Two-color snood knitting scheme. Snood knitting * Braid with shadow. Stylish novelty for women

The most fashionable accessory of recent seasons - snood - is gaining more and more popularity. And it is not surprising that a rare piece of clothing has such a high versatility: it can be worn by everyone - women, men, children. Made of different materials, from coarse wool to delicate silk, it organically fits into any image, and the endless variety of snood models is simply amazing. This stylish detail has become a trend of many fashion houses, the most eminent designers create more and more new designs. Nevertheless, this simple wardrobe item is uncomplicated in execution. A snood knitted with knitting needles is a warm and beautiful detail, and a sufficient level of skill of the master and his imagination will make this garment an author's model.

From the history of the accessory

Being a usual in a circle or sewn at the end of knitting, snood in different countries of the world is called differently: infinity scarf, circular scarf, etc. The names completely determine its appearance. This allows you to experiment with wearing a similar scarf, creating different looks and using only one model.

The idea of ​​creating a modern snood is not new. In the mid-eighties of the last century, the so-called trumpet was at the height of fashion, which was worn both on the head and on the neck. Actually, the model of the classic snood is completely borrowed from this accessory, the main criteria of which were simplicity in execution, convenience and versatility. The world's leading designers continue to exploit this trend, offering the accessory in various collections and giving advice on how to use it. The versatility of this piece of clothing allows you to wear it regardless of the season. Following design tips, you can knit such a scarf yourself, using various knitting patterns for snood.

Choosing material and color

The classic snood is a well-draped, wide, circular scarf. It can be made of any material - wool, silk, various mixed fabrics. Knitted, knitted snoods are a separate niche in the huge family of circular scarves. The choice of yarn for making any conceived pattern is enormous today. Snood can be knitted from wool, boucle, cashmere and its derivatives, and even from a fur ribbon. The choice of yarn determines and patterns for knitting patterns from significantly different from graphic images of patterns for fine threads.

When choosing a color for warm knitwear, you should adhere to moderation in tones: knitted products of restrained natural shades always look nobler, not distracting attention from the main ensemble of clothes, but softening or emphasizing the created image. Light, steel-gray, beige and brown-green tones go well with a classic outfit. Luscious burgundy and black colors add extravagance to the silhouette. knitted, are also matched to the color and texture of the yarn from which the model is planned to be executed. In addition, you need to choose the right size of the knitting needles.

Snood knitted: simple patterns

An important quality of knitted lace is the ability to drape well. Knitted from a very thick thread, it loses its ability to drape softly, but looks great thanks to the texture of the yarn. Patterns for knitting snood with knitting needles from thick, loose yarn are the simplest and fastest to do. For example, garter stitch scarves look perfect. They are warm, showy, calm. This is demonstrated by the presented photo.

Knitting with a shawl stitch, as already mentioned, is very simple. All rows of fabric are knitted with front loops. To obtain a plastic edge, edge loops are performed: the first loop of the row is always removed, and the last one is knitted with a purl.

Elastic bands in knitting snoods

No less effective are snoods made with various types of elastic bands or a combination of elastic bands with a front or shawl stitch. In the presented photo - embossed stripes made with an English elastic band are interspersed with inserts from the front surface. This pattern is simple and effective: on the one hand, the English knit lies on the front field, and on the other, on the wrong side.

Snood is performed with knitting needles. Schemes :

1st row: alternately knit 1 person. and 1 out.

2nd: the front ones are knitted according to the pattern, a yarn is made in front of the purl, with which it is thrown onto the right knitting needle without knitting.

3rd: all front ones are performed together with yarns with one front loop, and the wrong ones are performed in the same way as in the 2nd row: they throw the yarn over and remove from the loop.

From the 3rd row, the pattern is repeated.

You can knit snood completely with English knitting, without alternating with all kinds of inserts of a different texture.

Double-sided knitting patterns for snood

The classic garter stitch, like almost all types of elastic bands, is a double-sided pattern. For such a wardrobe detail as snood, this is very important. It is twisted and shows the same pattern on both sides, which looks very advantageous, despite the fact that the products used the simplest patterns for knitting. Schemes are not needed for them, drawings are easily performed according to the description. Such a pattern, identical on both sides, looks great: a large braid of 16 loops, tied by alternating front and back stripes (like a 2x2 elastic band) on the shawl weave field. The braid is knitted in 16 rows, in the 17th it is intertwined: 8 loops are dropped onto an additional knitting needle in front of the fabric, 8 loops of the second part of the braid are knitted, and then loops from the additional knitting needle. The braid pattern is necessarily maintained during weaving, which creates a two-sided effect of the canvas.

Large braids and arans

Drawings with intertwining from large braids or plaits are one-sided, but no less spectacular. They are often used in knitting scarves and snoods. Usually weaves are performed on the seamy field, playing on the relief of the harnesses made with front loops. When choosing large braids, you need to focus on the thickness of the thread that is used in the work.

There is a rule: the thicker the yarn, the more loops and rows can be used in the execution of the rope, and, conversely, a thin thread assumes graceful small intertwining, ennobling and making the finished product more expensive. The photo shows various models of scarves and snoods, made from thick loose yarn, as well as from a thread of medium density and thickness. Each sample is good in its own way in different situations. Arans and braids are traditional knitting patterns. The schemes of such patterns are quite complex; when performing work, it is necessary to strictly adhere to the established order of knitting loops.

A definite effect is given by the alternation of large plaits with thin openwork stripes or made of various pearl patterns. There are many options here, but when choosing one, you should not pile up a large number of weaves - the work will be more difficult, the canvas is rougher, and in the finished product it should be attracted by the softness of the lines.

Fantasy designs for making a scarf

Another large block is made up of knitting patterns for knitting, the schemes of which combine embossed braids and openwork inserts. These patterns are not as difficult as they sometimes seem, but the execution will require careful knitting of each row.

In a photo showing such combinations of patterns, medium-sized pigtails and openwork stripes are connected, alternating with each other. One more rule for knitting scarves - do not tighten the fabric too much, the loops should "walk" on the knitting needles freely enough. It is the correct density that largely "makes the face" of the product, emphasizing its individuality. Taking into account our recommendations, it is not difficult to perform snood with knitting needles. Knitting patterns are the simplest, but very interesting in the finished fabric.

How and with what to wear snood

The versatility of the accessory suggests a huge range of use in a modern wardrobe. Snood is worn like a stole, a hood and even a skirt. It is appropriate for both classic and sports wardrobe. It is worn with any outerwear - fur coat, coat, jacket, raincoat. And the more accurately the snood is made, the more pleasant it will be to wear, evoking positive emotions of the owner and those around him.

Our article will tell you how you can independently knit snood with simple and circular knitting needles. You will also find out what patterns are most suitable for this original scarf.

Snood- this is a knitted fabric with stitched edges. In simpler terms, this warm piece of women's wardrobe can be called a collar scarf or ring scarf. The main advantage of the snood is its versatility.

Due to the fact that it has a rather large width, a woman can use it both as a scarf and as an original head cover. Now snood is at the peak of its popularity, so you can find this convenient and fashionable thing in almost any women's clothing store.

But if you have at least minimal knitting skills, then you can easily do it yourself.

What knitting needles to knit snood?

Circular knitting needles for snood

  • In principle, you can knit snood with knitting needles. If you wish, you can use a pair of knitting needles of the required size to create a fashionable masterpiece. But in this case, you will first have to knit an ordinary scarf, and then carefully sew it into a ring. But if you want to make a truly unique piece, then opt for circular knitting needles.
  • They will help you knit a scarf that has no seams. But if you take snood on circular knitting needles, then do not forget about one of their features. With this method of knitting, you do not need to collect edge loops. Since you will only knit the front side of the product, you can quite easily do without them.
  • If we talk about a set of loops, then in this case they are typed in the standard way, just if you need to designate the first or last loop of the circle, then attach in that place, for example, a pin.

How to knit a scarf snood for beginners?

If you are a beginner and have just started to master the basics of knitting, then it will be easiest for you to knit snood with standard knitting needles. In this case, you will first have to make a large rectangular canvas, and then carefully sew it with the same thread that was used for knitting. If you want to make your task even easier, then choose thick yarn and large-diameter knitting needles for knitting.

You can determine the size of the snake on an individual basis. Although it is believed that the ideal yoke scarf is no more than a meter in length, you can decide for yourself what kind of scarf it will be. If you want it to perform the functions of both a scarf and a hat, then make it as long as possible, but no more than 170 centimeters. If you need a beautiful compact model, then make a snood 80 centimeters long.

We knit snood with knitting needles: which pattern to choose, patterns

  • The choice of a pattern for snood is a purely individual matter. Everything will depend on your skills and patience. If you are not knitting the first thing, then you can opt for more complex patterns such as boucle, honeycomb or asterisk. It is better for novice needlewomen to take risks and make a warm product with ordinary hosiery or garter stitch.
  • If you try to do everything as carefully as possible, then the scarf will still turn out to be quite effective. And to make such a simple knitting look more interesting, try introducing another thread into the yarn, or simply alternate different colors during work.
  • But, perhaps, the safest option for a snood is a simple rubber band. Thanks to such knitting, the finished product easily takes the desired shape and protects the head and neck well enough from the cold and wind.

Snood knitting sizes

Scarf-tube scheme

  • When deciding on the size of the snare, consider three factors - the circumference of your face, the length of your neck and how you plan to wear it. It should be said right away that short scarves in one turn are not for all women. A model of this style has one unpleasant feature, it visually shortens the neck.
  • In view of this, if you already have it small, then give preference to snakes in two turns. They will visually look better on you and, best of all, make them slimmer. But still, if you want to knit a scarf-collar in one turn, then make it at least 80 cm.With such a length you will have the opportunity to protect yourself from the cold and create beautiful folds that will draw all the attention to yourself.
  • If you want your snood not only to look spectacular, but also not to be blown by the strongest wind, then make the product in two turns. The minimum length of such a scarf should be at least 150 cm. The width of both short and long items can vary from 20 to 50 centimeters.

How many loops to type on the snood with knitting needles?

As you already understood, the length of the snake can range from 70 to 170 centimeters. In view of this, the number of loops that must be cast on knitting needles will also be different. If you want to make a compact product, then dial 60 -80 loops. If you plan to knit a scarf-yoke in two turns, then dial at least 120 loops on the knitting needles.

But at the same time, you also need to take into account what threads you will knit a scarf with and what knitting needles you will use for this. For example, if you will knit snood with thick yarn and large-diameter knitting needles, then to create such a product you will need to dial about 100-130 loops.

Snood on circular needles

  • For some reason, many novice needlewomen are afraid of circular knitting needles. But in fact, knitting on them is no different from those on which we learned the first basics of needlework at school. The main advantage of this knitting method is that the finished snood will not have any seams.
  • As a rule, knitting needles # 4 and whatever yarn you like best for knitting this warm garment. After all this is purchased, you can start making snood. First, cast on the needles 100 loops (if you wish, you can reduce or increase their number), and then knit an elastic band.
  • It is done in the standard way, first, 2 front loops are knitted, and then 2 purl loops. After the first row is knitted, close the loops together and start knitting the snood in a circular fashion. When the product is ready, you just have to close the loops in your favorite way and hide the working thread from the wrong side.

Snood in a circle with knitting needles

The nuances of knitting on a mound

Although knitting a scarf collar in a circle is a preferable method, some novice needlewomen have problems in the process of knitting loops. When the length of the product appears, the loops on the fishing line begin to stretch and this complicates the process of making the snood a little.

If you want you not to have such problems, then just take and cross the fishing line approximately in the middle, having previously removed all the loops from this place. This little trick will help you speed up the knitting process a little, and will also help to ensure that the loops are the same size.

Snood with knitting needles in garter stitch: a diagram with a description

Snood knitting needles in garter stitch

Garter knitting is most suitable for beginner needlewomen. Although such a product is very easy to knit, visually it is perceived quite interesting. Due to its texture, it looks quite stylish. But most importantly, this knitting method helps the finished product to fold into beautiful folds that gently flow into each other.

Knitting needles # 4.5 and thick loose yarn are most suitable for this knitting method. Since you will be creating a snood pattern with the help of front loops, you will have to take off the first loop all the time, not knitted, but knit the last purl. This way you can ensure that the edges of the finished product are as smooth and flexible as possible.

Snood in one turn with knitting needles: a diagram with a description

Snood in one turn with knitting needles

If you want to knit a snood in one circle, then the first thing you should do is decide on its width. If you plan to wear it as an ordinary scarf, then it may not be very large, for example, even 15 centimeters. If you want a yoke-scarf to replace your hat, then make it 25-35 centimeters wide. If we talk about the knitting method, then in this case it is best to decide on circular knitting needles.

Indeed, since the finished product will not have a very large length, then the seam will be noticeable when worn. Therefore, it will be better if you buy circular knitting needles from the needlework department and make a snood with their help. It is best to knit a scarf of this style with knitting needles No. 4 from yarn made from wool and polyacrylic.

Snood in two turns with knitting needles: a diagram with a description

Snood in two turns with knitting needles

The snood in two turns is larger than the previous model, which gives the woman the opportunity to create more beautiful and voluminous waves. It differs from the previous model only in its length, so you can knit it in any way convenient for you. You can quite easily knit the product in a circle or use ordinary knitting needles to create your masterpiece.

But in this case, special attention should be paid to the width. Many women think that the longer the snood, the larger its width should be. But if you make it very large, then when wrapping the neck, so much knitted fabric will accumulate that it will be difficult for you to fold it into neat folds. In view of this, such a snood model should have a standard width of 25-45 centimeters.

Snood knitting needles from melange yarn: a diagram with a description

Openwork melange trumpet collar

  • Melange yarn is very popular among needlewomen. Due to the fact that it has a very rich color gamut, snoods from it are very original. A high-quality melange thread has several shades and halftones at once, which in turn can become lighter or darker when light or sunlight hits them.
  • This yarn is an ideal option for those novice needlewomen who want to knit a bright multi-colored scarf-yarn, but do not dare to do so, as they are afraid to introduce other threads into the loops. Another advantage of these beautiful threads is that you don't have to work with them on a complex pattern.
  • Since they have a fairly rich color gamut, during knitting, a beautiful pattern appears on the canvas by itself, which does not require additional finishing.

Snood from thick yarn with knitting needles: a diagram with a description and pattern

Knitting patterns and patterns

  • A scarf-collar made of thick yarn will look original and stylish regardless of size and color. But what must be taken into account when creating such a wardrobe detail is the pattern. Since such threads themselves are quite voluminous, it is almost impossible to create complex and intricate patterns with their help.
  • Of course, you can try to do this, but they still will not keep the correct shape. Therefore, if you liked thick yarn, then choose simpler patterns to create a snood. If you have at least minimal skills in needlework, then try making a braid or rice pattern. If this method of knitting still seems very difficult to you, then opt for hosiery or garter knitting.
  • Such a simple and uncomplicated pattern, combined with thick threads, will give a very interesting visual effect that will make your snood truly original.

Snood knitting needles from fine yarn knitting patterns: a diagram with a description

Scarf-collar knitting pattern

Thin yarn, unlike thick yarn, is more malleable in work, so with its help you can create beautiful light patterns that will be especially original. Using fine yarn, you can knit airy and delicate snoods that will look beautiful not only with coats and jackets, but even with dresses.

If you make them a little wider than usual and add a shiny thread to the canvas, then the finished product can even be used as a cape for an evening dress. Openwork patterns are most suitable for snood made of fine yarn. They make this rather voluminous product so light and airy that from a distance it can seem like a light fabric cape.

Double-sided snood knitting needles: scheme with description, pattern

Bilateral snood

  • If you dream of knitting a double-sided snood, then all you need to do is buy the right yarn and choose the right pattern. Of course, the safest option in this case would be a pattern that consists of small, round holes.
  • But since such knitting requires certain skills, not every woman will be able to knit such a scarf. Therefore, it will be better if you choose a simpler pattern for making a scarf-collar, for example, a variation on the theme of a braid pattern.
  • Yes, and remember, if you knit a double-sided snood with this particular pattern, then be sure to dial a pair of loops. If there are, for example, 99 of them, then you will not be able to divide them equally, and then cross them correctly to create a wavy braid.

Knitting grass snood with a description and diagram

Weed snood

  • Weed is a yarn with a pile, the length of which can vary from 5 millimeters to several centimeters. For knitting snood, it is best to take threads with a medium pile length. From this weed you get the most organic and cute scarves-collars. But when using such yarn, some nuances must be taken into account.
  • Firstly, in this case it is better not to use very thick knitting needles. If their diameter is large, then the finished product will turn out to be very airy and will not protect you from the cold. Secondly, you need to be able to knit the threads correctly. When knitting, you should try to remove only the base and not touch the pile itself.
  • If you want to make the grass snood denser, then during knitting, insert cotton or woolen thread into the loops. Because of the pile, it will not be visible anyway, and the finished product will become warmer and more comfortable.

Snood knitting needles with braids and plaits: pattern, diagram with a description

Knitting pattern for a scarf with braids

Snood decorated with a pattern of braids and plaits always looks very original. It would seem that such a knitting method involves only weaving a certain number of loops, but if you know in what quantities and where to do it, then you can create such beautiful and intricate patterns that no openwork knitting can match them.

And remember, the braid pattern directly depends on the thickness of the yarn. Therefore, if you want your snood to be decorated with a massive braid or plait, then choose thick threads. For finer, finer patterns, it is best to buy fine yarn.

Scarf snood hands without needles with a description

We knit snoods with our own hands

If you want to knit snood as quickly as possible, then try to do it using only the buckle and your hands. Since to create this original thing you will use rather massive "knitting needles", then the yarn in this case should be as thick as possible. If you opt for very thin threads, the finished product may not turn out very attractive.

In all other respects, you can proceed as before. First, type the required number of loops on your hands, and then start knitting them with the simplest knit. When knitting loops, make sure they are the same length at all times. If they are slightly larger or you drag them, then the snood will turn out to be uneven and slightly sloppy.

  1. Take three strands in your hand at the same time and form the first loop from them
  2. Put it on your right hand and pull it up well
  3. Take a loose thread in your left hand and pull it into a loop
  4. Continue in this way to collect loops until you get the right amount.
  5. While pulling the working thread, remove the loop from the fist and drag to the left hand
  6. Continue to do this on and on until you have knitted the whole row.
  7. Knit the second row in the same way as the first, only in a mirror image
  8. Work the stitches this way until you get the size you want.

Video: Knitting a snood with a patent elastic band on knitting needles

Today snood is one of the most popular scarf models. This accessory is very stylish and warm enough. The clamp can be knitted with your own hands, elementary knitting skills and diligence will be quite enough to please yourself and loved ones with a handmade thing.

How to knit a scarf with knitting needles

  1. Before starting work on a snood, you need to decide what kind of scarf should be tied.
  2. There are several different models of this product. Despite the fact that the construction of the snood seems rather simple and monotonous, there are significant conceptual and design differences among the shape and type of scarves.

How to knit a scarf snood - models

At first glance, it seems that the scarves are visually almost the same, but there are many differences in them. From the length, the nature of the knitting and the design, to the way of wearing and decorative function. Let's consider the differences between snoods and analyze the specifics of such knitting and design.

Snood scarf models by length

This classification divides similarly knitted scarves into types according to size.

  1. Short. These models are worn only in 1 turn around the neck. Such options are more accessories than real sources of heat.
  2. Average. These scarves are already worn in 2 turns around the neck. By knitting, they are warmer and retain heat better than the first.
  3. Long. Such products can even be worn instead of a headdress. They are good because they are very warm and functional.

Scarf models snood in width

Models of a scarf snood, knitted, in latitude are of the following type.

  1. Wide. Such accessories are extremely functional, because even if the model is short, it can be used as a scarf or instead of a headdress.
  2. Narrow. These scarves are only meant to be worn around the neck. They can also be short or long.

Snood scarf models according to the manufacturing method

Snood scarves can be made with different knitting techniques.

  1. To create such an accessory, the usual pattern of weaving a scarf can be used, only at the end the loops are not just closed, but the beginning is connected to the end in a solid ring.
  2. Often for this kind of products, circular knitting is used, due to which the scarf is seamless. This technique also allows for different layouts and designs.
  3. When knitting such products, yarns of different types are used. The choice of yarns will determine how well the garment retains heat and its appearance.
  4. When knitting a yoke, it is recommended to use thick threads so that a scarf capable of keeping warm can be obtained.
  5. For not too cold weather, you can make a mohair clamp. This type of yarn allows you to decorate snood with an openwork pattern.
  6. The jacquard pattern, which is created only by circular knitting, looks very interesting.

Knitting scarves snood knitting needles: schemes with a description

Today there is a wide variety of options for knitting clamps. Some are simple, while others are considered more complex. The choice of a certain of them depends on the skill of the one who got down to business, and the moment, what kind of snood should turn out.

How to knit a scarf snood knitting needles: scheme for beginners number 1

Even knitters without experience can independently make such a scarf. This option is done quite simply. First, a model and pattern for the future product is selected, and only then yarn with knitting needles is selected.

In this case, the skill of a set of ordinary loops is important for the normal start of the knitting process. You also need an understanding of how the ends of the product are connected after knitting is finished.

To knit a simple snood model, you must follow the following rules and follow the sequence.

  1. You need to cast on 129 stitches on the knitting needles.
  2. Knit the 1st row as follows:
  • 20 purl loops;
  • then 8 - facial and again 20 liters. NS.;
  • the next step is 1 crossed l. NS.;
  • then 31 loops should be knitted according to the pattern (front row: 1 l. p., then 1 st. p.) this combination is repeated the required number of times until the required length of the scarf is reached;
  • to knit the back row, you need to knit all the loops in the same combination as the front one, and then again 20 from. n., 8 l. n. and again 20 of. NS.
  1. 2nd row: purl row is knitted according to the pattern combination according to the following principle:
  • knit 5 more rows in this way, while it is important not to forget about the alternation of the front row with the purl;
  • The 8th row must be made completely facial: it consists of 20 of. p, then 4 liters are removed on the auxiliary spoke. etc., and then another 20 of them are knitted. n., 1 l. n. of the crossed type, and 31 n. is knitted according to the combination of the pattern;
  • after drawing, knitting continues in the following way: 1 crossed l. n., 20 of. n., then another 4 liters. etc. and must be removed on the auxiliary spoke 4 liters. NS.;
  • the next step is these 4 liters. p. are removed from the auxiliary knitting needle and another 20 of them are knitted. NS.;
  1. In the same way, another 15 rows are knitted. It is important to remember about their alternation.
  2. Then the rows are repeated as many times as necessary to achieve the desired scarf length.

Scarf snood knitting needles for beginners: scheme for beginners number 2

  1. A simple clamp can be connected in a different way. For this we need:
  • yarn, better - thick;
  • needles matched to the thickness of the threads.
  1. The sequence of actions for knitting will be as follows:
  • dial the required number of loops, which will determine the height of the scarf;
  • knit the entire 1st row of l. NS.;
  • all other rows must be knitted in the same way, until the required length is reached;
  • all loops must be closed;
  • finally, connect the ends of the clamp.

Scarf snood made of thick yarn with knitting needles: scheme for beginners number 3

  1. A scarf made of thicker threads will have approximately the following parameters:
  • in width - 22 cm;
  • in length - 144 cm.
  1. In order to get such a clamp, you need to take about 300 g of thread.
  2. It is recommended to choose knitting needles with a diameter of 10 mm.
  3. In terms of density, the knitting will turn out to be something like this: for 10 cm of knitted fabric there will be 15 rows and about 8 loops.
  4. Now cast on 19 stitches and follow the following knitting instructions:
  • 1st row is knitted by alternating 1 liter. p. from 1 out. p., this combination is repeated to the end, the last loop must be front;
  • the rest of the scarf is knitted in the same way and the knitting does not end until the length of the clamp reaches the desired mark;
  • then all the loops are closed and the snood is collected;
  • for this you need to sew the short sides of the scarf;
  1. Finish off the garment and place the scarf on top of something hard. Place a towel folded 4 times under it. Place a wet cloth on top of the garment and do not remove until the scarf is saturated with moisture. Then remove the fabric and leave the garment in a horizontal position until it is completely dry.

We knit a scarf snood with knitting needles with a scythe

To make a collar with this pattern, we need knitting needles number 4.

Sequence of work:

  1. Cast on 63 stitches on the knitting needles.
  2. Start knitting a pattern that will permeate the entire product.
  3. Try to work so that the odd rows are of the front type, and the even ones are of the purl type.
  4. From rows 1 to 7, the knitting should be as follows: 1 chrome., 4 liters. n., 15 p. p. Repeat this pattern as many times as needed.
  5. From 2 to 8 rows are knitted like this: 1 chrome., 4 liters. n., 15 of. p. Repeat this combination until the end of the 8th row.
  6. 9 row: 1 chrome., 4 l. etc., and then 10 loops are crossed to the left side, 5 of them must be left on the auxiliary spoke, and 5 l. are knitted with an auxiliary), we finish all 5th l. p. This sequence is repeated to the end.
  7. Rows 10 to 18 are knitted, as is sequence 2 to 8.
  8. From 11 to 17 rows are knitted in the same way as from 1 to 7 were knitted.
  9. For the 19th row, the scheme of the 9th is used.
  10. Then continue according to the scheme starting from the 1st.
  11. Finish knitting the product and assemble it.

After the scarf has been knitted with knitting needles with a braid, it is imperative to check the resulting seam for strength.

We knit a circular scarf snood collar with knitting needles: scheme

  1. This option for knitting a snood is very simple. It is based on the "English gum".
  2. To make such a scarf you need:
  • woolen yarn, medium is better;
  • knitting needles number 9;
  • needle;
  • scissors.
  1. The sequence of the process:
  • dial the required number of loops;
  • Start the 1st row with 1 l. p, then yarn over, remove the loop, but do not knit, but repeat the combination.
  • 2nd row: complete the yarn over, remove the loop, but do not knit, but knit the yarn over with the loop removed together and finish this row;
  • 3rd row: 1 yarn is knitted and a loop from the previous row, 1 yarn is made, a loop is removed, which is not knitted and so knits to the end;
  • the rest of the piece is knitted by alternating the 2nd and 3rd rows until a certain width is reached;
  • at the end, sew the ends of the product.

Knitting pattern for a volumetric scarf snood knitting needles

This clamp is quite simple to do. If the scarf should turn out to be voluminous and airy, then the needles can be taken thicker, if denser - less.

You will need the following materials:

  • thick yarn - not less than 400 g;
  • circular needles - 10 mm.

Knitting pattern:

  1. Cast on as many eyelets as required - average 90 pieces. Mark the beginning of work with a special marker.
  2. To make the edges softer, work 4 rows of elastic.
  3. 1st row is knitted completely with front loops.
  4. The 2nd row is also knitted with this method.
  5. From 3 to 6 rows are knitted according to the pattern: 2 liters. n. and 3 of. p. This combination is repeated to the end.
  6. Then knitting is repeated starting from the 1st row.
  7. Once the process is over, you need to carefully hide the ends of the threads.
  8. Before wearing, the scarf must be steamed. This procedure will give the loops an even look.

Original schemes of scarves snood knitting needles for beginners

You can make a clamp using more interesting techniques. This approach is not always difficult, some ornaments are obtained with a completely simple combination of loops and a simple knitting technique. Let's take a look at some of them.

Scarf snood made of mohair knitting needles

It is very simple to knit snood from such yarn. For this we need:

  • mohair threads;
  • knitting needles for the thickness of the threads.

Knitting pattern:

  1. You need to dial an odd number of loops.
  2. In the 1st row, all the loops are knitted.
  3. From the 2nd row, the knitting is changed to the wrong one.
  4. The next 2 rows are knit again with front loops.
  5. For row 5, a combination is used: 2 liters. knit together, make a yarn over, and then knit another 1 liter. n. This method must be worked to the end of the row.
  6. The 6th row is knitted again with the front knit.
  7. Further, the drawing is repeated from the 1st row.
  8. After the end of the pattern, you need to collect the product and steam it.

Openwork scarf snood knitting

To knit such a product, you will need 300 g of medium-thick threads. In width it will be about 25 cm, the length of the folded snake will be about 60 cm.For such a product, it is better to use circular knitting needles 6 and 7 mm. You can use even thicker knitting needles to get a free web.

Knitting pattern:

  1. Cast on 180 stitches. Mark at the end of the row and join the stitches in a circle.
  2. 1 row is knitted only in the front way. Change your knitting needles to thicker ones.
  3. Knit 1 more row of l on them. NS.
  4. Next, knitting begins according to a certain pattern. Knit 4 from. n, 1 l. n., 1 of. n, 1 l. n., 3 of. NS.
  5. Next row: 5 liters. n., 1 of. n, 1 l. n., 1 of. n. and 2 l. NS.
  6. Further, the combination is as follows: 6 of. n, 1 l. n., 1 of. n., 1 l. n. and 1 of. NS.
  7. Fourth row: 7 liters. n., 1 of. n., 1 l. NS.
  8. Fifth row: 1 l. n., 7 of. n., 1 l. n., 1 of. NS.
  9. Sixth row: 1 l. n., 1 of. n., 7 l. n., 1 of. NS.
  10. Seventh row: 1 l. n., 1 of. n., 1 l. n., 7 of. NS.
  11. Eighth row: 1 l. n., 1 of. n., 1 l. n., 1 of. n., 6 l. NS.
  12. Ninth row: 2 out. n., 1 l. n., 1 of. n., 1 l. n., 5 of. NS.
  13. Tenth row: 3 liters. n., 1 of. n., 1 l. n., 1 of. n., 4 l. NS.
  14. This technique is repeated until the end.

The scheme of a beautiful scarf snood for a girl with knitting needles

Snood for a child is knitted no less easily compared to a regular clamp. You just need to choose the right size. For this, it is important to know the age of the child.

  • from 3 to 5 years old - 22 cm wide, 66 cm long.
  • from 5 to 10 years old - 22 cm wide, 70 cm long.
  • from 10 to 16 years old - 22 cm wide, 75 cm long.

What you need:

The yarn will fit thick, the knitting needles are already selected for it. For a more airy product, thicker tools are needed, for a tight knit, thinner ones.

Knitting pattern for a scarf snood knitting needles for a girl:

  1. Cast on 22 stitches.
  2. Perform the 1st row with the front knit.
  3. Then the process continues until the desired length is reached.
  4. After finishing knitting, you need to connect the scarf.
  5. Steam the snood before wearing.

Knitting patterns for a scarf snood

The most popular patterns for snood today are "Rice" and "English gum".

Scarf snood knitting pattern: "Rice"

This pattern is completely uncomplicated. The basis of the technique is to alternate the front and back loops in the 1st row, then the purl with the front in the 2nd and the front with the purl in the 3rd row. In this way, the snood is knitted to the end, until the desired length is reached. The result is a canvas that resembles the structure of rice.

Scarf snood with knitting needles with a description of the scheme: "English elastic band"

This drawing looks very nice and is quite simple to create.

  1. 1st row is knitted by alternating front loops with a crochet. Next, the loop is removed and not knitted. In this way, a whole row is knitted.
  2. In the 2nd row, you must first make a yarn over, and then remove the loop and do not knit it. Then knit these two elements together.
  3. The 3rd row starts again with a yarn over. It connects to the loop and knits, and then you need to remove the loop, but you do not need to knit it.
  4. Further, these combinations must be repeated from the very beginning.

How to knit a scarf snood on 2 knitting needles

Almost all snoods are knitted on 2 knitting needles. Consider the option that is considered one of the simplest.

Knitting pattern:

  1. Cast on 160 stitches.
  2. Knit an elastic band 10 cm in size. At the same time, the front and back loops alternate.
  3. Continue to work in garter stitch: 1 row - knit loops and 1 row - purl loops. This combination must be repeated up to about 20 cm.
  4. Next, you need to return to the elastic and knit another 10 cm with such a viscous one.
  5. Finally, close all the stitches of the last row.

A warm and beautiful DIY accessory will be the best gift. The difficulty of knitting lies only in observing a clear sequence, but if you set a goal, then such a thing will work for you and loved ones for many years.

Description of patterns and options for a baby snake.

With the advent of cold weather, mothers, taking care of their child, try to dress him warmer. We suggest you knit a warm snood scarf with knitting needles for your child. Everything is very simple, more details below.

Children's snood for a child with knitting needles for beginners: a diagram with a description

It is important to understand that snood can be knitted like a scarf, and then the ends can be sewn together, or the product can be initially knitted using circular knitting needles. In the end, you will have a wonderful accessory without seams. Given the age of the child, the snood will be of different lengths:

  • 4-6 years old - width - 15 cm, length - 100 cm.
  • 7-9 years old - width - 18 cm, length - 115 cm.
  • 10-12 years old - width - 20 cm, length - 130 cm.
  • From 12 years old snood is usually knitted 22 cm wide and 145 cm long.

For the smallest children you will need 1 skein of thread, from 7 to 12 years old - 2 skeins and for adult young ladies - 3 skeins of thread. Also stock up on knitting needles with number 10.

The knitting process is as follows:

  • Begin in the first row, alternating between the knit and purl stitches.
  • Keep in mind that there are 8-9 loops and about 15 rows per 10 cm of the product.
  • Alternate between the indicated loops, but remember that the last in the row should be the front loop.
  • Knit the entire garment in the specified pattern until you reach the desired length for the child's age.
  • At the end, close the loops. This will be the end of knitting.
  • Sew the snood and place it on the table on a damp towel
  • When the garment is well moistened, remove the towel and leave the scarf to dry.
  • After this procedure, the snood is ready.
Baby snood Snood for a child Stylish snood for girls

Video: Snood for a child with knitting needles

Children's snood knitting needles for girls: models, patterns, patterns, sizes

  • We start with row 1 - cr., P., Persons., Repeat the last two loops to the end of the row.
  • From the second and all even rows, knit according to the figure.
  • In the third row, start with cr., Out 2, then persons., Behind the back wall.
  • Continue to persons., Behind the back wall.
  • Repeat the previous 2 steps to the end of the row.
  • Knit the next 6 rows with the front stitch.
  • Until the length of the product reaches 74 cm, knit the first five rows with a pattern.
  • Knit the remaining rows according to the principle of rows - lp, out rows - I.p.
  • Close the hinges and flatten on a damp towel as well.
  • Remember the length of the product according to the age of the child, which is indicated at the beginning of the article.

Snood for a girl Snood for baby Warm snood

Video: Snood for a girl

Children's snood knitting needles for a boy: models, patterns, patterns, sizes

Do not think that only a girl can wear snoods. Boys in warm scarves look very stylish. Therefore, we advise you to pay attention to the indicated pattern and knit a warm scarf for a young fashionista:

  • Take 50 g of yarn and knitting needles with number 4.
  • Then from 1 row of 1 person., 1 out., And so on until the end of the row.
  • The second row has the same loops and order as in the previous one.
  • The third and fourth rows are vice versa - first, 1 out., Then - 1 person.
  • Continue in the same order until the end of the product.
  • Cast on 80 stitches on the needles and close the circle.
  • Finish the product with an elastic band, alternating with 2 out. and 2 persons. loops.
  • Align the product as indicated in the previous sections.
Snood for the little ones Snood for a boy Warm snood

Video: Children's snood for a boy

A hat and a snood for a girl with knitting needles: patterns, schemes with a description, sizes

This season, things with the image of an owl are very fashionable for adults and children. So let's knit a hat for a little fashionista in the shape of an owl.

The estimated age of the child is 4 years. In this case, take 200 g of thread and knitting needles at number 4. Also, do not forget about a couple of buttons - they will play the role of an owl's eyes. Let's start with the header:

  • Cast on 64 stitches and knit 4 rows using the front stitch.
  • Next, you need to divide the loops into 26 out., 12 persons., And again 26 out.
  • Work the next 2 rows in the same order.
  • We also knit the next 26 loops, and instead of 12 persons, we begin to knit an owl.
  • In the 1st row 1 p / n, 3 persons., 1p / n, 3 persons., 1 p / n, 3 persons.
  • In the second and other even rows, all loops are out.
  • 3 row - 3 persons., 1 p / n., 9 p. Using the "Rice" pattern, 1 p / n, 3 persons.
  • In the fifth row, the same loops as in the previous one, but the "Rice" pattern is 2 more loops.
  • In the seventh the same rows, only again the "Rice" pattern is larger on the loops.
  • From 9 to 15 rows - 3 persons., 13 p. "Rice".
  • In the 17th row, knit at the beginning and at the end of 3 persons., 2 together and in the middle of 7 loops with a "Rice" pattern.
  • Row 19 - the same as in the previous one, but reduce the pattern by 2 loops.
  • Rows 21 to 27 - Use knit stitch.
  • 29 and 31 pp - along the edges of 3 faces., In the middle - 7 points with stitching.
  • At 33, reduce the edges by 1 loop, in the middle - increase by 2 p.
  • At 35, repeat the conditions of the previous row.
  • From 37 and the remaining 8 rows, knit with the purl.
  • Close the loops and sew a seam.
  • Decorate with tassels and sew on the owl's eyes.

For snood:

  • Work 8 rows using the Shawl stitch. You will have 90 stitches.
  • Knit the next 40 rows like this: 6 sts with a "Shawl" pattern, 78 - "Rice".
  • Finish off with 8 rows of the Shawl pattern.
  • Sew on brightly colored buttons.

Set for girls

Knitted set for girls

Video: Hat and snood for a child

A hat and a snood for a boy with knitting needles: patterns, schemes with a description, sizes

Take 2 skeins of yarn, circular knitting needles and knitting needles with numbers 4, 5. You will get a product measuring 18 * 115 cm. Let's start:

  • Tie the elastic using the knit and purl loops alternately.
  • Knit the main pattern in circular rows.
  • Snood from the beginning and at the end, knit 1 person. and 1 N.p.
  • Use edging loops in the middle of the garment.
  • Consider the length and width of the product according to the measurement indicated at the beginning of the article.
  • For a hat, start a row of wear, then continue to r.
  • Knit the elastic of the cap about 2-3 cm.
  • Knit with 4.5 needles in the main pattern, repeating the rapport loops 5 times.
  • At the beginning of the pattern, knit 40 out of stitches, then knit with face stitch.
  • Gradually reduce the number of purl stitches so that by the end of the pattern you have 6 out of stitches.
  • Cut the thread and pull the ends tight.
  • Line up the scarf and snood with a damp towel and when the garments dry, go for a walk with your baby.

Set for a boy

Knitted snood and hat for a boy Snood and a hat for a boy

Knitting snood hat for teenagers: schemes with a description

Take 2 skeins of yarn and circular knitting needles numbered 4 and 5, get to work:

  • Cast on 121 sts.
  • Remove 1 stitches, knit 2 person.p and 2p.p.
  • Next 3 p., Set the marker.
  • After marker 2 N.p.
  • Transfer the marker to the other spoke.
  • In the second row, repeat 2 faces from the beginning to the end. and 2 N.p.
  • Repeat the previous sequence for 6 more rows.
  • Change knitting needles to number 5 and in row 9 knit 3 persons. and 4 out. to the end of the row.
  • Knit all even rows as indicated in the previous paragraph.
  • In row 11, knit 3 out., 2 persons., 3 out., 2 persons., 2 out., 2 persons., 2 out., 2 persons. to the end of the row.
  • In row 13, increase only the first front loops by 2 pieces, then knit, as in the previous paragraph.
  • 15 row - 3 out., 4 persons., 3 out., 4 persons., 1 out., 4 persons., Repeat to the end of the row.
  • Knit the 17th row as indicated in the 9th row.
  • 19 row as 11.
  • Rows 21 and 23 like 9.
    Repeat rows 9 through 24.
  • Change knitting needles to number 4 and work 6 rows like row 2.
  • Close the hinges. Snood is ready.

Snood for a girl Stylish snood Warm snood

Children's snood with braids knitting needles: patterns, schemes with descriptions, sizes

For this snood you will need 100 g of yarn and knitting needles with number 3. The size of the finished product will be 42 * 60 cm.
To get a beautiful snacks you will need.

The collar is not only a stylish and fashionable element of winter clothing, it is also a reliable protection from the cold, piercing winter wind. It is not for nothing that this trend has been so popular in the last couple of years among modern young ladies! In our master class, we will tell you how to make an adult and children's snood with knitting needles for a girl or a boy (or maybe for a beloved husband?) ...

Children's snood with buttons with a "butterfly" pattern

This scarf collar is convenient and versatile, it is suitable for both mothers and girls, and in black it is well suited for a boy. Due to the buttons, it is very convenient to put on it, and it will serve for more than one year. Simple and easy to use, this spectacular scarf even for beginner craftswomen, so you can safely pick up tools and skeins of yarn.

We need:

  • yarn (50% wool, 50% acrylic, 116 m per 100 g.) - 2 skeins;
  • cn. No. 4.5;
  • 4 buttons.

The finished scarf will have dimensions of 30 x 70 cm.


To begin with, as usual, we type the required number of loops with knitting needles, the formula is simple - they must be multiples of 10 + 2 edge loops, in our case it is 52 stitches. Then - 3 cm in garter stitch (knit all loops with the front ones).

Original and bright, this fox snood on a gray and sad winter day will not leave indifferent any passer-by! Be sure that you will not meet the second one in the city. Thanks to the hood, this clamp will keep your child warm and is ideal for both boys and girls.

We need:

  • orange, black and milky yarn (100% wool or 50% wool, 50% acrylic, preferably thicker);
  • circular cn. No. 9;
  • hook.

The model is designed for a boy or girl 2-4 years old.

To begin with, we type with circular knitting needles 70 pet., We carry out knitting in a circle (without a back seam).
1-4 p .: we knit a pearl pattern.
5-8 p.: Black color of yarn, continue faces. satin stitch.
9-20 p .: change the thread to orange thread, faces again. smooth surface.
From 21 to 60 pp. we continue to work persons. satin stitch in turning rows.
Now we need to fold the top in half and sew, while closing the p. And connecting the halves, as shown in the photo below.

Then you need to tie the area around the face with 2-3 rows of single crochet, as a result we get a "edging", which should be wrapped out and, if desired, sewn with a blind seam.
When our clamp is almost ready, we proceed to the "ears". To do this, we need to dial 9 loops, then work with the front stitch, knitting in each p. 2 last pet. together. Thus, we make four ears: two orange and two white. Now we need to fold them in pairs (orange + white), crochet them, connecting them with black thread and single crochet. When in the end we get two ears, they should be sewn with a blind seam to the "hood". It remains only to make ties or sew on buttons and our original snood is ready for the winter!

We hope that this master class with a diagram and detailed step-by-step descriptions turned out to be useful and will help to knit snood for your boy or girl quickly and easily. We wish you even loops!

Simple snood for the spring for 3.5 - 4 years: video master class