How to remove ink stains from clothes. The most effective ink stain removers

- The ink spots are the color of the ink. Older spots are darker. Dry ink stains are matte and crisp.

- Hand stains can be removed with lemon juice.

- When removing ink stains, it is recommended to use a protective wax wheel to prevent the stain from spreading. This is done this way: paraffin and petroleum jelly are melted in equal parts, then a cotton swab is wound on a match and, dipping it into a hot alloy, a protective paraffin circle is circled so that the alloy saturates the fabric through and through. When the alloy has cooled down, they begin to remove the stain, after which the material is sprinkled with baking soda and rinsed in water. Then the protective paraffin circle is ironed with a hot iron through blotting paper, which is changed several times until the paraffin is completely removed.

- When removing the ink stain, you can pour potato flour under it, which absorbs excess liquid and prevents the stain from spreading.

- Ink stains are removed from all types of permanently colored fabrics, except for acetate ones, with a mixture of table vinegar, denatured alcohol and glycerin (10: 4: 1).

- To remove stains from white fabrics, you can use a mixture of hydrogen peroxide and ammonia (1 hour spoon in a glass of warm water). A cotton swab dipped in a solution should be applied to the stain, after which the fabric should be washed with warm water.

- Old ink stains on colored fabrics should be filled with a mixture of turpentine and ammonia (1: 1), and after the stains have disappeared, wash and rinse the entire product.

- Purple ink on white fabrics can be removed with citric acid or tartaric acid.

- It is good to remove purple ink stains from pure wool and natural silk products with denatured alcohol with the addition of hydrochloric acid (2-3 drops per tablespoon). After cleaning, rinse the cleaned area thoroughly with water.

- You can use diluted ammonia and baking soda to remove fresh ink stains.

- Fresh blue and black ink stains from any kind of material can be easily removed by washing it in warm water and then placing it in warm milk for 2 hours. Milk, after it starts to darken, needs to be changed. After the stains have disappeared, the material should be rinsed in cool water and then washed in a mild soapy solution.

- Fresh blue and black ink stains can also be removed by rinsing the material several times with water and treating the stains with fresh squeezed lemon juice or 10% citric acid solution (5-6 crystals per 100 ml of water). After 10-15 minutes, the treated areas should be rinsed several times in water.

- Old stains from blue and black ink should be soaked for 4-5 hours in warm milk until they completely disappear. After processing, the material must be immediately rinsed and washed in a mild soapy solution.

- Fresh stains from blue and black ink from white cotton and linen materials can be removed by treating them with a solution of whiteness (125 g per 10 liters of water). After that, the product is rinsed in water, adding a little acetone. Then - in clean water.

- Stains from colored woolen or silk materials are removed as follows: you need to prepare 4 glass glasses:

- the first with 30% acetic acid,

- the second with 60% acetic acid,

- the third with clean cool water,

- the fourth with a 2% ammonia solution, heated to a temperature of 30 ° C.

- Contaminated areas should be rolled up into a ball, tied with a thread and immersed in the first glass. Then squeeze out and rinse several times in warm water. This operation must be repeated several times. If there are traces of stains on the material, remove in the same way in a second glass. After completely erasing the traces of stains, the material must be untied and rinsed first in the third and then in the fourth glass.

- Spots from blue and black ink on colored materials are treated with a solution: 20 ml of alcohol, 20 ml of 10% ammonia solution and 20 ml of distilled water. First, you need to test the strength of the dyes to the action of ammonia.

- Silk fabrics stained with black or red ink are cleaned as follows: mustard gruel is applied to the stains and left for a day, then the gruel is scraped off and rinsed in cold water.

- Fresh red ink stains can be removed with ammonia solution, then rinsed in clean cold water.

- Red and green ink stains from white materials can be removed by dripping 2-3 drops of glycerin onto the stain and rubbing lightly with your finger. Process this way until the substrate stops staining. After that, wipe the spot with a swab dipped in soapy water with the addition of a few drops of ammonia solution. You need to continue processing until the substrate stops staining. After that, rinse the spot in water and, if there are traces, moisten them with 1-5% ammonia solutions, and then with 1-3% hydrogen peroxide solution. Clean material must be rinsed in clean water.

- On colored materials, stains from red and green ink can be removed as follows: first of all, rub the stain with a brush moistened with gasoline soap (solution of 1-2 g of colorless soap in 10 g of gasoline). After that, the appropriate place must be wiped with a swab moistened with light gasoline. After the gasoline has evaporated, moisten the stain with a sponge soaked in warm water, then rub in a few shavings of dry laundry soap and brush with a soft brush. You need to rub until the substrate stops staining. Then rinse the treated areas with water, blot with a dry cloth, soak with 1-3% hydrogen peroxide solution, then rinse and dry in a ventilated area.

- Dried ink stain on woolen fabrics should be moistened with kerosene, after a while rinsed in pure kerosene and washed in clean water. Dry the thing in clean air so that the smell of kerosene disappears.

- Ink stains on silk and woolen fabrics can be wiped off with a cotton swab moistened with refined turpentine, replacing the cotton swab several times as it gets dirty. Then rinse the item with warm water.

- A mixture of glycerin and denatured alcohol (2: 5) is suitable for colored items with ink stains.

- It is best to remove the ink stain from the skin by rubbing warm glycerin or a mixture of glycerin with denatured alcohol into it. The discolored area needs to be tinted.

- There is also such a way: cover the ink stain with a thick layer of wet salt and leave for two days. Then shake off the salt, wipe it with a sponge soaked in turpentine and brush to a shine.

No one is immune from clothing stains. And even if you have planted a strong stain, do not rush to throw away the spoiled thing, because most of even the most corrosive dirt can be removed using simple improvised methods. Today we'll figure out how to wipe ink off clothes.

We act promptly

The first thing to remember is not to hesitate, especially if the ink is liquid:

  • First, blot the stain with a tissue or absorbent material until the moisture is absorbed as much as possible into the blotter.
  • For the same purpose, you can use talcum powder, baby powder, white chalk or starch. Sprinkle the product, press a little with a dry clean cloth and shake off. These substances have excellent absorbent properties, and most of the liquid enters them very quickly.
  • Then you can use one of the options below.


To remove fresh ink stains without leaving a trace, take 90 to 70 percent alcohol, pour a small amount into a container, and soak a sponge or absorbent cloth in it.

  1. Using gentle strokes to avoid spreading the stain on your clothes, blot the dirt.
  2. Take a clean cloth, moisten it again in alcohol, rub the dirt a little.
  3. Alcohol residues should be removed with a clean, damp cloth.
  4. After - we dry the thing and see if there is a stain.
  5. If the ink mark is still visible, repeat the procedure again from the moment the lipstick gets wet until it dries.
  6. Always ventilate the area when working with alcohol.
  7. Dry clothes after alcohol treatment only if you are sure that the contamination is completely removed.

This method will definitely help you draw out the fresh ink, but since you must wait until the product is completely dry before reusing it, it can take a very long time.

Important! This method will not work for cotton fabrics.

For natural fabrics, you can use a mixture of rubbing alcohol and ammonia solution. To remove the ammonia smell, wipe the item with vinegar and wash as usual.

Hair fixation spray

If the dirt has already been absorbed or was immediately dry, for example from a ballpoint pen, hairspray can be used as a solvent.


  1. Take a dirty product, place a cloth under the stain so that the dissolved dirt is absorbed into it.
  2. Spray the dirt with varnish, wait a little.
  3. Wipe the stain with a clean cloth.
  4. The procedure can be repeated several times, but it is impossible to wait for the varnish to dry, as it acts as a fixative.

Important! The product can be washed and dried only when the varnish no longer dissolves the paint and the stain no longer disappears.


For cotton products, rice is well suited as an absorbent. Spread it over the dirt and rub well. As soon as the rice is colored, shake it off and replace it with a new one.

Fresh dirt: several ways

With slightly stubborn stains, simple tools will help save things from ink, which, if not in every home, then purchasing them in a store will not be difficult and will not hit your budget. So, how to wipe ink off clothes - consider the following options.

Milk and whey

To bleach ink marks, apply a milk bath to the stain:

  1. In order not to waste incredible liters of milk soaking all your clothes, dip only the part of your clothes that is dirty in the product.
  2. Change the milk every time it changes color.

Whey is also good for this kind of soaking. If there is sour milk or kefir in the house, they must be heated until the flakes appear and the whey separates.

Important! By the way, you can get delicious homemade cottage cheese from cereals.

If it is inconvenient to soak the stain, you can moisten it abundantly with serum or milk.


Slightly warmed glycerin applied to a fresh stain is a great way to get rid of ink on clothes. This method is especially good for leather goods. The substance softens fabric well and allows ink to drain from its fibers.

After applying the product, you should wait a little and wash the product in the usual way.

Important! To remove glycerin, you can wipe the area of ​​application with an ammonia solution or simply add a couple of drops to the detergent.

White clothes

One of the tricky questions is how to remove ink stains from white clothes. There are several effective remedies for these contaminants.


Strong bleach or stain remover can work on white clothes:

  1. Apply it directly to the ink stain and leave it on for a while.
  2. After - the product is washed.

Important! If you have chlorine bleach, first dilute it a little with water, and then apply the solution to the contaminated surface.


This is a more gentle way to remove ink from white items. Apply peroxide with a cotton pad. If the stain becomes lighter, the disc is replaced with a fresh one and work continues.

Lemon juice

It has long been no secret that lemon juice has a whitening effect similar to that of peroxide. Just squeeze the juice to the required place, wait a little. After that, the thing needs to be washed.


If the mark from the pen is insignificant, you can rub off the place by intensively rubbing it with soap.

Hard case: stubborn stains

If you notice a stain late, then don't despair. There are ways to remove ink from clothes at home and for such occasions.

Ink remover pen

Today you can find such a device on sale. The rules of use are very simple: rub the dirt with a pen and wash your clothes. If it was not possible to remove all the dirt, the steps can be repeated.


It is a very powerful solvent and should only be used in extreme cases. The risk of ruining the product with such aggressive action is very high. In addition, acetone can discolor the item. Therefore, if you decide to act with this method, use it pointwise, applying the product with a cotton swab or disc.

A more gentle option is to use nail polish remover.

Important! If the product is made of delicate fabrics, then it is better not to risk it, but immediately hand it over to dry cleaning.


For dried-on dirt on woolen garments, kerosene is an excellent option. Wipe the stain, leave it for a while and wash the thing.

Important! When rubbing, you need to move from the edge of the spot to its central part. This will prevent it from spreading.

Turpentine and ammonia

There is a way to remove old dirt for colored items:

  1. Mix the ammonia solution with turpentine in a 1: 1 ratio.
  2. Apply to desired area.
  3. Next, the thing is rinsed in water and washed.


There is a way to deal with the dirt, even if you spill ink on your carpet:

  1. Heat the vinegar slightly.
  2. Soak a cotton pad in it.
  3. Use gentle strokes to avoid spreading the stain and wipe it off.

Important! Heating vinegar is dangerous because of its vapors, therefore, the heating work should be carried out by an adult, outside the house, and preferably in a respirator.


Soda-based cleaners are also good for removing ink stains. Recipe:

  1. 1 teaspoon of alcohol is mixed with 2 teaspoons of baking soda and dissolved in a glass of warm water.
  2. Further, this tool is used to rub the contaminated areas.


Another popular way to whiten ink is toothpaste. The main thing is to make sure that the paste is white, since colored compounds can leave their marks on clothes.

The method of application is simple: apply the paste, wait for it to dry and shake it off along with the absorbed dirt. Next, we wash the clothes.


A rag moistened with beer and wax will help remove ink from furniture. First, the place is wiped with beer, allowed to dry, and then thoroughly rubbed with a wax candle. After the procedure, the furniture is rubbed with a soft cloth.


If ink gets on the oilcloth cloth, slightly moisten the stain with water, rub it well with a match. If necessary, repeat the procedure.


Silk products are cleaned with mustard powder. For this:

  1. The product is mixed with water to form a paste and applied to the stain.
  2. Then they wait until the mustard is completely dry, remove it with a brush and wash the product.


The skin lends itself well to cleaning with salt:

  1. The stain is densely covered with the product and left under it for 48 hours.
  2. After - the salt is removed, and the place of contamination is wiped with a soft cloth dipped in turpentine.

Learning from your mistakes isn't always good, so be mindful of past experience when removing ink.

  1. If the stain is large, do not immediately run to wash it off. This will cause it to bite even more into the fibers of the fabric.
  2. In order not to spread dirt over the entire surface, you should act carefully and do not rub the dirt.
  3. Before using bleaching products, research which fabrics they are suitable for. Otherwise, the product can be irreparably damaged.
  4. To avoid creating a stain, do not carry pens without a cap, especially in the pockets of your clothes.
  5. Blue ink is much easier to remove than red or black ink.
  6. If you don't have absorbent wipes at hand, you can replace them with regular gauze.
  7. Be sure to pay attention to the back of the product. During cleaning, ink may get onto the clean part of the garment.
  8. If the stain cannot be removed, you can get out of the situation by making a beautiful patch or patch on your clothes.
  9. If you use acid-based products, do not leave them on clothes for a long time, otherwise, the risk of holes in it will increase several times.
  10. Before using any of the methods, be sure to test the product on an inconspicuous area, preferably on the wrong side.

Important! Ink is a dye that has a different composition, but it must contain a pigment and a solvent. Inks are available for felt-tip pens, ballpoint pens, fountain pens, and so on. In today's inexpensive pens, ink is used that is easy to wipe off without additional effort. Liquid ink is much more problematic, as are expensive pens. In this case, the proverb: “written with a pen - you can't cut it out with an ax” is just right for the occasion.

The ink mark on clothes from a pen is a problem for most office workers, as well as all students and students. Classic washing will not be enough, therefore, in order to effectively handle the clothes, preliminary work will have to be done. You can use stain removers available at any hardware store. But if there is no time for escaping shopping, then it's time to look into your home arsenal and find a reliable tool.

General cleaning rules

Before looking for a solution to the problem, how, you need to remember a few simple rules. They will help not only to facilitate the cleaning process, but to avoid an increase in the area of ​​the stain, as well as damage to the material itself.

To safely remove the stain of a gel or ballpoint pen, you must:

  1. Check the tissue reaction to the selected agent. It should be borne in mind that different materials will react differently to aggressive formulations. Careless use can damage the item irrevocably. To carry out the test, it is necessary to moisten a cotton swab in the selected composition. Apply the product to a small, barely visible area on clothes. Wait 10 minutes. Rate the reaction. If nothing happened, such a composition is allowed to be used to clean the selected clothing.
  2. Be sure to put a clean, thick napkin under the ink trail during work. This will prevent ink from passing through the fibers and damaging other parts of the garment.
  3. All movements should be carried out very carefully. The spots are processed from edge to center. Such manipulations will exclude an increase in the area of ​​tissue damage.

The ink is easily blurred during removal, and the print grows in size. To avoid this, contamination boundaries can be delineated. For this, paraffin or wax is used. Melt the substance, dip a small cotton swab into it and outline the boundaries of the blot. After the wax or paraffin has dried, the ink will no longer be able to disperse beyond their limits. It will not be difficult to get rid of traces of wax or paraffin itself. To do this, line the place with cotton napkins on both sides and iron with a hot iron. If necessary, the napkins can be replaced with clean ones and the procedure can be repeated.

Effective removal methods

If an ink blot appears on a shirt, skirt, sweater or other clothing, you should start acting as quickly as possible. But often the opportunity to take up ink removal begins only at the end of a working or school day. Regardless of the situation, you can save things using the following recipes:

  1. Shaving foam. Only the classic version of the white product is suitable. Apply a small amount of foam to the blot and rub in. Leave for an hour. After the specified time has passed, you can start washing.
  2. Ammonia. Easily removes fresh. Just soak a cotton ball in ammonia and treat the blot.
  3. Baking soda. 1 tbsp. l of soda to dissolve with warm water to a state of gruel. Apply the slurry firmly to the ink. Wait 1 hour. Shake off baking soda and wash clothes.
  4. Alcohol. Apply it to the blot and wait a little. Action time 2-5 minutes. Also for this purpose, you can use other alcohol-containing compositions. For example, perfume, nail polish remover, alcoholic products without dyes.

If ink appears on leather or suede, use salt. Apply crystals to dirt. Leave it on for 5 hours. Shake the residue and wipe the area with a damp cloth. For higher efficiency, wipe the surface with a cloth soaked in turpentine.

How to remove an old stain

If the ink trail could not be detected immediately or there was simply no way to deal with it, you will have to try pretty hard in the present. The ink easily penetrates the fibers of the fabric and hardens. Removing such contamination will be much more difficult and may take longer.

Below are the most popular and effective methods, as if the ink is deeply absorbed. In this case, it is better to immediately use a combination of several components in order to increase efficiency:

  1. Ammonia and hydrogen peroxide. These ingredients work well on their own against ink blots. But if the stain is already old it is better to use a duet. You need to mix in 2 tbsp. l of each remedy and add another 4 tbsp. l warm water. Apply the prepared solution generously to the stain. Wait 10 minutes. Then rub gently with a soft brush. Rinse off with running water and wash clothes as usual.
  2. Kefir. Long-term soaking will help. Beforehand, it is better to thoroughly lather the trace of a ballpoint pen with laundry soap. After that, soak the clothes in kefir for an hour. Then rinse in warm water several times and wash normally.
  3. Turpentine, glycerin, ammonia. To prepare the active ingredient, you must mix 1 tbsp. l turpentine, the same amount of ammonia and 2 tsp of glycerin. Wet the contaminated area abundantly with the resulting mixture. Apply the composition only to dirt. It will not be superfluous to outline the boundaries of the blot with paraffin. Withstand for at least an hour. Then rinse and start washing.

Expert opinion

Valeria Prikhodko

An experienced housewife.

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Important! Special care should be taken when removing stains on colored items. Poor quality paint can easily dissolve or leak and ruin clothing.

The listed methods can be repeated several times. It is desirable that 1-2 days pass between cleanings. Then the trace will be completely removed, and the fabric will remain unharmed.

Emergency methods of struggle

It is better to remove spots from a ballpoint pen immediately. This type of contamination is also more difficult to remove over time. But it is not always possible to wash a thing or use a special tool. The methods listed below will definitely help improve the situation. And if they fail the first time, they will greatly facilitate the further elimination of stains from a ballpoint pen.

How to remove ink stains from clothes when you are not at home:

  1. Hair fixation spray. A tool that every girl almost always has with her. It is very easy to use. You need to shake the bottle of varnish vigorously, and then direct the stream to the ink stain. Spray for about 5-10 seconds. After that, wipe the contaminated area with a dry or damp cloth.
  2. Milk. It would be more efficient to soak all your clothes in a dairy product. But if this is not possible, you can go the easier way. Wet the ink blot with milk. Do this liberally to saturate all the fibers of the fabric. Leave to dry. Wash at home as usual.
  3. Milk serum. Serum has a similar effect. It can be bought at any grocery store and is inexpensive. A small amount of serum should be applied to the ink. The acid contained in the product will get rid of contamination using this method without fear of using any kind of fabric. The serum will not spoil even delicate materials.

After emergency measures, you will definitely need to bring the cleaning to the end. Wash clothes in the usual way. If the stain has not completely disappeared at home, choose an appropriate cleaning method.

Thus, the mark from a ballpoint and gel pen on a white shirt is not at all a problem if you react in time and correct the situation. If folk methods do not turn out to be effective, you will have to resort to using special means. You can buy them at a hardware store and make the choice depending on the type of fabric.

This article discusses how to remove ink from a ballpoint pen. You will learn many recipes for removing stains from white and colored clothes. Also, our tips for cleaning denim and sofas come in handy.

How to get a ballpoint pen off white clothes

The easiest way to remove a ballpoint pen stain is to use laundry soap.

Anyone can face the problem of how to remove ink from a ballpoint pen from clothes at home. This issue is especially relevant for office workers, students and parents of schoolchildren. No one is immune from the situation when professional stain removers are not at hand to remove ink stains on a white shirt.

Consider several ways to get rid of ink from white clothes, including T-shirts, using available tools. Please note that before starting the procedure, you must dry the paste stain to prevent streaks.

Laundry soap

To remove ink from a white blouse or other light-colored clothing, you just need to rub the place of contamination with alkaline soap, and then wash in cold water. If the stain cannot be completely removed the first time, repeat the procedure.

Using ink soap works well when the stain is fresh.


Pour the place of contamination with kefir and leave the item in this state for 2 hours, then rinse under running water and wash in the washing machine by selecting the desired program.

This stain removal method is suitable for linen and cotton fabrics.

Lemon juice

Squeeze the juice out of the lemon and pour over the ink stain. Let the thing lie down in this way for at least half an hour, and then send it to the washing machine, choosing the desired washing mode.

This method of removing the paste from a ballpoint pen is suitable for delicate fabrics.

Lemon acid

The above method is not always available, because you may not have lemon in the refrigerator at the right time. You can safely replace it with ordinary citric acid, which is in the arsenal of almost all housewives.

Treat the contamination with acid and leave to soak for half an hour. After that, wash the item in the usual way - by hand or in the washing machine.

Fresh lemon juice and citric acid can be used to remove ink stains from silk fabrics.

Acetic acid

Fill the ink stain with acetic acid for 30 minutes, then wash the item as usual. Perform a trial test first to avoid permanent damage to the product. According to experienced housewives, this method is one of the most effective.

This washing method is not suitable for delicate items.

Hydrogen peroxide

This method of getting rid of ink stains should not be used for delicate items, as it can damage the fibers of delicate fabrics.

Apply a generous amount of peroxide to the stain and let the solution absorb. For this, 20-30 minutes is enough. Then send the clothes to the washing machine by choosing the mode indicated on the label.

Ammonia and hydrogen peroxide

Mix ammonia and hydrogen peroxide in a 1: 2 ratio and treat the contaminated area with the resulting solution. Rub thoroughly. After the stain has completely disappeared, send the item to the washing machine.

Do not experiment with these products on fine fabrics (silk, chiffon).


The acetone stain removal procedure does not need to be carried out on thin fabrics. The product may damage clothing. Before starting soaking, do a small test: apply 1-2 drops of liquid to the wrong side of the product. If the fabric in this place has not changed its color, then you can safely use it to get rid of the ink stain.

Soak a cotton ball in acetone and rub the stain thoroughly. Start at the edges and work your way towards the center of the dirt. After cleaning, wash your clothes in the usual way - by hand or in the washing machine.

In order to remove ink from a ballpoint pen from a fabric, one procedure is not always enough. If you still can't get rid of the stain after the first try, repeat it.

How to get a ballpoint pen off colored clothing

Before using any product on colored clothing, perform a fabric reaction test.

You can wash ink from colored clothes using various means, most of which can be found in your kitchen or in your medicine cabinet.

Turpentine and ammonia

Mix equal parts turpentine with ammonia and apply the product to the paste stain. Leave the item in this state for 2-4 minutes, then wash.


You can wipe ink off a colored fabric sweater with mustard. To do this, dissolve the mustard powder in warm water so that a pasty gruel is obtained. Apply the product to the stain from the paste and let the clothes sit in this way until the mixture is completely absorbed into the fabric. This will take anywhere from 20 minutes to 1 hour, depending on the thickness of the fabric.

At the end of the procedure, remove the remnants of mustard with a damp cloth and send the item to the washing machine, setting the required mode on it.

Edible salt

This ballpoint pen stain remover works well if you manage to get started immediately after getting dirty on your clothes.

Sprinkle the place of contamination with a thick layer of salt and leave in this state for 2-3 hours. Then remove the salt from the clothes, and wash the item as usual.

How to clean a ballpoint pen from jeans

There are also several methods to remove ink from jeans. There are recipes using medicines or products that we use in cooking.

Rubbing alcohol and table salt

Fill the pen stain with alcohol, wait until the liquid is well absorbed, and then sprinkle generously with salt. After 20-30 minutes, the stain, according to experienced housewives, will disappear completely. After that, send the jeans to the washing machine by selecting the required operating mode.

With this method of washing, medical alcohol can be replaced with any alcohol-containing liquid. However, it should be transparent in color, without any dyes or additives.

Lemon acid

If you still don't know how to remove ink from denim clothes, use citric acid. Acetic acid or lemon essence or juice will also work. In all cases, the procedure will be the same.

Dissolve citric acid in water and heat until the first bubbles appear, pour over the place of pollution. The stain disappears literally before our eyes. Then wash the item in the washing machine following the instructions on the tag.


This product works well if your jeans have a red handle stain.

Treat the contaminated area with ammonia, rub thoroughly, and then send the damaged item to the washing machine.

If the stain was placed on light-colored denim clothing, it is recommended to mix ammonia with hydrogen peroxide in a 1: 1 ratio. Wash as described above.


If you have the ability to tackle the stain right away, use starch.

Sprinkle a thick layer over the area of ​​contamination, let the starch absorb well into the fibers of the fabric, then blot it with a napkin. After the procedure, wash your denim in the usual way.

If you don't have starch on hand, try chalk or talcum powder to remove the ink from your denim garment.

How to get a ballpoint pen ink out of the couch

How to get ink off the couch will vary, as upholstered furniture may have different upholstery materials. Products suitable for a leather sofa are not always effective for upholstered furniture.

Rubbing alcohol

Dampen a paper towel with rubbing alcohol and clean the area. After finishing the procedure, wash the area with water using a brush.

This method of getting rid of the ink stain is suitable for sofas and armchairs with leather upholstery.


The same procedures can be done with turpentine. This method of removing handle stains is also applicable to leather furniture.

Do not forget that turpentine is very toxic, and if you choose it as a cleaning agent, make sure that the room is well ventilated, and it is advisable to protect the skin of your hands with rubber gloves.

Milk with starch

This method of getting rid of handle stains works well for upholstered sofas.

Mix cornstarch with milk until thick. Apply the product to the area of ​​contamination and leave to dry completely. Then vacuum the sofa and remove the remaining mixture with a damp cloth.

A tomato

Cut the red tomato into several pieces and rub them over the damaged area on the sofa. Rub in thoroughly until the dirt completely disappears. After the stain is completely removed, remove the tomato pulp and juice with a damp cloth.


This product is definitely in every home. Suitable for sofas made of different fabrics.

Take 1 glass of water, add a little grated laundry soap and 1 tbsp. vinegar. Using a brush, apply the mixture to the stained area, and after 10 minutes, thoroughly wipe the upholstery with a damp cloth.

Regardless of which product you use, blot the ink with a tissue or dry cloth before starting the procedure. This will help prevent further chafing and enlargement of the stain.

For more information on how to remove a ballpoint pen stain, see the video:

What to remember

  1. You've learned many ways to remove ballpoint ink stains from clothing. There are universal products that are suitable for all types of fabrics. But ammonia should not be used on delicate fabrics.
  2. If you are unable to go to dry cleaning, you can get ink stains out at home. You will find most of the products in your kitchen or medicine cabinet.
  3. The top tip for this kind of stain removal is that the sooner you start washing the stained item, the better your chances of getting rid of the stain completely.

An ink stain is far from the worst sentence for your clothes. It turns out that it is quite possible to remove a stain from a gel and even a ballpoint pen in simple household conditions.

Both a child and an adult can stain clothes with ink, and this is not always the fault of the human factor. Currently, most office supplies are made in China, which does not always produce quality products. After all, you must agree that not all of us will spend time and money to find a really good ink or gel pen. It is much easier to buy what suits or what you just like.

Along with low-quality products, you can also face your own inattention, when a person forgets to put a cap on the pen or puts his hands, dressed in a white shirt or blouse, on the desk, where the handwritten work lies. That there is one childish pampering, when the writing object easily touches the walls, wallpaper, tables and even clothes. In any case, it is possible and necessary to deal with ink stains.

How can you get rid of ink stains on fabric at home?

IMPORTANT: It turns out that it is possible to remove ink stains from white material! For this, there are even several most effective methods that, with varying effectiveness, affect the trail from both a gel and a ballpoint pen.

To remove ink stains from a ballpoint pen, you can use:

  • Glycerin - one of the best ways to clean unwanted ink stains from white clothing. But you won't be able to remove the trace just like that, for this you need to have certain knowledge and follow the sequence. First, pour a small amount of glycerin over the spot where you have the stain. It is not worth doing any more actions within an hour. This is followed by rinsing, and not in ordinary water, but always warm and salty. If after such washing the stain still remains, it is necessary to wash it again with the help of ordinary soap.
  • Soda and ammonia - to get a "miracle cure" you need to mix these two components in one-to-one proportions, for example, a teaspoon of baking soda and the same spoonful of alcohol. After that, the soda must be diluted with a glass of plain water. the resulting liquid must be applied to clothing with a stain, or try to dip a certain area of ​​clothing in this solution. This effect on the ink should last about three hours, after which the most ordinary wash should be done.
  • Peroxide + ammonia - in order to prepare another means for removing ink stains, peroxide and alcohol should be poured into a glass of water in equal proportions - one teaspoon will be quite enough. In this solution, a not very large piece of cotton wool should be soaked and applied to the stained area. This piece of cotton should be held on the stain for a while, after which the most common wash is performed.
  • Dishwashing liquid - proves to be very effective against fresh ink stains. After you find the stain on yourself, apply a thick layer of detergent on it and leave it that way for about fifteen minutes. After that, you need to manually rub a little the place that is soiled and soaped and send it to the machine for a full wash.
  • Laundry soap + alcohol - First of all, to remove the ink trail, it is necessary to apply alcohol to the contaminated area - this will help dilute the paste. After that, the soiled area is rubbed abundantly with laundry soap and washed first in warm water, and then rinsed out with cold
  • Baby cream - an unusual ink cleaner. Its secret is that the fatty composition is able to displace the paste from the fabric, but the disadvantage is that the cream leaves behind a greasy mark. Oily traces are subsequently washed off using ordinary powder and dishwashing detergent
  • Vinegar or lemon juice - able to remove fresh ink stains, dissolve them and displace them from light-colored fabric without a trace

The most efficient and effective ways to remove ink stains from clothes

The stain left by the gel pen is not as bad as from the ballpoint and it is much easier to remove it. There are two most famous and effective ways to do this.

To remove ink stains left by a gel pen, you can use:

  • Alcohol - To do this, you must initially try to remove the gel spot as much as possible with a wet towel or sponge without any means. After that, put your shirt or blouse on a towel, and moisten a piece of cotton wool with alcohol. Cotton wool should be applied to the stained area and held for some time. The stain will gradually fade and remain on the towel that you put under your knees. The stain can be rubbed with the same piece of cotton wool dipped in alcohol. After that, it is worth doing a standard machine wash.
  • Acetone or nail polish remover - is in the arsenal of every girl, but not every woman knows that it is capable of high-quality removal of gel spots. To do this, you must perform exactly the same actions as listed in the previous method.

How do I get a ballpoint and gelpoint ink stain on my jeans?

Long-term practice of experienced housewives shows that there are a number of effective methods that can easily remove stains from gel and ballpoint pens on denim.

How to remove ink and gel ink stains on jeans:

  • In this case, such a method as ethanol. You can also try replacing it with acetone. Such products do not harm the tissue in any way and work efficiently, dissolving the paste from the paste as much as possible. Even if you do not completely remove the mark, you can make it as invisible as possible on your clothes.
  • Try to remove ink marks in a simple and proven way - with laundry soap. To do this, moisten the contaminated area and lather it generously with a bar of soap. Then do a standard machine wash.
  • Try it for washing special means, which are produced by most brands. A variety of stain removers and products such as "Vanish" or "Amway" are used. As a rule, each tool has its own separate user manual.
  • You can try removing ink stains from jeans with hot lemon juice To do this, squeeze a little juice from the fruit, heat it in the microwave or over a fire and apply to the stain, after which you should do a standard cleaning with detergents and cleaning agents
  • For jeans, the usual detergent for dishes. To do this, apply it to a cloth and let it soak for half an hour. After that, dampen a little and do a thorough river wash, the rest should be done for you by a regular machine wash.

How can you quickly and effectively remove ink stains from denim?

If you notice that the stain is too large and deep and it is such that it cannot be dealt with on your own - do not risk your clothes. Take the item to dry cleaning, where experienced specialists will try to influence it with a number of effective chemicals.

How to remove ink stains from ballpoint and gel pens from colored clothing?

Colored clothing is different in that not every product is capable of influencing it not to leave negative consequences on the fabric itself. So, potent agents sometimes “eat away” the color from the fabric together with the paste and leave an unpleasant light spot.

The most effective ways to combat ink and gel stains on colored fabric are:

  • Regular stretch with cleaning agents in the washing machine. To do this, apply generously to the stain and rub. Leave the product on your clothes for a few minutes (fifteen to twenty) and only then turn on the machine. If possible, set the preliminary mode of soaking clothes in the machine
  • Some experienced advisors recommend holding the stain in a container with low-fat milk... Milk dissolves the paste and then makes it easier to wash it with ordinary cleaning agents from colored clothes
  • For colored clothes, an effective method remains removing ink stains with alcohol. To do this, moisten a cotton swab and apply it to the stain for a few minutes and only then rub. As practice shows, alcohol does not in any way negatively affect the quality of the fabric and does not take away its color.
  • In other cases, it is recommended to use a mixture of ammonia and hydrogen peroxide. But such a mixture should not be kept on the fabric for too long, as it can discolor the fabric a little.
  • Some especially quick-witted invented trying to remove the stain from the ballpoint or gel paste using toothpaste and for this they even use the brush itself, but it is important to remember that too active exposure of the toothpaste to colored tissue can spoil its structure and, in some cases, the color

How to remove ink stains from clothes?

If you stain your colored clothes with any ink, the best and safest solution for your clothes is to have them dry cleaned.

How to remove ink stains from ballpoint and gel pens from shirts and blouses?

A shirt or a white blouse is part of a business dress code and every second person on earth wears this particular piece of clothing for work. As often as a person wears a white shirt, he gets it dirty. Therefore, it is extremely important to know that there are a number of original, but effective ways that can remove traces of ink from clothes:

  • Sour milk - will remove not the oldest and not the deepest traces of ink, but nevertheless, it will help you in the struggle for clean and tidy clothes. To do this, it is worth dipping the contaminated area in a glass of sour milk and holding the clothes in it for a while. This is followed by a normal machine wash with detergents.
  • Special "ink remover" - this is a special remedy, which is not often, but can be found in stores. It looks like a pen, has a small sponge at the tip, which nourishes the liquid inside. It dissolves the ink and makes it less visible.
  • Oxi - the category of these funds includes all products that have such a designation on the bottle and are sold in a household chemicals store. Its secret is that it influences the fabric with a special "oxygen effect", removing ink residues from the fabric with active foam. This cleaning can be done both manually and in the washing machine.
  • Turpentine + ammonia - it is not only "fragrant", but also quite effective, which is often used to remove ink marks from colored fabric. To do this, the product, mixed in equal proportions, is applied to clothes and kept for some time, and only then a normal machine wash is performed.

Video: "How to remove ink stains from clothes?"