Descaling the steam iron. How to clean the iron at home from scale and carbon deposits

The article presents solutions that allow you to quickly clean the iron at home from various contaminants.

How to descale your iron at home

You can descale the inner surface of the iron using a citric acid solution - for 1 glass of water 25 g (1 tablespoon) of acid. Pour the solution into the iron to the highest possible level, turn on the appliance at full power and press the steam button several times. Let the iron cool down and repeat the cleaning procedure again. After the iron is cleaned, the tank is freed from the acidic solution and rinsed with clean water.

How to clean an iron soleplate at home

Soak gauze in a solution of water with vinegar or ammonia (for 1 glass of water 2-3 tablespoons). Turn on the iron and iron a damp cloth with it - dirt will be removed and remain on the gauze.

How to descale the iron inside

Pour water and vinegar into the iron reservoir (1 part vinegar 2 parts water), turn on the electrical appliance and press the steam boost button while ironing an unnecessary cloth. The acetic acid will eat away at the scale and the steam will clean the holes in the soleplate. After the cleaning procedure, the remaining solution should be discarded, and the reservoir should be rinsed with purified or distilled water.

How to clean burnt-on fabrics from your iron

Remains of burnt fabric on the iron can be removed with a candle and finely ground salt. Use a candle to rub the hot soleplate of the iron and immediately iron the salt sprinkled on the newspaper - the burnt fabric will peel off.

How to clean an iron with citric acid

With the help of an aqueous solution of citric acid (1 tablespoon of lemon is placed in 1 glass of water), you can clean the iron from both scale and carbon deposits. For descaling, an acidic solution is poured into a water tank. Carbon deposits are removed by ironing gauze soaked in solution. The steam outlet holes on the iron are cleaned with the same solution using a cotton swab to clean the ears.

How to clean a ceramic coated iron (ceramic iron soleplate)

It is better to use a special pencil to clean the ceramic soleplate of the iron. If not, you can use vinegar or hydrogen peroxide. It is enough to apply any of the indicated components to a soft cloth and wipe the preheated soleplate of the iron with it. Then, for the final removal of the dirt, turn the iron on to normal operation and iron the unwanted piece of cotton cloth.

How to clean the iron from carbon deposits (Tefal, Philips, philips) and its bottom

It is advisable to clean the bottom of the iron from carbon deposits immediately, while it is still hot. It is enough just to rub the soiled area with a bar of soap, and when the iron cools down, remove the remaining soap and dirt with a damp cloth.

How to clean a burnt iron at home

An older iron is easiest to clean with a candle and salt. Rub the heated soleplate of the iron with a candle, and then "iron" fine salt scattered on the newspaper. For cleaning the surface of new irons, it is better to purchase a special pencil.

How to clean an iron with toothpaste at home

Toothpaste is applied to the cold bottom of the iron, allowed to dry well and washed from the iron with a piece of woolen cloth. The iron will shine like new.

How and how to descale a steam iron with a steamer

You can use any ready-made descaler or citric acid solution to descale your steam iron. In both cases, the product is poured into the water tank, and the iron is warmed up at maximum mode. The clogged channels of the steamer are cleaned with the same solution, immersing the iron in it so that only the sole of the iron is in the water, and all electrical and rubber parts are above the water level. After the scale dissolves, wipe the outer surface with a damp cloth, and rinse the inner surface with clean water.

How to clean an iron with a pencil

A pencil for cleaning the iron is a tool that allows you to quickly and easily clean the sole of the iron from carbon deposits, lint, starch deposits and other contaminants. Usually, they rub the heated soleplate of the iron with a pencil, and then wipe it with a dry cloth, but it is better to study the manufacturer's instructions for its use, since some nuances are possible.

How to clean an iron with vinegar

Wipe the sole of your iron with a damp swab dipped in vinegar, or iron a gauze soaked in vinegar, and your iron will slide easily over the fabric again.

How to clean a Teflon iron

In order not to scratch the Teflon surface, cleaning the iron from carbon deposits is carried out using liquid means - hydrogen peroxide, vinegar, ammonia or citric acid solution. It is enough to treat the cold surface of the iron with one of the indicated preparations, moistening a cotton swab or disc with it, and your iron will shine like new.

How to clean an iron with salt, soda at home

Cleaning the iron with salt and soda is an effective method, but undesirable, since you can scratch the sole of the iron, and in irons with a steamer, besides, clog the steam holes. This method is quite ancient and was intended for cleaning cast iron irons without a heating element.

How to clean the inside of an iron from rust

You can clean the inside of the iron from rust with a descaler. They fill the water reservoir of the iron, and after a few hours, when the scale dissolves, the agent is poured out, and the reservoir is rinsed with clean water.

How to quickly clean a container (reservoir) for water in the iron

You can clean the water tank in the iron by pouring a hot solution of citric acid into it (for 0.5 liters of water, 2 tablespoons of acid). After a few hours, the scale should dissolve, after which the solution is poured out, and the reservoir is rinsed with softened water.

tell friends

If you systematically iron clothes using steam, then the problem becomes quite urgent - how to clean the iron. You can get rid of scale inside it with improvised means at home. Today we will also look at the procedure for cleaning the sole in order to provide a comprehensive care. Let's get started!

Ways to clean the iron from scale inside: TOP-3

Below we will study how and how to descale the iron inside. Well-known components are suitable for home use, be it lemon, soda, vinegar, etc.

# 1. Vinegar

1. Prepare the product from filtered water and 9% acetic acid (the ratio of the components is 50 to 50). Fill 1/3 of the water compartment with this solution.

2. Place the appliance in a vertical position with maximum power on. Set the time for 10-12 minutes, during which time the iron will alternately heat up and cool down.

3. After the allotted time, take the basin, turn the iron over to a horizontal position and press the steam lever. You will see dirty water flowing out of the holes. Manipulations are carried out until it becomes clean.

4. Finally, purified water is poured into the compartment, the device heats up again to the maximum and is held horizontally. Steam is released from it, which will remove the remains of the product.

5. Do not forget to rub the sole when it cools down. Now you know how to clean your iron with vinegar. It will relieve the device from scale inside, and the process of realizing what was conceived at home is extremely simple.

# 2. Lemon acid

1. Connect 20-25 gr. lemons with 0.25 liters. water. Make sure all granules are dissolved. Pour the solution into the compartment of the device, warm it up to the maximum mark, keeping it in an upright position.

2. In this state, the device needs to stand for about 10 minutes. Next, take a basin, bring the iron horizontally over it and press the steam release. Let all the dirt drain.

3. Then fill the tank with purified water, warm it up and steam it out again. This should be done 2-3 times, then cool the sole and wipe with a damp cloth.

No. 3. Special cleaners

1. In household chemicals stores, you can find chemical cleaners that contain anti-corrosion compounds, water and organic acids. Example: "Filtero 605", "Bosch", "Topperr".

2. Choose any medium, connect it with water 3 to 1. Pour into the device compartment and warm up, turn off. After setting the iron in a horizontal position, mark for 1.5-2 hours.

3. When the allotted period of time comes to an end, pour out the composition and fill in filtered water. Steam it several times and drain the rest.

Methods for cleaning the iron soleplate: TOP-6

We have already figured out how to clean the iron from scale inside. Now we will consider options that will allow you to clean the sole of the appliance at home. This is a comprehensive approach that should not be neglected.

# 1. Soda with vinegar

1. If ugly traces of corrosion, deposits and carbon deposits are visible in the steam outlets, these misunderstandings can be eliminated with a mixture based on 9% acetic acid and soda.

2. Combine the named ingredients to make a paste. Warm up the iron slightly, turn it off and apply this compound. Wipe with a cloth, remove the rest of the product clean with a cloth.

# 2. Salt

1. Sprinkle salt on a cotton towel. Preheat your iron to high.

2. Place it with the sole on the salt. Alternatively, foil is suitable.

No. 3. Toothpaste

1. For the procedure of cleaning the soleplate of the iron, use an ordinary white paste.

2. Warm up the device a little and wipe the sole with the compound. You don't need to take a lot of pasta.

No. 4. Peroxide

1. Hydrogen peroxide can be used with any coating.

2. Warm up the sole a little. Soak a cotton swab in peroxide and wipe the surface. Clean the holes with ear sticks.

No. 5. Laundry soap

1. Warm up the sole at minimum power. Rub it with a bar of laundry soap.

2. After the soap has softened the burn, wipe the soleplate with a clean, dry cloth. Remember to clean the holes.

No. 6. Vinegar

1. Since you can clean the iron with vinegar not only from scale inside, but also carbon deposits, it is worth using this method. At home, prepare a solution of water and 9% vinegar. The proportions are the same.

2. Dampen a clean rag in the compound and rub the sole well. You do not need to heat it. If necessary, clean the holes with a cotton swab. The method is suitable for any coating.

In order not to face similar problems in the future, it is enough to adhere to practical advice.

1. Always fill the iron with distilled or filtered water. Clean the device once every 3 months.

2. Use the self-cleaning function (if available) once a week. This will save you additional hassle.

3. Always set the temperature setting correctly. Consider the composition of the fabric.

5. After using the device, wipe it with a towel or wet wipes.

Try to fill in purified water so as not to think once again how to descale the iron inside. Such simple actions will help you not to face such things in the future. In other cases, at home, there are many ways to eliminate plaque.

How and with what to clean the iron at home and thereby extend its service life? Despite the fact that technology does not stand still and technology is constantly being improved, the soles of many models are still not properly protected from scale and carbon deposits. In this material, we have collected 10 of the most effective ways that will help you in this not tricky business.

The material is divided into 3 parts:

  • The first section tells about how to clean the iron from carbon deposits at home, we will analyze 7 useful methods, including hydrogen peroxide, table vinegar, salt, etc.
  • The second part contains recommendations on how to descale the iron inside. Citric acid, sparkling mineral water and the self-cleaning function - 3 effective ways and how to use them correctly?
  • Finally, a useful information section with cleaning tips depending on your product type. There are also summary tables as well as tips for proper ironing.
The iron is clean and burnt

What and how can you clean the iron at home - the main reasons

Today, there are several reasons that make you think about how to clean the iron at home:

  • Limescale inside the appliance. The quality of the water used directly affects the service life. For ironing, it is recommended to use distilled and ordinary water in a 1: 1 ratio or boiled;
  • Carbon deposits on the very sole. It appears due to improper ironing of fabrics (the wrong mode is set).

Mode for fine fabrics

As a result, dirt appears on the clothes, which spoils the appearance of the fabrics. After that, the thing has to be washed again or thrown away altogether.

How to clean the iron from carbon deposits at home - 7 effective methods!

How to clean the iron from carbon deposits at home, except with folk remedies? Although, as a rule, modern models have a built-in function for cleaning soot and scale. A jet of hot steam escapes from the device, which cleans its surface.

For cotton

However, some models do not have such a function, or it may not work correctly. In this case, from the burn will help:

  • hydrogen peroxide;
  • baking soda;
  • paraffin candle and salt;
  • table vinegar;
  • a pencil for cleaning from burnt tissue.

Hydrogen peroxide or how to clean carbon deposits from an iron at home

The most effective way to clean carbon deposits from your iron at home is to use hydrogen peroxide. This is an equally common element in everyday life, and therefore the process promises to be fast and quite effective.

hydrogen peroxide

We take an unnecessary gauze cloth or towel. Moisten with hydrogen peroxide.

We turn on the device and bring it to the maximum temperature.

We iron the cloth for 2-3 minutes.

The sole was cleaned. Now it remains to walk through the outlets. To do this, take a cotton swab and moisten it with peroxide. Then we wipe each hole.

How to clean an iron with salt than to clean an iron at home

The most easily accessible cleaning method is regular kitchen salt. There are many options for how to clean your iron with salt. The most effective is as follows:

Nail polish remover or how to clean burnt-on fabric from the iron

How to remove burnt-on fabrics from the iron using nail polish remover? Acetone, which is part of its composition, can easily cope with carbon deposits on any surface.

How do I clean the surface of my iron with baking soda?

Our grandmothers always had this miracle remedy at hand, but today few people know how to clean the surface of an iron with baking soda from burns and rust.

baking soda

Paraffin candle

This is a rather troublesome, but no less effective cleaner for your iron. Let's walk through a step-by-step process.

Take a paraffin candle and grate.

Spread evenly over the surface. Then add some table salt.

Put a gauze cloth on top.

We heat the device to the maximum temperature and then put it on a rag or napkin. We hold until a wet, dirty trail appears on the napkin. Remove the remains with a rag.

How to clean the iron from the burn on the soleplate with table vinegar

How to clean the iron from the burn on the soleplate using table vinegar? This is another fairly affordable and not time consuming method. Wipe the dirty areas of the cold sole with a cotton swab or cotton cloth dipped in a 9% solution of table vinegar. If the plaque is not easy to clean, you can leave the iron for 7-10 hours on a rag soaked in vinegar. After such an event, the burnt tissue softens and easily comes off when wiped with a rough cloth.

Cleaning the iron at home from carbon deposits with a special pencil

Cleaning the iron at home from carbon deposits with a special pencil is one of the wonders of household chemicals. It resembles a candle in shape, but rather hard and crystalline. Using it is not difficult at all. Let's take an example.

How can I avoid carbon deposits on my iron?

Everyone knows that the best defense is awareness. Therefore, we recommend that you follow the following tips:

  • read the instructions for the iron for its functions. As a rule, it says what is the maximum temperature for each type of fabric;
  • take a close look at the label of your clothing. On it you will find the composition of the fabric, the temperature for ironing and washing.

Temperature regimes for fabrics

It is better to iron delicate fabrics, such as wool, silk through a piece of damp gauze, and iron the appliqués on the wrong side. If, nevertheless, the iron treacherously "stuck", then immediately apply a cotton cloth soaked in ice water to the sole. In this case, there will be a sharp temperature drop, and the burnt tissue will come off much easier.

How to descale your iron at home inside - 3 precise ways!

Let's look at the question of how to descale an iron at home. The quality of modern water is far from ideal: the acid-base balance is disturbed, there are many different salt impurities and even a large suspension. Accordingly, boiling in the iron, water leaves an unpleasant residue - scale, which can ruin clothes.

There are several proven folk remedies for solving this problem. So, how can you clean your iron:

  • use of mineral carbonated water;
  • self-cleaning function;
  • lemon acid.

Citric acid or how to descale your iron the fastest?

In this chapter, we discuss the question of how to descale the iron inside with citric acid. Since scale is mainly calcium and magnesium salts, any acid is its terrible enemy, and the most accessible and safest acid in everyday life is citric acid. In order to apply this method, it is necessary to dissolve no more than 20 grams of citric acid powder in a glass of warm water.

Take a glass of water and add 2 tablespoons of citric acid.

Pour water into the iron (don't turn it on yet).

We heat up to the maximum temperature. Then we iron the cloth and turn on the steam function.

Turn off the iron and pour water from the device into the container. Thus, we cleaned the structure both from the inside and from the outside. We repeat the cleaning procedure 2-3 times. After that it can be repeated every 6 months.

Mineral water with gas as a folk remedy for cleaning the iron from scale

Mineral water with gas is a source of carbon dioxide and an excellent descaling agent for iron. She, like lemon, will be able to clean the product from the inside, but will do it more carefully.

Self-cleaning function or what is the easiest way to descale the iron inside?

How to descale the iron inside at home, except for the means not provided by the manufacturer? Modern models are prudently equipped with a self-cleaning button. As a rule, it is located near the temperature controller.

self-cleaning iron

Pour water up to the maximum mark.

We turn on the device in the network and set the maximum mode. Then we set the “No steam” mode (if there is one).

We bring the product to the maximum temperature and disconnect it from the network.

We hold the device over the sink and press the cleaning button (hold for about a minute). Shake the device a little to remove the dirt.

We turn on the network. We are waiting for the evaporation of the remaining water, then we turn it off from the network. After cooling down, wipe the surface with a rag.

How to avoid limescale?

The described methods are easy to implement, but in our opinion it is easier to prevent the problem. It is enough just to use special purified water for irons or distilled water; drinking water from bottles, or even purified using a home filter, can also be suitable. Such water does not contain heavy impurities and its salt balance will not lead to scale formation. In addition, we advise you to empty the remaining water from the tank after ironing.

Operating tips

How to clean an iron at home, depending on the type of coating

The above tips are the most versatile in the fight against carbon deposits and scale. However, depending on the types of irons, certain details and additional rules for cleaning may appear. Next, we will tell you how to clean the iron from scale and carbon deposits inside, depending on their modification. There is also a summary table at the end of this section.

How to clean a steam iron

The main feature of the steam iron is the presence of the function of supplying steam through special holes on the sole, which means that the problem of scale is more urgent than ever.


All of the above remedies are suitable for solving problems with scale (we recommend hydrogen peroxide best of all.

How to clean the ceramic soleplate of your iron correctly

One of the most sliding surfaces, which is almost impossible to "burn" a thing, is ceramics. However, this type of sole is very troublesome to clean.

How to clean the ceramic soleplate without damaging it

Salt, soda, a hard sponge will not help you in this matter, but will only spoil the ceramics: even the slightest scratch can peel off the entire coating. Therefore, arm yourself with a soft cotton cloth and an aqueous solution of vinegar or hydrogen peroxide. A special pencil can also save the day. And in the fight against limescale, we only recommend the self-cleaning function.

Understanding how to clean a teflon-coated iron

"Teflon" perfectly copes with ironing even at low temperatures, but at the same time it is not as capricious as ceramics. When deciding how to clean the Teflon-coated iron from the burn-on, we note the following - you can use acids, a special pencil and even laundry soap. Rub the soleplate on the lowest temperature, the melted soap will soften the burn and you can remove it with a damp cloth.

Teflon coated

Salt, soda, hard brushes are still dangerous for this. You can descale the iron in all the ways presented in our article.

Compatibility chart of irons with different cleaning methods

For greater clarity, we suggest that you familiarize yourself with the table about the features of cleaning different types of irons. So, how can you clean your iron:

Steam Ceramic Steel Teflon
Hydrogen peroxide
Nail polish remover
Baking soda
Paraffin candle
Table vinegar
Special pencil
Lemon acid
Mineral water with gas

So that you do not have a question of how to clean the iron from the burn-on, you need to learn how to iron it correctly. For this, we recommend taking into account three parameters:

  • types of ironing;
  • types of fabrics;
  • using a patch on new clothes.

Traditional ironing methods

First, there are 3 types of ironing:

  • dry - for soft tissues;
  • wet - when the product is sprayed with water in case of difficult creases;
  • with steaming - can be used to facilitate ironing of any fabric (except viscose).

Secondly, different types of fabrics require their own regime (check the label):

  • Synthetics do not like high temperatures;
  • It is advisable to moisten the silk by wrapping it in a wet cloth or ironing it "out of the machine";
  • Satin, velvet are ironed on the wrong side;
  • Terry products, nylon, it is better not to iron at all;
  • The wool is ironed through a damp cloth at medium temperature;
  • Viscose prefers dry ironing;
  • Drape and velor are best steamed and ironed on the wrong side;
  • It is better not to iron the knitwear, but to apply the iron consistently;
  • Chintz is ironed only on the front side to maintain shine;
  • Linen and cotton are ready for steaming, but ironing is best done on the wrong side.

And, finally, thirdly, a little-known fact: the very "patch" attached to a new thing - it can be used during ironing to evaluate how the fabric will react to the ironing mode.

We bring to your attention a summary table of ironing modes depending on the types of fabrics, using which correctly you will hardly wonder how and how to clean the iron at home from carbon deposits:

The following tips may also help you:

  1. If the item cannot be ironed at a high temperature, and the creases do not give in, hold it over a bowl of boiling water, and then iron it in the permissible mode.
  2. The iron stain will help remove the baking soda / water mixture from the silk.
  3. Onions or boric acid can remove tan marks if they are applied to fabric for 15 minutes and then washed.
  4. Never iron stained clothes! Removing these stains will be difficult.
  5. When making arrows on the trousers or smoothing them, use the "steam boost".
  6. Wait until things have cooled down before storing them in the cupboard. So they will retain their shape longer.
  7. It is better to iron dark and colored fabrics and appliqués on the wrong side.

Not a single, even the most expensive and branded, iron is immune from the formation of scale and carbon deposits, which are the main causes of breakdowns and a tangible deterioration in the operation of the device. What are the ways you can cope with these problems, and how to clean the iron from scale and carbon deposits?

Mineral water against scale deposits

Scale is a solid, dense formation that inexorably arises in heat exchange devices, the basis of which is the heating of water with hardness salts dissolved in it. The harder the water, the more vulnerable the device is to the formation of scale deposits.

Surprisingly, ordinary mineral water helps to solve the problem of how to descale the iron. In order to carry out the cleaning procedure, you just need to stock up on a small amount of mineral water and empty the bathtub or a spacious basin, where water with fragments of scale will merge during the cleaning process.

How to descale the iron inside.


How to descale the iron inside?

How do I clean my iron? Getting rid of burning and limescale - All will be good - Issue 491 - 05.11.2014

How to descale your iron.

How to descale your iron PHILIPS GC 4490

How to disassemble and clean your Philips Iron 3240 from scale

How to properly descale your iron.

So, mineral water will need to be slowly poured into the tank, after which you need to connect the device to the outlet and wait for it to fully heat up. Then steam and / or water is released from the iron over a basin or bathtub, holding the iron in weight. The destroyed scale deposits under pressure will flake off from the inner walls of the tank and be thrown out with a stream of water.

When the tank is completely cleaned (and for this, the procedure can be repeated several times), you will need to pour ordinary boiled water into the iron and rinse it again from small scale residues in the above way. You do not need to use any detergents or chemicals at all stages of cleaning the device.

Lemon acid

Perfectly copes with the question of how to clean the iron from scale inside, and the well-known citric acid. In order to painlessly get rid of the formation of scale deposits, you just need to dilute a little citric acid in hot water and carefully pour the solution into the empty tank of the device. Next, you need to warm up the iron as much as possible, shake it several times and press the steam release button, holding the device over the bathtub or basin. Scale destroyed by the acid will freely leave the reservoir of the device.

It is important to note here that some women who have used both citric acid and mineral water trust the second method of cleaning the device to a greater extent, referring to the fact that acid has a detrimental effect on the state of the plastic parts of the device.


The cheapest remedy is antiscale

This inexpensive and very common product specifically designed for descaling household appliances is also commonly used to solve the burning question of how to descale the inside of the iron at home.

The principle of its application is very simple and is almost no different from what the methods of using mineral water and citric acid solution provide.

It is important to note that for all the above methods of cleaning the iron from scale deposits, strict safety rules are provided for when working with a steam generator. Do not forget that the jet of steam containing scale fragments can easily burn yourself if you are not careful.


Plain table vinegar (9%) is another popular solution to the problem of how to remove scale and carbon deposits from the iron. To remove scale deposits, it is used according to a scheme similar to the above methods. To clean the soles of the device from carbon deposits, it is enough to wipe the contaminated surfaces with a cotton pad soaked in vinegar, or iron a piece of gauze with a hot device that has been previously soaked in a weak vinegar solution and wrung out well.

Hydrogen peroxide

Any housewife always at hand, undoubtedly, will find a bottle of ordinary pharmacy peroxide, which perfectly copes with traces of dark soot on the sole of the iron.

To remove traces of dirt on the sole of the device, simply wipe the surface with effort with a cotton pad or swab dipped in peroxide, or apply a piece of cloth soaked in peroxide to the stain for a couple of hours. Next, it remains to simply wipe the sole with a clean material or iron a piece of unnecessary cloth with a heated device.

The iron must be periodically cleaned inside and out:

  • Water tank - from scale and mold;
  • Body - from dust and dirt;
  • Sole - from traces of burnt fabric, rust and scale.

From this material, you will learn 10 super-effective ways to clean your iron at home with tools that are always at hand and cost mere pennies.

How to descale your iron - 3 ways

When using tap water instead of distilled water for steam ironing, over time, mineral deposits accumulate in the reservoir and the steam release channels in the sole of the iron.

  • If the iron suddenly began to release dirty water and stain clothes, this indicates that it is high time to descale it.

Since scale is just calcium and magnesium salts, you need to act on it with acid. Here are two ways to help you clean the inside of your iron.

Method 1. How to descale your iron using vinegar

Pour a solution of vinegar and water, diluted in equal proportions, into the iron about one third of the container.

Heat the iron to maximum and leave it upright for 5-10 minutes. Keep in mind that at this time it will periodically turn off, cool down and reheat to the maximum, there is no need to interfere with this process.

Next, place a container under the iron to collect water, and, holding the device horizontally, start actively releasing steam by pressing the corresponding button. As a result, rusty drops should flow out from the holes of the sole. Continue releasing steam until drops of dirt stop flowing out of the iron (see photo on the left).

Be careful to release steam by holding the appliance at arm's length to avoid inhaling the fumes and the smell of vinegar.

Then pour clean water into the iron and turn it on again to the maximum temperature setting to remove the remains of limescale and vinegar. Again hold the appliance horizontally over a basin and let off steam several times. Finally, simply drain the water and wipe the soleplate and steam vents with a tissue or clean rag.

Method 2. How to descale your iron using citric acid

Dissolve a small packet of citric acid (no more than 25 g) in 1 glass of warm water until completely transparent.

Pour the resulting solution into an iron preheated to the maximum and let it "brew" for 5-10 minutes. Then, holding the device horizontally above the basin, release steam from it several times by pressing the corresponding button so that scale and rust flows out of the holes in the sole. When all the dirt has flowed out, drain the liquid from the iron, fill it with clean water and let the device "steam" again to remove the remains of limescale and vinegar. Let the steam out over the basin several times again and finally wipe the sole and the holes in it with a napkin or clean rag.

Method 3. How to descale the iron using a "hot bath"

Reviews about this method of descaling the iron are very ambiguous, so we did not test it in practice, but you can try if the first two methods did not solve the problem. How to make a "hot bath" for the soleplate of the iron, see this video tutorial.

Whichever method you choose to descale your iron, when you have finished all procedures, be sure to test the result by ironing a light-colored cloth in the steaming mode. If the iron still produces dirty water or leaves yellowish stains (for example, from citric acid), then it should be cleaned 2-3 more times with clean water.

Also see our other materials:

How to clean the soleplate of an iron - 7 ways

Method 1. How to clean the soleplate with vinegar

Vinegar can remove not only scale, but also carbon deposits on the soleplate. To do this, mix 1: 1 table vinegar with water. Soak a cloth in the resulting solution and wipe the sole with it (it should not be heated). Next, soak a cotton swab in the solution and clean the steam holes with it.

  • This method is suitable for cleaning Teflon and ceramic coated soles.

Method 2. Cleaning the soles from carbon deposits with soda

Stubborn traces of rust, carbon deposits and limescale can be removed with baking soda. Mix 2 tsp. baking soda with a little water or 9% vinegar to make a paste. Apply the paste to a slightly heated sole and scrub with a cloth.

Method 3. Cleaning with salt

To clean dirt from the iron, sprinkle some salt on a paper / cotton towel or sheet of foil and place the iron on top of the hot iron.

In practice, the salt itself did not remove the traces of burnt fabric, but after rubbing with a rag, the dirt really disappeared quite quickly.

There is another way to clean the iron with salt: heat it to the minimum temperature, pour a handful of salt into three-fold gauze or other thin cotton cloth and rub the sole of it with it.

This method seemed to us the simplest and most effective.

Method 4: How to clean a teflon iron with laundry soap

Heat the iron to the lowest temperature and rub the soleplate gently with laundry soap. The soap will begin to melt and soften the sting. Then you just have to wipe the sole and clean the steam holes with cotton swabs or toothpicks.

Method 5. How to clean the sole of an iron with toothpaste

You can "scrub" carbon deposits from the soleplate with regular toothpaste (it should be white, not gel). Squeeze a small amount of the paste out of the tube and wipe the slightly heated sole.

Method 7. Removing traces of burnt synthetics or plastic with acetone (suitable for cleaning Teflon and ceramic coated soles)

Just wet a cotton pad with acetone or nail polish remover and wipe all problem areas.

  • If you burned the fabric and its traces remain on the sole, immediately apply a cotton cloth soaked in cold water to the stained area. The sudden temperature drop will help peel the burnt fabric from the metal.
  • Do not use metal sponges or hard brushes to clean the soleplate of the iron, especially if it has a Teflon or ceramic coating. Also, to avoid scratching the metal, avoid using abrasive cleaners.
  • To reduce the build-up of limescale and rust on the inside of the iron, pour out all the remaining water every time you iron while the appliance is still hot.
  • To delay the descaling of your iron, try to use filtered water for steaming.

And finally, we suggest watching a useful video on how to clean an iron with a metal, ceramic or Teflon sole using folk and special means.