Gender education games for middle and older kids. Outdoor games, taking into account the gender characteristics of children

Svetlana Kiseleva

"Where is whose work?".

Exercise: look at an item and say who is with that item working: mom or dad. Pick up pictures with objects in advance. List items: tape measure, vacuum cleaner, needle, scissors, hammer, ladle, frying pan, etc. Lead the children to the fact that both moms and dads can use them when they help each other.

"Find differences".

Exercise: children are invited to tell how dads differ from moms. All responses are accepted and encouraged. At the end, it is concluded that dads go to work more often, but many moms work too. Moms work with children more often, but dads work with children too. Moms prepare meals, and dads can help them. Dads make repairs, and moms can help them.

"Collect the toys"

There are toys on the floor. Task: boys collect toys that girls like to play in a red hoop, and girls collect toys that boys like to play in a blue hoop.

"Right wrong"

On the table are pictures depicting boys and girls doing good and bad deeds together. Children are invited to look at the pictures and decide where the children behave correctly, beautifully, and where it is wrong, ugly. The pictures in which girls and boys do the right thing are put on a green tray, and where they are doing it wrong, on a red one.

What pictures did you put on the green tray? (pictures are laid out on the table in front of the children and only good deeds are called)

"Truth is not true"

Is it true that boys like to wear bows?

Is it true that girls like to play with cars?

Is it true that girls wear beautiful dresses?

Is it true that boys like to play with guns?

Is it true that boys love to play with dolls?

Is it true that girls are very affectionate and kind?

Is it true that boys are brave and strong?

Is it true that girls like to play with soldiers and robots?

"We are different"

The children, along with the teacher, stand in a circle.

The teacher, acting as the facilitator, asks questions:

Which boy is the tallest?

Which girl is the tallest?

Which of the children is short?

Who has the darkest (light, curly, curly, etc.) hair?

Look at your neighbor and tell me what color his eyes are?

Who has a bow on his head (two bows, hairpins, elastic bands, hoops?

Who wears dresses, sundresses, skirts?

Who wears pink, red (blue, brown, gray, green, etc.) color?

What kind of shoes do girls (boys?) wear?

What jewelry do girls (boys) wear?

In the end games the teacher draws attention to the fact that the children were able to make sure that each of them has something that others do not have, and explains to them the concept "different", "dissimilar". All people are different.

The game "Mutual trust".

First the boys have to lead the girls through the obstacles (girls are blindfolded). The boy leads the girl by the hand and explains to her how and where to go, step over, etc.

Well done boys, real knights.

How did you feel when you were blindfolded?

Did the boy guide you carefully, confidently?

And how did you feel when you led the girl?

Well done, you trust each other - this is a good quality.

"Object-man, object-woman".

Exercise: Examine subject (umbrella, hanger, chair, bell, bag). Imagine who he would become if he were revived (a man or a woman, and beat these objects, depicting their interaction - verbally or with gestures.

"Tale in reverse". Target. To form the ability to enter into the image of a hero of the opposite sex, to understand his interests and moral values.

Exercise: Come up with a fairy tale in which famous fairy-tale characters act. Main condition: male heroes (Carlson, Pinocchio, Koschey the immortal, Karabas-Barabas, Dunno, Ivan Tsarevich, brother Ivanushka, etc.) are portrayed by girls. And the female heroines (Little Red Riding Hood, Little Khavroshechka, Sister Alyonushka, Thumbelina, Cinderella, Malvina, etc.) are boys.

simulation games: Target: To expand the sensory experience of children, to develop the ability of children to enter into an image, to perform imitative actions.

"Offended girl". Exercise. Express resentment. The rest of the children have an emotion of sympathy, a desire to help.

"Surprised Boy". Exercise. Express the emotion of surprise.

"Loving parents". Exercise. To convey with facial expressions, emotions a sense of joy, a gentle, caring attitude of parents towards their children.

"Homeless Kitten". Exercise. Show pity, affection for those who need attention.

"Angry Bear". Exercise. Express the emotion of anger; explain its cause in humans, animals; way out of this state.

"Hunting Baba Yaga". Exercise. To convey the character of a negative fairy-tale hero with expressive movements, facial expressions.

competitive game "Knight Tournament".

The tournament is held by knight boys, competing

in dexterity, dexterity (hitting the target, running with obstacles, passing through the maze,

strength (tug of war, arm wrestling,

ingenuity (guessing crosswords, tasks, puzzles,

gallantry (invitation to dance,

wit (statement of a funny incident, inventing a name for funny pictures).

Summing up and awarding the winners are carried out by girls.

"Merry Fantas".

Riddles are written on forfeits - tricks - listen carefully and answer, who is this a boy or a girl?

Children take out riddles from the bag in pairs - a boy-girl.

In spring, dandelion wreaths are weaved, of course, only ... (girls)

Bolts, screws, gears can be found in the pocket of ... (boys)

Skates on the ice drew arrows, they played hockey only ... (boys)

We chatted for an hour without a break in colorful dresses ... (girls)

In front of everyone, they only like to measure their strength, of course ... (boys)

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in the city of Dimitrovgrad, Ulyanovsk Region"



Aleftina Anatolyevna

Card file

"Gender Education Games»

At preschool age, in a role-playing game, children symbolically reproduce the relationships between adults. Playing a role, the child performs a certain social function, differentiated by sex. At the same time, in the practice of preschool institutions, the content of play activity is not sufficiently differentiated, taking into account the psychophysiological characteristics of the development of girls and boys.

Gender education suggests that the basis for a differentiated approach, as a rule, is the level of development of children, cognitive interests, abilities, and characteristics of the nervous system.

One of the components of heterosexual education in an educational organization and an individually differentiated approach is the creation of conditions for the child to master the position of the subject of play activity: designing the content of play activity, creating a step-by-step pedagogical technology for developing the child’s independence and creativity, designing a subject-play environment. However, the content of work with preschoolers by gender is not developed enough, which, according to researchers, leads to the absence of specific gender-specific features in children: boys are sometimes deprived of emotional stability, endurance, determination, girls - tenderness, modesty, tolerance, striving for peace. conflict resolution - this is the relevance of gender education.

At preschool age, the game is the main activity, but not because the child spends most of his time in games - the game causes qualitative changes in the child's psyche. In the role-playing game, children in a symbolic form reproduce the relationships of adults. Playing a role, the child performs a certain social function, differentiated by sex. These games are called sociosexual, although there is very little actually sexual in them. During the game, the child refines the structure of his body and compares himself with other children, begins to master the sex role. The play period in the child's psychosexual development is characterized by initiative, the assimilation of sex-role behavior, sexual games, attachment to each other, first love, and playing the roles of parents.

Girls actively play with dolls, daughters-mothers, boys develop and consolidate interest in weapons and cars. When children were given the opportunity to play in the shop in an experimental setting, they turned into “sellers” and offered the boys to buy cars and weapons, and the girls to buy dolls and crockery. Such behavior proves that the association of objects and properties with one or another gender, inherent in any culture, depends not only on learning through observation or memorization of certain associations such as “dolls for girls, cars for boys”. Children began to put some properties in a causal connection with the male sex, and others in the same connection with the female.

Boys' games are more objective, girls' games are more verbal, so they play verbal games, boys prefer to mess with the designer. Children's play reflects the traditional view of the role of men and women in society. Girls daily take care of the house, take care of children, get married. Boys fight in the war, drive tractors, build bridges and do carpentry. The game also lays the foundations of morality: generosity, reliability, respect for girls (women) - for boys and kindness, patience, loyalty, respect for boys (men) - for girls.

Role playing is the best way to overcome negative role stereotypes.

For example, the game "Doctor and Patient" is ideal for this purpose. Children are free to change roles. This game inspires boys to take care of someone and girls to play male roles. More often, the role orientations of girls are shifted towards the opposite sex somewhat more than that of boys. It has been noticed that children whose behavior strictly corresponds to all the requirements for their gender often have lower intelligence and less creative abilities.

On the contrary, children who are freer from rigid sexual typification of behavior have a high intellect and are psychologically more prosperous. The educator and parents can correct certain negative qualities of children with the help of the distribution of game roles and plot changes.

In games, the desires of children are realized. Often a child in the game plays a role that is forbidden for him in life, thereby achieving compensation. The imaginary world opposes the world of reality and may be more real for the child.

In the game, he is freed from the feeling of loneliness and learns the joy of intimacy and cooperation, in the game he evaluates his capabilities, gains faith in himself, determines his position in relation to the world around him and people.

Thus, the best time to influence a child's attitude towards sex roles is before the age of 6 years. The success of a child's entry into the world of people, his sexual education largely depends on the content of education, in which the role of play can hardly be overestimated.

Boys are usually active. This is good, but sometimes it goes beyond the permissible and here specially selected games for boys.

Correcting behavior with games is much more useful and enjoyable than edification.

1. Suggest boys lie on the floor and say: "Whoever can lie down for a minute more calmly than anyone else, the toy will fly straight from the sky." And at the next game moment, promise the boys: whoever lies quieter than others now will be the leader, he will decide for himself who to throw the toy.

2. Unexpectedly lay out cards on the table that you can use to write a story. Between the cards, interrupting the meaning, lay out the ropes and candy wrappers - they will allow the child to go into free fantasies in the plot of a story that is ordinary and familiar from childhood.

3. Take a box with different toys, objects, cards. show and ask every thing - you need it, if necessary, then why. You answer - you get a thing.

4. If the child is aggressive and agitated. Take a sheet of paper and draw the face of an evil wolf, bear or porcupine. Let's ask the child to redraw the animal - to make it kind. You can use an eraser or a more saturated color.

5. Make improvised swords out of paper or newspaper and immediately offer to fight on them. The one who was able to touch, for example, the opponent's shoulder, won.

Gender education programs for preschoolers designed to influence the mental and physical development of the boy and girl. The goal is to optimize activities related to the relationship of representatives of different sexes to their social roles in society.

Gender education is the formation in children of ideas about real men and women, and this is necessary for the normal and effective socialization of the individual.

Under the influence of educators and parents, a preschooler must learn the gender role, or gender model of behavior that a person adheres to, so that he is defined as a woman or a man.

It must be remembered that after six years it is impossible to change the gender-role orientation by psychological methods. The preschool period is asexual - sex hormones do not affect the development of the child. At this age, the foundations of the moral attitudes of the future man and woman are formed.

Gender education includes:

Relations between people of different sexes - the formation of a certain model of behavior;

Norms of relations - mastering the culture in the field of gender relations;

Personal life of people in the family;

The spheres of activity of men and women - a correct understanding of the role of men and the role of women in society.

Educational tasks of sexual gender education and heterosexual education:

To nurture in preschoolers an irreversible interest and positive attitude towards their gender. To lay the foundations for awareness of one's own characteristics, and how they are perceived by others, to advise building personal behavior, taking into account the possible reactions of other people;

To cultivate in a preschooler an interest and a good attitude towards people around him;

To develop in a preschooler an idea of ​​himself and other people as physical and social persons with their own advantages and disadvantages, typical and individual characteristics;

Develop sensitivity and empathy, the ability to feel and recognize the state and mood of people around. Behave in accordance with them, be able to manage their emotions and behavior;

To enrich knowledge about one's family, clan, family relics, traditions, to acquaint with the main functions of the family as a psychological group and social institution;

Lay the foundations for future social and gender roles, explain the features of their performance, cultivate a positive attitude towards different social gender roles, the need for their existence;

To deepen children's knowledge about the content of the concepts "boy", "girl", about the division of all people into men and women. Promote sexual and gender identification, correctly and competently respond to the manifestation of the sexual development of children of different sexes;

Speaking about the relevance of gender education, educators are encouraged to use such methods and techniques in the gender education of preschoolers as gender education games :
Plot - role-playing game "Family"
Conversations using illustrations, fiction
Issues with ethical content
Making gifts for moms, dads, peers
Didactic games: “Who likes to do what? , “What to whom?”, “I am growing”, “What is common, how are we different?” , “I am like this because ...”, “Who to be?” , "Dress the boy, dress the girl."

Adults' mistake is that parents and educators need to learn to approach children based on the individual characteristics of the latter, and not on the basis of perceived gender differences.

Gender education. The gender of children can influence what parents and teachers expect from them, and this can lead to different attitudes towards children based on their gender. As a result, children may develop gender-differentiated skills and self-images that will then limit their abilities.

Diverse upbringing in an educational organization happens with excesses - boys and girls are often asked to line up separately; they learn songs in which the thumbs are "men" and the rest of the fingers are "ladies"; or "Little girls are made of sweets and spices and all sorts of niceties... boys are made of snails and shells and green frogs."

Even gender differences such as those just mentioned, which seem completely innocuous, should not take place in a group, as they force children to make gender distinctions about things that play a certain role, such as whether members of their gender should demonstrate superiority in what - some discipline.

Gender differences also contribute to gender segregation in relationships between children, suggesting that there is and should remain a certain barrier between boys and girls, and gender education games only contribute to this.

Parents and educators often promote gender segregation of children in schools and at home, and this leads to further segregation into categories based on gender. Conversely, teachers and parents should consciously create a gender-free environment for children that encourages cooperative play, equal treatment between boys and girls, and participation in games normally preferred by one gender (for example, girls can play soccer, and the boys - in the "classics").

The relevance of gender education is great since spatial and mathematical skills, as well as empathy are desirable for possessing qualities that are not dependent on gender, parents and educators should encourage all children to play various games and toys that contribute to the development of these skills.

It is important that parents are taught the role that gender-based expectations play in math learning. Child development books that parents read may discuss differentiated socialization and how it can limit the development of their child's unique potential.

Unfortunately, the public is often misinformed about research into gender differences by pointing out to parents that the differences between their sons and daughters are natural and to be expected.

One way children learn about gender roles is through observation. Cognitive gender differentiation begins in childhood when we see men and women in different social roles and discover that gender is an important category that guides our behavior.

It follows that the equal distribution of responsibilities in our home and the rejection of the idea that men and women should perform certain tasks could reduce the importance of gender differences for children.

In discussing the gender typing that takes place in childhood, stereotypes are natural but not inevitable: "environmental factors have a great influence on how children learn about and adopt stereotypes present in their society" says that with an excess in our society gender-related factors, children will definitely absorb the relevant stereotypes.

However, the use and acceptance of such stereotypes is not inevitable, especially if children are introduced to non-gender role models. When parents move beyond traditional gender role schemas, this can cause their children's attitudes towards gender roles to change.

For example, in one long-term study lasting 11 years, active parental involvement in the lives of their preschool children predicted adolescents' support for non-traditional types of employment, and parental participation in the lives of 7-9 year olds predicted support for non-traditional child-rearing patterns.

Gender education in OO. However, parents are not the only agents of gender socialization. Gender-neutral language in children's literature and the portrayal of women and men in household and business roles in children's programs have a long way to go to stop children from abusing gender distinctions.

Some research suggests that the media can change perceptions associated with gender stereotypes. Unfortunately, traditional gender images will dominate as long as they are considered to help sell products and attract viewers or readers.

Consumers can sometimes influence imagery in the media by sending letters and refusing to buy products from companies that use stereotypical gender imagery.

In addition, parents should critically evaluate the books, movies and TV shows their children watch so that children are less likely to encounter gender stereotypes. Disney children's films available for sale or video rental portray both genders in a manner that is overtly gender stereotypical.

Moreover, because these films are often viewed multiple times (children will enjoy watching the same movie many times), they can be especially helpful in instilling these views.

The process of gender self-knowledge begins closer to 4 years. Starting from 3.5 years and up to 5 years, the attributes related to the sex of the child are very important. When reading fairy tales to a child, this gender need must be taken into account. Children begin to identify with characters of their own gender. must take into account the process of gender self-knowledge of the child. A boy or a girl is looking for figures worthy of identification in a fairy tale. If your fairy tale is without a character suitable for the gender, then a child of 3.5 years and up to 5 years old will refuse to listen to it or quickly lose interest in the fairy tale.

The direction of gender education in an educational organization, what girls need to read fairy tales about cunning foxes and princesses. For boys, read about brave hares and battles. At the same time, do not forget to focus not only on militancy and courage, but also on the ability to care and support. By doing this, you are doing a favor not only for his future wife, but also for yourself. The son's concern for elderly parents will be very pleasant and necessary - gender education in a preschool educational institution will bear fruit.

Diverse education in an educational organization should take into account that the relevance of gender education is that along with the awareness of their gender role, fears come to four-year-olds, as well as the first insults and quarrels with peers. Here, in addition to a sexual tale, the tale will also play a psychotherapeutic role.

Games on gender education. The girl has ceased to be the only child in the family and suffers. Jealousy overcomes her despite all the preparatory exhortations and touching stories about ultrasound and pregnancy, about looking like a baby doll, about the advantages of an older sister, about the fact that you love her too ... Read the fairy tale “Geese Swans” to the girl and her ability to empathize with her daughter’s jealousy will amaze you .

The boy has become afraid of the dark - heal his fears by reading The Stolen Sun. Both boys and girls benefit from reading magical stories. They create in the child the feeling that you can always find a way out of the most difficult and hopeless situation, because any problem is solved.

If a fairy tale helped a child get rid of a destructive feeling, then the child will feel gratitude for this to the adult who read it. And this strengthens the trust of girls and boys in close adults and improves relationships.

Sometimes children interpret a fairy tale in their own way, correlate their life and the plot of the fairy tale, put the main emphasis on minor things, etc. Try to figure out what the matter is, but even if the kid draws an obvious parallel with the plot and the conflict in the garden, then do not rush to emphasize this. At 4 years old, the child has concrete thinking and he will understand only the consonance of the character's experiences and his own.

Patiently answer all the questions that arise in the course of the tale. Watch for emotions, if you are very worried, then offer to pour out emotions on paper, let him draw characters the way he needs it at the moment. Do not spoil the effect of fairy tale therapy with the correctness or incorrectness of the image.

It happens that a girl does not want the frog princess to get rid of her toad appearance, and Ilya Muromets became cautious about something with the boys. So be it - be gentle for now, gender moralizing later.

Conclusion: The gender development of children in an educational organization should be aimed at ensuring that the gender identity is formed in the child on time and there are no such inconsistencies:

• activity in the expressed desire to change one's gender and name should alert adults;

the child in his dreams also normally sees himself identical to his gender

· the desire to dress and act like the opposite sex can also indicate problems with gender identity.

I would like to pay special attention to the fact that the modern world wants to see in a girl not only traditionally feminine qualities. Therefore, do not forget to develop the girl comprehensively. Well, a boy who cannot cry will never become tolerant, sympathetic and will not be able to come to the rescue.

Complex of didactic games

on gender education

for preschool children.

Game as a means of educating preschoolers

The game, according to teachers, is the best method of teaching something. After all, children 3-5 years old cannot be seated at their desks, demanding attention. When playing, the child does not think about the fact that this is study and something is wanted from him. He simply performs actions that are interesting to him and easily, naturally remembers a lot of the necessary information.

Gender games for preschoolers are one of the ways to explain how girls and boys should behave, what rules their behavior in society obeys. The outdated stereotype "boys - cars, girls - dolls" has long outlived its usefulness, modern methods of early development speak about something completely different. In addition, the boundaries between male and female professions are gradually blurring, many women are passionate about the ideas of feminism. Because of this, it becomes more difficult for the younger generation to adapt to their role, and many parents, and especially grandmothers, oppose new practices, when boys play with dolls and “daughter-mothers” are not only allowed, but also encouraged, and girls dream of becoming not a housewife, but, say, a prime minister.

A few tips for teachers:
It is necessary for boys to develop fine motor skills, for this use the appropriate games, and for girls - large motor skills (ball games).
Make all toys available for boys to experiment with. And for girls, water and sand are better suited for the implementation of possible search options, joint discussion.
The boys need to explain the task, the problem situation, give instructions for at least 1 minute before he takes action.
Use different puzzles for girls more often.
Let the boys express their feelings before discussing them with them.
Experiment with girls with 3D space; use illustrativeness, visibility and figurativeness in working with mathematical calculations and in designing, this will help to make mathematical representations for them more specific, accessible for understanding.
Praise the boys for their mobility, energy, activity, try to switch these features to work, help other children in class, complicate problem situations.
If there are boys in the group, be sure to pay attention to the girls. Perhaps there is also a leader among them, but due to male dominance, her leadership qualities cannot be revealed.
Praise both girls and boys more often, especially for good actions. Keep a camera handy and take pictures of the children. This technique will help children of both sexes be proud of their achievements, increase the motivation for successful problem solving.

Option 1 "Why do we like boys (girls)?"

Objectives: To develop a culture of relationships between boys and girls. To form in children the concept of positive character traits of boys and girls.

Material: a flower made of multi-colored cardboard, the petals are removable, inserted into the middle.

Game progress: You can play the game individually with a child, you can play with a group of children. An adult talks about a magical land in which all the children were friends with each other, but the evil fairy quarreled all the guys. Children are invited to collect the “Flower of Friendship”, but for this, each child needs to take a petal and name the good quality of a girl or boy. Children list positive qualities, and an adult connects the petals with the middle. When the flower is collected, the children applaud each other.

Didactic game "Magic Flower"

Option 2 "How do I help at home?"

Objectives: To form ideas about household chores for women and men, girls and boys. Cultivate a desire to help people.

Game progress: Children take turns tearing off the petals from the flower, naming the duties that they perform in the family (watering flowers, sweeping the floor, caring for animals, “educating” younger sisters and brothers, repairing toys, etc. You can diversify the game. Let the children list the duties that their mothers perform in the family, and then dads.

Didactic game "Magic Flower"

Option 3 "Who am I in the family?"

Objectives: Formation of ideas about family ties. We teach children to correctly use such words as son, grandson, brother, daughter, granddaughter, sister (at an older age - nephew, niece, cousin, etc.)

Material: a flower made of multi-colored cardboard, the petals are removable, inserted into the middle

Game progress: With the help of leading questions from an adult, children must answer who they are for their mother (their father, their grandmother)? etc.

Didactic game "Wishes"

Material: heart toy (any toy)

Game progress: Children stand in a circle. Passing each other a toy, they say their wishes: “I wish you ....”

Didactic game "Polite words"

Purpose: To educate in children a culture of behavior, politeness, respect for each other, a desire to help each other.

Material: plot pictures depicting different situations: a child pushed another, a child picked up a fallen thing, a child pities another child, etc.

Game progress: Children look at plot pictures and voice them with polite words.

If the child finds it difficult, ask him leading questions from the picture. For example, what is the magic word you need to say to get a friend to give you a toy?

How do you thank someone for helping?

How should adults be treated? (call by name, patronymic and you)

What should you say when meeting someone?

What should you say to everyone when you go home?

what should you say when waking up in the morning, coming to kindergarten in the morning? What words can you wish each other before going to bed?

What do you say if you accidentally push or hit someone? etc.

Children should know and use the following words in their lives: hello, goodbye, see you soon, be kind, be kind, please, thank you, sorry, good night, etc.

Didactic game "Ears on top".

Children are invited to choose clothes and accessories for the boy and girl.

Didactic game "Suitcase"

Purpose: to form children's ideas about men's and women's clothing.

Equipment: sheets of paper with painted unpainted suitcases, colored pencils.

Description of the game. The teacher asks the child to imagine that dad (mother) is going on a business trip (vacation) and packs a suitcase. With the help of pencils, you need to “fill” the suitcase with things that match the floor.

Game option: father (mother) brought gifts to his son (daughter)

Didactic game "Gifts for Sasha and Masha".

Target: formation of gender representations in children.

Tasks: to consolidate the ability to realize oneself, other children as representatives of a certain gender; to continue the formation of interest in the life and work of other representatives of their own and the opposite sex; develop thinking, imagination; nurture positive relationships between children.

Description of the game. For the game you will need two dolls - a girl Dasha and a boy Sasha,

two boxes (red, for Masha, and the other blue, for Sasha) containing "Gifts" (pictures depicting various items - toys, clothes for girls and boys, as well as items that do not have a characteristic gender). During the game, children need to correctly determine who the gift is intended for.

Didactic game "What are our mothers like? How are our dads alike?

Objectives: To form the ability to highlight significant similarities and differences between representatives of different sexes. Cultivate love for close people, respect for their work. Help your child express his feelings to those close to him.

Material: family album photos of each child.

Game progress: Children and an adult sit on the carpet. The teacher tells the children that each of them has a family, there are mothers, fathers, grandparents, brothers and sisters. Children are invited, looking at a photo of their mother (their father), to tell what kind of mother (father) he has? What does she do? For example, my mother is kind, affectionate, sometimes angry, thin, caring, beautiful. She cooks, does laundry, etc.

After all the children have answered, the teacher asks them a question:

How are our mothers (dads) similar?

What household chores do all moms (dads) do?

What external signs unite them?

What qualities are inherent in all mothers (dads)?

What will you be when you grow up?

After listening to the answers of the children, the teacher concludes that all mothers and fathers do housework, raise children, go to work. All mothers and fathers love their children, take care of them

Didactic game "Let's compliment each other"

Objectives: To teach children to be attentive to each other, to be able to show sympathy for children of their own and the opposite sex. To consolidate knowledge about the qualities of masculinity and femininity.

Material: two characters - Sasha and Masha. The body of the dolls is made of cardboard cylinders, the heads are made of blue (boy) and pink (girl) balloons, with painted faces. The dolls are dressed up in clothes: a boy in a shirt, trousers, a cap on his head; a girl - in a jacket, a skirt and a scarf on her head.

Any flower (it is better if it is not artificial, but live).

Game progress: Dolls came to visit the children. - Sasha and Masha. The dolls get to know the children and tell the children how they met. Sasha, seeing Masha for a walk, came up to meet her. Of all the girls, he chose Masha, because she was the kindest and most accurate. Masha also liked that Sasha is a very well-mannered boy. So they became friends. They came to our kindergarten to find out what children think about each other and how they can be friends. They brought a "magic Flower" that will help the children express their feelings. Children are invited to give a flower to any child and give him a compliment.

If someone is left without attention, the puppets or the teacher themselves make a compliment to these children.

Didactic game "Noble deeds"

Purpose: To instill in children the desire to do things for the sake of other people. To form an understanding that we call an act not only heroism, but also any good deed for the sake of another person.

Material: ball

Game progress: Children are invited to list noble deeds in relation to girls (women) and boys (men). The teacher throws the ball into the hands of one of the players, he calls a noble deed and throws the ball to the next player at will.

For example, noble deeds for boys:

call the girl only by name; when meeting with a girl, be the first to say hello; give up a seat in transport; never offend a girl; protect the girl help the girl carry heavy things; when a girl gets out of the transport, you need to get out first and give her a hand; the boy must help the girl get dressed, give her coat, etc.

Noble deeds for girls: to call the boy only by name; when meeting with a boy to say hello; praise the boy for showing attention; do not offend or call the boy names, especially in the presence of other children; thank the boy for good deeds and deeds; etc.
Didactic game "Fix the mistake"

Purpose: to form knowledge about the rules of etiquette behavior for boys and girls.

Equipment: a set of story cards:

The boy is sitting on the bus, the girl is standing.

The girl is sitting on the bus, the boy is standing.

The boy smells the flowers, the girl carries a bucket of water for irrigation.

The girl smells the flowers, the boy carries a bucket of water for irrigation.

A boy comes out the door followed by a girl.

A girl comes out the door, the boy lets her through.

The boy sits down at the table, the girl moves the chair, helping him to sit down.

The girl sits at the table, the boy moves the chair, helping her to sit down.

Description of the game. Children are invited to find the “correct” picture and explain their choice.

Didactic game "House of good deeds"

Objectives: To form ideas about household chores for women and men, girls and boys. Develop a desire to help families and others.

Material: constructor

Game progress: Children take the details of the designer and build a big house, while pronouncing the good deeds and deeds that they do, helping their family and friends. At the end consider what a big house we have built. How many good deeds we can do!

Didactic game "Collect the chain"

Purpose: to form children's ideas about the age and sex development of a person.

Equipment: a set of cards depicting a baby boy, a preschooler, a schoolchild, a young man, a man, an old man; baby girls, preschoolers, schoolgirls, girls, women, old women.

Game progress: Children are invited to lay out the cards in the “correct” sequence.

Didactic game "Find it right"

Purpose: to form children's ideas about gender-role stereotypical types of human activity.

Equipment: a set of cards depicting a girl, a boy and objects of labor (shovel, brick, saw, knife, hammer, hoop, tableware, food and utensils for cooking, clothing patterns, etc.).

Game progress: Children are invited to pick up objects of labor for the boy and for the girl.

Didactic game “Who wears what? »

Purpose: to develop the ability to find characteristic differences in the appearance of a boy and a girl.

Equipment: flannelograph, figurines of a boy and a girl made of cardboard, clothing and accessories (beads, umbrella, bow, fishing rod, tie, etc.)

Game progress: Children are invited to choose clothes and accessories for the boy and girl.

Didactic game "Who works for whom? »

Purpose: to form knowledge about the gender component of professions.

Equipment: large cards depicting male and female professions (educator, nurse, captain, pilot, firefighter) and neutral professions (doctor, teacher, salesman, conductor, cashier, musician); small cards with the image of professional instruments (a toy, a thermometer, a globe, a steering wheel, a fire hose, a ladder, a phonendoscope, a pointer, scales, a conductor's bag, a cash register, a violin)

Game progress: Children are offered:

lay out large cards according to the principle: male professions, female professions, neutral professions;

pick up professional tools. The game is accompanied by children's comments.

Didactic game "Names »

Purpose: to form in children an idea of ​​\u200b\u200bmale and female names.

Equipment: figurines of a boy and a girl.

Game progress: The teacher lays out figures of a boy and a girl cut out of paper in front of the child and offers a game: he will name names, and the child will decide which name suits who. The list of names contains the usual names for children of different sexes (Seryozha, Yulia, Natasha) and names that are given to both boys and girls (Sasha, Zhenya, Valya). The teacher monitors the choice of the child, in ambiguous cases, in a conversation with the child, finds out to whom (boy or girl) the name is more suitable; he would like to have such a "double" name, etc.

Didactic game "Ears on top"

Objectives: Development of auditory attention. Teach children to identify themselves and those around them by gender.

Game progress: An adult calls several names. Children need to listen carefully and say an extra name. Explain why they consider this or that name "superfluous".

For example, Seryozha, Misha, Lena; Natasha, Dasha, Dima.

Didactic game "Guess the profession"

Purpose: To consolidate children's knowledge of professions. To teach the ability to divide professions into male and female.

Material: cards with the image of people of different professions.

Game progress: An adult lists the actions of a person of a certain profession, and the children guess what kind of profession it is.

For example, “A person of this profession examines the patient, vaccinates, prescribes pills. Who is this?" (doctor)

After each correct answer, the teacher asks one of the children to choose a card with the image of a person of this profession. Next, a conversation is held with the children: what other duties does the doctor perform, what else does he do? Are there any among you whose mother or father (grandmother, grandfather, aunt, etc.) works as doctors?

Who is more likely to be a doctor, a man or a woman? Why do you think?

Didactic game "Smiley"

Goals: development of ingenuity, positive emotions. We teach to name, understand and show the emotional mood of a person (joy, sadness, anger, surprise, resentment, etc.).

Material: A large circle made of cardboard - Smiley, shapes of an eye, eyebrows, mouths, noses cut out of multi-colored paper to convey various emotional states.

Game progress:

The child is invited to convey, with the help of the proposed details, the mood of the Emoticon, depending on the situation that the adult will describe.

Smiley saw friends.

The smiley is sick.

Emoticon is angry.

The smiley sings a song, etc.

When the Smiley is collected, the children are invited to display his mood themselves, with the help of facial expressions, emotions, gestures.

Didactic game "We are going to visit"

Objectives: To teach children to distinguish between the appearance of a neat and sloppy child (boy or girl). To teach girls (boys) to take care of the opposite sex and to put their appearance in order. To develop in children the desire to always be beautiful, to look neat and tidy.

Material: clothes for children (skirts, hats, shirts, petticoats, ties, belts, etc.), bags, children's cosmetics, watches, combs, tools, toys, etc. are laid out on two tables.

Game progress:

The teacher invites the children to compete, who will gather to visit faster.

Two (three) children play. They approach the tables and begin to gather for guests. An adult reminds children that in order to go to visit they need to put themselves in order: dress nicely, comb their hair, etc.

The rest of the kids are watching their friends.

Can they go there right now? How can you help the boys? Which of the girls will agree to help them?

When the appearance of the boys is put in order, the adult reminds the boys of the words of gratitude for their care.

Didactic game "Friend"

Objectives: To teach children to empathize with loved ones, to understand the pain of other people, to rejoice in the success of their friends, to show care, to offer their help.

Material: rubber ball, soft toys.

Game progress: Children sit in a circle, close to each other. Any toy is planted in the center, for example, a hare. The teacher says that the bunny has hurt his knee and is crying, but we can help him if we support him correctly and regret it. It is proposed, passing the ball to each other, to say words of support and consolation. For example: do not cry, we will bring you home; your wound will heal soon; I will help you get up; I want to treat you to candy; we will anoint the knee and bandage it; I will stroke your head and the pain will go away; I love you very much and will not leave you in trouble.

Or another situation, the teacher says that today the bunny helped his friend run away from the wolf. Let's praise the bunny, rejoice for him. Children, passing the ball to each other, say different words (well done, brave, brave, we are proud of you, thank you, you are a true friend, etc.)

Didactic game "Girls - boys"

The purpose of the game. Establish friendships within the group. Learn to talk about yourself. Game description:

Girls and boys sit opposite each other. The boys start the game. They take turns calling any names of girls. If there is a girl whose name was spoken, she gets up and says her name again and talks a little about herself. After that, it is the turn of the girls, and they begin to call the names of the boys.

Rules of the game:
1. Girls and boys sit opposite each other.
2. The boys start the game. They take turns calling any names of girls.
3. If there is a girl whose name was said, she gets up and says her name again and talks a little about herself.
4. After that, it is the turn of the girls, and they begin to call the names of the boys.
Note. Children's stories should not be very long or very short. To make a small self-portrait, the host must help the children.

Gender Education Games help to form the social gender of a person, which includes social, psychological and cultural characteristics. To put it simply, a born baby will someday see and realize his physiological characteristics and figure out who he is - a boy or a girl. But to form the correct male or female behavior is the responsibility of education.

How do children learn how to behave in terms of whether you are a boy or a girl? Of course, by observing adults, men and women. However, adults do not always give the correct sample, as they themselves do not always have a clear idea of ​​their gender role. In addition, the child may witness an inflection in the gender role, when an adult takes a tough life position. For example, “This is how men should behave”, “You are a woman - sit and be silent.” We call such rigid incorrect life positions stereotypes. The task of gender education is to destroy these stereotypes and give the child the opportunity to show greater freedom of choice and self-realization, to help him be flexible and be able to apply various ways of behavior. consists in an individual approach to the manifestation of one's identity. Another important point of gender education is the need to show the child the equality of men and women, which will help them in the future to more adequately assess their capabilities and claims, to activate personal resources.

Of course, taking into account the anatomical and biological features is mandatory, since the potential possibilities of mental differences between the sexes cannot be discarded. However, going from innate data, we move on to the formation of a social role.

To achieve all these goals, it is important .

Gender education games for preschoolers.

All gender education games are aimed at working on stereotypes, showing the child the breadth of male and female roles, their similarity and flexibility.

1. "Mommy-daddy." In the game, children act out a family situation. Dad went to work, mom takes care of the housework and with the child. Across for some time the situation changes: dad has a day off, he takes care of the child and the housework, and mom went to work.

2. "Where is whose job?". The task of the children is to look at the object and say who works with this object: mom or dad. Pick up pictures with objects in advance. List of items: tape measure, vacuum cleaner, needle, scissors, frying pan. Lead the children to the fact that both moms and dads can use them when they help each other.

3. “What does it cost us to build a house!” . Children are divided into two or three groups, combining both boys and girls into one group, and they are offered to build a beautiful house from the designer. At the end, praise that both boys and girls have tried and built a beautiful house.

4. "Everything to the table!". The object of the game is to set the table for dinner using children's dishes. The girls must help the boys to put everything right. Girls should be encouraged to give the boys the task of what to do, and not do everything themselves.

5. "Boys-Girls" . Give each child two pictures: one for a boy and one for a girl. Task: listen to the quality and raise the card of a boy or a girl, depending on who it is characteristic of. List of qualities: kind, brave, affectionate, strong, gentle, athletic, beautiful, obedient, pugnacious, pampered. After each quality, tell the children the correct answer that this quality is suitable for both boys and girls: “Both boys and girls can be kind, so you need to raise two cards.” Usually, at the end of the game, all children pick up two cards.

6. Spot the difference . The task of children is to say how dads differ from moms. All responses are accepted and encouraged. At the end, it is concluded that dads go to work more often, but many moms work too. Moms work with children more often, but dads work with children too. Moms prepare meals, and dads can help them. Dads make repairs, and moms can help them.

7. Swaddle the Baby . To play, you will need two dolls, a diaper and a diaper. Children play in groups of 2. We must try to put a diaper on the doll and wrap it in a diaper. Quality is not to be judged.

8. "We're going to visit". Divide the children into two teams. For each team, provide a place, children's furniture, dishes. Task: prepare a room for receiving guests, clean up and set the table. Then the first team goes to visit, the hosts accept them. After that, the second team goes on a return visit.

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Rezida Gareeva

Gender upbringing is primarily responsible for the formation of the sexual identity of a small person and thereby helps the successful socialization and adaptation of the child in society. Problems sometimes arise in our modern life, because girls lose their femininity and become brutal, rude, and boys cease to be courageous, gaining quietness, invisibility, they are afraid of responsible roles. It is the acquisition of one's individuality and friendship between the sexes that is taught by such games.

1. FOLK GAMES(national games) . Games Russian and Tatar peoples are now sometimes mixed, but remain relevant. This games"Pots", "My Family", "Timerbay", "Grey Wolf", "Chanterelles and Chickens", "Hemp", "Crackers". From Russian games - "Boyars", "Brook", "Geese-swans", "Cat and Mice", "Blind Man's Bluff", "Paints", "Kite", "Mail", "Dawn-lightning", "At the bear's boro" and others.

The peculiarity of folk games is that they have general rules that reveal the mental capabilities of all children, and usually the speech of the child develops during such activities.

2. ROAD GAMES. These games usually on a wooden field are more interesting girls, tk. they do not have a tense plot, they develop attention and calmness in girls. You just need to walk around the playing field and collect coins or avoid dangers for your character.

3. ADVENTURE GAMES(QUESTS). Modern look games, more suitable for boys. races with serious obstacles are possible in them, take attributes - rollers or logs, ladders, hoops from a physical corner and active fun activities for children are guaranteed!

4. MATHEMATICAL GAMES WITH NUMBERS,SCORE. There is a lot to learn here and boys, but repetitive actions and the choice of products or goods in the store to your liking, of course, girls.

5. GAME "MIRROR". 2 children play when 1 tries to mirror the movements and emotions, facial expressions of another person. This game, accompanied by music, will perfectly cheer you up and is useful for both sexes.

6. GUESS THE TALE. A pantomime game where participants are tasked to demonstrate an excerpt from a fairy tale, and the other team must guess its name. Children approach this creatively, developing speech and thinking.

7. GUESS THE MELODY. A similar game that is played if the child has a developed musical culture.

8. WHAT - TO WHOM? Children must determine which objects and things belong girls, and which boys. Another option games - items needed in certain professions. Predominantly female and male professions are chosen - a builder, a teacher, a seamstress, a hairdresser, an athlete, etc.

9. Plot-role-playing GAMES. They are always of interest to everyone, without exception, in addition to developing all aspects of the child's personality, roles are firmly defined in story games and they, if possible, are corrected by the educator. "Family", "At the doctor's", "In the cinema", "On a holiday", "Birthday", "On the sea voyage" and so on.

10. GAMES WITH SEMI-COLOR. A flower is usually made with 7 petals, the child completes the task, picking up 1 petal, the game is played with a group of children. Options games:

a) How can I help at home?

b) Polite words

c) I like you because.

11. EMILIES. Guess the emotional state that is drawn on the emoticon. When we experience it, respond. Especially to teach girls because they lose their emotional sensitivity and softness.

12. MAGIC BALL GAMES, STICK, FLOWER, ETC. Children stand in a circle and pass the magic item around the circle. Options games:

a) compliments.

b) Wishes.

c) Who is who in the family. (who belongs to whom and to whom)

13. TEREMOK OF GOOD. Children build a house from blocks and a designer and say what good deeds can be done in a certain situation. Here preliminary work on the dictionary and pictures is necessary. You can make a connection with ethical and environmental education.

14. GAMES-DRAMATIZATION OF FOLK PROVERBS, POPULAR FINGER EXPRESSIONS. The teacher thinks over the external interior - household utensils, clothes, food and utensils. Children love these games. Boys it is necessary and useful to learn volitional behavior in them, to take active roles.

Our children are extremely fond of all these games, because they, preserving the right to childhood, like no other game, prepare them for adulthood.

A knight leads his lady through obstacles along the way, in an open class.

Pass the magic ball and say something nice to your neighbor.