What to do to avoid toxicosis. What is the danger of severe toxicosis? Late toxicosis during pregnancy - what to do

The period of time when a woman is waiting for the birth of a baby is one of the most wonderful and desirable. But things don't always go smoothly. A few weeks after conception, toxicosis appears in pregnant women. It is worth noting that not every woman feels these charms. Many of the fair sex manage to avoid this condition or correct it safely.

First difficulties

Toxicosis is a clear sign of the onset of fertilization after a delay in menstruation. Almost 80 percent of the fairer sex, who are in an interesting position, feel this state.

Do not worry if toxicosis in the early stages is completely absent. This does not mean that pregnancy proceeds with pathologies. Rather the opposite. If the symptoms of toxicosis do not appear, then the normal hormonal background prevails in the body. In this case, the woman will not have to suffer from malaise in the first trimester of pregnancy.

Toxicosis appears around the fifth week of pregnancy, but there are cases when the malaise can visit the expectant mother much later. Normally, poor health ends with the first trimester of pregnancy. This happens in the period from 12 to 14 weeks of embryo development. If poor health began very early, then it can end in the shortest possible time. Every pregnancy is different and proceeds differently.

Signs of toxicosis

Toxicosis in the early stages can manifest itself in varying degrees of intensity. Some women have only a slight fatigue, malaise, and are slightly nauseous in the morning or after eating. Other representatives of the fair sex are forced to abandon their usual way of life and go to the hospital, since toxicosis is a condition that does not allow them to live normally. So, the main symptoms of the disease are:

  • morning sickness (possible vomiting after eating, which does not bring any relief);
  • weakness and malaise;
  • drowsiness and desire not to leave your bed;
  • headaches and dizziness;
  • decrease in blood pressure with a simultaneous increase in heart rate;
  • increased salivation;
  • the occurrence of a runny nose for unknown reasons (rhinitis of pregnant women).

In addition, toxicosis in pregnant women is often manifested by a desire to eat something like that. Sometimes women begin to be drawn to different smells, addictions arise that were not there before pregnancy.

Toxicosis: causes

Why this condition appears, medicine is still not known. Many doctors are sure that after fertilization, a set of chromosomes begins to release the so-called toxic substances. The more cells divide, the stronger the woman feels toxicosis. This is just an assumption that has not yet been proven.

Also in the early stages of pregnancy, there is a colossal hormonal restructuring in the female body. Some hormones begin to be produced more strongly, others completely stop their action. Human chorionic gonadotropin also appears. The amount of this hormone increases until about the end of the first trimester. It is during this period that a woman feels severe toxicosis. As soon as the body adjusts to the new state, the well-being of the expectant mother returns to normal.

As you can see, the causes of toxicosis are very diverse. It is worth noting that the same woman may feel differently while carrying babies. If for the first time she did not have an ailment called toxicosis, this does not mean that it will not be in subsequent pregnancies.

What to do with toxicosis?

Many obstetrician-gynecologists often hear a similar question from expectant mothers. There are several options to prevent early toxicosis. How to deal with an already appeared disease, the specialist will tell in detail.

Depending on how strongly toxicosis manifests itself, different methods of correction are selected.

If a woman has a weak stage of toxicosis (nausea and vomiting no more than three times a day), then she is offered to deal with this condition with folk methods and a change in lifestyle.

When a moderate stage appears (deterioration of well-being, vomiting up to 10 times a day), tablets for toxicosis are prescribed, which help to cope with an unpleasant condition.

If the expectant mother loses weight, complains of vomiting that occurs up to 20 times a day and general malaise, she is placed in a hospital and treated under the supervision of medical personnel.

Correction of the condition with medications

If a woman cannot lead a normal life and complains of frequent vomiting, then she is prescribed pills for toxicosis.

In most cases, doctors prefer the drug "Hofitol". It is created from plant components and does not adversely affect the fetus. In addition, the tablets have a beneficial effect on the state of the liver, relieving it of harmful toxic substances that the body releases.

Toxicosis is a condition that also affects the nervous system of a woman. The expectant mother begins to worry a lot about the health of the baby, thereby she can provoke various problems. That is why doctors recommend taking sedatives that reduce toxicosis. Treatment in this case is carried out by taking Valerian tablets or motherwort tincture.

In addition, doctors prescribe medications that block the gag reflex. These include the drug "Cerukal", injections of the drug "Atropine", as well as tablets "Droperidol". It is worth noting that these drugs should not be taken without a doctor's prescription. They are contraindicated in the first trimester of pregnancy. When prescribing these funds, the doctor takes into account the harm caused to the baby by toxicosis, and compares it with the negative effect of drugs. Only after this is it decided whether to prescribe such drugs to the patient.

Treating ailments in the hospital

In severe toxicosis, a woman is recommended to go to the hospital for correction. In most cases, such patients are prescribed the same drugs as in drug treatment. The difference between the correction is that these substances are administered intravenously or intramuscularly.

Also, with severe indomitable vomiting, droppers with glucose and vitamin C injections are required. In addition, the expectant mother should take folic acid tablets. If necessary, oral administration can be replaced by intramuscular administration of the vitamin.

Frequent vomiting can lead to fluid loss in the body. This is very dangerous for the expectant mother and her baby. In this case, the patient is prescribed intravenous administration of the drug "Reopoliglyukin" or Ringer's solution.

Self-correction and prevention of toxicosis

If a pregnant woman is diagnosed with a weak stage of toxicosis, then she is offered to cope with this condition on her own. Also, the following tips will help expectant mothers to avoid the appearance of morning sickness, vomiting and weakness. So, what to do with toxicosis?

Proper nutrition

The first thing to do is to completely rethink your diet. Try to avoid eating spicy and fatty foods. Avoid salt and spices. Eliminate fast food and fast food from your diet.

Toxicosis with a girl, as with a boy, can only be cured with proper nutrition. Eat more vegetables and fruits, especially if they are in season. Eat meat cooked on steam or in the oven. Your body needs protein now more than ever.

Also, do not forget that dairy products should be present in the diet of the expectant mother daily: cottage cheese, milk, sour cream, kefir and fermented baked milk. Eating this food will help to cope with the calcium deficiency that every pregnant woman suffers. Dairy products will improve digestion and help boost immunity, as well as strengthen the body.

Drink plenty of fluids. In addition to tea and soups, the expectant mother should consume up to two liters of pure water per day. This will help to quickly remove harmful and toxic substances from the body and cope with nausea.

If you suffer from low blood pressure, then cocoa and green tea will come to the rescue. Avoid drinking coffee. A few pieces of dark chocolate will also normalize blood pressure and improve mood.

Get more rest

Try to go to bed on time. If you want to lie down, then by all means do it. A mother-to-be should sleep for at least nine hours a day. Afternoon rest is also encouraged, if possible.

Remember that in the near future you will become a mother, and you will no longer be able to relax when you want. Take advantage of your position and shift household chores to the next of kin. Involve your husband or future grandmothers in the cleaning process. Let them get used to helping you now.

Walk outdoors

The mother-to-be needs oxygen. In the fresh air, you will feel how nausea recedes, and the body is filled with new forces. If possible, go to the forest or go to the mountains. However, remember that on such a vacation you need to be careful. Especially in your position.

For a walk in the forest, choose comfortable shoes and tight clothes. It will help to avoid insect bites and ticks. For mountain trips, be sure to use stable boots and support from your husband or relatives.

If it is not possible to often get out for such walks, then try to ventilate the room in which you are. In the office, periodically open the windows and arrange a draft. It is better to do this at lunchtime, when no one is at the workplace. At home, air out the rooms every evening and morning.

Buy a humidifier. It will help you get rid of allergic rhinitis and improve your overall well-being.

Listen to your body

Listen carefully to what your body is telling you. If he demands to eat something special, then by all means do it. However, take precautions. The food you eat should not harm the little organism growing inside of you.

Very often, pregnant women are drawn to salty or sour. Many women are saved from toxicosis with oranges, tangerines or pickled cucumbers. Eat what you want.


If before pregnancy you were engaged in exercises with heavy physical activity, then it is worth giving up on them for a while. Give preference to yoga or gymnastics for pregnant women.

Light exercise can help you relax, and can also help you cope with malaise and low blood pressure. Performing daily morning exercises, you can feel great and enjoy your interesting position.

Give up bad habits

In women who have bad habits, early toxicosis occurs more often. As soon as you know about your condition, quit smoking and eliminate alcohol from your diet. Many women believe that drinking a glass of red wine once a day will not affect the health of the unborn child, but this is a big misconception.

Bad habits lead to an increase in toxins in the body of the expectant mother. This results in nausea and weakness.

There are several tips to help a woman cope with morning sickness. Many expectant mothers successfully use them throughout the first trimester of pregnancy.

  • Start breakfast without getting out of bed. In the evening, put a cracker, banana or apple on your nightstand by the bed. As soon as you wake up, eat the product and only then get up. This meal helps to cope with increased salivation and morning sickness, which causes vomiting.
  • Drink lemon water or pomegranate juice. Sour drinks are an excellent remedy for nausea. These include plain sweet lemon water or pomegranate juice. You can prepare such a drink in the evening and drink during breakfast. Remember that with gastritis or stomach ulcers, this method is best not to use. Since an increase in acidity in the stomach can worsen the general condition of the body.
  • Learn to hold your breath. In some cases, when a certain smell causes nausea, it makes sense to hold your breath for a few seconds. You can also start breathing through your mouth. This will help you not to smell the nauseating odor. If you have a favorite perfume, then apply it to the fabric and carry it with you. As soon as you feel that nausea begins or an unpleasant smell has appeared for you, smell the prepared fabric. You will immediately feel much better.

  • Prepare for pregnancy. Doctors recommend planning pregnancy in advance. In this case, conception will not come as a surprise to you. According to statistics, with a desired pregnancy, toxicosis appears much less frequently. This is due to the fact that the woman is not stressed by the news received.

Also, during planning, it is worth being examined and passing the recommended tests. Change your lifestyle in advance and review your diet. A healthy body will more easily tolerate early toxicosis.

You will have a boy or a girl - it does not matter. The intensity of discomfort does not depend on the gender of the child. Therefore, do not think that while waiting for a baby of a certain gender, you will be able to avoid illness or, on the contrary, feel all its "charms".

Before conception and already in the early stages of pregnancy, a woman needs vitamins. Most of the special complexes for pregnant women help prevent early toxicosis. Take the vitamins your doctor prescribes. These can be the following drugs: Elevit Prenatal, Vitrum Prenatal, Multitabs Prenatal and other complexes.


Now you know how you can deal with toxicosis. It's no secret that prevention is better than cure. That is why you should not wait until you have discomfort and malaise. Carry out the prevention of toxicosis. Use all practical advice. Perhaps, based on the foregoing, you will develop for yourself your own plan of action that will help you cope with the disease.

If you experience severe malaise and deterioration of well-being, be sure to contact your gynecologist leading your pregnancy. The doctor will sensibly assess the situation and suggest the method of treatment you need. Stay healthy and enjoy your position!

Such an unpleasant, but quite natural phenomenon, as toxicosis accompanies almost every pregnant woman in the early stages. The clinical picture of toxicosis can vary significantly depending on the individual physiological characteristics of the expectant mother and the duration of pregnancy, but its main symptoms are: weakness, nausea, vomiting, lethargy, poor appetite or its complete absence, irritability, apathy.

As a rule, the appearance of toxicosis does not require therapeutic intervention and treatment, but in the most severe cases, the doctor may recommend hospital treatment or medication. But what to do if severe toxicosis is tormenting, but there is no possibility or urgent need to undergo treatment in a medical institution?

How to reduce unpleasant symptoms and normalize the condition? Let's talk about this in more detail.

Just a few decades ago, toxicosis was perceived by representatives of the world of medicine and ordinary people as an out-of-the-ordinary phenomenon or a typical whim of a pregnant woman. At present, such a critical opinion has changed radically, now toxicosis is an officially recognized pathology. In fairness, it should be noted that those under the age of eighteen and over thirty-five are most susceptible to its appearance.

As a rule, toxicosis is characterized by the appearance of severe nausea, vomiting, weakness, lethargy, lack of appetite, deterioration in general well-being, intolerance to certain smells and aromas. In the vast majority of cases, toxicosis manifests itself at certain hours, for example, in the morning, and does not cause severe problems for a woman. But what to do with severe toxicosis?

But it also happens that excessive toxicosis can lead to dehydration of the body of a pregnant woman and the threat of premature birth or other serious pathologies. Most often, this happens if a woman is concerned not only with nausea, but also with severe vomiting, up to several times a day. This condition requires medical treatment in a hospital setting.

Advice! If vomiting worries a woman more than five to seven times during the day, the obligatory intervention of the attending physician is necessary, otherwise there may be a threat of pregnancy.

Almost every woman who encounters unpleasant phenomena is worried about this kind of question: what to do when toxicosis is strong? Unfortunately, a universal technique that will suit everyone has not been developed to this day, but there are a number of tricks that will help reduce the intensity of the manifestations of toxicosis and reduce negative symptoms, including:

Food The drinks Tips & Tricks
Breakfast should be immediately after waking up, without getting out of bed. Effectively relieves vomiting and reduces the negative manifestations of ginger tea without sugar. Strong perfumes should not be used.
Food should be as light and nutritious as possible. When an attack of vomiting occurs, it is recommended to drink a decoction of fresh mint. It is recommended to avoid dusty areas.
Eat often, but in small portions. You should not drink carbonated and overly sweet drinks. It is advisable to take long walks more often.
If nausea occurs, it is recommended to eat a few salty crackers or crackers. If there are no edema, you should drink as much plain and clean water or unsweetened compotes as possible. You should sleep well and rest more.
Citrus fruits and green apples also help a lot. Immediately after waking up, it is recommended to drink weak tea with lemon. It is recommended to ventilate the room as often as possible.

As mentioned above, there is no instruction for reducing the symptoms of toxicosis as such. However, each woman can choose for herself a certain remedy that will help reduce unpleasant symptoms and improve overall well-being, the video in this article is an excellent helper for solving this issue.

Proper nutrition

A balanced diet, based on the consumption of not only tasty, but also nutritious, saturated with a sufficient amount of vitamins and microelements, dishes, is especially important for pregnant women. But what if severe toxicosis, accompanied by systematic nausea, does not allow you to take your usual and favorite food?

First of all, you should stop eating excessively fatty, sweet and salty foods, fast food, semi-finished products, canned food, smoked meats. It is necessary to eat only food prepared at home, through such methods as boiling, stewing, baking in one's own juice.

What to do so that there is no toxicosis? The best advice is:

  • overeating should be avoided;
  • you should eat at least every three hours to avoid the appearance of a strong feeling of hunger;
  • eat should be small, no more than 250 milliliters, in portions;
  • it is not recommended to eat later than three hours before bedtime;
  • should not snack;
  • you should not eat exotic dishes and unusual food.

In addition, special attention must be paid to the quality of food used for cooking. Expired, of dubious quality, products that begin to deteriorate are categorically not recommended to be eaten.

Approved Products

During pregnancy, you can eat almost everything, within reason. But what to do if toxicosis torments, what dishes and products should be preferred?

In order to improve and normalize well-being, you should include the following products in your diet:

  • low-fat fermented milk products;
  • heat-treated vegetables and fruits;
  • lean meats and fish, it is better to use rabbit meat, turkey, chicken, veal and sea fish;
  • boiled pasta without the addition of onions and butter;
  • cereals from whole grains, cooked in milk with the addition of a small amount of butter;
  • vegetable and meat low-fat soups, soups - mashed potatoes;
  • vegetable stew and warm vegetable salads;
  • crackers, dry unsweetened cookies.

What to do with toxicosis if vomiting accompanies a woman all the time? To avoid damage to the mucous tissues of the larynx, it is recommended to eat pre-chopped or, for example, ground with a blender, food.

Nausea can overshadow any joyful event. Even the expectation of a child. But some say that toxicosis is inevitable, and it just needs to be experienced, while others insist that this unpleasant phenomenon is not a mandatory attribute of a woman in position. In this article, we will consider the types of toxicosis in pregnant women, highlight the main symptoms, and also find out if it can be avoided.

There are early toxicosis, the first trimester, and much more dangerous, late, tormenting women in the second half of pregnancy. In addition, doctors divide toxicosis according to severity: mild, moderate and severe.

What to do in case of early toxicosis during pregnancy?

A woman can notice the first symptoms of intoxication even before she finds out that she is expecting a baby. Nausea, depression, loss of appetite and increased salivation are the main signs of early toxicosis in pregnant women, the onset of which is noted almost immediately after conception. The causes of the phenomenon are not fully understood, but it is believed that early toxicosis is a “bonus” of the first 15 weeks, when the placenta is not yet formed and cannot protect the female body. The metabolic products secreted by the fetus enter the bloodstream, causing intoxication. In addition, it is at this time that hormonal changes occur that increase the excitability of the centers of smell (hence intolerance to odors or aversion to certain dishes). Some doctors believe that the causes of toxicosis are caused by psychogenic factors, fear associated with childbirth, or a subconscious reluctance to have children. And if your mother was tormented by severe nausea during gestation, then the risk of repeating the scenario is higher than if she had no signs of toxicosis.

Treatment of toxicosis of pregnant women

Moderate and severe degrees of intoxication are subject to mandatory treatment. Early toxicosis during pregnancy occurs at the beginning of brain formation, and frequent (more than 6 times a day) vomiting dehydrates the body, reduces the supply of nutrients to the fetus and threatens its normal formation. Therefore, a future mother with a severe degree of intoxication is forced to undergo an examination and subsequent treatment in a hospital.

In other cases, if we are talking about mild toxicosis (vomiting frequency - no more than 5 times a day), doctors recommend to be patient and wait out an unpleasant period. You may be prescribed pills for toxicosis that are safe during pregnancy (for example, Hofitol, Essliver, Essentiale). However, there are time-tested methods that will help alleviate the depressing state.

How to relieve early toxicosis during pregnancy?

To begin with, there is no universal remedy for toxicosis during pregnancy. The processes taking place at this amazing time are too individual. We will give the main methods of dealing with nausea:

  • the most common recommendation: eat often, but little by little. Now is the time for husbands to show care and pamper you with a light breakfast in bed. Eating in a horizontal position will help to avoid morning vomiting on an empty stomach;
  • Eat a light snack every two hours. Usually crackers, slices of salty cheese, slices of lemon or watermelon, mint sweets “help”;
  • drink (but separately from meals!). Mineral alkaline water, mint or ginger tea will do;
  • walk outdoors;
  • with increased salivation or bouts of nausea, rinsing the mouth with decoctions of mint or sage helps;
  • if nausea overcomes in the evening, most likely, this is a signal of overwork. Allow yourself to relax and lie still.

It is extremely important that your relatives understand your situation and try to stop using perfumes that irritate you, smoking, and cooking, the smell of which causes you unpleasant emotions. The sensitivity of loved ones will help mitigate the bouts of depression or the frequent change of emotions that are characteristic of this time. As a rule, early toxicosis ends when the formation of the placenta is completed - by the 16th week, the condition should stabilize.

Late toxicosis during pregnancy - what to do?

This is a rare phenomenon, which, unlike early intoxication, is more often associated with the wrong lifestyle of a novice mother or certain diseases (heart disease, kidney disease, endocrine disorders, obesity). Usually the word "preeclampsia" (toxicosis of the second half of pregnancy) a woman hears at a gynecologist's appointment, because. toxicosis of the second half of pregnancy (after 34 weeks) is not always expressed in nausea and vomiting. The insidiousness of preeclampsia is that sometimes signs can only be detected during research: latent edema or the presence of protein in the urine. And the consequences are oxygen starvation of the fetus, a lack of important nutrients. Therefore, if the doctor insists on hospitalization, do not refuse.

Although the diagnosis is better to prevent, and therefore prevention is the best advice for a pregnant woman. Here's how to avoid late toxicosis during pregnancy:

But even if you are admitted to the hospital, do not forget why you spend your days in the ward. Do not listen to the "horror stories" of other patients, focus on the happiness that awaits you very soon. After all, good mood and love are the best medicine!

Toxicosis is a pathological condition that occurs during pregnancy under the influence of hormonal changes in a woman's body. There are many proven remedies that will help cope with a mild form of toxicosis.

Toxicosis: causes and treatment

Degrees of toxicosis

With a mild degree of toxicosis, the frequency of vomiting usually does not exceed five times a day. It most often occurs on an empty stomach, can be caused by an unpleasant smell or food intake. A pregnant woman's appetite decreases, her mood worsens, but there is no weight loss.

With moderate toxicosis, vomiting can be repeated up to ten times a day. The expectant mother complains of dizziness and weakness, her blood pressure decreases. For a month there is a weight loss of up to three kilograms.

A severe degree of toxicosis is due to excessive vomiting that occurs up to twenty times a day. This leads to dehydration of the body and severe weight loss of the woman. The pulse quickens, the body temperature rises. Weight loss can reach up to ten kilograms per month. In severe toxicosis, you should immediately seek help from a doctor.

It turns out that toxicosis torments not only a woman. This condition has a negative effect on the fetus. With constantly repeated vomiting, the body is dehydrated, the flow of nutrients to the fetus is sharply reduced

Seek help from a doctor

Usually, the treatment of toxicosis is carried out on an outpatient basis under the supervision of a doctor. It is important to regularly conduct a urine test for the presence of acetone and monitor the woman's body weight. The doctor may advise rinsing the mouth with special astringents, frequent fractional meals. It is recommended to walk more often, acupuncture is often prescribed.

Treatment of severe toxicosis is carried out in a hospital, includes:

  • fluid recovery
  • drug therapy
  • correction of acid-base balance
  • electrolyte balance correction

How to relieve toxicosis

A pregnant woman is advised to stay outdoors as often as possible. No need to make sudden movements and immediately jump up after waking up. Lying in bed, eat a handful of crackers or nuts prepared in advance in the evening. Eat dairy products or an egg for breakfast. Eat small meals every two to three hours. Sometimes thinking about a particular product can cause nausea, so learn to listen to your own body.

  • protein rich foods
  • vegetable food

For women, we are talking about internal toxins - protein compounds produced in the body in response to the appearance of a "stranger" in it, an unborn child. Just as with intoxication caused by poisoning (that is, external toxins - pathogenic microbes), weakness, dizziness, nausea, and sometimes vomiting occur. In such situations, doctors talk about: early, if it occurs for up to 12 weeks, and late (or gestosis), if it appears after 20 weeks.

In most cases, early toxicosis is not even a pathology, but a consequence of the body's natural adaptation process to pregnancy. It can be manifested by nausea, vomiting (1-2 times a day), dizziness, weakness, drowsiness, decreased appetite, increased salivation, sensitivity to odors, stomach discomfort. All these numerous symptoms, fortunately, rarely occur at the same time and do not require any treatment. It is enough for a future mother to simply develop the right tactics of behavior that will reduce discomfort.

How to help yourself.

1. Even if the very thought of food is disgusting to you, establishing a “good neighborly” relationship with food is very important. The future baby needs nutrients, and therefore it is still necessary to eat; Moreover, the diet should be complete no matter what. Try to ensure that your body still receives all the elements of the protein-fat-carbohydrate triad. choosing from interchangeable products those that you tolerate better. For example, if you don't crave meat, lean on protein-rich dairy products and cheese.

2. Eat little but often, every 2-3 hours. Prevent hunger and maintain blood glucose levels. To do this, always keep something on hand for a light "snack": an apple, a cracker, cookies, nuts. Be sure to include complex carbohydrates in your diet - cereals, bread, vegetables and fruits. They provide a constant supply of a moderate amount of glucose to the body. If you are at a certain time of the day, think about what exactly you eat at these hours: for example, sometimes ailments occur as a reaction to vitamins that a woman takes "on schedule".

3. In the morning, do not get out of bed abruptly, but first of all, eat a little. For example, eat a tangerine prepared in the evening, or a candy. Or drink something sour: a glass of water with lemon and honey, cranberry juice, kefir.

4. To prevent dizziness, always change body position smoothly. Getting out of bed, first slowly turn on your side, then dangle your legs and only then lift your torso. Do not linger in one position for a long time - dizziness can also occur due to stagnation of blood in the lower back and lower extremities (for example, if you stand for a long time or sit in a tense position). Compression knitwear helps improve blood circulation in the legs.

5. Try to drink 1.5-2 liters of liquid per day (including soups, juices, sour milk drinks). This is especially important if you have bouts of vomiting: in order for the body not to suffer due to dehydration, fluid loss must be compensated.

6. Pay attention to herbal preparations: ginger, lemon balm, chamomile, raspberry leaves can reduce nausea. For increased salivation, rinse your mouth with peppermint infusion or green tea. Peppermint oil, among other things, helps to cope with nausea.

7. If you feel dizzy, nauseous, dark in the eyes - lie down with your legs raised above the level of your heart, open the window or ask someone to do it, drink sweet tea with lemon.

8. Try to get enough sleep and rest as much as possible: toxicosis often goes away, as soon as the expectant mother takes a vacation and disconnects from worries.

9. The development of toxicosis is also affected by the state of the gastrointestinal tract: for example, it often occurs in women who are familiar with the problem of gastritis or biliary dyskinesia. Keep bowel movements under control: it should occur at least every other day, even if you eat very little.

Alarm signal.

If vomiting occurs no more than 2-3 times a day and the general state of health does not suffer, doctors speak of a mild degree of toxicosis. When nausea and vomiting occur more than 3 times a day, weight decreases, there is a breakdown, an increase in heart rate, a decrease in pressure, which means that the expectant mother is faced with moderate or severe toxicosis. In such a situation, the body loses a lot of fluid, mineral salts and protein, and the deficiency cannot be restored without the help of doctors. Hospitalization ends in 15-20% of all cases of toxicosis, because only complex therapy can be carried out: intravenous infusion of saline solutions, glucose, injections of antiemetic drugs. It is necessary to consult a doctor if vomiting occurs more than 2 times a day.

late problem.

Toxicosis of the first is a situation, although unpleasant, but at least not threatening to the baby. Moreover, according to the observations of American scientists, the percentage of miscarriages in women suffering from this problem is generally lower than in those who have not encountered it. But late toxicosis (preeclampsia) is an unambiguous pathology, because it can seriously affect the health of both mother and child. It is manifested by other symptoms: edema, increased blood pressure, the appearance of protein in the urine. The first thing that should alert the expectant mother is the swelling of the feet and legs. As soon as this symptom occurs, it is worth consulting with your doctor: he will prescribe a urine test, advise you to monitor blood pressure daily and make changes to your diet. First of all, salt must be limited; but the opinion that with edema it is necessary to drink as little as possible is a delusion. Your body still needs 1.5 liters. liquids per day, and it is important that it is correct: no carbonated drinks, strong tea and coffee. Salt less food, exclude spicy, pickled, fatty and fried foods, do not get carried away with strong soups.

If the fluid begins to accumulate, the expectant mother will notice swelling of the hands (the rings become tight in the evening), thighs, external genital organs, and face. At the same time, weight is growing rapidly: an increase of more than 1 kg per week indicates a violation of the kidneys and the development of the disease. The next stage of preeclampsia, which is important to prevent as early as possible, is an increase in pressure. That is why any, even insignificant, change in the indicators of the tonometer requires the attention of a doctor. The numbers 130/90 are considered critical, but for a woman with low "working" pressure, even the classic 120/80 can be an alarm. With hypertension, the blood vessels are spasmodic, water, salts and blood proteins (albumins) are more actively released from them into the surrounding tissues. As a result, the delivery of oxygen and nutrition to the baby may worsen, and doctors will closely monitor his condition (for example, using CTG). Watching a woman with signs of gestosis, the doctor will ask each time if she is worried about headaches, dizziness, the appearance of a veil or flies before her eyes. These symptoms will point to preeclampsia, a condition that will require hospital treatment. So that it does not go into the next stage - eclampsia, accompanied by convulsions and loss of consciousness (coma), it is important to send the expectant mother to the hospital as soon as possible.