Fungus under the nail plate. Fungus under the nail: timely diagnosis is the key to successful treatment! What is the basis of treatment

Today, fingernail fungus is considered a fairly common disease. And it, despite public opinion, is not social.

Many people think that the fungus can be "caught" only by visiting a sauna or swimming pool, but this is not the case.

This disease also occurs in those who do not visit public places.

Almost anyone can get the fungus.

Fungus of nails on the hands: causes

Of course, the main cause of fungal infection lies in public baths and swimming pools. That is why, when visiting these places, you should use your own rubber slippers.

But there are other ways to get infected with nail fungus. They can be low immunity, diabetes mellitus, obesity and HIV infection.

Also, the cause of the fungus can be trauma and the use of antibiotics.

The fungus manifests itself not only externally, when the nails exfoliate, the nail plate thickens, causing discomfort.

This is a pathogenic microbe, and it negatively affects the entire body, contributing to the penetration of other infections into it.

If you "start" the disease, then the fungus can even penetrate through the blood to the internal organs. It can also be an allergen and lead to diseases such as bronchial asthma.

Fungus on the hands seriously complicates life, because it causes discomfort, anxiety and even disgust on the part of others.

The process of infection with nail fungus on the hands

What is a fungus?

This is a substance that has enzymes that "feed" proteins - keratins, which make up hair, nails and skin. They break down collagen and elastin. It is these enzymes that decompose the tissues of the nail plate to such a state that they can assimilate, creating free space for it to multiply more comfortably.

Along with this, the nail fungus from the body absorbs substances such as magnesium, silicon and others. Whole colonies of the fungus appear, which can be extremely difficult to fight.

Typically, the fungus first affects one fingernail, forming at the free edge, on the side or inside. Then, without proper treatment, it affects the rest of the nails, causing them to decay.

Usually, at the initial stage of the development of the disease, the fungus does not cause any discomfort. Therefore, some do not even know about it.

It turns out that an appeal to a specialist occurs when the stage is quite advanced and there is a deformation of the nail plate and a change in the color of the nail. In this case, the treatment of the disease becomes more difficult, since it is generally known that it is easier to prevent the disease than to cure it.

Of course, if a change in the nail is noticed, this does not necessarily indicate the occurrence of a fungus. However, an accurate diagnosis can only be made by a doctor by conducting an appropriate examination.

Fungus of nails on the hands: treatment

If quite recently the defeat of the nail by the fungus led to its removal, today the surgical method is used only as a last resort.

There is no universal method, and before starting treatment, you need to conduct a series of tests and see which drug to choose so that the treatment is not useless.

To cope on your own, it will not work with the fungus.

Therefore, you should listen to specialists so as not to become a carrier of this infection.

First, it is necessary to eliminate the cause that led to the onset of this disease, and use pills, anti-inflammatory ointments, etc. as directed. These funds can be used internally or externally.

Along with this, as prescribed by the doctor, such mechanisms are used that eliminate the thickening of the nail plate on the hands, which allows more effective use of drug treatment.

Treatment, depending on the severity of the disease, can last from 2 weeks to several months. But sometimes surgical removal of the nail is the only option for treating the fungus.

Despite the fact that there is no universal remedy for the treatment of nail fungus, the fungus can be cured using folk recipes based on natural ingredients.

However, it is best to consult your doctor before using home treatments. After all, they are not always effective, and are often used as an adjunct to medical treatment.

Alternative treatment of hand nail fungus

At home, an ointment can be prepared to treat this disease. Store it in the refrigerator in a tightly closed container.

To prepare it, you need to mix one egg, one tablespoon of vegetable oil and vinegar essence and a teaspoon of dimethyl phthalate.

This mixture should be applied every day for three weeks, rubbing it into your nail overnight. Then put a plastic bag and warm mittens on your hand.

By regularly using this composition, you can hope for a complete recovery from the fungus.

If the disease is too advanced, then such a procedure can be done in the morning, leaving the ointment for the whole day. During treatment, it is necessary to process those things on which the fungus could be present with formalin or vinegar essence.

Prevention of the appearance of fungus on the nails of the hands

Typically, the fungus appears on the nails when the body is weakened. This happens with insufficient physical activity, lack of vitamins and improper diet.

Those people whose occupation contributes to the occurrence of vascular diseases, which lead to impaired blood circulation in the extremities and, as a rule, to a violation of protective functions, are also susceptible to the disease, forming a favorable environment for the emergence of a fungus.

The fungus grows in warm, humid rooms, such as a bathroom or other public places such as a bath, water park, swimming pool.

And, despite the fact that antifungal measures are necessarily carried out in them, the fungus is constantly changing, adapting to these drugs. Therefore, the best way is still considered the observance of the rules of personal hygiene.

Also, manicure made with non-sterile instruments can serve as a source of infection. At the same time, all cuts and wounds automatically become "gates" for the penetration of the fungus.

Do not forget about the rules of personal hygiene, which include frequent hand washing, using antibacterial creams, and taking vitamins for nail health. Antifungal varnishes are especially helpful and can be used as a base for any decorative varnish.

Every woman noticed that as soon as the body lacks a vitamin, this is directly reflected in the nails. , break or dry, which indicates a lack of vitamins A, E and substances such as iodine, magnesium and calcium. This is the first sign that the diet is wrong and there is a risk of getting a fungus. And since most of the vitamins enter the body from food, you should pay attention to the diet and correct it in the right direction.

Do not forget about vitamins that can be purchased at the pharmacy, but they should only be used as directed by a doctor. This applies in particular to vitamin A, which must be taken with great care.

The diet must include butter, fish, liver, eggs, cheese, fresh fruits and vegetables.

It is also imperative to use nuts, milk, legumes, that is, those products that contain vitamin E.

Fungus of nails on the hands, or scientifically onychomycosis, is a common disease. Its main reason is a weakened immune system. Treatment of onychomycosis is not an easy task. Often, the disease accompanies a person throughout his life.

In the environment, fungi are found everywhere and hands are in constant contact with them, but the disease does not always develop. Strong immunity and good personal hygiene prevent the development of infection. The most common causative agent of onychomycosis is the fungus Trichophyton rubrum.

Less commonly, the disease is caused by the following fungi:

  • Trichophyton interdigitale;
  • Epidermophyton inguinale;
  • Microsporum;
  • Aspergillus;
  • Candida albicans.

All types of mushrooms love warm, damp rooms, so there are a lot of them in the shower, pool, etc. The source of the disease can be a sick person, the items he uses (clothes, shoes, bath, manicure and bedding).

If a person suffers from a fungal disease of the feet, self-infection and the development of onychomycosis are possible.

But one contact with the pathogen is not enough for a fungal disease to develop, a number of other factors are necessary:

  • regular stress;
  • unbalanced diet, with a high content of rapidly digestible carbohydrates;
  • lack of personal hygiene;
  • diabetes;
  • long-term use of antibacterial drugs and birth control pills;
  • a weak immune system;
  • warm and humid environment;
  • If you wear them for more than a block, ideal conditions are created for the growth of the fungus.

Clinical picture, types of fungal infection

Usually, the fungus enters the nail through the nail bed, where it penetrates through various skin lesions. If the immune system is strong, mycosis does not develop.

The fungal infection progresses slowly, and if left untreated, over time it will take over the entire nail.

Relapses of the disease are quite often observed. Even if the treatment was successful, 20% have the disease again.

There are 3 types of nail fungus on the hands:

  1. Normotrophic. In such patients, the shape and thickness of the nail does not change for a long time. However, in the depths and along the edges of the nail plate, spots and lines can be found, the color of which can vary from white to dark yellow. After some time, individual colored areas merge together and occupy the entire nail, except for the lune, which is not affected by the fungus.
  2. Hypertrophic. The patient has hyperkeratosis of the nail bed. The nail plate itself thickens, deforms and partially collapses, white spots and yellow lines are visible in its thickness. With advanced forms, the nail changes the direction of growth.
  3. Onycholytic, or atrophic mycosis. The nail plate atrophies and separates from the free edge, while its surface remains smooth, and the color becomes white, sometimes with yellowness.

Sometimes a secondary infection can join mycosis, the nail fold becomes inflamed, this condition is called paronychia. All this can be accompanied by the release of pus, pain, swelling, hyperemia of the affected nail. Both local and general temperature rise can be observed.

How to cure?

It is very difficult to completely cure onychomycosis.

Treatment of a fungal infection should be comprehensive:

  1. Fungicidal agents of general and local action are prescribed.
  2. Prescribe pharmaceuticals that improve blood circulation in the extremities.
  3. All personal belongings of the patient and household items are treated with antifungal agents.
  4. After successful treatment, the nail is coated with an antifungal varnish for prophylaxis.

Treatment of light and medium onychomycosis is carried out with local medicines: ointments, gels, creams, drops, lotions, sprays and varnishes. They are usually sold without a doctor's prescription, have few side effects, and are approved for long-term use.

It makes sense to apply all means for external use when a maximum of 2/3 of the nail plate is affected. For the treatment of nail fungus, it is better to use liquid medicines, as they penetrate deep into the nail and create the necessary concentration.

But soft dosage forms, such as ointments and gels, are best used for fungal skin lesions. You can use these drugs to prevent relapse.

In the initial stage, tea tree oil or creams can help.

In severe forms, treatment is carried out with the help of tablets. They increase the likelihood of cure, but due to the large number of side effects, constant medical supervision is required.

Currently, azoles (fluconazole, ketoconazole, intraconazal) or allylamines (terbinafine, naftifine) are prescribed for treatment. Only a specialist can choose the optimal one-time, daily and course dosage, so you should not self-medicate.

In some patients, laser therapy gives a positive result. In the case of a secondary infection, antibacterial treatment is indicated.

In severe disease with frequent relapses, surgical and non-surgical removal of the nail plate is performed. For non-surgical removal of the nail, nippers, files, scrapers are used, medical pedicure or pharmaceuticals are used.

A medical pedicure can be done in a beauty parlor: the infected areas of the nail are removed with a special cutter.

Of the medicines, Iodinol is used, which softens the nail plate and then it is easily removed. In addition, Onychoplast ointment with urea is on sale, which is applied to the infected area of ​​the nail and dissolves it. Before applying the ointment, the nail plate must be cleaned, then apply the ointment, and glue it on top with a plaster.

The softening kits Mikospor and Kanespor are also used in the same way. They allow you to remove the nail without pain and in a short time.

Surgical removal of the nail is performed when other methods have failed. This method is very painful, has many contraindications, after which the growth zone is destroyed and the nail bed is damaged. Therefore, this procedure is extremely rare.

Beautiful hands are the pride of many women. It's nice when they are well-groomed, beautiful, with neat manicure. But sometimes nail fungus bursts into our plans, permanently impairing the aesthetic appearance of your pens. Treatment usually takes a long time, many months, especially if the disease is already neglected. To identify the fungus in time and start getting rid of it as early as possible, you should know what it looks like. Here you will find a detailed description with a photo, find out what a fungus looks like on the hands and how to watch out for signs and symptoms.

Nail fungus can manifest itself in different ways. It depends both on the immunity of the patient and on the strain of fungi that cause it. There are mycoses, which first begin with the palms and interdigital space, and only then they affect the nails. But the type is also common when there are no other lesions besides the nail plate.

The fungus on the hands looks like small red spots that are prone to peeling, may have whitish blotches, a rash. Any change in the skin must be checked by a specialist. Most often, during the analysis, a couple of skin flakes are examined and the cause of the inflammation of the dermis is isolated under a microscope.

Signs and symptoms of finger nail fungus

Fungus of fingernails is a highly contagious disease. It can be contracted anywhere - even on public transport or a store. It usually starts from the extreme fingers - from the little finger or thumb, and gradually goes to other nails. The nail plate changes its color and structure, often becomes transparent, white or yellow, after a while the nails begin to exfoliate, blister, and turn black.

The main signs of nail fungus on the hands:

But in order to 100% determine the fungus, doctors are required to take a scraping from the nails, this procedure takes no more than 5-10 minutes.

Photo of nail fungus on the hands

If you have any change in the nail plate, you can compare how your symptoms look with a photo of nail fungus on your hands. If the appearance is the same, the likelihood that you have caught the fungus is extremely high. Other diseases can cause similar symptoms, but they are less common. But the final diagnosis can only be made by a doctor who scrapes the nail plate and analyzes it under a microscope.

How does the disease develop?

The disease most often begins unexpectedly, with a change in the color of the nail plate. Over time, the fungus is able to completely destroy the nail plate, and spread not only to the hands themselves, but also to other healthy parts of the body. The reason for the rapid development of the disease is the high vitality of microorganisms - they are able to withstand extremely low temperatures, while they die when the temperature rises to 60 degrees. Nails and skin are an excellent environment for the development of fungal infections, as they need warmth and moisture. A disinfectant solution, cream, ointment or paste, which are applied externally, can cope with fungi. Tablets and capsules have also worked well.

The disease develops most often when two factors have taken place:

  1. Visiting public places where, in fact, the infection occurred. It can be a sauna, bathhouse, swimming pool, water park, beach, bus, and so on.
  2. Neglect of temperature conditions, excessive sweating, general neglect of hygiene rules.

Infection can occur with different strains, of which there are several hundred species. However, the main cause of the disease is either yeast or mold. The former cause a change in the structure of the nail, its deformation, the appearance of bumps, dents, grooves, growths, and the latter - a change in the color of the nail plate from white to blue. Depending on the root cause and route of infection, nail mycosis develops along one of 3 types of pathways.

When determining the fungus, one should pay attention to the unevenness of the color change. In the center of the nail, the color is usually darker - from dirty yellow to black, and on the sides - white, ash, light gray.

What does onychomycosis look like at different stages

The fungus, according to the degree of damage to the nail plate, is divided into 2 stages:

  • initial stage;
  • middle stage;
  • severe (advanced) stage.

At the first stage, a lesion is observed in the central part of the nail or on the sides. The area of ​​color change is about a fifth of the nail.

At the second stage, damage to the nail plate is from 30%, while not only a change in color occurs, but also in thickness and structure.

The last stage is also called dystrophic. With it, the entire nail plate is affected, it begins to exfoliate, break, become thinner, or vice versa - it turns into a giant build-up, the nail may fall out of the nail roller. Often accompanied by the addition of a bacterial infection, the skin and nail folds become inflamed.

Normotrophic type

If the disease proceeds according to the normotrophic type, the nails are slightly changed externally for a long time. Usually, only the edges of the nail thicken and slightly change the appearance, and the patient, especially if he uses decorative varnish, does not notice these changes. However, despite the ease of this type of disease, it has its own hidden disadvantages. First of all, this is lost time. The patient postpones the treatment, hoping that such minor changes will go away on their own, but this leads to the fact that in fact the fungus spreads quite strongly, penetrates under the nail, and causes inflammation. As a result, in order to cope with this fungus, one has to undergo long-term and not always harmless treatment for the whole organism as a whole.

Hypertrophic type

With this development, the nails first darken, turn yellow and brown, and then destruction processes join these symptoms. Nails become brittle, brittle. The plate itself changes its shape, it can become convex, expanded.

Atrophic appearance

With symptoms such as thinning of the nail, its blistering and flaking, an atrophic type of mycosis is isolated. This type most often affects the periungual dermis, resulting in ulcers, inflammation, and a rash. Treatment rarely helps, therefore, in this case, the surgical method of removing the remnants of the plate is especially often used.

White surface form

This type of development of onychomycosis, as a white superficial form, is quite rare. It is caused by 2 reasons:

  • Fungus as a result of relapse after the course of treatment.
  • The result of the vital activity of special strains of microorganisms - Trichophyton mentagrophytes var. interdigitale and others.

To get rid of such a disease, local treatment with creams and ointments is most often used.

Bacterial complication of nail fungus on the hands: photo

If the nail fungus on the hands has passed into an advanced stage, the patient does not receive treatment, the disease may be complicated by an attached bacterial infection. As a rule, it affects the dermis adjacent to the nail, the nail fold and the nail bed. The main sign of infection is the release of pus from wounds or from under the nail, as well as the separation of the nail from the bed.

This complication follows prompt medical attention. The nail must be removed, all areas washed and treated with a local antibiotic. With a large lesion, antibiotics are prescribed by mouth.

Hello dear readers. Everyone has heard about such a disease as nail fungus, or maybe not just heard, but transferred it on himself. Fungal infection affects the nails of the hands and feet, which ultimately leads to the complete loss of the entire nail plate. Such a disease is contagious and, as a rule, begins with the legs, but a little later it gets to the hands, which can significantly complicate your life. You should not give the disease a chance for its development, since every day it will be more difficult to treat it. Indeed, in the initial stages, you can get rid of the disease with the help of home remedies that will provide you with a safe treatment. But with a massive defeat of several parts of the body, traditional medicine will be powerless, as a result of which you will have to fight the fungus with the help of powerful drugs that will bring new troubles with them.

Causes of nail fungus on the hands

The most common reason for the appearance of fungus on the hands is its appearance on the lower extremities. Why exactly on your feet?

Because it is possible to "take with you" the infection in places with high humidity, where your feet will not be protected from it.

For example, going to the pool, sauna or even a shower in the gym can end up with unpleasant symptoms. In such places, the likelihood of catching an ailment increases several times, due to the fact that the fungus rapidly multiplies in a humid environment.

But it is not so easy to get infected immediately through the hands, but it is still possible. Again, public places that have been visited by many human hands can "reward" you with such a surprise.

In general, hands suffering from mycosis can and carry fungal spores everywhere. But in a dry environment, such bacteria will not last long, so you may not be affected by such a problem.

It's another matter if a person is not completely healthy. There are factors that weaken the human immune system, then it will not be possible to avoid mycosis.

This applies to people with heart disease or diabetes.

What is the source of infection

The source of onychomycosis is the fungal bacterium itself, which feels great in a humid environment, which means that there will be enough ways to get infected:

If at least one person in the family is infected with the infection, then soon other family members will feel the first manifestations of it; the reason may be the use of a shared towel, bed linen, not to mention the shower.

Any fungus, both skin and nail, can move to the nails of the hands, and this happens precisely because of the main symptom of mycosis - itching; we scratch the affected areas with our nails, so it is better not to succumb to temptation, but to immediately start treating at least one disease before we get a new one.

Use of common things, for example, clothes, shoes; you can pick up the fungus in suspicious nail salons, and this is the most harmless disease of all that there are in such establishments, but still you should not endanger your health.

Public transport, swimming pool or even a beauty salon; moisture is the best conductor and source of fungal infection, so it is best to avoid such places whenever possible.

What provokes the development of onychomycosis

A common cause is a weakening of the immune system, which can occur for various reasons:

  • Stress that is becoming a regular guest in your life. Due to constant worries, the nervous system weakens, as a result of which a person can develop more serious diseases. The defense mechanism fails, and the path for fungal diseases is open.
  • Insufficient saturation of the body with all useful substances. Our immunity works only due to vitamins and minerals that we draw from food every day. But in the cold season, it is not so easy to provide ourselves with all the necessary products, which is why we are sick.
  • Passing several courses of taking antibiotics, during which the immune system is not involved in the fight against the disease. This means that it is weakened and requires urgent restoration.

But there are other factors provoking the fungus, which you can influence:

Poor hand hygiene, or even no hand hygiene at all; take care of your own cleanliness, wash your hands after transport and money, and then you will significantly reduce the risk of acquiring fungus.

Long false nails, under which there will definitely be a little moisture; in fact, it is there that the fungus develops; it is undesirable to wear such nails for more than three months.

How does the disease develop?

In most cases, the fungal bacterium enters the nail either through its root or through the nail bed.

Usually, infection occurs only in the presence of external damage (cracks, wounds), but if there are none, then there is nothing to be afraid of.

At risk are people who now and then like to gnaw at the barbs, or deliberately cut them off.

As a result, wounds are formed that will definitely not heal in one day, and it is not so easy to avoid contact with the outside world.

It's good if it's just a fungus that you can get rid of even with the help of alternative medicine, but what if it's HIV or hepatitis? Therefore, it is better not to tempt fate, and not to create problems for yourself with your own hands.

The fungus itself develops rather slowly, but surely. The main thing is that you have time for regular and harmless treatment.

If you do not start it on time, then everything can end with lesions of the skin, which will take a long time to heal.

Even with the right treatment, the fungus can come back up to several times. It is important here not to turn the treatment, even after eliminating the symptoms that bother you.

Signs and symptoms of finger nail fungus

There are three types of the disease, with the course of which deformation of the nail plate is considered, and a significant deterioration in the overall picture:

  • For a long time, you may not observe any symptoms, but bacteria are already developing and infecting the plate. A feature of this type is the yellowing of the nail along the lateral parts, later these areas cover healthy tissue, including the root.
  • If in the previous case, the nail bed is not touched by the fungus, then here the opposite is true. First of all, the skin suffers, and the nail itself thickens in this area. The entire surface changes its relief, forming significant tuberosity. When the infection reaches the base, the growth of the nail itself can change direction.
  • This type of fungus develops rapidly, therefore, they notice it already when the nail from the outside is separated from the finger itself. The color is classic, yellowish-white, but the surface does not change its structure.

Bacterial complication of onychomycosis

Quite often, in addition to nails, fungus can also reach the nail rollers that frame the nail.

The surrounding skin becomes inflamed, slight redness may appear, followed by swelling.

The inflamed areas are sore, as well as fever. In severe cases, there is a discharge of pus, in which it is necessary to start antibiotic treatment.

Diagnosis of nail fungus

Of course, at the first suspicion of a fungus, it is best to immediately consult a doctor. Only after the tests have been carried out, it is possible to determine the type, and only then proceed to its treatment.

In such cases, you should not self-medicate, because all the same it will not bring any result.

But before going to the doctor, you should have at least some confidence that it is a fungus. The nail plate begins to exfoliate, during which the relief changes, as well as the color of the nail. Almost the main symptom is the tightening of the nail in its bed.

Fungus of nails on the hands - home treatment

So, treating such a disease is not as easy as it seems at first glance, but there are still advantages.

In the early stages, you can limit yourself to natural "medicines" in the form of decoctions, homemade ointments and tinctures.

All this can bring the desired effect only with proper regular use.
The list of remedies that can save you from such a nuisance as a fungus:

  • Grapefruit seed extract. It is clear that no one will be able to extract the extract at home, so you can find such a remedy in any pharmacy. Painful areas should be lubricated up to three times a day.
  • Trays based on strong coffee. Relieve inflammation and annoying itching. And if you carry out such procedures daily for several months, then you can completely get rid of the fungus.
  • Horseradish wraps , which is pre-grated. The prepared gruel is applied to the skin, wrapped in cling film, and left for an hour.
  • Mask based on onion and lemon juice. Lemon juice is squeezed out, and the onion is grated, then wrapped in cheesecloth and squeezed out the liquid. Lemon juice is added to the onion pulp and spread on sore fingers.
  • Baths based on salt and soda solution. They relieve not only inflammation, but also the very source of the disease. Only one spoon of baking soda or salt is required per liter of water.

So, we figured out the causes of such a disease as onychomycosis, followed its course and types.

After consulting a specialist, you need to immediately start treatment using non-traditional methods, since they will have the desired effect, while only strengthening the immune system.

And this will only accelerate not only the recovery and growth of a new healthy nail, but also accelerate the overall recovery of the body. As a result, you will not only have beautiful nails, but also healthy ones.


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This article is based on scientific evidence written by experts and reviewed by experts. Our team of licensed dietitians and beauticians strives to be objective, impartial, honest and present both sides of an argument.

- a very common phenomenon. In medicine it is called. It is very difficult to recognize it at the initial stages of development, but it is quite possible if you pay more attention to your health and your feelings. So what does fungus look like under the nail? And can you cure it yourself? Let's talk about it.

Onychomycosis is an infectious disease that spreads from one person to another. It affects the soft tissues under the nail plate. The fungus multiplies gradually, so it is very difficult to identify it immediately. When it reaches its peak, the nail plate itself is already drawn into the process, and it is at this moment that a person, as a rule, notices that something is wrong with his nail.

The following:

  • the shape of the nail plate changes (it can be concave inward, like a spoon, or vice versa, become convex, resembling a small mound);
  • the thickness of the nail changes (if normally the nail on the hand has a thickness of 0.5 mm, then when it is affected by the fungus it thickens up to 1-1.5 mm or vice versa, it becomes much thicker, like a film);
  • the appearance of the nail plate changes (normally it should be smooth and even, and its surface becomes rough, longitudinal lines and cracks may appear on it);
  • the color of the nail changes (normally it should be pale pink, with infection, white or yellow spots appear on it, which eventually darken and acquire a dirty gray tint).

If at this stage you do not start under the nails, then all the above symptoms become more intense and over time the nail plate begins to crumble and move away from the nail bed. In this case, you can observe an unpleasant odor, severe burning and itching.

How is toenail fungus treated?

Only a doctor, after examining and taking the necessary tests, will be able to give an exact answer on how to treat the fungus under the nail. Since here it is necessary to take into account several factors - the type of the causative agent of the infection (there are 300 types of fungi that can infect nails, each of which has its own characteristics and threshold of resistance to certain drugs) and the degree of damage to the nail plate.

At the initial stages of the development of the fungus under the nail, treatment can be carried out with special varnishes or drops, which are used to treat the nail plates. Their active components penetrate very deeply, thus reaching the source of infection. Only treatment with such means should take place until a healthy nail grows back.

When there is already a deformation of the nail plate and its destruction, this means that the fungus has penetrated very deeply and treatment with varnishes and drops alone will not give positive results. It requires both external and oral administration of drugs. In this case, the treatment lasts for about six months.

But again, only a doctor should prescribe all these. After all, only he will be able to find a really effective remedy that will not only mask the symptoms of infection, but also treat it.

It is possible, but only on condition that they are combined with drug treatment. Moreover, they must also be used for a long time. You should not stop treatment at the stage of disappearance of the main symptoms of infection. It must be continued exactly until a healthy nail grows back.

The following:

  • onion compresses;
  • garlic compresses;
  • kombucha compresses;
  • celandine.

Onion compress and garlic compress are made in the same way. You need to take ½ onion or a couple of cloves of garlic and chop until mushy (to increase efficiency, you can immediately use onion and garlic in a 1: 1 ratio).

Then you need to thoroughly wash your feet or hands with soap (it is better to use a household soap), wipe dry with a clean towel. On the affected nail, you should carefully apply garlic or onion gruel, wrap it with plastic on top and fix everything with a bandage. This compress should be left on for at least 10 hours. Then it needs to be replaced with a new one.

Kombucha is also considered to be very effective in fighting fungal infections. It is also applied to the affected nail, wrapped in plastic and a bandage. Such a compress is made every day at night. Take it off in the morning.

Celandine is another versatile remedy that is used not only to treat fungus, but also warts. But this remedy has one big drawback - it can be used only in summer, since fresh grass is needed to treat the fungus. The stem is broken, and the juice, which as a result begins to flow from it, is smeared on the nail.

But here you should be careful not to allow celandine juice to get on the skin, as irritation or even burns may appear. This remedy is used several times a day, while before each application of juice to the affected nail, it is imperative to wash the affected limbs with laundry soap and steam them in a soda bath (1 tbsp of soda for 1 liter of warm water).

There are a lot of ways, like with a fungus under the nails. But it is worth noting that they all do not give the same result as the use of modern drugs. Therefore, if you want to get rid of the infection as soon as possible and return your marigolds to a healthy appearance, you should not self-medicate. It is best to seek medical attention right away.

Video on the treatment of nail fungus