Hyperactive child - what to do? How to choose a sports section for a child

Do you need sports and exercise for hyperactive children? And should hyperactive children be forced to play sports?

I must say right away that you should never force it. Yes, you, most likely, will not succeed! Trying to force hyperactive children to do anything is futile. And, here, to help them find something to do is, just, for which they will say "thank you" to you in the future. Plus, the respect shown to your hyperactive child will pay off. You and your son or daughter will become like-minded people!

As for sports, we have all heard about their benefits. Even a few simple exercises throughout the day will keep your child strong, energetic and collected. But let's turn to the facts.

Hyperactive children have an unstable, very sensitive nervous system. In fact, it is a disturbance in the functioning of the nervous system. But it is known that physical activity neutralizes the effects of stress on the body. The famous physiologist, the creator of the science of higher nervous activity, IP Pavlov, noted that physical exercise "is the greatest remedy in the case of a disorder of higher nervous activity."

The benefits of sports and exercise have been known since ancient times. The ancient Roman physician Galen (130-200 AD), who was engaged, among other medical sciences, neurology, wrote: "Thousands and thousands of times I have restored health to my patients through exercise."

The great ancient Greek physician Hippocrates (who lived around 460–370 BC) also used physical exercise to heal his patients.

Today, with the development of medicine, high-precision medical equipment has also appeared. It confirms that moderate physical activity improves metabolism and tissue regeneration in the body, stimulates neuroregulatory function.

This is not the case with sports. Intensified training affects the body more severely, causing stress. We are, of course, not talking about children's sports clubs. Classes in them are built on the basis of basic pedagogical and medical standards. But, entering the brutal world of professional sports, one has to forget about these norms. The main thing here is the result. And all means are good to achieve the goal.

However, the majority of parents, and especially those who educate, when choosing a section, mean its improvement and harmonious physical development. We will also proceed from these principles.

Exercise and types of stress

All physical exercises can be divided by type of load into:

  1. aerobic (performed rhythmically, evenly, for a long time and train the respiratory and cardiovascular systems)
  2. strength (resistance exercises that strengthen the muscles)
  3. stretching (various stretching and twisting)

For the harmonious physical development of the child, it is desirable to combine these types of loads.

In any sport, experienced trainers begin each lesson with a warm-up and warming up the muscles. Warming up is important because it prevents injury: warmed-up muscles are more flexible. They handle loads more easily, stretch better. Given the increased propensity of hyperactive children to injury, this is especially important. Light aerobic activity such as jogging is used to warm up.

The second step in most workouts is strength training. To maintain optimal balance, it is important to develop all muscles evenly. By working out various muscle groups, the guys become physically stronger.

It is known that it is highly undesirable to abruptly interrupt a workout. Therefore, the final phase of any session involves stretching and flexibility exercises. In addition to flexibility, such exercises stimulate regeneration processes, allow you to recover from stress. They even out breathing, slow down the heartbeat and pulse.

What sports to choose

When choosing a sport and section, you need to take into account many factors: the child's health, the level of initial physical fitness, abilities, character and, of course, personal preferences.

At what age to start playing sports

If a child does not have health-related restrictions, he has a huge choice. There is only an age range for starting classes. The minimum age is recommended, before which the child will most likely not be enrolled in the section. However, it is not too late to take up any kind of sport at an older age.

6-7 years: Swimming, aqua aerobics, diving, figure skating, tennis, hockey, aerobics, gymnastics, acrobatics, trampoline jumping, dancing, aikido, basketball, ski tourism, chess, American pool

8-9 years: Athletics, football, volleyball, handball, biathlon, freestyle wrestling, water polo, fencing, judo, sambo, taekwondo, Russian billiards

After 10-12 years: Rowing, sailing, shooting, wushu, karate, mountaineering, rock climbing, boxing, kickboxing, weightlifting, equestrianism

Does temperament influence the choice of the sports section

How it affects! This table covers 4 main types of temperament... You can determine your temperament using a test. Although, psychologists note that it is extremely rare for a person to show one specific type. Much more often you can see their combination. In this case, when choosing a sports section, you should focus on the one that is shown brighter.

Temperament Kinds of sports
Touchy, sensitive, restless, aggressive, excitable, fickle, impulsive, optimistic, active, amenable to moods
Boxing, various types of single combats, team sports
Sociable, open (contact), talkative, approachable, sympathetic, cheerful, carefree, proactive
Team games, obstacle course, fencing, karate, kayaking, mountaineering, hang gliding
Passive, calm, reliable, even, manageable, peaceful, judicious, prudent, benevolent
Running, skiing, cycling, weightlifting, billiards, chess, yoga, martial arts
Quiet, rigid, anxious, reserved, uncommunicative, pessimistic, reasoning prone, easily upset
Sailing, dancing, yoga, shooting, equestrianism, javelin throw, discus throw

Sports propensity depends on body type

The table shows the average statistical indicators. But, you need to understand that, just like temperament, physique rarely fits 100% to a certain type. Despite this, the main, dominant type can be distinguished.

Body type Kinds of sports
Tall, often stooped, thin bone, flat chest. Bone relief and joints are clearly visible. The legs are often O-shaped. Sluggish, poorly developed muscles.
For them, sports that require endurance strength and high speed are difficult. But they succeed where short-term stress and acceleration are required.

Track and field athletics, especially sprinting, dancing, rhythmic gymnastics.

Thin bone, the back and legs are often straight, the chest is cylindrical, with a large volume of lungs. High muscle tone with low muscle mass.
With low strength, medium endurance and speed, they have good results in sports and balance exercises.

Track and field athletics, skiing, artistic gymnastics, acrobatics, various jumps, swimming, biathlon, cycling, rowing, football.

A massive skeleton, a well-developed chest, a significant amount of muscle mass.
Average indicators of strength and endurance. Succeed in sports that require balance, speed and flexibility.

Football, hockey, tennis, long jump, shot and javelin throwing, running, artistic gymnastics, weightlifting, martial arts, mountaineering.

Massive skeleton, broad bone, broad chest, straight back. Significant muscle tone and volume of muscle mass. Differs in the predominance of adipose tissue.
Small lung volume. With significant muscle strength, endurance is low.

Wrestling, various martial arts, hockey, shooting, weightlifting.

Sports and exercise for health problems

By using physical exercise wisely, it is possible to achieve significant improvements in the health status of children with various diseases. But there are a few rules.

  1. You can do it only with the permission of the attending physician
  2. We'll have to give up intense training and ambitions associated with athletic achievement
  3. The trainer must certainly be informed about both the disease and the recommendations of your doctor.

Hyperactive children

Sports, like any exercise, can be of immense benefit to hyperactive children. Only when choosing a section for a hyperactive child, one should take into account the peculiarities of his illness and the doctor's recommendations.

  1. Avoid large groups and team sports. Hyperactive children find it difficult to learn the rules and cannot effectively interact in a large group. In addition to peer ridicule and an inferiority complex, such activities can also increase hyperactivity.
  2. For hyperactive children, sports and exercises with high strength loads are strongly discouraged. Eliminate various types of wrestling and weightlifting from your list
  3. You should not choose highly traumatic sports and exercises for hyperactive children. Children with ADHD manage to get traumas and various injuries, as they say, out of the blue. And what can we say about boxing, basketball, football, hockey, equestrian sports, golf, handball, weightlifting, artistic gymnastics, acrobatics, fencing, shooting, mountaineering, rock climbing, diving and even tennis!
  4. Aggressive sports are also by no means acceptable for hyperactive children. Kick boxing, boxing, various types of martial arts should be prohibited
  5. Hyperactive children quickly lose interest in monotonous repetitive activities, making it difficult for them to engage in sports such as running

What is left? What sport is suitable for the hyperactive?

Here list of safe and healthy sports for hyperactive kids.

  1. Swimming
  2. Water aerobics
  3. Dancing
  4. Rhythmic gymnastics
  5. Athletics
  6. skiing
  7. Aerobics
  8. Trampoline jumping
  9. Aikikai is a type of aikido (only with the permission of a doctor)
  10. Billiards
  11. Chess

Often, hyperactive children have other health problems. An unstable nervous system, unfortunately, provokes a number of psychosomatic (and not only) disorders. All of them must be taken into account when choosing a sport and a sports section for hyperactive children.

It also happens that there are too many contraindications. And then the doctor will most likely recommend replacing sports with exercise therapy exercises for hyperactive and children with ADHD. Listen to your doctor's advice.

In addition to hyperactive children, other children also need sports or exercise. Here are some guidelines for them:

Children with autism

Team sports should be avoided. But it is worth trying your hand at such forms as:

  1. Swimming
  2. Athletics
  3. Cycling
  4. Bowling
  5. Hiking

Children with cardiovascular disease

Depending on the severity of the disease, the attending physician determines whether children can play any sports. However, first of all, all aerobic and power loads will be excluded from the list of permitted ones. Perhaps the doctor will recommend a course of exercise therapy.

Children with respiratory diseases

With a mild course of the disease, with the permission of a doctor, during the period of remission, children can engage in the following sports. However, the exercise regimen should be gentle. In addition to these sports sections, exercise therapy and breathing exercises will be useful for sick children.

  1. Swimming
  2. Dancing
  3. Athletics
  4. Basketball
  5. Volleyball
  6. Aerobics

Children with visual impairments

The degree of impairment plays an important role. If there is a slight deviation from the norm, then it does not interfere with the activity, especially if the children wear glasses or contact lenses. Complicated disease requires an individual approach. Here the last word belongs to the attending physician.

  1. Swimming
  2. Dancing
  3. Sailing
  4. Rowing
  5. Race walking
  6. Biathlon
  7. Chess
  8. Checkers

Children with scoliosis

Appropriate exercise can improve the health of children with scoliosis. The main thing is to consult a doctor, follow all his prescriptions and, in no case, violate his prohibitions and restrictions. In addition to exercise therapy exercises specially designed for this disease, sports such as:

  1. Swimming
  2. Race walking
  3. Nordic pole walking

Children with flat feet

The arch of the foot in children is formed by about 10 years of age. However, the doctor can notice violations in its development at an earlier age. Flat feet are different. Only an orthopedic surgeon can choose adequate treatment and physical activity for children with flat feet. In any case, you need to know that the classes recommended for children should not be held as full-fledged sports training, but in the form of gentle therapeutic and therapeutic exercises. After consulting a doctor, you may:

  1. Swimming free style
  2. Horseback Riding
  3. Oriental martial arts
  4. Skiing

Children with gastritis and gastrointestinal diseases

For children with stomach diseases, it is important to avoid stress on the abs, strength exercises, various martial arts, weightlifting and mountaineering. However, it makes sense to take a closer look at sports such as:

  1. Swimming
  2. Race walking
  3. Easy running
  4. Tennis

All diseases, of course, cannot be enumerated. In each specific case, the recommendations of a specialist observing and treating a child are important. One thing can be said: a positive attitude, moderation, persistence in dealing with an illness and discipline can work wonders.

21.09.2009, 18:50

So, I came across this opinion: "It is useful for hyperactive children to play sports, dance, take long walks. But when choosing a section, keeping in mind the characteristics of a child, you should avoid traumatic sports (wrestling, boxing, etc.)."

My son is not hyperactive from a medical point of view, i.e. He does not have a diagnosis of ADHD, but he is VERY active, talkative, overly open, sticks to strangers, and in response to aggression immediately gets into a fight. I gave it to martial arts. As a result, he became even more aggressive, after classes it is difficult to return him to normal. Here, I read that it is better to give to the dances. What do other parents do? there is an opinion that such children need to run around, bawl with their own kind, but in fact it turns out that it is even harder for them later - not to calm down.

I also read: "During children's games, it is better for a child to have only one or two partners. It is optimal that these are calm children, restless, noisy friends can contribute to the growth of hyperactivity and deterioration of the child's behavior."
And I do my best to make him friends with children like him ... But it turns out that you need to strive to be friends with "nerds" ?? My head is spinning - I did everything wrong for so many years, it turns out.


21.09.2009, 18:55

go to table tennis, very interesting, little cost, or even better in a theater group, so they are there and sing and dance and fool around.

Maripulka D

21.09.2009, 19:15

swimming ... water is very useful for such children., yoga classes
And it is also very useful for them to draw)))

21.09.2009, 19:22

and then why don't you like calm children, you call them nerds.
I like it very much, just "nerd" is a very capacious name, it is immediately clear that he is quiet, calm, clever :).

Katya mama Deniski

21.09.2009, 19:53

I have the same ... Our choice is dancing! The most favorite activity in the garden (we have very good choreography in the garden - rhythm - theatrical activity, no additional classes are needed) - and disciplines - the movements must be clearly repeated, and the energy is released in the right direction ...
Plus, we went to gymnastics - and the load is physical and, again, you need to control yourself quite clearly ...
Plus, we are going to go to serious ballroom, we are waiting for 5 years ...

They speak correctly with friends ... Mine with the same shilopopami is a nightmare on legs;), but with a calm girlfriend and friend - an ALL different child ...

Let's go sailing from January ...

21.09.2009, 20:07

21.09.2009, 20:09

21.09.2009, 20:12

Son 4.8. From September, 3 times a week swimming pool (before the pool, fitness 30 minutes and 30 minutes in the water). Hopefully some of the energy dies down ...

21.09.2009, 20:44

Pool, ballroom dancing, choir - experience helps to stabilize an active child.


21.09.2009, 21:06

Pool, definitely a pool :)))

22.09.2009, 02:26

Swimming pool 2 times a week and gymnastics 3 times a week.
We also go to German 2 times, where they dance and sing and paint.
Yes, there is also a speech therapy kindergarten.
At home, he falls asleep at supper.
But I'm afraid in 2 months he will get used to it and there will be shilopop again.

22.09.2009, 02:33

We do not have hyperactivity, but there is an "awl in the butt", sometimes it is very inattentive. The neuropathologist advised tennis or fencing - exhausting and concentrating.

I don’t know about tennis ... my friend, a children's massage therapist, said that children with crowded backs and especially a shoulder joint after tennis came to them in the center. There is a very specific movement of the hand, which, in principle, is not provided for by Mother Nature, therefore the joints fly at once, and the load is one-sided. So not for scoliosis :)

22.09.2009, 03:01

Buy a trampoline home))) and in the pool of course)

22.09.2009, 03:06

as you know, the super champion of the world and the winner of the last Olympics Michael Phelps suffered from hyperactivity in childhood, and my mother was very advised to take him to the pool :) They say the results are amazing, the child has stabilized, and he swims like a rocket :)

I think he himself did not suffer. Mom is yes.

22.09.2009, 10:23

I don’t know about tennis ... my friend, a children's massage therapist, said that children with crowded backs and especially a shoulder joint after tennis came to them in the center. There is a very specific movement of the hand, which, in principle, is not provided for by Mother Nature, therefore the joints fly at once, and the load is one-sided. So not for scoliosis :)

The neuropathologist told us no "asymmetrical sports" .. when she asked what it is - just tennis, long jump - high ... I chose a pool for my son ... next year there will be dances and a choir (sings constantly) .. ...


22.09.2009, 10:26

22.09.2009, 10:52

I read that gymnastics has a bad effect on growth, be careful

22.09.2009, 11:02

We are also active, we play football

22.09.2009, 11:03

We are awkward. This year later on to the pool, from the next year wrestling (karate or sambo) They also teach discipline. Well, in our time to stand up for yourself and the lady (in the future :))) is simply necessary: ​​008:
But the fight is not recommended for hyperactive children. There, of course, they TEACH discipline, but many "awkward" ones DO NOT LEARN it. The result is the following: 001 :. I saw examples: (If for protection - you can try fencing. Each stick in your hand - there will be a weapon. And there is a little less aggression. There is discipline in any group lessons (if the teacher is good). A. And dances with a successful partner, who is obedient and will slow down and teach. And the result is common.

22.09.2009, 11:07

But the fight is not recommended for hyperactive children. There, of course, they TEACH discipline, but many "awkward" ones DO NOT LEARN it. The result is the following: 001 :. I saw examples :(
It depends a lot on the coach. The son has ADHD. Has been practicing kung fu for the third year. One of the best. Discipline is lame only in the locker room :)), in training - everything is fine.

23.09.2009, 02:13

there is taiji - these are parts of wushu - Chinese health-improving gymnastics (without wrestling) - they teach concentration, attention, + ordinary general physical training. The main emphasis here is on the use of internal energy, training the spirit. Classes allow you to increase the overall physical tone of the body and balance the emotional sphere. About 50% of the time is occupied by outdoor games and general strengthening exercises aimed at developing basic physical qualities - strength, agility, speed, endurance and flexibility, and the formation of posture. Also, children get acquainted with the basic movements of the form, some fighting techniques, get acquainted with the methods of relaxation and self-regulation. Much attention is paid to correct breathing during the execution of the form, which contributes to the development of concentration, the ability to concentrate, and also increases the overall energy potential of the body. As a result of the exercises, deep muscles are trained, a sense of balance, reaction and coordination of movements develops.

23.09.2009, 10:09

My daughter is the same, we go to dances, to draw, but it doesn't help, she just needs to run and shout, so I came up with this - during a walk we first go to the school stadium, and my daughter starts running there and at the same time screaming loudly , for about 15 minutes she gets off like that, but after that she becomes a normal person :)


23.09.2009, 10:13

I gave it in sync, while classes 3 times a week, then 5 times ...
I could not think of less traumatic

23.09.2009, 10:49

My son is not hyperactive from a medical point of view, i.e. he has no ADHD diagnosis, but he is VERY active
We have the same situation - there is no diagnosis, there is activity :)). The son has been going to ballroom dancing for the second year - he likes it very much (mmm), he obeys, there are no problems with discipline in the classroom (mmm). The pool, unfortunately, was not advised by the ENT until the age of 10: ((and there would have been a pool)
I gave it to martial arts. As a result, he became even more aggressive, after classes it is difficult to return him to normal. We “passed” martial arts last year - we took the coach to classes for two months, and the husband praised the coach very much (this is his school friend) - as a result, by the end of these two months, Vanya got upset a couple of times in the classroom so that the coach just kicked him out :( This year, my husband persuades me to try again to go there, I don’t want to.
there is an opinion that such children need to run around, bawl with their own kind, but in fact it turns out that it is even harder for them later - not to calm down.
hmm, if guests come to us in an active, oratory mood, then we immediately get turned on and then it is very difficult to get the child out of this state (now it is easier, and a year ago he simply did not hear me). And if the guests are calm, we can play quietly and peacefully.

Maroussia and two geese

23.09.2009, 10:50

And we are hyperactive. Twice a week a pool (it helps very well), a fitball in the garden (to jump on balls), a theater studio (to learn how to interact in a team and satisfy a passion for fantasy) and drawing (we develop perseverance and train our hand for school).

23.09.2009, 10:55

we have a ballroom dancing partner - an active girl (no diagnosis)
so the psychologist, on the contrary, advised them to fight (they went to the tekwando)
in addition to dancing and a number of other circles - energy must be released - otherwise it will burst. and preferably in a peaceful direction.

25.09.2009, 14:47

It depends a lot on the coach. The son has ADHD. Has been practicing kung fu for the third year. One of the best. Discipline is lame only in the locker room :)), in training - everything is fine.

And after training, does he fight with other children? and then after a workout, if this is a release of energy, does it become calmer? if not, then I want to disappoint you - this is not an option. The child becomes even more crazy, it goes in a circle.

Today, there are many polar points of view on the nature of origin, methods of diagnosis and treatment of ADHD. However, most experts agree with each other that one of the most important ways to help hyperactive children is psychological and pedagogical correction. That is why we asked the psychologists who work with these children and their families to answer the main questions of the parents.

The questions are answered by:

Irina BARANOVA | pediatric pathopsychologist-diagnostician
Oksana ALISOVA | specialist in working with hyperactive children, educational psychologist of the highest qualification category, head of the psychological center "Mayaka Light"

What is ADHD?
Irina Baranova:
From the point of view of pathopsychology, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is a special suboptimal condition of the central nervous system (central nervous system - Ed.), In which the cortical part of the brain does not quite cope with its task: to exert a corrective effect on the subcortical part ... Normally, the cortex inhibits "the subcortex, which, figuratively speaking, encourages a person to" want everything at once, "to achieve his or her strength, without waiting for suitable conditions. In children with ADHD, the process of this regulation is disrupted.

What is the difference between an active healthy toddler and a child with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder?
I.B .:
Distinguishing normal childhood activity from hyperactivity is not always easy. Sometimes the following experiment can help: if you place a child in a confined space with a certain set of toys and objects, an ordinary toddler after a while will find something to do and focus on it. A hyperactive person, most likely, will not be able to do this - his attention will constantly slip away, it will be difficult for him to concentrate on a certain type of activity.
The main method for diagnosing ADHD is observation, and the example above confirms this. If you notice that the baby quickly gets tired and distracted, often conflicts, easily becomes hysterical, show the child to a specialist. Perhaps these are manifestations of ADHD.

Is ADHD suspected at an early age? What should parents of an infant and young child look for?
I.B .:
I believe that it is possible to speak more or less confidently about the presence of ADHD in a child only by the age of seven. Earlier, the behavior of the child and the peculiarities of his development may be determined by the constitution and individual rates of maturation - in simple terms, the child is still just an immature psyche. Taking serious medical treatment in this case can do more harm than good. In addition, it is worth remembering that most preschool children are active and inattentive - this in itself is not a pathology.
However, the above does not mean at all that a disinhibited preschool child should not be shown to specialists! Disinhibition (especially in combination with other disorders - motor, speech) is often a consequence of neurological pathology that requires correction, and not necessarily ADHD. Therefore, the task of a specialist is to qualify the type of CNS deficiency in a preschooler and find a way to help the child. However, a diagnosis such as ADHD may not appear on the chart until the patient reaches the age of seven. This is my opinion as a pathologist.

What are the features of the development of the emotional-volitional sphere in ADHD?
I.B .:
The emotional-volitional sphere of these children is characterized by the instability of emotional states, emotional lability (a quick change of some emotions to others), high readiness for any kind of outbursts, impulsivity. At the same time, one can often observe a high exhaustion of affect, which is already close to neurasthenia.

What are the criteria for diagnosing ADHD in Russia? It is known that abroad this diagnosis is made by a consultation of specialists, but what about the situation in our country? Is functional diagnosis required to confirm ADHD?
I. B
.: In our country, they officially rely on the criteria described in heading F9 * ICD-10. A consultation is also needed in Russia, as in any other controversial diagnosis. Often, experts recommend including functional tests (EEG, REG, dopplerometry of the cerebral vessels, sometimes vascular MRI) and an examination of the fundus by an ophthalmologist in the examination complex.

How to differentiate ADHD and other conditions with similar symptoms (OVD, bipolar disorder, anxiety disorder, etc.)?
I.B .:
You can't describe it in a nutshell. This is exactly what is required of a specialist, and the level of his qualifications is determined, among other things, by the ability to differentiate various conditions with similar symptoms.

Does ADHD require medication?
I. B
.: It will be more accurate to talk not about treatment, but about supportive therapy. And only the consequences of this syndrome or its complications require a certain medical correction - for example, vascular or dehydration therapy. As a clinical psychologist, I can say that with ADHD, as a rule, an integrated approach is needed - a combination of drug treatment and psychological correction.

Can a child with mental retardation or CRD be diagnosed with ADHD? Or does this diagnosis presuppose the preservation of intelligence?
I.B .:
Usually this diagnosis is made with intact intelligence. In some cases, a child with ADHD may have a delay in mental or psychoverbal development (CRD or CRD), but not mental retardation.
Of course, a child with mental retardation can be disinhibited and inattentive, and also prone to affects - such manifestations are not uncommon with various disorders and deviations. However, the presence of individual symptoms does not give the right to talk about ADHD.

There is a point of view that ADHD children are the next stage of human development (indigo children). So what is considered ADHD - a disease or an individual personality trait?
I.B .:
In this "ideology" I am not strong. Theoretically, it can be assumed that ADHD is a variant of a mutation that forms a “new type of person” with a special type of mental functioning. After all, there are many such children - they certainly influence society and themselves are in constant intensive development “in the environment”. However, I have no information about the special achievements of such people.

What is the recommended daily routine for a child with ADHD?
Oksana Alisova
: Parents of children with ADHD are advised to follow a strict daily routine at home. Time of meals, doing homework, day and night sleep - it is advisable to fix in the schedule the main events that repeat from day to day. For preschoolers, you can create a daily routine using colorful attractive pictures and try to follow it. However, remember that the daily routine is a sequential alternation of various activities, not blackmail ("if you dine, you will play computer"). If you are planning to go somewhere with your child, inform him of the route in advance, and also discuss all the details and rules of behavior in advance.

If a child with ADHD has abilities in one area or another (languages, mathematics, etc.), how can they be developed? Indeed, often such a child cannot cope with the loads and requirements of special schools.
OA .:
If a toddler with ADHD has abilities, they should of course be developed in the same way as any other child. It is important to remember that for hyperactive children, the correct organization of classes is important - that is, it is not a large study load itself that is harmful, but some teaching methods.
It is difficult for a child with ADHD to sit still for 45 minutes - discipline is difficult for them. However, if you do not focus on the "discipline problem", the child usually works quite productively and behaves more calmly. Therefore, it is recommended not to pay attention to minor disciplinary violations - for example, you can sit with your legs tucked in, “roll” them under the table, stand next to the desk, etc.

Is sports good for a child with ADHD? If so, which sport do you prefer? And what if the child is unable to maintain discipline during training?
OA .:
For a child with ADHD, playing sports is certainly beneficial, but not all sports are suitable for him. Preference should be given to swimming, athletics, cycling, martial arts. Exercising regularly will help your child develop self-discipline skills. This is the most important task for children with ADHD, and it’s not so much about maintaining “external discipline” in training, but about developing self-control skills (of course, in this case, a lot depends on the coach).
As for the requirements of strict discipline in training, they are usually put forward when the child is professionally involved in sports and the main goal of the coach is to achieve high results. Parents of children with ADHD should have a different task - to direct the child's activity in a manageable constructive direction, so minor deviations from disciplinary requirements are acceptable. If a particular child with ADHD has serious discipline problems, the coach can use a system of rules and sanctions to help regulate relationships within the group.

What should rehabilitation for ADHD include? What activities are required and what are desirable? Please list a set of measures, activities and general recommendations for parents of a child with ADHD.
.: Accompanying a family in which a hyperactive child is growing includes two main areas - the impact on the child himself and work with his environment (parents, educators, teachers). I will try to briefly describe these areas.
Psychological work with a child with ADHD includes several areas: therapy of the affective-personal sphere (play therapy, art therapy, etc.); behavioral therapy, the main methods of which are operant, cognitive-behavioral, as well as the formation of social skills.
Operant methods are the reinforcement of the desired ways of behavior with the help of material incentives (chips, tokens) or the attitude of others (attention, praise, encouragement or joint activity), i.e. social reinforcement. As a penalty, “time-out” is used, the withdrawal of chips (tokens).
Behavioral therapy using operant methods suggests the following guidelines for a consistent approach to children with hyperkinetic conduct disorder:
1) Instructions and directions for hyperactive children should be formulated clearly and concisely, and as clearly demonstrated as possible.
2) The consequences of the child's action should come quickly - as close as possible in time to the target behavior.
3) Penalties must be combined with a system of positive consequences.
4) It is necessary from time to time to change the system of incentive incentives and rewards, because children quickly become addictive.
5) Planning and structuring the time of the hyperactive child is recommended.

Operant principles can be written down by fixing a system of rewards and penalties. This approach can be used not only by parents, but also by school teachers - as instructions for responding to certain behaviors.
Cognitive-behavioral methods, in contrast to operant ones, based on external control, are aimed at developing self-control skills in a hyperactive child. The goal is to teach the child to regulate his own behavior, to see himself from the outside, to become less dependent on the situation. The main method is self-observation, self-instruction. The challenge is to change the perception of your own behavior.
An example is the Meichenbaum self-instruction training for impulsive children. The basis of this method is self-verbalization (speaking) and self-instruction. “What people say to themselves determines everything they do,” Meichenbaum believed.
Therapy using this method has a specific sequence:
1) Definition of the problem (≪stop, first let's think about what this is all about).
2) Attention management and planning ("what can I do? What should I do?").
3) Management of reactions - self-instructions are formulated, which, in fact, are a guide to action (I will do this first, and then like this).
4) Correction of errors ("I was mistaken, but you can try to do it differently").
5) Positive self-esteem (“I did it well”).
Another important aspect of psychocorrectional work with a hyperactive child is the formation of social skills in a group. It is necessary and obligatory to work with the affective-personal sphere (anxiety, fears, low self-esteem, aggressiveness, etc.). These problems can be solved with the help of play therapy, art therapy, sand therapy. In the course of therapy, it becomes possible to teach a child to differentiate his feelings and find a socially acceptable way of expressing them, to contribute to the formation (development) of new personal qualities (for example, empathy).
Other methods of psychological and pedagogical correction are aimed at developing the deficit functions of a hyperactive child. A psychologist can help a child overcome disturbances in attention and memory, promote the development of visual-figurative thinking and spatial perception, improve hand-eye coordination and fine motor skills, and help in the formation of school skills.
An important component of accompanying a family with a hyperactive child is working with his environment. This includes:
- work with the parents of a hyperactive child, aimed at correcting relations in the family and forming an adequate upbringing system;
- informing teachers and educators of a hyperactive child about the essence of ADHD;
- teaching parents and teachers effective ways to communicate with the child; assistance in the development of rules and sanctions for their violation, definition of duties and prohibitions; establishing feedback between the psychologist and the participants in the pedagogical process.
It is important that parents make as few mistakes as possible when raising children with ADHD (replacing emotional attention with medical care, “extremes of upbringing” - total control or connivance), teach the child the skills of anger management. Therefore, the help of a psychologist is important and necessary for families of hyperactive children.
The forms of work can be different in each specific case: group or individual therapy, as well as joint classes with the child. The most effective is family psychotherapy, which should be the basis of psychocorrectional work. And not only in the case of ADHD.

How to explain to teachers (kindergarten teachers, school teachers, sports coaches) that the child is not spoiled and ill-mannered, but has objective problems in the emotional-volitional sphere?
: With educators, teachers, trainers, psychological education is conducted about the nature and symptoms of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. Explaining the features of the manifestation of the syndrome during a child's stay in an educational institution, at the same time, they carry out psychological work to change the preconceived position of an adult who believes that the child's behavior is of a conscious nature, that he does everything for evil. Educators should remember that the difficulties that arise when communicating with hyperactive children and their teaching are not the problems of the child, but of the adult. And it is the adults who must organize the environment so that the child can safely adapt and socialize.
I. B.: In turn, I can say that professional psychologists who accompany a family with such a child, on their own initiative, meet with teachers and explain to them the essence of the problem. Parents are not always able to do this confidently and concisely.

What problems are possible in primary school and adolescence?
: With regard to possible problems, at the primary school age, the main difficulties are associated with increased physical activity - it is not easy for parents and teachers to “creep” such children. In a hyperactive child, academic performance often suffers - the problem is not in the intellect, but in the violation of voluntary attention. It can be difficult for a young student to concentrate on a particular activity.
In adolescence, difficulties in relationships with peers and adults come to the fore - such children have a high risk of developing asocial and antisocial behavior.

Is it possible to compensate, overcome ADHD? What is the prognosis of the future for such children?
.: Compensation is quite possible with a properly organized environment and timely correction. The forecast for the future is quite favorable.

Parents of children with ADHD often feel helpless, guilt and shame, and hopelessness. What advice can you give them?
I. B
.: As a young mother, I also experienced all these feelings. Once I came across Eda le Shan's book When Your Child Drives You Crazy, which helped me a lot at that moment. Chapters from this book were reprinted in a newspaper article with the telling title "Parenting is not for the cowardly." My advice is to be humble))))). And ... just love your kids no matter what. This is probably the hardest part for most of us sometimes.

* F9- behavioral and emotional disorders, usually onset in childhood and adolescence:
Hyperkinetic disorders
Impaired attention
Hyperkinetic Conduct Disorder
F90.8 Other hyperkinetic disorders
F90.9 Hyperkinetic disorder, unspecified

What is important to know about raising a hyperactive child
1. Communicate with your child gently and calmly.
2. Constantly observe the daily routine. Set clear boundaries for what is permissible.
3. If possible, protect your child from prolonged computer use and watching television.
4. When setting prohibitions, discuss them with the child in advance. Remember that prohibitions need to be introduced gradually and formulated in a very clear and unyielding manner.
5. Make the child aware of the penalties for violating one or another prohibition. In turn, be consistent in enforcing these sanctions.
6. Avoid, forbidding anything to the child, the use of the words "no" and "no". A child with ADHD, being very impulsive, is likely to immediately respond to such a prohibition with disobedience or verbal aggression. Better to give your child a choice. When forbidding anything, speak calmly and with restraint.
7. Praise the child for his successes and achievements: successful completion of the assignment, shown perseverance or accuracy. However, it is better to do this not too emotionally, so as not to overexcite him.
8. Use a reward system for good behavior. Rewards can be instantaneous and accumulative (for example, tokens).
9. Give your child the right instructions: remember that they should be laconic (no more than 10 words). Only one task is given at a time. You cannot tell the child: "Go to the nursery, put away the toys, then brush your teeth and go to bed." Remember that each subsequent task is given only after the previous one has been completed. Thus, first ask the child to remove the toys and only after he does, tell him that it is time to go to brush his teeth. Each request must be monitored - however, make sure that your instructions are achievable for the child.
10. Due to their impulsiveness, it is difficult for such children to switch from one type of activity to another at the first demand of an adult. Therefore, if you want to give some kind of task to a hyperactive child, communicate your intentions a few minutes before starting a new activity.
11. Try together with your child to identify in which area he is most successful, and help him to fully realize himself in this area. This will teach him self-esteem, and when it appears, then peers will not treat him negatively. Ask the teacher (educator) to at least sometimes draw the attention of the group or class to your child's achievements, even if they are very small.
12. If the child is fussing, "scattering", jumping from one to another, help him to concentrate on what he is doing, to realize it. For example, you can ask your child simple questions: what is it? what color is it (shape, size)? what are you feeling now?

Almost all healthy preschool children are very mobile and active, and this is considered the norm. But there is a special category of children who are not just active, but hyperactive. What are the features of raising such children? Is there anything to be gained from their violent hyperactivity?

How does child hyperactivity manifest?

Hyperactive children can become a real natural disaster for their parents, since the main thing that distinguishes them from ordinary children is increased and often excessive physical activity, inattention, distraction, lack of concentration and great problems with completing once begun.

They are ready to run, jump, somersault, stand on their ears and other parts of the body almost around the clock. At the same time, they quickly switch from one activity to another, rarely bringing something to the end, are very impulsive and hardly control themselves.

Naturally, such children give their parents a lot of trouble, and need increased attention (especially at preschool age), since they can easily get into an unpleasant situation or get seriously injured. Big problems can await hyperactive children in elementary school, since they cannot sit in one place for five minutes, not to mention the whole lesson.

Maybe this is just another medical-commercial myth?

Typically, children with this set of "positive" characteristics are diagnosed with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). For more than a year, there has been debate about whether this syndrome really exists, or whether it is another medical and commercial myth (the same as, for example, bird and swine flu), introduced into the mass consciousness to increase sales of special sedatives and profit from special caring parents.

According to the official point of view, ADHD occurs as a result of birth trauma and various pathologies of pregnancy. There is also an opinion that the constant increase in the number of hyperactive children is a consequence of an overabundance of computer and television information in the modern world, as a result of which children become distracted and cannot concentrate on anything in particular.

There are also those who argue that hyperactivity is by no means a disease and some kind of disadvantage, but, on the contrary, an advantage given to a child from birth, and it is necessary to use it by all means, if not for the good of all mankind, then at least for prosperity and achievement of success by a specific individual.

Maybe hyperactivity is your child's main talent?

Indeed, since you have a super-energetic child, then, of course, this will add to you problems (especially in the first years of his life, when he will need an eye and an eye so that he does not accidentally do something), but do you need to grieve for this and try to raise a "calm" baby? Maybe hyperactivity and an overabundance of energy are his main talent and a source of future achievements, which only needs to be directed in the correct, positive direction?

Of course, the behavior of such children needs some adjustment, and they require a special approach, but they hardly need to be artificially “reassured”. It is much better to find an area of ​​life for them in which they can fully realize their magnificent hyperactive potential.

Do not forget that movement is life, and suspicion should not be caused by the child's increased physical culture and play, but by his lethargy, apathy and excessive perseverance.

What the story with the main "hyperactive" planet teaches

Perhaps the most famous real “hyperactive” in the world who managed to turn his “disadvantage” into a huge advantage is the 18-time Olympic swimming champion Michael Phelps.

When he was born, absolutely nothing foreshadowed that he would become the most titled Olympian in history. He was just a very mobile and absent-minded child with the classic diagnosis of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (also called hyperkinetic disorder). In order for Michael to have where to spend his irrepressible energy, and to teach him self-control and discipline, he was sent to the swimming section.

Over the years of hard training and competitive achievements, the once hyperactive child turned into one of the most famous athletes in the history of mankind, and, of course, forever got rid of all the psychological problems inherent in children with a similar diagnosis - distraction, inattention, inability to concentrate and bring the work started to end. Sport made him not only the world's greatest Olympian, but also a master of patience and willpower, without which it is impossible to achieve anything worthwhile in this area.

It was thanks to congenital hyperactivity that Michael Phelps could train more than anyone else and take part in competitions more often than others (even at such major starts as the Olympic Games and the World Championships, he could compete in the final at three or four distances in one day), which made him the most titled Olympian in the history of mankind.

There are many other celebrities who were diagnosed with ADHD as a child (Justin Timberlake, Jim Carrey, Will Smith, Paris Hilton and many others). Despite all their excess energy, distraction, inattention, lack of self-control and other "negative" qualities that are usually attributed to children with ADHD (and perhaps because of them), they were able to achieve much more success in life than the so-called normal children ... Maybe hyperactivity can bring your child to Olympus?

How to choose the right kind of sport for a young "hyperactive"?

If your hyperactive child is endowed with an extraordinary "motor" talent, you need to make sure that he spends his super-energy exclusively for peaceful purposes. It is possible that he, like many "hyperactives", has some kind of sports talent. So let him move not just like that, but for the benefit of the development of physical culture and sports throughout the world.

Of course, not all sports are suitable for children diagnosed with ADHD. Team sports are unlikely to be suitable for them, as they are somewhat absent-minded and inattentive, and because of this, they can let other players down. Aggressive and militant sports (all types of martial arts) are also unlikely to relieve such children of their inherent problems, since they are already too overexcited and prone to conflicts.

Cyclic sports (swimming, running, walking, skiing, cycling, speed skating, rowing, etc.) may be the most suitable for young "hyperactives", which, without any sedatives, can relieve them of all the problems associated with diagnosed with ADHD.

First of all, these are very energy-intensive sports, which means that the child will have a place to fulfill his enormous need for movement. After tiring workouts, he will definitely not rush through the streets, twirl and twirl aimlessly in search of unnecessary adventures. In addition, cyclic sports naturally calm the overexcited nervous system, which is exactly what the "hyperactive" needs.

Equally important, the training process and participation in competitions fosters willpower, patience, discipline, self-control in children and makes them focused on achieving the goal, and this is exactly what everyone who is diagnosed with ADHD usually lacks. In sports, such children will definitely learn to bring the work started to the end.

It can be assumed that hyperactive children with a stormy, explosive temperament can become excellent sprinters in the future, although, the example of Michael Phelps shows that they can turn out to be excellent "average athletes".

In any case, if your young "hyperactive" does not become a big champion, then a few years of playing sports will make him a completely different person. He will significantly improve his health, become disciplined, well-organized and concentrated, and will spend his enormous energy exclusively for peaceful purposes, and not staggering around the streets with bad companies.

Of course, there are no uniform standards for all hyperactive children, and when choosing a sports section, first of all, you need to focus on their own inclinations and hobbies. Such children cannot live without a large portion of movement, so it will not be difficult to get them interested in sports.

If not in sports, then where?

Of course, it is not at all necessary to direct the super-energy of hyperactive children only to sports. Although, first of all, they are endowed with "motor" talent, and it is in sports that they can achieve the greatest success. But there are many other areas in which "hyperactives" could transform their ebullient energy into something beautiful and amazing - dance, music, art, science, etc.

The main thing is to find something that will really captivate such a child. Perhaps his absent-mindedness is due to the fact that he does not have a suitable hobby, and those that are offered are not particularly interesting to him. But as soon as such a positive infatuation arises, the hyperactive child will give him all his hyper-attention.

What else needs to be considered when raising "hyperactive"

Of course, hyperactive children require special attention and an individual approach.
It will be very difficult for them to fit into the average "kindergarten" standards. Therefore, if there is such an opportunity, it is better to educate them yourself.

They are unlikely to withstand long lessons in elementary school, since it is difficult for them to sit in one place for five minutes. Therefore, ideally, "hyperactives" should be transferred to family education in order to individually build their training program, in which mental work will be harmoniously combined with physical activity.

Like the ancient Peripatetics, who believed that during walks and other types of physical activity, a person can think more brightly than in a stationary state, hyperactive children can learn much better without sitting at a desk, but while moving (or at least when short 10-15 minute lessons are combined with the same pauses in physical activity). Naturally, it is possible to build such a learning regime for a "hyperactive" only within the framework of individual, family education.

In any case, children diagnosed with ADHD should never be deprived of much-needed physical activity. But, at the same time, from childhood it is necessary to teach them to self-control, discipline, concentration of attention, endurance, and to be encouraged for every task brought to an end.

If, with his incredible, increased energy, a hyperactive child also becomes disciplined, concentrated and persistent in achieving his goal, then he will definitely be able to achieve great success in this life.

Article provided by:

Alexey Kormushkin,
specially for DETINFORM

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Not all parents know which sports sections are suitable for hyperactive children. After all, if at preschool age they somehow managed to lose excess energy on the street, then for a student with ADHD, only active walks and games are indispensable. So which section should a hyperactive child 6-7 years old be sent to?

Sports for ADHD

Children with uncontrolled motor activity, but not particularly aggressive, should be assigned to the section on basketball, football, tennis... Such games help to develop coordination of movements, develop correct posture, stretch the spine, harmoniously develop all muscle groups. And also such games develop analytical skills in crumbs and perfectly deal with an excess of energy.

From 6-7 years of age, in order to dump excess energy, it is advisable to give the baby to some kind of wrestling or enroll in a martial art circle. It can be judo, wushu, freestyle wrestling, karate, etc. Such martial arts will teach the baby to control himself, use strength correctly, distribute the load, control emotions and movements. But on boxing or kickboxing it is better not to give young children away. A child with ADHD will be ready for such serious and, possibly, traumatic sports only by the age of 13-14. By the way, it is better to give a fidget with a clear manifestation of aggressiveness and conflict to power struggle.

If the child is hyperactive and you have not yet decided on which circle you can give the fidget, and at the same time be afraid for his safety (especially if it is a girl) choose swimming.

Swimming is less traumatic than, for example, wrestling or football. In addition, it will strengthen the cardiovascular system, teach balance and self-control, and develop proper breathing.

In general, no matter what sport direction you choose, the main thing is that it completely suits your fidget. And he can throw out excess energy in any of the proposed sports clubs.

Choosing which section is better to send a hyperactive child to?

So, which section can a hyperactive child be sent to? It would seem that hyperactive guys are already in endless motion. In fact, the strength and irrepressible energy of mischievous people is wasted, and with the help of sports you can direct it in the right direction, so to speak, to achieve a result. Therefore, if you have hyperactive children, you should consult with the baby and find out which section to give, what he (she) would like to do.

Should Toddlers with ADHD Be Involved in Sports?

In addition to the undeniable health benefits, playing sports teaches children with ADHD: composure, attentiveness, discipline, endurance. In addition, at any training session, you must follow the rules and foundations, learn to play in a team, be responsible not only for yourself, but also for your friend.

Choosing a sports direction

Swimming... Suitable for all toddlers, regardless of age and health. The benefits of swimming procedures have a positive effect on both the psychoemotional and the general condition of the body. It trains the muscles and at the same time relaxes and soothes the little one.

Martial arts and wrestling... Oriental martial arts such as karate, aikido, wushu or capuero help get rid of excessive activity and relieve stress. And also martial arts strengthen and develop the muscular apparatus, teach to concentrate, teach self-control and self-control.

Dance and athletics... It is in these areas that "nimble" children can achieve good results. It has everything that the doctor ordered: accuracy and erosion of movements, consistency and adherence to tact, control over all muscle groups.

Tennis, rowing... These sports directions are designed for older children; fidgets from about 11-2 years old can be recorded on them. Both tennis and rowing help the younger generation to curb their explosive temperament and direct physical activity to achieve a result.

We select a sports direction in accordance with the age of the fidget

6-7 years old: Aqua aerobics, figure skating, swimming, tennis, aerobics, dancing, aikido, basketball, ski tourism.

8-9 years old: Athletics, football, hockey, volleyball, handball, freestyle wrestling.

10-11 years old: Rowing, shooting, wushu, mountaineering, weightlifting.

As you can see, many sports sections are suitable for hyperactive children. Just watch that the direction in which the son (daughter) will move, he chooses, do not force or impose your preferences. Be a reliable back and support for your special baby.

A few tips for parents

  • Do not force you to go to a club that is not interesting to the child. Nothing good will come of such an occupation. Let him choose the direction in which he wants to move.
  • But what mom and dad should think about is choosing a good coach. After all, a proven method of education in combination with the skillful hands of a teacher will certainly bring "good" results. When the circle is selected, you need to talk to the coach. A person dealing with difficult small children must have some experience of working with special children. The coach must be an understanding and tolerant person who knows how to choose the keys to any child.
  • Don't worry if your fidget jumps from circle to circle. Think of yourself at his age. Wherever we did not record and whoever we dreamed of becoming. And for the indigo crumbs, it is even more difficult to decide. Be more tolerant of your athlete.

Sports and hyperactive children

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