What is the pension system. The Russian pension system in the context of its reform. The structure of the pension system of the Russian Federation

No research is possible without defining basic, key concepts. In our case, the main thing will be the concept of the pension system. In general, it can be stated that a consensus has been reached on the development of a single and generally accepted definition.

Thus, the pension system of Russia is a set of legal, economic and organizational institutions and norms created in the Russian Federation aimed at providing citizens with material support in the form of a pension.

Modern pension systems in most developed countries, as a rule, are based on three key links. Firstly, it is the system of compulsory state pension provision; secondly, it is the state compulsory pension insurance; and, thirdly, personal pension (voluntary or compulsory) provision (insurance) Moseiko V.V. The genesis of pension systems as a manifestation of the social function of the state. Tomsk State Pedagogical University, 2008, p. 9 ..

All pension systems existing in different countries can be divided into two large groups:

1. distributive (solidarity), when funds for the payment of pensions are taken from current receipts from employees;

2. accumulative (personalized), when a citizen, during his working life, accumulates funds in the pension fund, which puts them into economic circulation in order to at least protect against inflation, and as a maximum, to significantly increase their volume.

Distribution systems can be financed from the state budget without allocating targeted payments for the formation of pension funds (such are, as a rule, pension schemes for civil servants) or from targeted insurance payments sent to special funds. Such payments can be made by the employee, employer, or jointly. Most of the pension systems existing in the modern world are pay-as-you-go, sometimes with elements of a funded system. The only country with a fully funded pension system is Chile. Distribution systems depend on changes in the demographic structure of the population: on the ratio of the number of the working population and the population of retirement age. Such systems are most effective and not burdensome for the economy when the ratio of the working population to pensioners is at least 5 to 1. Since all developed countries are characterized by an aging population and an increase in the proportion of pensioners, traditional pay-as-you-go systems are facing a funding crisis. As of January 1, 2010, there are approximately 3 able-bodied residents for every resident over the working age. The Soviet pension system was a classic pay-as-you-go system: a person worked, paid income tax, in addition, social insurance funds (about 38% of the wage fund) were charged on the wage fund, which after 1932 were transferred to the management of trade unions, from which they were paid upon reaching the retirement age of the pension. The Russian pension system (in the area of ​​labor pensions) has now moved away from a purely solidarity system that existed in Soviet times, to a mixed one with a funded element. A significant difference between the pension systems of modern European countries from the Russian pension system is that corporate pension insurance and individual pension insurance are very developed there, while pension contributions are exempted from almost all taxes. The state deliberately creates conditions so that, for example, only 35% of pensions are paid at the expense of state pension funds, the rest is paid through non-state funds. There are corporate pension programs, according to which an employee will be able to retire after 10-15 years of work in a corporation. Under the terms of an agreement with a non-state pension fund, a person can receive a pension, being an absolutely healthy, able-bodied person. Even at the age of 40, it is possible in this case to apply to the pension fund and receive, albeit a small, pension, Fillipov I.A. Social Security Law. Nizhny Novgorod: NNGASU, 2011.S. 36-37 ..

It seems necessary to focus on the problems of the development of the Russian pension system.

The pension system of Russia in the last two decades has been in a period of permanent reform. There are a number of objective and subjective reasons for this.

The global aging process of the population fundamentally changes the demographic structure of the planet's population and the socio-economic balance between generations. This process raises the question of the forms of social support for the elderly population and introduces new requirements for pension systems. The search for effective pension systems is going on all over the world. In Russia, this issue arose in all its acuteness in the mid-1990s. The Russian Federation entered a period of economic reforms with a developed pension system, which was formed over decades and was based on the so-called. the principle of solidarity between generations, which means the redistribution of economic resources from the working generation in favor of the elderly population who have left the labor sphere and retired. Along with serious social achievements, which, first of all, include the creation of a universal pension system covering the overwhelming majority of the population, the system was characterized by a number of shortcomings. The most significant are the following:

1. Low level of pension payments, which were not indexed in the event of an increase in the cost of living or outstripping growth of wages. Therefore, workers who retired 20-30 years ago received fewer “new” pensioners with the same length of service and qualifications, and those who worked in the same working conditions. According to studies of living standards carried out in the 1980s, up to 80% of the poor in the USSR were pensioners, moreover, of older ages.

2. Low differentiation of pensions as a continuation and natural consequence of an equalizing policy in the sphere of incomes of the population. This meant an extremely low dependence of the size of the pension on the labor contribution of the employee during his working life.

3. Relatively early retirement age (60 years for men and 55 years for women), which, as the population ages, increased the burden on the pension system.

4. The widespread practice of early retirement for various categories of workers, which in practice increased the burden on the pension system.

The new pension legislation, which came into force in 1992, was a logical continuation of the previously existing pension paradigm and had a pronounced social orientation: unification of pension provisions for all categories of employees; the introduction of social pensions for persons without work experience; the establishment of the amount of a pension, equally dependent on previous earnings and work experience, some other norms related to the procedure for calculating pension payments, as well as expanding the list of preferential categories for earlier retirement. As a result, the new Law has led to a significant increase in the number of pensioners up to the official retirement age. So, in 1992-1993. in comparison with 1991, the number of early retirees has increased by at least 30%. The main innovation was that the payment of the full amount of the pension was introduced to all working pensioners, without exception. As a result, the composition of the population older than the working age has become practically homogeneous: almost all elderly citizens began to receive a pension, regardless of their previous labor merits. All of the above-mentioned norms have led to a sharp increase in the volume of social obligations of the state for the provision of pensions to its citizens. Further in the first half of the 1990s. in the difficult socio-economic conditions of the transformation period, accompanied by a drop in the real incomes of many social groups, functions that are inherently uncharacteristic of it were entrusted to the pension provision, for example, the function of maintaining the incomes of certain categories of the employed population in the form of payments of pensions "for length of service" while maintaining the right to work in the same workplace, the payment of pensions to working pensioners, the assignment of pensions to persons who left the labor market ahead of schedule due to the increase in open unemployment, etc.

As a result, the sharp increase in the load significantly increased the deficit of the Pension Fund, creating a catastrophic situation. A scientific discussion about possible directions of development flared up. There are at least four main groups of reasons for the critical situation that has arisen in the field of pension provision, which, in principle, made it necessary to talk about the need for pension reform. The first group has a demographic character and is associated with the tendency of intensive aging of the Russian population. The number of age cohorts over 60 has practically doubled over the past fifty years and continues to grow at a faster pace than other age groups. The normal functioning of a system based on the idea of ​​solidarity between generations is possible only with a ratio of 10: 1 (there should be ten payers of pension contributions for one pensioner). In Russia, already in the 1990s. this ratio (the so-called “support coefficient”, calculated as the ratio of the number of persons aged 20 years to the retirement age established by the norm in a given country to the number of persons over this retirement age) was 2.7. An increase in the proportion of the elderly inevitably leads to an increase in the tax burden on the working population (regardless of whether the formal payer is an employee or an employer). Significantly, the observed demographic shift is a long-term, enduring cause that has been in effect for decades; its influence in the future could only increase. The second group of reasons also concerns the ratio of the number of payers and recipients, but has not a demographic, but an economic nature. In the 1990s. there has been a steady trend towards a reduction in the number of the employed population, and especially of that part of it that is employed in social production and is a payer of contributions to the Pension Fund. Thus, shifts in the labor market have significantly exacerbated the influence of demographic factors. Although this reason arose precisely during the period of economic transformation, for a market economy it also cannot be considered short-lived. In the framework of a pay-as-you-go pension system, this objectively forces us to maintain a very high level of tariffs for contributions to the Pension Fund in the mid-1990s. its value reached 29% of the wages fund. Such a high rate of deductions, along with other taxes and compulsory contributions to extra budgetary funds, had as its negative consequence a pronounced tendency towards tax evasion by payers and mandatory contributions. The process of "tax evasion" has acquired the greatest scale in the non-state sector of the economy. The third group of reasons is associated with the relatively low retirement age and the widespread use of the early retirement system, which, on average, reduced the general age by 3-5 years. This is a legal and institutional reason that, it would seem, can be eliminated through legislation. However, as world experience shows, the change in the retirement age is one of the most sensitive issues for the population and meets with serious public opposition. Subsequent events in Russia only confirmed this fact.

The fourth group of reasons is financial and economic: an increase in wage arrears of enterprises due to the lack of direct financing from budgets of different levels and an increase in the amount of unpaid wages; a significant expansion of the scale of natural (barter) exchange between commodity producers; large-scale use of cash in economic activities; use of special loan accounts by enterprises; the use of natural forms of remuneration, etc. These practices were characteristic of the first stage of economic transformation and, as it seemed, were temporary in nature. Meanwhile, many of them are preserved in modified form to this day. The informal economy in Russia is not shrinking, but “creatively” is adapting to the changing socio-economic conditions TM Maleva, OV Sinyavskaya. Pension reform in Russia: history, results, prospects. Analytical report. S. 1-10 ..

From 2001 to the present, a new round of reforms in the pension system has been carried out. The need to reform the pension system was motivated primarily by demographic reasons. So, according to the current calculations of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation, by 2016 the number of people of retirement age per 1000 people of the working age will increase to 428 people. The reform of the pension system in the Russian Federation began with the adoption of three federal laws:

Federal Law of the Russian Federation of December 15, 2001 No. 166-FZ "On State Pension Provision in the Russian Federation";

Federal Law of the Russian Federation of December 15, 2001 No. 167-FZ "On compulsory pension insurance in the Russian Federation";

Federal Law of the Russian Federation of December 17, 2001 No. 173-FZ "On labor pensions in the Russian Federation".

These laws laid the cornerstones of the current pension system. The law on labor pensions determined the grounds for the emergence and procedure for the implementation of the right of citizens to labor pensions. The Law on State Pension Provision has regulated the legal relationship arising from the provision of pensions for state pension provision. The Law on Compulsory Pension Insurance established the organizational, legal and financial foundations for pension insurance in Russia. In addition to the three specified laws, the system of pension legislation of the Russian Federation also includes the following legislative acts:

Law of the Russian Federation of February 12, 1993 No. 4468-1 "On pension provision for persons who served in the military, service in the internal affairs bodies, the State Fire Service, the bodies for control over the circulation of narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances, institutions and bodies of the penal system , and their families ”;

Federal Law of the Russian Federation of March 6, 2001 No. 21-FZ "On the payment of pensions to citizens leaving the Russian Federation for permanent residence";

Federal Law of the Russian Federation of April 01, 1996 No. 27-FZ "On individual (personified) accounting in the compulsory pension insurance system";

Federal Law of the Russian Federation of May 7, 1998 No. 75-FZ "On Non-State Pension Funds";

Federal Law of the Russian Federation of July 24, 2002 No. 111-FZ "On investment of funds to finance the funded part of the labor pension in the Russian Federation";

Federal Law of the Russian Federation of April 30, 2008 No. 56-FZ "On additional insurance contributions for the funded part of the labor pension and state support for the formation of pension savings", etc. Some provisions of the laws included in the system of pension legislation are detailed by various by-laws: regulations, instructions, etc.

Now pensions in the Russian Federation can be paid at the expense of:

* the federal budget (pensions for state pensions);

* the budget of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation (in accordance with the regulatory legal acts of this constituent entity);

* local budgets (based on regulatory legal acts of local government bodies);

* organizations (in accordance with the local regulations of a particular enterprise);

* from the savings on the account of the future pensioner in the non-state pension fund Fillipova I.A. Social Security Law. Nizhny Novgorod: NNGASU, 2011.S. 34-35 ..

Despite the understanding of most of the problems of the pension system, two decades of constant reform in its current state, the Russian pension system remains extremely imperfect. Perhaps the most important reason for this lies in the fundamental depletion of the resources and opportunities provided by the old models of pension systems and methods of pension provision. Thus, very soon we will be faced with a choice: either to develop a fundamentally new model, or to actually be unable to provide pension benefits.

Today, a broad legislative framework that takes into account any possible nuances determines such an important aspect of the life of every citizen of our country as the pension system of the Russian Federation. The reform that appeared in 2001 concerning pensions contributed to the adoption of the Federal Law on the Necessity of Pension Insurance. Since 2002, the pension system has become the way we know it today.

The structure of the pension system of the Russian Federation

The modern pension system of the Russian Federation is a set of laws, the task of which is to support and organize the regular transfer of funds for persons who have already retired.

The state pension system is divided into three main groups:

  • State pension provision. The state organization responsible for the payment of pensions is the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation. Pensions from the state are transferred to citizens from the federal budget, distribution is carried out among narrow sections of the population.
  • Mandatory pension insurance. These are payments from the Pension Fund or the Non-State Pension Company. This work pension is provided to most working people. The accumulation of funds is carried out from compulsory insurance contributions, which are transferred by the employer to the FIU.
  • This system is run by private Pension Funds and can be individual or corporate. Any person or organization that decides to conclude a separate agreement with an NPF and ensure a higher standard of living in retirement can receive such payments. Such a service is paid for with pension contributions of an individual or a company that provides additional protection for the funds of its employees.

In these three groups, a number of specific features can be established, each individual security works according to certain principles, is able to provide people with a variety of options for security in retirement.

It is worth paying close attention to the structure of the system for calculating and issuing pensions in the Russian Federation.

The structure of the system for calculating and issuing pensions in the Russian Federation
pension insurancepension provisionnon-state pension provision
work pensionsstate pensionssupplementary pensions
varieties and reasons
elderly ageloss of a family member in charge of income
  • elderly age;
  • disability;
  • loss of a breadwinner;
  • length of service;
  • social pension.
  • until the end of life;
  • urgent
  • insurance;
  • cumulative.
from insurance contributions paid by the employer to the PFR budgetfrom the federal budgetfrom voluntary contributions from the employee and the employer
Pension Fund or NPR (accumulative part only)Pension FundNon-state Fund

How does the state pension system work?

The purpose of state pensions is to accrue the base part:

  • seniority pensions;
  • upon reaching old age;

State pensions are funded from the federal budget. This is done from the amounts of the unified social tax, for the transfer of which the employer is responsible.

The state pension system consists of two parts:

  • state pension provision;
  • state pension insurance.

Aspects of compulsory insurance

The main thing in the insurance system, which ensures the mandatory payment of pensions, is the creation of a certain reserve of funds due to the constant transfer of a certain amount by the employer to the employee's personal account:

  • in the Pension Fund of Russia;
  • at the Non-State Pension Fund.

A citizen's pension savings can be increased as a result of their competent management and through correct investment. In particular, by concluding an agreement with a non-state pension fund, and in addition as a result of independent additional pension contributions under the state program for co-financing pensions or additional pension provision.

So, now we can consider the funds sent to retired persons as the sum of three components, which are the mandatory pension systems of the Russian Federation:

  • Insurance;
  • Cumulative;
  • Additional.

What are private pension funds?

Non-state pension provision deals with the creation of additional support for the elderly population, using money invested by interested people, as well as from employers' payments. Thus, the supplementary pension is formed and paid from the amounts of the transferred pension contributions.

In 2017, the government decided to increase the retirement age for civil servants. Each year will be added to the retirement age by six months until women retire at 58, and men at 63.

For the first time, mass pensions were introduced in Germany in 1889 by Chancellor Otto von Bismarck. The first state pension fund collected money from both employees and employers. The more money a person invested in the fund, the higher the pension he received in old age. In 1891 in Denmark and in 1898 in New Zealand, the governments introduced pensions for the needy - in this way the authorities tried to reduce social inequality in society. By the beginning of the 20th century, two approaches to pension were formed:

Pension is a seniority benefit for former employees. Its size depended on the length of service, labor and social services to society and the state.

Pension is an equal payment for people with low incomes.

Two types of pension systems

On the basis of these two approaches in world practice, by the middle of the 20th century, funded and solidarity pensions were distinguished. Both types of the pension system are conditional, and in the world in different years they use different sources of financing and their proportions.

In a funded pension system, employees and / or employers contribute money to individual accounts. At the onset of retirement age, disability or other insured event, the client begins to receive benefits. The state in such a system only guarantees the payment of pensions.

In a solidarity system, contributions are collected from all sources into a single fund and then paid to retirees. Depending on the funding sources, two subtypes of the solidarity system are distinguished:

Insurance system - works like an insurance fund. All employees pay premiums that provide benefits to retirees.

State support system - the pension fund is formed on the basis of budget money. The state transfers part of the earned funds from the state budget to the pension fund. Citizens do not pay special contributions to the pension fund - it is formed from all state revenues: taxes from the population and companies, sales of raw materials, goods, technologies, services, etc.

Pension in Russia and how it was arranged

The first pensions in Russia began to be paid to civil servants and the military in the 17th century. Later, the number of categories of citizens - recipients of a pension expanded, until in 1964 a mass pension appeared. Prior to that, in 1956, the Soviet government approved the Law on State Pensions, according to which women at 55 and men at 60 who did not work on collective farms could receive benefits. Eight years later, collective farmers also began to receive state pensions - before that, they received benefits from artels, which organized their own funds and mutual aid funds.

A pay-as-you-go system is applied in which the direct source of payments is, depending on the type of pension or its part, the state budget or insurance contributions received by the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation. Non-state supplementary pension provision - non-state pensions paid under agreements with non-state pension funds financed from contributions of employers and employees in their favor and income received from their investment ...

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General characteristics of the pension system of the Russian Federation

Pension systemis a system of interconnected and interacting monetary sources, bodies and institutions, security entities, types of security and regulatory legal acts aimed at realizing the rights of citizens in the field of pensions. Being a holistic education, the pension system, depending on the sources of funding and the subjects of support, consists of several structural elements - parts, which are: 1) pension provision for compulsory pension insurance;

2) state pension provision; 3) additional pension provision. Each of the parts of the pension system, in turn, is a system consisting of elements that are interrelated. Subsystems of each part of the pension system are: 1) financing; 2) management; 3) subjects of security; 4) types of security; 5) legal.

In many respects, the features of the pension system are determined by the underlying principles of financing - pay-as-you-go or funded. At present, in the Russian Federation, as a result of the reform, the pension system is of a mixed nature. Firstly, a pay-as-you-go system is applied, in which the direct source of payments is, depending on the type of pension or its part, the state budget or insurance contributions received by the FIU. Secondly, a mandatory funded system is used. Currently, to finance the funded part, contributions are received for persons born in 1967 and younger. Funds at the choice of the insured person are paid to the Pension Fund or a non-state pension fund, and can be transferred from one fund to another. Thirdly, there is additional pension provision (pay-as-you-go and funded principles are applied). The distribution principle has an absolute predominance in terms of the number of pensions and their share in total expenditures on pensions.

  • Pension security

There are three types of pension provision in the Russian Federation:

State pension provision,based on the financing of pensions from the federal budget. State pension provision is assigned to civil servants (including military personnel, employees of law enforcement agencies, as well as members of their families), participants in the Great Patriotic War, citizens awarded the sign "Resident of the besieged Leningrad", citizens affected by radiation or man-made disasters, and to members of their families, astronauts and their families, flight test personnel, as well as socially unprotected citizens who, due to circumstances, have not acquired the right to a labor pension - disabled citizens.

Mandatory pension insurance,which includes an old-age retirement pension (as part of the insurance and funded parts) and a disability or survivor's retirement pension (as part of the insurance part) and financed from the employer's insurance contributions. Citizens of the Russian Federation registered in the compulsory pension insurance system, disabled family members of insured persons, in the event of the loss of a breadwinner, have the right to a labor pension. Foreign citizens and stateless persons permanently residing in the Russian Federation have the right to a labor pension on an equal basis with Russian citizens.

Non-state (additional) pension provision- non-state pensions paid under agreements with non-state pension funds, financed by contributions from employers and employees in their favor and income received from their investment.

From January 1, 2015 package of relevant lawsIn Russia, a new procedure has been introduced for the formation of pension rights of citizens and the calculation of pensions in the compulsory pension insurance system. There are three types of insurance pensions: for old age, for disability, for the loss of a breadwinner. The funded part of the pension has been set aside as an independent type of pension. The new procedure does not apply to the formation and assignment of state pensions (social pensions, seniority, old age, disability, loss of breadwinner).

State Pension Pension- a monthly state monetary payment, which is provided to citizens in order to compensate them for the earnings (income) lost in connection with the termination of public service upon reaching the length of service established by law when retiring to an old-age labor pension (disability); either in order to compensate for the lost earnings of a citizen from among the cosmonauts or from among the workers of the flight test personnel in connection with his retirement for length of service; or in order to compensate for the harm caused to the health of citizens during military service, as a result of radiation or man-made disasters, in the event of disability or loss of a breadwinner, upon reaching the established age; or disabled citizens in order to provide them with a means of subsistence.

State pension provision is paid at the expense of the federal budget and is of the following types:

  • social pension- assigned to disabled citizens: women - from 60 years old, men - from 65 years old, disabled people of I, II, III groups, including disabled people from childhood, disabled children, children under 18 years of age and older, but not more than 23 years old, students full-time in educational institutions who have lost one or both parents, and children of a deceased single mother, citizens from the small peoples of the North: men - from 55 years old and women - from 50 years old;
    • for the length of service - appointed by federal state civil servants, military personnel, cosmonauts and flight test personnel;
    • old age - assigned to victims of radiation or man-made disasters;
    • on disability - assigned to servicemen, participants in the Great Patriotic War, persons awarded the sign "Resident of the besieged Leningrad", citizens who have suffered as a result of radiation or man-made disasters, astronauts;
    • on the occasion of the loss of a breadwinner- assigned to family members of military personnel, citizens affected by radiation or man-made disasters, astronauts.
  • Social payments

The Pension Fund of the Russian Federation and its territorial bodies in accordance with the current Russian legislation make social payments. These include, in particular, a monthly cash payment to certain categories of citizens from among federal beneficiaries and additional monthly material support.

Additional monthly material support (DEMO)- monthly payments to certain categories of citizens. Only citizens of the Russian Federation, regardless of their place of residence, have the right to additional monthly material support.

DEMO in the amount of 1,000 rubles. installed:

  • invalids and participants of the Great Patriotic War;
    • disabled people due to military trauma;
    • former underage prisoners of concentration camps, ghettos and other places of detention.

DEMO in the amount of 500 rubles. installed:

  • servicemen who served in military units, institutions, military educational institutions that were not part of the active army, in the period from June 22, 1941 to September 3, 1945, at least six months, as well as servicemen awarded orders or medals of the USSR for service during the specified period;
    • widows of servicemen who died during the war; widows of invalids of the Great Patriotic War;
    • persons awarded the sign "Resident of the besieged Leningrad";
    • former adult prisoners of Nazi concentration camps, prisons and ghettos.

DEMO is paid by the territorial body of the PFR simultaneously with the pension.

Citizens who have the right to a DEMO, but did not realize it in a timely manner, must submit an application for the appointment of this payment to the territorial body of the Pension Fund of Russia at the place of residence. If a citizen has the right to a DEMO, but he is not a pensioner, this payment is also assigned and paid by the territorial bodies of the PFR at the place of residence, and in the case of permanent residence outside Russia - by the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation.

If a citizen simultaneously has the right to receive a DEMO on several grounds, it is established on one basis, providing for a higher amount of payment.

Monthly Cash Payment (MU)- social payments established by the territorial bodies of the PFR for certain categories of citizens from among:

  • veterans (World War II, military operations, etc.);
    • disabled people, including disabled children;
    • former juvenile prisoners of fascism;
    • persons affected by exposure to radiation.

For the appointment of a monthly income, a citizen must submit a written application to the FIU at the place of residence (at the place of actual residence). Citizens receiving pensions submit an application for the establishment of a monthly pension to the territorial body of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation, which carries out their pension provision.
If a citizen simultaneously has the right to receive a monthly loan on several grounds within the framework of one law, the monthly loan is established on one basis providing for a higher amount of payment.

Social Service Package (NSO)- recipients of a lump sum payment are entitled to state social assistance in the form of a set of social services, which includes:

  • additional free medical care, including providing, in accordance with the standards of medical care on prescriptions of a doctor (paramedic), with the necessary medicines, medical products, as well as specialized medical food for disabled children, providing, if medically indicated, a voucher to a sanatorium spa treatment;
    • free travel by suburban railway transport, as well as by intercity transport to the place of treatment and back.

When providing social services, citizens with I group of disabilities and disabled children have the right to receive, on the same conditions, a second voucher for sanatorium treatment and free travel on suburban railway transport, as well as on intercity transport to the place of treatment and back for the person accompanying them.

Refusal from a set of social services- Citizens who have the right to a set of social services can choose: receive social services in kind or in monetary terms. It is allowed to replace the set of social services with money in whole or in part.

In order to refuse to receive a set of social services in kind and receive money, it is necessary by October 1 to submit an application for refusal to receive social services or one social service to the territorial body of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation, which implements the EDV.

From April 1, 2010, 705 rubles are allocated to pay for the provision of a set of social services to a citizen. 10 kopecks per month.

It is enough to submit an application for waiver of benefits in kind (getting medicines, free travel, etc.) once, after which there is no need to annually confirm your decision. The submitted application for refusal will be valid until the moment when the citizen decides to resume receiving benefits. In this case, the beneficiary will have to submit an application to the Pension Fund at the place of residence by October 1.

Social supplement to pension- supplement to pension up to the level of the regional subsistence minimum of a pensioner, set for all non-working pensioners, whose aggregate material income is lower than its value.

There are two types of social supplements: federal or regional.

The federal surcharge is established if the pensioner lives in a region where the pensioner's subsistence minimum is below the federal subsistence minimum. It is paid by the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation.

A regional supplement is established if the pensioner lives in a constituent entity of the Russian Federation, where the pensioner's subsistence minimum is higher than the federal one. It is paid by the bodies of social protection of the population of the region.

To receive a social supplement for those who retired before January 1, 2010, nothing needs to be done - the FIU, together with the social security authorities, calculated the amount of the social security payment. For those who retire after January 1, 2010, social benefits are established simultaneously with the appointment of a pension at the request of a citizen.

Federal register of persons entitled to receive state social assistance- a personalized list of federal beneficiaries, which is maintained by the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation to exercise the rights of citizens to receive monthly cash payments, social services, as well as to ensure high-quality and efficient spending of funds allocated for these purposes.

Raising pensions and social benefits

From 2015, the indexation of insurance pensions will be carried out through the indexation of the value of the pension point. As of January 1, 2015, its cost is 64.1 rubles. The PFR budget includes expenses for indexing the coefficient value from February 1, 2015 by 7.5%, however, the point value will be indexed by the actual consumer price index for 2014 - 11.5% (expected). Together with the insurance pension, a fixed payment to it (analogous to the current fixed base size) will also be indexed to the actual inflation rate on February 1.

As a result of the February indexation, the average annual old-age insurance pension in 2015 will be at least 12,844 rubles.

From April 1, 2015, social pensions will be indexed on the actual growth index of the level of the living wage of a pensioner - at least 12.3%. As a result, in 2015 the average annual social pension will be at least 8,496 rubles.

On April 1, the size of the monthly cash payment (MAP) will be indexed by 5.5%.

Maternal capital

The size of maternity capital from January 1, 2015 will be indexed and will amount to 453,026 rubles, which is 23.6 thousand rubles more than in 2014. For the payment of its funds in 2015, the PFR budget has allocated up to 344.5 billion rubles. This is 43.5 billion rubles more than in 2014. The directions of using maternity capital remain the same: improving the living conditions of the family, teaching and keeping children in educational institutions, increasing the mother's pension.

Insurance premiums and reporting

The insurance premium rate for compulsory pension insurance in 2015 remains at the level of 22%. The marginal wage fund from which insurance contributions to the compulsory pension insurance system are paid will be indexed in 2015 and will amount to 711 thousand rubles (plus 10% in excess of this amount).

At the same time, the additional rate of insurance premiums for employers with jobs in hazardous and hazardous industries (if the employer does not carry out a special assessment of working conditions) in 2015 will be 9% according to List No. 1, according to List No. 2 and “small lists "- 6%.

The number of employees of organizations that must submit reports to the FIU in electronic form is reduced from 50 to 25 people. That is, now, if the number of employees to whom payments are made in the company exceeds 25 people, then reporting on insurance premiums is presented in the form of an electronic document with an electronic signature. At the same time, almost 90% of policyholders have already switched to electronic interaction with the FIU.

Since 2015, employers must determine the amount of insurance contributions to the relevant state non-budgetary funds precisely: in rubles and kopecks. Until 2015, the amount of insurance premiums was determined in full rubles.

In addition, since 2015, pension contributions are accrued from payments to foreign citizens and stateless persons temporarily staying in the territory of the Russian Federation, regardless of the duration of the concluded labor contracts.

In 2015, individual entrepreneurs, lawyers, notaries and other individuals who pay insurance premiums in a fixed amount and whose income exceeds 300 thousand rubles,for the first time pay 1% of the excess amount of income for the billing period. This 1% must be paid no later than April 1 following the reporting year.

State pension co-financing program

On December 31, 2014, the entry into the State Pension Co-financing Program is closed. All those who manage to become a member of the Program before this deadline have the opportunity to make the first installment for its "activation" - until January 31, 2015 inclusive.

Thus, all those who entered or will enter the program in the period from October 1, 2008 to December 31, 2014 and made or will make the first contribution until January 31, 2015 inclusive, the state will provide co-financing of voluntary contributions to future pension for 10 years ( from the year of the first installment) subject to the payment of contributions in the amount of at least 2,000 rubles per year.

Choosing a pension option

Citizens born in 1967 and younger in 2015 have the opportunity to choose the option of forming pension rights: either form insurance and funded pensions, or choose to form only an insurance pension.

The choice of option will directly affect the number of pension points that a citizen can gain in a year. If a citizen forms only an insurance pension, the maximum number of points that he can earn in a year is 10. If a citizen forms both an insurance and a funded pension, it is 6.25.

When choosing the ratio of the percentage of formation of insurance and funded pensions, it should be remembered that the insurance pension is guaranteed to be increased by the state not lower than the inflation rate. The funded pension funds are invested in the financial market by a non-state pension fund or a management company chosen by a citizen. The profitability of pension savings depends on the results of their investment, there may be a loss from investment. In this case, only the amount of paid insurance premiums is guaranteed to be paid.

It is important to note that in 2015, regardless of the choice of the pension option, all citizens have pension rights only for an insurance pension based on the entire amount - 22% - of accrued insurance premiums.

Payment of pension savings

In 2015, the Pension Fund will continue to pay out pension savings. If a citizen is already a pensioner or has the right to a pension and at the same time has pension savings, then he should apply to the FIU for the appropriate payment. If a citizen forms his pension savings through a non-state pension fund, then the application should be made to the appropriate NPF.

It is important to note that since 2015, changes have been made to the timing of the application for the appointment of a one-time payment. Let us remind you that if upon retirement the volume of pension savings of a citizen in the total amount of his pension is five percent or less, pension savings are paid in the form of a lump sum. Now, since 2015, if a citizen has received his pension savings in the form of a lump sum, the next lump sum payment can be made to him no earlier than five years later. This change primarily concerns the participants of the State Pension Co-financing Program who are retirees.

General characteristics of the system of social benefits, social assistance and social services in the Russian Federation

Social benefits are payments made to citizens in cases established by law on a monthly basis, periodically or at a time, with the aim of reimbursing fully or partially temporarily lost earnings or providing material support.

Currently, the following types of benefits are provided, allocated on the basis for their provision (in addition to benefits and compensation payments in connection with motherhood, paternity and childhood). Namely:

1. allowance for temporary incapacity for work;

2. maternity allowance;

3. allowance for women registered with medical institutions in the early stages of pregnancy;

4. allowance for the birth of a child;

5. allowance for the period of caring for a child until he reaches the age of one and a half years;

6. child benefit;

7. burial allowance;

8. unemployment benefit.

As a rule, all citizens of the Russian Federation, foreign citizens and stateless persons, including refugees living in the territory of Russia, enjoy the right to receive benefits when appropriate circumstances arise.

General rules for all types of benefits that are provided to citizens with children:

1. Maternity allowance, a one-time allowance for women registered in medical institutions in the early stages of pregnancy, a one-time allowance for the birth of a child, as well as a monthly allowance for the period of parental leave until the child reaches the age of one and a half years, are assigned if the application they were followed no later than six months, respectively, from the date of the end of the maternity leave, from the date of the child's birth, from the day the child reaches the age of one and a half years.

2. The obligation of recipients of state benefits to promptly notify the authorities that assign benefits about the occurrence of circumstances entailing a change in the amount of benefits or the termination of their payment.

3. Overpaid amounts of state benefits are withheld from them only if the overpayment was due to their fault (submission of documents with deliberately incorrect information, concealment of data affecting the calculation of the amount of benefits, etc.). Deductions are made in the amount of not more than 20% of either the amount of the benefit due to the recipient for each subsequent payment, or the amount of the recipient's salary in accordance with labor legislation. Upon termination of the payment of benefits, the remaining debt is recovered from the recipient in court. Amounts overpaid to the recipient through the fault of the authority that awarded the state benefit shall not be withheld, except in the event of an accounting error. In this case, the damage is recovered from the perpetrators in the manner prescribed by law.

4. The size of state benefits in regions and localities where regional coefficients to wages are established are determined using these coefficients, if they are not taken into account in the composition of wages. Social benefits are calculated on the basis of either individual earnings or a certain social standard corresponding to the economic capabilities of the state and commensurate, as a rule, with the subsistence minimum in the country.The Federal Law of August 7, 2000 “On the Procedure for Establishing the Amount of Scholarships and Social Benefits in the Russian Federation” stipulates that henceforth the amounts of benefits and other compulsory social benefits are established in fixed amounts. The amount of these payments in accordance with the law is established annually based on the size of the subsistence minimum in the country as a whole. The laws of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation can establish their higher sizes at the expense of the corresponding budgets. The law of August 7, 2000 also established that from January 1, 2001, the amount of social benefits is determined on the basis of a base amount of 100 rubles. In this regard, all other laws and regulations have been amended.

Social benefits are classified according to various criteria, in addition to the reasons for their provision:

1.for their intended purpose:

Compensation for fully or partially temporarily lost earnings (benefits for temporary disability, maternity benefits, unemployment benefits);

Providing assistance in replenishing income in connection with the onset of various other circumstances (childbirth allowance, funeral allowance, child benefit).

2. according to the duration of their payment:

Monthly (child support);

One-off (allowance for women registered with a medical institution in the early stages of pregnancy, allowance for the birth of a child);

Periodic (for the period of temporary disability).

3.depending on the source of funds from which the benefits are issued:

Paid at the expense of centralized off-budget compulsory social insurance funds;

Budget allocation.

4.depending on the contingent of citizens - recipients:

Benefits for all (child support, childbirth benefit);

Benefits for workers, including certain categories of the employed population (maternity benefits - for employed women and those in a certain service).

It should be borne in mind that the same benefit to different categories of citizens can be paid from different sources. For example, maternity benefits for women who work for hire are provided at the expense of state social insurance funds, and for women doing military and some other service - at the expense of budgetary allocations. The same applies to the allowance for parental leave for a child under the age of one and a half years. There are "hidden" benefits, they are typical for citizens doing military and some other service. Citizens doing such a service are not provided, for example, with benefits for temporary disability, and women and benefits for pregnancy and childbirth. For the corresponding periods of temporary incapacity for work or maternity leave, they retain the established monetary allowance in full. For them, therefore, the stored allowance is a corresponding benefit.

Social payments

People with disabilities and disabled children have the right tomonthly cash payment... The monthly payment is established and paid by the territorial bodies of the PFR at the place of residence of the citizen.

Payments for the care of disabled citizens, disabled children and disabled from childhood of the 1st group

Compensation payment to non-working able-bodied persons caring for disabled citizens

An unemployed able-bodied citizen who takes care of an incapacitated citizen (a disabled person of group I, with the exception of disabled people from childhood of group I, as well as for the elderly who need constant outside care at the conclusion of a medical institution or who have reached the age of 80 years), regardless of their cohabitation and on whether he is a member of his family, a monthly compensation payment is established.

The amount of the compensation payment is 1200 rubles. The payment is made together with the pension assigned to the disabled citizen.

Monthly payment to persons caring for children with disabilities and invalids from childhood I group

Parents (adoptive parents), guardians (trustees) and other persons caring for disabled children under the age of 18 or disabled since childhood of group I are paid a monthly payment.

The monthly payment is:

  • parent (adoptive parent) or guardian (curator) - 5500 rubles;
  • to other persons - 1200 rubles.

A compensation or monthly payment is assigned from the month in which the citizen caring for it has applied for its appointment with an application and all the necessary documents to the authority that assigns and pays a pension to the citizen who is being cared for, but not earlier than the day the right to the said payment arises.

For citizens living in the Far North and equivalent areas, in areas with severe climatic conditions, requiring additional material and physiological costs of citizens living there, the specified amount of compensation and monthly payments is increased by the corresponding regional coefficient.

The care period is credited to a person caring for a disabled person of group 1, a disabled child and a person who has reached the age of 80, in the insurance experience in the amount of 1.8 pension points for each year of care. This allows the caregiver to form his or her pension rights in order to receive the insurance pension.

Compensation and monthly payment for care is assigned to one unemployed able-bodied person in relation to each disabled citizen, disabled child or disabled from childhood of group 1 for the period of caring for him. Pensioners and persons receiving unemployment benefits do not have the right to compensation and monthly payments, since they are already recipients of social security in the form of a pension or unemployment benefit established by them in order to compensate for lost earnings or other income

Compensation and monthly payments are made together with the pension assigned to a disabled citizen, a disabled child or a disabled person since childhood of the 1st group.

IMPORTANT! In the event of termination of leaving, retiring to work or the beginning of other activities subject to inclusion in the insurance period, assignment of a pension, unemployment benefit, the citizen caring for it is obliged to independently notify the FIU about this within 5 days in order to timely terminate the compensation or monthly payment ... Otherwise, the citizen will have to return the illegally received funds to the FIU.

As a rule, someone helps those citizens who, for health reasons, cannot take care of themselves and lead their lives. Non-working able-bodied citizens who provide care are entitled to compensation or monthly payments.

Types of payments to caregivers

Compensation payment

Established for a non-working able-bodied citizen who takes care of a disabled citizen, regardless of the fact of cohabitation and whether he is a member of his family.

Disabled citizens who are being cared for include:

  • disabled people of group I, with the exception of disabled people from childhood of group I;
  • elderly citizens who need constant outside care upon the conclusion of a medical institution;
  • citizens who have reached 80 years of age.

Monthly payment

It is established for a non-working able-bodied citizen who takes care of a disabled child under the age of 18 or a disabled person from childhood of group I.

Compensation / monthly payment for care is established for one unemployed able-bodied person in relation to each disabled citizen, disabled child and disabled from childhood of group I for the period of caring for them and is paid monthly.

The amount of the compensation payment is 1,200 rubles.

The amount of the monthly payment is: to the parent (adoptive parent) or guardian (trustee) - 5,500 rubles, to other persons - 1,200 rubles.

For citizens who live in the regions of the Far North and equivalent areas, in areas with severe climatic conditions that require additional material and physiological costs from citizens living there, the specified amount of payments is increased by the corresponding regional coefficient. This coefficient is applied in these districts (localities) when determining the amount of pensions.

Where to go

To assign a compensation or monthly payment to a citizen who is caring, it is necessary to contact the body that pays the pension to the citizen who is being cared for.

What documents to submit

  • a statement from the caregiver, indicating his place of residence and the date of the start of care;
  • a statement of a disabled citizen, a person disabled since childhood of group I or a legal representative of a disabled child under the age of 18 for consent to the provision of care by a specific person. A disabled child who has reached the age of 14 is entitled to submit an application on his own behalf. If the care is carried out for a citizen who is recognized as legally incompetent in the established manner, such an application is submitted on behalf of his legal representative with the presentation of documents confirming his powers. Parents caring for a disabled child under the age of 18 are not required to submit such a statement. If necessary, the authenticity of the signature of a disabled citizen, a disabled child under the age of 18 or a disabled person since childhood of group I on the specified application can be confirmed by an act of examination of the body that pays the pension to the citizen being cared for;
  • a certificate stating that the caretaker has not received a pension. This certificate must be issued by the body responsible for the appointment and payment of the pension at the place of residence or place of stay of the caregiver;
  • a certificate stating that the caregiver is not receiving unemployment benefits. This certificate is issued by the employment services at the place of residence of the caregiver;
  • an extract from the certificate of examination of a disabled citizen, a citizen recognized as a disabled child under the age of 18 or disabled since childhood of group I, or a medical opinion on recognizing a child under 18 years of age as disabled. An extract from the certificate of examination is sent by the federal state institution of medical and social expertise to the body that pays the pension;
  • the conclusion of a medical institution on the need for an elderly citizen (who has reached the age of 60 years - men and 55 years old - women) in constant outside care;
  • an identity document and work book of the caregiver, as well as the work book of a disabled citizen;
  • permission (consent) of one of the parents (adoptive parent, guardian) and the guardianship and trusteeship body to provide care to a student citizen who has reached the age of 14, in his free time from studies;
  • a certificate from an educational institution confirming the fact of full-time education of a citizen caring;
  • documents confirming the powers of the legal representative of the person being cared for (a certificate issued by the guardianship and trusteeship body, and in its absence - the decision of the guardianship and guardianship body, adoption certificate, passport and other identity documents).

If the listed documents are in the pension file of the citizen who is being cared for, they do not need to be presented.

If an incapacitated citizen, a disabled child or a disabled person from childhood of group I is a recipient of pensions through the Pension Fund and at the same time the security department, the carer has the right to apply at the place of receipt of any pension. In this case, you will need a certificate (information) on the non-appointment of a compensation / monthly payment for caring for a disabled citizen, a disabled child or a disabled person from Group I childhood, which is issued by the authority that pays the corresponding pension. For advice on the submission of the necessary documents, you should contact the specialists of the client service of the territorial body of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation or the pension service of the relevant law enforcement agency.

Application form for monthly / compensation payment

An application form for a disabled citizen, a disabled person from childhood of group I or a legal representative of a disabled child under the age of 18 for consent to the provision of care by a specific person.

Appointment dates

A compensation or monthly payment is assigned from the month in which the citizen caring for it applied for its appointment with an application and all the necessary documents to the authority that pays the pension to the citizen being cared for, but not earlier than the day the right to the said payment arises. At the same time, a compensation or monthly payment is made to the established disabled citizen, a disabled child or a disabled person from childhood of the I group of pension and is carried out during the period of caring for him.

If circumstances have occurred that entail the termination of the implementation of the compensation / monthly payment, the caring citizen is obliged to notify the body that pays the pension to the caring citizen within five days.

Monthly cash payment in the increased amount of pensions and benefits

Non-working disabled people and disabled children permanently residing in territories exposed to radiation pollution as a result of the Chernobyl disaster are paid a monthly cash payment in an increased amount of pensions and benefits. This payment is of a compensatory nature, since it is made only during the period of permanent residence in the territory of the corresponding zone, thus compensating for the harm for the risk of living in the territory exposed to radioactive contamination.

When leaving for a residence from one zone to another, as well as to "clean" areas or in the case of employment, the payment stops.

Monthly payments are fixed in fixed amounts, which depend on the time of residence in the indicated zones - from April 26, 1986 or from December 2, 1995, and are annually indexed based on the inflation rate.

To establish the payment, you must contact the territorial body of the PFR at the place of residence.

Social servicerepresents the activities of social services for social support, the provision of social, social, medical, psychological, pedagogical, social and legal services and material assistance, the implementation of social adaptation and rehabilitation of citizens who are in a difficult life situation.

It is based on the principles:





the priority of the provision of social services to minors in difficult life situations;


preventive focus.

Social service activities are carried out within the framework of the state system of social services. This system consists of state-owned enterprises and social service institutions, which are the property of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation and are under the jurisdiction of the state authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation. Social services are also carried out by enterprises and institutions of other forms of ownership and by citizens engaged in entrepreneurial activities in social services to the population without forming a legal entity.

Clients of social services are citizens who are in difficult life situations, in need of this connection in the provision of social services.

Under difficult life situationmeans a situation that objectively disrupts the life of a citizen (disability, inability to self-service due to old age, illness, orphanhood, neglect, poverty, unemployment, lack of a certain place of residence, conflicts and abuse in the family, loneliness, etc.), which he does not can overcome on its own.

Social servicesare defined as actions to provide assistance to certain categories of citizens in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation.

The legislation establishes the following forms of social services:

1. Material assistance is provided to citizens in difficult life situations in the form of cash, food, sanitation and hygiene products, childcare, clothing, footwear and other essentials, fuel, as well as special vehicles, technical means of rehabilitation for disabled people and persons in need of outside care. The grounds and procedure for the provision of material assistance are established by the executive authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation.

2. Social services at home - carried out by providing social services to citizens in need of permanent or temporary non-stationary social services. Single citizens and citizens who have partially lost the ability to self-service due to old age, illness, disability are provided with home help in the form of social, social and medical services and other assistance.

3. Social service in inpatient social service institutions - is carried out by providing social services to citizens who have partially or completely lost the ability to self-service and who need constant outside care, and ensures the creation of living conditions corresponding to their age and state of health, carrying out medical, psychological, social character, food and care, as well as the organization of feasible work, rest and leisure.

4. Temporary shelter in a specialized social service institution - provided to orphans, children left without parental care, neglected minors, children in difficult life situations, citizens without a fixed place of residence and certain occupations, citizens who have suffered from physical or mental violence , natural disasters, as a result of armed and interethnic conflicts, other clients of social services in need of temporary shelter.

5. Organization of daytime stay in social service institutions - social, social, medical and other services are provided to elderly citizens and disabled people who have retained the ability to self-service and active movement, as well as to other persons, including minors in difficult life situations.

6. Advisory assistance - in social service institutions, clients of the social service are provided with advice on issues of social and social and medical support of life, psychological and pedagogical assistance, social and legal protection.

7. Rehabilitation services - social services provide assistance in professional, social, psychological rehabilitation to disabled people, persons with disabilities, juvenile delinquents, other citizens who are in a difficult life situation and in need of rehabilitation services.

Social services can be provided by social services both free of charge and for a fee.

Social service institutions, regardless of their form of ownership, are:

1) comprehensive centers of social services for the population;

2) territorial centers of social assistance to families and children;

3) social service centers;

4) social rehabilitation centers for minors;

5) centers for helping children left without parental care;

6) social shelters for children and adolescents;

7) centers of psychological and pedagogical assistance to the population;

8) centers for emergency psychological assistance by telephone;

9) centers (departments) of social assistance at home;

10) overnight houses;

11) special homes for lonely elderly people;

12) other institutions providing social services.

Social services for the population, carried out in accordance with the norms established by the state authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, and the financial support of social service institutions are expenditure obligations of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation.


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The Russian pension system is currently in a state of reform and modernization. New institutions are being formed: basic pensions, pension insurance, funded and professional pensions. This entails a change in the parameters and structure of the pension system, the content of legal relations and requires the creation of new financial and organizational mechanisms. In legal regulation, the ratio of public and private principles is being transformed in relation to issues of property, pension savings, the acquisition and sale of pension rights, as well as the activities of an expanding range of entities. In these conditions, it is necessary to pay more attention to international standards, the observance of which is an obligation of Russia, as well as to the positive experience of foreign states.

The economic stability and social efficiency of the pension system is directly influenced by both long-term demographic processes and medium-term macroeconomic trends, as well as short-term purely subjective political decisions. In turn, this objectively requires a permanent update of specific legal, economic and organizational conditions for interaction between insured persons, insured employers (legal entities and individuals) with the state insurer (Pension Fund of the Russian Federation). The forms and methods of interaction between participants in the pension insurance system depend on numerous factors that determine their development.

In our country, a combination of the most unfavorable factors for the pension system is observed at the present time: against the background of the economic crisis of the transition period, reform of all links of the national economic complex is being carried out, one of the elements of which is the state pension system. At the same time, the country is entering an era of deep demographic crisis. At the same time, the primary task of the state within the framework of the pension insurance system is to maintain the purchasing power of pensions regardless of changes in economic and socio-political conditions, especially during periods of unstable economic and social development.

At present, in Russia the size of pensions, including for old age, is rather low. Very often the level of material support in old age does not correspond to the contribution of the employee during the period of his labor activity.

All these factors reinforced the need to reform the pension system of the Russian Federation in order to better adapt to specific economic conditions.

This determines the special relevance of my thesis.

Today, the face of the Russian pension system is gradually changing: the market for supplementary pension coverage is developing, and the sector of state pensions is being transformed. In 2002, the personification of the savings of the working population of the country was carried out, in 2003 the citizens of Russia received the right to choose a management company, in 2004 - a non-state pension fund. Providing citizens with the opportunity to influence the size of their pensions by managing its funded part is the most essential moment of the ongoing reform. For the first time, the population was asked to share responsibility for their future with the state.

The axiom of the new pension system in Russia is the following statement: the well-being of old age is a personal problem of every person. The state is responsible only for the basic part of the pension. The size of the insurance and funded parts forms the personal earnings of citizens. The higher a person's official earnings, the more money he will save for his future pension.

For citizens retiring after 2012, pensions will consist of three parts: basic, insurance and funded. It is the funded part of the pension, which began to form among this category of citizens since 2002, that people will be able to invest.

The aim of the work is to analyze the modern pension system of the Russian Federation and the directions of its reform.

In accordance with the goal, the following work tasks have been set:

1. To study the theoretical issues of the formation of the pension system of the Russian Federation;

2. Consider the essential characteristics of the pension system of the Russian Federation;

3. To study the principles of the formation of the pension system of the Russian Federation;

4. Consider the legal support of the pension system;

5. Conduct an analysis of the pension system of the Russian Federation: sources of income for the PFR budget and the directions of spending the funds of the Pension Fund;

6. Analyze the activities of the non-state Pension Fund in Russia;

7. Consider foreign experience in the formation of pension systems and the possibility of its adaptation in Russia;

8. To study the prospects for the development of the pension system of the Russian Federation.

The structure of the thesis consists of an introduction, three chapters, a conclusion, a bibliography and six appendices.

The first chapter highlights the theoretical issues of the formation of the pension system of the Russian Federation.

The second chapter analyzes the pension system of the Russian Federation: sources of income for the PFR budget and directions for spending the funds of the Pension Fund.

The third chapter contains an analysis of foreign experience and the possibilities of its adaptation in Russia and outlines the prospects for the development of the pension system of the Russian Federation.

The modern pension system is a set of legal, organizational, managerial and financial and economic relations between employees and individual entrepreneurs, other categories of citizens whose activities are aimed at generating income (or material benefits), on the one hand, employers, on the other hand, and also all other categories of citizens who do not participate in economic activities, and the state - from the third. These relations are designed to ensure the implementation of long-term government obligations for the provision of pensions to all citizens.

Organizational, managerial and financial activities of the pension system are based on the constitutional and legislative rights of every citizen to receive material support upon the onset of the statutory age or other insured event that entails the inability to work. This type of material support for citizens during the onset of old age or another reason for disability is called a pension.

In terms of its socio-economic content, the concept of pension (and in the case of compulsory pension insurance - labor pension) is a special form of cash payment to citizens, which should adequately compensate for the amount of earnings or other regular income from labor or other socially useful activities that were spent for reasons the onset of age (old age), disability, loss of a breadwinner, or on other grounds also provided for by law. Thus, the concept of a pension has a combined financial-insurance and social-labor nature, which fundamentally distinguishes it, on the one hand, from banking, corporate and other methods of receiving cash income in the form of dividends, depending only on the amount of capital, and on the other, on various types of state social benefits that depend solely on social needs (need) or on special services to the state.

In accordance with the current pension legislation of the Russian Federation, labor and state pensions (social pensions, pensions for civil servants (for length of service) and conscripts, war veterans and widows of the dead, disability pensions from military trauma and from general diseases, victims of nuclear and chemical disasters, etc.).

The grounds for compulsory retirement benefits are:

Reaching the appropriate retirement age (old-age labor pension);