Where the baby's movement should be felt. The period of occurrence of perceptible movements is affected. Fetal movements: is everything okay with the baby?

Fetal movements are unforgettable feelings that a woman experiences during pregnancy. From the moment of confirmation of the fact of pregnancy, the woman is looking forward to when the baby begins to move. The first fetal movement appears already at the 8th week of pregnancy. It is reflexive, it appears with the beginning of the work of the children's nervous system.

Such physical activity is not felt by a woman - the fetus has not yet grown to the desired size. The pregnant woman begins to feel the movement much later, when the child reaches the required size. According to the first movements, the doctor calculates and fixes the approximate date of birth in the exchange card.

How long does the movement appear?

From the 12th week of pregnancy, when the placenta is formed, the fetus increases in size and gradually occupies the uterine cavity. By the 16th week, he reacts to external stimuli (loud sounds, bright light) and in response to them actively makes movements. But not all women feel the tremors at this time. V Normally, noticeable fetal movements appear before 24 weeks of gestation. This range of the appearance of tangible activity is determined by the following factors:

  • What a pregnancy.

During the first pregnancy, movements are determined at a later date by about 20 weeks. With repeated pregnancies - from 16 weeks. With multiple pregnancies, movements appear much earlier. Some women claim to have felt active movements from the 14th week of pregnancy.

  • Individual threshold of sensitivity.
  • The physique of the expectant mother.

If a woman is thin, then she feels the movements and jolts better. With a dense physique, sensitivity decreases.

  • Placenta attachment.

If it happened to the anterior uterine wall, then the tremors will begin to be felt later.

  • Fetal position.

When the child is placed with his back to the front wall of the uterus, movements are felt less. Distinct jolts are felt when the child's limbs touch the uterus along the front surface.

  • Pregnant woman lifestyle.

If a woman leads an active lifestyle during pregnancy, then she may not notice fetal movement. In a calm state, the situation changes.

  • Emotional mood of a woman. With positive emotions and a desire to feel her child faster, the pregnant woman pays close attention to all changes in the body, catches even the weakest tremors.

What does a woman feel during movements?

The first movement can be difficult to recognize. These tremors are perceived by a woman as a rumbling in the stomach or intestinal peristalsis. Those pregnant women who have managed to recognize the wiggling compare this phenomenon to the movement of the wings of a butterfly, if it is placed between the palms and created a closed space. For some pregnant women, fetal movements resemble tickling, popping bubbles, or gurgling in the abdomen.

The first movements of the baby in the abdomen may resemble stroking. Fetal movement during early pregnancy is often felt as a pulse in the abdomen. In the later stages, the child's body part that moves is clearly defined. This can be an arm, leg, head, or buttocks. Movements often bring inconvenience and pain - tremors occur in the area of ​​the liver, stomach, diaphragm, bladder.

Normal fetal movement

Over the course of 9 months, the baby grows and develops, the size of the body increases, and by the end of pregnancy, he is in cramped conditions. During pregnancy, the amount of movement also changes. The child is in motion most of the time, the lull occurs during sleep.

By the 20th week of pregnancy, fetal movements reach 200 times per day. At 26-30 weeks - about 600 movements.

In the future, the number of active movements decreases, and before childbirth, they become rare. It is worth noting that the pregnant woman does not feel more than half of the movements. On average, movements occur 10-15 times per hour. During the period when the child is asleep, they are normally absent up to 3 hours. Fetal mobility depends on the following factors:

  • Physical activity that a pregnant woman is experiencing. The calmer the woman behaves, the more actively the fetus performs movements.
  • The nature of the diet of a pregnant woman. If the woman is hungry, the child moves more and the tremors are felt more strongly. When eating sweets, the movements become more active.
  • Times of Day. The maximum activity in the fetus appears in the evening and at night.
  • Incorrect body position of a pregnant woman. In this case, the fetus begins to move strongly and often, causing pain in the woman.
  • Psycho-emotional state of a woman. With strong tension (stress, fear), the fetus may be overly active or, conversely, subside.
  • Ambient sounds, bright light cause an increase in physical activity or, conversely, its dying out.

Fetal movements before delivery

Approximately 2 weeks before childbirth, physical activity decreases, the nature of movements changes. This is due to the cessation of the growth of the uterus, cramped conditions in the womb. The child is gaining strength before birth. During this period, it descends into the small pelvis with the presenting part. The woman feels lightness, shortness of breath goes away, it becomes easier to breathe. Strong fetal movements are replaced by a complete calm, and vice versa. A few days before giving birth, activity may not be detected at all or may be too violent.

Counting methods

The deviation of the number of movements from the average values ​​up or down is noted as an unfavorable sign. Such changes indicate oxygen starvation in a child (hypoxia) - chronic or acute, a change in the amount of amniotic fluid. The number of tremors decreases due to an excess volume of amniotic fluid, an increase in pushing is associated with or hypoxia. You can count the number of movements in three methods based on the creation of graphs or tables:

  • Pearson's way.

Active movements are counted over a 12 hour period (9 hours - 21 hours). It is necessary to create a schedule in which to fix the time from the beginning of counting to the tenth movement of the fetus. Normally, he will make ten movements in one hour. If in an hour the fetus has not reached ten, you need to try to provoke them: stroking the stomach, eating chocolate or candy, turning on pleasant music or sounds of nature. Then resume counting. If in the future the child remains passive, it is worth contacting a gynecologist.

  • The Cardiff way.

The calculation of active movements is carried out in 12 hours. The pregnant woman should choose the time to start counting on her own. The starting time of counting and the tenth movement of the fetus are recorded in the graph. If the tenth movement appeared before 12 o'clock, then the counting is not carried out. If ten shocks are not recorded in a 12-hour interval, you must visit a doctor for examination.

  • Sadovski's way.

Fetal movement during pregnancy is counted in this way during the period of its activity (7 h – 23 h). The graph marks the time when the counting began, the woman takes a horizontal position on her side. If the child has completed ten active movements in 60-120 minutes, the counting stops. If the movements have not reached ten times during this period, it is necessary to undergo an additional examination by a gynecologist.

Stirring during pregnancy with twins or triplets

With the development of multiple pregnancies, physical activity is felt stronger, and the tremors become more intense. Multiple pregnancies begin to manifest themselves earlier than single pregnancies, at about 14 weeks. The tremors of the fetus, which has taken a position near the anterior wall of the uterus, will be pronounced. To calculate physical activity, the method of Sadowsky, Cardiff or Pearson is used, but the obtained values ​​are multiplied by the number of children in the womb.

Fetal movement during pregnancy is a vital indicator. He makes it clear that the child is alive and growing. But do not panic if tangible tremors did not appear by the 16th week of pregnancy. To calm down, you can undergo an unscheduled ultrasound scan and make sure that the pregnancy is developing and the baby is growing. If the movements were felt well, and they became much less, or they stopped altogether, you should immediately consult a doctor for examination. This will help prevent adverse effects.

The most quivering, unforgettable sensation during pregnancy is the first long-awaited movement under the baby's heart. When to expect it? What do periods of activity and rest mean? How to conduct a perturbation test on your own and what studies can confirm that everything is in order with the baby?

Signs of a new life: fetal movement

A positive pregnancy test, registration with an antenatal clinic, regular visits to the doctor ... Everything is so new to you. But the strongest emotions will be caused by the first movement of the child. The sensations are painless, still weak and indistinct, but so different: as if a fish swam in the stomach, or a butterfly fluttered in the palms. It is from this moment that the realization comes to you that a new life is growing inside.

In fact, the child starts to move from. He already has the first muscle bundles and nerve fibers. It is still very small and, surrounded by amniotic fluid, practically does not touch the walls of the uterus. As the nervous system grows and develops, its movements become more orderly. The baby reacts to external stimuli, touches the walls of the uterus. Then you feel the movement.

Sensitivity degree

When does a child make itself felt? It is believed that during the first pregnancy this happens in, with a second one - two weeks earlier. But the timing is approximate and depends on many reasons.

If you are an experienced mom, and these feelings are familiar from past pregnancies, you will recognize them earlier. Thin girls are also highly susceptible. A woman "with weight" is prevented from feeling the first movements by subcutaneous adipose tissue, and sometimes she takes them for the peculiarities of intestinal motility.

The placenta plays an important role. If it is located on the front wall of the uterus, the baby's movements will become apparent to you later.

Note to the doctor

So, the day came when you understood: the child moves. Remember the date. The doctor will definitely ask about it and mark it in the exchange card. According to this parameter, he will calculate the expected due date. During the first pregnancy, it will add 20 weeks to the date, with a second pregnancy - 22.

By wiggling, you can determine the position of the fetus. In the place of its greatest activity, the limbs are usually located. If the tremors are mostly felt closer to the diaphragm, the baby is lying with his head down. If in the lower abdomen, breech presentation is likely. Until the child has the opportunity to take the correct position.

Methods for diagnosing a baby's well-being

Cardiotocography (CTG) helps to control the baby's well-being. A sensor is placed on the stomach, where the heart sounds are better heard. The second is placed on the upper part of the uterus to register the uterine tone. In your hand you will hold a special button that must be pressed with each movement. The signal is recorded on paper.

The interaction of the nervous, muscular and cardiovascular systems is also checked. If the child has moved, and his heartbeat has increased, the reaction is correct. If the heartbeat does not change when moving, this indicates the first signs of hypoxia and the need for close medical supervision. Such a study is planned. It is held twice a month.

The state of blood circulation in the "mother - placenta - fetus" system makes it possible to evaluate the ultrasound examination with Doppler analysis. On this ultrasound, a qualitative and quantitative analysis of blood flow in the uterine arteries, umbilical cord vessels, aorta and cerebral arteries of the fetus is done.

Cramped house

You will feel great activity of the baby during the term. During this period, it grows rapidly, develops, and there is still enough space in its "house". Later, the child becomes cramped in the uterus, and his energy decreases. Especially before childbirth. With growth, the nature of the movements also changes. With the nervous system of the fetus already sufficiently developed, the formation of the cycle "activity - rest" is taking place. The kid can move diligently for an hour, and then calm down.

Many pregnant women complain about the obstinate nature of the baby. During the day he behaves calmly, but as soon as he lies down to rest or fall asleep, the "dancing" begins. And the child just likes the pleasant rocking of the abdomen when you go to the store, do your housework. In addition, when you are in a relaxed state, the blood supply improves, and the baby has more strength to "play pranks". And with his energetic movements, he makes you get up, change your body position. Don't worry. During long periods of pregnancy, your rhythms of sleep and wakefulness are likely to coincide with him.

Do you feel rhythmic twitching in your stomach? This is your baby hiccups. Don't be alarmed. The relationship between the hiccups of the fetus and the violation of its intrauterine state has not been established.

The child's activity is monitored

What matters is the change in the child's physical activity over several days. Unusually strong, erratic, threshing movements will speak of a violation of his condition. A possible reason for this increase in reflex activity is an increase in the carbon dioxide content in your blood. The doctor will prescribe additional laboratory tests and give recommendations.

Decrease or cessation of baby's movements after vigorous physical activity can be a sign of hypoxia, when the baby lacks nutrients and oxygen. The unsatisfactory state of both your health and the child can provoke placental insufficiency. We'll have to establish the degree of development of hypoxia. In the acute form, emergency medical care is needed, in the chronic one - constant monitoring and treatment.

Baby wiggle: Count to 10

This is the simplest and most common test for baby D. Pearson's movements. It is recommended by the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation and is indicated in official documents on the management of pregnancy in our country. It can be used by everyone at home to independently monitor the child's condition. In a special table, every tenth movement is noted from 9:00 to 21:00. This is how the features of his motor activity are determined. In a normal state, the tenth movement is noted before 17:00. If the number of movements within 12 hours is less than 10, it is advisable to inform the doctor. If the baby does not make itself felt within 12 hours - an emergency, urgently see a doctor!

If the baby does not move for three hours, there is no cause for concern. He can just sleep.

Language of movements

Sometimes the movements become especially intense in a short period of time. This baby is "protesting" because of your uncomfortable position. If you lie on your back for a long time, the large vessels of the uterus are compressed, and blood flow to the fetus decreases. By his actions, he is trying to force you to change position.

The baby calms down during the cold snap, when you worry, worry, sit for hours in one position. Try to eat something sweet - he should react to the treat. It is useful for him to walk in the fresh air for at least three hours a day, good nutrition, prolonged sleep, reasonable alternation of work and rest.

Another child really wants you to communicate with him. In the last weeks of pregnancy, his movements can sometimes cause pain and discomfort. Change your body position, stroke your stomach, say a few sweet words to the prankster, and everything will return to normal.

Irina Lebedeva gynecologist, head of the antenatal clinic
at maternity hospital No. 32 in Moscow


You have to be very sensitive about such things. Especially with the first child. Probably, you are more relaxed about the second birth. And the former are always scary. Especially if you have never had sisters or brothers and you do not know how to handle a baby.

Comment on the article "Fetal movements during pregnancy: what do they mean and how to count?"

Stirring fetus. Medical issues. Pregnancy and childbirth. I'm waiting, I'm ashamed to say, the fourth, so I felt the first stir very early. It's now 19 weeks old and I can't remember if I should be feeling fetal movements on a regular basis, or not?


so I bought a home doppler to avoid panic.

Everyone says and writes that the second time you can feel it earlier, but with me it's the opposite. I felt my daughter at 18, but now only at 20, but I have a placenta on the front wall. I asked the doctor a question, she said that 20 is the norm for hairstyles in order to feel them out) I don’t know about the unit)))

More about perturbations. Fetal development. Pregnancy and childbirth. Pregnancy is the first - the term is 21 weeks, I went, but there is still no movement! The obstetrician says it will start from day to day, but I'm already starting to worry and worry? Who started at what time, and what kind of ...


At 20-22 weeks I had bumps when Sonya was doing gymnastics. But my placenta on the back wall was completely flat stomach before pregnancy.

Lord, how long ago it seems ... :)

1 pregnancy, I felt one to 18 weeks, and my husband began to feel and see exactly a week later, i.e. at 19 weeks the belly really began to jump

10/23/2012 10:47:20 PM, _mestnaya_

Very strong movements. ... I find it difficult to choose a section. Pregnancy and childbirth. You're wiggling and should feel stronger. And I have somewhere from the 26th week of the child, as it were, rolls over, I even have sharp kicks and the first movements of the fetus during pregnancy.


I have a very violent baby, and also at night the peak of her activity. I myself cannot sleep, so it also wakes up my husband, if I snuggle up to him - the truth beats so that he wakes up. And for a long, long time, without a break. Not kicks, but real shocks, so he throws me up on the bed. But even on ultrasound at 12 weeks, the doctor told us - ooooo, a fighting kid, I haven't seen such an active one for a long time! Even then I was jumping all over my stomach :)

well, there are children who are active and not very ... they are all different))))
you can do a doppler to calm the soul))))

about perturbations and the placenta. Fetal development. Pregnancy and childbirth. about perturbations and the placenta. I recently read somewhere that if the placenta is located on the front wall, then the baby's movements are felt less, they are more delicate, that the placenta is like ...


no, well, at 28 weeks, the placenta does not amortize so much that it is not audible. you just have a calm kid, or maybe the weather really is.
For my own peace of mind, I bought such a device to listen to a child's heart, I don't remember what it is called in Russian (I'm in the states). my girl was most active late at night when I went to bed. they say that during the day the mummy's movements lull the child, like in a cradle, and when she sits / lies, the child wakes up :)

Here, from 16-17 weeks of excitement, during the first pregnancy at this period I already felt everything, but now the placenta on the front wall and the first sensations at 18 weeks appeared, and now I don't really feel it, I already tortured my doctor about this ...
Today, too, there was nothing all day, but I think we sleep there)

The first perturbations. Second and subsequent childbirth. The first fetal movements during pregnancy. Feeling of fetal movement - which week of pregnancy? They say that in the second and subsequent pregnancies, you begin to feel the movement of the baby earlier ...

The mom-to-be is especially concerned about the motor activity of the baby in her tummy. After all, with these movements, the baby not only informs that it is growing and developing successfully, but also seems to be communicating with its mother. When does fetal movement begin during pregnancy? And what should be borne in mind, what should you pay attention to when the baby starts to move? Let's figure it out.

First fetal movement

Many pregnant women look forward to the moment when they feel the movement of their baby. After all, then their connection with the child becomes stronger, since they already feel him physically. When does fetal movement begin? This question requires a rather lengthy answer, since there are many nuances in which we will try to figure it out.

The first fetal movement is observed at about the eighth week of pregnancy, when the baby acquires arms and legs. But the expectant mother does not feel these movements, they are still too weak, and the baby is so small that it lacks the walls of the uterus. She will feel them much later. When - depends on her "experience of a future mother."

A woman begins to catch fetal movements during the first pregnancy at about the twentieth week. A mother-to-be who is expecting her first baby is not always able to immediately understand that it is a child who is moving. It may seem to her that it rumbles in her stomach. But over time, she will learn to distinguish the baby's movements and will not confuse them with anything. Mothers feel the first fetal movements during pregnancy in different ways. One thinks that a grain of popcorn is exploding inside her. Another is that she is gently stroked from the inside. The third will compare the movements of the baby with the fluttering of a butterfly. The fourth will say that a small fish seems to be swimming inside her. Fifth, that something is rolling quietly. Comparisons can be made endlessly.

The first fetal movement during the second pregnancy, the expectant mother, who already has the experience of carrying a child, feels earlier than during the first one. This happens at about 18 weeks. But perhaps even earlier.

Also, when a pregnant woman feels the fetal movement, her complexion affects. Thin women feel the baby's jolts earlier and more clearly. The same applies to expectant mothers who lead an active lifestyle. If we talk about a certain average period in which a woman should feel the first movements of the baby, then this is the time from 16 to 24 weeks of pregnancy.

Be sure to record in your memory the date when you felt the first movement of the crumbs. You will need to tell her doctor. He will make the necessary calculations and determine the approximate one.

Also, according to the area of ​​the most active movement of the baby, you can determine it in the future. For example, if the mother feels the strongest shocks in the lower abdomen, it means that the legs of the crumbs are there, and we are talking about breech presentation. And if active movements are observed in the area of ​​the diaphragm, it means that the baby is located with his head down.

Is active fetal movement good or bad?

How active should the baby's movements be? When the baby is awake, he is constantly moving. The expectant mother feels the most frequent fetal movements, as a rule, in the evenings and at night, as well as when she is at rest. This can be explained by the fact that when a woman moves, the baby sways inside her tummy, and he is pleased. And when the expectant mother lies or sits, then the child is at rest. And he still wants to swing! And he begins to push his mother, informing her that she should not sit in one place. But over time, an understanding will be established between the baby and his mother, and the baby will rest with her. The child will even have a certain routine. It will be useful for a woman to keep a diary in which she will write down when the baby is moving and when she is sleeping. After all, if any malfunctions are noticeable in the mode, she will be able to consult a doctor in a timely manner, who will determine if everything is in order.

On average, at 20 weeks, the baby moves about 200 times a day. The most active fetal movement occurs between 28 and 32 weeks of gestation. Then the baby moves about 600 times a day. Then the baby grows up and no longer moves so freely inside the mother, so the number of movements decreases. Of course, the woman does not feel all these movements. In general, it is normal if the expectant mother feels about 10-15 movements per hour. When the baby is asleep, he does not move. Therefore, if there is no activity for several hours (up to four), this is not a reason for panic. The baby is resting, and when he wakes up, he will set the heat again! But if the baby does not move for about 6 hours or his activity as a whole has significantly decreased, you need to call an ambulance or go to an urgent doctor's appointment. After all, this may indicate fetal hypoxia. If the baby is moving very actively, then you should consult your doctor. Making somersaults inside the mother's tummy, the baby runs the risk of getting tangled in the umbilical cord. An experienced doctor will certainly give advice, following which you can "persuade" the child to become calmer.

With his movements, the baby is also able to demonstrate his attitude to various events. For example, if his mother "treated" him with something tasty, having eaten lunch or a delicacy, the baby expresses his approval with strong jerks. But if a woman has not eaten for a long time, and the baby also needs nutrients, he will also remind her that it is high time to eat by active stirring.

The crumb can push hard if mommy has taken some kind of position in which it is uncomfortable for him to be in her tummy. The baby is able to react to a stressful mother or loud sounds around her either by a complete cessation of movements, or, on the contrary, by active movement.

Also, many children begin to "dance" inside their mother's tummy when she listens to music that they like. Most toddlers like classical, calm music.

Reading time: 5 minutes

The first fetal movement during pregnancy; one of the most anticipated moments of a young mom. The blossoming of new life in the womb begins to be felt in the second trimester. It is very important to fix the first intrauterine impulse. He will tell the mother and the gynecologist about the exact date of the baby's birth. If a girl has this first pregnancy, expect a baby 20 weeks after the first sensations of movement.

The fetus begins to move at 8-9 weeks. But these movements are not felt in any way by the expectant mother, due to the fact that the embryo is too small. Only an ultrasound will allow you to see how the unborn baby accidentally touches the walls of the uterus. Active fetal movement during pregnancy begins at 16-24 weeks.

Thinner mothers-to-be feel light tremors much earlier than fat women. In addition, early movement in many is caused by a high threshold of sensitivity. So don't worry if your little one is late. This means that he simply did not gain the required body weight. With the increase in size, every movement of the baby feels better.

How to recognize wiggle

There is no general description of fetal movements. Both doctors and moms define these feelings differently. Someone describes it poetically, comparing movement to the flapping of the wings of a butterfly. Someone says that the sensations are similar to stroking or tickling from the inside. To others, the tremors resemble a gurgle. Every woman is different. But it happens that this "gurgling" brings unbearable painful sensations due to the strong activity of the fetus.

Why in some women the fetus moves with more force, while in others with less? Many people explain this by the fact that already during pregnancy, the character of the unborn baby is formed. Mom already feels a moving little one at such early stages of his life. But for the most part, very active movement informs the woman about some intrauterine problems, so it is very important for the pregnant woman to control these sensations.

Too sharp and prolonged shocks "say" that the baby does not like something. If, when changing the position, the child's behavior does not change, and fetal movements bring pain for several hours, consult a doctor.

To calm the spirited behavior of the fetus, it is necessary to change the position. With such attacks, the baby reacts to the uncomfortable position of the mother, especially this applies to the lying position. For example, it is contraindicated for pregnant women to lie on their backs for such a period! It is worth turning over, and the little one calms down.
If the movements are too infrequent and sluggish, it is recommended to eat something sweet. Carbohydrates with blood flow will quickly reach the child and recharge him with new strength.

The number of movements at different stages of pregnancy

From about 25 weeks, the fetus, according to the norms, should move at least 10 times per hour. Your baby, just like you, takes some kind of poses and changes positions. Hence the gurgling feeling. If you start to feel rhythmic jolts, don't worry, the baby has hiccups. This process will not do any harm to the child, you will soon get used to it. During this period, hiccups can be repeated several times a day.

Be sure to lead. In the future, you will be able to refer to him to understand why your child is moving. Write down every little thing from week 21. Recognition of your voice, the voices of other family members, reaction to loud sounds, to a pleasant melody - your little one already feels all these sounds with you.
Sometimes the movements may disappear altogether. This means that the fetus has fallen asleep. Such phenomena usually do not last more than three hours. Also, there are often cases when your unborn child makes itself felt at night. The nascent life itself decides at what time to stay awake and at what time to rest.

The baby can perform up to 500 different body movements per day. This is mainly observed from 28 to 32 weeks. You will not feel all the movements. Many factors affect their perceptibility: the amount of amniotic fluid, the thickness of the abdominal wall, the position of the fetus and placenta, as well as the child's mobility and the sensitivity of the pregnant woman herself.

From week 32, activity begins to decrease, but from that moment on, by the movement of the fetus, its position in the uterus is already determined. It's just that the size of the baby at this time greatly increases, and the uterus is insignificant. If the baby is in breech presentation, you will feel the main tremors in the lower abdomen. If the tremors are higher than the navel, the presentation is cephalic.

At the end of the last trimester, fetal movements become infrequent, but do not completely disappear. If mom does not feel any movement for 12 hours, you need to see a doctor.

Symptoms and methods for determining fetal hypoxia

Too much lethargy or violent movements of the baby in most cases indicates oxygen starvation. The causes of hypoxia are different: cardiovascular diseases, diabetes mellitus, fetal malformations and much more. To identify the disease, an ultrasound scan or cardiotocography is performed.

A cardiotocography procedure is an examination of the heartbeat. The device measures the heart rate of your baby for an hour. A changing rhythm from 120 to 160 beats per minute is considered the norm. With severe hypoxia, the mark drops to 90 beats. If this disease is detected for a period of more than 30 weeks, the woman undergoes a cesarean section.

To identify such violations on their own, a pregnant woman needs to use the "Count to 10" technique. From about 28 weeks, in the interval from 9 to 21 hours, a woman should count the movements. The tenth in the account is recorded in a special card. If within 12 hours the number of tremors exceeds 15, or vice versa, the fetus is inactive, contact a specialist.

Stirring fetus during the second pregnancy

The first baby starts to move at 20 weeks. But what if you are expecting a second or third baby? This period, according to women, begins a little earlier. It is difficult to say exactly when the first stir will occur. Each organism is different. Someone is gaining mass very quickly, someone - slowly. The time limit for the start of wiggling is still 16-24 weeks. But when your baby shows himself - it is up to him to decide.

Obstetricians say that the mother feels the first movement during repeated pregnancy 2-3 weeks earlier. But this only means that the feelings of the pregnant woman are exacerbated, and the past experience helps to more accurately determine the movement.

It happens that a nulliparous girl is misled by her own intestines. This is normal. In the first months of the birth of a new life, the entire body is rebuilt. 15-20 weeks is a time of rapid changes in intestinal functionality, which is very easy to confuse with the activity of the baby. A woman giving birth is able to distinguish peristalsis from the jerks of a child.

Remember, your main task during any pregnancy is to maintain a good mood, enjoy every movement, control your health and monitor your diet. Pregnancy is fleeting, not many have the opportunity to repeat this experience. Arrange family evenings, the future child will be happy to listen to a fairy tale from dad or a lullaby from mom. Don't miss the most touching moments.

The information presented in the article is for informational purposes only. The materials of the article do not call for self-treatment. Only a qualified doctor can diagnose and give recommendations for treatment based on the individual characteristics of a particular patient.

The expectant mother sighs with relief when the first trimester of pregnancy smoothly passes into the second phase: behind the "nerves" about the probable threat of miscarriage, debilitating toxicosis and weakness. The reward for the inconvenience suffered by a pregnant woman is the moment when the child begins to move. This amazing sensation is so unique that it is difficult to compare it with anything else. Let's discuss normal wiggle rates for a baby and at the same time find out what to do if the baby stops wiggling.

Every woman in a position with a sinking heart is waiting for her little blood to make itself felt. The treasured tremors inside the abdomen do not lose their charm even for mothers who are pregnant again. If you are interested in what time the baby begins to move in the womb, we note that it is impossible to tie this event to the exact date. The moment that takes your breath away and tears welling up in your eyes, each expectant mother has its own and is largely determined by the specifics of the development of the fetus.

When the baby begins to move in the belly during pregnancy

The ability to move develops in the baby long before the mother can feel it. In this regard, we will pose the question of fetal movements as follows: at how many weeks does the mother feel how her baby begins to move?

For the first time, the baby begins to move 8 to 9 weeks after it appeared in the mother's body. If you shift this period to obstetric weeks, you get 10-11 weeks of pregnancy. Now the body of the embryo is "overgrown" with tissue, consisting of neurons, and muscle bundles. The work of the nervous system is still in its infancy, therefore, the movements of the fetus are not oriented in space and are similar to convulsive jerks. Naturally, a woman cannot yet feel the movements of such a tiny organism inside. The uterus is filled with amniotic fluid, in which the child calmly maneuvers without touching the inner surface of his "refuge".

Relatively clear coordination of fetal movement is acquired by the 11-15 obstetric weeks of pregnancy, when the baby already has a cerebellum and both hemispheres of the brain. Due to the presence of these most important organs, the child is constantly "running" inside the uterus, namely, moves his legs and arms, tastes his fingers.

Especially impressionable mothers-to-be are sure that they felt the baby move in the stomach already at 13-14 weeks. However, any gynecologist will say that this is impossible. In the early stages of pregnancy, a woman can be confused by the activity of her intestines.

How long does the child move so that his mother feels it? For the first time, a pregnant woman feels the presence of a little man in 16 - 24 obstetric weeks after the birth of a new life in her body. Remembering the exact date when the baby clearly showed his character is very important: focusing on this day, the doctor will determine the expected date of his birth. If a woman is preparing to become a mother for the first time, 20 weeks are counted from the date of the first movements of the child, for multiparous - 22 weeks. This method does not claim to be unconditionally accurate, but if we take into account all the available data (the date of the first movements, the date of the beginning of the last menstruation and the results of ultrasound), the probability of a strong miscalculation is minimal.

When a baby moves during pregnancy: obstetric norms

To begin with, let us clarify that the timing of the first perturbations (16-24 weeks) is rather arbitrary. Mom feels the presence of the child inside subjectively, and this is largely influenced by her lifestyle. A woman, mobile in work and play, sometimes simply cannot concentrate on what is happening inside her. Another option for the absence of tangible fetal movements is a specific method of attachment of the placenta. The baby is not heard for a long time if the placenta has grown into the anterior wall of the uterus. However, if the volume of the abdomen is systematically increasing, and the doctor perfectly hears the beating of the baby's heart, there is nothing to worry about.

When the baby first "greets" you, its activity will increase every day, and soon you will get used to the presence of a pushing creature in your stomach. The peak of the greatest fetal mobility occurs between 24 and 32 obstetric weeks of pregnancy. By the 24th week of its existence, the baby develops its own regime: he sleeps about 16 - 20 hours a day, and "walks" from 4 to 6 hours.

In terms of activity, the woman and her child complement each other: when the mother is busy with something, her movements rock the baby and he probably sleeps at this time, but when the pregnant woman lies down to rest, the baby will immediately remind of herself with a series of tangible jolts. By late evening, fetal activity usually reaches its maximum. Moreover, the emotional connection between a woman and a child is absolutely obvious: often the baby pushes with force when his mother is scared, happy or upset.

When the gestation period exceeds 32 weeks, the baby grows so much that he can no longer spin in the stomach as he pleases. Now he just kicks the woman from the inside. Mom will definitely notice that the child has begun to move less and "fight" more, then she will have to get used to his new behavior. For example, the activity of the baby can become a significant obstacle to a quiet night's rest: its tremors, although they will become more rare, will noticeably gain strength and will be very painful for a pregnant woman. Now almost nothing depends on the expectant mother, except perhaps to lie on her back so as not to pinch the vena cava, through which oxygen gets to the baby. This time before childbirth you just need to endure.

How many weeks does the second / third child move

The first intrauterine movements of the baby cannot be adjusted to the standard time frame with an accuracy of one day or a week - these indicators are rather arbitrary and are determined by the constitutional characteristics of a woman, the thickness of fat on her belly, as well as the sequence of the child.

The movements of the first child appear at 20 weeks (according to obstetric terms), and graceful thin girls and women generally hear them 10 days earlier.

Regardless of the order of pregnancy, all babies begin to move in the uterus at about the same time. However, it has been noticed that if a woman already has a child, she will hear the movements of his brother or sister a little earlier than the first time. “Experienced” mothers know how a child should move, so they are more sensitive to what is happening inside them. In addition, the physiology of repeated pregnancy is somewhat different from the first: in multiparous women, the uterine muscles are stretched more strongly and are less prone to hypertonicity than in primiparous women, so it is easier to feel the second / third baby than before. This usually happens between 18 and 19 obstetric weeks.

On the other hand, multiparous women perceive their delicate position as something natural, in contrast to the constantly worried expectant mothers carrying the first heir. They are busy raising their first child, and do not always have free time to listen to the signals of the baby inside. Therefore, in most cases, multiparous mothers notice the baby's movements at the same time as primiparous, when the fetus is already tangibly pushed.

The nature of sensations when the child moves

Waiting for the first child is an exciting and exciting period for his mother. How I want to finally feel the real presence of the crumbs in order to respond to his thrusts, gently stroking the rounded belly! But how not to confuse the first movements of the child with the usual internal activity of the body? To clarify the situation a little, we will turn to experienced mothers for help. So, what does the baby's first movements look like? Usually the answers are as follows:

  • as if a fish is splashing inside;
  • a ball bounces easily in the stomach;
  • as if someone is gently stroking the inside of the stomach;
  • a weightless butterfly flutters;
  • as if you are being tickled with a feather;
  • light tremors.

It turns out that every woman perceives the body movements of the crumbs in her stomach in her own way, and this depends not only on her romantic mood, but also on her personal constitution. "Skinny" women notice movements earlier than "donuts", so they feel even the most weightless vibrations of the fetus.

Sometimes a pregnant woman finds it difficult to determine what caused the strange sensations inside - the activity of the baby or too violent intestinal peristalsis. Indeed, overflows and rolls of a different nature can sometimes be quite justifiably attributed to the active work of the organs of the digestive system. To find out the true source of a specific movement inside, the expectant mother needs to be more attentive: soon she will learn to recognize the signals that the baby sends her. Don't worry if you still haven't felt your child's movements. The longer the gestation period, the less shy and more active the "belly" becomes.

How many times does the child move: average norms

The moment will come when a pregnant woman will get used to the movements of the fetus and begin to study their nature. What should be considered first of all? First, during the day it is useful to count how often and when the baby reminds of herself. This is necessary in order to determine if everything is in order with him. Record in memory or write down in a notebook the time of every tenth movement of the crumbs.

Secondly, if the child is silent for a suspiciously long time, and you do not like it, eat something, and then lie down to rest after eating. A healthy baby will surely "flare up" when mom has breakfast or dinner. While resting, count how many times the baby moved over the course of two hours. If you feel from 5 to 11 movements during this time, there is nothing to be afraid of. If your baby continues to ignore you, get up, walk around the room, and then lie down again. As a rule, such actions help to wake up even the most notorious sleepyheads.

What to do if the baby is quiet

Sooner or later, every woman in an "interesting" position will study the daily routine of her baby thoroughly. Now it is important to know the following: if the stomach is quiet and calm for about 3 hours in a row, it's time to get ready for an unscheduled examination at the hospital. A very alarming sign shortly before giving birth is considered the absence of any signs of life in the abdomen for 6 hours. This suggests that the child does not have enough oxygen and therefore he saves strength, being motionless. Only a gynecologist can understand the situation: he will assess the nature of the baby's heart rate, conduct CTG. Depending on the results of the examination, the expectant mother is either prescribed a specific treatment to make up for the baby's oxygen deficiency, or sent for an emergency delivery. The doctor makes a decision based on the individual health indicators of the mother and child.