not flow, you can add glycerin or some kind of hair oil to it.
  4. In order for the paint to give out color better, a thermal effect is needed. After application, put on a plastic cap and cover your head with a towel.
  5. Henna and basma can be kept on the hair for several hours. The longer, the richer the shade.
  6. Natural paint is harder to apply and rinse off than chemical paint. Be patient. It is worth washing off henna and basma without shampoo and balm. It is also recommended not to wash your hair for a couple of days after staining.

Henna and basma can be combined with other natural ingredients: for example, with cocoa, chamomile infusion, beetroot juice. This allows you to play with shades. Also henna and basma can be mixed with each other. The color will depend on the ratio of dyes. But this is already a topic for a separate article.