What is family care. Family concerns and traditions. Family stories and understanding

A family- this is the place where you feel very good. A family- the most dear people who love you and take care of you. It is here that you can be sure that everyone cares about everyone's health.

The family cares about you the most. Mom and Dad are trying to do everything to make you feel comfortable and warm. For parents, their children are the dearest and best.

In your family surround with love and attention... It is with your family that you celebrate your birthday. And if you have any problems, you you ask for advice and help also to relatives.

For parents, their child is the nicest.

Sometimes they say: "How the son looks like his dad!" or "The daughter is a spitting-out grandmother!" Indeed, children are like dad or mom, grandfathers or grandmothers. But at the same time, you are not like anyone else. Even outwardly similar twins are somewhat different.

You try to be like your parents. Why not? Look what your toiler is Mother... For you she - dearest person... Mom will always take a heart and regret, listen and give advice.

And also mom is so beautiful! Only she has such big beautiful eyes, such a sweet smile. Everyone respects and loves her. There is nothing to say about dad, because he loves his wife, the mother of his children, more than the others.

Dad- courageous, reliable. He works a lot, his hands are equally dexterous with a hammer, and with pliers, and with a knife in the kitchen. Dad is funny, he sings well, tells interesting stories. He knows a lot, because he has traveled to many cities and countries. At work, he is appreciated and respected. Mom loves him, consults with him, looks forward to home from work.

Dad and mom love each other, they are always happy to have the opportunity to be together. Children love it when everyone gets together. After all dad and mom are always ready to help children.

But the most important thing is that children in the family are loved and respected.

Mom and Dad are in harmony and with love - children have fun, happiness, health.

You must treat the younger ones with patience and love. Your parents also apply to you. Material from the site

The younger ones cannot do what you already know how. Babies require special attention, since they are completely helpless. The elders are stronger, which means they have more responsibilities. Therefore, help the younger ones lace up their shoes, tie a hat, feed the baby or do something with him: read a book, show the drawings. For younger brothers and sisters you are a model, they will look up to you, they will be proud of you.

In the family, everyone should do the job they can. After class, you can clean up your room or yard, take care of pets, help in the garden or vegetable garden.

On this page material on topics:

  • Vzaєmodopomoga Rodini members

  • A story about how the family takes care of mom

  • Family relations with relatives

  • Family Responsibility Report

  • Family stories and understanding

Questions about this material:

The family is an institution of society, which is based on consanguinity or marriage, whose members are linked by a common way of life, mutual assistance and joint moral responsibility.

Family and family debt concept

Thanks to the family, generations are replaced, the human race continues on the planet. It is in the family that the upbringing of children takes place, their preparation in adult and independent life.

The basis of the family is the marriage union between a woman and a man. The emergence of the institution of the family occurred as a result of a person's desire to satisfy his needs - this is, first of all, the continuation of the family and caring for his children.

Material marriages lost their popularity at the beginning of the 20th century, after the transformation of the bourgeois world began. Nowadays, the vast majority of marriages are for love. What does love mean? This is primarily a sense of a naturally arising duty to your partner and to your common children.

Family debt is a very broad concept; it does not provide for the subjective fulfillment of duty. So in every family, the concept of duty extends to all its members - this is the need to take care of children, spouses, senior elderly people. Many people are guided by the same mistake, identifying family debt solely with raising and caring for a child. This is not at all the case: every member of the family needs to be cared for.

Family care

If we consider parental duty separately, then it consists in preparing the child for adult life, and forming him as a full-fledged subject of social relations. Some sources refute the very existence of the child's duty to the parents, it is believed that by caring for their children, an adult, thus, indirectly fulfills his duty to parents, by procreation.

However, taking care of your parents, grandparents is a sign of morality and spiritual development of any individual. This is the main function of the institution of the family - it is in this small social group that people undergo psychological rehabilitation, here they draw strength and energy. Each person should be sure that any member of his family is always ready to provide him with the necessary help and care.

Family is a source of happiness

Among the many functions that the family performs, the most important is the emotional one. Relationships between household members are based on stable, emotionally positive contacts. Family members realize in their group their needs for respect, love, sympathy, care, which leads to an ongoing emotional exchange.

Hence the expression - "My family is my fortress" - a positive atmosphere that arises in every family, rarely goes beyond it, thereby strengthening it from the inside. Why is the family the main source of happiness for a person? Because it is in the family that the individual has the broadest opportunities to realize his basic needs - material and spiritual. The family hearth for every person is the first step towards social development.

Topic: Family concerns and traditions

The main objectives of the lesson: forming an idea of ​​family

relationships, family responsibilities, traditions and family relics; to foster an understanding of the need to take care of the weak, sick, old family members, the desire to maintain the traditions of their family, to keep family heirlooms; continue to develop the ability to carry out project work and present it;the formation of beliefs about the importance of the family in a person's life;

Lesson type : Combined

Teaching methods : practical, problem-search, methods of independent work, verbal, visual

During the classes

1 . Organizational stage. (Greetings, mental attitude to work)

All stood up at the desks beautifully,

They greeted politely,

They sat down quietly, backs straight.

We will breathe lightly

Let's start the lesson of the world around!

- Let's, guys, smile at each other and start our lesson with high spirits.

2.Knowledge update

A) - Today it is unusual. Firstly, there are guests at our lesson, and secondly, you yourself will determine the topic on which we will work today, and thirdly, as a result of a joint search, we will find answers to complex questions of concern to many people.

Let's remember what we talked about in the last lesson? (about family)

Let's remember what a family is? (this is a group of close relatives living together).

A family. Quite often we hear or say this word, but how often do we think about what it means.

B) Exercise "Association"

What associations arise when you hear this word? (children's answers)

Family is a small sun that warms us with its warmth.

Continue the sentence: Family - ……. (House, parents, fortress ...)

The guys did some research. How the word "Family" came about, listen to the stories of the children.

C) Presentation:

FAMILY - how many riddles there are in this word! There are several versions of its origin.

The word "family" is divided into 2 words "seven" and "I", i.e. 7 + i. That means seven like me. Indeed, in the family, everyone is somewhat similar to each other: in face, voice, look, character; there may be common interests, hobbies.

"Seven" is not divisible. It is considered a special number and reminds that the “family” is also one and indivisible.

And you can also say that the word "family" comes from the word "SEED". A small seed, lovingly planted in the ground, soon gives a strong sprout, on which, over time, first delicate flowers appear, and then good fruits.

When your parents started a family, it also looked like a little seed. He needed to be nurtured with love: to live in harmony, to take care of each other. The family grows stronger, and the seed turns into a strong sprout. The first flowers - sons and daughters - bloom on it.

A long time ago, a boy lived on a distant island. He lived all alone. No one raised him, no one punished him, he did not share nuts with anyone andfruit. But this boy was very sad.

One day he went to the seashore. And suddenly a gray-haired old man came out to meet him. He was very old, but very wise.

Where are you going? - asked the old man

-I AM I'm going to look for a place where I won't be so lonely.

I know how to help you. Come with me, the old man suggested.

He brought the boy to his house, where his children and grandchildren lived.

Listen! - said the old man.

We all live in one house, we rejoice together, we are sad together, we eat together what nature has given us, we help each other.

Stay!I AM I will be your grandfather, my son and his wife will become your father and mother, and my grandchildren will be your brothers and sisters.

The boy stayed, and after a while he realized that only now he learned to rejoice and became truly happy. And this happened because he had a family.

Once upon a time the earth did not hear about him ...

But before the wedding Adam said to Eve:

- Now I’ll ask you seven questions.

Who will give birth to children for me, my goddess?

And Eve quietly answered:

- I AM.

- Who will bring them up, my queen?

And Eve obediently answered:

- I AM.

- Who will prepare the food, oh my joy?

And Eve still answered:

- I AM.

- Who will sew the dress, wash the linen,

Will he caress me, decorate my home?

Answer the questions, my friend!

- I ... I ... - Eve said quietly,

- I ... I ...

She told the famous seven ya

This is how the family appeared on earth.

Who do we call close relatives? (people who have common parents, grandparents, great-grandmothers and great-grandfathers)

The family can be small and large. Several generations can live in a family. How do you understand this?

(A generation is relatives of a close age, for example, the older generation - grandparents, the middle generation - parents, the younger generation - children, grandchildren of grandparents).

What kind of families are there?

What family is called a large family? (in which there are 3 or more children).

Almost every person has other relatives as well. Who is this? (these are family uncles and aunts, cousins ​​and sisters).

Each person has a name, patronymic, surname.

The names of the children are chosen by the parents.

Guys, at home you should also do some research about your family. You should have asked your parents why they called you that and tried to figure out what your name means (several children's answers).

A patronymic is assigned to a person by the name of whom? (father)

D) Problem solving.

Sasha has a cousin, Daria Petrovna. What is the name of Sasha's mother's brother? (Peter.)

Twomothers, two daughters and a grandmother with a granddaughter, and there are three of them. Who is this? (granddaughter, daughter, grandmother.)

2. What are the missing words?

* son, father, ... (grandfather), great-grandfather. (This is the male line.)

* great-grandmother, grandmother, ... (mother), daughter. (This is the female line.)

Call the name of Kolya's uncle if Kolya's cousin is named Andrei Ilyich. (Ilya.)

E) The game "Folk wisdom".

There are many proverbs and sayings about the family. What proverbs about family did you bring.

Explain their meaning.

A family is strong when there is one roof over it.

In the family, love and advice, and there is no need.

Why a treasure, if the family is okay

The whole family is together, and the soul is in place

In the family, the porridge is thicker .

One for all and all for one.

The family is the refuge of the soul.

The whole family is together, and the soul is in place.

3. Dynamic pause « Warm-up "

You all love to relax with your family. And I suggest you rest now during the warm-up. Listen to the assignment and complete.

Those with an older brother, stand up and clap your hands

Who has a sister or sister wave your hand over your head

Who helps loved ones at home, stand up and clap your hands

Who has pets in the family, raise your hands up

Clap those who love their family very much

4. Setting the goals and objectives of the lesson

Each of you has the closest and dearest people you love.

Who is this?

(Mom, dad, grandma, grandpa)

What topic do you think we will be working on today ?,

What we will talk about in the lesson, we will determine the topic of our lesson.

Working with the tutorial on page 80

Consider the drawing. What are the family members doing?

Mother, father?

5. Primary assimilation of new knowledge

The life of every family is filled with different concerns.

What kind of family can be called friendly?

How are responsibilities and affairs distributed between family members?

What responsibilities do you have around the house?

What concerns does every family have? (about the younger ones, about plants, animals, the elderly)

- Listen the story of L. N. Tolstoy:

The old man was planting apple trees. He was told: “Why do you need these apple trees?

Wait a long time from these apple trees, and you will not eat an apple from them. "

The old man said: "I will not eat - others will eat, they will say thank you to me."

What matters can be called personal, what family?

What kind of family can be called friendly?

In which family does harmony reign?

Do you always follow the advice in the box?(p. 81)

Are there male and female affairs in the family?

Read the poem by E. Uspensky "If I were a girl" p.82

Should all family responsibilities be divided into male and female? (Of course, the harder work is taken over by the man in the family, some things can be good

perform women, but there are things that are done together in a close-knit family. In such a family, it does not happen that someone works, and someone at this time was playing a game or watching TV)

6. Initial check of understandings

- Analyze the meaning of the proverbs that

given in the workbook (task 20, p. 27).

- Family in the life of our ancestors was of great importance. The family discussed and solved important problems of everyday life, work (that is, the whole family worked on the field, in the workshop, etc.). There was always an elder in the family, whom everyone was obliged to obey. He kept order. The head of the family was called the house builder. The youngest in the family entered the care of either the father (boys) or mother (girls) and learned their craft and business. The old people were surrounded by honor and care. The ancestor mother was especially respected.

The family is the most important thing in life for a person. What a blessing that you all have a family, there isparental home - nacha lo of all beginnings.

Listen to an excerpt from the composition

The most important tradition in our family is to take care of each other and help those who need it. No wonder they say that a friend is known in trouble. And it is so wonderful when there are relatives and friends nearby who can help and help out, provide support in any situation. More recently, my grandmother needed to undergo a complex operation. And in just a few days, the relatives collected the required amount of money and gave it to us without hesitation. My grandmother has already recovered, and I am very grateful to my large family for their help, support and care for each other.

What are traditions? Work according to the textbook p. 111

Tradition - customs that have passed from older relatives to younger ones.

Staging a poem

Tanya came from a walk in the evening

And my daughter asked:

Daughter: - How are you, daughter?

Again you crawled under the table, fidget?

Sit out all day without lunch again?

These daughters are in trouble!

Soon you will be like a thin match.

Go to dinner, turntable!

Tanyushin's mom came home from work

And my daughter asked:

Mama: -How, daughter, are you?

Played again, probably in the garden?

Managed to forget about food again?

"Lunch!" - granny shouted 100 times,

And you answered: "Now, yes now!"

It's a real trouble with these daughters,

Go to dinner, turntable!

Here grandmother, mother's mother came

And she asked my mother:

Granny : - How, daughter, are you?

Probably in the hospital for a whole day

Again there was not a minute for food,

Did you eat a dry sandwich in the evening?

You can't sit all day without lunch!

I’ve already become a doctor, and everyone is a fidget.

It's just a disaster with these daughters!

Soon you will be like a match, thin

Go to dinner, turntable!

3 moms are sitting in the dining room

3 mothers look at their daughters

What to do with stubborn daughters?

Everything: Oh, and don't just be moms!

What family tradition did the girls show us?

What traditions do your families have?(children's stories).

Each family has different traditions. Let's think about them.

Reading text

The long-awaited guest has arrived,

It has been a long time since he was in our house.

We happened to meet him

With cordiality, in a polite bow.

Family traditions include a favorite family game, a traditional family favorite dish, and reading bedtime stories.

So it can be called a family tradition as well?

Maslenitsa has been celebrated in Russia since ancient times

Which of you at home on Shrovetide grandmothers or mothers bake pancakes? This means that this is also a folk tradition.

A common folk tradition - celebrating the New Year

Guys, do you keep old photographs and things in your house?

Do you love viewing them?

In addition to family traditions, there are also family heirlooms.

A relic is a thing sacredly kept as a memory of the past

7. Information about homework, instructions on how to complete it

At home we will continue to work on the My Family project. A story about one of your relatives or some heirloom

8. Lesson summary. Reflection.

So, what did we continue talking about?

What have you learned today that you didn't know before?

What was interesting for you in the lesson?

Did you want to know as much as possible about your family traditions and relics?

Yes guys. Each person is very dear to his family, his home. And wherever we are, we always remember him, he attracts us with his warmth. Home is not only a roof over your head: it is the people you are closest to.

I want to give you a memo.

All this is necessary for the family to be friendly and strong. At the end of our lesson, I would like to remind the wise commandment"Honor your father and mother, and it will be good for you, and you will live long."

Memo for children .

    Love, appreciate and take care of your parents - no one can replace them for you.

    Overcome laziness, always try to help your parents - it will bring them joy.

    You like your mom's smile, your dad's approval. Try to have them in your house every day. It only depends on yourself.

    Say pleasant, affectionate words to your loved ones, never refuse help, offer it yourself.

    And if you got down to business, do it well, with your soul.

And remember the words of Marina Tsvetaeva: “Do not be too angry with your parents, remember that they were you, and you will be them.


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