Childhood obesity. How to deal with the disease? How to deal with obesity in children

Over the past few years, various medical and public health organizations have been seriously concerned about the development of a real "epidemic" of obesity among children.

But overweight in a child not only contributes to a deterioration in the state of health in childhood, but also leads to the development of rather serious problems in many social spheres of life, when such children reach adulthood.

According to the researchers, the factors that directly affect the appearance of overweight in a child are diverse: this is a genetic predisposition, and the use of food that is too high in calories, but with a low nutritional value, and the minimum level of physical activity.

Consequences of the problem of childhood obesity

Overweight children often face the following social and emotional problems, which can have far-reaching implications for their quality of life.

Bullying. An overweight or obese child is often the target of both psychological and physical bullying. A 2004 study published in the journal Pediatrics confirmed that these children are more “likely” to be the target of rumors and ridicule, nicknames, or even physical harm than their peers who are of normal weight.

Anxiety. Being overweight can also lead to the development of increased anxiety in children. This claim is supported by a 2010 study published in the French journal Obesity, which states that children who face bullying from peers at school or from family members begin to position themselves in isolation from others, which leads to the development of social anxiety or phobias ...

Academic problems. The child's difficulties with social interaction with peers, combined with low self-esteem, can play a negative role in the level of mastering school material and getting high grades. The issue of academic performance can recede into the background when a child tries to deal with growing anxiety, social isolation, or other psychological problems.

“These students are much less likely to go to college after graduation,” a 2007 study said.

Depression. Dissatisfaction with oneself and a decrease in self-esteem often lead to the development of depression in a child, which is a serious mental illness that affects all aspects of children's life. Such children are characterized by long-term withdrawn states without the manifestation of any emotions, the cessation of attending thematic sections and the rejection of their favorite hobby, which can contribute to complete social isolation.

During adolescence, obese children are more likely to have drug and eating disorders in which depression plays a key role.

Proper nutrition for obesity in children

Breakfast. Perhaps you think that the best solution in this situation would be to skip breakfast to reduce the child's total calories !? However, according to reputable nutritionists, skipping one of the main meals, on the contrary, will contribute to weight gain rather than weight loss. So don’t give your child a couple of fruits, such as bananas, to eat on the way to school.

Dinner. A good way to help your child make healthy lunch choices is to pack them themselves at home instead of buying them from the nearest school store. For example, this can be a lean meat and low-fat cheese sandwich on whole grain bread, 0% fat cottage cheese, or yogurt. Place a water bottle in your school bag as a liquid, which can be sweetened with a little lemon juice.

Afternoon snack. It shouldn't include foods that are high in fat and calories. The best option would be to make your own low-fat dairy or.

Dinner. One of the easiest ways to make dinner healthier for your child and your entire family is to prepare your own meals at home using only natural ingredients. Instead of instantly replacing your baby's usual high-calorie foods with salads, or do it gradually, instilling healthy eating habits in the family. Try to cook meat dishes on chicken or ground beef using a grill, add more spices to its composition, for example, parsley, pepper, garlic.

Snacks. As paradoxical as it may sound, using snacks between main meals will help yours, but only if he chooses healthy foods for this. Make sure they are nutritious and low in sugar and fat. For example, whole grain baked crackers are a good alternative to chips, and a fresh vegetable salad made from natural yogurt will saturate it well until your next meal.

Exercise program for teens with obesity problem

Reducing your daily calorie intake is not the only way to help your child lose weight. It is equally important to interest and accustom him to regular physical training.

Parents should choose activities that are appropriate for their child's current fitness level. This will allow you to gradually bring him to more difficult and intense loads. Exercise for 30 to 60 minutes, if possible, every day of the week.

Warm up

Start with a moderate-intensity cardiovascular exercise (jumping, walking in place, walking sideways to the left and right), static and dynamic stretches (alternating leg lunges, pulling the shoulders back), and strength movements (shoulder raises, squats, push-ups) ... This step is very important for obese children to properly warm up the muscles, which will help prevent injury and increase muscle strength and flexibility. The warm-up should last 5 to 10 minutes.

Aerobic exercise

The three basic elements of fitness include endurance, strength, and flexibility. Endurance develops in children who regularly participate in aerobic activity. For example, it can be walking, running or cycling, each of which can be performed both in your own home (if available) and in the fresh air.

Dancing is another good option for children. Always start out slowly, gradually picking up your pace. In fact, it's a way to show your child that exercise can be fun as well. Go to the park to go rollerblading or go to the ice rink. Come up with walking routes that go through hilly terrain that will affect your endurance development.

Jumping forces the muscles of the whole body to work and burns a large number of calories in a short period of time. Of course, due to overweight, the child may have difficulty with the duration of the jumps. It's not scary, start jumping even for 5 seconds, but gradually increase the duration of the approach.

Strength exercises

This type of training is carried out on a day free from aerobic activity (previous point). Strength training helps to build muscle mass. The thing is that a muscle cell burns several times more calories than fat, so this will allow the child to quickly adjust his weight.

Before starting any strength exercise, children should learn the correct technique for performing it. Try the following load options: push-ups, leg lunges, crunches, dumbbell biceps curls, crawls on all fours, and side raises. Each exercise consists of 10 to 15 repetitions.

Flexibility exercises

Flexibility exercises are equally important in addition to aerobic and strength training. Stretching body movements help to improve the child's mobility by forcing the muscles and joints to move to their full range. Performed at the end of each lesson.

Rowing to the feet with your fingertips, pulling your shoulders back, bending in different directions are some simple exercises your child can do to increase body flexibility. But remember that the stretch itself shouldn't reach the point of discomfort. Hold each stretch for 10 to 30 seconds.

A warning: Before starting any for an overweight child, his parents should consult a pediatrician.

Talking to kids about being overweight can be a sensitive topic for them, regardless of age. Therefore, it can be tempting to avoid this dialogue, even if you are genuinely concerned about your baby's physical and emotional health.

Although this topic may be uncomfortable for you, the sooner you decide to discuss it, the sooner you can help your child take action to correct the situation. Ignoring the problem by itself will not solve it; as a result, your child will grow older, and it will become much more difficult to achieve a positive result later, although it is possible.

Also keep in mind that obese children are more likely to be overweight in adulthood without assistance, making them more vulnerable to dire illnesses such as type 2 diabetes, stroke, and heart attack.

1. Become your child's ally.

Always try to talk honestly with children about their weight if they ask you to. If your child is concerned about their weight, tell them that you want to help and you will work together to achieve results.

Then suggest and discuss with him some options for your future joint actions. For example, learn the secrets of cooking to learn more about healthy ways to prepare your favorite meals. Go grocery shopping together and pick a new fruit (for example) or vegetable to use in your recipe.

Buy pedometers for all family members and make it a goal for everyone to walk a certain number of steps per day. By engaging your child in the decision-making process for their situation, you help them take responsibility for their health and build self-confidence.

2. Be a good role model.

When it comes to children and obesity, what you do is always more important than what you say. Parents for children are the first example to follow! This is confirmed by a study in which 70% of children answered that the most important factor for them is the actions of their parents.

Children build their attitude to food according to the principle of their own parents, therefore, if they like to eat unhealthy food in fast food restaurants, then the child will develop with the same habits, which will be very difficult to eradicate later.

3. Start by establishing healthy habits now.

Remember - it's never too late to join the canons of healthy eating! You may not have always lived the right way in the past, but today, start anew. Improving your own life will help inspire your child to do the same.

Make all the fundamental changes in a few small steps. Gradually cleanse your home of all junk food. Take a look in your refrigerator and dump anything high in saturated fat and sugar out of it. Don't allow yourself to buy junk food. Stock up on options such as low fat yogurt, fresh fruit, raw vegetables, crackers (made from whole grains), lean cottage cheese, and peanut butter.

4. Don't criticize your child's weight.

Criticizing kids about their weight is one of the worst things adults can do!

5. Talk with children about problems that may affect their weight.

Being overweight can be a symptom of a deeper problem in your child, so it is imperative that parents know how your child behaves in school and society. The same loneliness for many children is the root cause of the onset of weight gain.

Therefore, parents need to motivate and motivate their baby to participate in various activities. Attending a school disco or volunteering will help him become more active and meet many people who share his interests.

A child may also overeat in response to unresolved issues in their family, such as parental discord or financial problems.

6. Do not force children to completely give up their favorite foods.

Establishing a healthy diet is a much more effective solution than the principle of restricting food. But this does not mean at all that your child can never enjoy a cake for his birthday or other holiday.

Better teach him to enjoy his favorite treats rather than eat them instantly. Explain that even sweets can be part of a healthy diet if consumed in a reasonable amount.

7. Try to eat with the whole family.

There is evidence that childhood obesity is virtually non-existent in families where adults share food with children. This is due to the fact that at a common table, the child absorbs food more measuredly, which makes him feel full earlier and stop eating.

8. Do not force children to follow a strict exercise plan.

For parents who encourage physical activity in the family as a natural part of life and do not make it a duty, children cope faster with the problem of obesity. Instead of forcing your child, come up with a better cross-country walk together.

9. Make sure your child is getting enough sleep.

More and more researchers are now finding that sleep deprivation is closely related to weight gain and other medical conditions. Therefore, always make sure that your child gets enough sleep every night.

Of course, individual needs vary, but general guidelines are as follows:

  • ages 1 to 3: 13 to 14 hours of sleep
  • 3-5 years: 11 to 12 hours
  • 5 - 12 years old: 9 to 10 hours
  • 12-18 years old: at least 8.5 hours a day

To help your child get the amount of rest they need, ask them to turn off their computer, cell phone, or television at least two hours before bed. Artificial light from electrical appliances stimulates the brain and makes it difficult to fall asleep.

Also, remember that the more time your child spends watching TV or sitting at the computer, the less time he or she spends in positive interactions with his family or in physical activity.

10. Make it clear to the child that you love him in any way.

Remember that you will reach your long-term goals faster if your child feels how much you love him.

Obesity in children and adolescents is a serious problem that has not lost its relevance for many years. In most cases, excess weight in a child is due to the fault of the parents. Improper nutrition and a passive lifestyle are the two main reasons that provoke a pathological condition.

It is important to take timely measures to correct the current situation. In children, the problem of obesity causes not only an aesthetic complex, but also pathologies of internal organs. Modern combined treatment will help bring the child's weight back to normal, but for a long time it will be necessary to follow certain preventive measures. There is a high probability of a return to the previous state.

The most common causes of obesity in children are poor nutrition and a sedentary lifestyle.

What is obesity and why does it occur in children and adolescents?

Obesity is a chronic pathology, accompanied by a violation of metabolic processes in the body, as a result of which the accumulation of adipose tissue increases. Overweight leads to disturbances in the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, heart, endocrine gland and other internal organs.

The main growth of subcutaneous tissue occurs in the first year of life. By the age of five, these processes should be completely stabilized. Doctors identify several critical periods when the likelihood of obesity is highest:

  • from 0 to 3 years old;
  • from 5 to 7 years old;
  • from 12 to 17 years old.

There are many factors provoking a pathological condition, of which the most common is poor nutrition. Many parents do not see anything wrong with the fact that their child eats a lot of sweets, pastries, fast food and often drinks carbonated drinks.

Excessive consumption of the above foods inevitably leads to the accumulation of extra pounds, since the body receives more nutrients than it needs. Also, the causes of childhood obesity include:

  • Genetic factor. Scientists say that in families where one of the parents is obese, the risk of inheriting this pathology in a child is 40%. If both parents have the disease, then the probability increases to 80%.
  • Physical inactivity is a sedentary lifestyle or its complete absence, spending a long time at a computer / TV. Many children copy the model of behavior of parents who spend their leisure time in the wrong way.
  • Hormonal disruptions. Chronic diseases often provoke the development of obesity. This is especially true of pathologies of the endocrine glands (in particular, the thyroid gland), childhood hypothyroidism.
  • Itsenko-Cushing's syndrome (hyperinsulinism). It is characterized by a high production of corticosteroid hormones that affect insulin levels. The content of glucose in the blood decreases, while the appetite, on the contrary, increases. Children with this syndrome suffer from obesity and are small in stature.
  • Body weight over 4 kilograms at birth.
  • Pathologies that cause pituitary dysfunction (traumatic brain injury, inflammation / neoplasm of the brain, surgery) (we recommend reading :).
  • Down Syndrome.
  • Adipose-genital dystrophy.
  • Constant psycho-emotional stress - depression, problems in communicating with peers and parents, serious psychological trauma.

Extra pounds sometimes happen with a healthy lifestyle, in which case the cause of the problem should be determined by the attending physician through a thorough examination of the child

Symptoms and degrees of obesity

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The clinical picture of pathology directly depends on the age of the child. Typically, each age group has distinctive features that gradually become more pronounced. The symptoms of obesity in children are shown in the table:

  • body weight exceeds the norm;
  • gastrointestinal problems (frequent constipation, dysbiosis);
  • severe allergic reactions.
Junior school
  • overweight (we recommend reading:);
  • increased sweating;
  • the figure changes (fat folds appear on the stomach, hips, arms, buttocks);
  • jumps in blood pressure.
  • all of the above symptoms are aggravated;
  • girls have menstrual irregularities;
  • dizziness;
  • persistent headaches;
  • fast fatiguability;
  • swelling of the legs and arms;
  • aching joint pain;
  • depression, depressed state;
  • deliberate refusal to communicate with peers.

Overweight older school children often experience psychological discomfort

In adolescents who are obese, in addition to physiological problems, psychological ones develop. They are shy of their appearance, many guys hear harsh words from their peers because of being overweight, so they deliberately stop communicating with friends. Such children require not only special treatment, but also psychological assistance.

The disease has 4 degrees of severity. The classification was compiled on the basis of the growth and weight indicators of the WHO norm. Obesity rates in accordance with deviations from the norm:

  • 1 degree - excess of body weight is 15–20%. Visually, the child seems to be well-fed, parents ignore this state, since they consider light weight to be a sign of excellent appetite.
  • 2 degree - the deviation of the actual weight increases to 25-50%. The initial manifestations of the disease appear. Pathologies of internal organs develop, light physical activity causes shortness of breath. The child develops a depressive state.
  • Grade 3 - the percentage of overweight is 50-100%. The state of health worsens, there are unreasonable headaches and joint pains. The first symptoms of diabetes are observed (we recommend reading :). The child is in constant depression, refuses to communicate with peers.
  • 4 degree - the real weight is 2 times higher than the norm.

Table of norms for weight and height of children under 17 years old

In addition to the classification by degrees and types, obesity in children can be determined using the table. It presents the WHO analytical data on the growth rate and body weight of children from 1 year to 17 years. Note that the rates are different for girls and boys. This is due to certain physiological characteristics.

AgeNormal range in girlsNormal range in boys
Weight, kgHeight, cmWeight, kgHeight, cm
1 year9, 3 – 11, 8 74 - 80 10, 1 – 12, 7 76 – 83
1 year 6 months10, 4 – 12, 6 78 – 84 10, 5 – 12, 9 78 – 85
1 year 9 months10, 8 – 13, 5 80 – 87 11, 8 – 14, 3 83 – 88
2 years10, 9 – 14, 15 82 – 90 11, 8 – 14, 3 85 – 92
2 years 6 months12, 3 – 15, 6 87 – 95 12, 6 – 15, 3 88 – 96
3 years13, 3 - 16, 1 91 – 99 13, 2- 16, 7 92 – 99
4 years13, 8 – 18, 0 95 – 106 14, 9 – 19, 3 98 – 108
5 years16, 0 – 20, 7 104 – 114 16, 6 – 22, 7 105 – 116
6 years18, 2 – 24, 5 111 – 120 18, 7 – 25, 1 111 – 121
7 years20, 5 – 28, 5 113 – 117 20, 6 – 29, 4 118 – 129
8 years (we recommend to read :)22, 5 – 32, 3 124 - 134 23, 2 – 32, 6 124 – 135
9 years25, 1 – 36, 9 128- 140 24, 7 – 36, 5 129 – 141
10 years27, 9 – 40, 5 134 – 147 28, 5 – 39, 0 135 – 147
11 years30, 4 – 44, 5 138 – 152 29, - 42, 1 138 – 149
12 years36, 5 – 51, 5 146 – 160 33, 8 – 48, 6 143 – 158
13 years40, 4 - 56, 6 151 – 163 40, 6 – 57, 1 149 – 165
14 years old44, 6 – 58, 5 154 – 167 43, 8 – 58, 5 155 – 170
15 years47, 0 - 62, 3 156 – 167 47, 9 – 64, 8 159 – 175
16 years48, 8 – 62, 6 157 – 167 54, 5 – 69, 9 168 – 179
17 years49, 2 – 63, 5 158 – 168 58, 0 – 75, 5 170 – 180

Why is the disease dangerous?

Excess weight negatively affects all internal organ systems. Late initiation of therapy for childhood obesity leads to serious consequences in the future.

Even if the pathology is completely eliminated or positive dynamics of its course is observed, complications may arise that will significantly spoil the quality of life:

  • gastrointestinal diseases (gallstone disease, fences, cholecystitis);
  • high blood pressure;
  • high likelihood of developing type 2 diabetes;
  • cardiovascular pathologies (atherosclerosis, ischemic disease, stroke, angina pectoris);
  • sleep disturbance (apnea, snoring);
  • infertility;
  • weak immunity;
  • frequent colds;
  • neuritis;
  • oncological education;
  • anomalies of the musculoskeletal system (change in gait / posture, flat feet, scoliosis, arthritis, osteoporosis);
  • fatty depletion of the liver (the cause of cirrhosis);
  • psychological problems;
  • disruptions of the menstrual cycle in girls, in men, the reproductive organs do not fully develop;
  • social isolation.

Very often, being overweight is the cause of the development of diabetes mellitus.

Diagnosis of pathology

To identify childhood obesity, you should first contact your pediatrician. The specialist conducts a survey regarding the child's lifestyle and nutritional characteristics. After that, a number of examinations are assigned:

  • anthropometry - measurement of body weight and height, waist circumference, hips, BMI;
  • the indicators of the thickness of the skin tissue in relation to the fat fold are recorded;
  • to establish the cause of the pathological condition, consultations of narrow-profile specialists (nutritionist, endocrinologist, neurologist, geneticist, psychologist, cardiologist, gynecologist, otolaryngologist) are required;
  • blood chemistry;
  • hormone analysis;
  • Magnetic resonance imaging;
  • electroencephalography;
  • rheoencephalography.

Comprehensive treatment

What if a child is obese? There are many effective ways to fix the problem. All medical methods must be applied in a comprehensive manner under the strict supervision of a pediatrician.

With the right approach, you can remove excess weight with conservative treatment. It includes:

  • taking medications;
  • physical activity and massage;
  • adherence to a special diet;
  • psychological assistance.


Diet is an integral part of the fight against childhood obesity. The nutritionist is responsible for correcting the child's nutrition. Its main goal is to stop the growth of body fat and achieve the withdrawal of already formed ones. For children under three years old, this method of losing weight is contraindicated.

The child's nutrition during treatment should be varied and balanced. Dishes are consumed in small portions 6-7 times a day. It is advisable that the break between meals should not be more than 3 hours.

When fighting obesity, it is necessary to minimize the consumption of fast carbohydrates by the child.
  • bran bread - 100-160 g;
  • low-fat dairy products (cottage cheese, kefir) - 200-250 g;
  • low-fat varieties of meat and fish - 170-200 g;
  • vegetable soups with a small addition of potatoes - 220 g;
  • porridge on water from barley, buckwheat and millet - 220 g;
  • fresh vegetables and fruits are not limited in consumption;
  • tea, fresh juices, compote.

This diet includes several daily menu plans. The offered dishes fully provide the body with the necessary substances. See one of the options for the daily menu in the table:

EatingTimeMenu option for the day
1 breakfast8:00
  • buckwheat / millet porridge on the water;
  • unsweetened tea;
  • Apple.
2 breakfast11:00
  • boiled egg;
  • a fresh vegetable salad;
  • rosehip broth.
  • cabbage soup / vegetable soup;
  • stewed cabbage with boiled meat or fish;
  • dried fruits compote.
Afternoon snack16:00
  • cottage cheese;
  • kefir.
  • boiled fish;
  • vegetable salad with vegetable oil.
Before bedtime21:00
  • kefir

There should be a lot of fresh vegetables on the child's menu.

To prevent the child from feeling hungry, it is allowed to give fruits and fresh vegetables between meals. What foods should be removed from the daily diet:

  • semi-finished products;
  • carbonated drinks;
  • fried, fatty, spicy dishes;
  • cocoa, coffee;
  • bakery, wheat products (pasta is allowed to be consumed once a week);
  • spices;
  • grapes, bananas;
  • semolina;
  • sweets;
  • potato.

Physical activity and massage

Treatment of the disease must necessarily include daily physical activity. Young children are recommended to walk more often, it is advisable to replace wheelchair walks with walking ones. Try to play outdoor games with kids, if possible, provide him with various sports attributes (wall bars, roller skates, bicycle, scooter, etc.)

In order to understand how urgent the problem of childhood obesity is today, you just need to go outside, walk through playgrounds or parks. Surely you have noticed that almost half of the children have some degree of obesity.

The increase in overweight children is also noted by pediatricians. But parents, unfortunately, do not always pay attention to this aspect of their child's development. What is the reason for this negligence?

As always, there are several reasons. These are plump babies in commercials and films, and the eternal confidence that if a child eats well, then he is healthy. Do not forget about such a phenomenon as natural childbearing. This condition is typical for children around the age of 9 months. At this time, the fatty layer begins to actively form.

However, this does not mean that you can ignore the overweight of your child during this period. In addition, you should not mentally stretch the period of natural childbearing. If after the child begins to actively walk, the excess weight does not disappear, then it is time to sound the alarm.

First, you need to figure out what are the causes of excess weight in children. As always, you won't be able to single out one thing. Each child has his own problems and his own solution.

Usually, in children, as in adults, obesity develops due to chronic overeating ... The law of conservation of energy also applies here: if you eat more than you spend in a day, you will inevitably face excess weight.

In second place, of course, low mobility ... As a rule, both of these factors are present. Today, fatty foods, fast food, and various sweets have become very popular. All this can be purchased literally at every step. Even the parents themselves sometimes, to save time, feed the child with junk food. At the same time, modern children are resting more and more in front of a TV or computer. Naturally, an imbalance arises in the body, which instantly affects the weight of the child.

Here you can also note social factor ... Children imitate their parents in everything, and if adults eat high-calorie foods, children are likely to prefer the same foods. Often a child is devoutly fed, believing that he should eat exactly as much and not less crumbs. Usually grandmothers are prone to this behavior, especially if their childhood was not in the post-war years.

This feeding system violates one of the most important precepts of a healthy diet - to eat exactly as much as you need to be full. It is better to leave part of the portion on the plate and finish it later than to choke and eat everything, just to leave nothing.

However, one cannot discount and hereditary factors ... If one of the child's parents is obese, then in half of the cases the child himself is faced with this problem. If both parents are obese, the risk increases even more. In the case of hereditary obesity, more attention should be paid to prevention, without waiting for the problem to arise.

Strange as it may sound to many, but psychological aspects can affect excess weight in a child. Children, like their parents, can "seize" some of their sorrows, worries and stresses.

In some cases, although quite rarely, obesity is caused by various diseases ... Despite the fact that this is far from the most common reason for extra pounds, you cannot forget about it.

Why is obesity in children dangerous?

It is important to understand that overweight in children is much more dangerous than the same problem in an adult. After all, the child's body grows, changes, forms. Many systems in it are not yet fully functioning, but are just learning to perform their tasks.

Suffers first, as it is not difficult to understand spine. It is on him that the overtime load suddenly falls. But in the preschool age, the skeleton is still rapidly forming, bones are actively growing, and the child is also growing. It is at this stage that posture is formed, and overweight coupled with low mobility can disrupt it even at this stage, which is fraught with various diseases of the spine.

The load on the circulatory system also increases, in this regard, in children who are overweight from infancy, such traditionally appear by adolescence. age-related diseases as hypertension, heart failure, ischemia, the risk of heart attack increases.

The pancreas also cannot cope with the excess of nutrients, which is why glucose metabolism is impaired, and this can lead to the development of diabetes mellitus.

Can't be overlooked and psychological problems... Obese children are often teased by their peers, which is why they develop complexes, they become insecure. And these complexes accompany such children for the rest of their lives, even if the child's overweight problems can be solved.

Is there any reason to worry?

However, after reading all this, you should not immediately put your child on a diet. First, "adult" diets in the case of a child, especially an infant, are not only ineffective, but also dangerous to health. Secondly, child development is a very individual concept and before taking any measures, you need to make sure that the problem really exists.

If it seems to you that your child is overweight, you should first try to determine whether this is so yourself. In particular, special tables of weight norms depending on age and height can help with this. Please note that you need to evaluate the situation according to all three parameters.

So, if a child weighs too much for his age, do not forget to pay attention to his height. If the growth is also above normal, then everything is in order. It's just that you are faced with a particular variant of the norm.

Age Boy Girl
Weight, kg height, cm Weight, kg height, cm
Birth 3,6 50 3,4 49,5
1 month 4,45 54,5 4,15 53,5
2 months 5,25 58 4,9 56,8
3 months 6,05 61 5,5 59,3
4 months 6,7 63 6,15 61,5
5 months 7,3 65 6,65 63,4
6 months 7,9 67 7,2 66,9
7 months 8,4 68,7 7,7 68,4
8 months 8,85 70,3 8,1 68,4
9 months 9,25 71,7 8,5 70
10 months 9,65 73 8,85 71,3
11 months 10 74,3 9,2 72,6
1 year 10,3 75,5 9,5 73,8
1 year 1 month 10,6 76,8 9,8 75
1 year 2 months 10,85 78 9,8 75
1 year 3 months 11,1 79 10,3 77,2
1 year 4 months 11,3 80 10,57 78,3
1 year 5 months 11,5 81 10,78 79,3
1 year 6 months 11,7 82 11 80,3
1 year 7 months 11,9 83 11,2 81,3
1 year 8 months 12,07 83,9 11,38 82,2
1 year 9 months 12,23 84,7 11,57 83,1
1 year 10 months 12,37 85,6 11,73 84
1 year 11 months 12,53 86,4 11,88 84,9
2 years 12,67 87,3 12,05 85,8
2 years 1 month 12,83 88,1 12,22 86,7
2 years 2 months 12,95 88,9 12,38 87,5
2 years 3 months 13,08 89,7 12,52 88,4
2 years 4 months 13,22 90,3 12,68 89,2
2 years 5 months 13,35 91,1 12,82 90
2 years 6 months 13,48 91,8 12,98 90,7
2 years 7 months 13,62 92,6 13,11 91,4
2 years 8 months 13,77 93,2 13,26 92,1
2 years 9 months 13,9 93,8 13,4 92,9
2 years 10 months 14,03 94,4 13,57 93,6
2 years 11 months 14,18 95 13,71 94,2
3 years 14,3 95,7 13,85 94,8

Parameters differ especially greatly in infants. First of all, because they have a different start and a large, in comparison with the total weight, the initial difference in height and weight. Some children weigh less than 3 kg, others more than 4. During this period, it is not the weight itself that is much more important, but the weight gain per month. This information can also be seen in the table:

Age, month Weight gain, gram Growth gain, centimeter
per month over the past period per month over the past period
1 600 600 3 3
2 800 1400 3 6
3 800 2200 2,5 8,5
4 750 2950 2,5 11
5 700 3650 2 13
6 650 4300 2 15
7 600 4900 2 17
8 550 5450 2 19
9 500 5950 1,5 20,5
10 450 6400 1,5 22
11 400 6800 1,5 23,5
12 350 7150 1,5 25

It is important to keep in mind that bottle-fed babies almost always gain weight faster than their peers who are on breast milk. When assessing the weight of your child, this point must also be taken into account.

Another way to determine if a child is overweight is to calculate the body mass index. Please note that it makes sense to do this calculation only after the age of two. This is done quite simply: BMI is equal to body weight in kg, divided by in cm squared. The value obtained should be compared with the table. It indicates the values ​​for overweight and obesity.

Age Overweight Obesity
boys girls boys girls
2 18,4 18 20,1 19,4
3 17,9 17,6 19,6 19,1
4 17,6 17,3 19,3 19,2
5 17,4 17,1 19,3 19,7
6 17,6 17,3 19,8 20,5
7 17,9 17,8 20,6 21,6
8 18,4 18,3 21,6 22,8
9 19,1 19,1 22,8 24,1
10 19,8 19,9 24 25,4

If the resulting number is less than the BMI with overweight, then everything is in order in your case, if it is equal or greater, then there is a problem. If the BMI value has reached the obesity mark, then the child's problem is very serious.

Regardless of which method you used, if there is a suspicion that your child is overweight, you do not need to immediately rush to solve the problem, restrict the child in food and drive him to class. First you need to contact your pediatrician. He will confirm or deny your fears, as well as determine the cause of excess weight.

Only after that it will be possible to find an adequate solution to the problem. So, if the cause of excess weight in children is a particular disease, restrictions on food and any physical activity may be ineffective, and in some cases even dangerous. In this case, you must first identify and cure the disease - the cause.

If everything is more prosaic, and the reason lies in overeating, then you can start fighting overweight.

How to deal with excess weight in babies?

Overweight in a breastfed baby is extremely rare. When a baby feeds on mother's milk, he himself, together with the parent's body, regulates the amount of milk he drinks. This makes overeating almost impossible.

But with artificial feeding, everything is somewhat more complicated. Determining when a child is full at this age is still difficult. It is necessary to draw up a clear feeding schedule, strictly follow the recommendations for the amount of the mixture and the volume of water.

Sometimes you can hear the opinion that it is better for artificial people to introduce complementary foods as early as possible. In fact, this is not necessary at all. But if you decide to introduce complementary foods to a bottle-fed baby, then keep in mind that you need to start with vegetable purees. They are the least high in calories and will not contribute to weight gain.

Vegetable purees are often made on the basis of potato. Please note that potatoes should be no more than 50% of a serving. Ideally, make mashed potatoes at home on your own, so you can definitely be confident in the purity of the products and in their ratio.

The next item in complementary foods will be porridge with skim milk. Give preference to buckwheat or oatmeal, but it is better to refuse semolina. In addition, porridge can be given only once a day, preferably a sutra. If there is a need to sweeten the porridge, it is better to do it with berries and fruits, without adding sugar.

How to deal with excess weight in a preschooler?

With older children, the situation is somewhat more complicated. When a child moves to a common table with his parents, it becomes more difficult to control his diet. The child sees what his parents are eating and tries to eat the same.

Another aspect that often interferes with the process of losing weight is food in the kindergarten. There, parents cannot control the child's menu. First of all, you need to talk to the staff and find out what the children are being fed with. Next, ask the educators to cut portions, if necessary, not to give supplements, to remove especially high-calorie foods, of course, if possible.

However, the main difficulties are still waiting for you at home. The fact is that the whole family will have to rebuild their diet, get used to healthy eating. It is impossible to explain to the child why everyone will eat dumplings with sour cream or sweet cake, and he will eat steamed vegetables. He will take this as a punishment, as a manifestation of some kind of injustice.

Therefore, everyone will have to accept the changes in the menu. However, this is not at all a bad thing, because such a diet is good for health and is suitable for people of any age. Your family's diet should be balanced, with proteins, fats and carbohydrates in the right proportions. As a rule, this ratio is called: 1: 1: 4, where the last digit is understood as carbohydrates - the main source of energy and fiber. Most importantly, remember that these should be complex carbohydrates, not sweets and starchy foods.

Abundance in your menu vegetables and cereals it is also necessary because fiber helps to restore disturbed metabolism, and also, like a real brush, cleans out the intestines and helps to remove the toxins accumulated in it. All this normalizes the work of the gastrointestinal tract, relieves of various digestive problems, including constipation, which are not at all rare in overweight children.

However, meat fish, dairy products and fats must also be present. Proteins are essential for the child's body, since it is constantly growing, and it needs a building material for cells.

However, it is better to give preference to dietary meat, not fatty. It can be poultry, veal, lean beef. As for the cooking methods, it is better to give up completely from frying and smoking, but to stay on boiled meat and steamed meat.

By the way, the same applies to vegetable dishes. There is also no need to saturate them with oil during frying, this significantly increases the calorie content of dishes, and the harmful substances in the heated oil, apparently, are not visible.

Concerning dairy products, then you should give preference to skim milk, kefir and sour cream. Also, do not get carried away with various yoghurts with additives. It is better to use natural products without preservatives. Kefir and yogurt can be made at home based on a special sourdough culture. Getting it today is not a problem. You should not give up cheese either, but it should be served in limited quantities.

Fats should be predominantly vegetable, and the child will receive a sufficient amount of animals from milk. You can season vegetable salads with sunflower or olive oil.

Another little tip: buy for a child separate dishes smaller than yours. In a small plate, even a truncated portion will seem quite sufficient, and with a small spoon, you will have to scoop food from the plate more often. A large number of movements will help deceive the body, and the feeling of fullness will come earlier.

For this, it is also necessary to organize a calm atmosphere for the child during meals. It is better to turn off the TV, the radio, do not entertain the baby with conversations. And it is better to keep quiet ourselves at this time. This will allow him to fully focus on food and his feelings.

An integral part of the process of losing weight should be physical exercise... The child can be sent to the sports section, start walking with him in the evenings, sign up for the pool. But here it should also be borne in mind that if you continue to spend time sitting, your child is unlikely to be inflamed with the desire to make any effort.

What cannot be done?

When parents are faced with the problem of obesity in a child, it is tempting to start blaming someone, arrange terror or concentrate all their efforts on achieving a result. However, it is very important to understand what can and cannot be done. So, by itself, the search for the guilty will lead nowhere. There is no need to blame the kindergarten with an unbalanced diet, the grandmother, with her pies, the child, with his excessive appetite, or yourself. The most important thing in this situation is to recognize the problem and the cause and deal with them without unnecessary reproaches.

As mentioned above, simply forbidding a child to eat certain foods will not work. At preschool age, such measures are perceived as very painful. You should not make goodies a coveted prize for some kind of achievement. In this case, the child can make a kind of cult out of food, and this is unlikely to have a positive effect on the process.

A separate conversation is physical activity. Force can not solve anything here either. It is better to try to make morning exercises a fun game, and practice with your kid. This will not only help instill in him a good habit, but will also give you the opportunity to communicate more and better with your child.

As for the choice of sections ... Again, it is tempting to choose the ones with the greatest loads, but the child must be given a choice. Classes should not be held under a stick. Let it be a calmer and less energy-consuming sport, but the child will like it, and, as a result, he will give his best in the classroom.

As you know, a specific goal in front of your eyes is the best motivation. However, the goal must be achievable. There is no need to demand everything from the child at once. Start small. First, accustom him to daily exercises, only then proceed to the selection of the section. Follow the same principle in your food.

And one more thing: you do not need to concentrate on the problem yourself and focus the child's attention on it. He should not feel flawed, this adversely affects both the process and the psyche of the child. Let it be a game, fun and easy.

Prevention of childhood obesity

Of course, prevention is always better than a hasty solution to an already existing problem. Actually, for the purpose of prevention, you can and should do about everything that is required for losing weight. That is, morning exercises, sports, mobility, proper nutrition.

Of course, if you are not overweight yet, the prohibitions and restrictions may be much less strict. In any case, the child does not have to be strictly controlled, for example, at the festive table. One piece of cake or a serving of salad with mayonnaise is unlikely to harm him.

The advantage of prevention is not only that it allows you not to face the problem of excess weight in children, but also that the child will get used to a healthy lifestyle from childhood, which means that he will avoid many other problems.

They are subject to the same problems as adults - high school workload, extra classes, often a sedentary lifestyle and unbalanced diet. As a result, they begin to appear overweight, and problems with the heart, blood vessels and joints occur by the end of the school period. Physical activity and proper diet will help to avoid them.

The main feature of the body of adolescents is the accelerated transition from childhood to adulthood, which is often accompanied by endocrine disorders, hormonal disruptions and a deterioration in general well-being. Among the characteristic features of adolescents, accelerated growth is often noted, often expressed in the angularity of the figure and clumsiness of movements, the emergence of adolescent acne, as well as increased emotionality.

One of the most striking features of adolescence is the growing activity of sex hormones. Due to serious hormonal changes, girls have menstruation, their breasts begin to grow, boys experience a change in voice and hair grows on the face and the whole body. It is for adolescents that an increased interest in relationships with the opposite sex and a growing physical attraction are characteristic.

Another problem faced by adolescents is communication difficulties. Some prefer to be friends with established groups of 2-3 friends or girlfriends, others feel lonely and often look for an “outlet” in virtual communication, which gives them imaginary self-confidence and a sense of their own worth.

Instability of the psyche and hormonal levels can lead to various other problems, for example, an eating disorder. Its result can be the appearance of excess weight.

Causes of obesity in adolescents

Today, children and adolescence is one of the most serious problems. Overweight appears already in children 6-10 years old. Among the main factors of weight gain in childhood and adolescence are a sedentary lifestyle and the consumption of large amounts of sugary foods and carbonated drinks.

Among the main reasons for the development of obesity in adolescence are the following:

  • binge eating. In many Russian families, the tradition of overfeeding children is still preserved, when parents or grandmothers think that the child is eating too little. Therefore, he is often forced to eat by force, thus forming inappropriate eating behavior;
  • sedentary lifestyle. Children often prefer to watch TV or play a computer game, accompanying these processes by eating high-calorie, sweet and fatty foods - pastries, cakes, chips and burgers;
  • endocrine disorders. One of the most common problems is hypothyroidism. A child with hypothyroidism has a developmental delay, as well as swelling and disturbances in the digestive system.

Obesity has a negative impact on all body systems. It leads to the development of hypertension, diseases of the musculoskeletal system, gastrointestinal tract, diabetes mellitus. In addition, an overweight teenager often has communication problems - frequent ridicule and bullying by classmates aggravates an already unfavorable state of health.

The successful fight against excess weight depends on the reasons for its occurrence. First of all, a teenager needs an endocrinologist's consultation, a transition to a balanced diet and an increase in physical activity.

Treatment should begin with a diagnosis, which can only be carried out by a doctor. For the correct diagnosis, research is needed that will accurately establish the negative processes in the child's body. Among them -, ultrasound, possibly X-ray examination and MRI. All procedures should be performed as directed by your doctor.

After the diagnosis is made, treatment is prescribed. First of all, it includes adherence to a special diet and exercise therapy, as well as treatment of the underlying disease leading to weight gain. In some cases, and only as prescribed by a doctor, it is possible to use surgical methods and drug therapy.

Physical exercise is selected based on the temperament of the teenager and his individual preferences. Some prefer sports dancing, others - swimming, and still others - hiking. During treatment, it is important for parents to monitor the careful implementation of all procedures and a balanced diet.

Nutrition for adolescents should include the following:

  • vegetables - zucchini, eggplant, cabbage, tomatoes, cucumbers, broccoli;
  • unsweetened fruits. It is better to give up all of the bananas loved by many;
  • lean meat and fish;
  • dairy products;
  • seafood;
  • Rye bread.

Of course, you should exclude baked goods, confectionery, as well as canned food, pickles and smoked products. The best cooking methods are boiling, stewing, or steaming.

But the best way to overcome excess weight is to prevent it. A teenager in whose family it is not customary to overfeed children and spend a lot of time watching TV is less likely to get problems with weight and health in general. If excess weight is a consequence of low physical activity, then parents should invite their teenager to visit the sports section and be physically active themselves.

If the family has a hereditary predisposition to obesity, then this is a serious reason to think about the health of children - to adjust the diet and consult a therapist, endocrinologist and nutritionist, in no case doing independent treatment. But first of all, for a teenager, the personal example of the parental family is important - food habits, interest in sports and their own health in general.

Take the test Nutrition is not always to blame for the development of diabetes. How high is your child's risk of this disease?

Obesity problem

Of course, not all plump babies end up becoming obese children, and not all well-fed children become obese with age. But the likelihood that obesity, which appeared in early childhood, will accompany a person throughout his life, still exists. Therefore, it is necessary to overcome childhood obesity at its early stage, because due to obesity, the child has many problems. In addition to increasing obesity, it can cause childhood hypertension, grade 2 diabetes, increase the risk of coronary heart disease, increase pressure on joints, and even affect the child's psychological well-being.

Causes of childhood obesity

There are a lot of reasons for childhood obesity. The most important of them is the incompatibility of the energy produced (calories from food) and wasted (calories that are burned as a result of basal metabolism and physical activity) by the body. Children suffer from childhood obesity due to hereditary, physiological and dietary reasons. By the way, it is heredity that plays a huge role here.

Childhood Obesity Treatment

To deal with the problem of overweight in a child, you need to start as early as possible. This is due to the fact that the physical and nutritional behavior of children is much easier to correct than that of adults. In medicine, there are 3 forms of fighting overweight in children:

  • you should not put the child on a strict diet, because apart from harm to the growing body, this will bring little;
  • it is necessary to concentrate physical activity not only on the child, but also on the whole family;
  • obesity should be dealt with purposefully, taking into account the reasons for its appearance.

Tips for Parents on Fighting Obesity

  • reduce the amount of semi-finished products in the baby's diet and increase the consumption of fruits and vegetables;
  • replace sugary sodas with low-fat milk, juices and give your child more water;
  • minimize the amount of foods that are high in fat and sugar;
  • Give your child as little fried food as possible, steam it or bake it if possible;
  • serve food in small portions;
  • make sure that the child always eats breakfast and does not overeat at lunchtime;
  • prohibit the child from eating food outside the table;
  • obesity nutrition should be a reward or reward;
  • instill in the child a love of playing ball, jumping rope, rollerblading or cycling;
  • try to limit your baby's sedentary lifestyle;
  • organize trips more often, register your child for a swim;
  • involve the child in everyday life;
  • set an example for your baby in a healthy lifestyle.

By following these tips, you will keep your baby in great physical shape.

Physical activity

Among other things, it is necessary to fight the overweight of the child with the help of training. It burns calories perfectly, increases energy expenditure and keeps you in shape. Childhood obesity studies have shown that exercise combined with nutritional education is excellent. Such training should be done 3 times a week.

Nutrition and diet

Fasting and restricting calorie intake can cause stress and affect the growth of the child, as well as his perception of "normal" nutrition. To reduce excess weight in children, a balanced diet with moderate calorie restriction is essential.

Preventing obesity in children

Depends on parenting upbringing. Mom should breastfeed her baby and know when he is already full. Do not rush to introduce solid food into the child's diet. Parents should monitor proper nutrition and limit the child's consumption of fast foods.